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Treatment of Highland Frogs from the Two Legged Stage with
                      Homeopathically Prepared Thyroxin (10 – 10 )
                                                            -11  -21
                        Gerhard Lingg M.D.(A.M.) ARTE SANITAS - Unabhängiges privates Institut für medizinische Innovation, CH-9410 Heiden, www.artesanitas.at

The influence of moderately diluted, agitated, i.e., homeopathically prepared, thyroxin solutions                         RESULTS
(10–11 – 10–21, final concentration in the basin water 0.6 × 10–15 – 0.6 × 10–25 parts by weight after                    There were 260 animals treated with thyroxin Q dilutions and
the first application) on metamorphosis in highland Rana temporaria from the two-legged stage                             260 animals with analogously prepared water. As shown in
was studied. In accordance with the homeopathic idea of effects of specially prepared dilutions                           Fig. 1 and Table 2, animals treated with the test solution (black
                                                                                                                          squares) metamorphosed more slowly than the control animals
being inverse to those of their mother substances, animals were treated either with thyroxin
                                                                                                                          (white squares) at most points in time (2–13.5%).
10–11 – 10–21 or analogously prepared blank solution (water). Development was monitored by
                                                                                                                          The p values were significant at three points in time, out of
documenting the number of animals that had entered the four-legged stage. It has been found                               which one was statistically significant after Bonferroni
that animals treated with the thyroxin solutions metamorphosed more slowly than the control                               correction. SD was about 7–10%.
animals, i.e., the effect of the homeopathically prepared thyroxin was opposed to the usual
effect of molecular thyroxin. The number of test animals that reached the four-legged stage at                                               80
defined points in time was smaller (2–13.5%) in the group treated with homeopathically
prepared thyroxin at the points in time, compared to control. The results in this study sustain                                              70
the previous multiresearcher findings that show that diluted homeopathically prepared thyroxin
is able to slow down metamorphosis of R. temporaria.                                                                                         60


                                                                                                                              4-legged (%)
KEYWORDS: amphibian, hormone, thyroxin, homeopathic dilution, Q-dilution, hormesis
     Previous experiments performed in five independent laboratories in Austria and the Netherlands have shown                       4-legged (%)
that a homeopathically prepared dilution of thyroxin 10–30 (“decimal dilution”, final concentration in the basin wa-                    20
ter 10–35) was used to slow down metamorphosis from the two- to four-legged stage in highland Rana temporaria
(3–11%; p < 0.001). Thyroxin 10–30 was compared to analogously prepared solvent water 10–30; number of animals                               10
= 1,620 per group[1,2,3,4].
      Further studies on thyroxin 10–30 were discussed elsewhere, namely analogous experiments with animals                                   -
from lowland biotopes[5], experiments with highland[3,4] and lowland[5] animals pretreatedwith molecular
                                                                                                                                                     1     2       3    4     5      6     7
thyroxin, and experiments with lowland animals treated from the spawn stage on[6].
      For the experiment presented here, we used the same setup as for the initial multilaboratory study[1,2,3,4],                                         measuring points (8h)
but a special preparation process of the homeopathic drug involving dilution steps of 1:50,000 and leading to
thyroxin 10–11 – 10–21 was used.
                                                                                                                          FIGURE 1. The effect of thyroxin 10–11 – 10–21 (“Q” dilutions 1, 2, and   REFERENCES
                                                                                                                          3) on highland R. temporaria. Ordinate = cumulative frequency of          1.   Endler, P.C., Pongratz, W., Van Wijk, R., Kastberger, G., and
                                                                                                                          four-legged tadpoles (N).                                                      Haidvogl, M. (1991) Effects of highly diluted
METHODS                                                                                                                   Abscissa = points in time. Black squares = frequencies of animals              succussed thyroxin on metamorphosis of highland frogs. Berlin
                                                                                                                          treated with homeopathically prepared thyroxin; white squares =                J. Res. Hom. 1, 151–160.
     The experiments were carried out by Lingg in his laboratory at Bregenz, Austria. The study was planned by            animals treated with analogously prepared water. For further details,     2.   Zausner, C., Lassnig, H., Endler, P.C., Scherer, W., Haidvogl,
Lingg and Endler. Application of the homeopathically prepared thyroxin or solvent was done blind.                         see text.                                                                      M., Frass, M., Kastberger, G., and Lüdtke, R. (2002)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Die Wirkung von “homöopathisch” zubereitetem Thyroxin auf
                                                                                                                                                                                                         die Metamorphose von Hochlandamphibien -
Animals, Staging, Water. and Further Laboratory Conditions                                                                                                     TABLE 2                                   Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Kontrollstudie. Perfusion 17,
      Rana temporaria larvae were taken from highland pools in the Austrian Alps, approximately 1,500 m above                                     The Effect of Thyroxin 10–11 – 10–21                   268–276.
sea level. The starting stage for treatment was defined as the point at which the hind legs of the two-legged                                                                                       3.   Welles, S.U., Endler, P.C., Scherer-Pongratz, W.,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Suanjak-Traidl, E., Weber, S., Spranger, H., Frass, M., and
tadpoles are straddled, such that one can only just see through the triangle formed by thigh, shank, and tail. This
                                                                                                                           Measuring Point                     1   2    3     4     5     6     7        Lothaller, H. (2007) Pretreatment with thyroxin 10(-8) and the
point of development occurs during Gosner’s stage 31[7, p. 45]. The tadpoles were observed until the forelegs                                                                                            ef fect of homeopathically prepared thyroxin 10(-30)
would break through the skin and the animals thus entered the four-legged stage. Basins contained 7.5 l of dwell                                                                                         on highland frogs--a multi-researcher study. Forsch.
water each; water was not refreshed during the experiment.                                                                 N water Q – animals              22   57    100 130 158 174 199               Komplement. Med. 14, 353–357.
      In experiment 1, 40 animals were always allotted to each of a total of eight white plastic basins according to a     N thyroxin Q – animals           27   48     82 100 123 149 189               http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.
random procedure. In experiments 2 and 3, 25 animals were always allotted. Indirect natural light was used. Room           P                               0.53 0.35   0.13 0.01 0.003 0.03 0.39         asp?doi=111540
temperature was 20 ± 2°C. The tadpoles were fed with blanched greens (lettuce) ad libitum. Experiments were                Sign. without corr.              —           —    **    **   *    —      4.   Weber, S., Endler, P.C., Welles, S.U., Suanjak-Traidl, E.,
carried out in August and September 2007.                                                                                  Sign. Bonferroni corr.           —    —      —    —     **  —     —           Scherer-Pongratz, W., Frass, M., Spranger, H., Peithner, G.,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and Lothaller, H. (2008) The effect of homeopathically
                                                                                                                                                                                                         prepared thyroxine on highland frogs: influence of
Preparation and Administration of Test Solutions                                                                           N = Numbers of four-legged animals at the measuring points; P = p             electromagnetic fields. Homeopathy 97, 3–9.
                                                                                                                           values (Chi-square tests); Sign. = significance without correction and   5.   Endler, P.C., Lüdtke, R., Heckmann, C., Zausner, C., Lassing,
      One group of two-legged animals were treated with the homeopathically prepared test dilutions of                     Bonferroni corrected. * = significant; ** = highly significant                H., Scherer-Pongratz, W., Haidvogl, M., and Frass, M.
tetraiodothyronine sodium pentahydrate (L-thyroxine, T4, Sigma), while the other one was treated with the                                                                                                (2003) Pretreatment with thyroxin (10-8 parts by weight)
analogously prepared solvent.                                                                                                                                                                            enhances a “curative” effect of homeopathically prepared
Dilutions Q1 (= 2 × 10–11 parts by weight), Q2 (= 4 × 10–16), and Q3 (=8 × 10–21) were prepared according to              Values for thyroxin Q – animals were below those of water                      thyroxin (10-13) on lowland frogs. Forsch. Komplementarmed.
standardized instructions[8]. These involved dilution steps of 1:50,000 and vigorous agitation between steps.             Q – animals in each of the subexperiments including 50 + 50,                   Klass. Naturheilkd.10, 137–142.
                                                                                                                          50 + 50, and 160 + 160 animals.                                           6.   Graunke, H., Endler, P.C., Scherer-Pongratz, W., Frass, M.,
Preparation of test and control substances was done by K. Leisser, Homeocur ltd, Retz, Austria.                                                                                                          and Lothaller, H. (2007) Treatment of lowland frogs from
      A quantity of 0.25 ml of probe dilution (test or control) was added per 7.5 l of basin water at intervals           Frequencies of animals treated with homeopathically prepared
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the spawn stage with homeopathically prepared thyroxin
of 8 h. Thus, final concentration in the basin water would be 0.6 × 10–15 after first application of Q1, 0.6 × 10–20 of   thyroxin reached the values of control animals with a delay of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         (10(-30)). TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 7, 1697–1702.
Q2, and 0.6 × 10–25 of Q3. At day 1, Q1 was used, at day 2, Q2 (etc., see Table 1).                                       about 0.29–1.39 intervals between points in time (= 2–11 h).              7.   Endler, P.C. and Schulte, J. (1998) Ultra High Dilution.
                                                                                                                          Thus, in accordance with our previous studies, the effect of the               Physiology and Physics. Kluwer Academic, Dortrecht.
                                                 TABLE 1                                                                  homeopathically prepared thyroxin was opposed to the usual                8.   Deutscher Apotheker Verlag (2007) Homöopathishes
                 Application Scheme of Test and Control Dilutions (for explanation, see text)                             stimulating effect of molecular thyroxin.                                      Arzneibuch 2006. Amtliche Ausgabe. Deutscher Apotheker
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Verlag, Stuttgart.
                                                                                                                          DISCUSSION                                                                9.   Endler, P.C., Pongratz, W., Smith, C.W., and Schulte, J. (1995)
     Day 1    Day 2    Day 2 Day 2      Day 3    Day 3 Day 3      Day 4    Day 4    Day 4    Day 5    Day 5    Day 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Non-molecular information transfer from thyroxin to
     22 h     06 h     14 h  22 h       06 h     14 h  22 h       06 h     14 h      22 h    06 h      14 h     22 h      From our studies [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9], there appears to be a
                                                                                                                                                                                                         frogs with regard to homeopathic toxicology. Vet. Hum.
                                                                                                                          relationship between the effect of homeopathically prepared                    Toxicol. 37, 259–260.
     Q1       Q2       Q2      Q2       Q3      Q3        Q3       Q1       Q1       Q1      Q2        Q2       Q2        thyroxin and an elevated thyroxin level in the animals during
                                                                                                                          Thyroxin diluted in steps of 1:10 (“decimal dilution”) up to
Ascertaining and Evaluating the Data                                                                                      10–30 led to a slowing down of metamorphosis of about
                                                                                                                          3–11%[1,2,3,4]. Thyroxin diluted in steps of 1:50,000
      Following a suggestion by R. Lüdtke, Institut für Medizinische Informationsverarbeitung Tübingen                    (“Q”-dilution) up to 10–11– 10–21 also led to a slowing down of
University[5], the points in time when the numbers of water control animals that had reached the four                     2–13.5% (the study presented here).
legged stage were closest to the 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, and 70th percentiles were defined as                 From a theoretical point of view, it seems interesting that
reference points. The time interval between reference points normally was 8 or 16 h. In those cases, when                 information from the original thyroxin molecules may have been
values of water control animals were, for example, 6% in one point in time and 14% in the following, we                   “imprinted” in water by input of kinetic energy in a sequence
decided to use the arithmetic mean (10%) both for water and control values. In this way, it was possible to               of only a few steps of dilution 1:50,000 plus vigorous agitation
aggregate, for each of the reference points, the cumulative frequency of animals treated with control or                  with a comparable result by a much longer sequence of steps
test solution having reached the four-legged stage. Aggregate values obtained at the reference points for                 of 1:10. It goes without saying that further investigation should
                                                                                                                                                                                                    PUBLIKATION im Medline-erfassten “Scientific World Journal”
each of the types of treatment were analyzed by Chi-square tests using four-field tables with aggregate                   concern both “decimal” dilutions in the range of 10–11 – 10–21 as         Treatment of Frogs with Homeopathically Prepared Thyroxin (10-16)
frequencies of two- or three-legged animals as complement. According to a Bonferroni correction for                       well as “Q” dilutions in the range of 10–30.                              Gerhard Lingg, P. Christian Endler, Waltraud Scherer-Pongratz,
multiple measurements (i.e., 7), p values would have to be <0.007 to signify statistical significance.                    Additionally, the so-called “hormesis” effect of moderate                 Michael Frass
      Different statistical methods had been discussed in connection with the amphibian model previously,                                                                                           Interuniversity College for Health and Development
                                                                                                                          molecular dilutions[7, p. 5ff], prepared without “homeopathic”
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Graz / Castle of Seggau, Austria
such as variance analysis, t-test, survival analysis, proportional hazards model, and logistic regression[5].             agitation phases, could be investigated with the amphibian                Harald Lothaller University of Graz, Austria
These usually lead to comparable results but need larger numbers of basins in one and the same                            model.                                                                    E-mail: college@inter-uni.net
experiment. Furthermore, depending on differences in the overall duration of experiments, standard
deviation (SD) is usually contorted when experiments from different laboratories are pooled. Also, in
order to make results comparable to those of previous publications, we restricted ourselves to the
(comparatively rough and estimative) Chi-square test.

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  • 1. Treatment of Highland Frogs from the Two Legged Stage with Homeopathically Prepared Thyroxin (10 – 10 ) -11 -21 Gerhard Lingg M.D.(A.M.) ARTE SANITAS - Unabhängiges privates Institut für medizinische Innovation, CH-9410 Heiden, www.artesanitas.at The influence of moderately diluted, agitated, i.e., homeopathically prepared, thyroxin solutions RESULTS (10–11 – 10–21, final concentration in the basin water 0.6 × 10–15 – 0.6 × 10–25 parts by weight after There were 260 animals treated with thyroxin Q dilutions and the first application) on metamorphosis in highland Rana temporaria from the two-legged stage 260 animals with analogously prepared water. As shown in was studied. In accordance with the homeopathic idea of effects of specially prepared dilutions Fig. 1 and Table 2, animals treated with the test solution (black squares) metamorphosed more slowly than the control animals being inverse to those of their mother substances, animals were treated either with thyroxin (white squares) at most points in time (2–13.5%). 10–11 – 10–21 or analogously prepared blank solution (water). Development was monitored by The p values were significant at three points in time, out of documenting the number of animals that had entered the four-legged stage. It has been found which one was statistically significant after Bonferroni that animals treated with the thyroxin solutions metamorphosed more slowly than the control correction. SD was about 7–10%. animals, i.e., the effect of the homeopathically prepared thyroxin was opposed to the usual effect of molecular thyroxin. The number of test animals that reached the four-legged stage at 80 defined points in time was smaller (2–13.5%) in the group treated with homeopathically prepared thyroxin at the points in time, compared to control. The results in this study sustain 70 the previous multiresearcher findings that show that diluted homeopathically prepared thyroxin is able to slow down metamorphosis of R. temporaria. 60 50 4-legged (%) KEYWORDS: amphibian, hormone, thyroxin, homeopathic dilution, Q-dilution, hormesis 40 INTRODUCTION 30 Previous experiments performed in five independent laboratories in Austria and the Netherlands have shown 4-legged (%) that a homeopathically prepared dilution of thyroxin 10–30 (“decimal dilution”, final concentration in the basin wa- 20 ter 10–35) was used to slow down metamorphosis from the two- to four-legged stage in highland Rana temporaria (3–11%; p < 0.001). Thyroxin 10–30 was compared to analogously prepared solvent water 10–30; number of animals 10 = 1,620 per group[1,2,3,4]. Further studies on thyroxin 10–30 were discussed elsewhere, namely analogous experiments with animals - from lowland biotopes[5], experiments with highland[3,4] and lowland[5] animals pretreatedwith molecular 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 thyroxin, and experiments with lowland animals treated from the spawn stage on[6]. For the experiment presented here, we used the same setup as for the initial multilaboratory study[1,2,3,4], measuring points (8h) but a special preparation process of the homeopathic drug involving dilution steps of 1:50,000 and leading to thyroxin 10–11 – 10–21 was used. FIGURE 1. The effect of thyroxin 10–11 – 10–21 (“Q” dilutions 1, 2, and REFERENCES 3) on highland R. temporaria. Ordinate = cumulative frequency of 1. Endler, P.C., Pongratz, W., Van Wijk, R., Kastberger, G., and four-legged tadpoles (N). Haidvogl, M. (1991) Effects of highly diluted METHODS Abscissa = points in time. Black squares = frequencies of animals succussed thyroxin on metamorphosis of highland frogs. Berlin treated with homeopathically prepared thyroxin; white squares = J. Res. Hom. 1, 151–160. The experiments were carried out by Lingg in his laboratory at Bregenz, Austria. The study was planned by animals treated with analogously prepared water. For further details, 2. Zausner, C., Lassnig, H., Endler, P.C., Scherer, W., Haidvogl, Lingg and Endler. Application of the homeopathically prepared thyroxin or solvent was done blind. see text. M., Frass, M., Kastberger, G., and Lüdtke, R. (2002) Die Wirkung von “homöopathisch” zubereitetem Thyroxin auf die Metamorphose von Hochlandamphibien - Animals, Staging, Water. and Further Laboratory Conditions TABLE 2 Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Kontrollstudie. Perfusion 17, Rana temporaria larvae were taken from highland pools in the Austrian Alps, approximately 1,500 m above The Effect of Thyroxin 10–11 – 10–21 268–276. sea level. The starting stage for treatment was defined as the point at which the hind legs of the two-legged 3. Welles, S.U., Endler, P.C., Scherer-Pongratz, W., Suanjak-Traidl, E., Weber, S., Spranger, H., Frass, M., and tadpoles are straddled, such that one can only just see through the triangle formed by thigh, shank, and tail. This Measuring Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lothaller, H. (2007) Pretreatment with thyroxin 10(-8) and the point of development occurs during Gosner’s stage 31[7, p. 45]. The tadpoles were observed until the forelegs ef fect of homeopathically prepared thyroxin 10(-30) would break through the skin and the animals thus entered the four-legged stage. Basins contained 7.5 l of dwell on highland frogs--a multi-researcher study. Forsch. water each; water was not refreshed during the experiment. N water Q – animals 22 57 100 130 158 174 199 Komplement. Med. 14, 353–357. In experiment 1, 40 animals were always allotted to each of a total of eight white plastic basins according to a N thyroxin Q – animals 27 48 82 100 123 149 189 http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte. random procedure. In experiments 2 and 3, 25 animals were always allotted. Indirect natural light was used. Room P 0.53 0.35 0.13 0.01 0.003 0.03 0.39 asp?doi=111540 temperature was 20 ± 2°C. The tadpoles were fed with blanched greens (lettuce) ad libitum. Experiments were Sign. without corr. — — ** ** * — 4. Weber, S., Endler, P.C., Welles, S.U., Suanjak-Traidl, E., carried out in August and September 2007. Sign. Bonferroni corr. — — — — ** — — Scherer-Pongratz, W., Frass, M., Spranger, H., Peithner, G., and Lothaller, H. (2008) The effect of homeopathically prepared thyroxine on highland frogs: influence of Preparation and Administration of Test Solutions N = Numbers of four-legged animals at the measuring points; P = p electromagnetic fields. Homeopathy 97, 3–9. values (Chi-square tests); Sign. = significance without correction and 5. Endler, P.C., Lüdtke, R., Heckmann, C., Zausner, C., Lassing, One group of two-legged animals were treated with the homeopathically prepared test dilutions of Bonferroni corrected. * = significant; ** = highly significant H., Scherer-Pongratz, W., Haidvogl, M., and Frass, M. tetraiodothyronine sodium pentahydrate (L-thyroxine, T4, Sigma), while the other one was treated with the (2003) Pretreatment with thyroxin (10-8 parts by weight) analogously prepared solvent. enhances a “curative” effect of homeopathically prepared Dilutions Q1 (= 2 × 10–11 parts by weight), Q2 (= 4 × 10–16), and Q3 (=8 × 10–21) were prepared according to Values for thyroxin Q – animals were below those of water thyroxin (10-13) on lowland frogs. Forsch. Komplementarmed. standardized instructions[8]. These involved dilution steps of 1:50,000 and vigorous agitation between steps. Q – animals in each of the subexperiments including 50 + 50, Klass. Naturheilkd.10, 137–142. 50 + 50, and 160 + 160 animals. 6. Graunke, H., Endler, P.C., Scherer-Pongratz, W., Frass, M., Preparation of test and control substances was done by K. Leisser, Homeocur ltd, Retz, Austria. and Lothaller, H. (2007) Treatment of lowland frogs from A quantity of 0.25 ml of probe dilution (test or control) was added per 7.5 l of basin water at intervals Frequencies of animals treated with homeopathically prepared the spawn stage with homeopathically prepared thyroxin of 8 h. Thus, final concentration in the basin water would be 0.6 × 10–15 after first application of Q1, 0.6 × 10–20 of thyroxin reached the values of control animals with a delay of (10(-30)). TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 7, 1697–1702. Q2, and 0.6 × 10–25 of Q3. At day 1, Q1 was used, at day 2, Q2 (etc., see Table 1). about 0.29–1.39 intervals between points in time (= 2–11 h). 7. Endler, P.C. and Schulte, J. (1998) Ultra High Dilution. Thus, in accordance with our previous studies, the effect of the Physiology and Physics. Kluwer Academic, Dortrecht. TABLE 1 homeopathically prepared thyroxin was opposed to the usual 8. Deutscher Apotheker Verlag (2007) Homöopathishes Application Scheme of Test and Control Dilutions (for explanation, see text) stimulating effect of molecular thyroxin. Arzneibuch 2006. Amtliche Ausgabe. Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart. DISCUSSION 9. Endler, P.C., Pongratz, W., Smith, C.W., and Schulte, J. (1995) Day 1 Day 2 Day 2 Day 2 Day 3 Day 3 Day 3 Day 4 Day 4 Day 4 Day 5 Day 5 Day 5 Non-molecular information transfer from thyroxin to 22 h 06 h 14 h 22 h 06 h 14 h 22 h 06 h 14 h 22 h 06 h 14 h 22 h From our studies [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9], there appears to be a frogs with regard to homeopathic toxicology. Vet. Hum. relationship between the effect of homeopathically prepared Toxicol. 37, 259–260. Q1 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q3 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q2 thyroxin and an elevated thyroxin level in the animals during metamorphosis. Thyroxin diluted in steps of 1:10 (“decimal dilution”) up to Ascertaining and Evaluating the Data 10–30 led to a slowing down of metamorphosis of about 3–11%[1,2,3,4]. Thyroxin diluted in steps of 1:50,000 Following a suggestion by R. Lüdtke, Institut für Medizinische Informationsverarbeitung Tübingen (“Q”-dilution) up to 10–11– 10–21 also led to a slowing down of University[5], the points in time when the numbers of water control animals that had reached the four 2–13.5% (the study presented here). legged stage were closest to the 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, and 70th percentiles were defined as From a theoretical point of view, it seems interesting that reference points. The time interval between reference points normally was 8 or 16 h. In those cases, when information from the original thyroxin molecules may have been values of water control animals were, for example, 6% in one point in time and 14% in the following, we “imprinted” in water by input of kinetic energy in a sequence decided to use the arithmetic mean (10%) both for water and control values. In this way, it was possible to of only a few steps of dilution 1:50,000 plus vigorous agitation aggregate, for each of the reference points, the cumulative frequency of animals treated with control or with a comparable result by a much longer sequence of steps test solution having reached the four-legged stage. Aggregate values obtained at the reference points for of 1:10. It goes without saying that further investigation should PUBLIKATION im Medline-erfassten “Scientific World Journal” each of the types of treatment were analyzed by Chi-square tests using four-field tables with aggregate concern both “decimal” dilutions in the range of 10–11 – 10–21 as Treatment of Frogs with Homeopathically Prepared Thyroxin (10-16) frequencies of two- or three-legged animals as complement. According to a Bonferroni correction for well as “Q” dilutions in the range of 10–30. Gerhard Lingg, P. Christian Endler, Waltraud Scherer-Pongratz, multiple measurements (i.e., 7), p values would have to be <0.007 to signify statistical significance. Additionally, the so-called “hormesis” effect of moderate Michael Frass Different statistical methods had been discussed in connection with the amphibian model previously, Interuniversity College for Health and Development molecular dilutions[7, p. 5ff], prepared without “homeopathic” Graz / Castle of Seggau, Austria such as variance analysis, t-test, survival analysis, proportional hazards model, and logistic regression[5]. agitation phases, could be investigated with the amphibian Harald Lothaller University of Graz, Austria These usually lead to comparable results but need larger numbers of basins in one and the same model. E-mail: college@inter-uni.net experiment. Furthermore, depending on differences in the overall duration of experiments, standard deviation (SD) is usually contorted when experiments from different laboratories are pooled. Also, in order to make results comparable to those of previous publications, we restricted ourselves to the (comparatively rough and estimative) Chi-square test.