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How to get more
Followers on Twitter
By Steven Soares
1. Be Active
Tweet relevant information or links to fascinating
articles regularly. But not too much!
2. Converse
Chat to like-minded individuals, express your opinion
or offer advice.
3. Show Gratitude
Favourite or Retweet helpful or interesting tweets-
showing your appreciation. Share and pass it on to
anyone it may interest.
4. Do not Spam
Nobody likes too much junk mail through their
letterbox, the same goes for Twitter.
Keep posts relevant and steady without your account
looking like it is being run by a robot.
5. Follow
If you see someone on Twitter who holds some of the same
interests as you, follow them.
If someone follows you and seems fascinating, return the
compliment and follow them back.
6. Recommend
Profile and recommend Twitter users who you feel
really add to your whole Twitter experience.
This shows how appreciative you are of the community
as a whole but more importantly that you are a nice
person who adds something of their own to the Twitter
7. Use Keywords
Your Twitter bio is important. First impressions count,
including keywords that sum up what your account is
about- this would reap the benefits when it comes to
individuals searching for someone relevant to follow.
Keywords used in tweets work the same way.
8. Use Hashtags
Hashtags are vital to gather meaningful interest in your
tweet. Like keywords, people searching for a certain
topic or subject matter may stumble upon your relevant
9. Don’t be too Personal
Though it is important to be human on Twitter, using it as a
diary is a nuisance to many. Who wants to hear what you’re
about to have for breakfast?
10. Ask Questions
Tweeting a question encourages interaction and
discussion. Asking an interesting question may get
several people talking at once.
Networking is key when it comes to Twitter.
O For more information about Twitter and
the world of Social Media in general follow
me @SocMedAdv

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How to get more Followers on Twitter

  • 1. How to get more Followers on Twitter By Steven Soares
  • 2. 1. Be Active Tweet relevant information or links to fascinating articles regularly. But not too much!
  • 3. 2. Converse Chat to like-minded individuals, express your opinion or offer advice.
  • 4. 3. Show Gratitude Favourite or Retweet helpful or interesting tweets- showing your appreciation. Share and pass it on to anyone it may interest.
  • 5. 4. Do not Spam Nobody likes too much junk mail through their letterbox, the same goes for Twitter. Keep posts relevant and steady without your account looking like it is being run by a robot.
  • 6. 5. Follow If you see someone on Twitter who holds some of the same interests as you, follow them. If someone follows you and seems fascinating, return the compliment and follow them back.
  • 7. 6. Recommend Profile and recommend Twitter users who you feel really add to your whole Twitter experience. This shows how appreciative you are of the community as a whole but more importantly that you are a nice person who adds something of their own to the Twitter community!
  • 8. 7. Use Keywords Your Twitter bio is important. First impressions count, including keywords that sum up what your account is about- this would reap the benefits when it comes to individuals searching for someone relevant to follow. Keywords used in tweets work the same way.
  • 9. 8. Use Hashtags Hashtags are vital to gather meaningful interest in your tweet. Like keywords, people searching for a certain topic or subject matter may stumble upon your relevant tweet.
  • 10. 9. Don’t be too Personal Though it is important to be human on Twitter, using it as a diary is a nuisance to many. Who wants to hear what you’re about to have for breakfast?
  • 11. 10. Ask Questions Tweeting a question encourages interaction and discussion. Asking an interesting question may get several people talking at once. Networking is key when it comes to Twitter.
  • 12. O For more information about Twitter and the world of Social Media in general follow me @SocMedAdv