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Driving	leads	with	Google!	
5 Steps To Getting on the
1st Page of Google
Today’s Agenda
—  Who am I?
—  Why are we here?
—  5 Steps for getting on Google 1st Page
—  Leads, calls & tracking
—  SEO Checklist – 10 Steps
—  10 SEO Tips for Local Repair Businesses
—  Recap
Quick Backstory…
—  Penn State
—  Entrepreneurship
—  iCracked
—  Vortic Watches
—  Marketing Experience
—  Digital Marketing for startups
—  Graduation – Real World
—  Google
—  Learning SEO
—  Current Companies:
—  Momentum Digital
—  Phone Repair Philly
Why Are We Here?
—  What is Google? Alphabet?
—  Apparently not a search engine?
—  3.5 Billion searches/day
—  50%+ searches now mobile
—  Other search engines …
—  What the hell is SEO?
—  Quiz: What is Google’s search market
share in the US?
Seriously .. Why SEO?
—  Importance!
—  Paid vs. Organic
—  Future of Local SEO
—  Local Listings
—  Knowledge Graph
—  RankBrain
—  Pulse
—  Competition
—  Over 90% of searches don’t click past page 1
—  Losing real estate for Local
—  Google forcing us to advertise
5 Key Steps
for getting on the 1st Page of Google
1.  Website – On page SEO
2.  Webmaster (Search Console)
3.  Local Listings
4.  Backlinking (Off site)
5.  Reputation Management
Launching Free Video Series
—  Introduction to the 5 Steps you can follow online
Intro Video
1. Website (On
Page SEO)
—  Fix your website for Search
—  What?
—  On-site SEO, Metadata,
Content, Keywords, Structure,
Indexing, HTML, Tags, etc
—  Why?
—  Communicate with Google
—  How?
—  Website and Search Console
—  Follow Guide or hire SEO +
LV CTIA PPT (General)
Inspect Source
Step 1 Video – On Page SEO
2. Webmaster (Search Console)
—  Optimize your Webmaster accounts for Search Engines
—  Crawl & index. (Google, Bing, Yahoo)
—  What?
—  Submit domain, sitemap, robots.txt
—  Why?
—  To comply for indexing results.
—  How?
—  FAQ, videos, hire.
LV CTIA PPT (General)
Step 2 Video – Webmaster Tools
3. Local Listings
—  Submit your business information online
—  Where?
—  Google My Business, Listing Sites, Directories, Aggregators
—  Why?
—  Consistency, indexing, scraping, verification
—  How?
—  Hire, Manual, Aggregators, Software
—  Check score on Moz Local or Yext
Ask for a full
list of the
best listings
Resources = Results
—  Moz Local
—  Yext Scan
—  Google My
—  YellowPages
Step 3 Video – Local Listings
4. Backlinking (Off Site)
—  Linking from other sites
—  What?
—  Anchor Text Backlinks
—  Why?
—  Credible referral sites increase
your Credibility
—  How?
—  Social bookmarks, citations,
referral sites, directories, service
sites, PR sites, Blogs.
—  Keyword competitor research
—  Hire SEO & PR agency or
Step 4 Video - Backlinking
5. Reputation Management
—  Managing Reviews & Social Media
—  What?
—  Yelp, Google Reviews, Social Reviews, etc
—  Why?
—  Google caring more about reviews.
—  How?
—  Be active or hire firm.
Step 5 Video – Reputation Management
Lead Generation
—  Diversify
—  Digital
—  Google
—  Yelp
—  Social Media
—  Lead Gen Sources
—  FixFinder
—  Advertise
—  Traditional
—  Flyers, stickers
—  Grassroots
—  Networking
—  Referrals
—  Analytics
—  Google Tag Manager
—  Call Tracking
—  CPA
—  ROI
—  Reach / Awareness
10 Additional SEO Tips – Checklist
1.  Google Accounts
2.  Local Keyword Research
1.  Use KEI
3.  Network – Link Exchange
4.  Blogging
5.  Photos
6. Videos (YouTube)
7. Article Submission
8. Press Releases
9. Link Baiting
10. Advertising
-  Adwords / PPC
-  Momentum is a Premium Google Partner
10 Additional SEO Tips – Checklist
10 Tips to Optimize Website for SEO
1.  Choosing Domains
2.  Linking Google Accounts
3.  Optimize Google My Business
4.  Submit & Index
5.  Add & Tag Media
6.  On Page Linking
7.  Outbound Links
8.  Content Syndication
9.  Rich Snippets
10. Blogs & PR
How to Get Started?
—  Audit
—  Research
—  Plan
—  Implement
—  Measure
—  Optimize
Digital Audits
Everybody in attendance gets 1 FREE Audit
—  Website SEO Audit ($99)
—  Local Listing Audit ($99)
—  Google Adwords Audit ($50/hr)
—  Entire web presence – Full Audit ($250+)
Contact Info
Mac Frederick | mac@needmomentum.com | mac@phonerepairphilly.com
O: 1.877.585.3988 ext 600
C: (717) 377-1219
Mac Frederick - LinkedIn Page -
Momentum Digital Website - www.needmomentum.com
Schedule a 15-minute Call for FREE -
Google Developers Info
—  Main Link - https://developers.google.com/
—  Structured Data Test - https://developers.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/
—  Important for Local SEO Tag
—  Structured Data Markup Helper - https://www.google.com/webmasters/markup-helper
—  Tag your website with HTML
—  Developers Page Speed Insights - https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
—  Test Page Speed
Google Webmaster Tools
—  Google Webmaster Tools - https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools
—  XML Sitemap Generator - https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/
—  Webmaster Help Center - https://support.google.com/webmasters
—  Webmaster Help Forum - https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!forum/webmasters
—  YouTube Account - https://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleWebmasterHelp
Google My Business
—  Main Sign Up / Sign in Page - https://www.google.com/business/
—  GMB Benefits Page - https://www.google.com/business/benefits
—  Business Solutions - https://www.google.com/services/solutions/be-found.html
—  Help Center - https://support.google.com/business
Google Merchant Center - If you sell online (ecommerce)
—  Main Sign Up / Sign in Page - https://www.google.com/retail/merchant-center/
—  Resources Page - https://www.google.com/retail/merchant-center/resources/
—  Find A Google Partner -
Google Apps for Work (entire Google suite for your online business - includes domains, email,
calendar, webmasters, analytics, cloud, admin, etc)
—  Main Page - https://apps.google.com/
—  Products Page - https://apps.google.com/products/
—  Pricing Page - https://apps.google.com/pricing.html
—  FAQ & Learn More - https://apps.google.com/faq/
—  Find a Domain - https://domains.google.com/about/
—  Domain Features - https://domains.google.com/about/features.html
—  Domain Help - https://support.google.com/domains
Bing Webmaster
—  Webmaster Tools - http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster
—  Submit site - http://www.bing.com/toolbox/submit-site-url
—  Verify Site - http://www.bing.com/toolbox/verify-bingbot
—  Guidelines - https://www.bing.com/webmaster/help/webmaster-guidelines-30fba23a
—  How to - https://www.bing.com/webmaster/help
Local Listings Sites
—  Moz Local - https://moz.com/local
—  Yext - http://www.yext.com/
—  Superpages / Dex Media - http://advertising.superpages.com/
—  Yellow pages - http://www.yellowpages.com/
—  Hubspot Top 50 Local Directories -
—  My Local Results - http://mylocalresults.com/
—  Local Search Ranking Factors - https://moz.com/local-search-ranking-factors
On Site SEO
—  Raven Tools Common SEO Mistakes - https://raventools.com/blog/most-common-seo-issues/
—  META SEO Inspector (Chrome Browser Extension) -
—  Wordtracker Academy - http://www.wordtracker.com/academy/learn-seo/getting-started/fix-seo-mistakes
—  Tilted Pixel SEO Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDfw4yt554g
—  Yoast SEO for Wordpress - https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/
Off Site SEO
—  Moz 21 Suggestions - https://moz.com/ugc/21offpage-seo-strategies-to-build-your-online-reputation
—  Luna Metrics SEO Tools - http://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2015/06/08/my-15-favorite-free-seo-tools/
—  Hubspot SEO Techniques -
—  Search Engine Watch -
Reputation Management (Reviews)
—  Hubspot 19 Review sites -
—  Reputation Management Companies -
—  Search Engine Land Techniques -
—  OnlyWire Social Media Syndication - https://onlywire.com/
YouTube Video Tips
—  Google Local SEO Help -
—  MOZ SEO Checklist for New Sites -
—  12 Local SEO Tips for 2016 -
—  Google My Business Intro -
—  SEO Crash Course - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_JKCcs8rv8
—  Many, many more. Just search on YouTube and check the Likes.

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LV CTIA PPT (General)

  • 1. Driving leads with Google! 5 Steps To Getting on the 1st Page of Google
  • 2. Today’s Agenda —  Who am I? —  Why are we here? —  5 Steps for getting on Google 1st Page —  Leads, calls & tracking —  SEO Checklist – 10 Steps —  10 SEO Tips for Local Repair Businesses —  Recap
  • 3. Quick Backstory… —  Penn State —  Entrepreneurship —  iCracked —  Vortic Watches —  Marketing Experience —  Digital Marketing for startups —  Graduation – Real World —  Google —  Learning SEO —  Current Companies: —  Momentum Digital —  Phone Repair Philly
  • 4. Why Are We Here? —  What is Google? Alphabet? —  Apparently not a search engine? —  3.5 Billion searches/day —  50%+ searches now mobile —  Other search engines … —  What the hell is SEO? —  Quiz: What is Google’s search market share in the US?
  • 5. Seriously .. Why SEO? —  Importance! —  Paid vs. Organic —  Future of Local SEO —  Local Listings —  Knowledge Graph —  RankBrain —  Pulse —  Competition
  • 6. —  Over 90% of searches don’t click past page 1 —  Losing real estate for Local —  Google forcing us to advertise
  • 7. 5 Key Steps for getting on the 1st Page of Google 1.  Website – On page SEO 2.  Webmaster (Search Console) 3.  Local Listings 4.  Backlinking (Off site) 5.  Reputation Management
  • 8. Launching Free Video Series —  Introduction to the 5 Steps you can follow online
  • 10. 1. Website (On Page SEO) —  Fix your website for Search compatibility —  What? —  On-site SEO, Metadata, Content, Keywords, Structure, Indexing, HTML, Tags, etc —  Why? —  Communicate with Google —  How? —  Website and Search Console Access —  Follow Guide or hire SEO + Webmaster
  • 13. Step 1 Video – On Page SEO
  • 14. 2. Webmaster (Search Console) —  Optimize your Webmaster accounts for Search Engines —  Crawl & index. (Google, Bing, Yahoo) —  What? —  Submit domain, sitemap, robots.txt —  Why? —  To comply for indexing results. —  How? —  FAQ, videos, hire.
  • 16. Step 2 Video – Webmaster Tools
  • 17. 3. Local Listings —  Submit your business information online —  Where? —  Google My Business, Listing Sites, Directories, Aggregators —  Why? —  Consistency, indexing, scraping, verification —  How? —  Hire, Manual, Aggregators, Software —  Check score on Moz Local or Yext
  • 18. Ask for a full list of the best listings
  • 19. Resources = Results —  Moz Local —  Yext Scan —  Google My Business —  YellowPages
  • 20. Step 3 Video – Local Listings
  • 21. 4. Backlinking (Off Site) —  Linking from other sites —  What? —  Anchor Text Backlinks —  Why? —  Credible referral sites increase your Credibility —  How? —  Social bookmarks, citations, referral sites, directories, service sites, PR sites, Blogs. —  Keyword competitor research —  Hire SEO & PR agency or consultant
  • 22. Step 4 Video - Backlinking
  • 23. 5. Reputation Management —  Managing Reviews & Social Media —  What? —  Yelp, Google Reviews, Social Reviews, etc —  Why? —  Google caring more about reviews. —  How? —  Be active or hire firm.
  • 24. Step 5 Video – Reputation Management
  • 25. Lead Generation —  Diversify —  Digital —  Google —  Yelp —  Social Media —  Lead Gen Sources —  FixFinder —  Advertise —  Traditional —  Flyers, stickers —  Grassroots —  Networking —  Referrals
  • 26. Measure —  Analytics —  Google Tag Manager —  Call Tracking —  CPA —  ROI —  Reach / Awareness
  • 27. 10 Additional SEO Tips – Checklist 1.  Google Accounts 2.  Local Keyword Research 1.  Use KEI 3.  Network – Link Exchange 4.  Blogging 5.  Photos
  • 28. 6. Videos (YouTube) 7. Article Submission 8. Press Releases 9. Link Baiting 10. Advertising -  Adwords / PPC -  Momentum is a Premium Google Partner 10 Additional SEO Tips – Checklist
  • 29. 10 Tips to Optimize Website for SEO 1.  Choosing Domains 2.  Linking Google Accounts 3.  Optimize Google My Business 4.  Submit & Index 5.  Add & Tag Media 6.  On Page Linking 7.  Outbound Links 8.  Content Syndication 9.  Rich Snippets 10. Blogs & PR
  • 30. How to Get Started? —  Audit —  Research —  Plan —  Implement —  Measure —  Optimize
  • 31. Digital Audits Everybody in attendance gets 1 FREE Audit —  Website SEO Audit ($99) —  Local Listing Audit ($99) —  Google Adwords Audit ($50/hr) —  Entire web presence – Full Audit ($250+)
  • 32. Contact Info Mac Frederick | mac@needmomentum.com | mac@phonerepairphilly.com O: 1.877.585.3988 ext 600 C: (717) 377-1219 Mac Frederick - LinkedIn Page - www.linkedin.com/in/macfrederick Momentum Digital Website - www.needmomentum.com Schedule a 15-minute Call for FREE - https://calendly.com/macfrederick
  • 33. Resources Google Developers Info —  Main Link - https://developers.google.com/ —  Structured Data Test - https://developers.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/ —  Important for Local SEO Tag —  Structured Data Markup Helper - https://www.google.com/webmasters/markup-helper —  Tag your website with HTML —  Developers Page Speed Insights - https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ —  Test Page Speed Google Webmaster Tools —  Google Webmaster Tools - https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools —  XML Sitemap Generator - https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ —  Webmaster Help Center - https://support.google.com/webmasters —  Webmaster Help Forum - https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!forum/webmasters —  YouTube Account - https://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleWebmasterHelp
  • 34. Google My Business —  Main Sign Up / Sign in Page - https://www.google.com/business/ —  GMB Benefits Page - https://www.google.com/business/benefits —  Business Solutions - https://www.google.com/services/solutions/be-found.html —  Help Center - https://support.google.com/business Google Merchant Center - If you sell online (ecommerce) —  Main Sign Up / Sign in Page - https://www.google.com/retail/merchant-center/ —  Resources Page - https://www.google.com/retail/merchant-center/resources/ —  Find A Google Partner - https://www.google.com/retail/shopping-partners/find-a-partner Resources
  • 35. Google Apps for Work (entire Google suite for your online business - includes domains, email, calendar, webmasters, analytics, cloud, admin, etc) —  Main Page - https://apps.google.com/ —  Products Page - https://apps.google.com/products/ —  Pricing Page - https://apps.google.com/pricing.html —  FAQ & Learn More - https://apps.google.com/faq/ —  Find a Domain - https://domains.google.com/about/ —  Domain Features - https://domains.google.com/about/features.html —  Domain Help - https://support.google.com/domains Bing Webmaster —  Webmaster Tools - http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster —  Submit site - http://www.bing.com/toolbox/submit-site-url —  Verify Site - http://www.bing.com/toolbox/verify-bingbot —  Guidelines - https://www.bing.com/webmaster/help/webmaster-guidelines-30fba23a —  How to - https://www.bing.com/webmaster/help Resources
  • 36. Local Listings Sites —  Moz Local - https://moz.com/local —  Yext - http://www.yext.com/ —  Superpages / Dex Media - http://advertising.superpages.com/ —  Yellow pages - http://www.yellowpages.com/ —  Hubspot Top 50 Local Directories - http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/10322/The-Ultimate-List-50-Local-Business-Directories.aspx —  My Local Results - http://mylocalresults.com/ —  Local Search Ranking Factors - https://moz.com/local-search-ranking-factors On Site SEO —  Raven Tools Common SEO Mistakes - https://raventools.com/blog/most-common-seo-issues/ —  META SEO Inspector (Chrome Browser Extension) - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/meta-seo-inspector/ibkclpciafdglkjkcibmohobjkcfkaef —  Wordtracker Academy - http://www.wordtracker.com/academy/learn-seo/getting-started/fix-seo-mistakes —  Tilted Pixel SEO Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDfw4yt554g —  Yoast SEO for Wordpress - https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/ Resources
  • 37. Off Site SEO —  Moz 21 Suggestions - https://moz.com/ugc/21offpage-seo-strategies-to-build-your-online-reputation —  Luna Metrics SEO Tools - http://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2015/06/08/my-15-favorite-free-seo-tools/ —  Hubspot SEO Techniques - http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/29278/The-8-Best-Link-Building-Tactics-to-Boost-Off-Page- SEO.aspx —  Search Engine Watch - https://searchenginewatch.com/sew/how-to/2356917/listing-management-the-required-foundation-for-local-seo Reputation Management (Reviews) —  Hubspot 19 Review sites - http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/33741/12-Places-Businesses-Should-Be-Collecting-Online- Reviews.aspx —  Reputation Management Companies - http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/7901-best-reputation-management-services.html —  Search Engine Land Techniques - http://searchengineland.com/10-pro-online-reputation-management-tips-for-local-businesses-182230 —  OnlyWire Social Media Syndication - https://onlywire.com/ Resources
  • 38. YouTube Video Tips —  Google Local SEO Help - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2Q48xXfqGM —  MOZ SEO Checklist for New Sites - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqaE7U5q0N0 —  12 Local SEO Tips for 2016 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIGJsR-Bzvw —  Google My Business Intro - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCzri4tXuF0 —  SEO Crash Course - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_JKCcs8rv8 —  Many, many more. Just search on YouTube and check the Likes. Resources