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Course: Career Management
Introduction to Career
Prof. Nazrul Islam, PhD
Canadian University of Bangladesh
7-1Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
After studying this chapter,After studying this chapter,
you should be able to learn:you should be able to learn:
After studying this chapter,After studying this chapter,
you should be able to learn:you should be able to learn:
1. What is Career Management?
2. Basics of Career Management
3. Career Management and Career Motivation
4. Traditional Vs Career Development Focus
5. Matching Individual and Organizational Needs
1. What is Career Management?
2. Basics of Career Management
3. Career Management and Career Motivation
4. Traditional Vs Career Development Focus
5. Matching Individual and Organizational Needs5. Matching Individual and Organizational Needs
6. Roles in Career Development
7. Organizational Vs Individual Perspective of Career MGT
8. Creating Favorable Conditions for Career Development
9. Choosing a Mentor
10. The Employer’s Role in Career Development
5. Matching Individual and Organizational Needs
6. Roles in Career Development
7. Organizational Vs Individual Perspective of Career MGT
8. Creating Favorable Conditions for Career Development
9. Choosing a Mentor
10. The Employer’s Role in Career Development
7-2Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
What Is Career Management?
•• Career managementCareer management is the process through
which employees:
–Become aware of their own interests, values,
strengths, and weaknessesstrengths, and weaknesses
–Obtain information about job opportunities
within the company
–Identify career goals
–Establish action plans to achieve career goals
7-3Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Basics of Career Management
• Career
– The occupational positions a person has had over many
• Career management
– The process for enabling employees to better
understand and develop their career skills and interests,understand and develop their career skills and interests,
and to use these skills and interests more effectively.
• Career development
– The lifelong series of activities that contribute to a
person’s career exploration, establishment, success, and
7-4Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
• Career planning
– The deliberate process through which someone
becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge,
motivations, and other characteristics; and establishes
action plans to attain specific goals.
• Careers today
Basics of Career Management, Contd.,
• Careers today
– Careers are no simple progressions of employment in
one or two firms with a single profession.
– Employees now want to exchange performance for
training, learning, and development that keep them
7-5Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Traditional Career Vs. Protean
• Traditional Career
– Sequence of positions held within an occupation
– Context of mobility is within an organization
– Characteristic of the employee– Characteristic of the employee
• Protean Career
– Frequently changing based on changes in the person and
changes in the work environment
– Employees take major responsibility for managing their
– Based on self-direction with the goal of psychological
success in one’s work
7-6Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Comparison of Traditional Career
and Protean Career
DimensionDimension Traditional CareerTraditional Career Protean CareerProtean Career
Goal Promotions
Salary increase
Psychological success
Psychological contract Security for commitment Employability for flexibility
Mobility Vertical LateralMobility Vertical Lateral
Responsibility for
Company Employee
Pattern Linear and expert Spiral and transitory
Expertise Know how Learn how
Development Heavy reliance on formal
Greater reliance on relationships
and job experiences
(0 to early 20s)
Generation X
(mid-20s to
early 40s)
Different generations of employees have
different career needs and interests
early 40s)
Baby Boomers
(mid-40s to
(late 50s to
early 80s)
7-8Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Career Paths
• Lines of advancement in an
occupational field within an
Basics of Career Management, Contd.,
7-9Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Career Plateau
• Situation in which for
either organizational or
personal reasons the
probability of moving up
Basics of Career Management, Contd.,
probability of moving up
the career ladder is low.
7-10Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
• Change of assignment
to a job at a higher level
in the organization.
Basics of Career Management, Contd.,
7-11Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
• Placement of an
individual in another
job for which the duties,
responsibilities, status,
Basics of Career Management, Contd.,
responsibilities, status,
and remuneration are
approximately equal to
those of the previous
7-12Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Career Counseling
• Process of discussing
with employees their
current job activities and
Basics of Career Management, Contd.,
current job activities and
performance, their
personal job and career
goals, their personal
skills, and suitable career
development objectives.
7-13Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
• Retirement
– The point at which one gives up one’s work, usually
between the ages of 60 and 65.
• Preretirement practices
– Explanation of Social Security benefits
Basics of Career Management, Contd.,
– Leisure time counseling
– Financial and investment counseling
– Health counseling
– Psychological counseling
– Counseling for second careers
– Counseling for second careers inside the company
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Career Management and Career
•• Career motivationCareer motivation refers to:
–Employees’ energy to invest in their careers
–Their awareness of the direction they want their
careers to take
–The ability to maintain energy and direction
despite barriers they may encounter
• Career motivation has three aspects:
–Career resilience
–Career insight
–Career identity
7-15Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Career Management and Career
Motivation, Contd.,
•• Career resilienceCareer resilience –– the extent to whichthe extent to which
employees are able to cope with problemsemployees are able to cope with problems
that affect their workthat affect their work
• Career insight involves:
–how much employees know about their–how much employees know about their
interests, skill strengths, and weaknesses
–the awareness of how these perceptions relate to
their career goals
• Career identity – the degree to which
employees define their personal values
according to their work
7-16Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
The Value of Career Motivation
Components of Career Motivation
Career Resilience
Company ValueCompany Value
• Innovation
• Employees adapting to unexpected changes• Employees adapting to unexpected changes
• Commitment to company
• Pride in work
Employee ValueEmployee Value
• Be aware of skill strengths and weaknesses
• Participate in learning activities
• Cope with less than ideal working conditions
• Avoid skill obsolescence
Career Insight
Career Identity
7-17Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
7-18Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
7-19Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
7-20Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
7-21Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Employee Career
Development Plan
7-22Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Career Development Program
Who is Responsible?
7-23Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Career Development Program
• Staffing
• Development
• Leveling off
• Re-staffing
• Making career/job choice
• Making contributions
• Fitting into organization
• Using experience
7-24Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
The Individual
• Accept responsibility for your own career.
• Assess your interests, skills, and values.
• Seek out career information and resources.
• Establish goals and career plans.
• Utilize development opportunities.
• Talk with your manager about your career.
• Follow through on realistic career plans.
The Manager
Roles in Career
• Provide timely performance feedback.
• Provide developmental assignments and support.
• Participate in career development discussions.
• Support employee development plans.
The Organization
• Communicate mission, policies, and procedures.
• Provide training and development opportunities.
• Provide career information and career programs.
• Offer a variety of career options.
Source: Fred L. Otte and Peggy G. Hutcheson, Helping
Employees Manage Careers (Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1992), p. 56.
7-25Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Creating Favorable Conditions for Career
• Management Participation
– Provide top management support
– Provide collaboration between line
managers and HR managers
– Train managerial personnel– Train managerial personnel
• Setting Goals
– Plan human resources strategy
• Changing HR Policies
– Provide for job rotation
– Provide outplacement service
• Announcing Program
– Explain its philosophy
7-26Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Specific Career Development Activities
• Career Counseling
• Career Pathing
• Inventory Skills
• Transfers
• Training
• Job Posting
• Promoting
• Lateral Development• Transfers • Lateral Development
7-27Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Employer’s Role in Career
1. Realistic job previews
2. Challenging first jobs
3. Career-oriented appraisals
4. Job rotation
5. Mentoring
6. Networking and interactions
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Choosing a Mentor
• Choose an appropriate potential mentor.
• Don’t be surprised if you’re turned down.
• Be sure that the mentor understands what you• Be sure that the mentor understands what you
expect in terms of time and advice.
• Have an agenda.
• Respect the mentor’s time.
7-29Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
• Executives who coach,
advise, and encourage
individuals of lesser rank.
7-30Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
• Senior Managers
• Peer Groups• Peer Groups
• Role Models
► Coach
► Encourage
7-31Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Why Develop a Mentoring Program?
• Generate Management Visibility
• Build Bridges Between Management and Employees
• Create Culture Awareness
• Increase Networking
• Foster People-Developers
7-32Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Mentoring Functions
Inside an Organization
• Sponsorship
• Exposure and visibility
• Coaching
Outside Environment
• Role modeling
• Acceptance
• Counseling/Advising• Coaching
• Protection
• Challenging assignments
• Advocate Internally
• Counseling/Advising
• Friendship
7-33Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Mentoring Functions, Contd.,
• Functions concerned with
the career advancement and
psychological aspects the
person being mentored.
7-34Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
• Functions concerned with the
career advancement and
psychological aspects the person
being mentored.
Mentoring Functions, Contd.,
7-35Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Managing Promotions
• Making promotion decisions
– Decision 1: Is Seniority or Competence the Rule?
– Decision 2: How Should We Measure
– Decision 3: Is the Process Formal or Informal?
– Decision 4: Vertical, Horizontal, or Other?
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Managing Transfers
• Employees’ reasons for desiring transfers
– Personal enrichment and growth
– More interesting jobs
– Greater convenience (better hours, location)
– Greater advancement possibilities
• Employers’ reasons for transferring employees
– To vacate a position where an employee is no longer
– To fill a position where an employee is needed.
– To find a better fit for an employee within the firm.
– To boost productivity by consolidating positions.
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Enhancing Diversity Through Career
• Sources of bias and discrimination in promotion
– Having few people of color employed in the hiring
– The “old-boy network” of informal friendships
– The “old-boy network” of informal friendships
– A lack of women mentors
– A lack of high-visibility assignments and developmental
experiences (glass ceiling)
– A lack of company role models for members of the same
racial or ethnic group
– Inflexible organizations and career tracks
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Shared Responsibility:
Roles in Career Management
Manager Company
HR Manager
7-39Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Employees’ Role in Career
• Take the initiative to ask for feedback from
managers and peers regarding their skill
strengths and weaknesses
• Identify their stage of career development• Identify their stage of career development
and development needs
• Seek challenges by gaining exposure to a
range of learning opportunities
• Interact with employees from different work
groups inside and outside the company
• Create visibility through good performance7-40Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Managers’ Role in Career Management
Roles Responsibilities
Coach Probe problems, interests, values, needs
Clarify concerns
Define concerns
Appraiser Give feedback
Clarify company standardsClarify company standards
Clarify job responsibilities
Clarify company needs
Advisor Generate options, experiences, and relationships
Assist in goal setting
Provide recommendations
Referral agent Link to career management resources
Follow up on career management plan
HR Manager’s Role in Career
• Provide information or advice about
training and development opportunities
• Provide specialized services such as testing• Provide specialized services such as testing
to determine employees’ values, interests,
and skills
• Help prepare employees for job searches
• Offer counseling on career-related problems
7-42Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Company’s Role in Career Management
• Companies are responsible for providing
employees with the resources needed to be
successful in career planning:
– Career workshops– Career workshops
– Information on career and job opportunities
– Career planning workbooks
– Career counseling
– Career paths
7-43Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Evaluating Career Management Systems
• Career management systems need to be evaluated to ensure
that they are meeting the needs of employees and the
• Two types of outcomes can be used to evaluate:
– Reactions of the customers (employees and managers)
who use the career management systemwho use the career management system
– Results of the career management system
• Evaluation of a career management system should be
based on its objectives
7-44Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Career Management and Employee
• The “New Psychological Contract”
– Old contract: “Do your best and be loyal to us, and
we’ll take care of your career.”
– New contract: “Do your best for us and be loyal to us
– New contract: “Do your best for us and be loyal to us
for as long as you’re here, and we’ll provide you with
the developmental opportunities you’ll need to move on
and have a successful career.”
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Career Management and Employee
Commitment, Contd.,
• Commitment-oriented career development
– Career development programs
• Career workshops that use vocational guidance tools
(including a computerized skills assessment
(including a computerized skills assessment
program and other career gap analysis tools) to help
employees identify career-related skills and the
development needs they possess.
– Career-oriented appraisals
• Provide the ideal occasion to link the employee’s
performance, career interests, and developmental
needs into a coherent career plan.
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Basic Skills of Successful Career
1. Develop a positive attitude
2. Take responsibility for your own career.
3. Establish goals.
4. Be aware of success factors.
5. Present yourself in a positive manner.5. Present yourself in a positive manner.
6. Be in the right place at the right time.
7. Establish a relationship with a mentor or guide.
8. Adopt the mind-set of your superiors.
7-47Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
The career management process
Self- Reality
Goal Setting
Assessment Check
Goal Setting
7-48Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Components of the Career Management
• Self-Assessment
–Use of information by employees to determine
their career interests, values, aptitudes, and
behavioral tendenciesbehavioral tendencies
–Often involves psychological tests
• Reality Check
–Information employees receive about how the
company evaluates their skills and knowledge
and where they fit into company plans
7-49Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Components of the Career Management
Process, Contd.,
• Goal Setting
–The process of employees developing short- and
long-term career objectives
–Usually discussed with the manager and written–Usually discussed with the manager and written
into a development plan
• Action Planning
–Employees determining how they will achieve
their short- and long-term career goals
7-50Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Design factors of Effective Career
Management Systems
1. System is positioned as a response to a business
need or supports a business strategy
2. Employees and managers participate in
development of the systemdevelopment of the system
3. Employees are encouraged to take active roles in
career management
4. Evaluation is ongoing and used to improve the
5. Business units can customize the system for their
own purposes 7-51Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Design factors of Effective Career
Management Systems, Contd.,)
6. Employees need access to career information sources
7. Senior management supports the career system
8. Career management is linked to other human
resource practices such as training, recruitingresource practices such as training, recruiting
systems, and performance management
9. System creates a large, diverse talent pool
10. Information about career plans and talent is
accessible to all managers
7-52Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Identify Your Career Stage
• Growth stage
• Exploration stage
• Establishment stage
– Trial sub-stage
– Stabilization sub-stage– Stabilization sub-stage
– Midcareer crisis sub-stage
• Maintenance Stage
• Decline Stage
7-53Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Identify Your Occupational Orientation
• Realistic orientation
– Physical activities (forestry, farming)
• Investigative orientation
– Thinking, organizing, understanding (biologist)
• Social orientation
– Interpersonal rather than intellectual skills (social work, psychologist)
• Conventional orientation
– Structured, rule-regulated activities (banker, accountant)
• Enterprising orientation
– Influencing others (lawyers, PR executives)
• Artistic orientation
– Self-expression (artists, musicians)
7-54Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Identify Your Career Anchors
• Career anchor
– A concern or value that a person you will not give up if
a [career] choice has to be made.
• Typical career anchors
– Technical/functional competence
– Managerial competence
• (analytical competence, interpersonal competence &
emotional competence)
– Creativity
– Autonomy and independence
– Security
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Finding the Right Job
• Do Your Own Local Research
• Personal Contacts
• Answering Advertisements
• Employment Agencies
• Executive Recruiters
• Career Counselors
• Executive Marketing Consultants
• Employers’ Web Sites
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Writing Your Résumé
• Introductory Information
• Job Objective
• Job Scope
• Your Accomplishments
• Your Accomplishments
• Length
• Personal Data
• Make Your Résumé Scannable
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Handling the Interview
• Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
• Uncover the Interviewer’s Needs
• Relate Yourself to the Person’s Needs
• Think Before Answering
• Think Before Answering
• Make a Good Appearance and Show
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Career Plan - A sample
• My occupational orientation is enterprising
– Using my skills to influence others
• My career anchors are
– Managerial competence
– Security
– Security
• Career goals
– To be a VP of HR
• Development Steps
– More global responsibility
– More analytical business experience
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh

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Introduction to Career Management

  • 1. Course: Career Management Introduction to Career Management By Prof. Nazrul Islam, PhD Canadian University of Bangladesh Management 7-1Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 2. After studying this chapter,After studying this chapter, you should be able to learn:you should be able to learn: After studying this chapter,After studying this chapter, you should be able to learn:you should be able to learn: 1. What is Career Management? 2. Basics of Career Management 3. Career Management and Career Motivation 4. Traditional Vs Career Development Focus 5. Matching Individual and Organizational Needs 1. What is Career Management? 2. Basics of Career Management 3. Career Management and Career Motivation 4. Traditional Vs Career Development Focus 5. Matching Individual and Organizational Needs5. Matching Individual and Organizational Needs 6. Roles in Career Development 7. Organizational Vs Individual Perspective of Career MGT 8. Creating Favorable Conditions for Career Development 9. Choosing a Mentor 10. The Employer’s Role in Career Development 5. Matching Individual and Organizational Needs 6. Roles in Career Development 7. Organizational Vs Individual Perspective of Career MGT 8. Creating Favorable Conditions for Career Development 9. Choosing a Mentor 10. The Employer’s Role in Career Development 7-2Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 3. What Is Career Management? •• Career managementCareer management is the process through which employees: –Become aware of their own interests, values, strengths, and weaknessesstrengths, and weaknesses –Obtain information about job opportunities within the company –Identify career goals –Establish action plans to achieve career goals 7-3Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 4. Basics of Career Management • Career – The occupational positions a person has had over many years. • Career management – The process for enabling employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interests,understand and develop their career skills and interests, and to use these skills and interests more effectively. • Career development – The lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person’s career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment. 7-4Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 5. • Career planning – The deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, motivations, and other characteristics; and establishes action plans to attain specific goals. • Careers today Basics of Career Management, Contd., • Careers today – Careers are no simple progressions of employment in one or two firms with a single profession. – Employees now want to exchange performance for training, learning, and development that keep them marketable. 7-5Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 6. Traditional Career Vs. Protean Career • Traditional Career – Sequence of positions held within an occupation – Context of mobility is within an organization – Characteristic of the employee– Characteristic of the employee • Protean Career – Frequently changing based on changes in the person and changes in the work environment – Employees take major responsibility for managing their careers – Based on self-direction with the goal of psychological success in one’s work 7-6Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 7. Comparison of Traditional Career and Protean Career DimensionDimension Traditional CareerTraditional Career Protean CareerProtean Career Goal Promotions Salary increase Psychological success Psychological contract Security for commitment Employability for flexibility Mobility Vertical LateralMobility Vertical Lateral Responsibility for Management Company Employee Pattern Linear and expert Spiral and transitory Expertise Know how Learn how Development Heavy reliance on formal training Greater reliance on relationships and job experiences
  • 8. Millennium (0 to early 20s) Generation X (mid-20s to early 40s) Different generations of employees have different career needs and interests early 40s) Baby Boomers (mid-40s to mid-50s) Traditionalists (late 50s to early 80s) 7-8Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 9. Career Paths • Lines of advancement in an occupational field within an organization. Basics of Career Management, Contd., 7-9Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 10. Career Plateau • Situation in which for either organizational or personal reasons the probability of moving up Basics of Career Management, Contd., probability of moving up the career ladder is low. 7-10Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 11. Promotion • Change of assignment to a job at a higher level in the organization. Basics of Career Management, Contd., 7-11Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 12. Transfer • Placement of an individual in another job for which the duties, responsibilities, status, Basics of Career Management, Contd., responsibilities, status, and remuneration are approximately equal to those of the previous job. 7-12Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 13. Career Counseling • Process of discussing with employees their current job activities and Basics of Career Management, Contd., current job activities and performance, their personal job and career goals, their personal skills, and suitable career development objectives. 7-13Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 14. • Retirement – The point at which one gives up one’s work, usually between the ages of 60 and 65. • Preretirement practices – Explanation of Social Security benefits Basics of Career Management, Contd., 10–14 – Leisure time counseling – Financial and investment counseling – Health counseling – Psychological counseling – Counseling for second careers – Counseling for second careers inside the company Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 15. Career Management and Career Motivation •• Career motivationCareer motivation refers to: –Employees’ energy to invest in their careers –Their awareness of the direction they want their careers to take –The ability to maintain energy and direction despite barriers they may encounter • Career motivation has three aspects: –Career resilience –Career insight –Career identity 7-15Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 16. Career Management and Career Motivation, Contd., •• Career resilienceCareer resilience –– the extent to whichthe extent to which employees are able to cope with problemsemployees are able to cope with problems that affect their workthat affect their work • Career insight involves: –how much employees know about their–how much employees know about their interests, skill strengths, and weaknesses –the awareness of how these perceptions relate to their career goals • Career identity – the degree to which employees define their personal values according to their work 7-16Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 17. The Value of Career Motivation Components of Career Motivation Career Resilience Company ValueCompany Value • Innovation • Employees adapting to unexpected changes• Employees adapting to unexpected changes • Commitment to company • Pride in work Employee ValueEmployee Value • Be aware of skill strengths and weaknesses • Participate in learning activities • Cope with less than ideal working conditions • Avoid skill obsolescence Career Insight Career Identity 7-17Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 18. 7-18Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 19. 7-19Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 20. 7-20Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 21. 7-21Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 22. Employee Career Development Plan 7-22Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 23. Career Development Program Who is Responsible? EmployeeOrganization ? Partnership 7-23Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 24. MATCHING INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL NEEDS Career Development Program ORGANIZATIONAL NEEDS • Staffing • Development • Leveling off • Re-staffing INDIVIDUAL NEEDS • Making career/job choice • Making contributions • Fitting into organization • Using experience 7-24Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 25. The Individual • Accept responsibility for your own career. • Assess your interests, skills, and values. • Seek out career information and resources. • Establish goals and career plans. • Utilize development opportunities. • Talk with your manager about your career. • Follow through on realistic career plans. The Manager Roles in Career Development • Provide timely performance feedback. • Provide developmental assignments and support. • Participate in career development discussions. • Support employee development plans. The Organization • Communicate mission, policies, and procedures. • Provide training and development opportunities. • Provide career information and career programs. • Offer a variety of career options. Development Source: Fred L. Otte and Peggy G. Hutcheson, Helping Employees Manage Careers (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992), p. 56. 7-25Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 26. Creating Favorable Conditions for Career Development • Management Participation – Provide top management support – Provide collaboration between line managers and HR managers – Train managerial personnel– Train managerial personnel • Setting Goals – Plan human resources strategy • Changing HR Policies – Provide for job rotation – Provide outplacement service • Announcing Program – Explain its philosophy 7-26Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 27. Specific Career Development Activities • Career Counseling • Career Pathing • Inventory Skills • Transfers • Training • Job Posting • Promoting • Lateral Development• Transfers • Lateral Development 7-27Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 28. Employer’s Role in Career Development 1. Realistic job previews 2. Challenging first jobs 3. Career-oriented appraisals 10–28 4. Job rotation 5. Mentoring 6. Networking and interactions Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 29. Choosing a Mentor • Choose an appropriate potential mentor. • Don’t be surprised if you’re turned down. • Be sure that the mentor understands what you• Be sure that the mentor understands what you expect in terms of time and advice. • Have an agenda. • Respect the mentor’s time. 7-29Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 30. Mentors • Executives who coach, advise, and encourage individuals of lesser rank. 7-30Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 31. Mentoring WHO • Senior Managers • Peer Groups• Peer Groups • Role Models HOW ►Advise ► Coach ► Encourage 7-31Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 32. Why Develop a Mentoring Program? • Generate Management Visibility • Build Bridges Between Management and Employees • Create Culture Awareness • Increase Networking • Foster People-Developers 7-32Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 33. Mentoring Functions Inside an Organization • Sponsorship • Exposure and visibility • Coaching Outside Environment • Role modeling • Acceptance • Counseling/Advising• Coaching • Protection • Challenging assignments • Advocate Internally • Counseling/Advising • Friendship 7-33Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 34. Mentoring Functions, Contd., • Functions concerned with the career advancement and psychological aspects the person being mentored. 7-34Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 35. • Functions concerned with the career advancement and psychological aspects the person being mentored. Mentoring Functions, Contd., 7-35Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 36. Managing Promotions • Making promotion decisions – Decision 1: Is Seniority or Competence the Rule? – Decision 2: How Should We Measure Competence? 10–36 Competence? – Decision 3: Is the Process Formal or Informal? – Decision 4: Vertical, Horizontal, or Other? Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 37. Managing Transfers • Employees’ reasons for desiring transfers – Personal enrichment and growth – More interesting jobs – Greater convenience (better hours, location) – Greater advancement possibilities 10–37 • Employers’ reasons for transferring employees – To vacate a position where an employee is no longer needed. – To fill a position where an employee is needed. – To find a better fit for an employee within the firm. – To boost productivity by consolidating positions. Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 38. Enhancing Diversity Through Career Management • Sources of bias and discrimination in promotion decisions – Having few people of color employed in the hiring department – The “old-boy network” of informal friendships 10–38 – The “old-boy network” of informal friendships – A lack of women mentors – A lack of high-visibility assignments and developmental experiences (glass ceiling) – A lack of company role models for members of the same racial or ethnic group – Inflexible organizations and career tracks Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 39. Shared Responsibility: Roles in Career Management Employees Manager Company HR Manager 7-39Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 40. Employees’ Role in Career Management • Take the initiative to ask for feedback from managers and peers regarding their skill strengths and weaknesses • Identify their stage of career development• Identify their stage of career development and development needs • Seek challenges by gaining exposure to a range of learning opportunities • Interact with employees from different work groups inside and outside the company • Create visibility through good performance7-40Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 41. Managers’ Role in Career Management Roles Responsibilities Coach Probe problems, interests, values, needs Listen Clarify concerns Define concerns Appraiser Give feedback Clarify company standardsClarify company standards Clarify job responsibilities Clarify company needs Advisor Generate options, experiences, and relationships Assist in goal setting Provide recommendations Referral agent Link to career management resources Follow up on career management plan
  • 42. HR Manager’s Role in Career Management • Provide information or advice about training and development opportunities • Provide specialized services such as testing• Provide specialized services such as testing to determine employees’ values, interests, and skills • Help prepare employees for job searches • Offer counseling on career-related problems 7-42Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 43. Company’s Role in Career Management • Companies are responsible for providing employees with the resources needed to be successful in career planning: – Career workshops– Career workshops – Information on career and job opportunities – Career planning workbooks – Career counseling – Career paths 7-43Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 44. Evaluating Career Management Systems • Career management systems need to be evaluated to ensure that they are meeting the needs of employees and the business • Two types of outcomes can be used to evaluate: – Reactions of the customers (employees and managers) who use the career management systemwho use the career management system – Results of the career management system • Evaluation of a career management system should be based on its objectives 7-44Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 45. Career Management and Employee Commitment • The “New Psychological Contract” – Old contract: “Do your best and be loyal to us, and we’ll take care of your career.” – New contract: “Do your best for us and be loyal to us 10–45 – New contract: “Do your best for us and be loyal to us for as long as you’re here, and we’ll provide you with the developmental opportunities you’ll need to move on and have a successful career.” Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 46. Career Management and Employee Commitment, Contd., • Commitment-oriented career development efforts – Career development programs • Career workshops that use vocational guidance tools (including a computerized skills assessment 10–46 (including a computerized skills assessment program and other career gap analysis tools) to help employees identify career-related skills and the development needs they possess. – Career-oriented appraisals • Provide the ideal occasion to link the employee’s performance, career interests, and developmental needs into a coherent career plan. Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 47. Basic Skills of Successful Career Management 1. Develop a positive attitude 2. Take responsibility for your own career. 3. Establish goals. 4. Be aware of success factors. 5. Present yourself in a positive manner.5. Present yourself in a positive manner. 6. Be in the right place at the right time. 7. Establish a relationship with a mentor or guide. 8. Adopt the mind-set of your superiors. 7-47Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 48. The career management process Self- Reality Check Goal Setting Action Planning Self- Assessment Check Goal Setting Planning 7-48Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 49. Components of the Career Management Process • Self-Assessment –Use of information by employees to determine their career interests, values, aptitudes, and behavioral tendenciesbehavioral tendencies –Often involves psychological tests • Reality Check –Information employees receive about how the company evaluates their skills and knowledge and where they fit into company plans 7-49Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 50. Components of the Career Management Process, Contd., • Goal Setting –The process of employees developing short- and long-term career objectives –Usually discussed with the manager and written–Usually discussed with the manager and written into a development plan • Action Planning –Employees determining how they will achieve their short- and long-term career goals 7-50Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 51. Design factors of Effective Career Management Systems 1. System is positioned as a response to a business need or supports a business strategy 2. Employees and managers participate in development of the systemdevelopment of the system 3. Employees are encouraged to take active roles in career management 4. Evaluation is ongoing and used to improve the system 5. Business units can customize the system for their own purposes 7-51Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 52. Design factors of Effective Career Management Systems, Contd.,) 6. Employees need access to career information sources 7. Senior management supports the career system 8. Career management is linked to other human resource practices such as training, recruitingresource practices such as training, recruiting systems, and performance management 9. System creates a large, diverse talent pool 10. Information about career plans and talent is accessible to all managers 7-52Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 53. Identify Your Career Stage • Growth stage • Exploration stage • Establishment stage – Trial sub-stage – Stabilization sub-stage– Stabilization sub-stage – Midcareer crisis sub-stage • Maintenance Stage • Decline Stage 7-53Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 54. Identify Your Occupational Orientation • Realistic orientation – Physical activities (forestry, farming) • Investigative orientation – Thinking, organizing, understanding (biologist) • Social orientation – Interpersonal rather than intellectual skills (social work, psychologist) • Conventional orientation – Structured, rule-regulated activities (banker, accountant) • Enterprising orientation – Influencing others (lawyers, PR executives) • Artistic orientation – Self-expression (artists, musicians) 7-54Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 55. Identify Your Career Anchors • Career anchor – A concern or value that a person you will not give up if a [career] choice has to be made. • Typical career anchors – Technical/functional competence 10–55 – Managerial competence • (analytical competence, interpersonal competence & emotional competence) – Creativity – Autonomy and independence – Security Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 56. Finding the Right Job • Do Your Own Local Research • Personal Contacts • Answering Advertisements • Employment Agencies 10–56 • Executive Recruiters • Career Counselors • Executive Marketing Consultants • Employers’ Web Sites Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 57. Writing Your Résumé • Introductory Information • Job Objective • Job Scope • Your Accomplishments 10–57 • Your Accomplishments • Length • Personal Data • Make Your Résumé Scannable Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 58. Handling the Interview • Prepare, Prepare, Prepare • Uncover the Interviewer’s Needs • Relate Yourself to the Person’s Needs • Think Before Answering 10–58 • Think Before Answering • Make a Good Appearance and Show Enthusiasm Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 59. Career Plan - A sample • My occupational orientation is enterprising – Using my skills to influence others • My career anchors are – Managerial competence – Security 10–59 – Security • Career goals – To be a VP of HR • Development Steps – More global responsibility – More analytical business experience Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh
  • 60. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 60 ANSWERS Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam, Canadian University of Bangladesh