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Industrial IoT Mayhem?
Java IoT Gateways to the Rescue
Dave Woodard: Sr. Software Engineer
Walt Bowers: IoT Solutions Architect
Sept 20, 2016
Outline – Where we are headed
• Eurotech Overview
• Industrial IoT Gateway Complexity
• Making IIoT Gateway’s Simple
• Demo – Kura Wires and IIoT
Eurotech Overview
• One of the world top players in the global Embedded Computers market
• Behind the products & services of more than 20 Global 500 companies
• 20+ Years of experience in “M2M” and distributed systems
– 20+ Years experience in OT / embedded / gateway hardware & software
– 16 Years ago co-developed MQTT with IBM
– 10+ Years experience with Java in embedded
– 6+ Years history in M2M/IoT cloud platforms
• Strong vertical market competencies:
– Industrial & Logistics
– Transportation
– Defense & Security
– Healthcare & Medical
Eurotech Overview
• Active in Eclipse IoT
– One of founding member companies
– http://iot.eclipse.org/
• Contributors to Kura and Kapua
– Contributed the original code from ESF
– https://www.eclipse.org/kura/
• OSGi Alliance
– IoT Expert Group
– http://osgi.org
Some of Our IoT Activity
The IT/OT Challenge:
Connecting Diverse Worlds
The Internet of Things
IoT Solutions …
Preventive Maintenance
REST unattended
business intelligence
open source
business models
everything as a service
… require seamless integration between the things in the
field and the enterprise applications without creating
The Internet of Things
• Performance constrains
• Few standards
• Human resource constraints (C++)
• Expensive, limited communication
• Monolithic approach
• Single-purpose devices
• Hardware-defined systems
• Store-and-Forward communication
• Operations-centric approach
Evolution: M2M 2.0 = IoT
• Powerful embedded systems
• Open and industry standards
• No HR constrains (Java)
• Inexpensive, available communication
• System & platform approach
• Multi-service systems
• Software-defined systems
• Real-time data and communication
• IT-centric approach
“Old M2M” M2M 2.0 = IoT
IoT Challenges
Protocols to Cloud
– CoAP
– AllSeen
Sensor Protocols
– CANBus
– MODBus
– Bluetooth
– ZigBee
– Z-Wave
– Intel
– oneM2M
– Thread
– AllSeen
– Industrial Internet Consortium
Hardware Sensor(s)
Vertical Market
– Store and forward
– Best Effort
– Guaranteed
Maintenance and Lifecycle Management
– Deployment/Install
– Upgrade
– Provisioning/Configuration
– Sensors
– Data
– Network
Network Management
– Cell
– Heterogeneous
Embracing IoT Complexity
How to accelerate overall solution engineering process?
How to include phased, incremental changes?
Displays, …
IoT Challenges
Addressing the Challenges
Upwards Abstraction towards Business Tiers
Complexity tamed bottom up.
IoT Integration Platform
Data&Analytics Platform
Sensors, Actuators,
Modularity and Scalability
Adapting to Existing Field Implementations.
Device Cloud
Distributed Device Logic
& Infrastructure
Business /
Application Logic
& Infrastructure
Applications /
Enterprise IT
M2M Gateways,
Smart Edge Nodes,
Connected Sensors
M2M Gateway
Integrated Solution
The Internet of Things
• IT centric, open and standards based IIoT / IoT
connectivity platforms as building blocks for extending the
enterprise IT
• Implementation of “Enterprise Service Bus for Machines”
like architectures to allow an easy integration of different
device data systems and applications
• Software-defined Gateway approach to integrate and
consolidate data streams and future proof investments
• IT centric application development and management to
implement business logic in smart edge devices / service
• Off the shelf general purpose and purpose built devices
(and CPU Boards) designed to meet vertical market value
Distributed Systems Fundamental Building Blocks
IoT Integration Platform
Typical Features
M2M / IoT Integration Platform
Devices Devices Devices
Application Platform
• Service Abstraction
• Data Normalization
• Translation
• Message Routing
• Pub/Sub
• Low Latency
• Data Aggregation
• Compression
• Security
• Buffering
• WAN Optimization
• Device Lifecycle
• Device Abstraction
• Business Logic in Java
• Device Lifecycle
• Field Technology
The MultiService Gateway IoT Approach
Field Infrastructure
M2M / IoT
Device HW
Gateway, OS, Security
Gateway Application Framework
Certifications, Device Connections
Aggregators & On-
Premise Platforms
M2M Integration / IoT Application Enablement /
Device and Data Management Platform
SIM Management &
Communication Infrastructure
M2M / IoT
Sensors, HMIs, Actuators, etc.
aPaaS SaaS
Enterprise Applications
Big Data
Enterprise IT
How to make it simple?
M2M / IoT
Gateways & Devices
Open Hardware
Java / OSGi
OT Hardware Integration / Device Abstraction
Open Source IoT M2M Stack
Complete Set of Integrated OS HW & SW Building Blocks
IoT Device
Device HW
& Delivery
Security Administration
Security Administration
Embedded App
BRMS IT Application Integration Kapua
Why a Java OSGi IoT Gateway Stack?
Increase productivity
Java SE Embedded
• Platform Independent
• Modular
• Services – Reusable
and discoverable
• Easier integration into
complex systems
• Isolation from
Why Open Source IoT Gateway Stack?
IoT Gateway Challenges:
• Pressure to add value in
shrinking timeframes
• Velocity of technology changes
outstrips staffing
• Interoperability trumps
exclusive differentiation
• Quest for quality w/o lock-in
Open Source is the Answer!
Founded in 2012 by
• Now …
– 23+ Members
– 25+ new projects
– 1M+ lines of source code
– The fastest growing Eclipse
Open source is the fast prototyping enabler
IoT Gateways
From Prototype to Production
Efficient Development & Investment Protection
Open Hardware
Open Software
Eclipse Kura
Open Java OSGi Framework for IoT Gateways
Kura Under the Hood
Java SE 7 (Oracle Java SE Embedded, OpenJDK)
OSGi Application Container (Eclipse Equinox, Concierge)
Device Abstraction
Basic Gateway Services
DB Service
Clock Service
Device Profile
Network ConfigurationNetwork Configuration
Field ProtocolsConnectivity and Delivery
Data Services MQTT Paho
Your Application
javax.usb / udev
Cloud Services
Your Application
Link Monitors
Cellular, Wi-Fi,
GPS Position GPIO / SPI / PWM / I2C
Custom Protocols
Developer’s Experience
Emulate on PC Deploy on Target Cloud Managed
Start developing your IoT
/M2M application in the
comfort of your PC.
• Full Eclipse Integration
• Target Platform Definition
• Emulated Services
• Run/Debug from Eclipse
• Support Mac/Linux Hosts
When you are ready, deploy
your application on the
• One-click Deployment
• Eclipse Plugin
• Remote Debugging
Provision and manage your
applications in field devices
from the Cloud.
• Remote OSGi
Management via MQTT
• Web-based Console
Demo :
Industrial IoT with Kura Wires
Kura Wires - Terminology
• Composer UI - It is the canvas area for Kura Wires in which the
dataflow graph will be created.
• Logical Block - A Logical Block is a visual element in the
Composer UI which is represented as a node in the Kura Wires
dataflow graph.
Kura Wires – Logical Blocks
• Computational Block - A Computational Block is a Logical Block,
capable of receiving, processing and emitting data to the connected
downstream logical blocks. It can be, for example, data store, data
filter, data publisher instances that will be used to manage data.
• Wire - A Wire is a logical connection between the Logical Blocks which
allows to define a concrete dataflow in Kura Wires.
• Asset - An Asset is a Logical Block that is capable of communicating
with specific sensors and/or actuators of Industrial Device using
specific protocol.
• Wire Graph - A Wire Graph is a dataflow graph comprising several
aforementioned Logical Blocks which represents an Industrial IoT
application scenario.
Kura Wires – Wire Graph
Kura Wires -To Learn More
• Visit the Eclipse Booth 5017 in Exhibition Hall
– Monday 3:30-5:30
– Tuesday 1:30-3:30
– Wednesday 1:00 – 2:45
Resources and Acknowledgements
• Eclipse IoT: http://iot.eclipse.org/
• Eclipse Kura: https://www.eclipse.org/kura/
• Amit Mondal – Kura wires:
– http://blog.amitinside.com/Industry-4-with-Kura/
– http://blog.amitinside.com/Kura-Wires-bits-and-pieces/
– https://dzone.com/articles/kura-wires-a-different-perspective-to-
Thank You!

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Industrial IoT Mayhem? Java IoT Gateways to the Rescue

  • 1. Industrial IoT Mayhem? Java IoT Gateways to the Rescue Dave Woodard: Sr. Software Engineer Walt Bowers: IoT Solutions Architect Sept 20, 2016
  • 2. Outline – Where we are headed • Eurotech Overview • Industrial IoT Gateway Complexity • Making IIoT Gateway’s Simple • Demo – Kura Wires and IIoT 2
  • 3. Eurotech Overview • One of the world top players in the global Embedded Computers market • Behind the products & services of more than 20 Global 500 companies • 20+ Years of experience in “M2M” and distributed systems – 20+ Years experience in OT / embedded / gateway hardware & software – 16 Years ago co-developed MQTT with IBM – 10+ Years experience with Java in embedded – 6+ Years history in M2M/IoT cloud platforms • Strong vertical market competencies: – Industrial & Logistics – Transportation – Defense & Security – Healthcare & Medical 3
  • 4. Eurotech Overview • Active in Eclipse IoT – One of founding member companies – http://iot.eclipse.org/ • Contributors to Kura and Kapua – Contributed the original code from ESF – https://www.eclipse.org/kura/ • OSGi Alliance – IoT Expert Group – http://osgi.org Some of Our IoT Activity
  • 5. The IT/OT Challenge: Connecting Diverse Worlds DATADEVICES BUSINESS MODELS
  • 6. The Internet of Things IoT Solutions … DATA IOT Sensors SERVICES platform M2M monitoring management REMOTE Preventive Maintenance many-to-one machines DEVICES actuators HMI nearreal-time MQTT PROTOCOLS field bus HARDWARE gateway MULTI SERVICE REST unattended OT IT/OT INTEGRATION iPaaS IaaS BIG DATA ANALYTICS business intelligence IT CEP CLOUD on-premise database ESB SaaS MOBILE APPLICATION INTERNET virtualization IaaS IP open source CONTEXT DECISION BusinessModels ASSET cellular wireless satellite BUSINESS INTEGRATION services servitization COST CUSTOMER PARTNER OEMs ORGANIZATIONS PRODUCT VALUE support INFRASTRUCTURE outsourcing new business models everything as a service DaaS iPaaS TCO FLEXIBILITY Carrier Certifications … require seamless integration between the things in the field and the enterprise applications without creating dependencies
  • 7. The Internet of Things • Performance constrains • Few standards • Human resource constraints (C++) • Expensive, limited communication • Monolithic approach • Single-purpose devices • Hardware-defined systems • Store-and-Forward communication • Operations-centric approach Evolution: M2M 2.0 = IoT • Powerful embedded systems • Open and industry standards • No HR constrains (Java) • Inexpensive, available communication • System & platform approach • Multi-service systems • Software-defined systems • Real-time data and communication • IT-centric approach “Old M2M” M2M 2.0 = IoT
  • 9. Fragmentation Protocols to Cloud – MQTT – LWM2M – CoAP – AllSeen Sensor Protocols – CANBus – MODBus – OPC-UA – Bluetooth – BLE – DECT – ZigBee – Z-Wave Hardware – ARM – Intel Standards – oneM2M – Thread – AllSeen – Industrial Internet Consortium – IEEE
  • 11. Complexity Reliability – Store and forward – Best Effort – Guaranteed Maintenance and Lifecycle Management – Deployment/Install – Upgrade – Provisioning/Configuration Security – Sensors – Data – Network Network Management – LAN – WAN – Cell Integration – Heterogeneous environments
  • 12. Embracing IoT Complexity How to accelerate overall solution engineering process? How to include phased, incremental changes? Business Applications Sensors, Actuators, Displays, … ? @ 12
  • 13. IoT Challenges Addressing the Challenges Fragmentation Complexity Lock-in ✔ ✔ ✔
  • 14. Upwards Abstraction towards Business Tiers Complexity tamed bottom up. Business Applications@ IoT Integration Platform Operational Technologies Cloud-side @ Enterprise Information Technologies Data&Analytics Platform Sensors, Actuators, HMI, SCADA, PLC Multi-Service Gateway 14
  • 15. Sensors, Actuators, etc. Modularity and Scalability Adapting to Existing Field Implementations. Device Cloud Infrastructure Distributed Device Logic & Infrastructure Business / Application Logic & Infrastructure Applications / Enterprise IT M2M Gateways, Smart Edge Nodes, Connected Sensors M2M Gateway Cloud Client HW Cloud Client Integrated Solution Cloud Client Connected Sensor Sensor, Machine M2M Integration Platform M2M Protocols MQTT 15
  • 16. The Internet of Things • IT centric, open and standards based IIoT / IoT connectivity platforms as building blocks for extending the enterprise IT • Implementation of “Enterprise Service Bus for Machines” like architectures to allow an easy integration of different device data systems and applications • Software-defined Gateway approach to integrate and consolidate data streams and future proof investments • IT centric application development and management to implement business logic in smart edge devices / service gateways • Off the shelf general purpose and purpose built devices (and CPU Boards) designed to meet vertical market value propositions Distributed Systems Fundamental Building Blocks IoT Integration Platform Multi- Service Gateway Approach
  • 17. IoT Integration Platform Typical Features M2M / IoT Integration Platform Devices Devices Devices Multi-Service Gateways Generic Device Adapter Specific Device Adapter Modbus PLC Application Platform • Service Abstraction • Data Normalization • Translation • Message Routing • Pub/Sub • Low Latency • Data Aggregation • Compression • Security • Buffering • WAN Optimization • Device Lifecycle Management • Device Abstraction • Business Logic in Java • Device Lifecycle Management • Field Technology Integration 17
  • 18. The MultiService Gateway IoT Approach Overview System Infrastructure Application Integration Layer Application Layer Communication Infrastructure Field Infrastructure MQTT M2M / IoT Integration Platform Device HW Gateway, OS, Security Gateway Application Framework Certifications, Device Connections Aggregators & On- Premise Platforms M2M Integration / IoT Application Enablement / Device and Data Management Platform SIM Management & Communication Infrastructure Optimum M2M / IoT Protocols Public Cloud Private Cloud Sensors, HMIs, Actuators, etc. aPaaS SaaS Enterprise Applications Big Data Databases Analytics Enterprise IT Mining CEP ERP CRM ….
  • 19. How to make it simple? OSGi Open Source Java
  • 20. Certified Modems M2M / IoT Gateways & Devices Open Hardware Linux Java / OSGi OT Hardware Integration / Device Abstraction Open Source IoT M2M Stack Complete Set of Integrated OS HW & SW Building Blocks IoT Device Middleware TCP/IP IoT Integration Platform Client Device HW MQTT Connectivity & Delivery Network Configuration Field Protocols Basic Services Embedded Applications Security Administration Connectivity Management Real-Time Data Security Administration Historical Data Device Management Embedded App Management BRMS IT Application Integration Kapua
  • 21. Why a Java OSGi IoT Gateway Stack? Increase productivity OSGi on Linux Hardware Java SE Embedded Code Code Code • Platform Independent • Modular • Services – Reusable and discoverable • Easier integration into complex systems • Isolation from Fragments
  • 22. Why Open Source IoT Gateway Stack? IoT Gateway Challenges: • Pressure to add value in shrinking timeframes • Velocity of technology changes outstrips staffing • Interoperability trumps exclusive differentiation • Quest for quality w/o lock-in Open Source is the Answer! Founded in 2012 by • Now … – 23+ Members – 25+ new projects – 1M+ lines of source code – The fastest growing Eclipse workgrouphttp://www.slideshare.net/blackducksoftware/io-t-and-open-source Open source is the fast prototyping enabler
  • 23. Industrial IoT Gateways From Prototype to Production Efficient Development & Investment Protection Open Hardware Open Software
  • 24. Eclipse Kura Open Java OSGi Framework for IoT Gateways https://www.eclipse.org/kura/ https://iot.eclipse.org/java/
  • 25. Kura Under the Hood Java SE 7 (Oracle Java SE Embedded, OpenJDK) OSGi Application Container (Eclipse Equinox, Concierge) Device Abstraction javax.comm Basic Gateway Services DB Service Clock Service Device Profile Watchdog Network ConfigurationNetwork Configuration Field ProtocolsConnectivity and Delivery Data Services MQTT Paho AdministrationGUI Applications Your Application RemoteManagement Configuration Management javax.usb / udev Cloud Services Your Application Firewall, Port Forwarding Link Monitors Cellular, Wi-Fi, Ethernet GPS Position GPIO / SPI / PWM / I2C Modbus CANBus Custom Protocols Updates Management
  • 26. Developer’s Experience Emulate on PC Deploy on Target Cloud Managed Start developing your IoT /M2M application in the comfort of your PC. • Full Eclipse Integration • Target Platform Definition • Emulated Services • Run/Debug from Eclipse • Support Mac/Linux Hosts When you are ready, deploy your application on the gateway. • One-click Deployment • Eclipse Plugin • Remote Debugging Provision and manage your applications in field devices from the Cloud. • Remote OSGi Management via MQTT • Web-based Console
  • 27. Demo : Industrial IoT with Kura Wires
  • 28. Kura Wires - Terminology • Composer UI - It is the canvas area for Kura Wires in which the dataflow graph will be created. • Logical Block - A Logical Block is a visual element in the Composer UI which is represented as a node in the Kura Wires dataflow graph.
  • 29. Kura Wires – Logical Blocks • Computational Block - A Computational Block is a Logical Block, capable of receiving, processing and emitting data to the connected downstream logical blocks. It can be, for example, data store, data filter, data publisher instances that will be used to manage data. • Wire - A Wire is a logical connection between the Logical Blocks which allows to define a concrete dataflow in Kura Wires. • Asset - An Asset is a Logical Block that is capable of communicating with specific sensors and/or actuators of Industrial Device using specific protocol. • Wire Graph - A Wire Graph is a dataflow graph comprising several aforementioned Logical Blocks which represents an Industrial IoT application scenario.
  • 30. Kura Wires – Wire Graph
  • 31. Kura Wires -To Learn More • Visit the Eclipse Booth 5017 in Exhibition Hall – Monday 3:30-5:30 – Tuesday 1:30-3:30 – Wednesday 1:00 – 2:45
  • 32. Resources and Acknowledgements • Eclipse IoT: http://iot.eclipse.org/ • Eclipse Kura: https://www.eclipse.org/kura/ • Amit Mondal – Kura wires: – http://blog.amitinside.com/Industry-4-with-Kura/ – http://blog.amitinside.com/Kura-Wires-bits-and-pieces/ – https://dzone.com/articles/kura-wires-a-different-perspective-to- develop-iiot