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Elizabeth Long 
Student Intern 
Spring, 2014 
Red Rocks Community College 
Lakewood, CO 
Web Development 
Graduating May 2014
IP Commerce Query Demo 
Project builds on existing application 
using the following: 
Internship Program 3
Angular’s MVC 
the data that is shown to the user 
and with which the user interacts 
what the user sees (the DOM) 
the business logic behind views
Request Life Cycle 
HTML & Angular: Client-side 
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework used to create dynamic 
web apps. 
Created new views using HTML & Angular’s ng-model and ng-click 
customerLanding.html qualifierLog.html 
queryResults.html qualiferResponses.html 
appDetails.html persCredReport.html 
Created a new controller using Angular and JavaScript 
customerLanding.js - external controller used to handle SUBMIT 
($scope) and to pass query parameters ($http) to Express using 
Angulars HTML Method: $http.get 
Internship Program 7
Express & Node: Server-side 
Express (web application framework for Node) 
Receives requests from Angular and passes them to 
Node, then returns responses from Node back to 
added code to api.js - /api/custLandingQuery 
Node passes request to Commerce Boarding Service 
added code to ipc.js - this.custLandingQ 
Internship Program 8
Application Dropdown Option 
Eliminates need to type /accept, /pend, or /reject in URL 
Internship Program 9
Internship Program 10
Internship Program 11
Internship Program 12
Internship Program 13
Internship Program 14
Internship Program 15
Internship Program 16
Internship Program 17
Internship Program 18
Internship Program 19
New Skills 
• Experience with the event-driven, non-blocking I/O model 
used with web applications 
• How to recognize asynchronous code 
• The nuts & bolts of Angular, Express, and Node APIs and 
• Express & Node - all I/O operations must include a callback 
• How to create and use angular.module() & Node 
• How to pass query params: Angular  Express  Node 
• Structuring queries into acceptable formats for a service 
• Balsamiq, GIT and repositories 
• The difference between JS object and .json file
Technologies & 
HTML Yeoman * 
CSS Bower * 
JavaScript client-side Sass/Compass * 
JavaScript server-side * Grunt * 
MVC * Chrome Console 
AngularJS * Server Console 
Express * Nodemon npm * 
Node.js/npm * Balsamiq * 
Rest APIs & Callbacks * Sublime Text * 
GIT/repositories * 
* no prior exp

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