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Editorial team:
Renuka Lingaraju, Nitin Dhamankar, Neena Naik,
Hitendra Patil, Vishakha Naik
A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library
February, 2014 Issue No. 61
A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library
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Your Habits Are Creating Your Future
A. Horton
About the author:
Andrew Horton is an inspirational Speaker, Master Teacher, Radio and TV Host, Global Traveler and Author.
His area of focus is in the field of human behavior, expanded awareness and enlightenment. He travels the planet
constantly researching, learning and seeking ways to unlock the mysteries of the human mind. To know more
about him Visit his website at http://www.andrewhorton.co.za.
The way your life will turn out, one year or even
five years from now, is the result of an
accumulation of all your current habits. Everything
in our lives is governed by our habits. Starting with
how you get out of bed in the morning, to how you
dress, to how you speak, think and most
importantly how you act or fail to act, are all
governed by your habits. Your routines or habits
determine how you respond to virtually every set of
circumstances which crosses our path. They
determine, whether you will take the daily action
you need to take in order to achieve your goals,
what you will think about all day, how you will
respond to any challenges, which will cross your
path and they drive you every day, to be disciplined
or lazy.
 Build Habits, Which Serve you
We all have habits, both good and bad, which you
can choose to, leave the way they are. When you
design a success habit set, which is aligned with
what you need to help you achieve your goals and
dreams, you get to carry out all the crucial goal
specific activities every day, in an effortless
 Drop Bad Habits
This is where the challenge lies, when you
introduce this new success habit building process
into your life. You need to know where you want
your life to go, identify the bad habits, which are
not serving you and work to replace them with the
success habits that will.
 Action Idea: Get a crystal clear picture in your
mind of exactly what you want to achieve in the
future. Now by starting with the end in mind,
identify the success habits, which will support
you to achieve exactly that level of success.
Secondly explore your current habits and
identify the ones, which are limiting your
progress. Habits like procrastination, always
running late, never completing tasks, always
feeling distracted, etc. are all habits, which will
severely limit your success. It is worth asking
the people closest to you for their input. Ask
them to make a list of all the behaviors they
think are limiting you.
 Discovering your new Success Habits
As you know habits are not something you introduce
into your life in a day. They take time to develop
and require conscious effort applied daily over a
period of around 66 - 90 days to become
entrenched. As you are working daily to introduce
any new habit into your experience, try to visualise
what your life will be like when you perform that
new behaviour, without even having to think about
it. How would your world expand, if you stopped
procrastinating, overcame those irrational fears, or
you began to network with the right people and
built real connection with them?
 Write Down most Productive Habits
Start by writing down the most productive habits
you need to introduce into your life. Now choose
only one new behaviour or habit, which you will
invest the next 90 days into developing. It will
obviously take daily discipline, consistent effort and
dedication to perform the new behaviour. After
about 42 days, the new habit will start to become
If you keep applying yourself and you ensure that
you do not miss a day, without carrying out the new
behaviour. After 90 days you will have a new
success habit, which will serve you going forward.
Yes, you will only develop one new success habit
every quarter, but that equates into four new
success habits a year. Developing new success
habits will not happen in a day, but over time you
will be equipping yourself to achieve effortless
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 Making this work for you
The way to make this work for you, so that you can
successfully introduce one new success habit into
your life, every quarter, starts with you developing
a unique method, which suites you and your unique
set of circumstances.
These few questions as listed below, will help you
with this process:
 What will you use to remind yourself to perform
the new behaviour each day?
 What will inspire you to carry out the new
behaviour each day?
Some of the ideas, which I have used with great
success include.
 Writing the new behaviour down on a card,
which I carry with me all day
 I read the card a number of times throughout
the day
 Wake up in the morning and visualise how your
life will improve once you have entrenched this
new success habit in your life.
 Ask someone to be your accountability partner.
You can support each other to develop your
new success habits.
The only way to ensure that this works is to have a
clear plan of action and a method to remind you to
carry out the new behaviour every day. It is also
crucial that you are very clear about why you are
developing the new success habit. Spell out the
reason why you want to develop the new success
habit, so that you will be equipped to recognise
situations, which call for you to respond or perform
the new behaviour.
 The New Behaviour is Non Negotiable
When you are developing your new success habit,
do not tempt yourself to act in any other way by
making the new habit optional. For example: if
your new habit is to go to bed at a specific time.
Even if you are not tired, go to bed. Relax and try
to switch off. Never ever compromise your new
habit in any way. It will never become entrenched,
unless you are consistent and disciplined.
 Four New Habits a Year
The four new habits, which you are going to
develop each year, may seem like nothing at first,
but over time, you will begin to see remarkable
improvements, in your results, as you develop
more and more success habits. Developing new
success habits is a long term commitment, but one
that is worth every ounce of effort required to
develop them.
Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7281743
Contributed by: Renuka Lingaraju
“Brilliant Mindfulness” - By Dr. Cheryl Rezek
Mindfulness is a Buddhist practice. Dr. Cheryl Rezek is a clinical psychologist who applied
Mindfulness in medical practice and evidenced its benefits. This book describes how
psychological health affects physical health. This book mainly focused on keeping our
mind in present state. Our mind will be keep on wandering between past and future,
sometimes even in day-dreaming. This book emphasizes importance of keeping our mind
in present time. Author also describes few simple exercises to improve mindfulness, given
dedicated chapters for that. She also describes stress, anxiety, etc., and its problems
and how being mindful help us to come out of it.
This book is very general not having much of biological or psychological terms, although
few, but understandable. It is a self-help book, intended for any person, not specific to
particular professionals. It helps to improve concentration, keep our mind to pay
attention and live our current life. We may miss certain things just because our mind is
off. Few examples could be,
• In client meeting, we might have missed last few minutes what client said.
• We might miss our bus stop, we realize after crossing it, we rush to get down. It could
be even in lift, we miss our floor or get-down in some other floor and realize later.
• We might not remember how we crossed last few traffic signal while driving our
• Sometimes when reading book, we might lost focus for last few paragraphs/pages and
read again.
• Sometimes in class rooms, we might have missed some part of lessons, our mind went
Mindlessness is not good for us and sometimes even dangerous. Since, it helps to keep us
mindful, I recommend this book to be read even if you are not a sort of person regularly
read books. This book is small enough to be read in less than 8 hours (nearly 150 pages),
even by slow readers.
“Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead” - By Sheryl Sandberg
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook of COO has very clearly illustrated about why there are very
few women at leadership level in any organization. This book would definitely help all
working women who love their career but facing issues to grow. I liked her analysis on
why women decide quit the job and stay at home. Obviously one major factor is male
dominating culture and the society mindset. I would like to highlight few suggestions
from the book such as women have to overcome the superwoman syndrome. Be open to
discuss about the personal problems to your superior. Look for different options to solve
temporary problems. While planning for marriage or child, do not set the mind to leave
before you actually leave. Love your job so that you would desire to come back post
maternity leave as well. Treat your life partner as true partner at all the fronts, getting
spousal support is very important factor for career growth. Defeat the fear and sit at
the table. Don’t hesitate to explore new opportunities/ challenges. After all its jungle
gym and not a straight forward ladder if you wish to grow.
(By Infoknights)
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A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library
*Interested to contribute book review in this section? Send your reviews @ Library@lntinfotech.com
1. The goal : a process of
ongoing improvement
By Goldratt, Eliyahu M.
2. Net Framework 4.5 in Simple
By Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.
3. Excel 2013 All-In-One for
By Harvey, Greg
1. SharePoint 2013
By IShai Sagi
2. Access 2013 - Absolute
Beginners Guide
By Alison Balter
1. PMP certification all-in-one
for dummies
By Snyder, Cynthia
2. PMP Certification
By Subramanian, Vidya
3. Road Less Travelled
By Peck, Scott M
4. Story of MicroSoft
By Musolf, Nell
1. Talent Magnetism How to
Build a workplace that attracts
& keeps the Best
2. Security Analysis
By Srinivasan Sridhar
3. SAP ERP Financial
Configuration & Design
By Arif, Naeem
4. Glimpse of World History
By Nehru, Jawaharlal
5. Pax Indica
By Tharoor, Shashi
6. Breakout Nations
By Sharma, Ruchir
This is an indicative list. For more details Click here
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A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library
1. Java web services: Up and
By Kalin, Martin
2. Selenium testing tools
By Gundecha, Unmesh
3. Advanced Java
By Savaliya, M. T.
4. Head first pmp, 3rd ed.
By Greene, Jennifer
1. Billionaire's apprentice, the
: rise for the Indian American
elite and the fall of the galleon
hedge fund
By Raghvan, Anita / Hachette
Book Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.
Business India
[Issue 935]
Business Today
 Human Capital
 Outlook Business
 The Week
 Electronics For You
 Entrepreneur
 Human Capital
 Open Source For You
 PC Quest
[Jan, 2014]
 People Matters
 Voice & Data
 Business India
[Issue 935]
 Entrepreneur
 Forbes India
 Infini Thoughts
 Health & Nutrition
 Readers Digest
[Jan. 2014]
 Better Photography
 Digit
 Entrepreneur
 Health and Nutrition
 Indian Management
 BusinessWeek
[Jan, 2014]
 Human Capital
 India Today
 Outlook
 PC Quest
[Jan, 2014]
 People Matters
 Top Gear
 Communications Today
 Digit
 Healthcare Radius
 Human Capital
 India Today
 Indian Management
 POST Magazine
[Dec. 2013]
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Latest periodical issues
This is an indicative list . For comprehensive list click here
A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library
Alpha DVD Highlights
• CES 2014 Videos
• Free CAD Tools
• Essential software for
• Resources
• Movie Trailers
• Wallpapers
Free CAD Tools
• DraftSight
• FreeCAD and more...
CES 2014 Highlights:
• Intel Keynote
• PlayStation Now Keynote
• Audi Keynote
• Sony CES 2014 Keynote
Aiseesoft Fonelab
Ashampoo Photo Card
Elementary OS
• 7-Zip x86
• AMD Catalyst Display
Drivers 64-bit
• Avast Free Antivirus
• IrfanView and more...
Computer Game
development tutorials:
• Installing Pygame
• Basic Pygame Program
• Drawing Shapes and
• Pygame for Windows
• Pygame for Ubuntu
• Pygame for Fedora and
Movie Trailers
• Runner Runner
• Transcendence
• 3 Days To Kill
• Welcome To Yesterday
and more...
SKOAR! DVD Highlights
• SKOAR! The interactive
Game demos:
• Real World Racing
• Ring Runner: Flight of the
• Teslagrad
• Thomas Was Alone
• War of the Human Tanks
• Aaru's Awakening and
Full games:
• Berserker Quest: VI
• Blue Chip
• Dead Lab
• Red Rogue
• Revolvengarde
• Sci-fi Deathmatch
• SideLine and more...
Game Trailers
• Assassin's Creed
• Dark Souls 2 Cursed
• Rambo The Video Game
Machine of War
• Get Even and more...
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A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library
Digit – Feb. 2014
1. SCJP Sun certified Exam for Java 6
2. SAMS teach yourself ABAP in 21
3. 8 Attributes to Great achievers
Top Library Users Top Library Books
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1.Beginning SharePoint 2010
2.Implementing SAP ERP Sales &…
3.Sap abap 4 (Covers sap ecc 6.0)
A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library
1. Adeeb Cheulkar (288131)
2. Aigis Nalian (10606416)
3. Mahesh Anvekar (286945)
1.Ajoymon Joseph (288131)
2.Alex Thomas (295609)
3.Sudhakar Yallamati(292893)
1. Suriya Shanmugam (286338)
2. Abhishek Singh (288020)
3. Mohar Banerjee (288530)
1. Avdhoot Chitale (718654)
2. Prashant Sharma (717704)
3. Pallavi Choudhary (715849)
1. Ashutosh Mestha (293171)
2. Deepali Baviskar (292679)
3. Rahul Menon (288582)
1. Rohan Mehta (279347)
2. Monika Yewale (10606107)
3. Anup Tiwari (10607671)
1. Data warehouse development tools
2. Cryptography and Network Security
3. 3G Wireless Networks
1. A Programmer's guide to java SCJP…
2. CICS: how to for COBOL programmers
3. Developing web applications with
1. Head First C#
2. Head first servlets and jsp
3. PMP Exam Prep
1. Message from the Masters
2. SAP R/3 system administration
3. Programming WCF services
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Please send your feedback/ suggestions to Library@Lntinfotech.com
A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library
March 1 : International Citizen’s Day
March 4 : Industrial Safety Day
March 8 : International Women's Day.
March 12 : Dandi March
March 15 : World Disabled Day;
World Consumer Rights Day
March 20 : World Theatre Day
March 21 : World Forestry Day;
International Day for the
Elimination of Racial
International Poems’ Day
March 22 : World Water Day
March 23 : World Meteorological Day
March 23 : International Weather Day
March 24 : World T.B. Day
“The library is the
temple of learning,
and learning has
liberated more people
than all the wars in
- Carl T. Rowan
(American government official,
journalist and author.)

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Lib zine feb 14

  • 1. InsideStory…InsideStory… Editorial team: Renuka Lingaraju, Nitin Dhamankar, Neena Naik, Hitendra Patil, Vishakha Naik A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library February, 2014 Issue No. 61
  • 2. A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library For Internal Circulation Only 2 Your Habits Are Creating Your Future A. Horton About the author: Andrew Horton is an inspirational Speaker, Master Teacher, Radio and TV Host, Global Traveler and Author. His area of focus is in the field of human behavior, expanded awareness and enlightenment. He travels the planet constantly researching, learning and seeking ways to unlock the mysteries of the human mind. To know more about him Visit his website at http://www.andrewhorton.co.za. The way your life will turn out, one year or even five years from now, is the result of an accumulation of all your current habits. Everything in our lives is governed by our habits. Starting with how you get out of bed in the morning, to how you dress, to how you speak, think and most importantly how you act or fail to act, are all governed by your habits. Your routines or habits determine how you respond to virtually every set of circumstances which crosses our path. They determine, whether you will take the daily action you need to take in order to achieve your goals, what you will think about all day, how you will respond to any challenges, which will cross your path and they drive you every day, to be disciplined or lazy.  Build Habits, Which Serve you We all have habits, both good and bad, which you can choose to, leave the way they are. When you design a success habit set, which is aligned with what you need to help you achieve your goals and dreams, you get to carry out all the crucial goal specific activities every day, in an effortless fashion.  Drop Bad Habits This is where the challenge lies, when you introduce this new success habit building process into your life. You need to know where you want your life to go, identify the bad habits, which are not serving you and work to replace them with the success habits that will.  Action Idea: Get a crystal clear picture in your mind of exactly what you want to achieve in the future. Now by starting with the end in mind, identify the success habits, which will support you to achieve exactly that level of success. Secondly explore your current habits and identify the ones, which are limiting your progress. Habits like procrastination, always running late, never completing tasks, always feeling distracted, etc. are all habits, which will severely limit your success. It is worth asking the people closest to you for their input. Ask them to make a list of all the behaviors they think are limiting you.  Discovering your new Success Habits As you know habits are not something you introduce into your life in a day. They take time to develop and require conscious effort applied daily over a period of around 66 - 90 days to become entrenched. As you are working daily to introduce any new habit into your experience, try to visualise what your life will be like when you perform that new behaviour, without even having to think about it. How would your world expand, if you stopped procrastinating, overcame those irrational fears, or you began to network with the right people and built real connection with them?  Write Down most Productive Habits Start by writing down the most productive habits you need to introduce into your life. Now choose only one new behaviour or habit, which you will invest the next 90 days into developing. It will obviously take daily discipline, consistent effort and dedication to perform the new behaviour. After about 42 days, the new habit will start to become entrenched. If you keep applying yourself and you ensure that you do not miss a day, without carrying out the new behaviour. After 90 days you will have a new success habit, which will serve you going forward. Yes, you will only develop one new success habit every quarter, but that equates into four new success habits a year. Developing new success habits will not happen in a day, but over time you will be equipping yourself to achieve effortless success.
  • 3. A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library For Internal Circulation Only 3  Making this work for you The way to make this work for you, so that you can successfully introduce one new success habit into your life, every quarter, starts with you developing a unique method, which suites you and your unique set of circumstances. These few questions as listed below, will help you with this process:  What will you use to remind yourself to perform the new behaviour each day?  What will inspire you to carry out the new behaviour each day? Some of the ideas, which I have used with great success include.  Writing the new behaviour down on a card, which I carry with me all day  I read the card a number of times throughout the day  Wake up in the morning and visualise how your life will improve once you have entrenched this new success habit in your life.  Ask someone to be your accountability partner. You can support each other to develop your new success habits. The only way to ensure that this works is to have a clear plan of action and a method to remind you to carry out the new behaviour every day. It is also crucial that you are very clear about why you are developing the new success habit. Spell out the reason why you want to develop the new success habit, so that you will be equipped to recognise situations, which call for you to respond or perform the new behaviour.  The New Behaviour is Non Negotiable When you are developing your new success habit, do not tempt yourself to act in any other way by making the new habit optional. For example: if your new habit is to go to bed at a specific time. Even if you are not tired, go to bed. Relax and try to switch off. Never ever compromise your new habit in any way. It will never become entrenched, unless you are consistent and disciplined.  Four New Habits a Year The four new habits, which you are going to develop each year, may seem like nothing at first, but over time, you will begin to see remarkable improvements, in your results, as you develop more and more success habits. Developing new success habits is a long term commitment, but one that is worth every ounce of effort required to develop them. Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7281743 Contributed by: Renuka Lingaraju
  • 4. “Brilliant Mindfulness” - By Dr. Cheryl Rezek Mindfulness is a Buddhist practice. Dr. Cheryl Rezek is a clinical psychologist who applied Mindfulness in medical practice and evidenced its benefits. This book describes how psychological health affects physical health. This book mainly focused on keeping our mind in present state. Our mind will be keep on wandering between past and future, sometimes even in day-dreaming. This book emphasizes importance of keeping our mind in present time. Author also describes few simple exercises to improve mindfulness, given dedicated chapters for that. She also describes stress, anxiety, etc., and its problems and how being mindful help us to come out of it. This book is very general not having much of biological or psychological terms, although few, but understandable. It is a self-help book, intended for any person, not specific to particular professionals. It helps to improve concentration, keep our mind to pay attention and live our current life. We may miss certain things just because our mind is off. Few examples could be, • In client meeting, we might have missed last few minutes what client said. • We might miss our bus stop, we realize after crossing it, we rush to get down. It could be even in lift, we miss our floor or get-down in some other floor and realize later. • We might not remember how we crossed last few traffic signal while driving our car/bike. • Sometimes when reading book, we might lost focus for last few paragraphs/pages and read again. • Sometimes in class rooms, we might have missed some part of lessons, our mind went somewhere Mindlessness is not good for us and sometimes even dangerous. Since, it helps to keep us mindful, I recommend this book to be read even if you are not a sort of person regularly read books. This book is small enough to be read in less than 8 hours (nearly 150 pages), even by slow readers. “Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead” - By Sheryl Sandberg Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook of COO has very clearly illustrated about why there are very few women at leadership level in any organization. This book would definitely help all working women who love their career but facing issues to grow. I liked her analysis on why women decide quit the job and stay at home. Obviously one major factor is male dominating culture and the society mindset. I would like to highlight few suggestions from the book such as women have to overcome the superwoman syndrome. Be open to discuss about the personal problems to your superior. Look for different options to solve temporary problems. While planning for marriage or child, do not set the mind to leave before you actually leave. Love your job so that you would desire to come back post maternity leave as well. Treat your life partner as true partner at all the fronts, getting spousal support is very important factor for career growth. Defeat the fear and sit at the table. Don’t hesitate to explore new opportunities/ challenges. After all its jungle gym and not a straight forward ladder if you wish to grow. (By Infoknights) For Internal Circulation Only 4 A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library *Interested to contribute book review in this section? Send your reviews @ Library@lntinfotech.com Rajesh Ramamoorthy Chennai Vrushali Ranjalkar Airoli
  • 5. Bengaluru 1. The goal : a process of ongoing improvement By Goldratt, Eliyahu M. 2. Net Framework 4.5 in Simple Steps By Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. 3. Excel 2013 All-In-One for Dummies By Harvey, Greg Chennai 1. SharePoint 2013 By IShai Sagi 2. Access 2013 - Absolute Beginners Guide By Alison Balter Mahape 1. PMP certification all-in-one for dummies By Snyder, Cynthia 2. PMP Certification Mathematics By Subramanian, Vidya 3. Road Less Travelled By Peck, Scott M 4. Story of MicroSoft By Musolf, Nell Pune 1. Talent Magnetism How to Build a workplace that attracts & keeps the Best 2. Security Analysis By Srinivasan Sridhar 3. SAP ERP Financial Configuration & Design By Arif, Naeem 4. Glimpse of World History By Nehru, Jawaharlal 5. Pax Indica By Tharoor, Shashi 6. Breakout Nations By Sharma, Ruchir This is an indicative list. For more details Click here For Internal Circulation Only 5 A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library Airoli 1. Java web services: Up and running By Kalin, Martin 2. Selenium testing tools cookbook By Gundecha, Unmesh 3. Advanced Java By Savaliya, M. T. 4. Head first pmp, 3rd ed. By Greene, Jennifer Powai 1. Billionaire's apprentice, the : rise for the Indian American elite and the fall of the galleon hedge fund By Raghvan, Anita / Hachette Book Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.
  • 6. Airoli Business India [Issue 935] Business Today [Vol.23(1)]  Human Capital [Vol.17(8)]  Outlook Business [Vol.9(1)]  The Week [Vol.32(1)] Powai  Electronics For You [Vol.45(13)]  Entrepreneur [Vol.5(5)]  Human Capital [Vol.17(8)]  Open Source For You [Vol.2(4)]  PC Quest [Jan, 2014]  People Matters [Vol.5(1)]  Voice & Data [Vol.21(1)] Chennai  Business India [Issue 935]  Entrepreneur [Vol.5(5)]  Forbes India [Vol.6(3)]  Infini Thoughts [Vol.2(10)]  Health & Nutrition [Vol.25(10)]  Readers Digest [Jan. 2014] Bengaluru  Better Photography [Vol.17(20)]  Digit [Vol.14(1)]  Entrepreneur [Vol.5(16)]  Health and Nutrition [Vol.25(10)]  Indian Management [Vol.52(13)] Mahape  BusinessWeek [Jan, 2014]  Human Capital [Vol.17(08)]  India Today [Vol.39(1)]  Outlook [Vol.54(1)]  PC Quest [Jan, 2014]  People Matters [Vol.5(1)]  Top Gear [Vol.9(3)] Pune  Communications Today [Vol.20(13)]  Digit [Vol.13(13)]  Healthcare Radius [Vol.02(01)]  Human Capital [Vol.16(20)]  India Today [Vol.38(57)]  Indian Management [Vol.52(13)]  POST Magazine [Dec. 2013] For Internal Circulation Only 6 Latest periodical issues This is an indicative list . For comprehensive list click here A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library
  • 7. Alpha DVD Highlights • CES 2014 Videos • Free CAD Tools • Essential software for Windows • Resources • Movie Trailers • Wallpapers Free CAD Tools • DraftSight • FreeCAD and more... CES 2014 Highlights: • Intel Keynote • PlayStation Now Keynote • Audi Keynote • Sony CES 2014 Keynote Aiseesoft Fonelab Ashampoo Photo Card Elementary OS Essentials: • 7-Zip x86 • AMD Catalyst Display Drivers 64-bit • Avast Free Antivirus • IrfanView and more... Computer Game development tutorials: • Installing Pygame • Basic Pygame Program • Drawing Shapes and more... Resources • Pygame for Windows • Pygame for Ubuntu • Pygame for Fedora and more... Movie Trailers • Runner Runner • Transcendence • 3 Days To Kill • Welcome To Yesterday and more... SKOAR! DVD Highlights • SKOAR! The interactive edition Game demos: • Real World Racing • Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages • Teslagrad • Thomas Was Alone • War of the Human Tanks • Aaru's Awakening and more… Full games: • Berserker Quest: VI • Blue Chip • Dead Lab • Red Rogue • Revolvengarde • Sci-fi Deathmatch • SideLine and more... Game Trailers • Assassin's Creed Liberation • Dark Souls 2 Cursed • Rambo The Video Game Machine of War • Get Even and more... For Internal Circulation Only 7 A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library Digit – Feb. 2014
  • 8. Pune: 1. SCJP Sun certified Exam for Java 6 2. SAMS teach yourself ABAP in 21 days 3. 8 Attributes to Great achievers Top Library Users Top Library Books For Internal Circulation Only 8 Airoli: 1.Beginning SharePoint 2010 administration 2.Implementing SAP ERP Sales &… 3.Sap abap 4 (Covers sap ecc 6.0) A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library Airoli: 1. Adeeb Cheulkar (288131) 2. Aigis Nalian (10606416) 3. Mahesh Anvekar (286945) Bengaluru: 1.Ajoymon Joseph (288131) 2.Alex Thomas (295609) 3.Sudhakar Yallamati(292893) Chennai: 1. Suriya Shanmugam (286338) 2. Abhishek Singh (288020) 3. Mohar Banerjee (288530) Mahape: 1. Avdhoot Chitale (718654) 2. Prashant Sharma (717704) 3. Pallavi Choudhary (715849) Powai: 1. Ashutosh Mestha (293171) 2. Deepali Baviskar (292679) 3. Rahul Menon (288582) Pune: 1. Rohan Mehta (279347) 2. Monika Yewale (10606107) 3. Anup Tiwari (10607671) Bengaluru: 1. Data warehouse development tools 2. Cryptography and Network Security 3. 3G Wireless Networks Chennai: 1. A Programmer's guide to java SCJP… 2. CICS: how to for COBOL programmers 3. Developing web applications with microsoft Mahape: 1. Head First C# 2. Head first servlets and jsp 3. PMP Exam Prep Powai: 1. Message from the Masters 2. SAP R/3 system administration 3. Programming WCF services
  • 9. For Internal Circulation Only 9 Please send your feedback/ suggestions to Library@Lntinfotech.com A monthly newsletter of L&T Infotech Library March 1 : International Citizen’s Day March 4 : Industrial Safety Day March 8 : International Women's Day. March 12 : Dandi March March 15 : World Disabled Day; World Consumer Rights Day March 20 : World Theatre Day March 21 : World Forestry Day; International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; International Poems’ Day March 22 : World Water Day March 23 : World Meteorological Day March 23 : International Weather Day March 24 : World T.B. Day “The library is the temple of learning, and learning has liberated more people than all the wars in history.” - Carl T. Rowan (American government official, journalist and author.)