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Google IO 2019
Key Updates
I am Sunita Singh
I’m an Android Developer at Copper Mobile, Inc.
Android Q
What’s new in Android Q
Latest Android Q Updates
● Bubbles
● Dark Theme Support
● Sharing improvements
● Notifications
● Gesture Navigation and more.
Easy multi tasking
● Bubbles are built into the Notification system.
● They float on top of different app content and
follow the user wherever they’re going.
● Bubbles can be expanded to reveal app
functionality and information, and might be
collapsed when not getting used.
E.g. in facebook messenger app.
Sample: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-
For more info:
Place your screenshot
Dark Theme
Those eyes won’t hurt anymore
● Can reduce power usage by a significant amount.
● Improves visibility for users with low vision and those who
are sensitive to bright light.
● Strongly recommended that apps support dark theme.
● Force Dark feature automatically convert app to the dark
theme (make ‘forceDarkAllowed’ to true).
How to use?
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.DayNight">
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight">
For more info :
Updated with a new design & APIs
● The Direct Sharing API has been replaced with new
sharing shortcut APIs
● Greatly improved performance.
● Simplified & enhanced UI.
● More Developer customization options.
Sample: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-
For more information:
Place your screenshot
Gentle & Priority, Notification Actions
● Helps organize valuable & important
● Initially configured by developers, but can be
adjusted by users & system.
● Directly access related deeplinks.
● Quick reply with suggested responses.
● Can Generate smart replies with Firebase MLKit.
Place your screenshot
Gesture Navigation
● Only 2 navigation methods will be supported in the
Android platform from Q:
○ 3 buttons
○ Model moving forward.
● Making your app nav-ready:-
○ Make Your UI edge-to-edge.
○ Leverage insets for better UI.
○ Override system gestures.
● App can face conflicts with any horizontally-draggable
content (Sliders, Seekbars etc).
● Common scenarios where app can face problem with
gestures: Scrolling Views, Navigation Drawers, Bottom
Sheets, Landscape mode, Carousels (ViewPager etc).
● New API available in Q to opt out at least the back
Place your screenshot
● One liner for accessibility actions
● Vary duration of transient UI
Millis (default:Int, flags: Int)
Improve Text Performance
● Hyphenation: Hyphenation is OFF by default in Android Q & AppCompat V1.1.0. To re-
enable hyphenation:
<TextView android: hyphenationFrequency=”normal”/>
● PreComputedText:
○ Use PreComputedText with Recyclerview prefetch.
○ For more info: https://medium.com/google-developers/recyclerview-prefetch-
Custom Fonts
● Use CustomFallbackBuilder to support multiple fonts
E.g. We want an image in between text, text having custom font (lato).
● Max 64 font families while building Typeface using CustomFallbackBuilder.
● Conceptually different font families can not be put in same Font family object.
Some more..
Styling Text
● Style, Theme, TextAppearance, View Attribute, Span.
System Fonts
● 270+ pre-installed fonts.
● Find fonts used by system: FontMatcher API (NDK).
● Find installed fonts: FontEnumeration API.
Editable Text
● Now Error message of Edittext will not hide behind the keyboard.
● If you want the keyboard to learn about your password then use
● If you don't want the keyboard to learn about your password then use
● Use IME flags to configure soft keyboard.
for(font in SystemFonts.getAvailableFonts()){
//choose your font here.
● Android magnifier widget. Can be used by any view which is
attached to a window.
● The magnifier is already integrated with platform widgets
such as TextView, EditText, or WebView.
● It provides consistent text manipulation across applications.
● The widget comes with a simple API and can be used to
magnify anyView depending on your application’s context.
View view = findViewById(R.id.view);
Magnifier magnifier = new Magnifier(view);
magnifier.show(view.getWidth() / 2, view.getHeight() / 2);
Place your screenshot
Runtime Permissions
For all the apps running on Android Q
● Prevention of silent access to reading screen content
● Instead use MediaProjection API with user’s consent
● Opportunity for the user to revoke already granted
permission when user updates to Q for the first time
● New permission ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION added to
track walking, biking or cycling activities of the user.
● Permission groups are removed from UI
Place your screenshot
● Immutable device identifiers will no longer be
available via READ_PHONE_STATE e.g.
Build, IMEI, ESN, SIM etc.
● Mac address randomization.
● App launching & notifications.
● Declare service type in Manifest for services
● New Apis in Q have nullability annotations.
● Nullability enforced as an errors instead of warnings with Q.
● Incremental annotation processing with kapt in 1.3.30
● Coroutines support for Workmanager, Room, LifeCycle, LiveData, ViewModel.
● Jetpack Compose.
● Kotlin plugin part for Android Studio.
● Lint support for kotlin added
Android Jetpack
To make the development easier and faster
Jetpack camera support library
● Camera development is hard because of OS flavors and the Camera API complexity etc.
● Issues tackled in previous camera API:
○ Front/back camera switch crashes.
○ Optimized camera closures etc.
● Backwards compatibility to L (90% devices).
● Easy to use and Consistent behavior across all android devices.
● CameraX benefits:
○ Reduced device specific testing.
○ 75% reduction in lines of code.
○ Smaller apk size etc.
● CameraX is lifecycle aware Easy to use.so you don’t need to start & stop cameraX.
● CameraX hides all the internal functionality from you & maintain it by own.
Jetpack Navigation
Jetpack library to manage in-app UI flows
● Now can navigate by URI (<deeplink>).
● ViewModel scoped to navigation graphs.
● Can use dialog destinations.
● CodeLabs sample:
● Safe Args (Gradle plugin):
Escorting your arguments safely to their destination
apply plugin: “androidx.navigation.safeargs” (for java)
apply plugin: “androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin” (for kotlin)
Jetpack Compose
Next generation UI toolkit
● Reactive
● A kotlin compiler plugin.
● Fully compatible with your existing app/code.
fun Greeting(name : String) {
Text(“Hello $name”)
● For More info: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose
ViewPager 2
● Like viewPager, but better
● Based on recyclerview
● RTL mode support
● Allows vertical paging.
● Improved dataset change notifications.
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0-alpha04'
● offscreenPageLimit: allows for a tight control of the number of page
Views / Fragments kept in the view hierarchy.
Coming soon in Android Studio 3.6
● Compatible with Data Binding.
● Full Studio integration.
● 100% compile time safety
● Binding classes built by Gradle Plugin.
val binding = ProfileBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
SavedState for ViewModel
ViewModel + SavedState
● ViewModel and SavedState are used for different purposes & not same.
● ViewModel works as a cache for heavy objects.
● SavedState used for small data.
class UserViewModel (val handle : SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel(){}
● Syntax for ViewModel initialization:
val viewModel : UserViewModel by ViewModels()
Background processing library
● Persistence
● Backwards compatibility (API 14)
● On-demand initialization
● Robolectric support available now
● Create test workers using TestWorkBuilder & TestListenableBuilder.
SQL object mapping library
● Coroutines support.
● You can have suspend method for getting data, insert data etc.
@Query(“select * from Song where songId=songId”)
suspend fun getSong (songId : String) : Song
suspend fun insertSong(song : Song)
● Full Text Search (@ Fts4 annotation)
● Database Views
● Expanded Rx support
fun addSong(song : Song) : Completable
Android AI Tools
To make your app smarter
AI Tools
● MLKit
● Google Cloud
● TensorFlow (open source)
● For more info look here:
● Existing Features
○ Vision: Landmark detection, Image labeling, Barcode Scanning,
Face detection.
○ Natural Language: Language identification, Smart Reply.
○ Custom: Model Serving.
● New features:
○ On-device translation: fast and dynamic translation for 59
○ Object detection and tracking.
Miscellaneous Updates
Android Studio 3.5 beta
Project Marble
● System health
○ Fixed UI Freezes
○ Speed & CPU usage
○ Automatic leak detection
● Feature Polish
○ Apply changes
○ Project upgrades
○ Offline
○ Gradle Sync
● Bug Backlog
○ Layout editor improvements etc.
ConstraintLayout (2.x)
● Flexibility
○ Virtual layouts
○ Helpers & Decorators
○ Programming APIs
implementation ‘com.android.support.constraint:constraint-
● MotionLayout
○ Subclass of constraint layout.
Sample code for MotionLayout: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-ConstraintLayoutExamples
Blend Modes
● android.graphics.BlendMode replaces PorterDuff Mode (deprecated in
android Q)
● New modes available:
● Efficient rendering (used by views internally)
● Contains:
○ Display list
○ Display properties
● Can be hierarchical (RenderNode can contain another RenderNode).
● Cast shadows without a view.
if (canvas.isHardwareAccelerated()) {
Settings Panel
● Settings UI directly within app (Internet, NFC, Volume,
val intent = Intent(
Got an app idea? We are the
Reach out to us via https://www.coppermobile.com/contact-us/

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Google I/O 2019 - what's new in Android Q and Jetpack

  • 1. Google IO 2019 Key Updates Android
  • 2. Hello! I am Sunita Singh I’m an Android Developer at Copper Mobile, Inc. 2
  • 3. Android Q What’s new in Android Q 1
  • 4. Latest Android Q Updates ● Bubbles ● Dark Theme Support ● Sharing improvements ● Notifications ● Gesture Navigation and more. 4
  • 5. Bubbles Easy multi tasking ● Bubbles are built into the Notification system. ● They float on top of different app content and follow the user wherever they’re going. ● Bubbles can be expanded to reveal app functionality and information, and might be collapsed when not getting used. E.g. in facebook messenger app. Sample: https://github.com/googlesamples/android- Bubbles For more info: https://developer.android.com/preview/features/bubbles Place your screenshot here 5
  • 6. Dark Theme Those eyes won’t hurt anymore ● Can reduce power usage by a significant amount. ● Improves visibility for users with low vision and those who are sensitive to bright light. ● Strongly recommended that apps support dark theme. ● Force Dark feature automatically convert app to the dark theme (make ‘forceDarkAllowed’ to true). How to use? <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.DayNight"> OR <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight"> For more info : https://developer.android.com/preview/features/darktheme 6
  • 7. Sharing Improvements Updated with a new design & APIs ● The Direct Sharing API has been replaced with new sharing shortcut APIs ● Greatly improved performance. ● Simplified & enhanced UI. ● More Developer customization options. Sample: https://github.com/googlesamples/android- SharingShortcuts For more information: https://developer.android.com/preview/features/sharing Place your screenshot here 7
  • 8. Notification Gentle & Priority, Notification Actions ● Helps organize valuable & important notifications. ● Initially configured by developers, but can be adjusted by users & system. ● Directly access related deeplinks. ● Quick reply with suggested responses. ● Can Generate smart replies with Firebase MLKit. Place your screenshot here 8
  • 9. Gesture Navigation ● Only 2 navigation methods will be supported in the Android platform from Q: ○ 3 buttons ○ Model moving forward. ● Making your app nav-ready:- ○ Make Your UI edge-to-edge. ○ Leverage insets for better UI. ○ Override system gestures. ● App can face conflicts with any horizontally-draggable content (Sliders, Seekbars etc). ● Common scenarios where app can face problem with gestures: Scrolling Views, Navigation Drawers, Bottom Sheets, Landscape mode, Carousels (ViewPager etc). ● New API available in Q to opt out at least the back gesture. Place your screenshot here 9
  • 10. Accessibility ● One liner for accessibility actions ViewCompat.addAccessibilityAction(...) ● Vary duration of transient UI AccessibilityManager.getRecommendedTimeout Millis (default:Int, flags: Int) 10
  • 11. Text Improve Text Performance ● Hyphenation: Hyphenation is OFF by default in Android Q & AppCompat V1.1.0. To re- enable hyphenation: <TextView android: hyphenationFrequency=”normal”/> ● PreComputedText: ○ Use PreComputedText with Recyclerview prefetch. ○ For more info: https://medium.com/google-developers/recyclerview-prefetch- c2f269075710 https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/prefetch-text-layout-in-recyclerview- 4acf9103f438 Custom Fonts ● Use CustomFallbackBuilder to support multiple fonts E.g. We want an image in between text, text having custom font (lato). ● Max 64 font families while building Typeface using CustomFallbackBuilder. ● Conceptually different font families can not be put in same Font family object. 11
  • 12. Text Some more.. Styling Text ● Style, Theme, TextAppearance, View Attribute, Span. System Fonts ● 270+ pre-installed fonts. ● Find fonts used by system: FontMatcher API (NDK). ● Find installed fonts: FontEnumeration API. Editable Text ● Now Error message of Edittext will not hide behind the keyboard. ● If you want the keyboard to learn about your password then use android:inputType=”textVisiblePassword” ● If you don't want the keyboard to learn about your password then use android:inputType=”textPassword” ● Use IME flags to configure soft keyboard. 12 for(font in SystemFonts.getAvailableFonts()){ //choose your font here. }
  • 13. Magnifier ● Android magnifier widget. Can be used by any view which is attached to a window. ● The magnifier is already integrated with platform widgets such as TextView, EditText, or WebView. ● It provides consistent text manipulation across applications. ● The widget comes with a simple API and can be used to magnify anyView depending on your application’s context. View view = findViewById(R.id.view); Magnifier magnifier = new Magnifier(view); magnifier.show(view.getWidth() / 2, view.getHeight() / 2); Place your screenshot here 13
  • 14. Runtime Permissions For all the apps running on Android Q ● Prevention of silent access to reading screen content READ_FRAME_BUFFER, CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT, CAPTURE_SCREEN_VIDEO_OUTPUT ● Instead use MediaProjection API with user’s consent ● Opportunity for the user to revoke already granted permission when user updates to Q for the first time ● New permission ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION added to track walking, biking or cycling activities of the user. ● Permission groups are removed from UI Place your screenshot here 14
  • 15. Security ● Immutable device identifiers will no longer be available via READ_PHONE_STATE e.g. Build, IMEI, ESN, SIM etc. ● Mac address randomization. ● App launching & notifications. ● Declare service type in Manifest for services 15 <service android:foregroundServiceType=”location”/>
  • 16. Kotlin ● New Apis in Q have nullability annotations. ● Nullability enforced as an errors instead of warnings with Q. ● Incremental annotation processing with kapt in 1.3.30 ● Coroutines support for Workmanager, Room, LifeCycle, LiveData, ViewModel. ● Jetpack Compose. ● Kotlin plugin part for Android Studio. ● Lint support for kotlin added 16
  • 17. Android Jetpack To make the development easier and faster 2
  • 18. CameraX Jetpack camera support library ● Camera development is hard because of OS flavors and the Camera API complexity etc. ● Issues tackled in previous camera API: ○ Front/back camera switch crashes. ○ Optimized camera closures etc. ● Backwards compatibility to L (90% devices). ● Easy to use and Consistent behavior across all android devices. ● CameraX benefits: ○ Reduced device specific testing. ○ 75% reduction in lines of code. ○ Smaller apk size etc. ● CameraX is lifecycle aware Easy to use.so you don’t need to start & stop cameraX. ● CameraX hides all the internal functionality from you & maintain it by own. 18
  • 19. Jetpack Navigation Jetpack library to manage in-app UI flows ● Now can navigate by URI (<deeplink>). ● ViewModel scoped to navigation graphs. ● Can use dialog destinations. ● CodeLabs sample: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/android- navigation/#0 ● Safe Args (Gradle plugin): Escorting your arguments safely to their destination apply plugin: “androidx.navigation.safeargs” (for java) apply plugin: “androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin” (for kotlin) 19
  • 20. Jetpack Compose Next generation UI toolkit ● Reactive ● A kotlin compiler plugin. ● Fully compatible with your existing app/code. @Composable fun Greeting(name : String) { Text(“Hello $name”) } ● For More info: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose 20
  • 21. ViewPager 2 ● Like viewPager, but better ● Based on recyclerview ● RTL mode support ● Allows vertical paging. ● Improved dataset change notifications. dependencies { implementation 'androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0-alpha04' } ● offscreenPageLimit: allows for a tight control of the number of page Views / Fragments kept in the view hierarchy. 21
  • 22. ViewBindings Coming soon in Android Studio 3.6 ● Compatible with Data Binding. ● Full Studio integration. ● 100% compile time safety ● Binding classes built by Gradle Plugin. val binding = ProfileBinding.inflate(layoutInflater) setContentView(binding.root) 22
  • 23. SavedState for ViewModel ViewModel + SavedState ● ViewModel and SavedState are used for different purposes & not same. ● ViewModel works as a cache for heavy objects. ● SavedState used for small data. class UserViewModel (val handle : SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel(){} ● Syntax for ViewModel initialization: val viewModel : UserViewModel by ViewModels() 23
  • 24. WorkManager Background processing library ● Persistence ● Backwards compatibility (API 14) ● On-demand initialization ● Robolectric support available now ● Create test workers using TestWorkBuilder & TestListenableBuilder. 24
  • 25. Room SQL object mapping library ● Coroutines support. ● You can have suspend method for getting data, insert data etc. @Query(“select * from Song where songId=songId”) suspend fun getSong (songId : String) : Song @Insert suspend fun insertSong(song : Song) ● Full Text Search (@ Fts4 annotation) ● Database Views ● Expanded Rx support @Insert fun addSong(song : Song) : Completable 25
  • 26. Android AI Tools To make your app smarter 3
  • 27. AI Tools ● MLKit ● Google Cloud ● TensorFlow (open source) ● For more info look here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/ml-kit https://cloud.google.com/solutions/mobile/ https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/android 27
  • 28. MLKit ● Existing Features ○ Vision: Landmark detection, Image labeling, Barcode Scanning, Face detection. ○ Natural Language: Language identification, Smart Reply. ○ Custom: Model Serving. ● New features: ○ On-device translation: fast and dynamic translation for 59 languages. ○ Object detection and tracking. 28
  • 30. Android Studio 3.5 beta Project Marble ● System health ○ Fixed UI Freezes ○ Speed & CPU usage ○ Automatic leak detection ● Feature Polish ○ Apply changes ○ Project upgrades ○ Offline ○ Gradle Sync ● Bug Backlog ○ Layout editor improvements etc. 30
  • 31. ConstraintLayout (2.x) ● Flexibility ○ Virtual layouts ○ Helpers & Decorators ○ Programming APIs implementation ‘com.android.support.constraint:constraint- layout:2.0.0.beta1’ ● MotionLayout ○ Subclass of constraint layout. Sample code for MotionLayout: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-ConstraintLayoutExamples 31
  • 32. Blend Modes ● android.graphics.BlendMode replaces PorterDuff Mode (deprecated in android Q) ● New modes available: ○ HARD_LIGHT ○ SOFT_LIGHT etc. 32
  • 33. RenderNode ● Efficient rendering (used by views internally) ● Contains: ○ Display list ○ Display properties ● Can be hierarchical (RenderNode can contain another RenderNode). ● Cast shadows without a view. if (canvas.isHardwareAccelerated()) { canvas.drawRenderNode(myRenderNode); } 33
  • 34. Settings Panel ● Settings UI directly within app (Internet, NFC, Volume, WiFi). val intent = Intent( Settings.Panel.ACTION_INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY ) startActivityForResult(intent,0) 34
  • 35. 35 Thanks! Got an app idea? We are the experts! Reach out to us via https://www.coppermobile.com/contact-us/