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HTTP Services
HTTP Services
(Accessing services from the web)
Introduction to HTTP
• Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the client-server network protocol that has been in use by
the World Wide Web (WWW) since 1990.
• HTTP protocol is defined in RFC 7230 as per IETF standardization
• It is one of the application layer protocols in the TCP/IP suite of protocols.
• Whenever you are browsing the web, your browser will be sending HTTP request messages for various
Resources (HTML pages, images etc..) and fetch them from the server
Introduction to HTTP
• Web servers handle these requests as a HTTP server by returning response messages that contain the
requested resource. The client "pulls" the data from the server rather than the server "push"
• HTTP is a Stateless protocol. This means the current request does not know what has been done in the
previous requests.
• HTTP permits negotiating of data type and representation, so as to allow systems to be built independently
of the data being transferred.
• In summary we can say HTTP is a application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia
information systems.
HTTP methods
HTTP supports a set of methods, out of which four are very important and frequently used.
Method Description
GET The GET method is used to retrieve information from the given server using a given URI.
DELETE Removes all current representations of the target resource given by a URI
PUT Replaces all current representations of the target resource with the uploaded content
POST A POST request is sent by the client to the server with all the data collected in the client end
HTTP response code
Upon receiving HTTP request, the server provides appropriate responses. They are categorized as follows:
Code Category Description
1XX Informational Request received, server is continuing the process.
2XX Success The request was successfully received, understood, accepted and
3XX Redirection Further action must be taken in order to complete the request.
4XX Client Error The request contains bad syntax or cannot be understood.
5XX Server Error The server failed to fulfil an apparently valid request.
HTTP response code - Examples
Code Category Description
100 Continue The server received the request and in the process of giving the response.
200 OK The request is fulfilled.
301 Resource moved The client should issue a new request to the new location.
400 Bad Request Server could not interpret or understand the request, probably syntax error in the request
401 Authentication
The requested resource is protected, and require client’s credential (username/password).
403 Forbidden Server refuses to supply the resource, regardless of identity of client.
404 Not Found The requested resource cannot be found in the server.
500 Internal Server
Server is confused, often caused by an error in the server-side program responding to the
501 Method Not
The request method used is invalid
REST Interfaces
(Web services with REST)
REST Interfaces
• REST stands for REpresentational State
• REST is a web standards based architecture
and that uses HTTP as the underlying
protocol for communication.
• It has a notion of "resource" where
everything revolves around that. The
resource is accessed by a common
interface using HTTP standard methods.
• REST was first introduced by Roy Fielding in
year 2000.
RESTful Web Services
• A web service is a collection of open protocols and standards used for exchanging data between
applications over the internet.
• Web services based on REST Architecture are known as RESTful Web Services. These web
services use HTTP methods to implement the concept of REST architecture.
• Since HTTP offers two way communication methods, RESTful web service added a layer on top
of it to implement meaningful web services using URI.
Characteristics of REST
• Three characteristics of REST:
 Stateless: Client data is not stored on the server between interactions and the session is
stored client-side (typically in session storage).
 Client <-> Server: There is a “separation of concerns” between the frontend (client) and the
backend (server). They operate independently of each other and both are replaceable.
 Cache: Data from the server can be cached on the client, which can improve performance
• In addition to these three fundamental features of REST, there is also a uniform approach to the
composition of URLs. This allows for a standardization of service, which prior to the introduction
of REST, did not exist.
Characteristics of REST
• For example, a GET request to /courses, should yield all the courses in the database, whereas
a GET request to /courses/20 would render the course with ID of 20.
• Similarly, REST utilizes standard methods like GET, PUT, DELETE and POST to perform actions.
• Today every major web service provider expose RESTful interfaces (called as REST APIs) using
which client applications can enable client application developers develop application with ease
A Brief about JSON
• JSON: JavaScript Object Notation.
• It is a lightweight data-interchange format, easy for humans to read and write.
• All programming languages support them, easy to parse and interpret
• One of the common standards used in data exchange for client-server communication.
Servers as an alternative option for other data representations (ex: XML)
• Data is represented as name-value pairs and array data types.
JSON - Example
"firstName": “WebStack",
"lastName“ : “Academy",
“domain“ : “Education”,
"phoneNumber": [
"type": “landline",
"number": “91-80-41289576"
"type": “mobile",
"number": “8095557334"
HTTP services in Angular
(Practical implementing in Angular)
Make the Angular and related import paths
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
declarations: [
imports: [
HttpModule // Import HTTP module here
providers: [
1. Import HTTP into app.module.ts
2. Accessing HTTP
Access your HTTP service via constructor and access methods
myPosts: any[];
private myURL = 'http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts';
constructor(private myHttp: Http) {
// By default populate all posts....
myHttp.get(this.myURL).subscribe(response => {
this.myPosts = response.json();
HTTP methods in Angular
Here are the HTTP method details in Angular
Method Definition
GET get(url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs):
DELETE delete(url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs):
PUT put(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs):
POST post(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs):
• NOTE: All functions return Observarable, you need to subscribe to get actual return values / error codes
• Response type has got multiple fields, which can be obtained from Angular official documentation
Separation of Concerns
(Delegating HTTP handling to services)
Separation of Concern (SoC) - Concept
• In computer science, separation of concerns (SoC) is a
design principle for separating a computer program into
distinct sections, such that each section addresses a
separate concern.
• A concern is a set of information that affects the code of
a computer program (Functionality).
• It is always a good practise to implement SoC well in
your program, so that is becomes modular.
• By making it modular we get other benefits in terms of
re-usability, maintainability and simplifies development
Separation of Concern (SoC) - Implementation
• Practically it is achieved by encapsulating information
inside a section of code that has a well-defined
• The section of code which is interested, will invoke this
interface and obtain required information
• This is also called as data encapsulation is a means of
information hiding. The calling section will not know the
detail orientation but only concerned about its objective
• Typically these interfaces are methods / APIs and
implemented via various OOP mechanisms – Classes,
Constructors etc..
• In Angular also we have used these concepts already!
Separation of Concern (SoC) in Angular
Separation of Concern (SoC) in Angular
• In Angular, we have seen separation of concern happening at component level as follows:
 Template - HTML file
 Style - CSS file
 Business Logic - TS file
• The main goal of the component is to deal with business logic related to view (Template + Style)
• When it comes to dealing with HTTP services (ex: Fetching course list from Firebase) it should
NOT be done as a part of component to adhere to SoC
• The idea is to implement a service and access them via a method. This way you are “delegating"
the action to a service. In this process you also achieve benefits of SoC.
Separation of Concern (SoC) in Angular - Problem
export class HttpComponent implements OnInit {
myPosts: any[];
private myURL = 'http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts';
// Method for creating a new post
createNewPost(userTitle: HTMLInputElement) {
let newPost = { title: userTitle.value };
response => {
Separation of Concern (SoC) in Angular - Solution
export class NewHttpComponentComponent implements OnInit {
myPosts: any[];
constructor(private service: EndPointServiceService) {
createNewPost(userTitle: HTMLInputElement) {
let newPost = { title: userTitle.value };
this.service.createPost(newPost).subscribe (
response => {
Error handling in HTTP
(Expected & Unexpected Errors)
HTTP Errors
• During the HTTP communication there could be many errors that could be happening
• The application should capture errors and handle them appropriately
HTTP Errors
Unexpected Errors Expected Errors
• Offline Server
• N/W down
• API Error
• …….
• Not found (404)
• Bad request (400)
• Auth Failure (401)
• …….
HTTP Errors – Handling in Angular
deleteExistingPost (dPost){
this.service.deletePost(dPost).subscribe (
response => {
console.log("Post deleted successfully");
let dPostIndex = this.myPosts.indexOf(dPost);
this.myPosts.splice(dPostIndex,1); },
error => {
if (error.status == 404) // Expected Error
alert ("Post already deleted");
else { // Unexpected Error
alert ("An unexpected error occurred");
Building re-usable services
(HTTP methods remain similar!)
Building re-usable services
• In HTTP based services, the common operations remain the same
• In such cases each service may not want to implement the same methods. In order to achieve
that services can be made re-usable using inheritance
Step-1: Create a new TS file (ex: generic.service.ts) and import all HTTP methods into it
export class GenericService {
constructor(myURL: string, myHttp : Http) {
getPosts() { … }
createPost(userPost) { … }
updatePost(userPost) { … }
deletePost(userPost) { … }
Building re-usable services
Step-2: From the service’s main class, inherit this class. Also use constructor of the parent to
pass parameters and initialization.
export class EndPointServiceService extends GenericService {
super(myURL, myHttp);
• Create a GITHub followers page by accessing REST API provided by the GIT
• Example URL: https://api.github.com/users/devendradora/followers
• Ensure you apply following learnings:
 New component to handle the main business logic
 New re-usable service interacting with REST API
 HTTP error handling
 Directives for rendering all followers
 CSS changes to display the follower names in a user friendly way
 Display the following attributes:
 Avatar (Profile picture)
 GIT profile URL
 Login name
WebStack Academy
#83, Farah Towers,
1st Floor, MG Road,
Bangalore – 560001
M: +91-809 555 7332
E: training@webstackacademy.com
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Angular - Chapter 7 - HTTP Services

  • 3. www.webstackacademy.com Introduction to HTTP • Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the client-server network protocol that has been in use by the World Wide Web (WWW) since 1990. • HTTP protocol is defined in RFC 7230 as per IETF standardization • It is one of the application layer protocols in the TCP/IP suite of protocols. • Whenever you are browsing the web, your browser will be sending HTTP request messages for various Resources (HTML pages, images etc..) and fetch them from the server
  • 4. www.webstackacademy.com Introduction to HTTP • Web servers handle these requests as a HTTP server by returning response messages that contain the requested resource. The client "pulls" the data from the server rather than the server "push" • HTTP is a Stateless protocol. This means the current request does not know what has been done in the previous requests. • HTTP permits negotiating of data type and representation, so as to allow systems to be built independently of the data being transferred. • In summary we can say HTTP is a application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems.
  • 5. www.webstackacademy.com HTTP methods HTTP supports a set of methods, out of which four are very important and frequently used. Method Description GET The GET method is used to retrieve information from the given server using a given URI. DELETE Removes all current representations of the target resource given by a URI PUT Replaces all current representations of the target resource with the uploaded content POST A POST request is sent by the client to the server with all the data collected in the client end
  • 6. www.webstackacademy.com HTTP response code Upon receiving HTTP request, the server provides appropriate responses. They are categorized as follows: Code Category Description 1XX Informational Request received, server is continuing the process. 2XX Success The request was successfully received, understood, accepted and serviced. 3XX Redirection Further action must be taken in order to complete the request. 4XX Client Error The request contains bad syntax or cannot be understood. 5XX Server Error The server failed to fulfil an apparently valid request.
  • 7. www.webstackacademy.com HTTP response code - Examples Code Category Description 100 Continue The server received the request and in the process of giving the response. 200 OK The request is fulfilled. 301 Resource moved The client should issue a new request to the new location. 400 Bad Request Server could not interpret or understand the request, probably syntax error in the request message. 401 Authentication Required The requested resource is protected, and require client’s credential (username/password). 403 Forbidden Server refuses to supply the resource, regardless of identity of client. 404 Not Found The requested resource cannot be found in the server. 500 Internal Server Error Server is confused, often caused by an error in the server-side program responding to the request. 501 Method Not Implemented The request method used is invalid
  • 9. www.webstackacademy.com REST Interfaces • REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. • REST is a web standards based architecture and that uses HTTP as the underlying protocol for communication. • It has a notion of "resource" where everything revolves around that. The resource is accessed by a common interface using HTTP standard methods. • REST was first introduced by Roy Fielding in year 2000.
  • 10. www.webstackacademy.com RESTful Web Services • A web service is a collection of open protocols and standards used for exchanging data between applications over the internet. • Web services based on REST Architecture are known as RESTful Web Services. These web services use HTTP methods to implement the concept of REST architecture. • Since HTTP offers two way communication methods, RESTful web service added a layer on top of it to implement meaningful web services using URI.
  • 11. www.webstackacademy.com Characteristics of REST • Three characteristics of REST:  Stateless: Client data is not stored on the server between interactions and the session is stored client-side (typically in session storage).  Client <-> Server: There is a “separation of concerns” between the frontend (client) and the backend (server). They operate independently of each other and both are replaceable.  Cache: Data from the server can be cached on the client, which can improve performance speed. • In addition to these three fundamental features of REST, there is also a uniform approach to the composition of URLs. This allows for a standardization of service, which prior to the introduction of REST, did not exist.
  • 12. www.webstackacademy.com Characteristics of REST • For example, a GET request to /courses, should yield all the courses in the database, whereas a GET request to /courses/20 would render the course with ID of 20. • Similarly, REST utilizes standard methods like GET, PUT, DELETE and POST to perform actions. • Today every major web service provider expose RESTful interfaces (called as REST APIs) using which client applications can enable client application developers develop application with ease
  • 13. www.webstackacademy.com A Brief about JSON • JSON: JavaScript Object Notation. • It is a lightweight data-interchange format, easy for humans to read and write. • All programming languages support them, easy to parse and interpret • One of the common standards used in data exchange for client-server communication. Servers as an alternative option for other data representations (ex: XML) • Data is represented as name-value pairs and array data types.
  • 14. www.webstackacademy.com JSON - Example { "firstName": “WebStack", "lastName“ : “Academy", “domain“ : “Education”, "phoneNumber": [ { "type": “landline", "number": “91-80-41289576" }, { "type": “mobile", "number": “8095557334" } ], }
  • 15. www.webstackacademy.comwww.webstackacademy.com HTTP services in Angular (Practical implementing in Angular)
  • 16. www.webstackacademy.com Make the Angular and related import paths import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, HttpComponent, ], imports: [ BrowserModule, HttpModule // Import HTTP module here ], providers: [ EndPointServiceService ], }) 1. Import HTTP into app.module.ts
  • 17. www.webstackacademy.com 2. Accessing HTTP Access your HTTP service via constructor and access methods myPosts: any[]; private myURL = 'http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts'; constructor(private myHttp: Http) { // By default populate all posts.... myHttp.get(this.myURL).subscribe(response => { console.log(response.json()); this.myPosts = response.json(); }); }
  • 18. www.webstackacademy.com HTTP methods in Angular Here are the HTTP method details in Angular Method Definition GET get(url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response> DELETE delete(url: string, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response> PUT put(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response> POST post(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response> • NOTE: All functions return Observarable, you need to subscribe to get actual return values / error codes • Response type has got multiple fields, which can be obtained from Angular official documentation (https://angular.io/api/http/Response)
  • 20. www.webstackacademy.com Separation of Concern (SoC) - Concept • In computer science, separation of concerns (SoC) is a design principle for separating a computer program into distinct sections, such that each section addresses a separate concern. • A concern is a set of information that affects the code of a computer program (Functionality). • It is always a good practise to implement SoC well in your program, so that is becomes modular. • By making it modular we get other benefits in terms of re-usability, maintainability and simplifies development process.
  • 21. www.webstackacademy.com Separation of Concern (SoC) - Implementation • Practically it is achieved by encapsulating information inside a section of code that has a well-defined interface. • The section of code which is interested, will invoke this interface and obtain required information • This is also called as data encapsulation is a means of information hiding. The calling section will not know the detail orientation but only concerned about its objective • Typically these interfaces are methods / APIs and implemented via various OOP mechanisms – Classes, Constructors etc.. • In Angular also we have used these concepts already!
  • 23. www.webstackacademy.com Separation of Concern (SoC) in Angular • In Angular, we have seen separation of concern happening at component level as follows:  Template - HTML file  Style - CSS file  Business Logic - TS file • The main goal of the component is to deal with business logic related to view (Template + Style) • When it comes to dealing with HTTP services (ex: Fetching course list from Firebase) it should NOT be done as a part of component to adhere to SoC • The idea is to implement a service and access them via a method. This way you are “delegating" the action to a service. In this process you also achieve benefits of SoC.
  • 24. www.webstackacademy.com Separation of Concern (SoC) in Angular - Problem export class HttpComponent implements OnInit { myPosts: any[]; private myURL = 'http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts'; // Method for creating a new post createNewPost(userTitle: HTMLInputElement) { let newPost = { title: userTitle.value }; this.myHttp.post(this.myURL,JSON.stringify(newPost)).subscribe( response => { console.log(response.json()); this.myPosts.splice(0,0,newPost); }); }
  • 25. www.webstackacademy.com Separation of Concern (SoC) in Angular - Solution export class NewHttpComponentComponent implements OnInit { myPosts: any[]; constructor(private service: EndPointServiceService) { } createNewPost(userTitle: HTMLInputElement) { let newPost = { title: userTitle.value }; this.service.createPost(newPost).subscribe ( response => { this.myPosts.splice(0,0,newPost); }); }
  • 27. www.webstackacademy.com HTTP Errors • During the HTTP communication there could be many errors that could be happening • The application should capture errors and handle them appropriately HTTP Errors Unexpected Errors Expected Errors • Offline Server • N/W down • API Error • ……. • Not found (404) • Bad request (400) • Auth Failure (401) • …….
  • 28. www.webstackacademy.com HTTP Errors – Handling in Angular deleteExistingPost (dPost){ this.service.deletePost(dPost).subscribe ( response => { console.log("Post deleted successfully"); let dPostIndex = this.myPosts.indexOf(dPost); this.myPosts.splice(dPostIndex,1); }, error => { if (error.status == 404) // Expected Error alert ("Post already deleted"); else { // Unexpected Error alert ("An unexpected error occurred"); console.log(error); } }); }
  • 30. www.webstackacademy.com Building re-usable services • In HTTP based services, the common operations remain the same • In such cases each service may not want to implement the same methods. In order to achieve that services can be made re-usable using inheritance Step-1: Create a new TS file (ex: generic.service.ts) and import all HTTP methods into it export class GenericService { constructor(myURL: string, myHttp : Http) { } getPosts() { … } createPost(userPost) { … } updatePost(userPost) { … } deletePost(userPost) { … } } }
  • 31. www.webstackacademy.com Building re-usable services Step-2: From the service’s main class, inherit this class. Also use constructor of the parent to pass parameters and initialization. export class EndPointServiceService extends GenericService { } super(myURL, myHttp);
  • 32. www.webstackacademy.com Exercise • Create a GITHub followers page by accessing REST API provided by the GIT • Example URL: https://api.github.com/users/devendradora/followers
  • 33. www.webstackacademy.com Exercise • Ensure you apply following learnings:  New component to handle the main business logic  New re-usable service interacting with REST API  HTTP error handling  Directives for rendering all followers  CSS changes to display the follower names in a user friendly way  Display the following attributes:  Avatar (Profile picture)  GIT profile URL  Login name
  • 34. www.webstackacademy.com WebStack Academy #83, Farah Towers, 1st Floor, MG Road, Bangalore – 560001 M: +91-809 555 7332 E: training@webstackacademy.com WSA in Social Media: