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Habit 1: Be Proactive
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Proactively Defined
 PROACTIVITY = Human beings are responsible for
our own behavior!
 Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our
 We have the initiative and responsibility to make
things happen.
 RESPONSIBILITY: “Response – ability” Ability to
choose your response.
Proactive Vs. Reactive
Proactive People
 Do not Blame anyone or
 Behavior is a product of
their conscious choice,
based on values.
 They carry their weather
with them.
 They are still influenced
by external stimulus –
but their response is
value based choice or
Reactive People
 Blame circumstances,
conditions &
 Behavior is a product of
their conditions, based
on feelings.
 If weather is good, they
feel good, if it is bad,
they feel bad.
 Reactive people build
their lives around others
No One Can Hurt You Without Your Consent
Freedom to
Imagination Conscience
It is not what happens to us, but our responses to
what happens to us that hurts us.
3 Central Values – Victor Frankl
 The Experiential: that which happens to us
 The Creative: that which we bring into existence
 The Attitudinal: Our response in difficult situations
What matters most is how we respond to what we
experience in life!
Taking the Initiative: Act or Be Acted Upon
 Our basic nature is to act, and not be acted upon
 Use your R and I – Resourcefulness and Initiative
 Proactivity: 5000+ % difference in effectiveness
 Listening to Our Language
Reactive Language Proactive Language
There is nothing I can do Let’s look at our alternatives
That’s just the way I am I can choose a different approach
He makes me so mad I control my own feelings
They won’t allow that I can create an effective presentation
I have to do that I will chose an effective response
I can’t I choose
I must I prefer
If only I will
Circle of Concern / Circle of Influence
 Excellent way to become more self-aware regarding
our own degree of proactivity is to look at where we
focus our time and energy.
 Our Health
 Our Family
 Our Work
 Our Spirituality
 Our Emotions
Circle of
Circle of
Circle of Concern / Circle of Influence
Direct / Indirect / No Control
 Direct Control problems can be solved by working on our
habits- Habits 1 to 3 (Private Victory)
 Indirect Control problems can be solved by changing our
methods of influence – Habits 4 – 6 (Public Victory)
 No Control problems can be solved by changing the line
on the bottom on our face – to smile , to genuinely &
peacefully accept and learn to live with them.
Proactive People Reactive People
Focus their effort on circle of influence Focus their effort on circle of concern
Nature of their energy is positive Nature of their energy is negative
Causes circle of influence to increase Causes circle of influence to shrink
Serenity Prayer
Lord, give me the courage to change the things
which can and ought to be changed, the serenity
to accept the things which cannot be changed,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Expanding the Circle of Influence
 Be a better listener
 Be more loving
 Be a better learner
 Be a dedicated worker
 Be Happy - genuinely Smile 
Making and Keeping Commitments
 At the very heart of our Circle of Influence is the
ability to make and keep commitments and
 The commitments we make to ourselves and others,
and our integrity to those commitments is the clear
manifestation of our Proactivity.
It is essence of our growth
 Self awareness & Conscience – We become
conscience of our areas of improvements, areas of
talent that can be developed, areas that need to be
changed or eliminated
 Recognize and use our imagination and independent
free will to act on that awareness – making
promises, setting goals
Proactivity – 30 Day Test
Try to see…
 How we Make and Keep Commitments?
 How do we handle traffic jam?
 How do we react to irate customer?
 How do you react to upset relative?
 How we view our problems?
 Where we focus our energies?
Proactivity – 30 Day Test
Work Only on Your Circle of Influence
 Make small promises and keep them
 Be a light, not a judge
 Be a model, not a critic
 Be part of the solution, not part of the problem
 When you make a mistake, acknowledge it instantly,
correct and learn from it.
 Don’t get into blaming and accusing mode.
 Work on things you have control over.
Work on You!

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Proactivity and How to be Proactive

  • 1. Habit 1: Be Proactive Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  • 2. Proactively Defined  PROACTIVITY = Human beings are responsible for our own behavior!  Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.  We have the initiative and responsibility to make things happen.  RESPONSIBILITY: “Response – ability” Ability to choose your response.
  • 3. Proactive Vs. Reactive Proactive People  Do not Blame anyone or anything.  Behavior is a product of their conscious choice, based on values.  They carry their weather with them.  They are still influenced by external stimulus – but their response is value based choice or response. Reactive People  Blame circumstances, conditions & conditioning.  Behavior is a product of their conditions, based on feelings.  If weather is good, they feel good, if it is bad, they feel bad.  Reactive people build their lives around others emotions.
  • 4. No One Can Hurt You Without Your Consent Stimulus Response Freedom to Choose Self Awareness Imagination Conscience Independent Will
  • 5. It is not what happens to us, but our responses to what happens to us that hurts us. 3 Central Values – Victor Frankl  The Experiential: that which happens to us  The Creative: that which we bring into existence  The Attitudinal: Our response in difficult situations What matters most is how we respond to what we experience in life!
  • 6. Taking the Initiative: Act or Be Acted Upon  Our basic nature is to act, and not be acted upon  Use your R and I – Resourcefulness and Initiative  Proactivity: 5000+ % difference in effectiveness  Listening to Our Language Reactive Language Proactive Language There is nothing I can do Let’s look at our alternatives That’s just the way I am I can choose a different approach He makes me so mad I control my own feelings They won’t allow that I can create an effective presentation I have to do that I will chose an effective response I can’t I choose I must I prefer If only I will
  • 7. Circle of Concern / Circle of Influence  Excellent way to become more self-aware regarding our own degree of proactivity is to look at where we focus our time and energy.  Our Health  Our Family  Our Work  Our Spirituality  Our Emotions Circle of Influence Circle of Concern
  • 8. Circle of Concern / Circle of Influence Direct / Indirect / No Control  Direct Control problems can be solved by working on our habits- Habits 1 to 3 (Private Victory)  Indirect Control problems can be solved by changing our methods of influence – Habits 4 – 6 (Public Victory)  No Control problems can be solved by changing the line on the bottom on our face – to smile , to genuinely & peacefully accept and learn to live with them. Proactive People Reactive People Focus their effort on circle of influence Focus their effort on circle of concern Nature of their energy is positive Nature of their energy is negative Causes circle of influence to increase Causes circle of influence to shrink
  • 9. Serenity Prayer Lord, give me the courage to change the things which can and ought to be changed, the serenity to accept the things which cannot be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference.
  • 10. Expanding the Circle of Influence  Be a better listener  Be more loving  Be a better learner  Be a dedicated worker  Be Happy - genuinely Smile 
  • 11. Making and Keeping Commitments  At the very heart of our Circle of Influence is the ability to make and keep commitments and promises.  The commitments we make to ourselves and others, and our integrity to those commitments is the clear manifestation of our Proactivity. It is essence of our growth  Self awareness & Conscience – We become conscience of our areas of improvements, areas of talent that can be developed, areas that need to be changed or eliminated  Recognize and use our imagination and independent free will to act on that awareness – making promises, setting goals
  • 12. Proactivity – 30 Day Test Try to see…  How we Make and Keep Commitments?  How do we handle traffic jam?  How do we react to irate customer?  How do you react to upset relative?  How we view our problems?  Where we focus our energies?
  • 13. Proactivity – 30 Day Test Work Only on Your Circle of Influence  Make small promises and keep them  Be a light, not a judge  Be a model, not a critic  Be part of the solution, not part of the problem  When you make a mistake, acknowledge it instantly, correct and learn from it.  Don’t get into blaming and accusing mode.  Work on things you have control over. Work on You!