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What's new in Android Pie
Hassan Abid
Google Developers Expert - Android
What’s new in Android Pie
● Twitter : hassanabidpk
● Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/hassanabidpk89
● Google Developers Expert - Android since March 2016
● Working at Live Streaming Platform Startup in SIngapore
● Worked in Seoul (South Korea) for over 5 years (Video Streaming
SDK, Video Editing app)
Get App at http://belive.sg/
What's new in Android Pie
Features 1/2
● Indoor Positioning with Wi-Fi RTT
● Display Cutout
● Notifications
● Multi-camera support
● ImageDecoder for drawables and bitmaps
● Animations
Features 2/2
● HDR VP9 Video, HEIF Image Compression
● JobSchedular
● Neural Networks API 1.1
● Accessibility
● Rotation
● Text
Biggest Change??
Adaptive Battery (Read more here)
Indoor Positioning with Wi-Fi RTT
● Use Wi-Fi RTT (Round-Trip-Time) API to measure the distance to
nearby RTT-capable Wi-FI AP (also Wi-Fi Aware devices)
● Device Must have 802.11 mcc FTM standard
● Device Must be running Android 9
● Location and Wi-Fi scanning enabled
● Must have ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission
● Access-Point must have IEEE 802.11mc
Advantages of Indoor Positioning
● Indoor Navigation
● Disambiguated Voice Control
● Location-based Information
● Accuracy of 1-2 meters
Developer guide here
Indoor Positioning RTT API
API Name API Level Remarks
RTT Package [doc]
28 Full support
Display Cutout
● Support latest edge-to-edge screens
● Test using Android Device or Emulator
running Android 9
● DisplayCutout class added
○ getDisplayCutout()
Display cutout (ref : link)
Display Cutout
● New Window layout attribute
layoutInDisplayCutoutMode added
<style name="ActivityTheme">
<item name="android:windowLayoutInDisplayCutoutMode">
shortEdges <!-- default, shortEdges, never -->
Best Practices
● Don't let the cutout area obscure any important text, controls,
or other information
● Avoid hard-coding the status bar height (use
● Use shortEdges or never cutout modes if your app needs to
transition into and out of fullscreen mode
● See more on Android Developers site
DisplayCutout API
API Name API Level Remarks
DisplayCutout[doc] 28 Full support
DispalyCutoutCompat[doc] Other API Levels with
androidx support library
Full Support
● Starting in Android 7.0 (API level 24), you could add an
action to reply to messages
● Support for images in Android 9
● Save replies as drafts
● SmartReply
● Identify a group conversation
// Create new Person.
val sender = Person()
// Create image message.
val message = Message("Picture", time, sender)
.setData("image/", imageUri)
val style = Notification.MessagingStyle(getUser())
.addMessage("Check this out!", 0, sender)
● Android 8.0 introduced Notification Channels
● Blocking channel groups
● New broadcast intent types
○ The Android system now sends broadcast intents when the blocking
state of notification channels and channel groups’ changes
Notification API
API Name API Level Remarks
Person[doc] 28 Use with targetSDKVersion
Notification.MessagingStyle (Person user) 28 Other constructors are
addMessage (CharSequence text, long
timestamp, Person sender)
28 Person Should be null for
messages by the current
Multi-Camera support
● On devices running Android 9, you can access streams
simultaneously from two or more physical cameras.
● Support for external USB/UVC cameras on supported
● Improvements in Session Parameters to reduce delays
ImageDecoder class
● With new ImageDecoder class
○ BitmapFactory
○ BitmapFactory.Options
● Create a Drawable or Bitmap from a byte buffer, file or a
● Decode using decodeDrawable() or decodeBitmap()
● Resizing, Crop, mutable bitmap APIs also available
ImageDecoder class
A class for converting encoded images (like PNG, JPEG,
WEBP, GIF, or HEIF) into Drawable or Bitmap objects.
// Step - 1 : Create a Source
// Step - 2 : Decode source
File file = new File(...);
ImageDecoder.Source source = ImageDecoder.createSource(file);
Drawable drawable = ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable(source);
ImageDecoder - Change settings
// To Change default settings pass OnHeaderDecoderListener in addition to source
// Following code shows sample image with half the width and height
OnHeaderDecodedListener listener = new OnHeaderDecodedListener() {
public void onHeaderDecoded(ImageDecoder decoder, ImageInfo info,
Source source) {
Drawable drawable = ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable(source, listener);
ImageDecoder - GIF and WEBP
private fun decodeImage() {
val decodedAnimation = ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable(
ImageDecoder.createSource(resources, R.drawable.my_drawable))
// Prior to start(), the first frame is displayed.
(decodedAnimation as? AnimatedImageDrawable)?.start()
ImageDecoder - Customization
// Rounded corners
Drawable drawable = ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable(source, (decoder, info, src) -> {
decoder.setPostProcessor((canvas) -> {
Path path = new Path();
int width = canvas.getWidth();
int height = canvas.getHeight();
path.addRoundRect(0, 0, width, height, 20, 20, Path.Direction.CW);
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC));
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
return PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT;
API Name API Level Remarks
ImageDecoder[doc] 28 Full support (Should use
targetSDK 28)
HDR VP9 video, HEIF Image
● Android 9 provides support for
HDR VP9 Video Profile 2
● Support for HEIF Image
● You can do a jpeg-to-heic
conversion using ImageDecoder
or BitmapFactory
Data cost sensitivity in JobScheduler
● JobScheduler is Android's central service to help you manage
scheduled tasks or work across Doze, App Standby, and
Background Limits
● In Android 9.0, Jobs can declare data size, signal prefetching
and specify network requirements
○ Provided by carrier
Neural Network API 1.1.1
● The Neural Networks API was introduced in Android 8.1
(API level 27)
● In Android 9.0, nine new APIS are added
Rotation (Behavior)
● Precomputed Text
● Magnifier
● Smart linkify (TextClassifier)
● TextLayout
● Read more in this blog post
PreComputed Text
API Name API Level Remarks
PrecomputedText [doc] 28 Full Support
PrecomputedTextCompat[doc] 21-27 Use internal Text layout
PrecomputedTextCompat 14 - 20 Does Nothing
API Name API Level Remarks
Magnifier [doc] 28 Only API Level 28 and high
TextClassifier (Smart Linkify)
API Name API Level Remarks
TextClassifier[doc] 26+ Full Support
TextView (Text Layout)
API Name API Level Remarks
TextView [doc] Target SDK : 28 New APIS : lineHeight,
● Slices are UI templates that can display rich, dynamic, and
interactive content from your app from within the Google Search
app and the Google Assistant
● Developer Guide
New System Navigation
● Apps no longer need to build
their own dialog--instead they
use the BiometricPrompt API to
show the standard system
● HTTPS by default
App Actions
● Developers Preview coming soon
Migrating App to Android 9.0
Checking compatibility and updating targetSdkVersion
Compatibility with
Android 9
What's new in Android Pie
● Android Pie SDK is now more Kotlin friendly
● Display Cutout
● Notifications
● TextClassifier enhancements using Machine Learning
● Slices
● ImageDecoder
● New System Navigation
● Etc.
Thank You

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What's new in Android Pie

  • 2. Hassan Abid Google Developers Expert - Android Singapore What’s new in Android Pie
  • 3. Introduction ● Twitter : hassanabidpk ● Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/hassanabidpk89 ● Google Developers Expert - Android since March 2016 ● Working at Live Streaming Platform Startup in SIngapore (BeLive.sg) ● Worked in Seoul (South Korea) for over 5 years (Video Streaming SDK, Video Editing app)
  • 4. Get App at http://belive.sg/
  • 6. Features 1/2 ● Indoor Positioning with Wi-Fi RTT ● Display Cutout ● Notifications ● Multi-camera support ● ImageDecoder for drawables and bitmaps ● Animations
  • 7. Features 2/2 ● HDR VP9 Video, HEIF Image Compression ● JobSchedular ● Neural Networks API 1.1 ● Accessibility ● Rotation ● Text
  • 9. Indoor Positioning with Wi-Fi RTT ● Use Wi-Fi RTT (Round-Trip-Time) API to measure the distance to nearby RTT-capable Wi-FI AP (also Wi-Fi Aware devices) Requirements ● Device Must have 802.11 mcc FTM standard ● Device Must be running Android 9 ● Location and Wi-Fi scanning enabled ● Must have ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission ● Access-Point must have IEEE 802.11mc
  • 10. Advantages of Indoor Positioning ● Indoor Navigation ● Disambiguated Voice Control ● Location-based Information ● Accuracy of 1-2 meters Developer guide here
  • 11. Indoor Positioning RTT API API Name API Level Remarks RTT Package [doc] WifiRttManager 28 Full support
  • 12. Display Cutout ● Support latest edge-to-edge screens ● Test using Android Device or Emulator running Android 9 ● DisplayCutout class added ○ getDisplayCutout()
  • 14. Display Cutout ● New Window layout attribute layoutInDisplayCutoutMode added <style name="ActivityTheme"> <item name="android:windowLayoutInDisplayCutoutMode"> shortEdges <!-- default, shortEdges, never --> </item> </style>
  • 17. Best Practices ● Don't let the cutout area obscure any important text, controls, or other information ● Avoid hard-coding the status bar height (use WindowInsetsCompat) ● Use shortEdges or never cutout modes if your app needs to transition into and out of fullscreen mode ● See more on Android Developers site
  • 18. DisplayCutout API API Name API Level Remarks DisplayCutout[doc] 28 Full support DispalyCutoutCompat[doc] Other API Levels with androidx support library androidx.core:core:1.0.0 Full Support
  • 19. Notifications ● Starting in Android 7.0 (API level 24), you could add an action to reply to messages ● Support for images in Android 9 ● Save replies as drafts ● SmartReply ● Identify a group conversation
  • 20. Notifications // Create new Person. val sender = Person() .setName(name) .setUri(uri) .setIcon(null) .build() // Create image message. val message = Message("Picture", time, sender) .setData("image/", imageUri) val style = Notification.MessagingStyle(getUser()) .addMessage("Check this out!", 0, sender) .addMessage(message)
  • 21. Notifications ● Android 8.0 introduced Notification Channels ● Blocking channel groups ● New broadcast intent types ○ The Android system now sends broadcast intents when the blocking state of notification channels and channel groups’ changes
  • 22. Notification API API Name API Level Remarks Person[doc] 28 Use with targetSDKVersion 28 Notification.MessagingStyle (Person user) 28 Other constructors are deprecated addMessage (CharSequence text, long timestamp, Person sender) 28 Person Should be null for messages by the current use
  • 23. Multi-Camera support ● On devices running Android 9, you can access streams simultaneously from two or more physical cameras. ● Support for external USB/UVC cameras on supported devices ● Improvements in Session Parameters to reduce delays
  • 24. ImageDecoder class ● With new ImageDecoder class ○ BitmapFactory ○ BitmapFactory.Options ● Create a Drawable or Bitmap from a byte buffer, file or a URI ● Decode using decodeDrawable() or decodeBitmap() ● Resizing, Crop, mutable bitmap APIs also available
  • 25. ImageDecoder class A class for converting encoded images (like PNG, JPEG, WEBP, GIF, or HEIF) into Drawable or Bitmap objects. // Step - 1 : Create a Source // Step - 2 : Decode source File file = new File(...); ImageDecoder.Source source = ImageDecoder.createSource(file); Drawable drawable = ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable(source);
  • 26. ImageDecoder - Change settings // To Change default settings pass OnHeaderDecoderListener in addition to source // Following code shows sample image with half the width and height OnHeaderDecodedListener listener = new OnHeaderDecodedListener() { public void onHeaderDecoded(ImageDecoder decoder, ImageInfo info, Source source) { decoder.setTargetSampleSize(2); } }; Drawable drawable = ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable(source, listener);
  • 27. ImageDecoder - GIF and WEBP @Throws(IOException::class) private fun decodeImage() { val decodedAnimation = ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable( ImageDecoder.createSource(resources, R.drawable.my_drawable)) // Prior to start(), the first frame is displayed. (decodedAnimation as? AnimatedImageDrawable)?.start() }
  • 28. ImageDecoder - Customization // Rounded corners Drawable drawable = ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable(source, (decoder, info, src) -> { decoder.setPostProcessor((canvas) -> { Path path = new Path(); path.setFillType(Path.FillType.INVERSE_EVEN_ODD); int width = canvas.getWidth(); int height = canvas.getHeight(); path.addRoundRect(0, 0, width, height, 20, 20, Path.Direction.CW); Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC)); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); return PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT; }); });
  • 29. ImageDecoder API Name API Level Remarks ImageDecoder[doc] 28 Full support (Should use targetSDK 28)
  • 30. HDR VP9 video, HEIF Image ● Android 9 provides support for HDR VP9 Video Profile 2 ● Support for HEIF Image ● You can do a jpeg-to-heic conversion using ImageDecoder or BitmapFactory
  • 31. Data cost sensitivity in JobScheduler ● JobScheduler is Android's central service to help you manage scheduled tasks or work across Doze, App Standby, and Background Limits ● In Android 9.0, Jobs can declare data size, signal prefetching and specify network requirements ○ Provided by carrier
  • 32. Neural Network API 1.1.1 ● The Neural Networks API was introduced in Android 8.1 (API level 27) ● In Android 9.0, nine new APIS are added
  • 34. Text ● Precomputed Text ● Magnifier ● Smart linkify (TextClassifier) ● TextLayout ● Read more in this blog post
  • 35. PreComputed Text API Name API Level Remarks PrecomputedText [doc] 28 Full Support PrecomputedTextCompat[doc] 21-27 Use internal Text layout cache PrecomputedTextCompat 14 - 20 Does Nothing
  • 36. Magnifier API Name API Level Remarks Magnifier [doc] 28 Only API Level 28 and high
  • 37. TextClassifier (Smart Linkify) API Name API Level Remarks TextClassifier[doc] 26+ Full Support
  • 38. TextView (Text Layout) API Name API Level Remarks TextView [doc] Target SDK : 28 New APIS : lineHeight, firstBaselineToTopHeight, lastBaselineToBottomHeigh t
  • 39. Slices ● Slices are UI templates that can display rich, dynamic, and interactive content from your app from within the Google Search app and the Google Assistant ● Developer Guide
  • 41. Security ● Apps no longer need to build their own dialog--instead they use the BiometricPrompt API to show the standard system dialog ● HTTPS by default
  • 42. App Actions ● Developers Preview coming soon
  • 43. Migrating App to Android 9.0 Checking compatibility and updating targetSdkVersion
  • 47. Summary ● Android Pie SDK is now more Kotlin friendly ● Display Cutout ● Notifications ● TextClassifier enhancements using Machine Learning ● Slices ● ImageDecoder ● New System Navigation ● Etc.