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Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Jesus gave a
clarion call to
service to the
New Testament
Matthew 28:19,20
“Go therefore, and make
disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the name
of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all
things that I have
commanded you; and lo, I
am with you always, even to
the end of the age.”
Tens of thousands of
Adventist lay people
worldwide are
rediscovering the joy
of sharing their faith.
They have a new
understanding of
their role as
The Biblical truth of
God’s call to be
His witnesses has
lifted their vision
and transformed
their lives.
They are sharing
their faith with
Where the church is
growing around
the world, lay
people are actively
Church growth or
success is largely
dependent on
active laity.
Gospel Workers, p. 352
“The work of God in this
earth can never be
finished until the men
and women comprising
our church membership
rally to the work and
unite their efforts with
those of ministers and
church officers.”
God is gathering
lay people
around the world
for a final
movement at the
climax of earth’s
He will pour out
His Spirit on
them as they use
their gifts to
proclaim the
‘Good News’.
How do you
grow a church?
What are the
keys to
Chapter 1
‘Five Keys To
The Five Keys are a
Master Strategy
Based on Five
Church Growth
These five keys are
Biblical, Christ-
centered principles
that testify to their
explosive power by
producing growing
A careful study of the
book of Acts reveals
the disciples’ success
was based on these
five universal
By using
‘The Five Keys’
Pastors and lay people
have become more
successful in winning
lost souls to Christ.
Key # 1 – Revival
Churches grow when
there is genuine
spiritual revival among
the members and a
renewal of spiritual
The New Testament
Christian church
grew largely because
each member
experienced a
personal encounter
with Jesus Christ.
Acts 1:8
“But you shall receive
power whenthe
Holy Spirit has come
upon you; and you
shall bewitnesses
to Me
Acts 1:8
“in Jerusalem and in all
Judea and Samaria,
and to the end of the
The disciples:
•Shared a Christ they
•Proclaimed a Christ they
•Witnessed of a Christ
who changed them
Steps to Christ, p. 78
“No sooner does one come
to Christ than there is born
in his heart a desire to make
known to others what a
precious friend he has found
in Jesus . . .
Steps to Christ, p. 78
“the saving and
sanctifying truth
cannotbe shut up
in his heart.”
3 Ways
To Experience
A Spiritual Revival
Church members
are spiritually revived
when there is a renewed
emphasis on
1. Bible study and
study of the gift of
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Test. To ministers p. 113
“Let us give more
time to the study of
the Bible. We do not
understand the word
as we should.”
Test. To ministers, p.113
“When we as a people
understand what this
book means to us, there
will be seen among us a
great revival.”
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Churches are revived
when there is a
renewed emphasis on
2. Intercessory
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Ways to Spiritual Revival
1.Bible Study
Churches are revived
when there is a
renewed emphasis on
3. Witnessing
Steps to Christ, p.80
“If you will go to work as
Christ designs that His disciples
shall, and win souls for Him,
you will feel the need of a
deeper experience and a
greater knowledge in divine
things, and will hunger and
thirst after righteousness.”
Churches are revived
whenthere is a
renewed emphasis on
1. Bible study
2. Prayer
3. Witnessing
The Question is:
What are we doing as a
congregation to
cooperate with the
Holy Spirit in
creating an
atmosphere for
spiritual revival?
Spiritual Revival
leads to
Key To Successful
KEY # 2
Churches grow
when each
member is trained
and equipped for
The disciples were
equipped and trained by
the world’s greatest
teacher. Jesus spent 3
½ years training and
equipping His disciples.
In the book of
Acts they applied
the lessons Jesus
taught them.
The apostle Paul
encouraged every
pastor to equip
the believers for
the work of
Ephesians 4:11,12
“And He Himself gave
some to be apostles, some
prophets, some
evangelists, and some
pastors, and teachers for
the equipping of the saints
for the work of ministry
for the edifying of the
body of Christ.”
Ministry of Healing, p. 149
“Many would be
willing to work if they
were taught how to
They need to be
instructed and
Ministry of Healing, p. 149
“Every church
should be a
training school
for Christian
“It’s members should be
taught how to:
• Give Bible readings,
• How to conduct and
teach Sabbath-school
• How best to help the
poor and to care for
the sick,
• And how to work for
the unconverted”
“There should be:
• Schools of health
• Cooking schools,
• Classes in various
lines of Christian help
“There should not
only be teaching,
but actual work
under experienced
“Let the teachers lead
the way in working
among the people, and
others, uniting with
them, will learn from
their example.”
Gospel Workers p. 197,198
“If pastors would give more
attention to getting and
keeping their flock
actively engaged at work,
they would accomplish
more good, have more
time for study and
religious visiting, and also
avoid many causes of
A worker who has
been trained and
equipped for the
work can
accomplish far
more than workers
have not been
Evangelism p. 474
“One worker who has
been trained and
educated for the work,
who is controlled by the
Spirit of Christ,”
Evangelism p. 474
“will accomplish far
more than ten
laborers who go out
deficient in knowledge
and weak in the faith.”
How can the
practically work
in an organized
Evangelism, p. 115
“In our churches let
companies be formed
for service. The
formation of small
companies as a basis of
Christian effort is a plan
that has been presented
before me by One who
cannot err.”
Organizing Ministries
1.Bible study ministry
2.Literature ministry
3.Home group ministry
4.Visitation ministry
5.Health ministry
How do you
Where do you
1 Corinthians 12:4-6
“Now there are diversities of
Gifts, but the same Spirit.
There are differences of
Ministries, but the same
And there are diversities of
Activities, but it is the same
God who works all in all.”
1 Corinthians 12:11
“But one and the
same Spirit works all
these things
distributing to each
one individually as
He wills.”
1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Gifts - Teaching
Ministries – Bible
study ministry
Activities –Bible
Gifts - Teaching
Ministries –Health
Activities – Cooking
Churches grow when
there is a planned
process of activity.
Churches – Should
be a beehive of
When church members
•Equipped to serve and
• Form small groups
•To reach out to their
community, in Bible-
based ministries,
The church
explode in
The question is:
What is our church
doing to help each
member discover
their gifts and equip
each member for
A revived church
equipped to witness,
is a church that is
ready for the 3rd key
to successful
KEY # 3
Churches grow when
there is a planned process
of community outreach
meeting the physical,
mental, social and
spiritual needs of people.
Matthew 4:23
“Now Jesus went about all
Galilee, teaching in their
synagogues, preaching the
gospel of the kingdom, and
healing all kinds of sickness
and all kinds of disease among
the people.”
Jesus lovingly met
people’s felt needs. As
their hearts opened, He
shared the eternal
principles of the
kingdom with them.
We will have success in
reaching the needs of
the people as we follow
the Savior’s example
and methods.
Ministry of Healing, p. 143
“Christ’s method alone
will give true success
in reaching the people.
The Savior mingled
with men as one who
desired their good,”
“He showed His
sympathy for them,
ministered to their
needs, and won their
confidence. Then He
bade them, “Follow
Growing churches have
a variety of programs
that meet the needs
of varied people
Just as Jesus met the
physical, mental,
emotional and
spiritual needs, His
people, filled with
His love, do the
What is the purpose
of medical
missionary work?
Evangelism p. 516
“Medical missionary
work gives
opportunity for
carrying forward
evangelistic work.”
“It is as these lines of
effort are united, that
we may expect to
gather the most
precious fruit for the
If you want to have a
harvest it is
necessary to sow the
Therefore let’s look at
some principles of
community outreach
Principles of
Community Outreach
1.The narrow-few
The narrower
your program
base the fewer
The broader your
program base
greater the
The more
The more
Principles of
Community Outreach
2. The pathways
Each program is a
pathway into the
community inviting
people into contact
with the church.
Principles of
Community Outreach
3. Felt-needs principle
When members discover
their spiritual gifts and
meet the felt needs of
others through a
variety of ministries
lovingly leading them
to Jesus the church
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Home Bible Groups are
meeting in church
members homes.
They are studying the
book of Daniel.
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
community programs
awaken spiritual
interest and prepare
the territory for
We recommend that
your church attempt
to contact three times
its active
membership each
year in community
based programs.
By placing these names
on a data base and
developing an active
interest file along
with personal
you will have a
audience for
God blesses:
•The prayers we offer
•The visits we make
•The literature we distribute
•The Bible studies we give
•The health programs we
•The evangelistic meetings
we hold
KEY # 4
When the
gospel seed has
been sown, it is
time to reap a
Churches grow
when God’s word
is preached through
The New
Testament Church
placed priority on
Acts 8:4
“Therefore those
who were scattered
went everywhere
preaching the word.”
1 Corinthians 1:21
“For since, in the wisdom
of God, the world through
wisdom did not know
God, it pleased God
through the foolishness of
the message preached to
save those who believe.”
1 Corinthians 1:25
“Because the
foolishness of God is
wiser than men, and the
weakness of God is
stronger than men.”
Why Evangelism?
evangelism is
God’s means of
saving lost people.
Luke 19:10
“for the Son of Man
has come to seek and
to save that which
was lost.”
If God’s top priority
was to save the lost.
What should our
top priority be?
Evangelism, p. 17
“Evangelistic work, opening
the Scriptures to others,
warning men and women of
what is coming upon the
world, is to occupy more
and still more of the time of
God’s servants.
The question is:
Where do we
Church Manual p. 131, 132
“The church board has
a number of important
responsibilities, but its
chief concern is the
work of planning and
fostering evangelism.
Church Manual p. 131, 132
“Because evangelism is the
primary work of the church, the
first item on the agenda of
each church board meeting is to
relate directly to the
evangelization of the
missionary territory of the
Church Manual p. 131, 132
“Once each quarter of
the year the entire
church board meeting
can well be devoted to
plans for evangelism.”
Churches Grow
There is a rediscovery
of the primacy of
evangelism by pastors,
administrators, lay
people and youth within
the Adventist church
Churches Grow
•The calendar year is
organized around specific
reaping events
•There is an evangelistic
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
God promises to
grant a harvest
through biblical
preaching and
public evangelism.
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Expect Miracles!
They will happen
as you step out in
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Matthew 24:14
“And this gospel of the
kingdom will be
preached in all the
world as a witness to all
the nations, and then
the end will come.”
Once people have
heard and accepted
Christ and the ‘Three
Angel’s Message’
and been baptised
they need the 5th key.
KEY # 5
Churches grow
when new
converts are
nurtured and
taught to witness.
When a new
convert is baptized
they are infants in
the faith.
Growing churches
nurture their
(infants) new
Follow-up of the
interest generated by
public evangelism is
an ongoing part of
the church’s
effective outreach.
Evangelism, p. 345
“When men and women
accept the truth, we are
not to go away and leave
them and have no further
burden for them. They
are to be looked after.”
They need nurture,
love and care if
they are to become
mature Christians.
Growing churches
are not only
concerned about
baptizing converts
they are concerned
about keeping them.
‘Five Keys To Successful Evangelism”
1. Spiritual Revival
2. Training and Equipping
3. Community Outreach
4. Reaping – Public
5. Nurture & Follow-up
Imagine what might
happen if your
church experienced a
genuine Holy Spirit
What if members were
praying and earnestly
seeking to
understand where
they could use their
gifts in witness?
What if on multiple
nights of the week a
variety of training
classes were being
conducted to equip
church members for
What would happen if
there were broad-based
community outreach
programs meeting the
needs of your
community followed
by dynamic public
evangelistic meetings?
This is God’s vision for
your church.
This is God’s dream for
your community.
This is God’s goal for
His people today.
God wants your church
to be REBORN and it
will be as you follow
and implement the
‘Five Keys’
R – Revival
E – Equipping
B – Bible-based ministries
O – Outreach - community
R – Reaping –Evangelism
N – Nurture
As you implement these
explosive church
growth principles
your church will be
radically REBORN
Matthew 28:19,20
“Go therefore and make
disciples of all the
nations, baptizing them
in the name of the
Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit!
Matthew 28:19,20
“teaching them to observe
all things that I have
commanded you; and
lo, I am with you
always, even to the end
of the age.”
Go! Ye therefore and
teach all nations!
God will bless you!
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt
1. How does a church
2. What are the keys to
successful evangelism?
Church growth is like
building a house.
To build a house you
must have:
1. Vision
Church growth is like
building a house.
To build a house you
must have:
2. Good plans
Effective soul-winners
•Have vision
•Develop a master plan
2. Good foundation:
(‘The Five Keys to
3. Good materials
(Bibles, lessons,
literature etc.)
4. Good builders – The
• Pastors
• Lay members
Five Real Keys to Successful Evangelism.ppt

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Deerfoot Church of Christ Bulletin 7 7 24Deerfoot Church of Christ Bulletin 7 7 24
Deerfoot Church of Christ Bulletin 7 7 24
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