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Incorporating Psychology
into Dietetics Practice in
the Head & Neck Cancer
Claudia	Gonzalez,	MS	
New	York	University	Diete;c	Intern
Head	and	Neck	Cancer	
Depression	&	Weight	Loss	
Weight	Loss		
(Van	Liew		et	al.,2016)
Poor	nutrient	
Head	and	Neck	Cancer	
Treatment	interrup2ons		
Reduced	effec2veness		
Reduced	survival		Increased	morbidity		
(Van	Liew		et	al.,2016)
Addressing	Depression:		
Bringing	psychology	into	the	mix	
1.	Can	psychological	strategies	
impact	nutri&on	status?
Heads	Up	
70	control	
59	interven;on			
•  RD		
•  RD	
•  Psychologist		
Using	psychological	interven&on	by	psychologists		to	improve	nutri2on	
status	in	HNC	pa2ents			
Assessing	for:		
(BriUen	et	al.	2017)
Nutri;on		 Depression			 Mortality				
No	significant	differences	
between	control	and	
interven;on	group
Addressing	Depression:		
Bringing	psychology	into	the	mix…	
2.	Can	psychological	strategies	
be	implemented	into	diete&cs	
Eating	As	Treatment	(EAT)	
Using	psychological	interven&on	by	trained	RDs	to	improve	nutri2onal	
behaviors	in	HNC	pa2ents			
151	control		
156	interven;on		
•  Care	as	usual		
•  Eat	to	LIVE		
Assessing	for:		
Nutri;on	Status		
Weight	loss	
Treatment	interrup;ons	
Unplanned	admissions	
Length	of	stay		
(BriUen	et	al.	2018)
EAT	Intervention	
Aer	week	5	 5	weeks	later		
Change	talk		
Nutri2on	Plan			
Ini.ally	(rela.onship	building)		
Nutri2on	Assessment	
Depression	Screening	
Eat	to	LIVE	convo	
(BriUen	et	al.	2018)
Promising	Results		
(BriUen	et	al.	2018)
•  New	research		
•  Heads	Up	vs.	EAT	to	LIVE–	Psychological	interven;on	conducted	by	
psychologists	vs.	Registered	Die;;ans.		
•  Promising	impact	of	CBT/MI	on	nutri;on	related	outcomes.			
•  Future	Implica2ons:		
•  Training	RDs	to	screen	for	depression.		
•  Training	RDs	in	MI/CBT.			
•  Enforcing	collabora;ve	rela;onships	between	RDs	and	pa;ents	in	an	
inpa;ent	care	se_ng.
1.	BriUon,	B.,	Baker,	AL.,	Clover,	K.,	Mcelduff,	P.,	WraUen,	C.,		Carter,	G.	(2017).	Heads	Up:	a	pilot	
trial	of	a	psychological	interven;on	to	improve	nutri;on	in	head	and	neck	cancer	
pa;ents	undergoing	radiotherapy.	European	Journal	of	Cancer	Care,	26:	1-10.		Doi:	10.1111/ecc.
2.	BriUon,	B.,	Baker,	AL.,	Wolfenden,	L.,	WraUen,	C.,	Bauer,	J.,	Beck,	AK.,	McCarter,	K.,	
Harrowfield	,J.,	Isenring,	E.,	Tang,	C.,	Oldmeadow,	C.,	Carter,	G.	(2018).	Ea;ng	As	Treatment	(EAT):	
A	Stepped-Wedge,	Randomized	Controlled	Trial	of	a	Health	Behavior	Change	Interven;on	
Provided	by	Die;;ans	to	Improve	Nutri;on	in	Pa;ents	With	Head	and	Neck	Cancer	Undergoing	
Radia;on	Therapy	(TROG	12.03).	Interna.onal	Journal	of	Radia.on	Oncology,	103(2):	353-362.	
3.	Van	Liew,	JR.,	Brock,	RL.,	Christensen,	AJ.,	Karnell,	LH.,	Pagedar,	NA.,	Funk,	GF.	Weight.	(2016).		
Loss	aer	head	and	neck	cancer:	A	dynamic	rela;onship	with	depressive	symptoms.	Head	&	
Neck	,	370-370.	Doi:	10.1002/hed.24601

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