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The Why, What and How
Nikolas Burk 👋
Developer at Graphcool
$ whoami
1. GraphQL Introduction
2. React + GraphQL = ❤
3. Demo
GraphQL Introduction
REST vs GraphQL
What’s GraphQL?
• new API standard by Facebook
• query language for APIs
• declarative way of fetching & updating data
A rapidly growing Community
Mary’s posts:
Learn GraphQL Today
Why GraphQL is better than
React & GraphQL - A declarative
love story
Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL
Last three followers:
John, Alice, Sarah
Example: Blogging App
Example: Blogging App with REST
3 API endpoints
1 Fetch user data
“user”: {
“id”: “er3tg439frjw”
“name”: “Mary”,
“address”: { … },
“birthday”: “July 26, 1982”
Mary’s posts:
Last three followers:
Fetch posts
“posts”: [{
“id”: “ncwon3ce89hs”
“title”: “Learn GraphQL today”,
“content”: “Lorem ipsum … ”,
“comments”: [ … ],
}, {
“id”: “dsifr3as0vds”
“title”: “React & GraphQL - A declarative love story”,
“content”: “Lorem ipsum … ”,
“comments”: [ … ],
}, {
“id”: “die5odnvls1o”
“title”: “Why GraphQL is better than REST”,
“content”: “Lorem ipsum … ”,
“comments”: [ … ],
}, {
“id”: “dovmdr3nvl8f”
“title”: “Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL clients”,
“content”: “Lorem ipsum … ”,
“comments”: [ … ],
Mary’s posts:
Learn GraphQL Today
Why GraphQL is better than REST
React & GraphQL - A declarative
love story
Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL clients
Last three followers:
“followers”: [{
“id”: “leo83h2dojsu”
“name”: “John”,
“address”: { … },
“birthday”: “January 6, 1970”
“id”: “die5odnvls1o”
“name”: “Alice”,
“address”: { … },
“birthday”: “May 1, 1989”
“id”: “xsifr3as0vds”
“name”: “Sarah”,
“address”: { … },
“birthday”: “November 20, 1986”
Mary’s posts:
Learn GraphQL Today
Why GraphQL is better than REST
React & GraphQL - A declarative
love story
Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL clients
Last three followers:
John, Alice, Sarah
Fetch followers3
1 API endpoint
Example: Blogging App with GraphQL
Mary’s posts:
Last three followers:
Fetch everything with a single request1
query {
User(id: “er3tg439frjw”) {
posts {
followers(last: 3) {
Mary’s posts:
Last three followers:
Learn GraphQL Today
Why GraphQL is better than REST
React & GraphQL - A declarative
love story
Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL clients
John, Alice, Sarah
Fetch everything with a single request1
“data”: {
“User”: {
“name”: “Mary”,
“posts”: [
{ title: “Learn GraphQL today” },
{ title: “React & GraphQL - A declarative love story” }
{ title: “Why GraphQL is better than REST” }
{ title: “Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL Clients” }
“followers”: [
{ name: “John” },
{ name: “Alice” },
{ name: “Sarah” },
Core Concepts
Queries & Mutations
… only read data
query MessageQuery {
Message(id: “1”) {
sentBy {
… only read data
query MessageQuery {
Message(id: “1”) {
sentBy {
Operation Type
3 Operation Types:
- query (default)
- mutation
- subscription
… only read data
Operation Name query MessageQuery {
Message(id: “1”) {
sentBy {
… only read data
Fields query MessageQuery {
Message(id: “1”) {
sentBy {
… only read data
Root Field query MessageQuery {
Message(id: “1”) {
sentBy {
… only read data
Selection Set query MessageQuery {
Message(id: “1”) {
sentBy {
… only read data
query MessageQuery {
Message(id: “1”) {
sentBy {
“data”: {
“Message”: {
“text”: “Hello 😎”,
“sentBy”: {
“name”: “Sarah”
… only read data
query MessageQuery {
Message(id: “1”) {
sentBy {
“data”: {
“Message”: {
“text”: “Hello 😎”,
“sentBy”: {
“name”: “Sarah”
… only read data
“data”: {
“Message”: {
“text”: “Hello 😎”,
“sentBy”: {
“name”: “Sarah”
query MessageQuery {
Message(id: “1”) {
sentBy {
… write and read data
mutation CreateMessageMutation {
createMessage(text:“Greetings 👋”) {
“data”: {
“createMessage”: {
“id”: “3”,
… write and read data
mutation CreateMessageMutation {
createMessage(text:“Greetings 👋”) {
“data”: {
“createMessage”: {
“id”: “3”,
… write and read data
mutation CreateMessageMutation {
createMessage(text:“Greetings 👋”) {
“data”: {
“createMessage”: {
“id”: “3”,
• strongly typed & written in Schema Definition
Language (SDL)
• defines API capabilities ( = contract for client-server
• root types: Query, Mutation, Subscription
The GraphQL Schema
type Person {
name: String!
messages: [Message!]!
type Message {
text: String!
sentBy: Person
Types in the SDL
💡 Want to know more?
👉 GraphQL Server Basics: The Schema
Graphcool Blog: https://blog.graph.cool/ac5e2950214e
…with GraphQL Playgrounds
Let’s play
React + GraphQL = ❤
React & GraphQL - A declarative love story
Declarative Programming
In computer science, declarative
programming is a programming
paradigm […] that expresses the
logic of a computation without
describing its control flow.
Declarative Programming
In computer science, declarative
programming is a programming
paradigm […] that expresses the
logic of a computation without
describing its control flow.
make clear
Tell the machine what to do -
not how to do it
What are the
abstractions & primitives
you’re programming with?
React & GraphQL
Why is GraphQL declarative?
• describing data operations with dedicated
• core primitives: Queries & Mutations
• DSL for working with data
Declarative programs…
… are using dedicated abstractions to express goals
… lead to more expressive and concise code
… make your programs easier to reason about
GraphQL Clients
• provide convenience API for sending queries &
• take caring of managing the cache
• more handy features like optimistic UI, lower-
level networking, realtime subscriptions…
Relay vs Apollo Client
• open-sourced alongside
GraphQL in 2015
• optimized for performance
and reducing network traffic
• notable learning curve
• community-driven
• easy-to-understand with
intuitive abstractions
• available on several platforms
From imperative to declarative
data fetching
1. construct and send HTTP request
(e.g. with fetch)
2. receive and parse server response
3. store data locally (e.g. Redux)
4. display information in the UI
Imperative data fetching
From imperative to declarative
data fetching
1. pass data requirements to
GraphQL client
2. display information in the UI
Declarative data fetching
Demo 🔨
Instagram Clone
w/ GraphQL
Resources 📚
• How to GraphQL - The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
• GraphQL Weekly Newsletter
• GraphQL Radio Podcast
• GraphQL Summit 2017 Talks (Youtube)
Community 🙌
• slack.graph.cool (> 6k members)
• GraphQL Berlin Meetup
• GraphQL Europe Conference (June 15, 2018)
Thank you! 🙇
… any questions?
GraphQL Subscriptions ⚡
• event-based realtime updates
• clients subscribe to specific events
• usually implemented with websockets
Realtime Updates with Subscriptions
subscription {
Message {
node {
Realtime Updates with Subscriptions
"data": {
"Message": {
"node": {
"text": "Hello"
subscription {
Message {
node {
"data": {
"Message": {
"node": {
"text": "Hey"
"data": {
"Message": {
"node": {
"text": "Greetings"

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React & GraphQL

  • 2. Nikolas Burk 👋 Developer at Graphcool $ whoami @nikolasburk
  • 3. Agenda 1. GraphQL Introduction 2. React + GraphQL = ❤ 3. Demo
  • 4. GraphQL Introduction REST vs GraphQL @nikolasburk
  • 5. What’s GraphQL? • new API standard by Facebook • query language for APIs • declarative way of fetching & updating data @nikolasburk
  • 6. A rapidly growing Community
  • 7. Mary Mary’s posts: Learn GraphQL Today Why GraphQL is better than REST React & GraphQL - A declarative love story Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL clients Last three followers: John, Alice, Sarah Example: Blogging App
  • 8. Example: Blogging App with REST /users/<id> /users/<id>/posts /users/<id>/followers 3 API endpoints
  • 9. 1 Fetch user data /users/<id>/users/<id> /users/<id>/posts /users/<id>/followers { “user”: { “id”: “er3tg439frjw” “name”: “Mary”, “address”: { … }, “birthday”: “July 26, 1982” } } HTTP GET Mary Mary’s posts: Last three followers:
  • 10. 2 /users/<id> /users/<id>/posts /users/<id>/followers Fetch posts HTTP GET { “posts”: [{ “id”: “ncwon3ce89hs” “title”: “Learn GraphQL today”, “content”: “Lorem ipsum … ”, “comments”: [ … ], }, { “id”: “dsifr3as0vds” “title”: “React & GraphQL - A declarative love story”, “content”: “Lorem ipsum … ”, “comments”: [ … ], }, { “id”: “die5odnvls1o” “title”: “Why GraphQL is better than REST”, “content”: “Lorem ipsum … ”, “comments”: [ … ], }, { “id”: “dovmdr3nvl8f” “title”: “Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL clients”, “content”: “Lorem ipsum … ”, “comments”: [ … ], }] } Mary Mary’s posts: Learn GraphQL Today Why GraphQL is better than REST React & GraphQL - A declarative love story Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL clients Last three followers:
  • 11. /users/<id> /users/<id>/posts /users/<id>/followers HTTP GET { “followers”: [{ “id”: “leo83h2dojsu” “name”: “John”, “address”: { … }, “birthday”: “January 6, 1970” },{ “id”: “die5odnvls1o” “name”: “Alice”, “address”: { … }, “birthday”: “May 1, 1989” }{ “id”: “xsifr3as0vds” “name”: “Sarah”, “address”: { … }, “birthday”: “November 20, 1986” } … ] } Mary Mary’s posts: Learn GraphQL Today Why GraphQL is better than REST React & GraphQL - A declarative love story Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL clients Last three followers: John, Alice, Sarah Fetch followers3
  • 12. 1 API endpoint Example: Blogging App with GraphQL
  • 13. Mary’s posts: Last three followers: Fetch everything with a single request1 HTTP POST query { User(id: “er3tg439frjw”) { name posts { title } followers(last: 3) { name } } }
  • 14. Mary’s posts: Last three followers: Mary Learn GraphQL Today Why GraphQL is better than REST React & GraphQL - A declarative love story Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL clients John, Alice, Sarah Fetch everything with a single request1 HTTP POST { “data”: { “User”: { “name”: “Mary”, “posts”: [ { title: “Learn GraphQL today” }, { title: “React & GraphQL - A declarative love story” } { title: “Why GraphQL is better than REST” } { title: “Relay vs Apollo - GraphQL Clients” } ], “followers”: [ { name: “John” }, { name: “Alice” }, { name: “Sarah” }, ] } } }
  • 15. Core Concepts Queries & Mutations @nikolasburk
  • 16. Queries … only read data query MessageQuery { Message(id: “1”) { text sentBy { name } } } @nikolasburk
  • 17. Queries … only read data query MessageQuery { Message(id: “1”) { text sentBy { name } } } @nikolasburk Operation Type 3 Operation Types: - query (default) - mutation - subscription
  • 18. Queries … only read data @nikolasburk Operation Name query MessageQuery { Message(id: “1”) { text sentBy { name } } }
  • 19. Queries … only read data @nikolasburk Fields query MessageQuery { Message(id: “1”) { text sentBy { name } } }
  • 20. Queries … only read data @nikolasburk Root Field query MessageQuery { Message(id: “1”) { text sentBy { name } } }
  • 21. Queries … only read data @nikolasburk Selection Set query MessageQuery { Message(id: “1”) { text sentBy { name } } }
  • 22. Queries … only read data query MessageQuery { Message(id: “1”) { text sentBy { name } } } { “data”: { “Message”: { “text”: “Hello 😎”, “sentBy”: { “name”: “Sarah” } } } } @nikolasburk
  • 23. Queries … only read data query MessageQuery { Message(id: “1”) { text sentBy { name } } } { “data”: { “Message”: { “text”: “Hello 😎”, “sentBy”: { “name”: “Sarah” } } } } @nikolasburk
  • 24. Queries … only read data { “data”: { “Message”: { “text”: “Hello 😎”, “sentBy”: { “name”: “Sarah” } } } } @nikolasburk query MessageQuery { Message(id: “1”) { text sentBy { name } } }
  • 25. Mutations … write and read data mutation CreateMessageMutation { createMessage(text:“Greetings 👋”) { id } } { “data”: { “createMessage”: { “id”: “3”, } } } @nikolasburk
  • 26. Mutations … write and read data mutation CreateMessageMutation { createMessage(text:“Greetings 👋”) { id } } { “data”: { “createMessage”: { “id”: “3”, } } } @nikolasburk
  • 27. Mutations … write and read data mutation CreateMessageMutation { createMessage(text:“Greetings 👋”) { id } } { “data”: { “createMessage”: { “id”: “3”, } } } @nikolasburk
  • 28. @nikolasburk • strongly typed & written in Schema Definition Language (SDL) • defines API capabilities ( = contract for client-server communication) • root types: Query, Mutation, Subscription The GraphQL Schema
  • 29. @nikolasburk type Person { name: String! messages: [Message!]! } type Message { text: String! sentBy: Person } Types in the SDL
  • 30. 💡 Want to know more? 👉 GraphQL Server Basics: The Schema Graphcool Blog: https://blog.graph.cool/ac5e2950214e
  • 32. React + GraphQL = ❤ React & GraphQL - A declarative love story @nikolasburk
  • 33. Declarative Programming https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declarative_programming In computer science, declarative programming is a programming paradigm […] that expresses the logic of a computation without describing its control flow.
  • 34. Declarative Programming https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declarative_programming In computer science, declarative programming is a programming paradigm […] that expresses the logic of a computation without describing its control flow.
  • 36. Tell the machine what to do - not how to do it
  • 37. What are the abstractions & primitives you’re programming with?
  • 39. Why is GraphQL declarative? • describing data operations with dedicated language • core primitives: Queries & Mutations • DSL for working with data @nikolasburk
  • 40. Declarative programs… @nikolasburk … are using dedicated abstractions to express goals … lead to more expressive and concise code … make your programs easier to reason about
  • 41. GraphQL Clients • provide convenience API for sending queries & mutations • take caring of managing the cache • more handy features like optimistic UI, lower- level networking, realtime subscriptions… @nikolasburk
  • 42. Relay vs Apollo Client • open-sourced alongside GraphQL in 2015 • optimized for performance and reducing network traffic • notable learning curve • community-driven • easy-to-understand with intuitive abstractions • available on several platforms
  • 43. From imperative to declarative data fetching 1. construct and send HTTP request (e.g. with fetch) 2. receive and parse server response 3. store data locally (e.g. Redux) 4. display information in the UI Imperative data fetching
  • 44. From imperative to declarative data fetching 1. pass data requirements to GraphQL client 2. display information in the UI Declarative data fetching
  • 45. Demo 🔨 Simple Instagram Clone w/ GraphQL https://github.com/graphcool-examples/react-graphql/tree/master/quickstart-with-apollo
  • 46. Resources 📚 • How to GraphQL - The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL • GraphQL Weekly Newsletter • GraphQL Radio Podcast • GraphQL Summit 2017 Talks (Youtube)
  • 47. Community 🙌 • slack.graph.cool (> 6k members) • GraphQL Berlin Meetup • GraphQL Europe Conference (June 15, 2018)
  • 48. Thank you! 🙇 … any questions?
  • 49. GraphQL Subscriptions ⚡ • event-based realtime updates • clients subscribe to specific events • usually implemented with websockets @nikolasburk
  • 50. Realtime Updates with Subscriptions subscription { Message { node { text } } }
  • 51. Realtime Updates with Subscriptions { "data": { "Message": { "node": { "text": "Hello" } } } } subscription { Message { node { text } } } { "data": { "Message": { "node": { "text": "Hey" } } } } { "data": { "Message": { "node": { "text": "Greetings" } } } }