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हरित तकनीकी व्यावसाययक शिक्षा औि प्रशिक्षण हरित ऊर्ाा उत्पादन में क्षमता यनमााण
-एक टिकाऊ इंर्ीयनयरिंग कौिल आधाि यनमााण के शलए
Green TVET Capacity Building in Green Energy Power Generation
-Building a sustainable Engineering Skill Base
YP Chawla1
, Dr. RSP Singh2
, Advisor Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission & National Joint Secretary- IIPE
Associate Prof. School of Vocational Education & Training – IGNOU
Abstract:CleanCoal Technologies, Plant Performance Optimization, Emissions Control (NOx, SOx, PM, etc.),
PromotingEnergy Efficiency to Green Energy or Renewable Energy are various topics that are getting covered in
variousdiscussions all agreeing to have a climate control checking globalwarming.The Green Energy generation
gained its importance because of above and in addition to apprehensions of depleting fuel reserves.
The Green Energy/ Renewable (GE/RE) has shown it’s prominence in recent years in India. Green energy
employmentopportunities continue to grow in more and more countries. While the job opportunities in Power
Sectorcontinueto grow, International Renewable EnergyAgency (IRENA) also has estimated that greene energy
jobs potentialreached6.5 millionin 20131
.In decreasing order,the largestemployers in 2013 were China, Brazil,
the United States,India,Germany,Spain and Bangladesh. Regional shifts from developed to emerging countries
continuesin wind and solartechnologies,predominantlyin the manufacturing andinstallationsegmentsofthe value
New Mantra forIndianGrowth spelt out by our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is “Skills, Scale
and Speed” asannouncedduring a book launchGetting India Back on Track. The four Colours of Indian flag
Saffronfor Solarpower,Whiteforimproving dairy productivity, Green for agriculture and Blue Colour in the
wheel for Fisheries for changing the economic wheel.
Technical Vocational Education& Training (TVET) for green energy is what is termed as GTVET in this paper, a
fit case forbuilding a sustainable engineering skill base. GVETlike in any other sector has shown a Skill Gaps in
GE/ RE due to the expansion in the sector. Though GTVET extends to all the sectors in respect of energy saving.
This term is being used explicitly for Green Energy Skills in this paper. There is an urgent need to set up Skill
Standardstied to quantitativemeasurements ofqualitative Skill parameters of Human Capital Assets required for
the sector needing Capacity Building. The Skill Standards act as bench mark and compare two independent
individualsand isuseful to establish a correlation ,measuring the same , testing the significance of the variation
establish cause and effect relationship for course correction as required.
The Skill Standardsalso canestablishcorrelation betweenInstitutions providing Skilling inputs,Skillingfacilitators
and the individualsfromdiversifiedregions andcountries as well as other stakeholders.
ProcessofSetting SkillStandardsorthe concept ofSkillcouncils is a recent phenomenon in India thatgot attention
after the Skill gaps started getting reflected in the requirements of the Industry, due to expansion in various
Pg 2 of 10
industries, demographic concerns of aging work force in various countries, GTVET curriculum remaining
unchanged and notcatchingup with the dynamic technologychanges. This resulted in on the job learning or self-
learning which at times an expansive proposition is and Return of Investment in Skilling was not considered.
Skilled manpoweris needed for execution of an ambitious GE/RE program. The Skills needed in this sector are
broadly covered in thispaper.The skilling domainin thispaper will also includeSoft Skills within the ambit along
with Technical Skills.
Key Words: GTVET, Employment in Green Energy Sector / RE Sector, Skills, Green Energy/ Renewable Energy,
Sustainable Engineering Skill Base, National Occupation Standards, Skill Standards, Skill Gaps, Skilling ROI, and
Technology needs
1. Introduction: InternationalConference ofthe Green Jobs Assessment Institutions Network (GAIN) during
their recent meeting of 14-16 April 2015 at ILO Hq., reviewed the economic modelling tools and
methodological as well as training delivery mechanism on measuring employment and socio-economic
effects of shifts to greener economies. This conference was organized under the flag of “Partnership for
Action for Green Economy (PAGE)”, bringing together the five UN agencies to build national green
economy strategies. The Green Economy has become an important aspect of everyone’s life, so are green
jobs.Technical and Vocational Education and Training with Green emphasis has acquired a new acronym
The GTVET includes energy efficiency in every economic activity The transition to a green economy is a
globalmega trend affecting skill needs across a diversified range of jobs and sectors. In the labour market a
balance is required between developing generic green skills (e.g. reducing waste, improving energy
efficiency)and specific skills.Today green skills are as important for almost every job, as is the information
and communications technology (ICT) skills. In fact the Solar Energy generation equipment is today in
communication with othersystems and equipment.sMr.Rónán Haugheyduring theBruges Communiqué on
enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training correctly said green skills for an
Hairdresser as are important for a Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician.
The Importance ofGreen Energy (Solaror Wind)is known and does notneed any introduction. With Green
Energy taking an important role, the Skills that are required to develop these, maintain the GE/ RE projects
and get best returns out of the investments in GE/ RE also are as important. The GTVET in this paper will
mainly focus on Solar Jobs.
Dharnai, Bihar ,India
Dharnaivillage in Bihar, one of India's poorest states, is now lit-up by a
Greenpeace India (an NGO with not so good reputation now with GoI)
solar-powered micro-grid. It is the first village in India where all aspects
Pg 3 of 10
Figure 1 : Green Energy Technologies, the journey till 2022- giz presentation
of life are powered by solar.The 100 kilowatt (kW) systempowers the 450 homes of the 2,400 residents, 50
commercial operations,two schools,a training centerand a health care facility.A battery backupensures the
power around the clock.
The Solar Technologies are making the Power reach the remotest part of India and have thus gained
2.Green TVET- Potential: India has embarked upon a very ambitious project ofgoinggreen through 100 GW
of Solar PowerGeneration capacities with 40% of the same to be grid Connected. Solar Power Generation is
to be supplemented by 60 GW of wind capacity thus created about Rs.630 crores as investment in Green
Energy by 2022. If the newtargets ofGoIare to be achieved and commitments lived,we need an army of one
million youth with GTVET. About 18% is for Wind energy and the balance for Solar. During the years
2011and 2014 India saw 24,000 Green jobs and now, with India graduating from MW to GW scale Solar
along with Solar Roof Tops. Rooftop solar target of 40 GW by 2022, MNRE has a sub-target of 10
GW for rooftop and othersmallgrid-connectedsolarprojects by 2018. This is expected to further be divided
into yearly targets of 2 GW, 4 GW and 4 GW (totaling to 10 GW) for the three years starting now in 2015.
Green Energy Projects journey till2022 is as depicted in figure1.The Skills for Solar PowerGeneration is the
focus of the paper. The Solar Power investments are bound to increase steeply as shown in figure 1.
The Solar Roof
Top takes 40%
of the total
envisaged in Solar
Figure 2 : The Roof Top Capacity
Pg 4 of 10
Figure 3 : Estimated Solar Generation Potential (Source TERI)
envisaged till2022 as in figure 2. These figures are as furnished in “Reachingthe Sun with RoofTop Solar” a
document by Shakti Sustainable Foundation, TERI & MNRE
The figure 3 also substantiatesthatthere is a market of124 GW of Solar Project against 100MW targeted by
GoI. Similarly the Roof Top Solar Power Generation also has a potential more that the target set by GoI.
Having set the targets for
Green Power Technologies,
how are we getting ready with
the skilled manpower with
GTVET needs a focus. The
small size Solar Roof Tops for
residential sector will attract
small project developers who
normally depend on
unorganized manpower.
Skilling the aspirants and what
skills, is a question worth a
debate. GET / RETs can feed
green power through micro grids and reach the remotes and unleash the Potential of Green energy.
3.Green TVET Skills: GTVET comprises economic, ecological and social aspects, all contributing to a
sustainable development. It is a cross-cutting issue playing a role in all occupational sectors. GTVET
contributes towards thetransitionto green economies and green societies by providinggreencompetencies in
a holistic approach which includes any formal, non-formal and informal learning environments. The Green
Technologieshave highersensitivitythanothersectors , for GTVET as the results are directly impacting the
economy by way of energy availability, improvement in social aspects because of lighted life of mankind,
ecology by way of producing green power etc.
4.Caveats : Solar Energy Targets
i. Funding
ii. Unhealthy Distribution Sector (State Owned)
iii. Private Sector – Payback Period
iv. High Targets 100 GW need 1095 Sq Kms Land + 650 Sq Kms Roof Top
v. Investment in Infrastructure – Rs. 45 Lac Crore = USD 700 Bn.
vi. Capital Investment – Challenge Banks having advances Rs. 63 Lac Crs= USD 984 Bn.
vii. Lines of Credit Stitched:
a. EIB Euros 200 Mn.
b. AFD Euros 100 Mn.
c. JICA Yen 20 Bn.
d. US Exim USD 1 Bn.
viii. Manufacturing : 15 GW / Year ( Present Domestic Prodn 2.5 GW/ Year
ix. PPAs for Distribution Companies
Pg 5 of 10
Figure 3 Skill Levels for various Functional areas for GTVET
x. 21/29 Discoms Debt laden
xi. 1 Mn. Technically Trained Manpower
5.GTVET Model
Hire and Train
Train & Hire
Both the models have its own advantages & disadvantages. Hire & Train offers lesser options of
corrections with present labour laws . Train & Hire gives option of watching the individual during
training progress. Also it offers reading the manpowerforsub-contractors andthe unorganized markets.
6.Challenges in GTVET
GTVET’s Training modules are required to specify the skills and knowledgeneededto performeffectively in
Green Technologies
Industry.The training
modules normally do
not prescribe the
delivery mechanism
of the training
module. The figure 3
Indicates the Career
slots from 01 to 06
(06 being highest)
shown vertically and
Skill competency
levels required from
1 to 5 on the top row.
(5 is highest skilllevel). Trainers and supervisors keep on developing the learning strategies to Support the
individual learners’ needs and abilities. Now is the time to achieve the best out of the investment made or
being made in the Green Energy / Renewable Energy Sector especially Solar Power Generation.
There are so many earlier Solar Installations which lie abandoned afterinvestment was made. This is due to
lack of O&M skills for these installations. Rehabilitation of these installations might be an economical
The Potential of Green Energy / Renewable Energy Projects in various countries establishes the need for
setting up a manufacturing base, and the skilling needs for Manufacturing. Make in India initiative needs
Skill development in manufacturing of these technologies. The manufacturing along with assembling,
application ofProject development concept, construction of the project at site, its O&M and then on to the
expanding the horizon to various Green Technologies are the requirements. The Skill levels of GTVET
needed forvariousfunctionalareas as in figure 3 & table 1. Make in India for Green Technologies like solar
Pg 6 of 10
powergenerationcould succeedif R&D is also sufficiently focused in India. The sectoral Skills are needed
for R&D also.
7.Skill level requiredfor various Function Areas in Green Technologies- on a Scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the
Table 1 Skill levels for various functional areas2
Skills /
Function Area
ent Work
for Site
a b c d e f g
1 Listening 4 3 3 3 3 3.2
2 Speaking 4 3 3 3 3 3.2
3 ICT Usage 4 3 3 3 3 3.2
4 Collect / analyze info 4 4 3 3 4 3.6
Solving 4 4 3 4 4 3.8
6 Judgment /Decision 4 4 3 4 3 3.6
7 Organize & Plan 3 3 3 4 3 3.2
8 Social Skills Usage 3 2 3 3 2 2.6
9 Adaptability 3 3 3 3 3 3.0
10 TeamWork 2 3 3 4 2 2.8
11 Leadership 2 2 3 3 2 2.4
12 ConsensusBuilding 2 3 3 3 2 2.6
Enhancing Skill,
Self/ Career
Development 2 3 2 3 2 2.4
14 Writing 3 3 3 2 2 2.6
15 Reading 3 3 3 3 3 3.0
16 Mathematics 4 4 3 3 3 3.4
17 Science 3 3 2 3 3 2.8
Average Skill Score 3.18 3.12 2.88 3.18 2.76 3.02
Median Skill Score 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
HigherSkill Score of 4 on a Likert’s scale of1-5 is required in the firm lined boxed areas; Skill
Score of around 3 is in the clinkered boxes. The median of various Skills is at Skill level of 3
on above referred scale and most of the frequencies settle around skill level of 3. GTVET
Skills are required above an average score of 2.5 of the Skill Scale of 1-5 and most of these
scatteraround the median of Skill score level of 3 on the above scale (Figure 4). The average
skills that are required forSystemmaintenance andCoordinatingresources can be handled by
an average skilled worker as per table 1.
The Skills required extend to all the above value added components & systems as in
Table 1
Figure 4 Competency Skill Level -
Primary Research
USA’s Distributed Renewable solar energy Technicians’Skill Standards
Pg 7 of 10
Skilled workforce fetches a frequency ofthree (that is the highest)in the Green Technologyvalue chain asin
table 2 & 3 , reflects its importance overotherparameters.
Table 2 : GET/ RET Value Chain Requirements and Skills
GET or RET Value Chain Deployment3
Success factors
- Right Niche
to existing
value chain
Metals ++ ++ + +
Machinery +++ +++ +++ +
Electrical devices ++ ++ + ++
Electronic parts +++ +++ ++ ++
Process andcontrols ++ ++ ++ +
+ +
++ + +
Trade, whole sale + + ++
Banks + ++
Insurance + +
Industrial services ++ +++ ++ +++
The Solar and Wind technologies are complementaryin many aspects of TVET and theseGTVET are to be
developedkeeping in mind the knowledge intensive jobs to support nationalgoals.
Table 3 : Value Creation along Value chain
Opportunities for Value Creation along Value Chain of Green Technologies Countries
R&D , Manufacture,
Project Development
Policy areas Investment
Costa Rica,
Local content
Linking investment to
employment and
Developing productive
Suppliers development
programs/ Enterprenuers/
Links between public
research institutionsand
Advanced Skill
It is a joint journey of developing Green Technologies by Government (firmarrows in bold dark ) &
Industry(Dottedarrows ). The journey begins with adoptingthe best globalpractices afterstudying
their relevance to India.
iea-retd.org (Implementing Agreementfor Renewable EnergyTechnologyDeployment) Stitching Foundation
Renewable EnergyTechnologyDeployment
Pg 8 of 10
Linking investmentsin the sectorto employment are best practicedin Germany and Canada,while Advanced
Skill development is in Malaysia & Spain as .
Table 4: DistributedRenewable Solar Energy Technician Skill Standards-Occupational Skills &
Knowledge with performance parameters4
Occupational Skill
& Knowledge
Performance Parameters Key Activity-
Supporting Conditions
1. Electrical
2. Mechanical
3. Plumbing
4. Pumps and pump
5. Energy sources
6. Blue prints and
7. Wiring diagrams
i. Customer Interaction,
ii. Performing Site
a. Equipment location,
b. Assessment in meeting
national & local codes,
c. Space Constraints,
d. Tilt Angel availability,
e. System/ load connecting
f. Site accessibility and
iii. Fits into Company’s
preliminary design,
iv. Calculations of System
energy output, Balance of
System requirements,
Generation of Parts list,
drawings/ sketches.
A. Preliminary Site
B. Creating Final
Language, Literacy, Numeracy
Skills (LLN),
PC / Laptop, Blue print, Wiring
diagrams, Equipment Manuf.
Manuals , Hand Tools,
i. Procurement fromapproved
ii. Inventory check,
iii. Project Management with
scheduling resources,
iv. Approvals of necessary
v. Staging materials
C. Co-ordinate
Same as above plus Safety
equipment & Knowledge of
local codes/ standards of work
vi. Deviations from
recommendations due to site
conditions recorded.
are torqued according to
manufacturer’s instructions.
vii. Unsafe conditions at site
corrected & reported.
viii. Damage to equipment during
installation reported
D. System
Installation at
Understanding the
Manufacturers’ Manuals
Hand / Power tools Safety
equipment (personaland job
safety)Grounding equipment
Electrical supplies Rigging
equipment Hoistingequipment
Workvehicles (including forklift,
etc.)Materials handling vehicles
Blueprints,schematics, wiring
diagrams Equipment mfr.
Safety equipment (personaland
job safety)
Plumbing and pipefitting
materials whereverSolar
Thermal Systems are involved.
ix. The Systemgives guaranteed
E. Commissioning
Electrical / Electronic test
equipment, Voltage /Power test
Distributed Renewable Solar EnergyTechnicianSkill Standards - USA Feb. 2009
Pg 9 of 10
Occupational Skill
& Knowledge
Performance Parameters Key Activity-
Supporting Conditions
x. Customersatisfaction rating
indicating that system
reliability meets service
F. Maintaining
Logging performance data,
analyze if performance is as
Performing periodic
8.Conclusion:An investment of USD 47 bn for Roof Top Solar and a total of USD 100 bn investments have
been talked of. 100 GW solar requiring 1Mn. full time jobs, how do we reach this manpower pool with
GTVET is a big question. MNRE has come up with arranging skilling of 50,000 people, who will train the
balance workforce reaching a total1Mn.The Road Map for reaching the above target of providing GTVET
is required to be drawn.
Assessing GTVET components as core ingredientsin respectofGreen Energy Technologies, is important as
in any otherhigh technology sector,and in principle the GTVET curricula to be competency based, wherein
outcome based learning and assessmentto be responsible forskill development.The skillstandards are to be
developed for Solar Power Generation keeping in view the industry requirements.
9.Snap Shots of the Paper:
i. Emphasis of the Paper is on Skills which is required for an holistic growth of Solar Power Generation.
ii. This paperby way ofsecondaryresearch as wellas primary research has brought forwards theelementsto
focus on the GVET curricula.
iii. The paper gels with the Power Gen theme of this conference.
iv. Way forward suggestions have been provided as under.
10. Way Forward : For Building a Sustainable Engineering Skill Base of GTVET in Green Energy
i. You and me being the stakeholders, with your survey response on the web link
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/R88L9L3e ; the work on establishing Skill Gaps can be initiated. Action:
Your good selves
ii. Choosing a road map for developing Green Energy Technologies (Ref Tata Solar- Bridge to India Study)
Action: Government / Electricity Regulators.
iii. Aligning Skilling programs ofGTVET aligned with ii above,developingSkill Standards,Validation. Action:
CBIP as Nodal agency, Government, Skilling Institutions, Industry.
iv. Setting up a Skilling institution forIndian manpoweras well as for providing Skills / accreditation for lesser
developedcountries abroad which may lead to GE business expansion overseas and competing with other
Skill Providers in Europe/ Australia. Action: Govt. Skilling Institutions, Industry
v. The Skilling to also to include understanding critical scenarios of Green Energy Technologies Power
evacuationbasedon systemdemand,having or not having a backing of Conventional power or micro grids
vi. Extending the conceptof investment fromCSR to this sector also Skill Ministry while recasting ITIs to tap
CSR funding for Solar Sector, along with deployment of funds received towards Skilling under Foreign
ContributionsDevelopmentFund exempted under section 11 of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 2010
(FCRA), keeping in view large expansion envisaged.
Pg 10 of 10
vii. India needs Vishwamitras (Trainers) for Transforming our Work force through Transition like Rama &
Lakshman were trained. These Vishwamitras can being in excellence in plant management needed for
enhancing growth of GETs/ RETs. Action: Industry & Skilling Institutions.
viii. Scale and Speed (with in a time frame are a must for Skilling India- a must for excelling in the GETs/ RETs;
otherwise we will miss the bus to reach the growth levels we are aspiring for under “ Make in India” and
envisaged growth in the SolarPowerGeneration sectorto let Sun smile on India to make it shine. Till Sector
Skill Councils finalize Skill Standards, Industry can come up these standards of their own and can make a
contribution in developing these voluntarily Action: Industry & Skilling Institutions.
ix. Skill development needs-Sharp Focus (identify what is needed in Short termand long Term), Shape (decide
on how and where to start disrupting), & Speed growth (projecting and nurturing disrupting innovation).
Action: Industry & Government
x. Indian Population has made Indian Political empowerment achieve a rank of 15 / 142 at World’s Economic
forum2014 but ranks poorly in Educationattainment 126/142, Economic Participation & Opportunity Index
134/142. The Govt. has now in turn is required to empower its people with Skills and Employment,
Employment opportunities by facilitating FDIby investorfriendly policies, rules, laws, procedures in terms
of Labourlaws,Land acquisition and approvals to help uplift India’s globalrankof“ease ofdoing business”
to help India get technologies, Finances for people’s empowerment. Action: Govt. of India.
xi. India to quickly bring in a Road Map for Vocational training/GTVET programs matching the aspirations of
youth,to be adaptiveofthe economy,collaborative andbe credible (and portable)certifications.Portability to
be between certificates, diplomas, degrees and also geographical across globe. Action: Government ,
Vocational Education Institutions.
11. Caveat:
DGE&T had tried to introduce a programat ITIs but there were no takers.Motivation and job
prospects have to be propagated to the job aspirants by CBIP appropriately.
Brief Profile of the Authors:
Y P Chawla; Advisor,Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission,NationalJt.Secretary Indian
Institution of Plant Engineers (IIPE), ypchawla@gmail.com; 98107-08707
BE Tech. & MBA (Fin), PGDPM & PGDMM fromDelhi University. Export Mgmt. fromOxford.
Pursuing PhD. in Skill Gaps in Power Sector, Over 4 decades of Experience in diversified sectors covering
Energy including Solar & other Green / Renewable Energies, (Ex. BHEL), Water Sector, Tyre
Manufacturing, setting up Skill Center, Agriculture, and Infrastructure.
Widely travelled in India & abroad including some Foreign Postings.Because ofthese
postingsgot opportunities to get a holistic approachofPowerSector. Have written papers
on wide range ofsubjects (available on web)
Dr RSP Singh- an Associate Professor School of Vocational Education& Training
IGNOU. Has authored papers on various Skill related subjects. Guiding various research projects.
Coordinating diversifiedskilling andeducational Programme.
PG Certificate & Diploma in Security and Fire safety , Coordinating Pan India Programme on National rural
Livelihood mission, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India; B. Ed.VET (Bachelor of Education in
Vocational Education and Training)
The contentsinthispaperare the personal views ofthe authors and not ofthe organizations the authors

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Green TVET Capacity Building in Green Energy Power Generation yp chawla

  • 1. Pg 1 of 10 हरित तकनीकी व्यावसाययक शिक्षा औि प्रशिक्षण हरित ऊर्ाा उत्पादन में क्षमता यनमााण -एक टिकाऊ इंर्ीयनयरिंग कौिल आधाि यनमााण के शलए Green TVET Capacity Building in Green Energy Power Generation -Building a sustainable Engineering Skill Base YP Chawla1 , Dr. RSP Singh2 1 , Advisor Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission & National Joint Secretary- IIPE 2, Associate Prof. School of Vocational Education & Training – IGNOU Abstract:CleanCoal Technologies, Plant Performance Optimization, Emissions Control (NOx, SOx, PM, etc.), PromotingEnergy Efficiency to Green Energy or Renewable Energy are various topics that are getting covered in variousdiscussions all agreeing to have a climate control checking globalwarming.The Green Energy generation gained its importance because of above and in addition to apprehensions of depleting fuel reserves. The Green Energy/ Renewable (GE/RE) has shown it’s prominence in recent years in India. Green energy employmentopportunities continue to grow in more and more countries. While the job opportunities in Power Sectorcontinueto grow, International Renewable EnergyAgency (IRENA) also has estimated that greene energy jobs potentialreached6.5 millionin 20131 .In decreasing order,the largestemployers in 2013 were China, Brazil, the United States,India,Germany,Spain and Bangladesh. Regional shifts from developed to emerging countries continuesin wind and solartechnologies,predominantlyin the manufacturing andinstallationsegmentsofthe value chain. New Mantra forIndianGrowth spelt out by our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is “Skills, Scale and Speed” asannouncedduring a book launchGetting India Back on Track. The four Colours of Indian flag Saffronfor Solarpower,Whiteforimproving dairy productivity, Green for agriculture and Blue Colour in the wheel for Fisheries for changing the economic wheel. Technical Vocational Education& Training (TVET) for green energy is what is termed as GTVET in this paper, a fit case forbuilding a sustainable engineering skill base. GVETlike in any other sector has shown a Skill Gaps in GE/ RE due to the expansion in the sector. Though GTVET extends to all the sectors in respect of energy saving. This term is being used explicitly for Green Energy Skills in this paper. There is an urgent need to set up Skill Standardstied to quantitativemeasurements ofqualitative Skill parameters of Human Capital Assets required for the sector needing Capacity Building. The Skill Standards act as bench mark and compare two independent individualsand isuseful to establish a correlation ,measuring the same , testing the significance of the variation establish cause and effect relationship for course correction as required. The Skill Standardsalso canestablishcorrelation betweenInstitutions providing Skilling inputs,Skillingfacilitators and the individualsfromdiversifiedregions andcountries as well as other stakeholders. ProcessofSetting SkillStandardsorthe concept ofSkillcouncils is a recent phenomenon in India thatgot attention after the Skill gaps started getting reflected in the requirements of the Industry, due to expansion in various
  • 2. Pg 2 of 10 industries, demographic concerns of aging work force in various countries, GTVET curriculum remaining unchanged and notcatchingup with the dynamic technologychanges. This resulted in on the job learning or self- learning which at times an expansive proposition is and Return of Investment in Skilling was not considered. Skilled manpoweris needed for execution of an ambitious GE/RE program. The Skills needed in this sector are broadly covered in thispaper.The skilling domainin thispaper will also includeSoft Skills within the ambit along with Technical Skills. Key Words: GTVET, Employment in Green Energy Sector / RE Sector, Skills, Green Energy/ Renewable Energy, Sustainable Engineering Skill Base, National Occupation Standards, Skill Standards, Skill Gaps, Skilling ROI, and Technology needs ……….. 1. Introduction: InternationalConference ofthe Green Jobs Assessment Institutions Network (GAIN) during their recent meeting of 14-16 April 2015 at ILO Hq., reviewed the economic modelling tools and methodological as well as training delivery mechanism on measuring employment and socio-economic effects of shifts to greener economies. This conference was organized under the flag of “Partnership for Action for Green Economy (PAGE)”, bringing together the five UN agencies to build national green economy strategies. The Green Economy has become an important aspect of everyone’s life, so are green jobs.Technical and Vocational Education and Training with Green emphasis has acquired a new acronym GTVET. The GTVET includes energy efficiency in every economic activity The transition to a green economy is a globalmega trend affecting skill needs across a diversified range of jobs and sectors. In the labour market a balance is required between developing generic green skills (e.g. reducing waste, improving energy efficiency)and specific skills.Today green skills are as important for almost every job, as is the information and communications technology (ICT) skills. In fact the Solar Energy generation equipment is today in communication with othersystems and equipment.sMr.Rónán Haugheyduring theBruges Communiqué on enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training correctly said green skills for an Hairdresser as are important for a Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician. The Importance ofGreen Energy (Solaror Wind)is known and does notneed any introduction. With Green Energy taking an important role, the Skills that are required to develop these, maintain the GE/ RE projects and get best returns out of the investments in GE/ RE also are as important. The GTVET in this paper will mainly focus on Solar Jobs. Dharnai, Bihar ,India Dharnaivillage in Bihar, one of India's poorest states, is now lit-up by a Greenpeace India (an NGO with not so good reputation now with GoI) solar-powered micro-grid. It is the first village in India where all aspects
  • 3. Pg 3 of 10 Figure 1 : Green Energy Technologies, the journey till 2022- giz presentation of life are powered by solar.The 100 kilowatt (kW) systempowers the 450 homes of the 2,400 residents, 50 commercial operations,two schools,a training centerand a health care facility.A battery backupensures the power around the clock. The Solar Technologies are making the Power reach the remotest part of India and have thus gained importance. 2.Green TVET- Potential: India has embarked upon a very ambitious project ofgoinggreen through 100 GW of Solar PowerGeneration capacities with 40% of the same to be grid Connected. Solar Power Generation is to be supplemented by 60 GW of wind capacity thus created about Rs.630 crores as investment in Green Energy by 2022. If the newtargets ofGoIare to be achieved and commitments lived,we need an army of one million youth with GTVET. About 18% is for Wind energy and the balance for Solar. During the years 2011and 2014 India saw 24,000 Green jobs and now, with India graduating from MW to GW scale Solar along with Solar Roof Tops. Rooftop solar target of 40 GW by 2022, MNRE has a sub-target of 10 GW for rooftop and othersmallgrid-connectedsolarprojects by 2018. This is expected to further be divided into yearly targets of 2 GW, 4 GW and 4 GW (totaling to 10 GW) for the three years starting now in 2015. Green Energy Projects journey till2022 is as depicted in figure1.The Skills for Solar PowerGeneration is the focus of the paper. The Solar Power investments are bound to increase steeply as shown in figure 1. The Solar Roof Top takes 40% of the total investments envisaged in Solar Power additions Figure 2 : The Roof Top Capacity
  • 4. Pg 4 of 10 Figure 3 : Estimated Solar Generation Potential (Source TERI) envisaged till2022 as in figure 2. These figures are as furnished in “Reachingthe Sun with RoofTop Solar” a document by Shakti Sustainable Foundation, TERI & MNRE The figure 3 also substantiatesthatthere is a market of124 GW of Solar Project against 100MW targeted by GoI. Similarly the Roof Top Solar Power Generation also has a potential more that the target set by GoI. Having set the targets for Green Power Technologies, how are we getting ready with the skilled manpower with GTVET needs a focus. The small size Solar Roof Tops for residential sector will attract small project developers who normally depend on unorganized manpower. Skilling the aspirants and what skills, is a question worth a debate. GET / RETs can feed green power through micro grids and reach the remotes and unleash the Potential of Green energy. 3.Green TVET Skills: GTVET comprises economic, ecological and social aspects, all contributing to a sustainable development. It is a cross-cutting issue playing a role in all occupational sectors. GTVET contributes towards thetransitionto green economies and green societies by providinggreencompetencies in a holistic approach which includes any formal, non-formal and informal learning environments. The Green Technologieshave highersensitivitythanothersectors , for GTVET as the results are directly impacting the economy by way of energy availability, improvement in social aspects because of lighted life of mankind, ecology by way of producing green power etc. 4.Caveats : Solar Energy Targets i. Funding ii. Unhealthy Distribution Sector (State Owned) iii. Private Sector – Payback Period iv. High Targets 100 GW need 1095 Sq Kms Land + 650 Sq Kms Roof Top v. Investment in Infrastructure – Rs. 45 Lac Crore = USD 700 Bn. vi. Capital Investment – Challenge Banks having advances Rs. 63 Lac Crs= USD 984 Bn. vii. Lines of Credit Stitched: a. EIB Euros 200 Mn. b. AFD Euros 100 Mn. c. JICA Yen 20 Bn. d. US Exim USD 1 Bn. viii. Manufacturing : 15 GW / Year ( Present Domestic Prodn 2.5 GW/ Year ix. PPAs for Distribution Companies
  • 5. Pg 5 of 10 Figure 3 Skill Levels for various Functional areas for GTVET x. 21/29 Discoms Debt laden xi. 1 Mn. Technically Trained Manpower 5.GTVET Model Hire and Train Or Train & Hire Both the models have its own advantages & disadvantages. Hire & Train offers lesser options of corrections with present labour laws . Train & Hire gives option of watching the individual during training progress. Also it offers reading the manpowerforsub-contractors andthe unorganized markets. 6.Challenges in GTVET GTVET’s Training modules are required to specify the skills and knowledgeneededto performeffectively in Green Technologies Industry.The training modules normally do not prescribe the delivery mechanism of the training module. The figure 3 Indicates the Career slots from 01 to 06 (06 being highest) shown vertically and Skill competency levels required from 1 to 5 on the top row. (5 is highest skilllevel). Trainers and supervisors keep on developing the learning strategies to Support the individual learners’ needs and abilities. Now is the time to achieve the best out of the investment made or being made in the Green Energy / Renewable Energy Sector especially Solar Power Generation. There are so many earlier Solar Installations which lie abandoned afterinvestment was made. This is due to lack of O&M skills for these installations. Rehabilitation of these installations might be an economical preposition. The Potential of Green Energy / Renewable Energy Projects in various countries establishes the need for setting up a manufacturing base, and the skilling needs for Manufacturing. Make in India initiative needs Skill development in manufacturing of these technologies. The manufacturing along with assembling, application ofProject development concept, construction of the project at site, its O&M and then on to the expanding the horizon to various Green Technologies are the requirements. The Skill levels of GTVET needed forvariousfunctionalareas as in figure 3 & table 1. Make in India for Green Technologies like solar
  • 6. Pg 6 of 10 powergenerationcould succeedif R&D is also sufficiently focused in India. The sectoral Skills are needed for R&D also. 7.Skill level requiredfor various Function Areas in Green Technologies- on a Scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the best) Table 1 Skill levels for various functional areas2 Skills / Function Area Site Assessm ent Work Design for Site Coordinati ng Resources System Installation System Maintenanc e Average a b c d e f g 1 Listening 4 3 3 3 3 3.2 2 Speaking 4 3 3 3 3 3.2 3 ICT Usage 4 3 3 3 3 3.2 4 Collect / analyze info 4 4 3 3 4 3.6 5 Prob.Analyze/ Solving 4 4 3 4 4 3.8 6 Judgment /Decision 4 4 3 4 3 3.6 7 Organize & Plan 3 3 3 4 3 3.2 8 Social Skills Usage 3 2 3 3 2 2.6 9 Adaptability 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 10 TeamWork 2 3 3 4 2 2.8 11 Leadership 2 2 3 3 2 2.4 12 ConsensusBuilding 2 3 3 3 2 2.6 13 Enhancing Skill, Self/ Career Development 2 3 2 3 2 2.4 14 Writing 3 3 3 2 2 2.6 15 Reading 3 3 3 3 3 3.0 16 Mathematics 4 4 3 3 3 3.4 17 Science 3 3 2 3 3 2.8 Average Skill Score 3.18 3.12 2.88 3.18 2.76 3.02 Median Skill Score 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 HigherSkill Score of 4 on a Likert’s scale of1-5 is required in the firm lined boxed areas; Skill Score of around 3 is in the clinkered boxes. The median of various Skills is at Skill level of 3 on above referred scale and most of the frequencies settle around skill level of 3. GTVET Skills are required above an average score of 2.5 of the Skill Scale of 1-5 and most of these scatteraround the median of Skill score level of 3 on the above scale (Figure 4). The average skills that are required forSystemmaintenance andCoordinatingresources can be handled by an average skilled worker as per table 1. The Skills required extend to all the above value added components & systems as in Table 1 Figure 4 Competency Skill Level - Primary Research 2 USA’s Distributed Renewable solar energy Technicians’Skill Standards
  • 7. Pg 7 of 10 Skilled workforce fetches a frequency ofthree (that is the highest)in the Green Technologyvalue chain asin table 2 & 3 , reflects its importance overotherparameters. Table 2 : GET/ RET Value Chain Requirements and Skills GET or RET Value Chain Deployment3 Success factors - Right Niche Proximity to existing production Skilled workforce Cluster quality value chain Integration Metals ++ ++ + + Machinery +++ +++ +++ + Electrical devices ++ ++ + ++ Electronic parts +++ +++ ++ ++ Process andcontrols ++ ++ ++ + Construction preparation + + Installation, construction ++ + + Trade, whole sale + + ++ Banks + ++ Insurance + + Industrial services ++ +++ ++ +++ The Solar and Wind technologies are complementaryin many aspects of TVET and theseGTVET are to be developedkeeping in mind the knowledge intensive jobs to support nationalgoals. Table 3 : Value Creation along Value chain Opportunities for Value Creation along Value Chain of Green Technologies Countries following Good Practices R&D , Manufacture, Project Development Install ation O&M Policy areas Investment promotion Costa Rica, Canada Local content requirements Ontario Linking investment to employment and capabilities Germany, Canada Developing productive clusters California, Germany Suppliers development programs/ Enterprenuers/ SMEs Ireland, Singapore, Mexico Links between public research institutionsand enterprises Germany, Canada Advanced Skill Development Malaysia, Spain It is a joint journey of developing Green Technologies by Government (firmarrows in bold dark ) & Industry(Dottedarrows ). The journey begins with adoptingthe best globalpractices afterstudying their relevance to India. 3 iea-retd.org (Implementing Agreementfor Renewable EnergyTechnologyDeployment) Stitching Foundation Renewable EnergyTechnologyDeployment
  • 8. Pg 8 of 10 Linking investmentsin the sectorto employment are best practicedin Germany and Canada,while Advanced Skill development is in Malaysia & Spain as . Table 4: DistributedRenewable Solar Energy Technician Skill Standards-Occupational Skills & Knowledge with performance parameters4 Occupational Skill & Knowledge Performance Parameters Key Activity- capabilities Supporting Conditions 1. Electrical systems (AC/DC) 2. Mechanical systems 3. Plumbing systems 4. Pumps and pump theory 5. Energy sources 6. Blue prints and schematics 7. Wiring diagrams i. Customer Interaction, ii. Performing Site Assessment- a. Equipment location, b. Assessment in meeting national & local codes, c. Space Constraints, d. Tilt Angel availability, e. System/ load connecting points, f. Site accessibility and safety, iii. Fits into Company’s preliminary design, iv. Calculations of System energy output, Balance of System requirements, Generation of Parts list, drawings/ sketches. A. Preliminary Site assessment, Customer’s readiness. B. Creating Final Design. Language, Literacy, Numeracy Skills (LLN), PC / Laptop, Blue print, Wiring diagrams, Equipment Manuf. Manuals , Hand Tools, i. Procurement fromapproved sources, ii. Inventory check, iii. Project Management with scheduling resources, iv. Approvals of necessary permits v. Staging materials C. Co-ordinate Resources. Same as above plus Safety equipment & Knowledge of local codes/ standards of work vi. Deviations from Manufacturer’s recommendations due to site conditions recorded. Devices,clamps,screws,etc. are torqued according to manufacturer’s instructions. vii. Unsafe conditions at site corrected & reported. viii. Damage to equipment during installation reported D. System Installation at Site. Understanding the Manufacturers’ Manuals Hand / Power tools Safety equipment (personaland job safety)Grounding equipment Electrical supplies Rigging equipment Hoistingequipment Workvehicles (including forklift, etc.)Materials handling vehicles Blueprints,schematics, wiring diagrams Equipment mfr. Manuals,Glues,adhesives, sealants,fasteners,Torque Wrenches Safety equipment (personaland job safety) Plumbing and pipefitting materials whereverSolar Thermal Systems are involved. ix. The Systemgives guaranteed output, E. Commissioning Equipment. Electrical / Electronic test equipment, Voltage /Power test equipment. 4 Distributed Renewable Solar EnergyTechnicianSkill Standards - USA Feb. 2009
  • 9. Pg 9 of 10 Occupational Skill & Knowledge Performance Parameters Key Activity- capabilities Supporting Conditions x. Customersatisfaction rating indicating that system reliability meets service expectations. F. Maintaining System Logging performance data, analyze if performance is as committed. Performing periodic maintenance. 8.Conclusion:An investment of USD 47 bn for Roof Top Solar and a total of USD 100 bn investments have been talked of. 100 GW solar requiring 1Mn. full time jobs, how do we reach this manpower pool with GTVET is a big question. MNRE has come up with arranging skilling of 50,000 people, who will train the balance workforce reaching a total1Mn.The Road Map for reaching the above target of providing GTVET is required to be drawn. Assessing GTVET components as core ingredientsin respectofGreen Energy Technologies, is important as in any otherhigh technology sector,and in principle the GTVET curricula to be competency based, wherein outcome based learning and assessmentto be responsible forskill development.The skillstandards are to be developed for Solar Power Generation keeping in view the industry requirements. 9.Snap Shots of the Paper: i. Emphasis of the Paper is on Skills which is required for an holistic growth of Solar Power Generation. ii. This paperby way ofsecondaryresearch as wellas primary research has brought forwards theelementsto focus on the GVET curricula. iii. The paper gels with the Power Gen theme of this conference. iv. Way forward suggestions have been provided as under. 10. Way Forward : For Building a Sustainable Engineering Skill Base of GTVET in Green Energy Generation. i. You and me being the stakeholders, with your survey response on the web link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/R88L9L3e ; the work on establishing Skill Gaps can be initiated. Action: Your good selves ii. Choosing a road map for developing Green Energy Technologies (Ref Tata Solar- Bridge to India Study) Action: Government / Electricity Regulators. iii. Aligning Skilling programs ofGTVET aligned with ii above,developingSkill Standards,Validation. Action: CBIP as Nodal agency, Government, Skilling Institutions, Industry. iv. Setting up a Skilling institution forIndian manpoweras well as for providing Skills / accreditation for lesser developedcountries abroad which may lead to GE business expansion overseas and competing with other Skill Providers in Europe/ Australia. Action: Govt. Skilling Institutions, Industry v. The Skilling to also to include understanding critical scenarios of Green Energy Technologies Power evacuationbasedon systemdemand,having or not having a backing of Conventional power or micro grids etc. vi. Extending the conceptof investment fromCSR to this sector also Skill Ministry while recasting ITIs to tap CSR funding for Solar Sector, along with deployment of funds received towards Skilling under Foreign ContributionsDevelopmentFund exempted under section 11 of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 2010 (FCRA), keeping in view large expansion envisaged.
  • 10. Pg 10 of 10 vii. India needs Vishwamitras (Trainers) for Transforming our Work force through Transition like Rama & Lakshman were trained. These Vishwamitras can being in excellence in plant management needed for enhancing growth of GETs/ RETs. Action: Industry & Skilling Institutions. viii. Scale and Speed (with in a time frame are a must for Skilling India- a must for excelling in the GETs/ RETs; otherwise we will miss the bus to reach the growth levels we are aspiring for under “ Make in India” and envisaged growth in the SolarPowerGeneration sectorto let Sun smile on India to make it shine. Till Sector Skill Councils finalize Skill Standards, Industry can come up these standards of their own and can make a contribution in developing these voluntarily Action: Industry & Skilling Institutions. ix. Skill development needs-Sharp Focus (identify what is needed in Short termand long Term), Shape (decide on how and where to start disrupting), & Speed growth (projecting and nurturing disrupting innovation). Action: Industry & Government x. Indian Population has made Indian Political empowerment achieve a rank of 15 / 142 at World’s Economic forum2014 but ranks poorly in Educationattainment 126/142, Economic Participation & Opportunity Index 134/142. The Govt. has now in turn is required to empower its people with Skills and Employment, Employment opportunities by facilitating FDIby investorfriendly policies, rules, laws, procedures in terms of Labourlaws,Land acquisition and approvals to help uplift India’s globalrankof“ease ofdoing business” to help India get technologies, Finances for people’s empowerment. Action: Govt. of India. xi. India to quickly bring in a Road Map for Vocational training/GTVET programs matching the aspirations of youth,to be adaptiveofthe economy,collaborative andbe credible (and portable)certifications.Portability to be between certificates, diplomas, degrees and also geographical across globe. Action: Government , Vocational Education Institutions. 11. Caveat: DGE&T had tried to introduce a programat ITIs but there were no takers.Motivation and job prospects have to be propagated to the job aspirants by CBIP appropriately. Brief Profile of the Authors: Y P Chawla; Advisor,Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission,NationalJt.Secretary Indian Institution of Plant Engineers (IIPE), ypchawla@gmail.com; 98107-08707 BE Tech. & MBA (Fin), PGDPM & PGDMM fromDelhi University. Export Mgmt. fromOxford. Pursuing PhD. in Skill Gaps in Power Sector, Over 4 decades of Experience in diversified sectors covering Energy including Solar & other Green / Renewable Energies, (Ex. BHEL), Water Sector, Tyre Manufacturing, setting up Skill Center, Agriculture, and Infrastructure. Widely travelled in India & abroad including some Foreign Postings.Because ofthese postingsgot opportunities to get a holistic approachofPowerSector. Have written papers on wide range ofsubjects (available on web) Dr RSP Singh- an Associate Professor School of Vocational Education& Training IGNOU. Has authored papers on various Skill related subjects. Guiding various research projects. Coordinating diversifiedskilling andeducational Programme. PG Certificate & Diploma in Security and Fire safety , Coordinating Pan India Programme on National rural Livelihood mission, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India; B. Ed.VET (Bachelor of Education in Vocational Education and Training) The contentsinthispaperare the personal views ofthe authors and not ofthe organizations the authors represent.