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@DanBenoni                      @JeffFermin
  Gamification Designer        Employee Engagement Consultant
Presentation: 3 steps

     ?             ?              ?

     ;             m              R
1. Engagement   2. Culture   3. Gamification
;   m   R
What is Employee Engagement?



Gamification of Employee Engagement & Company Culture
Early 1900s


      Frederick W. Taylor
Early 1900s

Extrinsic motivation:
•Pay check

         Simple & Repetitive
Gamification of Employee Engagement & Company Culture

Intrinsic motivation:

         Complex & Diverse

More Money
More Motivation

        Complex & Diverse

          Average office

25%          55%           20%

$350 B
$350 B
=   +   +

Bill Gates!
More reasons to care

  ;             I               l
 +87%          +16%             2x
 Employee    Profitability &   Customer
 Retention   Productivity       Loyalty
3 Engagement Drivers

       ... get i
3 Engagement Drivers

  S             W            n
Recognition   Feedback   Culture & Fun

 Mastery      Autonomy     Purpose

;   m    R
Gamification of Employee Engagement & Company Culture
Gamification of Employee Engagement & Company Culture
Gamification of Employee Engagement & Company Culture
5 Types of Initiatives

    1             2          3          4            5
   m               k          n          U            l
Philanthropy   Performance   Social   Environment   Wellness
company = car
...culture = engine
...initiatives = fuel
the problem is
...options are limited.
The Traditional Approach
         Example: Pedometer Challenge

     ?               ?              ?
Paper & Boards   Spreadsheets      Emails
   Recognition     Fun-Factor      Feedback

The Engaging Approach


       “we want employees
       to participate more...”

        Participate to a volunteering activity               I did it
        Participate to a sport activity with colleagues      I did it

  PICOrganize a social activity
  FFI Refer a new candidate
                                                      94%    I did it
 O RTY!                                                        did it
 PA     Retweet a blog about the company                     I did it

;    m    R
Ever heard about
ga·mi·fi·ca·tion noun
Application of game mechanics
in other areas of activity
to engage users and
solve problems.
Gamification: Trend & Hype

           By 2014...

      #         of Global 2000
                will have a least
                one gamified
Gamification: Elements

   ?                  ?
                      N                       ?
   Points             Levels             Achievements

            ?                    ?
       Leaderboards             Rewards
                               (= S.A.P.S.)
Rewards: S.A.P.S.

  ?       >
                ?      >    ?      >    ?
 Status       Access       Power       Stuff
Gamification: The Dark Side

•Focus only on extrinsic rewards
•Poor game flow & design
•Faking intrinsic value
Gamification + Engagement

 Q: “What’s better?
     Intrinsic... or Extrinsic?”
 A: Both. Align intrinsic
 motivation with extrinsic
 rewards (S.A.P.S.).
Gamification + Engagement

    You CAN’T cheat the
    intrinsic value of
    something by adding
    game mechanics...
    ... but you CAN change
    the context to make it
    more engaging.

5%   rewards   12%   teams   70
Recap part 1: Engagement

  S M          W
               A             n
 Mastery      Autonomy      Purpose

Recognition   Feedback   Culture & Fun
Recap part 2: Culture

 Company       Culture   Initiatives
Recap part 3: Gamification

             +                  =
 Intrinsic       Gamification   Intrinsic value
  value                          more visible
Thank you!

 Gamification Designer
                         õ @JeffFermin
                         Employee Engagement Consultant
The End
References & Credits




Gamification by Design, Gabe Zichermann

Drive, Daniel Pink.




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Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg Indian Matka
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
How AI is Disrupting Service Industry More Than Design Thinking
How AI is Disrupting Service Industry More Than Design ThinkingHow AI is Disrupting Service Industry More Than Design Thinking
How AI is Disrupting Service Industry More Than Design Thinking
Body of Knowledge
Satta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan ChartSatta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan Chart
India Matka
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result

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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Result matka boss otg
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Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
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How AI is Disrupting Service Industry More Than Design Thinking
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Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.

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