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02 | IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY                                                                            www.imi-health-technology.com

Integrated and interactive
mHealth solutions
A must for the future of healthcare…

        s a result of the challenges and                Healthcare systems are therefore forced to
        requirements of a modern, efficient and       anticipate and find solutions for these challenges.
        cost-effective healthcare system, IMI        However, it’s not only about tomorrow, because
mHealth technology solutions have been               even in today’s world healthcare resources are
developed. Consequently, IMI Health AG is a          far from an optimised allocation or utilisation.
first mover in an emerging and developing                All these factors will enhance the development
market that is designated mHealth.                   of mobile health solutions that are convenient
   The next few decades in Europe will be            to handle for patients/users and the healthcare
characterised by significant changes in the           specialist. These solutions can and should be
demographic structure of its population;             smart enough to have an impact on individual
especially those age groups with high birth          lifestyles. They should support awareness and
rates in the years following World War II. This      enable preventative measures.
is creating an ageing population that is living         When it comes to serious clarification of the
longer and by definition placing greater demands      health status of treatments, the same solution
on the healthcare system. The demand for             should be ready to support the communication
preventive medical examination will arise and        between patient and health specialist and grant
so will the need to create convenient and            access to a knowledge base of the biggest
cost-effective solutions.                            possible scale. The cloud of useful health
   As people get older, the risk of serious          information should provide value instantaneously
diseases will automatically rise. The lifestyle      and ubiquitously. In addition, the data contained
changes through a shift from an industry-led to      in individual health records will enter the cloud
a service-centred society will cause diseases        and be safely and securely stored.                    The next few decades
such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and            IMI mHealth technology has taken these             in Europe will be
burnout syndromes.                                   challenges and needs into consideration and           characterised by
   Those people who are still integrated into        provides robust and innovative solutions.             significant changes in
work life will have to face a high level of demand      It is important to identify where mHealth          the demographic
when it comes to surviving in a highly competitive   solutions can add value to assist healthcare          structure of its
labour market. A significant portion of these         specialists make more effective use of their time.    population; especially
people will not be able to afford to have a major    IMI believes it can, over time, make a considerable   those age groups
health problem for two reasons: they cannot          impact in the monitoring the health of patients/      with high birth rates
cover the costs for treatments and they cannot       users remotely. Fig. 1 provides a graphical           in the years following
afford to stay away from work.                       illustration of what can be achieved.                 World War II
www.imi-health-technology.com                                                                                                        IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY              | 03

                                                                                            main focus of common healthcare systems

         Healthy   outside influence     occurrence         detection lag      detection       reaction lag        reaction/             recovering             Healthy
          status                        of disease                                                               treatment                                      status

                                                      regular health checks            communication

                                        empowerment                                                              data availability
                                                                                                                                      post treatment care
                       nutrition                                                                                                           nutrition

                    physical training                                                                                                  physical training

                                                                   communication with other devices                                   remote monitoring

                      prevention                          indication for                     communication                                recovery
                   through life-style                    certain diseases                       support                                   support

                                                               basic monitoring, tracing and recording

             Quadrant 4
                                               Quadrant 1
             Quadrant 3                                                                                  Quadrant 2

Fig. 1                                                               IMI mHealth service                                                              © by IMI Health AG, 2012

         The formula for IMI’s mHealth solution is:
         concept + hardware + software
         = integrated and interactive mHealth service

Concept                                                           with is a ‘Health 2.0’ approach according to Dr
Based on the principle that wellness and health                   Lingg, the founder of IMI Health AG.
is individual and that any influencing factor on
the human system must be verifiable in its                         Hardware
effect, IMI believes in the power of open,                        IMI can offer mobiles or tablet PCs as
integrated systems. Open for smart approaches                     all-in-one devices, separate devices as add-ons
and applications (apps) and thus open for                         for mobiles with blue tooth connection or
improvements through the input of users and                       provide the technology for third parties to
every smart brain/idea in this emerging market.                   white label their products. Sensors can be
   The empowerment of people to be able to take                   applied in different ways to take measurements.
conscious decisions about what they should eat,                   Sensors on the back of a mobile phone or a
what they could do to improve their wellbeing                     tablet PC or integrated in a chest strap are
and who they want to share this information                       already available.
04 | IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                   www.imi-health-technology.com

                                               self assessed health status

                                           healthy                     sick                                                      The concept of the IMI
                                                                                                                                 mHealth framework is
                                                                                                                                 integrated to build a

                                            healthy              hypochondriac                                                   perfect quality control
                                          (low risk*)         tendencies (low risk*)
                                                                                                                                 loop that is open
     actual health status

                                                                                                                                 enough to have
                                                        4                        3                                               permanent upgrades
                                                                                                                                 through application
                                                                                                                                 providers, users and
                                                                  disease under                                                  experts from all over

                                                               medical care/control
                                      = highest risk* and
                                                                = assessable risk*
                                                                                                                                 the world
                                      suffering potential

                                                        1                        2

Fig. 2: The greatest benefit for cost savings provided by mHealth solutions can be identified in Quadrant 1. The opportunity
for pre-screening leading to prevention is now available and the health specialist should begin to consider the use of the
devices being developed. It always takes time for new ideas to be used on a daily basis, but the development of what is
available could be greatly assisted by a realistic approach being taken by the regulators

Software                                                                      The loop: from measurement to data capture
IMI owns mobile and server-based software that                                To be able to test all the different impacts on
is secure, patented and able to be connected to                               the human system, a measurement point is
most common operating systems and browsers.                                   needed that:
Data protection in this environment is mandatory                              • Maybe used instantly and in any environment;
and may be provided to military standard.                                     • Functions for all users in the same way;
                                                                              • Has an immediate response to every impact on
Integrated                                                                      the human body.
The concept of the IMI mHealth framework is
integrated to build a perfect quality control                                   The cardiovascular and the autonomous nervous
loop that is open enough to have permanent                                    systems of the human body send instant signals
upgrades through application providers, users                                 about our wellbeing. IMI has found a way to
and experts from all over the world. The                                      interpret those signals utilising its patented
concept is also integrated with the holistic idea                             algorithm. That is why IMI developed a device
that the human body is a complex system and                                   that can be integrated in every mobile phone
everything people do has an impact, whether                                   using four sensors on the back that can be
they want to lose weight, improve their shape                                 equally applied to the fingertips or the breast.
or optimise nutrition.                                                        The measurements are of one channel ECG, pulse
  These points are all just single aspects of                                 and blood oxygen that calculates and reports
people living in our so-called ‘highly developed’                             blood pressure, the status of metabolism and the
civilisation. But losing weight could make some                               autonomous nervous system with a special focus
people sick and training to hard could overburden                             on stress levels.
the heart. This is why the IMI solution monitors                                After a measurement, which can be conducted
these aspects so that people can function in a                                daily and takes two minutes 20 seconds, the
balanced way, taking care of their metabolism                                 result will be shown immediately on the device
and cardiovascular requirements.                                              and, whenever connectivity to the internet is
www.imi-health-technology.com                                                                           IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY   | 05

Fig. 3: The IMI mHealth Loop                           Fig. 4

possible, also in a personal user area online.
Based on that spot check, advice can be made
upon the optimal nutrition, cardio workouts.               Summary
  A special sport application is also available that       The integrated and interactive mHealth
shows the optimal training guide. Well-recognised          solutions provided by IMI Health AG
and approved databases like Nutri-Find and                 technology facilitate:
WikiFood are used to build up a detailed nutrition         • Remote monitoring;
diary, containing recipes and other useful sources         • Self-empowerment;
of information. The comparison of advice given             • Secure data storage for medium and
and what actually happened will enable the                   long-term analysis;
software to make a gap analysis. There are                 • A large range of supporting mHealth
already some precious ‘pearls’ with regards to               applications;
apps and databases that are available in the               • A range of differing hardware devices;
mHealth sector, dealing with specific aspects of            • A built-in and effective control system.
wellness and health.
  IMI has developed a string that is now able                In a world in which people are living
to integrate those developments and hence be               longer, the available medical resource,
able to provide a ‘string of pearls’ together with         with the inherent cost, is being stretched
the loop. Eventually, all the captured and                 to breaking point. It is vital that mobile
stored data will provide valuable information,             communications are used to monitor
both demographically and geographically, on a              people remotely. IMI has developed
global basis.                                              technology to make this a reality.
  Appealing graphics and an easily comprehensible            Remote monitoring together with the
menu structure on a mobile phone and internet              accurate evaluation of the collected data
account make the IMI solution a discrete and               creates wellness management at your
viable companion in daily life.                            fingertips.
06 | IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY                                                                                        www.imi-health-technology.com

            The motion to maximise
            European Commissioner for Health and Consumer
            Policy John Dalli heralds the importance of technology
            and innovation in advancing the cause of health…

                   ach and every European should have access
                   to safe and good quality healthcare. This
                   applies now more than ever, as health
            budgets are squeezed at a time when Europe’s

                                                                                                                                  © European Union, 1995-2011
            population is ageing.
              20 years ago, for every person over 65 there
            were five people of working age. Today, there are
            only four. In 50 years’ time, there will be just
            two. The health workforce is also ageing and
                                                                      Commissioner John Dalli and DG SANCO Director General
            this is estimated to lead to a shortfall of one
                                                                      Paola Testori Coggi
            million health workers by the end of this decade.
              As the population grows older, the burden of            potential for innovation, such as e-health, which
            chronic conditions is likely to grow with it.             can improve the quality of healthcare, increase
            Conditions such as heart disease, or Type 2               the efficiency and availability of health systems
            diabetes, already account for around 70% of               and support patient-centred health systems.
            healthcare costs.                                            Telemedicine is a case in point as it could
              These factors combined are set to add even              improve access to diagnosis and treatment –
            further pressure on Europe’s health systems. The          particularly for rare conditions where expertise
            question arises: How do we continue to deliver            is scarce. By concentrating expertise in a few
            healthcare to more people with fewer resources?           centres connected to the whole of Europe, it is
              The time has come to consider smart and                 possible to move the knowledge without having
            responsible ways of investing in health systems,          to move the patient. This, in turn, can translate
            to improve their efficiency and sustainability,            into better access for patients, and greater
            while at the same time ensuring the best possible         cost-effectiveness for health systems.
            healthcare for patients.                                     For this reason, the EU is supporting ‘European
              Investment in health innovation is the key to           Reference Networks’ that would offer high-quality
            achieve this. The health sector has tremendous            and highly specialised expertise across Europe –
                                                                                                                                   © Kevin.Souza
© USDAgov

                                                                      Left to right: Dr Megan R Mahoney; Standardised Patient,
            The telehealth unit is demonstrated on Grants Committee   Adrienne Krug; Michael Quirk, Director, Kanbar Center for
            member Bob Umidi, while Grants Committee member           Simulation, Clinical Skills and Telemedicine Education,
            Mary Lyons Bradley watches and learns                     UCSF Teaching and Learning Center
www.imi-health-technology.com                                                                       IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY      | 07

a welcome development for patients with a
medical condition requiring a particular
concentration of expertise in areas where medical
expertise or technology is rare.
  Furthermore, e-health applications can
facilitate access for patients to the best medical
expertise from the comfort of their own home,
while having their condition continuously
monitored from a distance.
  By moving some routine checks from hospital
to home, telemonitoring can help reduce hospital      support research on diseases and treatments         The health sector has
                                                                                                          tremendous potential for
admissions and thus free up the precious time         and, ultimately, improve our understanding of       innovation, such as e-health,
and resources of health professionals and, at the     how to treat a given disease. Such cooperation      which can improve the quality
                                                                                                          of healthcare, says Dalli
same time, improve patients’ comfort and control      will help us to learn from one another and break
over their own health.                                down barriers to interoperability.
  In a nutshell, e-health tools can help provide         The EU has invested over €1bn in research and
better healthcare, to more people, in a more          pilot projects to develop e-health not just to
efficient and sustainable manner. Yet there remain     treat people, but also to keep them healthy,
a number of barriers to its use across the EU.        active and independent. It is important to show
  e-Health requires profound changes in               how such investment can trigger efficiency gains
healthcare as we know it, with a reduced need         that help secure the quality and sustainability
for face-to-face interaction. Not every doctor        of health systems. We need to ensure that
feels comfortable liaising with patients via a        investment pays off – not just today, but in 10,
computer screen, so they need real incentives to      20, 30 years’ time.
overcome this barrier. In parallel, not every            This is where health technology assessment
patient feels comfortable being diagnosed or          (HTA) has an important role to play. HTA helps
advised by a doctor online. Compare this with         to ensure that e-health technologies are chosen
the banking sector, where many of us manage           and used in the most effective and efficient way.
our accounts online without thinking twice. A         This means showing that e-health can be more
similar trend is starting to emerge in health.        effective than conventional treatment, and that
  There are also structural barriers, in particular   the benefits outweigh the costs.
the lack of interoperability or compatibility            As part of the Europe 2020 Strategy – the EU’s
between health systems. In other words,               blueprint to emerge stronger from the economic
health systems in the EU are unable to ‘speak’        crisis – we have launched a European Innovation
to one another.                                       Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. The
  To help bridge these gaps, an EU directive has      partnership brings together public and private
recently been adopted on patients’ rights in          sector representatives to share their knowledge
cross-border healthcare, which clarifies the right     and expertise to translate innovation into
for patients to be treated or diagnosed in an-        concrete products and services to help people
other EU member state, and be reimbursed for it.      live active, healthy, independent and longer
  This directive also encourages EU member            lives to support more efficient and sustainable
states to cooperate on e-health, for example to       health systems, and boost EU competitiveness        John Dalli
agree on a minimum set of data for patients’          and growth.                                         Commissioner for
summaries that can be shared between health              I believe in maximising the potential for        Health and
professionals. Member states would work together      innovation in healthcare: not because innovation    Consumer Policy
to pool data on public health and medical             is trendy; not because innovation is an end in      European Commission
research, notably through patients’ registries,       itself; but because it is a means to advance the    Email: cab-dalli-webpage
which currently remain fragmented across Europe.      cause of European health and a means to drive       @ec.europa.eu
  By promoting patients’ registries, we can           forward the economy upon which we all depend.       Web: ec.europa.eu
mHealth management at your fingertips

                        IMI HEALTH AG
           Felbaweg 10, 9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein
              t: +423 230 3060 f: +423 230 3062

    Regus, Davidson House, Forbury Square, Reading RG1 3EU
           t: +44 1189 000 600 f: +44 1189 000 601

            @ info@imi-health-technology.com
            w³ www.imi-health-technology.com

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imi health booklet

  • 1. A string of precious pearls in healthcare mHealth management at your fingertips in association with
  • 2. 02 | IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY www.imi-health-technology.com Integrated and interactive mHealth solutions A must for the future of healthcare… A s a result of the challenges and Healthcare systems are therefore forced to requirements of a modern, efficient and anticipate and find solutions for these challenges. cost-effective healthcare system, IMI However, it’s not only about tomorrow, because mHealth technology solutions have been even in today’s world healthcare resources are developed. Consequently, IMI Health AG is a far from an optimised allocation or utilisation. first mover in an emerging and developing All these factors will enhance the development market that is designated mHealth. of mobile health solutions that are convenient The next few decades in Europe will be to handle for patients/users and the healthcare characterised by significant changes in the specialist. These solutions can and should be demographic structure of its population; smart enough to have an impact on individual especially those age groups with high birth lifestyles. They should support awareness and rates in the years following World War II. This enable preventative measures. is creating an ageing population that is living When it comes to serious clarification of the longer and by definition placing greater demands health status of treatments, the same solution on the healthcare system. The demand for should be ready to support the communication preventive medical examination will arise and between patient and health specialist and grant so will the need to create convenient and access to a knowledge base of the biggest cost-effective solutions. possible scale. The cloud of useful health As people get older, the risk of serious information should provide value instantaneously diseases will automatically rise. The lifestyle and ubiquitously. In addition, the data contained changes through a shift from an industry-led to in individual health records will enter the cloud a service-centred society will cause diseases and be safely and securely stored. The next few decades such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and IMI mHealth technology has taken these in Europe will be burnout syndromes. challenges and needs into consideration and characterised by Those people who are still integrated into provides robust and innovative solutions. significant changes in work life will have to face a high level of demand It is important to identify where mHealth the demographic when it comes to surviving in a highly competitive solutions can add value to assist healthcare structure of its labour market. A significant portion of these specialists make more effective use of their time. population; especially people will not be able to afford to have a major IMI believes it can, over time, make a considerable those age groups health problem for two reasons: they cannot impact in the monitoring the health of patients/ with high birth rates cover the costs for treatments and they cannot users remotely. Fig. 1 provides a graphical in the years following afford to stay away from work. illustration of what can be achieved. World War II
  • 3. www.imi-health-technology.com IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY | 03 main focus of common healthcare systems Ist Healthy outside influence occurrence detection lag detection reaction lag reaction/ recovering Healthy status of disease treatment status regular health checks communication empowerment data availability post treatment care nutrition nutrition physical training physical training communication with other devices remote monitoring prevention indication for communication recovery through life-style certain diseases support support basic monitoring, tracing and recording Quadrant 4 Quadrant 1 Quadrant 3 Quadrant 2 Fig. 1 IMI mHealth service © by IMI Health AG, 2012 The formula for IMI’s mHealth solution is: concept + hardware + software = integrated and interactive mHealth service Concept with is a ‘Health 2.0’ approach according to Dr Based on the principle that wellness and health Lingg, the founder of IMI Health AG. is individual and that any influencing factor on the human system must be verifiable in its Hardware effect, IMI believes in the power of open, IMI can offer mobiles or tablet PCs as integrated systems. Open for smart approaches all-in-one devices, separate devices as add-ons and applications (apps) and thus open for for mobiles with blue tooth connection or improvements through the input of users and provide the technology for third parties to every smart brain/idea in this emerging market. white label their products. Sensors can be The empowerment of people to be able to take applied in different ways to take measurements. conscious decisions about what they should eat, Sensors on the back of a mobile phone or a what they could do to improve their wellbeing tablet PC or integrated in a chest strap are and who they want to share this information already available.
  • 4. 04 | IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY www.imi-health-technology.com self assessed health status healthy sick The concept of the IMI mHealth framework is integrated to build a healthy healthy hypochondriac perfect quality control (low risk*) tendencies (low risk*) loop that is open actual health status enough to have 4 3 permanent upgrades through application providers, users and unrecognised disease under experts from all over sickness sick medical care/control = highest risk* and = assessable risk* the world suffering potential 1 2 Fig. 2: The greatest benefit for cost savings provided by mHealth solutions can be identified in Quadrant 1. The opportunity for pre-screening leading to prevention is now available and the health specialist should begin to consider the use of the devices being developed. It always takes time for new ideas to be used on a daily basis, but the development of what is available could be greatly assisted by a realistic approach being taken by the regulators Software The loop: from measurement to data capture IMI owns mobile and server-based software that To be able to test all the different impacts on is secure, patented and able to be connected to the human system, a measurement point is most common operating systems and browsers. needed that: Data protection in this environment is mandatory • Maybe used instantly and in any environment; and may be provided to military standard. • Functions for all users in the same way; • Has an immediate response to every impact on Integrated the human body. The concept of the IMI mHealth framework is integrated to build a perfect quality control The cardiovascular and the autonomous nervous loop that is open enough to have permanent systems of the human body send instant signals upgrades through application providers, users about our wellbeing. IMI has found a way to and experts from all over the world. The interpret those signals utilising its patented concept is also integrated with the holistic idea algorithm. That is why IMI developed a device that the human body is a complex system and that can be integrated in every mobile phone everything people do has an impact, whether using four sensors on the back that can be they want to lose weight, improve their shape equally applied to the fingertips or the breast. or optimise nutrition. The measurements are of one channel ECG, pulse These points are all just single aspects of and blood oxygen that calculates and reports people living in our so-called ‘highly developed’ blood pressure, the status of metabolism and the civilisation. But losing weight could make some autonomous nervous system with a special focus people sick and training to hard could overburden on stress levels. the heart. This is why the IMI solution monitors After a measurement, which can be conducted these aspects so that people can function in a daily and takes two minutes 20 seconds, the balanced way, taking care of their metabolism result will be shown immediately on the device and cardiovascular requirements. and, whenever connectivity to the internet is
  • 5. www.imi-health-technology.com IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY | 05 Fig. 3: The IMI mHealth Loop Fig. 4 possible, also in a personal user area online. Based on that spot check, advice can be made upon the optimal nutrition, cardio workouts. Summary A special sport application is also available that The integrated and interactive mHealth shows the optimal training guide. Well-recognised solutions provided by IMI Health AG and approved databases like Nutri-Find and technology facilitate: WikiFood are used to build up a detailed nutrition • Remote monitoring; diary, containing recipes and other useful sources • Self-empowerment; of information. The comparison of advice given • Secure data storage for medium and and what actually happened will enable the long-term analysis; software to make a gap analysis. There are • A large range of supporting mHealth already some precious ‘pearls’ with regards to applications; apps and databases that are available in the • A range of differing hardware devices; mHealth sector, dealing with specific aspects of • A built-in and effective control system. wellness and health. IMI has developed a string that is now able In a world in which people are living to integrate those developments and hence be longer, the available medical resource, able to provide a ‘string of pearls’ together with with the inherent cost, is being stretched the loop. Eventually, all the captured and to breaking point. It is vital that mobile stored data will provide valuable information, communications are used to monitor both demographically and geographically, on a people remotely. IMI has developed global basis. technology to make this a reality. Appealing graphics and an easily comprehensible Remote monitoring together with the menu structure on a mobile phone and internet accurate evaluation of the collected data account make the IMI solution a discrete and creates wellness management at your viable companion in daily life. fingertips.
  • 6. 06 | IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY www.imi-health-technology.com The motion to maximise European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy John Dalli heralds the importance of technology and innovation in advancing the cause of health… E ach and every European should have access to safe and good quality healthcare. This applies now more than ever, as health budgets are squeezed at a time when Europe’s © European Union, 1995-2011 population is ageing. 20 years ago, for every person over 65 there were five people of working age. Today, there are only four. In 50 years’ time, there will be just two. The health workforce is also ageing and Commissioner John Dalli and DG SANCO Director General this is estimated to lead to a shortfall of one Paola Testori Coggi million health workers by the end of this decade. As the population grows older, the burden of potential for innovation, such as e-health, which chronic conditions is likely to grow with it. can improve the quality of healthcare, increase Conditions such as heart disease, or Type 2 the efficiency and availability of health systems diabetes, already account for around 70% of and support patient-centred health systems. healthcare costs. Telemedicine is a case in point as it could These factors combined are set to add even improve access to diagnosis and treatment – further pressure on Europe’s health systems. The particularly for rare conditions where expertise question arises: How do we continue to deliver is scarce. By concentrating expertise in a few healthcare to more people with fewer resources? centres connected to the whole of Europe, it is The time has come to consider smart and possible to move the knowledge without having responsible ways of investing in health systems, to move the patient. This, in turn, can translate to improve their efficiency and sustainability, into better access for patients, and greater while at the same time ensuring the best possible cost-effectiveness for health systems. healthcare for patients. For this reason, the EU is supporting ‘European Investment in health innovation is the key to Reference Networks’ that would offer high-quality achieve this. The health sector has tremendous and highly specialised expertise across Europe – © Kevin.Souza © USDAgov Left to right: Dr Megan R Mahoney; Standardised Patient, The telehealth unit is demonstrated on Grants Committee Adrienne Krug; Michael Quirk, Director, Kanbar Center for member Bob Umidi, while Grants Committee member Simulation, Clinical Skills and Telemedicine Education, Mary Lyons Bradley watches and learns UCSF Teaching and Learning Center
  • 7. www.imi-health-technology.com IMI HEALTH TECHNOLOGY | 07 a welcome development for patients with a medical condition requiring a particular concentration of expertise in areas where medical expertise or technology is rare. Furthermore, e-health applications can facilitate access for patients to the best medical expertise from the comfort of their own home, while having their condition continuously monitored from a distance. By moving some routine checks from hospital to home, telemonitoring can help reduce hospital support research on diseases and treatments The health sector has tremendous potential for admissions and thus free up the precious time and, ultimately, improve our understanding of innovation, such as e-health, and resources of health professionals and, at the how to treat a given disease. Such cooperation which can improve the quality of healthcare, says Dalli same time, improve patients’ comfort and control will help us to learn from one another and break over their own health. down barriers to interoperability. In a nutshell, e-health tools can help provide The EU has invested over €1bn in research and better healthcare, to more people, in a more pilot projects to develop e-health not just to efficient and sustainable manner. Yet there remain treat people, but also to keep them healthy, a number of barriers to its use across the EU. active and independent. It is important to show e-Health requires profound changes in how such investment can trigger efficiency gains healthcare as we know it, with a reduced need that help secure the quality and sustainability for face-to-face interaction. Not every doctor of health systems. We need to ensure that feels comfortable liaising with patients via a investment pays off – not just today, but in 10, computer screen, so they need real incentives to 20, 30 years’ time. overcome this barrier. In parallel, not every This is where health technology assessment patient feels comfortable being diagnosed or (HTA) has an important role to play. HTA helps advised by a doctor online. Compare this with to ensure that e-health technologies are chosen the banking sector, where many of us manage and used in the most effective and efficient way. our accounts online without thinking twice. A This means showing that e-health can be more similar trend is starting to emerge in health. effective than conventional treatment, and that There are also structural barriers, in particular the benefits outweigh the costs. the lack of interoperability or compatibility As part of the Europe 2020 Strategy – the EU’s between health systems. In other words, blueprint to emerge stronger from the economic health systems in the EU are unable to ‘speak’ crisis – we have launched a European Innovation to one another. Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. The To help bridge these gaps, an EU directive has partnership brings together public and private recently been adopted on patients’ rights in sector representatives to share their knowledge cross-border healthcare, which clarifies the right and expertise to translate innovation into for patients to be treated or diagnosed in an- concrete products and services to help people other EU member state, and be reimbursed for it. live active, healthy, independent and longer This directive also encourages EU member lives to support more efficient and sustainable states to cooperate on e-health, for example to health systems, and boost EU competitiveness John Dalli agree on a minimum set of data for patients’ and growth. Commissioner for summaries that can be shared between health I believe in maximising the potential for Health and professionals. Member states would work together innovation in healthcare: not because innovation Consumer Policy to pool data on public health and medical is trendy; not because innovation is an end in European Commission research, notably through patients’ registries, itself; but because it is a means to advance the Email: cab-dalli-webpage which currently remain fragmented across Europe. cause of European health and a means to drive @ec.europa.eu By promoting patients’ registries, we can forward the economy upon which we all depend. Web: ec.europa.eu
  • 8. mHealth management at your fingertips IMI HEALTH AG Felbaweg 10, 9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein t: +423 230 3060 f: +423 230 3062 IMI MHEALTH SOLUTIONS LTD Regus, Davidson House, Forbury Square, Reading RG1 3EU t: +44 1189 000 600 f: +44 1189 000 601 @ info@imi-health-technology.com w³ www.imi-health-technology.com