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24 June 2019 1
Interview Preparation -
24 June 2019 2
- Tell Me about yourself
- What is project
- Domain choice of Project?
- Domain v/s Platform?
- Project v/s Product
- learning’s of Project
- Product Company & Service Company
- Scrum Process
- Planning Poker
- Version Management
- architecture
- Devops
- Jenkins, Git ,
24 June 2019 3
• Maven , Gradle
• Docker
• Puppet , Ansible
• Chef , SaltStack
• Nagios ,Splunk
• Aws ,Linux
• Manager Round
• HR Round
• Snipe Assessments
• Resume Preparations
• References
24 June 2019 4
- session 1
24 June 2019 5
Tell Me about yourself
The future depends on what we do in the present - Mahatma Gandhi
Born and brought up in Patna, Bihar, I studied in a convent school and it was around my
ninth grade where I developed a keen interest in Internet and Technology. Following my
interest, I pursued my Bachelors in Computer Application from men’s College, Patna. As
part of my curriculum, I particularly found the subjects of Computer Networks and
Design of Algorithms highly intriguing, as these subjects created in me a passion to
study the computer related courses in much more detail.
Alongside, I also started preparing for my Master of Computer Application course.
Besides my curriculum, I participated in various events pertaining to art and culture
held in my college. Talking about my profession, now I am qualified computer
programmer where I work on various programming languages such as C, Java, PHP,
JavaScript, C++, Python, Shell, Ruby, Objective-C and C#. Besides my work and
academic, I am extremely passionate about playing Guitar, which is a great stress-
buster for me.
I am very much greatful to my esteem college, faculty and supported my current
company which developed myself to effective quality professional.
That's all about myself, my quote is "Life is all about grabbing the opportunity". thank
you so much for giving me the opportunity to introduce me.
24 June 2019 6
• What is Project?
•A project is a temporary effort to create a unique product or
service. Projects usually include constraints and risks regarding cost,
schedule or performance outcome..
The future depends on what we do in the present - Mahatma Gandhi
24 June 2019 7
Project Overview
• Domain choice of the project ?
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of
strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.-Vince Lambardi
24 June 2019 8
• Domain v/s Platform ?
Domain Platform
It is a field study that
defines a set of common
requirement Terminology
and functionality for any
software program
constructed to solve a
problem in the area of
computer programming.
A platform is a “Blue print for
the evolution of popular
software or specification.”
It depends a standard around
which a system can be
EX: Java platform
.Net platform
People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.-Dale
24 June 2019 9
• Project v/s Product ?
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. -Theodore Roosevelt
24 June 2019 10
• Project Learning’s ?
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-Albert Einstein
24 June 2019 11
Service & Product Company
People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.-Dale
“Service Based Companies are driven by customer needs. They offer services and
solutions as per customer requirements. Features of these type of companies:-
1. High pressure work environment.
2. Completing deadline is most.
3. Person should be multitasking.
4. Should be willing to become a victim of office politics for better appraisal from senior.
5. Less scope of R&D. But would be able to learn new things a lot.
Product Based Companies are driven by an idea to help different customers. Here the
main focus would be what should i do to make my product better.
Features of these type of companies are:-
1. Cool and healthy environment.
2. Better flow of thoughts. Help an individual to think out of the box.
3. Person need not be multitasker. Instead be good at its respective field.
4. Pressure is there but comparative less.
5. More job satisfaction as mind will be less stressful.
24 June 2019 12
- session 1
24 June 2019 13
• Waterfall Model.
• V-Shaped Model.
• Evolutionary Prototyping Model.
• Spiral Method (SDM)
• Iterative and Incremental Method.
• Agile development.
24 June 2019 14
Agile Methodology-Scrum Process
24 June 2019 15
Agile Methodology-Scrum Process
24 June 2019 16
Planning Poker Card
• “
24 June 2019 17
Version Management
•These are the problems source code management is intended to solve.
Effectively it is a database for source code that eases the problems of
– Multiple people in many places working on the same code
– Retrieving old versions of files
– Keeping logs about what changed in a file
– Integrating changed code
– Generating release builds
Version Management also called Version Control or Revision Control, is a means to
effectively track and control changes to a collection of related entities. The term
"Versioning" is also sometimes used but the difference is that "Versioning" typically
refers to when someone manually applies a version number or label to something
for easier communication or simplification such as "draft", "beta", or "1.0". In the
context of an information solution version control is most often used to track and control
changes to source code.
It is a very important tool within an overall life cycle management strategy for
information solutions.
24 June 2019 18
Version Management
•Centralized Version Control
A single server holds the code base Clients access the server by means of check-
Examples include CVS, Subversion, Visual Source Safe.
Advantages: Easier to maintain a single server.
Disadvantages: Single point of failure.
Distributed Version Control
Each client (essentially) holds a complete copy of the code base.
Code is shared between clients by push/pulls
Example Git
Advantages: Many operations cheaper. No single point of failure
Disadvantages: A bit more complicated!
24 June 2019 19
Version Management: GIT
•o GIT is a Distributed Version Control System.
oIt is a content addressable file system, used to track directory trees.
oIt handles all the things like merging of source code and maintaining versions.
oGIT is optimized for Complex Merges and Fast.
oIt follows Trunk Base Development.
oIt allows for code collaboration with anyone online.
oUsers keep entire code and history on their location machines
oUsers can make any changes without internet access
Linus uses BitKeeper to manage Linux code
o In 2005, BitKeeper suddenly became unavailable.
o Linus decided to create a tool with Distributed Source Management System.
o Linus Torvalds developed GIT in June 2005.
24 June 2019 20
o DIRECTORY : A folder is used for storing multiple files.
o REPOSITORY : A collection of all the files and their history organized in
folders, branches, tags.
o CLONE : Act of copying a repository from a remote server.
o BRANCH : It is a pointer to a commit(save the files).
o MERGE : Combination of one or more branches into the current branch.
o ORIGIN : The default name of the remote repository
o MASTER : It is just another branch, but is the default one which gets created.
o STAGE FILES : These are the files we have told GIT that are ready to committed.
o SNAPSHOT : In general is just the "entity" that GIT uses to store its data.
o INTEGRATORS : It can review and bring changes to reference code
asynchronously to central repository.
24 June 2019 21
Dev-ops Life cycle
24 June 2019 22
Dev-ops Process
24 June 2019 23
24 June 2019 24
Continuous Development
24 June 2019 25
Continuous Testing
24 June 2019 26
Continuous Integration
24 June 2019 27
- session 2
24 June 2019 28
•1. what is DevOps?
•2. why do we need DevOps?
•3. Mention the key aspects or principle behind DevOps?
•4. List out some of the popular tools for DevOps?
•5. what is a version control system?
•6. What is Git and explain the difference between Git and SVN?
•7. what language is used in Git?
•8. what is Docker?
•9. what is Docker image?
•10. what is Docker Container?
24 June 2019 29
11. Can we consider DevOps as Agile methodology?
12. what are the advantages of using Git?
13. what is difference between grep -i and grep -v?
14. what is kernel?
15. what is concept of sudo in linux?
16. what is a Jenkins Pipeline?
17. How to stop and restart the Docker container?
18. What is Scrum?
19. Explain the difference between git pull and git fetch?
20. What is the difference between Maven, Ant and Jenkins?
24 June 2019 30
21. Explain what is continuous integration?
22. What is the relation between Hudson and Jenkins?
23. What are the advantages of Jenkins?
24. Which SCM tools does Jenkins supports?
25. What is your daily activities in your current role?
26. What are the challenges you faced in recent times?
27. What are the build and deployment failures you got and how you resolved those?
28.How you will do the releases?
29. How you automate the whole build and release process?
30. What is Continuous Monitoring and why checking is basic in DevOps?
24 June 2019 31
31. Explain about from Continuous Delivery.
32. Success factor for the Continuous Integration
33. What is Configuration Management?
34. Explain a few prerequisites that are useful for DevOps implementation.
35. What are the top 10 devops tools that are used in the industry today?
36. Have you been involved in DevOps implementation in the cloud? If yes which cloud
computing platform?
37. How is DevOps different from Agile? DevOps Vs Agile
38. Can you brief Roles, Responsibilities, and Skills of a DevOps Engineer
39. what are Devops Principles?
24 June 2019 32
1. What is Jenkins? What are the features of Jenkins?
2. Mention some of the important plugins in Jenkins?
3. What are the advantages of Jenkins? Why we use Jenkins?
4. Which Command is used to start Jenkins?
5. What is Jenkinsfile?
6. What is Jenkins pipeline? What is a CI CD pipeline?
7. What are Declarative Pipelines in Jenkins?
8. What is SCM? Which SCM tools are supported in Jenkins?
9. What are Triggers?
10. What is the difference between Maven, Ant, and Jenkins?
24 June 2019 33
10. What is the difference between Maven, Ant, and Jenkins?
11. How to create a backup and copy files in Jenkins?
12. What is Flow Control in Jenkins?
13. What are the basic requirements for installing Jenkins?
14. Why is Jenkins called a Continuous Delivery Tool?
15. Give any simple example of Jenkins script.
24 June 2019 34
1. What is Git?
2. What is the command to write a commit message in Git?
3. What language is used in Git?
4. What is the difference between git pull and git fetch?
5. What is ‘staging area’ or ‘index’ in Git?
6. What is the function of ‘git config’?
7. How can you create a repository in Git?
8. Can you explain about Branching and Merging in GIT?
9. what is git stash?
10. what are the different ways to add/stage files/change to the git repository?
11. How to get current status of local repository?
24 June 2019 35
1. Why is JIRA used?
2. Explain JIRA workflow.
3. Enlist the report types generated by JIRA.
4. Explain the three color indicators and their significance
5. Mention a way with which an issue can be shared with other users in JIRA
6. How is an issue linked in JIRA?
7. What is the purpose of JIRA dashboard?
8. What do you mean by Scheduling an issue?
9. Mention one similarity and one difference between JIRA Scrum and JIRA
10. What comes under JIRA Schema?
24 June 2019 36
1. What is Maven?
2. How many project types available in Maven to choose from?
3. Maven advantages over Ant?
4. What Maven creates for you?
5. What are the Maven Phases?
6. What are the tenets of Maven?
7. What is the Projected Oriented Build in Maven?
8. What are Maven’s main objectives?
9. What is the Maven Lifecycle?
10. What are the archetype goals?
24 June 2019 37
1. What Is Gradle Framework?
2. Advantages Of Using Gradle?
3. What Is Gradle Wrapper ?
4. Why Gradle Is Preferred Over Other Build Tools ?
5. What Is The Latest Version Of Gradle Available In The Market ?
6. How Do You Run Gradle Build ?
7. What Are The Core Components Of Gradle Build Script ?
8. The Main Difference Between Maven Build.xml And Build.gradle Script ?
9. How Do I Check Out And Build The Framework ?
10. How Do I Configure The Gradle Daemon To Speed Up Builds ?
11. What is Gradle Daemon ?
24 June 2019 38
1. What is a Docker?
2. What are the components of Docker Architecture and explain?
3. What is Docker Container?
4. What are Docker Image and Docker Hub?
5. What are the different functionalities and applications of using Docker?
6. What is a Docker Registry?
7. What is the lifecycle of Docker Container?
8. What are Docker Objects?
9. What are the important Docker commands?
10. What’s the benefit of “Dockerizing?”
24 June 2019 39
1. What is Puppet ?
2. What is Manifests ?
3. What is Module and How it is different from Manifest ?
4. Where Puppet Master Stores Certificates
5. What is the use of etckeeper-commit-post and etckeeper-commit-pre on
Puppet Agent ?
6. What’s special about Puppet’s model-driven design?
7. Can Puppet manage workstations?
8. How should I upgrade Puppet and Facter?
9. what is the difference between puppet and ansible?
10. Which open source or community tools do you use to make Puppet more
24 June 2019 40
1. What Is Ansible?
2. What’s the use of Ansible?
3. What is Ansible Galaxy?
4. What is Continuous Delivery?
5. What is the way to access shell environment variables in Ansible?
6. How Can you submit a change to the Documentation in Ansible?
7. What Is the Best Method to Make Content Reusable/redistributable?
8. What is Ansible Tower?
9. Discuss method to Create an Empty File with Ansible
10. Explain modules in ansible
24 June 2019 41
1. 1. What is Chef?
2. What is a Recipe in Chef?
3. What is a Node in Chef?
4. What happens when you don’t specify a Resource’s action in Chef?
5. Are these two Chef recipes the same?
6. How does Chef-apply differ from Chef-client?
7. What is run-list in Chef?
8. What is the role of Starter Kit in Chef?
9. Explain the major components of Chef?
10. What are Chef Resources and its functions?
11. Why are SSL certificates used in Chef?
24 June 2019 42
1. 1. What is Chef?
2. What is a Recipe in Chef?
3. What is a Node in Chef?
4. What happens when you don’t specify a Resource’s action in Chef?
5. Are these two Chef recipes the same?
6. How does Chef-apply differ from Chef-client?
7. What is run-list in Chef?
8. What is the role of Starter Kit in Chef?
9. Explain the major components of Chef?
10. What are Chef Resources and its functions?
11. Why are SSL certificates used in Chef?
24 June 2019 43
1. Explain any two advantages of SaltStack.
2. On the Firewall option, what port you are you supposed to open?
3. Why is SaltStack termed as the open-source software?
4. Salting the Salt Master?
5. How will you deploy a file to a minion with the accession of other minions?
6. What is the best way to restart a Salt Minion Daemon using Salt after
7. What is SaltStack ?
8. Why is SaltStack termed as the open-source software?
9. Explain any two advantages of SaltStack.
10. Explain any two disadvantages of using SaltStack.
24 June 2019 44
1 What is Nagios?
2. How does Nagios work?
3. What are Plugins in Nagios?
4. What is NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) in Nagios?
5. What is meant by Nagios backend?(unable to find a relevant explanation)
6. What do you mean by passive check in Nagios?
7. What is the difference between Active and Passive check in Nagios?
8. Explain Main Configuration file of Nagios and its location?
9. Explain how Flap Detection works in Nagios?
10. What is State Stalking in Nagios?.
24 June 2019 45
1. What is Splunk? Why is Splunk used for analyzing machine data?
2. What are the components of Splunk?
3. Explain how Splunk works.
4. Why use only Splunk? Why can’t I go for something that is open source?
5. Which Splunk Roles can share the same machine?
6. Briefly explain the Splunk Architecture
7. What happens if the License Master is unreachable?
8. Why should we use Splunk Alert? What are the different options while setting
up Alerts?
9. Explain Workflow Actions
10. Explain file precedence in Splunk.
11. Explain how data ages in Splunk?
24 June 2019 46
1. What Is Amazon Web Services In Devops?
2. What are the key components of AWS?
3. What are the IAAS, PAAS, SAAS services in AWS?
4. What is S3?
5. What is auto-scaling?
6. Distinguish between scalability and flexibility?
7. Mention the types of storages offered by AWS?
8. What is Redshift?
9. Why Do We Use Aws For Devops?
10. What Is Devops Tooling By Aws?
24 June 2019 47
11. What Is Aws Code Build In Aws Devops?
12. What Is Code Commit In Aws Devops?
13. What Is Amazon Rds In Aws Devops?
14. What Are The Benefits Of Aws Code Deploy In Aws Devops?
15. What Is VPC Peering?
16. What Is VPC Endpoints?
17. What Is Ebs (elastic Block Storage)?
18. What Is Auto-scaling? How Does It Work?
19. How Is Buffer Used In Amazon Web Services?
20. What Is The Function Of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud?
24 June 2019 48
24 June 2019 49
HR Round
Tell me about yourself.
What are your strengths and weaknesses. ...
How you feel about working late or during the weekends? ...
Have you faced any challenging situation? ...
Where do you see yourself in the next five years? ...
Why should I hire you? ...
How you define success?
Why do you want this job? ...
Why are you looking for job change?
24 June 2019 50
HR Round
•oTell me about yourself.
 Connect personal strengths with supporting exs.
Avoid summarising your resume word for word.
Align your current job responsibilities to the role.
Avoid mentioning personal information related to your marital status ,children,
political or religious views.
Highlight your personality.
Connect your skills to the job description.
Briefly mention about hobbies, intellectual, development and community
24 June 2019 51
HR Round
•oWhat are your strengths and weaknesses. ...
 The best way to handle this question is to minimize the trait and emphasize
the positive. Select a trait and come up with a solution to overcome your
weakness. Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate more on
professional traits.
 For example: "I pride myself on being a 'big-picture' guy. I have to admit I
sometimes miss small details, but I always make sure I have someone who is
detail-oriented on my team.“
 Being too critical of yourself.
 Attempting to please everyone.
 Being unfamiliar with the latest software.
24 June 2019 52
HR Round
•oWhat are your strengths and weaknesses. ...
 The best way to handle this question is to minimize the trait and emphasize
the positive. Select a trait and come up with a solution to overcome your
weakness. Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate more on
professional traits.
 For example: "I pride myself on being a 'big-picture' guy. I have to admit I
sometimes miss small details, but I always make sure I have someone who is
detail-oriented on my team.“
 Being too critical of yourself.
 Attempting to please everyone.
 Being unfamiliar with the latest software.
24 June 2019 53
HR Round
• How you feel about working late or during the
weekends? ...
• Giving positive perspective and not feeling pressurized to work at weekends.
• I enjoy work because to me it's a very peaceful . However, I need my weekends to
refresh and recharge.
• I can stay focused for a long period of time without getting tired.
• If there is an urgent need or an emergency I’ll definitely work whatever shifts you
need; the company's growth and success are mine as well.
24 June 2019 54
HR Round
• How you feel about working late or during the
weekends? ...
• Giving positive perspective and not feeling pressurized to work at weekends.
• I enjoy work because to me it's a very peaceful . However, I need my weekends to
refresh and recharge.
• I can stay focused for a long period of time without getting tired.
• If there is an urgent need or an emergency I’ll definitely work whatever shifts you
need; the company's growth and success are mine as well.
24 June 2019 55
HR Round
• Have you faced any challenging
situation? ...
• Describe a difficult situation you encountered in a previous job, and how you
resolved it.”
•“Can you provide an example of a time when you (made a mistake at work,
under-performed on a task, etc.) and how you overcame this.”
24 June 2019 56
HR Round
• How you define success?
To me, success means to have a goal, plan the steps to achieve the goal
implement the plan, and finally achieve the goal.
"Success means to achieve a goal I have set for myself”
24 June 2019 57
HR Round
• Have you faced any challenging situation? ...
• Describe a difficult situation you encountered in a previous job, and how you resolved
•“Can you provide an example of a time when you (made a mistake at work, under-
performed on a task, etc.) and how you overcame this.”
24 June 2019 58
HR Round
• where do you see yourself in the next five
years? ...
My first goal is to learn the financial structure of the company, analyze the competition,
and then develop a strategy to exceed others in the market.”
Keep your answer general.
Stress your interest in a long-term career at the company.
Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job
24 June 2019 59
HR Round
• Why should I hire you
• You can do the work and deliver exceptional results.
• You will fit in beautifully and be a great addition to the team.
• You possess a combination of skills and experience that make you stand out from the
24 June 2019 60
HR Round
• Why do you want this job? ...
•Make sure that you are sincerely interested in the job and will be motivated to perform
if hired
•Understand your priorities and preferences — which aspects of the company and/or job
are appealing to you and why?
•Learn about your career goals and how this position fits into your plan
24 June 2019 61
HR Round
•Job is stimulating & challenging.
•Able to learn new things and develop your skill set.
•Achieve measurable results.
•Feel valued and a core part of the team.
•Opportunities to grow and progress within the company.
24 June 2019 62
Resume Preparation & Tips
•oHave you faced any challenging situation? ..
oShould have a stunning opening summary in 300
o words
oAlign the summary Industry specific
oCompetencies and Competence
oManagerial skills or Technical skills.
oMajor Accomplishments
oOrganizations worked
oScope of work done
o Education
24 June 2019 63
Resume Preparation & Tips
24 June 2019 64
Resume Preparation & Tips
24 June 2019 65
24 June 2019 66
learningattitude*discipline )notonLuckor

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Interview preparation devops

  • 1. 24 June 2019 1 Interview Preparation - DevOps
  • 2. 24 June 2019 2 Agenda •Introduction - Tell Me about yourself - What is project - Domain choice of Project? - Domain v/s Platform? - Project v/s Product - learning’s of Project - Product Company & Service Company • SDLC - SDLC - Scrum Process - Planning Poker - Version Management - architecture . DEVOPS - Devops - Jenkins, Git , - JIRA
  • 3. 24 June 2019 3 Agenda • Maven , Gradle • Docker • Puppet , Ansible • Chef , SaltStack • Nagios ,Splunk • Aws ,Linux • Manager Round • HR Round • Snipe Assessments • Resume Preparations • References
  • 4. 24 June 2019 4 INTRODUCTION - session 1
  • 5. 24 June 2019 5 Tell Me about yourself The future depends on what we do in the present - Mahatma Gandhi Born and brought up in Patna, Bihar, I studied in a convent school and it was around my ninth grade where I developed a keen interest in Internet and Technology. Following my interest, I pursued my Bachelors in Computer Application from men’s College, Patna. As part of my curriculum, I particularly found the subjects of Computer Networks and Design of Algorithms highly intriguing, as these subjects created in me a passion to study the computer related courses in much more detail. Alongside, I also started preparing for my Master of Computer Application course. Besides my curriculum, I participated in various events pertaining to art and culture held in my college. Talking about my profession, now I am qualified computer programmer where I work on various programming languages such as C, Java, PHP, JavaScript, C++, Python, Shell, Ruby, Objective-C and C#. Besides my work and academic, I am extremely passionate about playing Guitar, which is a great stress- buster for me. I am very much greatful to my esteem college, faculty and supported my current company which developed myself to effective quality professional. That's all about myself, my quote is "Life is all about grabbing the opportunity". thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to introduce me.
  • 6. 24 June 2019 6 Introduction • What is Project? •A project is a temporary effort to create a unique product or service. Projects usually include constraints and risks regarding cost, schedule or performance outcome.. The future depends on what we do in the present - Mahatma Gandhi
  • 7. 24 June 2019 7 Project Overview • Domain choice of the project ? The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.-Vince Lambardi
  • 8. 24 June 2019 8 Introduction • Domain v/s Platform ? Domain Platform It is a field study that defines a set of common requirement Terminology and functionality for any software program constructed to solve a problem in the area of computer programming. EX: PLM, CRM, RETAIL A platform is a “Blue print for the evolution of popular software or specification.” It depends a standard around which a system can be developed. EX: Java platform .Net platform People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.-Dale Carnegie
  • 9. 24 June 2019 9 Introduction • Project v/s Product ? Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. -Theodore Roosevelt
  • 10. 24 June 2019 10 Introduction • Project Learning’s ? Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. -Albert Einstein
  • 11. 24 June 2019 11 Service & Product Company • People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.-Dale Carnegie “Service Based Companies are driven by customer needs. They offer services and solutions as per customer requirements. Features of these type of companies:- 1. High pressure work environment. 2. Completing deadline is most. 3. Person should be multitasking. 4. Should be willing to become a victim of office politics for better appraisal from senior. 5. Less scope of R&D. But would be able to learn new things a lot. Product Based Companies are driven by an idea to help different customers. Here the main focus would be what should i do to make my product better. Features of these type of companies are:- 1. Cool and healthy environment. 2. Better flow of thoughts. Help an individual to think out of the box. 3. Person need not be multitasker. Instead be good at its respective field. 4. Pressure is there but comparative less. 5. More job satisfaction as mind will be less stressful.
  • 12. 24 June 2019 12 SDLC - session 1
  • 13. 24 June 2019 13 SDLC • • Waterfall Model. • V-Shaped Model. • Evolutionary Prototyping Model. • Spiral Method (SDM) • Iterative and Incremental Method. • Agile development.
  • 14. 24 June 2019 14 Agile Methodology-Scrum Process •
  • 15. 24 June 2019 15 Agile Methodology-Scrum Process •
  • 16. 24 June 2019 16 Planning Poker Card • “
  • 17. 24 June 2019 17 Version Management •These are the problems source code management is intended to solve. Effectively it is a database for source code that eases the problems of – Multiple people in many places working on the same code – Retrieving old versions of files – Keeping logs about what changed in a file – Integrating changed code – Generating release builds Version Management also called Version Control or Revision Control, is a means to effectively track and control changes to a collection of related entities. The term "Versioning" is also sometimes used but the difference is that "Versioning" typically refers to when someone manually applies a version number or label to something for easier communication or simplification such as "draft", "beta", or "1.0". In the context of an information solution version control is most often used to track and control changes to source code. It is a very important tool within an overall life cycle management strategy for information solutions.
  • 18. 24 June 2019 18 Version Management •Centralized Version Control A single server holds the code base Clients access the server by means of check- in/check-outs Examples include CVS, Subversion, Visual Source Safe. Advantages: Easier to maintain a single server. Disadvantages: Single point of failure. Distributed Version Control Each client (essentially) holds a complete copy of the code base. Code is shared between clients by push/pulls Example Git Advantages: Many operations cheaper. No single point of failure Disadvantages: A bit more complicated!
  • 19. 24 June 2019 19 Version Management: GIT •o GIT is a Distributed Version Control System. oIt is a content addressable file system, used to track directory trees. oIt handles all the things like merging of source code and maintaining versions. oGIT is optimized for Complex Merges and Fast. oIt follows Trunk Base Development. oIt allows for code collaboration with anyone online. oUsers keep entire code and history on their location machines oUsers can make any changes without internet access Linus uses BitKeeper to manage Linux code o In 2005, BitKeeper suddenly became unavailable. o Linus decided to create a tool with Distributed Source Management System. o Linus Torvalds developed GIT in June 2005.
  • 20. 24 June 2019 20 Terminology • o DIRECTORY : A folder is used for storing multiple files. o REPOSITORY : A collection of all the files and their history organized in folders, branches, tags. o CLONE : Act of copying a repository from a remote server. o BRANCH : It is a pointer to a commit(save the files). o MERGE : Combination of one or more branches into the current branch. o ORIGIN : The default name of the remote repository o MASTER : It is just another branch, but is the default one which gets created. o STAGE FILES : These are the files we have told GIT that are ready to committed. o SNAPSHOT : In general is just the "entity" that GIT uses to store its data. o INTEGRATORS : It can review and bring changes to reference code asynchronously to central repository.
  • 21. 24 June 2019 21 Dev-ops Life cycle •o
  • 22. 24 June 2019 22 Dev-ops Process •o
  • 23. 24 June 2019 23 •o
  • 24. 24 June 2019 24 Continuous Development •o
  • 25. 24 June 2019 25 Continuous Testing •o
  • 26. 24 June 2019 26 Continuous Integration •o
  • 27. 24 June 2019 27 DEVOPS Tools - session 2
  • 28. 24 June 2019 28 DEVOPS •1. what is DevOps? •2. why do we need DevOps? •3. Mention the key aspects or principle behind DevOps? •4. List out some of the popular tools for DevOps? •5. what is a version control system? •6. What is Git and explain the difference between Git and SVN? •7. what language is used in Git? •8. what is Docker? •9. what is Docker image? •10. what is Docker Container?
  • 29. 24 June 2019 29 11. Can we consider DevOps as Agile methodology? 12. what are the advantages of using Git? 13. what is difference between grep -i and grep -v? 14. what is kernel? 15. what is concept of sudo in linux? 16. what is a Jenkins Pipeline? 17. How to stop and restart the Docker container? 18. What is Scrum? 19. Explain the difference between git pull and git fetch? 20. What is the difference between Maven, Ant and Jenkins?
  • 30. 24 June 2019 30 21. Explain what is continuous integration? 22. What is the relation between Hudson and Jenkins? 23. What are the advantages of Jenkins? 24. Which SCM tools does Jenkins supports? 25. What is your daily activities in your current role? 26. What are the challenges you faced in recent times? 27. What are the build and deployment failures you got and how you resolved those? 28.How you will do the releases? 29. How you automate the whole build and release process? 30. What is Continuous Monitoring and why checking is basic in DevOps?
  • 31. 24 June 2019 31 31. Explain about from Continuous Delivery. 32. Success factor for the Continuous Integration 33. What is Configuration Management? 34. Explain a few prerequisites that are useful for DevOps implementation. 35. What are the top 10 devops tools that are used in the industry today? 36. Have you been involved in DevOps implementation in the cloud? If yes which cloud computing platform? 37. How is DevOps different from Agile? DevOps Vs Agile 38. Can you brief Roles, Responsibilities, and Skills of a DevOps Engineer 39. what are Devops Principles?
  • 32. 24 June 2019 32 JENKINS 1. What is Jenkins? What are the features of Jenkins? 2. Mention some of the important plugins in Jenkins? 3. What are the advantages of Jenkins? Why we use Jenkins? 4. Which Command is used to start Jenkins? 5. What is Jenkinsfile? 6. What is Jenkins pipeline? What is a CI CD pipeline? 7. What are Declarative Pipelines in Jenkins? 8. What is SCM? Which SCM tools are supported in Jenkins? 9. What are Triggers? 10. What is the difference between Maven, Ant, and Jenkins?
  • 33. 24 June 2019 33 JENKINS 10. What is the difference between Maven, Ant, and Jenkins? 11. How to create a backup and copy files in Jenkins? 12. What is Flow Control in Jenkins? 13. What are the basic requirements for installing Jenkins? 14. Why is Jenkins called a Continuous Delivery Tool? 15. Give any simple example of Jenkins script.
  • 34. 24 June 2019 34 GIT 1. What is Git? 2. What is the command to write a commit message in Git? 3. What language is used in Git? 4. What is the difference between git pull and git fetch? 5. What is ‘staging area’ or ‘index’ in Git? 6. What is the function of ‘git config’? 7. How can you create a repository in Git? 8. Can you explain about Branching and Merging in GIT? 9. what is git stash? 10. what are the different ways to add/stage files/change to the git repository? 11. How to get current status of local repository?
  • 35. 24 June 2019 35 JIRA 1. Why is JIRA used? 2. Explain JIRA workflow. 3. Enlist the report types generated by JIRA. 4. Explain the three color indicators and their significance 5. Mention a way with which an issue can be shared with other users in JIRA 6. How is an issue linked in JIRA? 7. What is the purpose of JIRA dashboard? 8. What do you mean by Scheduling an issue? 9. Mention one similarity and one difference between JIRA Scrum and JIRA Kanban. 10. What comes under JIRA Schema?
  • 36. 24 June 2019 36 MAVEN 1. What is Maven? 2. How many project types available in Maven to choose from? 3. Maven advantages over Ant? 4. What Maven creates for you? 5. What are the Maven Phases? 6. What are the tenets of Maven? 7. What is the Projected Oriented Build in Maven? 8. What are Maven’s main objectives? 9. What is the Maven Lifecycle? 10. What are the archetype goals?
  • 37. 24 June 2019 37 GRADLE 1. What Is Gradle Framework? 2. Advantages Of Using Gradle? 3. What Is Gradle Wrapper ? 4. Why Gradle Is Preferred Over Other Build Tools ? 5. What Is The Latest Version Of Gradle Available In The Market ? 6. How Do You Run Gradle Build ? 7. What Are The Core Components Of Gradle Build Script ? 8. The Main Difference Between Maven Build.xml And Build.gradle Script ? 9. How Do I Check Out And Build The Framework ? 10. How Do I Configure The Gradle Daemon To Speed Up Builds ? 11. What is Gradle Daemon ?
  • 38. 24 June 2019 38 Docker 1. What is a Docker? 2. What are the components of Docker Architecture and explain? 3. What is Docker Container? 4. What are Docker Image and Docker Hub? 5. What are the different functionalities and applications of using Docker? 6. What is a Docker Registry? 7. What is the lifecycle of Docker Container? 8. What are Docker Objects? 9. What are the important Docker commands? 10. What’s the benefit of “Dockerizing?”
  • 39. 24 June 2019 39 Puppet 1. What is Puppet ? 2. What is Manifests ? 3. What is Module and How it is different from Manifest ? 4. Where Puppet Master Stores Certificates 5. What is the use of etckeeper-commit-post and etckeeper-commit-pre on Puppet Agent ? 6. What’s special about Puppet’s model-driven design? 7. Can Puppet manage workstations? 8. How should I upgrade Puppet and Facter? 9. what is the difference between puppet and ansible? 10. Which open source or community tools do you use to make Puppet more powerful?
  • 40. 24 June 2019 40 Ansible 1. What Is Ansible? 2. What’s the use of Ansible? 3. What is Ansible Galaxy? 4. What is Continuous Delivery? 5. What is the way to access shell environment variables in Ansible? 6. How Can you submit a change to the Documentation in Ansible? 7. What Is the Best Method to Make Content Reusable/redistributable? 8. What is Ansible Tower? 9. Discuss method to Create an Empty File with Ansible 10. Explain modules in ansible
  • 41. 24 June 2019 41 CHEF 1. 1. What is Chef? 2. What is a Recipe in Chef? 3. What is a Node in Chef? 4. What happens when you don’t specify a Resource’s action in Chef? 5. Are these two Chef recipes the same? 6. How does Chef-apply differ from Chef-client? 7. What is run-list in Chef? 8. What is the role of Starter Kit in Chef? 9. Explain the major components of Chef? 10. What are Chef Resources and its functions? 11. Why are SSL certificates used in Chef?
  • 42. 24 June 2019 42 CHEF 1. 1. What is Chef? 2. What is a Recipe in Chef? 3. What is a Node in Chef? 4. What happens when you don’t specify a Resource’s action in Chef? 5. Are these two Chef recipes the same? 6. How does Chef-apply differ from Chef-client? 7. What is run-list in Chef? 8. What is the role of Starter Kit in Chef? 9. Explain the major components of Chef? 10. What are Chef Resources and its functions? 11. Why are SSL certificates used in Chef?
  • 43. 24 June 2019 43 SALTSTACK 1. Explain any two advantages of SaltStack. 2. On the Firewall option, what port you are you supposed to open? 3. Why is SaltStack termed as the open-source software? 4. Salting the Salt Master? 5. How will you deploy a file to a minion with the accession of other minions? 6. What is the best way to restart a Salt Minion Daemon using Salt after upgrade? 7. What is SaltStack ? 8. Why is SaltStack termed as the open-source software? 9. Explain any two advantages of SaltStack. 10. Explain any two disadvantages of using SaltStack.
  • 44. 24 June 2019 44 NAGIOS 1 What is Nagios? 2. How does Nagios work? 3. What are Plugins in Nagios? 4. What is NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) in Nagios? 5. What is meant by Nagios backend?(unable to find a relevant explanation) 6. What do you mean by passive check in Nagios? 7. What is the difference between Active and Passive check in Nagios? 8. Explain Main Configuration file of Nagios and its location? 9. Explain how Flap Detection works in Nagios? 10. What is State Stalking in Nagios?.
  • 45. 24 June 2019 45 SPLUNK 1. What is Splunk? Why is Splunk used for analyzing machine data? 2. What are the components of Splunk? 3. Explain how Splunk works. 4. Why use only Splunk? Why can’t I go for something that is open source? 5. Which Splunk Roles can share the same machine? 6. Briefly explain the Splunk Architecture 7. What happens if the License Master is unreachable? 8. Why should we use Splunk Alert? What are the different options while setting up Alerts? 9. Explain Workflow Actions 10. Explain file precedence in Splunk. 11. Explain how data ages in Splunk?
  • 46. 24 June 2019 46 AWS 1. What Is Amazon Web Services In Devops? 2. What are the key components of AWS? 3. What are the IAAS, PAAS, SAAS services in AWS? 4. What is S3? 5. What is auto-scaling? 6. Distinguish between scalability and flexibility? 7. Mention the types of storages offered by AWS? 8. What is Redshift? 9. Why Do We Use Aws For Devops? 10. What Is Devops Tooling By Aws?
  • 47. 24 June 2019 47 AWS 11. What Is Aws Code Build In Aws Devops? 12. What Is Code Commit In Aws Devops? 13. What Is Amazon Rds In Aws Devops? 14. What Are The Benefits Of Aws Code Deploy In Aws Devops? 15. What Is VPC Peering? 16. What Is VPC Endpoints? 17. What Is Ebs (elastic Block Storage)? 18. What Is Auto-scaling? How Does It Work? 19. How Is Buffer Used In Amazon Web Services? 20. What Is The Function Of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud?
  • 48. 24 June 2019 48 HR ROUND
  • 49. 24 June 2019 49 HR Round •oWHAT CHALLENGES ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN THIS HR POSITION Tell me about yourself. What are your strengths and weaknesses. ... How you feel about working late or during the weekends? ... Have you faced any challenging situation? ... Where do you see yourself in the next five years? ... Why should I hire you? ... How you define success? Why do you want this job? ... Why are you looking for job change?
  • 50. 24 June 2019 50 HR Round •oTell me about yourself.  Connect personal strengths with supporting exs. Avoid summarising your resume word for word. Align your current job responsibilities to the role. Avoid mentioning personal information related to your marital status ,children, political or religious views. Highlight your personality. Connect your skills to the job description. Briefly mention about hobbies, intellectual, development and community involvement.
  • 51. 24 June 2019 51 HR Round •oWhat are your strengths and weaknesses. ...  The best way to handle this question is to minimize the trait and emphasize the positive. Select a trait and come up with a solution to overcome your weakness. Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate more on professional traits.  For example: "I pride myself on being a 'big-picture' guy. I have to admit I sometimes miss small details, but I always make sure I have someone who is detail-oriented on my team.“  Being too critical of yourself.  Attempting to please everyone.  Being unfamiliar with the latest software.
  • 52. 24 June 2019 52 HR Round •oWhat are your strengths and weaknesses. ...  The best way to handle this question is to minimize the trait and emphasize the positive. Select a trait and come up with a solution to overcome your weakness. Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate more on professional traits.  For example: "I pride myself on being a 'big-picture' guy. I have to admit I sometimes miss small details, but I always make sure I have someone who is detail-oriented on my team.“  Being too critical of yourself.  Attempting to please everyone.  Being unfamiliar with the latest software.
  • 53. 24 June 2019 53 HR Round • How you feel about working late or during the weekends? ... • Giving positive perspective and not feeling pressurized to work at weekends. • I enjoy work because to me it's a very peaceful . However, I need my weekends to refresh and recharge. • I can stay focused for a long period of time without getting tired. • If there is an urgent need or an emergency I’ll definitely work whatever shifts you need; the company's growth and success are mine as well.
  • 54. 24 June 2019 54 HR Round • How you feel about working late or during the weekends? ... • Giving positive perspective and not feeling pressurized to work at weekends. • I enjoy work because to me it's a very peaceful . However, I need my weekends to refresh and recharge. • I can stay focused for a long period of time without getting tired. • If there is an urgent need or an emergency I’ll definitely work whatever shifts you need; the company's growth and success are mine as well.
  • 55. 24 June 2019 55 HR Round • Have you faced any challenging situation? ... • Describe a difficult situation you encountered in a previous job, and how you resolved it.” •“Can you provide an example of a time when you (made a mistake at work, under-performed on a task, etc.) and how you overcame this.”
  • 56. 24 June 2019 56 HR Round • How you define success? To me, success means to have a goal, plan the steps to achieve the goal implement the plan, and finally achieve the goal. "Success means to achieve a goal I have set for myself”
  • 57. 24 June 2019 57 HR Round • Have you faced any challenging situation? ... • Describe a difficult situation you encountered in a previous job, and how you resolved it.” •“Can you provide an example of a time when you (made a mistake at work, under- performed on a task, etc.) and how you overcame this.”
  • 58. 24 June 2019 58 HR Round • where do you see yourself in the next five years? ... My first goal is to learn the financial structure of the company, analyze the competition, and then develop a strategy to exceed others in the market.” Keep your answer general. Stress your interest in a long-term career at the company. Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job
  • 59. 24 June 2019 59 HR Round • Why should I hire you • You can do the work and deliver exceptional results. • You will fit in beautifully and be a great addition to the team. • You possess a combination of skills and experience that make you stand out from the crowd.
  • 60. 24 June 2019 60 HR Round • Why do you want this job? ... •Make sure that you are sincerely interested in the job and will be motivated to perform if hired •Understand your priorities and preferences — which aspects of the company and/or job are appealing to you and why? •Learn about your career goals and how this position fits into your plan
  • 61. 24 June 2019 61 HR Round • WHY ARE YOU LOOKING FOR JOB CHANGE? •Job is stimulating & challenging. •Able to learn new things and develop your skill set. •Achieve measurable results. •Feel valued and a core part of the team. •Opportunities to grow and progress within the company.
  • 62. 24 June 2019 62 Resume Preparation & Tips •oHave you faced any challenging situation? .. oTips oShould have a stunning opening summary in 300 o words oAlign the summary Industry specific oCompetencies and Competence oManagerial skills or Technical skills. oMajor Accomplishments oOrganizations worked oScope of work done o Education
  • 63. 24 June 2019 63 Resume Preparation & Tips •
  • 64. 24 June 2019 64 Resume Preparation & Tips •
  • 65. 24 June 2019 65 References • https://www.edureka.co/blog/devops-tools https://www.gangboard.com/blog/devops-interview-questions-and-answers/ https://www.guru99.com/devops-tools.html https://www.guru99.com/devops-tutorial.html#8 https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/jenkins-interview-questions/ https://www.edureka.co/blog/interview-questions/git-interview-questions/ https://tekslate.com/puppet-interview-questions-and-answers https://intellipaat.com/interview-question/chef-interview-questions/ https://www.janbasktraining.com/blog/chef-interview-questions/ https://www.edureka.co/blog/interview-questions/chef-interview-questions/ https://www.edureka.co/blog/interview-questions/nagios-interview-questions/ https://www.edureka.co/blog/interview-questions/top-splunk-interview-questions-and-answers https://jivoi.github.io/2016/01/22/linux-sysadm-devops-interview-questions/
  • 66. 24 June 2019 66 • o CareerValuesisdirectlyproportionalto(Hard work*Commitment*Focus*Well-Planned learningattitude*discipline )notonLuckor MagicorReference. -SnipeTeam