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Linear Regression Analysis
Part 14 of a Series on Evaluation of Scientific Publications
by Astrid Schneider, Gerhard Hommel, and Maria Blettner
Background: Regression analysis is an important statisti-
cal method for the analysis of medical data. It enables the
identification and characterization of relationships among
multiple factors. It also enables the identification of prog-
nostically relevant risk factors and the calculation of risk
scores for individual prognostication.
Methods: This article is based on selected textbooks of
statistics, a selective review of the literature, and our own
Results: After a brief introduction of the uni- and multivari-
able regression models, illustrative examples are given to
explain what the important considerations are before a
regression analysis is performed, and how the results
should be interpreted. The reader should then be able to
judge whether the method has been used correctly and
interpret the results appropriately.
Conclusion: The performance and interpretation of linear
regression analysis are subject to a variety of pitfalls,
which are discussed here in detail. The reader is made
aware of common errors of interpretation through practi-
cal examples. Both the opportunities for applying linear
regression analysis and its limitations are presented.
►Cite this as:
Schneider A, Hommel G, Blettner M: Linear regression
analysis—part 14 of a series on evaluation of scientific
publications. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82.
DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2010.0776
The purpose of statistical evaluation of medical
data is often to describe relationships between
two variables or among several variables. For example,
one would like to know not just whether patients have
high blood pressure, but also whether the likelihood of
having high blood pressure is influenced by factors
such as age and weight. The variable to be explained
(blood pressure) is called the dependent variable, or,
alternatively, the response variable; the variables that
explain it (age, weight) are called independent vari-
ables or predictor variables. Measures of association
provide an initial impression of the extent of statistical
dependence between variables. If the dependent and in-
dependent variables are continuous, as is the case for
blood pressure and weight, then a correlation coeffi-
cient can be calculated as a measure of the strength of
the relationship between them (Box 1).
Regression analysis is a type of statistical evaluation
that enables three things:
● Description: Relationships among the dependent
variables and the independent variables can be
statistically described by means of regression
● Estimation: The values of the dependent vari-
ables can be estimated from the observed values
of the independent variables.
● Prognostication: Risk factors that influence the
outcome can be identified, and individual prog-
noses can be determined.
Regression analysis employs a model that describes
the relationships between the dependent variables and
the independent variables in a simplified mathematical
form. There may be biological reasons to expect a
priori that a certain type of mathematical function will
best describe such a relationship, or simple assump-
tions have to be made that this is the case (e.g., that
blood pressure rises linearly with age). The best-known
types of regression analysis are the following (Table 1):
● Linear regression,
● Logistic regression, and
● Cox regression.
The goal of this article is to introduce the reader to
linear regression. The theory is briefly explained, and
the interpretation of statistical parameters is illustrated
with examples. The methods of regression analysis are
comprehensively discussed in many standard text-
books (1–3).
Departrment of Medical Biometrics, Epidemiology, and Computer Sciences,
Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany: Dipl. Math. Schneider, Prof.
Dr. rer. nat. Hommel, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Blettner
776 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82
Cox regression will be discussed in a later article in
this journal.
Linear regression is used to study the linear relation-
ship between a dependent variable Y (blood pressure)
and one or more independent variables X (age,
weight, sex).
The dependent variable Y must be continuous,
while the independent variables may be either con-
tinuous (age), binary (sex), or categorical (social
status). The initial judgment of a possible relationship
between two continuous variables should always be
made on the basis of a scatter plot (scatter graph).
This type of plot will show whether the relationship is
linear (Figure 1) or nonlinear (Figure 2).
Performing a linear regression makes sense only if
the relationship is linear. Other methods must be used
to study nonlinear relationships. The variable trans-
formations and other, more complex techniques that
can be used for this purpose will not be discussed in
this article.
Univariable linear regression
Univariable linear regression studies the linear rela-
tionship between the dependent variable Y and a
single independent variable X. The linear regression
model describes the dependent variable with a
straight line that is defined by the equation Y = a + b
× X, where a is the y-intersect of the line, and b is its
slope. First, the parameters a and b of the regression
line are estimated from the values of the dependent
variable Y and the independent variable X with the
aid of statistical methods. The regression line enables
one to predict the value of the dependent variable Y
from that of the independent variable X. Thus, for
example, after a linear regression has been perform-
ed, one would be able to estimate a person’s weight
(dependent variable) from his or her height (indepen-
dent variable) (Figure 3).
The slope b of the regression line is called the
regression coefficient. It provides a measure of the
contribution of the independent variable X toward ex-
plaining the dependent variable Y. If the independent
variable is continuous (e.g., body height in cen-
timeters), then the regression coefficient represents
the change in the dependent variable (body weight in
kilograms) per unit of change in the independent vari-
able (body height in centimeters). The proper inter-
pretation of the regression coefficient thus requires
attention to the units of measurement. The following
example should make this relationship clear:
In a fictitious study, data were obtained from 135
women and men aged 18 to 27. Their height ranged
from 1.59 to 1.93 meters. The relationship between
height and weight was studied: weight in kilograms
was the dependent variable that was to be estimated
from the independent variable, height in centimeters.
On the basis of the data, the following regression line
was determined: Y= –133.18 + 1.16 × X, where X is
Interpretation of the correlation coefficient (r)
Spearman’s coefficient:
Describes a monotone relationship
A monotone relationship is one in which the dependent variable either rises or
sinks continuously as the independent variable rises.
Pearson’s correlation coefficient:
Describes a linear relationship
Correlation coefficients provide information about the strength and direction of a
relationship between two continuous variables. No distinction between the ex-
plaining variable and the variable to be explained is necessary:
● r = ± 1: perfect linear and monotone relationship. The closer r is to 1 or –1, the
stronger the relationship.
● r = 0: no linear or monotone relationship
● r < 0: negative, inverse relationship (high values of one variable tend to occur
together with low values of the other variable)
● r > 0: positive relationship (high values of one variable tend to occur together
with high values of the other variable)
Graphical representation of a linear relationship:
Scatter plot with regression line
A negative relationship is represented by a falling regression line (regression
coefficient b < 0), a positive one by a rising regression line (b > 0).
Regression models
Linear regression
Logistic regression
Proportional hazard
(Cox regression)
Poisson regression
Description of a
linear relationship
Prediction of the
probability of
belonging to
(outcome: yes/no)
Modeling of
survival data
Modeling of
counting processes
blood pressure)
(success of treat-
ment: yes/no)
Survival time
(time from
diagnosis to event)
Counting data:
whole numbers re-
presenting events
in temporal se-
quence (e.g., the
number of times a
woman gave birth
over a certain
period of time)
Continuous and/or
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82 777
height in centimeters and Y is weight in kilograms. The
y-intersect a = –133.18 is the value of the dependent
variable when X = 0, but X cannot possibly take on
the value 0 in this study (one obviously cannot expect
a person of height 0 centimeters to weigh negative
133.18 kilograms). Therefore, interpretation of the con-
stant is often not useful. In general, only values within
the range of observations of the independent vari-
ables should be used in a linear regression model;
prediction of the value of the dependent variable be-
comes increasingly inaccurate the further one goes
outside this range.
The regression coefficient of 1.16 means that, in
this model, a person’s weight increases by 1.16 kg
with each additional centimeter of height. If height
had been measured in meters, rather than in cen-
timeters, the regression coefficient b would have been
115.91 instead. The constant a, in contrast, is inde-
pendent of the unit chosen to express the independent
variables. Proper interpretation thus requires that the
regression coefficient should be considered together
with the units of all of the involved variables. Special
attention to this issue is needed when publications
from different countries use different units to express
the same variables (e.g., feet and inches vs. cen-
timeters, or pounds vs. kilograms).
Figure 3 shows the regression line that represents
the linear relationship between height and weight.
For a person whose height is 1.74 m, the predicted
weight is 68.50 kg (y = –133.18 + 115.91 × 1.74 m).
The data set contains 6 persons whose height is 1.74
m, and their weights vary from 63 to 75 kg.
Linear regression can be used to estimate the
weight of any persons whose height lies within the
observed range (1.59 m to 1.93 m). The data set need
not include any person with this precise height.
Mathematically it is possible to estimate the weight of a
person whose height is outside the range of values ob-
served in the study. However, such an extrapolation is
generally not useful.
If the independent variables are categorical or
binary, then the regression coefficient must be inter-
preted in reference to the numerical encoding of these
variables. Binary variables should generally be en-
coded with two consecutive whole numbers (usually
0/1 or 1/2). In interpreting the regression coefficient,
one should recall which category of the independent
variable is represented by the higher number (e.g., 2,
when the encoding is 1/2). The regression coefficient
reflects the change in the dependent variable that corre-
sponds to a change in the independent variable from 1
to 2.
For example, if one studies the relationship be-
tween sex and weight, one obtains the regression line
Y = 47.64 + 14.93 × X, where X = sex (1 = female, 2
= male). The regression coefficient of 14.93 reflects
the fact that men are an average of 14.93 kg heavier
than women.
When categorical variables are used, the reference
category should be defined first, and all other
categories are to be considered in relation to this cat-
The coefficient of determination, r2
, is a measure
of how well the regression model describes the ob-
served data (Box 2). In univariable regression analy-
sis, r2
is simply the square of Pearson’s correlation
coefficient. In the particular fictitious case that is de-
scribed above, the coefficient of determination for the
relationship between height and weight is 0.785. This
means that 78.5% of the variance in weight is due to
height. The remaining 21.5% is due to individual
variation and might be explained by other factors that
were not taken into account in the analysis, such as
eating habits, exercise, sex, or age.
A scatter plot
showing a linear
A scatter plot show-
ing an exponential
relationship. In this
case, it would not
be appropriate to
compute a coeffi-
cient of determi-
nation or a regres-
sion line
778 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82
In formal terms, the null hypothesis, which is the
hypothesis that b = 0 (no relationship between vari-
ables, the regression coefficient is therefore 0), can be
tested with a t-test. One can also compute the 95%
confidence interval for the regression coefficient (4).
Multivariable linear regression
In many cases, the contribution of a single independent
variable does not alone suffice to explain the dependent
variable Y. If this is so, one can perform a multivariable
linear regression to study the effect of multiple vari-
ables on the dependent variable.
In the multivariable regression model, the dependent
variable is described as a linear function of the indepen-
dent variables Xi, as follows: Y = a + b1 × X1 + b2 × X2
+…+ bn × Xn . The model permits the computation of a
regression coefficient bi for each independent variable
Xi (Box 3).
Just as in univariable regression, the coefficient of
determination describes the overall relationship
between the independent variables Xi (weight, age,
body-mass index) and the dependent variable Y (blood
pressure). It corresponds to the square of the multiple
correlation coefficient, which is the correlation be-
tween Y and b1 × X1 + ... + bn × Xn.
It is better practice, however, to give the corrected
coefficient of determination, as discussed in Box 2.
Each of the coefficients bi reflects the effect of the
corresponding individual independent variable Xi on
Y, where the potential influences of the remaining
independent variables on Xi have been taken into ac-
count, i.e., eliminated by an additional computation.
Thus, in a multiple regression analysis with age and sex
as independent variables and weight as the dependent
variable, the adjusted regression coefficient for sex
represents the amount of variation in weight that is
due to sex alone, after age has been taken into ac-
count. This is done by a computation that adjusts for
age, so that the effect of sex is not confounded by a
simultaneously operative age effect (Box 4).
In this way, multivariable regression analysis permits
the study of multiple independent variables at the same
time, with adjustment of their regression coefficients for
possible confounding effects between variables.
Multivariable analysis does more than describe a
statistical relationship; it also permits individual prog-
nostication and the evaluation of the state of health of a
given patient. A linear regression model can be used,
for instance, to determine the optimal values for respi-
ratory function tests depending on a person’s age,
body-mass index (BMI), and sex. Comparing a
patient’s measured respiratory function with these com-
puted optimal values yields a measure of his or her state
of health.
Medical questions often involve the effect of a very
large number of factors (independent variables). The
goal of statistical analysis is to find out which of these
factors truly have an effect on the dependent variable.
The art of statistical evaluation lies in finding the vari-
ables that best explain the dependent variable.
One way to carry out a multivariable regression is to
include all potentially relevant independent variables in
the model (complete model). The problem with this
method is that the number of observations that can
practically be made is often less than the model
requires. In general, the number of observations should
be at least 20 times greater than the number of variables
under study.
Moreover, if too many irrelevant variables are in-
cluded in the model, overadjustment is likely to be the re-
sult: that is, some of the irrelevant independent variables
will be found to have an apparent effect, purely by
chance. The inclusion of irrelevant independent variables
in the model will indeed allow a better fit with the data
set under study, but, because of random effects, the find-
ings will not generally be applicable outside of this data
set (1). The inclusion of irrelevant independent variables
also strongly distorts the determination coefficient, so
that it no longer provides a useful index of the quality
of fit between the model and the data (Box 2).
In the following sections, we will discuss how these
problems can be circumvented.
The selection of variables
For the regression model to be robust and to explain Y
as well as possible, it should include only independent
variables that explain a large portion of the variance in
Y. Variable selection can be performed so that only
such independent variables are included (1).
Variable selection should be carried out on the basis
of medical expert knowledge and a good understanding
of biometrics. This is optimally done as a collaborative
A scatter plot and the corresponding regression line and regression
equation for the relationship between the dependent variable body
weight (kg) and the independent variable height (m).
r = Pearsons’s correlation coefficient
R-squared linear = coefficient of determination
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82 779
effort of the physician-researcher and the statistician.
There are various methods of selecting variables:
Forward selection
Forward selection is a stepwise procedure that includes
variables in the model as long as they make an addi-
tional contribution toward explaining Y. This is done
iteratively until there are no variables left that make any
appreciable contribution to Y.
Backward selection
Backward selection, on the other hand, starts with a
model that contains all potentially relevant indepen-
dent variables. The variable whose removal worsens
the prediction of the independent variable of the
overall set of independent variables to the least ex-
tent is then removed from the model. This procedure
is iterated until no dependent variables are left that
can be removed without markedly worsening the
prediction of the independent variable.
Coefficient of determination (R-squared)
● n be the number of observations (e.g., subjects in the study)
● ŷi
be the estimated value of the dependent variable for the ith
observation, as computed with the regression equation
● yi
be the observed value of the dependent variable for the i
● y be the mean of all n observations of the dependent variable
The coefficient of determination is then defined
as follows:
→ r
is the fraction of the overall variance that is explained. The closer the regression model’s estimated values ŷi
lie to the ob-
served values yi
, the nearer the coefficient of determination is to 1 and the more accurate the regression model is.
Meaning: In practice, the coefficient of determination is often taken as a measure of the validity of a regression model or a re-
gression estimate. It reflects the fraction of variation in the Y-values that is explained by the regression line.
Problem: The coefficient of determination can easily be made artificially high by including a large number of independent va-
riables in the model. The more independent variables one includes, the higher the coefficient of determination becomes. This,
however, lowers the precision of the estimate (estimation of the regression coefficients bi
Solution: Instead of the raw (uncorrected) coefficient of determination, the corrected coefficient of determination should be gi-
ven: the latter takes the number of explanatory variables in the model into account. Unlike the uncorrected coefficient of deter-
mination, the corrected one is high only if the independent variables have a sufficiently large effect.
Regression line for a multivariable
Y= a + b1
× X1
+ b2
× X2
+ ...+ bn
× Xn
Y = dependent variable
= independent variables
a = constant (y-intersect)
= regression coefficient of the variable Xi
Example: regression line for a multivariable regressi-
on Y = –120.07 + 100.81 × X1
+ 0.38 × X2
+ 3.41 × X3
= height (meters)
= age (years)
= sex (1 = female, 2 = male)
Y = the weight to be estimated (kg)
780 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82
Stepwise selection
Stepwise selection combines certain aspects of for-
ward and backward selection. Like forward selec-
tion, it begins with a null model, adds the single in-
dependent variable that makes the greatest contribu-
tion toward explaining the dependent variable, and
then iterates the process. Additionally, a check is
performed after each such step to see whether one of
the variables has now become irrelevant because of
its relationship to the other variables. If so, this vari-
able is removed.
Block inclusion
There are often variables that should be included in
the model in any case—for example, the effect of a
certain form of treatment, or independent variables
that have already been found to be relevant in prior
studies. One way of taking such variables into
account is their block inclusion into the model. In this
way, one can combine the forced inclusion of some
variables with the selective inclusion of further
independent variables that turn out to be relevant
to the explanation of variation in the dependent
The evaluation of a regression model requires the
performance of both forward and backward selection
of variables. If these two procedures result in the
selection of the same set of variables, then the model
can be considered robust. If not, a statistician should
be consulted for further advice.
The study of relationships between variables and the
generation of risk scores are very important elements
of medical research. The proper performance of regres-
sion analysis requires that a number of important fac-
tors should be considered and tested:
1. Causality
Before a regression analysis is performed, the causal
relationships among the variables to be considered
must be examined from the point of view of their con-
tent and/or temporal relationship. The fact that an inde-
pendent variable turns out to be significant says
nothing about causality. This is an especially relevant
point with respect to observational studies (5).
2. Planning of sample size
The number of cases needed for a regression analysis
depends on the number of independent variables and of
their expected effects (strength of relationships). If the
sample is too small, only very strong relationships will
be demonstrable. The sample size can be planned in
the light of the researchers’ expectations regarding the
coefficient of determination (r2
) and the regression
coefficient (b). Furthermore, at least 20 times as many
observations should be made as there are independent
variables to be studied; thus, if one wants to study 2
independent variables, one should make at least 40
3. Missing values
Missing values are a common problem in medical data.
Whenever the value of either a dependent or an inde-
pendent variable is missing, this particular observation
has to be excluded from the regression analysis. If
many values are missing from the dataset, the effective
sample size will be appreciably diminished, and the
sample may then turn out to be too small to yield
significant findings, despite seemingly adequate
advance planning. If this happens, real relationships
can be overlooked, and the study findings may not be
generally applicable. Moreover, selection effects can
Two important terms
● Confounder (in non-randomized studies): an independent variable that is as-
sociated, not only with the dependent variable, but also with other independent
variables. The presence of confounders can distort the effect of the other inde-
pendent variables. Age and sex are frequent confounders.
● Adjustment: a statistical technique to eliminate the influence of one or more
confounders on the treatment effect. Example: Suppose that age is a con-
founding variable in a study of the effect of treatment on a certain dependent
variable. Adjustment for age involves a computational procedure to mimic a
situation in which the men and women in the data set were of the same age.
This computation eliminates the influence of age on the treatment effect.
What special points require attention in the
interpretation of a regression analysis?
1. How big is the study sample?
2. Is causality demonstrable or plausible, in view of the content or temporal
relationship of the variables?
3. Has there been adjustment for potential confounding effects?
4. Is the inclusion of the independent variables that were used justified, in view of
their content?
5. What is the corrected coefficient of determination (R-squared)?
6. Is the study sample homogeneous?
7. In what units were the potentially relevant independent variables reported?
8. Was a selection of the independent variables (potentially relevant independent
variables) performed, and, if so, what kind of selection?
9. If a selection of variables was performed, was its result confirmed by a second
selection of variables that was performed by a different procedure?
10. Are predictions of the dependent variable made on the basis of extrapolated
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82 781
be expected in such cases. There are a number of ways
to deal with the problem of missing values (6).
4. The data sample
A further important point to be considered is the com-
position of the study population. If there are subpopu-
lations within it that behave differently with respect to
the independent variables in question, then a real effect
(or the lack of an effect) may be masked from the
analysis and remain undetected. Suppose, for instance,
that one wishes to study the effect of sex on weight, in
a study population consisting half of children under
age 8 and half of adults. Linear regression analysis
over the entire population reveals an effect of sex on
weight. If, however, a subgroup analysis is performed
in which children and adults are considered separately,
an effect of sex on weight is seen only in adults, and
not in children. Subgroup analysis should only be per-
formed if the subgroups have been predefined, and the
questions already formulated, before the data analysis
begins; furthermore, multiple testing should be taken
into account (7, 8).
5. The selection of variables
If multiple independent variables are considered in a
multivariable regression, some of these may turn out to
be interdependent. An independent variable that would
be found to have a strong effect in a univariable regres-
sion model might not turn out to have any appreciable
effect in a multivariable regression with variable selec-
tion. This will happen if this particular variable itself
depends so strongly on the other independent variables
that it makes no additional contribution toward ex-
plaining the dependent variable. For related reasons,
when the independent variables are mutually de-
pendent, different independent variables might end up
being included in the model depending on the particu-
lar technique that is used for variable selection.
Linear regression is an important tool for statistical
analysis. Its broad spectrum of uses includes relation-
ship description, estimation, and prognostication. The
technique has many applications, but it also has pre-
requisites and limitations that must always be con-
sidered in the interpretation of findings (Box 5).
Conflict of interest statement
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest as defined by the
guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
Manuscript submitted on 11 May 2010, revised version accepted on 14 July
Translated from the original German by Ethan Taub, MD
1. Fahrmeir L, Kneib T, Lang S: Regression – Modelle, Methoden und
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3. Selvin S: Epidemiologic Analysis. Oxford University Press 2001.
4. Bender R, Lange S: Was ist ein Konfidenzintervall? Dtsch Med Wschr
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5. Sir Bradford Hill A: The environment and disease: Association or
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6. Carpenter JR, Kenward MG: Missing Data in Randomised Controlled
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methodology/projects/RM03_JH17_MK.shtml. Publication
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8. Horn M, Vollandt R: Multiple Tests und Auswahlverfahren. Stuttgart:
Gustav Fischer Verlag 1995.
Corresponding author
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Maria Blettner
Department of Medical Biometrics, Epidemiology, and Computer Sciences
Johannes Gutenberg University
Obere Zahlbacher Str. 69
55131 Mainz
782 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82

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Linear regression (1). spss analiisa statistik

  • 1. M E D I C I N E REVIEW ARTICLE Linear Regression Analysis Part 14 of a Series on Evaluation of Scientific Publications by Astrid Schneider, Gerhard Hommel, and Maria Blettner SUMMARY Background: Regression analysis is an important statisti- cal method for the analysis of medical data. It enables the identification and characterization of relationships among multiple factors. It also enables the identification of prog- nostically relevant risk factors and the calculation of risk scores for individual prognostication. Methods: This article is based on selected textbooks of statistics, a selective review of the literature, and our own experience. Results: After a brief introduction of the uni- and multivari- able regression models, illustrative examples are given to explain what the important considerations are before a regression analysis is performed, and how the results should be interpreted. The reader should then be able to judge whether the method has been used correctly and interpret the results appropriately. Conclusion: The performance and interpretation of linear regression analysis are subject to a variety of pitfalls, which are discussed here in detail. The reader is made aware of common errors of interpretation through practi- cal examples. Both the opportunities for applying linear regression analysis and its limitations are presented. ►Cite this as: Schneider A, Hommel G, Blettner M: Linear regression analysis—part 14 of a series on evaluation of scientific publications. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2010.0776 The purpose of statistical evaluation of medical data is often to describe relationships between two variables or among several variables. For example, one would like to know not just whether patients have high blood pressure, but also whether the likelihood of having high blood pressure is influenced by factors such as age and weight. The variable to be explained (blood pressure) is called the dependent variable, or, alternatively, the response variable; the variables that explain it (age, weight) are called independent vari- ables or predictor variables. Measures of association provide an initial impression of the extent of statistical dependence between variables. If the dependent and in- dependent variables are continuous, as is the case for blood pressure and weight, then a correlation coeffi- cient can be calculated as a measure of the strength of the relationship between them (Box 1). Regression analysis is a type of statistical evaluation that enables three things: ● Description: Relationships among the dependent variables and the independent variables can be statistically described by means of regression analysis. ● Estimation: The values of the dependent vari- ables can be estimated from the observed values of the independent variables. ● Prognostication: Risk factors that influence the outcome can be identified, and individual prog- noses can be determined. Regression analysis employs a model that describes the relationships between the dependent variables and the independent variables in a simplified mathematical form. There may be biological reasons to expect a priori that a certain type of mathematical function will best describe such a relationship, or simple assump- tions have to be made that this is the case (e.g., that blood pressure rises linearly with age). The best-known types of regression analysis are the following (Table 1): ● Linear regression, ● Logistic regression, and ● Cox regression. The goal of this article is to introduce the reader to linear regression. The theory is briefly explained, and the interpretation of statistical parameters is illustrated with examples. The methods of regression analysis are comprehensively discussed in many standard text- books (1–3). Departrment of Medical Biometrics, Epidemiology, and Computer Sciences, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany: Dipl. Math. Schneider, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hommel, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Blettner 776 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82
  • 2. M E D I C I N E Cox regression will be discussed in a later article in this journal. Methods Linear regression is used to study the linear relation- ship between a dependent variable Y (blood pressure) and one or more independent variables X (age, weight, sex). The dependent variable Y must be continuous, while the independent variables may be either con- tinuous (age), binary (sex), or categorical (social status). The initial judgment of a possible relationship between two continuous variables should always be made on the basis of a scatter plot (scatter graph). This type of plot will show whether the relationship is linear (Figure 1) or nonlinear (Figure 2). Performing a linear regression makes sense only if the relationship is linear. Other methods must be used to study nonlinear relationships. The variable trans- formations and other, more complex techniques that can be used for this purpose will not be discussed in this article. Univariable linear regression Univariable linear regression studies the linear rela- tionship between the dependent variable Y and a single independent variable X. The linear regression model describes the dependent variable with a straight line that is defined by the equation Y = a + b × X, where a is the y-intersect of the line, and b is its slope. First, the parameters a and b of the regression line are estimated from the values of the dependent variable Y and the independent variable X with the aid of statistical methods. The regression line enables one to predict the value of the dependent variable Y from that of the independent variable X. Thus, for example, after a linear regression has been perform- ed, one would be able to estimate a person’s weight (dependent variable) from his or her height (indepen- dent variable) (Figure 3). The slope b of the regression line is called the regression coefficient. It provides a measure of the contribution of the independent variable X toward ex- plaining the dependent variable Y. If the independent variable is continuous (e.g., body height in cen- timeters), then the regression coefficient represents the change in the dependent variable (body weight in kilograms) per unit of change in the independent vari- able (body height in centimeters). The proper inter- pretation of the regression coefficient thus requires attention to the units of measurement. The following example should make this relationship clear: In a fictitious study, data were obtained from 135 women and men aged 18 to 27. Their height ranged from 1.59 to 1.93 meters. The relationship between height and weight was studied: weight in kilograms was the dependent variable that was to be estimated from the independent variable, height in centimeters. On the basis of the data, the following regression line was determined: Y= –133.18 + 1.16 × X, where X is BOX 1 Interpretation of the correlation coefficient (r) Spearman’s coefficient: Describes a monotone relationship A monotone relationship is one in which the dependent variable either rises or sinks continuously as the independent variable rises. Pearson’s correlation coefficient: Describes a linear relationship Interpretation/meaning: Correlation coefficients provide information about the strength and direction of a relationship between two continuous variables. No distinction between the ex- plaining variable and the variable to be explained is necessary: ● r = ± 1: perfect linear and monotone relationship. The closer r is to 1 or –1, the stronger the relationship. ● r = 0: no linear or monotone relationship ● r < 0: negative, inverse relationship (high values of one variable tend to occur together with low values of the other variable) ● r > 0: positive relationship (high values of one variable tend to occur together with high values of the other variable) Graphical representation of a linear relationship: Scatter plot with regression line A negative relationship is represented by a falling regression line (regression coefficient b < 0), a positive one by a rising regression line (b > 0). TABLE 1 Regression models Linear regression Logistic regression Proportional hazard regression (Cox regression) Poisson regression Application Description of a linear relationship Prediction of the probability of belonging to groups (outcome: yes/no) Modeling of survival data Modeling of counting processes Dependent variables Continuous (weight, blood pressure) Dichotomous (success of treat- ment: yes/no) Survival time (time from diagnosis to event) Counting data: whole numbers re- presenting events in temporal se- quence (e.g., the number of times a woman gave birth over a certain period of time) Independent variables Continuous and/or categorical Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82 777
  • 3. M E D I C I N E height in centimeters and Y is weight in kilograms. The y-intersect a = –133.18 is the value of the dependent variable when X = 0, but X cannot possibly take on the value 0 in this study (one obviously cannot expect a person of height 0 centimeters to weigh negative 133.18 kilograms). Therefore, interpretation of the con- stant is often not useful. In general, only values within the range of observations of the independent vari- ables should be used in a linear regression model; prediction of the value of the dependent variable be- comes increasingly inaccurate the further one goes outside this range. The regression coefficient of 1.16 means that, in this model, a person’s weight increases by 1.16 kg with each additional centimeter of height. If height had been measured in meters, rather than in cen- timeters, the regression coefficient b would have been 115.91 instead. The constant a, in contrast, is inde- pendent of the unit chosen to express the independent variables. Proper interpretation thus requires that the regression coefficient should be considered together with the units of all of the involved variables. Special attention to this issue is needed when publications from different countries use different units to express the same variables (e.g., feet and inches vs. cen- timeters, or pounds vs. kilograms). Figure 3 shows the regression line that represents the linear relationship between height and weight. For a person whose height is 1.74 m, the predicted weight is 68.50 kg (y = –133.18 + 115.91 × 1.74 m). The data set contains 6 persons whose height is 1.74 m, and their weights vary from 63 to 75 kg. Linear regression can be used to estimate the weight of any persons whose height lies within the observed range (1.59 m to 1.93 m). The data set need not include any person with this precise height. Mathematically it is possible to estimate the weight of a person whose height is outside the range of values ob- served in the study. However, such an extrapolation is generally not useful. If the independent variables are categorical or binary, then the regression coefficient must be inter- preted in reference to the numerical encoding of these variables. Binary variables should generally be en- coded with two consecutive whole numbers (usually 0/1 or 1/2). In interpreting the regression coefficient, one should recall which category of the independent variable is represented by the higher number (e.g., 2, when the encoding is 1/2). The regression coefficient reflects the change in the dependent variable that corre- sponds to a change in the independent variable from 1 to 2. For example, if one studies the relationship be- tween sex and weight, one obtains the regression line Y = 47.64 + 14.93 × X, where X = sex (1 = female, 2 = male). The regression coefficient of 14.93 reflects the fact that men are an average of 14.93 kg heavier than women. When categorical variables are used, the reference category should be defined first, and all other categories are to be considered in relation to this cat- egory. The coefficient of determination, r2 , is a measure of how well the regression model describes the ob- served data (Box 2). In univariable regression analy- sis, r2 is simply the square of Pearson’s correlation coefficient. In the particular fictitious case that is de- scribed above, the coefficient of determination for the relationship between height and weight is 0.785. This means that 78.5% of the variance in weight is due to height. The remaining 21.5% is due to individual variation and might be explained by other factors that were not taken into account in the analysis, such as eating habits, exercise, sex, or age. FIGURE 1 A scatter plot showing a linear relationship FIGURE 2 A scatter plot show- ing an exponential relationship. In this case, it would not be appropriate to compute a coeffi- cient of determi- nation or a regres- sion line 778 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82
  • 4. M E D I C I N E In formal terms, the null hypothesis, which is the hypothesis that b = 0 (no relationship between vari- ables, the regression coefficient is therefore 0), can be tested with a t-test. One can also compute the 95% confidence interval for the regression coefficient (4). Multivariable linear regression In many cases, the contribution of a single independent variable does not alone suffice to explain the dependent variable Y. If this is so, one can perform a multivariable linear regression to study the effect of multiple vari- ables on the dependent variable. In the multivariable regression model, the dependent variable is described as a linear function of the indepen- dent variables Xi, as follows: Y = a + b1 × X1 + b2 × X2 +…+ bn × Xn . The model permits the computation of a regression coefficient bi for each independent variable Xi (Box 3). Just as in univariable regression, the coefficient of determination describes the overall relationship between the independent variables Xi (weight, age, body-mass index) and the dependent variable Y (blood pressure). It corresponds to the square of the multiple correlation coefficient, which is the correlation be- tween Y and b1 × X1 + ... + bn × Xn. It is better practice, however, to give the corrected coefficient of determination, as discussed in Box 2. Each of the coefficients bi reflects the effect of the corresponding individual independent variable Xi on Y, where the potential influences of the remaining independent variables on Xi have been taken into ac- count, i.e., eliminated by an additional computation. Thus, in a multiple regression analysis with age and sex as independent variables and weight as the dependent variable, the adjusted regression coefficient for sex represents the amount of variation in weight that is due to sex alone, after age has been taken into ac- count. This is done by a computation that adjusts for age, so that the effect of sex is not confounded by a simultaneously operative age effect (Box 4). In this way, multivariable regression analysis permits the study of multiple independent variables at the same time, with adjustment of their regression coefficients for possible confounding effects between variables. Multivariable analysis does more than describe a statistical relationship; it also permits individual prog- nostication and the evaluation of the state of health of a given patient. A linear regression model can be used, for instance, to determine the optimal values for respi- ratory function tests depending on a person’s age, body-mass index (BMI), and sex. Comparing a patient’s measured respiratory function with these com- puted optimal values yields a measure of his or her state of health. Medical questions often involve the effect of a very large number of factors (independent variables). The goal of statistical analysis is to find out which of these factors truly have an effect on the dependent variable. The art of statistical evaluation lies in finding the vari- ables that best explain the dependent variable. One way to carry out a multivariable regression is to include all potentially relevant independent variables in the model (complete model). The problem with this method is that the number of observations that can practically be made is often less than the model requires. In general, the number of observations should be at least 20 times greater than the number of variables under study. Moreover, if too many irrelevant variables are in- cluded in the model, overadjustment is likely to be the re- sult: that is, some of the irrelevant independent variables will be found to have an apparent effect, purely by chance. The inclusion of irrelevant independent variables in the model will indeed allow a better fit with the data set under study, but, because of random effects, the find- ings will not generally be applicable outside of this data set (1). The inclusion of irrelevant independent variables also strongly distorts the determination coefficient, so that it no longer provides a useful index of the quality of fit between the model and the data (Box 2). In the following sections, we will discuss how these problems can be circumvented. The selection of variables For the regression model to be robust and to explain Y as well as possible, it should include only independent variables that explain a large portion of the variance in Y. Variable selection can be performed so that only such independent variables are included (1). Variable selection should be carried out on the basis of medical expert knowledge and a good understanding of biometrics. This is optimally done as a collaborative FIGURE 3 A scatter plot and the corresponding regression line and regression equation for the relationship between the dependent variable body weight (kg) and the independent variable height (m). r = Pearsons’s correlation coefficient R-squared linear = coefficient of determination Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82 779
  • 5. M E D I C I N E effort of the physician-researcher and the statistician. There are various methods of selecting variables: Forward selection Forward selection is a stepwise procedure that includes variables in the model as long as they make an addi- tional contribution toward explaining Y. This is done iteratively until there are no variables left that make any appreciable contribution to Y. Backward selection Backward selection, on the other hand, starts with a model that contains all potentially relevant indepen- dent variables. The variable whose removal worsens the prediction of the independent variable of the overall set of independent variables to the least ex- tent is then removed from the model. This procedure is iterated until no dependent variables are left that can be removed without markedly worsening the prediction of the independent variable. BOX 2 Coefficient of determination (R-squared) Definition: Let ● n be the number of observations (e.g., subjects in the study) ● ŷi be the estimated value of the dependent variable for the ith observation, as computed with the regression equation ● yi be the observed value of the dependent variable for the i th observation ● y be the mean of all n observations of the dependent variable The coefficient of determination is then defined as follows: → r 2 is the fraction of the overall variance that is explained. The closer the regression model’s estimated values ŷi lie to the ob- served values yi , the nearer the coefficient of determination is to 1 and the more accurate the regression model is. Meaning: In practice, the coefficient of determination is often taken as a measure of the validity of a regression model or a re- gression estimate. It reflects the fraction of variation in the Y-values that is explained by the regression line. Problem: The coefficient of determination can easily be made artificially high by including a large number of independent va- riables in the model. The more independent variables one includes, the higher the coefficient of determination becomes. This, however, lowers the precision of the estimate (estimation of the regression coefficients bi ). Solution: Instead of the raw (uncorrected) coefficient of determination, the corrected coefficient of determination should be gi- ven: the latter takes the number of explanatory variables in the model into account. Unlike the uncorrected coefficient of deter- mination, the corrected one is high only if the independent variables have a sufficiently large effect. BOX 3 Regression line for a multivariable regression Y= a + b1 × X1 + b2 × X2 + ...+ bn × Xn , where Y = dependent variable Xi = independent variables a = constant (y-intersect) b i = regression coefficient of the variable Xi Example: regression line for a multivariable regressi- on Y = –120.07 + 100.81 × X1 + 0.38 × X2 + 3.41 × X3 , where X1 = height (meters) X 2 = age (years) X3 = sex (1 = female, 2 = male) Y = the weight to be estimated (kg) – 780 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82
  • 6. M E D I C I N E Stepwise selection Stepwise selection combines certain aspects of for- ward and backward selection. Like forward selec- tion, it begins with a null model, adds the single in- dependent variable that makes the greatest contribu- tion toward explaining the dependent variable, and then iterates the process. Additionally, a check is performed after each such step to see whether one of the variables has now become irrelevant because of its relationship to the other variables. If so, this vari- able is removed. Block inclusion There are often variables that should be included in the model in any case—for example, the effect of a certain form of treatment, or independent variables that have already been found to be relevant in prior studies. One way of taking such variables into account is their block inclusion into the model. In this way, one can combine the forced inclusion of some variables with the selective inclusion of further independent variables that turn out to be relevant to the explanation of variation in the dependent variable. The evaluation of a regression model requires the performance of both forward and backward selection of variables. If these two procedures result in the selection of the same set of variables, then the model can be considered robust. If not, a statistician should be consulted for further advice. Discussion The study of relationships between variables and the generation of risk scores are very important elements of medical research. The proper performance of regres- sion analysis requires that a number of important fac- tors should be considered and tested: 1. Causality Before a regression analysis is performed, the causal relationships among the variables to be considered must be examined from the point of view of their con- tent and/or temporal relationship. The fact that an inde- pendent variable turns out to be significant says nothing about causality. This is an especially relevant point with respect to observational studies (5). 2. Planning of sample size The number of cases needed for a regression analysis depends on the number of independent variables and of their expected effects (strength of relationships). If the sample is too small, only very strong relationships will be demonstrable. The sample size can be planned in the light of the researchers’ expectations regarding the coefficient of determination (r2 ) and the regression coefficient (b). Furthermore, at least 20 times as many observations should be made as there are independent variables to be studied; thus, if one wants to study 2 independent variables, one should make at least 40 observations. 3. Missing values Missing values are a common problem in medical data. Whenever the value of either a dependent or an inde- pendent variable is missing, this particular observation has to be excluded from the regression analysis. If many values are missing from the dataset, the effective sample size will be appreciably diminished, and the sample may then turn out to be too small to yield significant findings, despite seemingly adequate advance planning. If this happens, real relationships can be overlooked, and the study findings may not be generally applicable. Moreover, selection effects can BOX 4 Two important terms ● Confounder (in non-randomized studies): an independent variable that is as- sociated, not only with the dependent variable, but also with other independent variables. The presence of confounders can distort the effect of the other inde- pendent variables. Age and sex are frequent confounders. ● Adjustment: a statistical technique to eliminate the influence of one or more confounders on the treatment effect. Example: Suppose that age is a con- founding variable in a study of the effect of treatment on a certain dependent variable. Adjustment for age involves a computational procedure to mimic a situation in which the men and women in the data set were of the same age. This computation eliminates the influence of age on the treatment effect. BOX 5 What special points require attention in the interpretation of a regression analysis? 1. How big is the study sample? 2. Is causality demonstrable or plausible, in view of the content or temporal relationship of the variables? 3. Has there been adjustment for potential confounding effects? 4. Is the inclusion of the independent variables that were used justified, in view of their content? 5. What is the corrected coefficient of determination (R-squared)? 6. Is the study sample homogeneous? 7. In what units were the potentially relevant independent variables reported? 8. Was a selection of the independent variables (potentially relevant independent variables) performed, and, if so, what kind of selection? 9. If a selection of variables was performed, was its result confirmed by a second selection of variables that was performed by a different procedure? 10. Are predictions of the dependent variable made on the basis of extrapolated data? Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82 781
  • 7. M E D I C I N E be expected in such cases. There are a number of ways to deal with the problem of missing values (6). 4. The data sample A further important point to be considered is the com- position of the study population. If there are subpopu- lations within it that behave differently with respect to the independent variables in question, then a real effect (or the lack of an effect) may be masked from the analysis and remain undetected. Suppose, for instance, that one wishes to study the effect of sex on weight, in a study population consisting half of children under age 8 and half of adults. Linear regression analysis over the entire population reveals an effect of sex on weight. If, however, a subgroup analysis is performed in which children and adults are considered separately, an effect of sex on weight is seen only in adults, and not in children. Subgroup analysis should only be per- formed if the subgroups have been predefined, and the questions already formulated, before the data analysis begins; furthermore, multiple testing should be taken into account (7, 8). 5. The selection of variables If multiple independent variables are considered in a multivariable regression, some of these may turn out to be interdependent. An independent variable that would be found to have a strong effect in a univariable regres- sion model might not turn out to have any appreciable effect in a multivariable regression with variable selec- tion. This will happen if this particular variable itself depends so strongly on the other independent variables that it makes no additional contribution toward ex- plaining the dependent variable. For related reasons, when the independent variables are mutually de- pendent, different independent variables might end up being included in the model depending on the particu- lar technique that is used for variable selection. Overview Linear regression is an important tool for statistical analysis. Its broad spectrum of uses includes relation- ship description, estimation, and prognostication. The technique has many applications, but it also has pre- requisites and limitations that must always be con- sidered in the interpretation of findings (Box 5). Conflict of interest statement The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest as defined by the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Manuscript submitted on 11 May 2010, revised version accepted on 14 July 2010. Translated from the original German by Ethan Taub, MD REFERENCES 1. Fahrmeir L, Kneib T, Lang S: Regression – Modelle, Methoden und Anwendungen. 2nd edition. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 2009 2. Bortz J: Statistik für Human-und Sozialwissenschaftler. 6th edition. Heidelberg: Springer 2004. 3. Selvin S: Epidemiologic Analysis. Oxford University Press 2001. 4. Bender R, Lange S: Was ist ein Konfidenzintervall? Dtsch Med Wschr 2001; 126: T41. 5. Sir Bradford Hill A: The environment and disease: Association or Causation? Proc R Soc Med 1965; 58: 295–300. 6. Carpenter JR, Kenward MG: Missing Data in Randomised Controlled Trials: A practical guide. Birmingham, Alabama: National Institute for Health Research; 2008. http://www.pcpoh.bham.ac.uk/publichealth/ methodology/projects/RM03_JH17_MK.shtml. Publication RM03/JH17/MK. 7. EMEA: Poiints to consider on multiplicity issues in clinical trials; www.emea.europa.eu/pdfs/human/ewp/090899en.pdf 8. Horn M, Vollandt R: Multiple Tests und Auswahlverfahren. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag 1995. Corresponding author Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Maria Blettner Department of Medical Biometrics, Epidemiology, and Computer Sciences Johannes Gutenberg University Obere Zahlbacher Str. 69 55131 Mainz Germany 782 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International |Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(44): 776–82