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Project Horizon — a wake-up call
Research report 2012
Part EU-funded Project No. FP7 234000www.project-horizon.eu
with the cooperation of
Research into the effects of
sleepiness on the cognitive
performance of maritime
watchkeepers under different
watch patterns, using ships’
bridge, engine and liquid
cargo handling simulators.
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ANOVA Analysis of Variance
COLREGS International Regulations for the
Prevention of Collisions at Sea
CPA Closest Point of Approach
EEG Electroencephalogram
ECG Electrocardiogram
EOG Electrooculogram
HRV Hearth rate variability
KSS Karolinska Sleepiness Scale
KDT Karolinska Drowsiness Test
LICOS Liquid Cargo Operations
PVT Psychomotor Vigilance Test
SD Standard Deviation
SE Standard Error
VLCC Very large crude oil carrier
WMA Warsash Maritime Academy
List of abbreviations in the text
3 Executive summary
4 Introduction
6 Project Horizon background
8 Research activity
12 Research findings
27 Outcome
30 Recommendations
31 Worst case scenario
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Executive summary
This report presents the findings of Project Horizon – a European
Commission part-funded multi-partner research initiative to investigate
the impact of watchkeeping patterns on the cognitive performance of
seafarers. This pioneering research sought to advance understanding of
seafarer fatigue through scientific analysis of data drawn from realistic
working scenarios using experienced watchkeepers on ship simulators.
The report explains the reasons why the project was considered necessary
and how the research was undertaken, as well as presenting the findings
and research outcomes.
The project has taken knowledge in this area to a new level, demonstrating
conclusively the links between performance degradation and certain
patterns of work. The project surpasses previous subjective fatigue studies,
delivering validated, scientifically and statistically robust results that can
be used to help determine safer working patterns in the interests of the
safety of life at sea, the safety and security of the marine transport system
and the protection of the marine environment.
Project Horizon consortium
Southampton Solent University – Warsash Maritime Academy (Coordinator) (WMA)
Bureau Veritas – Marine Division, Research Dept (BV)
Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB – Dept of Shipping & Marine Technology (Chalmers)
European Transport Workers’ Federation – Nautilus International (ETFN)
Stockholms Universitet – Stress Research Institute (SU)
The Standard P&I Club – Charles Taylor & Co Limited (CTPI)
European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA)
European Harbour Masters Committee (EHMC)
International Association of Independent Tanker Owners – Intertanko (INTKO)
UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB)
UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA)
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Project Horizon is a major multi-partner
European research study that brought
together 11 academic institutions and
shipping industry organisations with the
agreed aim of delivering empirical data to
provide a better understanding of the way
in which watchkeeping patterns can affect
ships’ watchkeepers. The broad spread
of the project partners ensured expert
objectivity of the project and its results, as
well as widening routes for dissemination
and exploitation of the findings.
The project was established to:
■ define and undertake scientific
methods for measurement of
fatigue in various realistic seagoing
scenarios using bridge, engineroom
and cargo simulators
■ capture empirical data on
the cognitive performance of
watchkeepers working within those
realistic scenarios
■ assess the impact of fatigue on
decision-making performance
■ and determine arrangements for
minimising risks to ships and their
cargoes, seafarers, passengers and
the marine environment
At the heart of the project was the extensive
use of ship simulators in Sweden and the
UK to examine the decision-making and
cognitive performance of officers during
a range of real-life, real-time scenarios
of voyage, workload and interruptions. A
total of 90 experienced deck and engineer
officer volunteers participated in rigorous
tests at Chalmers University of Technology
in Göteberg, and at Warsash Maritime
Academy at Southampton Solent University
to measure their performance during
seagoing and port-based operations on
bridge, engine and liquid cargo handling
The project sought to take understanding
of the issues to a new level with specialist
input from some world-leading transport
and stress research experts. Academic
experts at WMA, Chalmers and the Stress
Research Institute at Stockholm University
(SU) devised the simulator runs, setting
the requirements for fatigue measurement
and determining performance degradation
measures for watchkeepers, and SU analysed
the results from the week-long programmes.
Finally, in response to the research findings,
the Project Horizon partners have developed
a fatigue management toolkit for the
industry, which seeks to provide guidance to
owners, operators, maritime regulators and
seafarers to assist them in organising work
patterns at sea in the safest and healthiest
way possible.
A participant’s EEG brain
activity measurements
during a simulated watch
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Project Horizon background
5 www.project-horizon.eu
Shipping is the ultimate 24/7 industry.
Inherently globalised in its nature, the
industry is complex, capital-intensive,
increasingly technologically sophisticated
and of immense economic and environmental
significance. More than 80% of world trade
moves by sea, almost 90% of EU external
freight trade is seaborne, and some 40%
of intra-EU freight is carried by shortsea
shipping. Around 40% of the world fleet
is beneficially controlled in the EEA and
EU-registered tonnage accounts for more
than 20% of the world total. An average of
around four million passengers embark and
disembark in 27EU ports every year – the
vast majority being carried by ferries.
The increasingly intensive nature of shipping
operations means that seafarers frequently
work long and irregular hours. Under
the International Labour Organisation
regulations (social provisions) it is permissible
for seafarers to work up to 91 hours a week
– and, under the International Maritime
Organisation’s STCW 2010 amendments
(safety provisions), a 98-hour working week
is allowed for up to two weeks in ‘exceptional’
circumstances. Noise, vibration, sailing
patterns, port calls, cargo handling and
other activities can all reduce the ability
of the seafarer to gain quality sleep during
rest periods.
Fatigue is generally understood to be
a state of acute mental and/or physical
tiredness, in which there is a progressive
decline in performance and alertness. The
term is often used interchangeably with
‘sleepiness’, ‘tiredness’ and ‘drowsiness’.
Fatigue is often considered to be a generic
term, of which sleepiness is one of the major
sub-components. In this project, the
emphasis has been placed upon ‘sleepiness’
as the most effective description of the
physical and physiological conditions under
Seafarers are already usually covered by
company, sector-specific, flag state or
IMO rules banning or severely restricting
alcohol use at sea. Studies have shown that
around 22 hours of wakefulness will have
a similar effect upon the impairment of an
individual’s performance as a blood-alcohol
concentration of 0.10% – double the legal
driving limit in most EU member states.
Laboratory research and studies in other
transport modes have demonstrated that
severe sleepiness (and even sleep onset)
and performance deterioration is common
amongst workers undertaking night shifts.
Fatigue is also an important health issue, with
significant evidence to show the way in which
long-term sleep loss can be a risk factor in
such conditions as obesity, cardiovascular
disease and diabetes.
The issue is also one of great relevance to
the recruitment and retention of skilled and
experienced seafarers. Reducing excessive
working hours is of critical importance in
delivering working conditions for maritime
professionals that reflect the increasingly
high levels of training and qualifications
required to safely operate modern-day
merchant ships.
Project Horizon was established in response
to growing concern about such issues
in maritime accidents. The project is therefore
closely aligned to the FP7 (Sustainable
Surface Transport 2008 RTD-1 call) aims of
increased safety and security, and reduced
Over the past 20 years, the shipping
industry has become increasingly aware
of the importance of the ‘human factor’ in
safe shipping operations. Marine insurance
statistics have shown ‘human error’ to be
the key contributory factor in around 60% of
Shipping is a round-the-clock industry
Factors which result in fatigue include:
■ the lack of, or poor quality of,
■ working at times of low
■ prolonged work periods
■ insufficient rest between work
■ excessive workloads
■ noise, vibration and motion
■ medical conditions
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Project Horizon background
accidents – with other research suggesting
that the figure is as high as 80% to 90% in
the case of collisions and groundings. Such
statistics have generated a growing impetus
to investigate the nature of the human
factors that may contribute to the causal
chain in shipping accidents.
The increased complexity of ships’ systems
and the growing technological sophistication
of onboard equipment have placed greater
emphasis on the performance of seafarers –
and watchkeepers in particular. The marked
increase in the size of passenger ships
and cargo vessels has also highlighted the
potential for substantial loss of life or pollution
in the event of an accident. Extrapolation of
UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch
statistics on the role of seafarer fatigue in
shipping accidents between 1993 and 2003
suggests that significant economic savings
could be made if the number of tiredness-
related accidents is reduced.
As awareness of the importance of the human
factor in shipping has grown, recognition of
the role of fatigue in maritime safety has also
increased. There have been a number of
high-profile and often costly and damaging
casualties in which seafarer fatigue has been
shown as a key causal factor. These include:
■ the Exxon Valdez tanker disaster in
1989. the US National Transportation
Safety Board found that in the 24 hours
prior to the grounding of the ship, the
The Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989 The Cita grounding in 1997
The Jambo grounding in 2003 The Shen Neng 1, aground on the Great Barrier Reef in 2010
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Project Horizon background
7 www.project-horizon.eu
watchkeeper had only had 5 or 6 hours
of sleep
■ thegroundingofthefeedercontainership
Cita in the Isles of Scilly in March 1997,
after the mate fell asleep and the ship
sailed for two and a half hours with no
one in control
■ the grounding of the general cargoship
Jambo in Scotland in June 2003, after
the chief officer fell asleep and missed
an intended change of course
■ the grounding of the bulk carrier Pasha
Bulker near the port of Newcastle in
Australia in June 2007, in which an
investigation report stated that ‘the
master became increasingly overloaded,
and affected by fatigue and anxiety’
■ the death of a Filipino AB in a fall
onboard the Danish-flagged general
cargo ship Thor Gitta in May 2009.
Investigators who used FAID fatigue
assessment software found that the
seafarer’s 6-on/6-off work pattern was
at a score of 111 on the morning before
the accident – a level considered to be
in the very high range
■ the grounding of the bulk carrier Shen
Neng 1 on the Great Barrier Reef in
April 2010. The Australian Transport
Safety Bureau investigation found
that the grounding occurred because
the chief mate did not alter the ship’s
course at the designated position. His
monitoring of the ship’s position was
ineffective and his actions were affected
by fatigue. Investigations showed that
he had only two and a half hours sleep
in the 38.5 hours prior to the casualty.
Concern about such incidents was also
mirrored by a growing weight of evidence
gathered from research among seafarers.
It is generally accepted that fatigue at sea
has been subjected to considerably less
research than in other modes of transport or
safety-critical industries, but from the 1980s
onwards increasing academic attention was
paid to working hours in the maritime sector –
with a 1989 Medical Research Council report
on hours of work, fatigue and safety at sea, by
Professor ID Brown, serving as something of
a watershed. In 1990, a report on shipboard
crew fatigue, safety and reduced manning,
by JK Pollard, ED Sussman and M Sterns
noted that work at sea is characterised by
longer working weeks, more non-standard
work days, extensive night operations, and
periods of intense effort preceded by periods
of relative inactivity.
In 1995, the UK National Union of Marine
Aviation & Shipping Transport Officers
(NUMAST) published the result of a survey
of 1,000 officers. Just over three-quarters
of those surveyed said they believed that
fatigue had increased significantly in the
previous three to 10 years. In a further
survey of 563 members, NUMAST found
50% reporting that they worked more than
85 hours a week.
A 2006 report on one of the most extensive
research projects, carried out by the Centre
for Occupational and Health Psychology at
Cardiff University, found evidence that as
many as one in four watchkeepers reported
having fallen asleep on watch. As many as
53% of respondents reported having no
opportunity to have six hours of uninterrupted
sleep. A Swedish survey carried out in 2008
and 2010 showed that about 70% of officers
had nodded off on watch one or more times
during their career.
Another significant research study was
published by the UK Marine Accident
Investigation Branch (MAIB) in 2004. This
analysed the role of fatigue in 66 collisions,
near-collisions, groundings and contacts
investigated between 1989 and 1999.
Fatigue was considered to be a contributory
factor to 82% of the groundings in the study
which occurred between 0000 and 0600
and was also a major causal factor in the
majority of collisions.
This latter point was also highlighted in
research published by the Karolinska Institute
in Sweden in 2004, which found levels of
sleepiness to be highest during the 00:00-
06:00hrs watch period.
In 2005, a report published by TNO in the
Netherlands, recommended the setting up
of a framework for the development of a
fatigue management programme or tool to
help shipping companies to take measures
to manage fatigue.
Other seafarer fatigue studies have also
highlighted such factors as:
■ the long working hours
experienced by many crew
■ problems in gaining quality sleep
■ the impact of watchkeeping
patterns: notably six hours-on/six
■ stress and workloads
■ frequent port calls and associated
cargo work
■ tour lengths
Shipping is a round-the-clock industry
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Research activity
Against this background, Project Horizon
seeks to address the marked concerns
over the increasing human, financial
and environmental impact of maritime
accidents which frequently cite fatigue
as a contributory cause. This is an issue
of critical importance at a time when the
high demand for shipping capacity has led
to national and international shortages of
well-qualified and experienced seafarers.
Project Horizon research has been based on
very rigorous scientific principles, involving
unprecedented and cutting-edge use of
deck, engine and cargo handling simulators
to create realistic seven-day simulated
voyage scenarios for the volunteer officers.
The study was focussed upon two of the
most common watch schedules used at sea:
six hours on watch followed by six hours off
(6-on/6-off) and four hours on followed by
eight hours off (4-on/8-off). The 6-on/6-off
pattern is most common on smaller ships,
often operating in shortsea and coastal
trades and often operating with just two
officers onboard.
The simulator voyage plans were designed
to ensure a high degree of authenticity,
including variable workloads, port visits,
mandatory reporting points, and passing
The studies were carried out using the
simulators at Warsash Maritime Academy
in the UK and Chalmers Technical University
in Sweden. At Warsash, the effects of the
6-on/6-off schedule were observed for
deck and engine watchkeepers, whilst at
Chalmers the tests examined the effects of
4-on/8-off and 6-on/6-off watches on deck
watchkeepers only.
Before the simulator runs began at Chalmers
and Warsash, extensive pilot tests were
conducted to ensure the methodology was
right and a Simulation Protocol Handbook
was produced.
A total of 90 officers were recruited to
undertake the simulated voyages. All those
taking part were appropriately qualified
and experienced deck and engineer officers
from west and east Europe, Africa and
Asia. The mix of nationalities and gender
(87 males and three women) provided
a representative cross-section from the
industry and all participants were required to
be in good health, with no sleep disorders.
The volunteers were recruited through
advertisements and crewing agencies as
if they were going to sea and during the
tests they lived as close to a shipboard life
as possible – in institutional-style cabin
accommodation at WMA and onboard an
accommodation vessel at Chalmers. During
the runs, there were a number of imposed
restrictions and participants were allowed up
to four cups of coffee a day, and no alcohol
was permitted.
The total time spent ‘working’ during the
week-long simulator runs was 64 hours
for those on 4-on/8-off and 90 hours
for 6-on/6-off participants (including at
Chalmers an interrupted off-watch period).
In that experiment, participants were
randomly assigned to a watch system and a
simulator and were told in advance that one
of their free watches would be interrupted
– although they were not told which one it
would be. During the interrupted off-watch
period, participants were supervised and
had to undertake a mix of cargo operations
simulator work and ‘paperwork’, including
reading and watching the TV. They were
not allowed to sleep during this period. This
element of the programme was introduced to
simulate real-world conditions, in which work
patterns may be interrupted by such factors
as port visits, inspections, cargo work, drills
and emergencies. To balance the experiment
design, one watch system had this disturbed
off-watch period in the first part of the week,
and the second session with the same watch
system had it in the second part of the week.
The test methodology was rigorous. Cameras
tracked and recorded participants’ every
movement on watch, producing an enormous
database of activity, while supervisors were
able to observe remotely on CCTV monitors.
Chalmers Warsash
4-on/8-off 6-on/6-off Deck Engineroom
n 30 19 20 20
# of men 29 18 20 19
# of women 1 1 0 1
Age (years) 30 ±6 34 ±12 30 ±7 32 ±8
Married 60% 47% 65% 65%
Children 37% 42% 15% 45%
Years at sea 7 11 8 9
Weight (kg) 82 ±9 87 ±11 79 ±8 75 ±9
Height (m) 1.81 ±0.06 1.82 ±0.06 1.75 ±0.05 1.73 ±0.08
Table 1
Background characteristics of the Project Horizon participants
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Research activity
9 www.project-horizon.eu
Instructors were able to oversee the ‘voyages’, not only
monitoring performance but also acting as ‘masters’ and
‘chiefs’ during handovers and in cases where intervention
has been required to prevent an accident. The policy
was one of minimal intervention, but instructors could
not allow a collision, grounding or other major incident
to occur as this would have prevented the completion of
the exercise under experimentally controlled conditions.
The following data were collected:
■ Actigraphy – participants wore the Actiwatch, a
device that measures acceleration and enables
physical activity and sleep duration to be calculated
■ Electroencephalogam (EEG), electrooculogram
(EOG), and electrocardiogram (ECG) – recordings
of brain activity, eye movements and heart rates
■ Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) performed,
using standard hand-held equipment, before and
after each watch. The test involved participants
having to press a button to record when they see a
target presented on a screen at random intervals.
Each test lasted approximately five minutes and the
reaction time, the number of lapses, and the mean
reaction time were all recorded and stored on the
■ Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS)
■ Karolinska Drowsiness Test (KDT) – administers
at the end of a watch, when participants’ EEG
measurements were taken as they were asked to
stare at a black spot on a wall for five minutes and
then to close their eyes for five minutes
■ Stress scores
A ‘near-miss’ incident during the simulated voyage
A participant undertakes the Karolinska drowsiness test
■ Stroop test – in which participants were
sat at a laptop computer on which the
names of two different colours (green
and red) were shown on the screen.
Participants had to click on the colour-
name as quickly as possible, ignoring the
meaning of the word displayed
■ Evaluation of general watchkeeping
performance during navigation,
engineroom and cargo operations
■ Evaluation of performance in
‘specific’ repeatable events
■ Demographic data (background
■ Sleep and wake diary
■ Ship’s logbook
■ Temperature in simulators and
■ Videos in all simulators
■ Debriefing interview
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Research activity
Data on participants’ alertness and
sleepiness was amassed using both
subjective and objective research methods.
The subjective information was drawn from
the three diaries participants were asked to
keep: a sleep diary filled in on waking up;
a work diary they completed during the
watch; and a wake diary completed during
the off-watch period. Data collected covered:
Work diary
■ Food intake
■ Symptoms of fatigue during
work shift
■ Work (difficult/easy)
■ Satisfaction with own performance
■ Workload
■ nodding off
Wake diary
■ Food intake
■ Type of activity during free time
■ Symptoms of fatigue
■ Wellbeing (health)
■ Recuperation
Sleep diary
■ intake of coffee
■ intake of medications
■ awakenings
■ difficulty to fall asleep
■ sleep quality
■ waking up early
■ easiness to get up
■ disturbed sleep
■ time awake during sleep period
■ depth of sleep
■ anxiety
■ special occurrences
■ reason for waking up
■ comments
In the watch diary, participants indicated how
they felt at various points on duty using the
Karolinska Sleepiness Scale. This ranges from
1 for ‘extremely alert’ to 9 for ‘very sleepy,
great effort to keep awake, fighting sleep’.
This scale has been validated against road
driving accidents and electroencephalogram
(EEG) changes characterising sleep.
For two 24-hour periods the participants
wore 10 scalp electrodes and ambulatory
recorders of the EEG, which is the gold
standard for measuring sleep and thus the
absence of watchkeeper performance if it
appears. They also wore Actigraph activity
measuring devices to record brain and
physical activity throughout the week, as well
as being subjected to psychomotor vigilance
tests (PVT) to check their reaction times at
the beginning and end of each watch. The
latter is considered the gold standard for
behavioural fatigue measurement.
At two stages of the ‘voyage’, the participants
wore 10 electrodes that measure their
brain activity, over two watch periods and
two sleep periods. Data obtained allows
experts to analyse cognitive performance
at key stages and can also show instances
of ‘microsleep’. Data recorded from the
off-watch periods was especially valuable, as
it enabled an objective picture to be obtained
of exactly when participants fell asleep and
the quality of the sleep they obtained.
At Chalmers, navigation simulations were
carried out using two different watch
The simulated voyage undertaken by Project Horizon participants
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Research activity
11 www.project-horizon.eu
schedules: 30 seafarers were assessed over
4-on/8-off schedules, and 20 were monitored
on 6-on/6-off patterns. The voyage pattern
was based on a simulated voyage in a small
coaster and cargo simulations replicating a
210,000dwt VLCC. The data gained from
these different patterns were analysed
separately. The two-watch runs also included
a section involving the disturbance of a single
free watch, in which no sleep was allowed
to enable the investigation of the effect
additional workloads arising from a port visit.
At Warsash, bridge and engineroom
simulators were used to investigate the
effects of 6-on/6-off work patterns. Cargo
handling simulations were carried out at both
At Warsash, the simulators were linked up,
so that the participants sailed a 17,071dwt
product tanker from Fawley to Rotterdam
and back again, twice, with a varied workload
including cargo loading and discharge, and
picking up pilots.
The simulations included some ‘distinctly
boring’ sections as well as a number of
realistic events and incidents, including:
■ keeping the ship’s logbook
■ marking positions on a chart
■ exchanging information at the end
of a watch
■ radio communications
■ close-quarters situations
■ a ‘man overboard’ from
another ship
■ a gyro-compass error
■ machinery alarms
Using simulators allowed the researchers
to ‘re-set’ the voyage at the end of each
watch, so that the watchkeeper coming on
duty repeated the section of the voyage
just completed by the previous participant.
As ‘handovers’ were conducted by staff
members acting in the role of master or chief
engineer, the participants were unaware that
the voyage sections were being repeated in
this manner. The standard test conditions and
replicated situations enabled the researchers
to make valid comparisons, under statistically
robust conditions, monitoring the way in
which the volunteer officers reacted and
how their judgement and performance were
affected at different times during the week.
Volunteers’ performance was also checked
by a wide range of indicators – with lecturers
monitoring such things as their behaviour,
body language and ability to pass on 10
standard items of information at each watch
During each bridge watch, participants
were observed and rated by the simulator
operators. The scoring system covered the
general performance over the whole watch,
the watch handovers, ‘special’ events – such
as certain close-quarters situations – and
‘unplanned’ events – such as unintentional
‘near-misses’ with other vessels. The
evaluation of watchkeeping performance was
based on both expert rating (for example,
how well the collision prevention regulations
were followed) and objective scores (for
example, the number and timing of positions
marked on the chart).
The cargo work simulations enabled
supervisors to monitor performance on a
range of standard task indicators, including:
■ correct sequence of events
■ avoidance of ‘forbidden’
■ control of bending moments, shear
forces and list
■ ballast handling
■ stability control
■ monitoring pressures and
Similarly, engineroom performance was rated
on a wide range of indicators, including:
■ standard watchkeeping duties
■ adherence to standing orders and
chief engineer’s orders
■ logbook entries
■ communications with bridge
■ quality of information at handovers
A participant on the liquid cargo handling simulator equipment
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Research findings
■ dealing with ‘incidents’ including
main engine exhaust gas temperature
deviation, changing over of alternators,
high scavenge air temperature on
main engine, boiler flame failure, high
engineroom bilge level, high differential
on sea water inlet strainer, fluctuating
main engine fuel viscosity, and an earth
fault (with request to start up other
machinery while earth fault is present)
In presenting the research findings, variables
that were measured once per watch were
analysed using repeated measures analysis
of variance (Anova) with day (1 to 7) and
watch (first or second watch of the day)
as ‘within subject’ factors and watch team
(working 00:00 to 06:00 or working 06:00
to 12:00) as ‘between subject’ factors.
Variables measured at the start and end
of every watch (PVT) also included those
timepoints as ‘within subject’ factors, and
variables measured on an hourly basis (KSS
and stress) included hours in watch as a
‘within subject’ factor.
For the Warsash runs, the analysis was
carried out separately for the deck and
the engineroom teams. For the Chalmers
runs, analysis was carried out separately
for the two watch systems (4-on/8-off and
Karolinska Sleepiness Scale
Sleepiness was rated every hour on the KSS
self-rating scale, which has been validated
against EEG measurements. The KSS scale
varies from 1 to 9, with Score 1 representing
highest alertness and Score being close to
falling asleep. The KSS ratings are:
1. Extremely alert
2. Very alert
3. Alert
4. Rather alert
5. Neither alert nor sleepy
6. Some signs of sleepiness
7. Sleepy, but no effort to keep alert
8. Sleepy, some effort to keep alert
9. Very sleepy, great effort to keep
alert, fighting sleep
Chalmers 4-on/8-off
Sleepiness scores were found to differ
significantly between the first and the second
watch of the day. The difference was highest
in the team working 04:00 to 08:00 (4.1
±0.3 versus 2.9 ±0.3) and virtually absent
in the team working 08:00 to 12:00 (3.8
±0.4 versus 3.7 ±0.3).
Sleepiness was also found to peak at the end
of the watch (4.1 ±0.2), with the three-
way interactions and the pattern of results
indicating that maximum sleepiness is
reached towards the end of the 00:00-00:04
watch, closely followed by the 04:00-08:00
watch. Lowest sleepiness scores occurred in
the afternoon or early evening watches.
Chalmers 6-on/6-off
Within subjects, sleepiness scores were
found to be significantly higher during the
first watch of the day than the second (4.6
±0.2 versus 4.0 ±0.2). Sleepiness scores
also differed based on the hours in watch –
being lowest after one hour in watch (3.7
±0.2) and highest at the end of the watch
(5.1 ±0.3). A more complex three-way
interaction between watch, hours in watch,
and watch team was observed (F(3.95,
51.40) = 10.88, p < 0.001).
Effect of the off-watch disturbance
In both watch systems, the off-watch
disturbance had a profound effect on
sleepiness. In the 4-on/8-off system,
sleepiness levels were higher during the
watch following the disturbance (6.5 ±0.3)
compared with the control watch (4.2 ±0.2)
in the other half of the week. A similar pattern
was observed in the 6-on/6-off system,
with sleepiness levels being considerably
higher following the off-watch disturbance
(6.7 ±0.4) than during the control watch
(4.6 ±0.3. No interactions were observed,
indicating that the effect was similar in all
watch teams. A higher rate of sleep on watch
was discovered amongst participants who
had experienced the disturbed off-watch
Fig.1 Sleepiness scores for Chalmers participants working in the 4-on/8-off bridge simulators. The team working
0000 to 0400 and 1200 to 1600 watches is indicated in blue; the team working 0400 to 0800 and 1600 to
2000 in red; and the team working 0800 to 1200 and 2000 to 0000 in green
Sleepiness 4-on/8-off
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Research findings
13 www.project-horizon.eu
4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off
Sleepiness levels differed between the two
watch systems, being found to be higher
in all watches and for all teams in the
6-on/6-off watch system (4.6 ±0.2) than
in the 4-on/8-off watch system (3.9 ±0.2).
Higher rates of sleep on watch were found in
the 6-on/6-off teams than in the 4-on/8-off
participants and sleep duration was found to
be longer for those on 4-on/8-off than in the
6-on/6-off pattern.
Warsash deck
Within subjects, sleepiness scores differed
significantly across the days of the week,
being lowest on day 1 (3.1 ±0.3) and
highest on both days 5 and 6 (4.3 ±0.4).
Sleepiness scores were also found to be
higher during the first watch of the day than
the second (4.1 ±0.3 versus 3.6 ±0.3).
Sleepiness scores also differed based on the
hours in watch, ranging from 3.3 ±0.3 at
the start to 4.8 ±0.3 after 5 hours in watch.
Sleepiness levels were also shown to have
increased during the course of the week.
Daily sleep durations were found to total
between 6 and 7 hours.
Warsash engineroom
Sleepiness scores differed significantly
across the days of the week, being lowest
on day 2 (3.5 ±0.2) and highest on day 7
(4.3 ±0.3). Scores were also found to be
higher during the first watch of the day than
in the second (4.2 ±0.3 versus 3.5 ±0.3).
Sleepiness was found to increase during the
watch period, with scores ranged from 3.3
±0.3 at the start to 4.5 ±0.3 after 5 hours
in watch. Sleepiness levels were also shown
to increase during the course of the week.
Deck versus engineroom
Overall sleepiness ratings did not differ
between the bridge and the engineroom.
Fig.2 Sleepiness scores for Chalmers participants working in the 6-on/6-off bridge simulators. The team working
0000 to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working 0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in red
Fig.3 Sleepiness scores for Warsash participants working in the engineroom simulators. The team working 0000
to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working 0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in red
Fig.4 Sleepiness scores for Warsash participants working in the bridge simulators. The team working 0000 to
0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working 0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in red
Sleepiness 6-on/6-off Sleepiness Engineroom
Sleepiness Bridge
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Research findings
■ overall, more sleepiness was
recorded during the first watch of
the day – especially among deck
■ sleepiness was found to increase
with time in watch
■ the off-watch disturbance instantly
increased sleepiness
■ on the whole, sleepiness levels
were higher in the 6-on/6-off
system than in the 4-on/8-off
■ sleepiness levels did not
significantly differ between deck
and engineroom
■ sleepiness levels consistently
peaked between 0400 and 0800
■ alertness levels consistently
peaked between 1400 and 1800
Stress scale
Stress was rated every hour on a 1 (very
low stress – I feel very relaxed and calm) to
9 (very high stress – I feel very tense and
under high pressure, on the limit to what I
can manage).
Chalmers 4-on/8-off
Stress levels remained fairly low under all
Chalmers 6-on/6-off
Stress levels remained fairly low under all
Effect of the off-watch disturbance
In the 4-on/8-off system, stress levels
were higher during the watch following the
disturbance (3.7 ±0.3) than in the control
watch (2.8 ±0.2) in the other half of the
week. A similar effect was observed in the
6-on/6-off system, with higher stress levels
following the disturbance (4.0 ±0.5) than in
the control watch (2.9 ±0.2). An interaction
with hours in watch was observed in the
6-on/6-off system. Following the off-watch
disturbance, stress levels increased during
the course of the watch, whereas such a
trend was not observed during the control
4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off
Stress levels did not differ between the two
watch systems, although levels were slightly
higher in the 6-on/6-off watch system
(3.1 ±0.2) than in the 4-on/8-off system
(2.7 ±0.2).
Warsash deck
Stress scores were found to be higher during
the first watch of the day than in the second
(2.8 ±0.2 versus 2.5 ±0.2). Stress scores
also differed based on the hours in watch,
ranging from 2.1 ±0.2 at the start of the
watch to 3.1 ±0.3 after 5 hours in watch.
An interaction between day and watch was
observed – indicating that the effect of watch
was not identical across the days of the week.
Warsash engineroom
Within subjects, stress scores differed
based on the hours in watch, ranging from
3.1 ±0.3 at the start of the watch to 3.6
±0.3 after 2 hours in watch. In addition,
an interaction between watch and hours
in watch was observed, indicating that the
effect of hours in watch was different for the
two watches.
Bridge versus engineroom
Stress ratings were higher in the engineroom
than on the bridge.
A participant in the engineroom simulator at Warsash
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Research findings
15 www.project-horizon.eu
■ stress levels were found to vary,
but the axis along which it varied
differed between the watch
systems and between deck and
engineroom teams
■ overall, stress levels remained
fairly low
■ the disturbed off-watch period
resulted in an immediate increase
in stress levels
■ stress levels were higher in the
engineroom than on the bridge
■ stress levels did not differ between
the two watch systems
Wake diary
Participants were asked to provide ratings
on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (to a great
extent) on whether they had experienced
any irritability, tensions, worn-out feelings,
exhaustion, anxiety, or persistent fatigue,
and to rate their health and whether they
had got enough rest and recuperation during
the last period of wakefulness.
Chalmers 4-on/8-off
No within or between subjects difference
was observed in response to questions
about feelings of irritability, being worn out,
anxious, exhausted, or feeling persistently
fatigued. However, more tensions were
reported following the second watch of the
day and rest and recuperation was reported
to be less sufficient during this period.
Chalmers 6-on/6-off
No within or between subjects difference was
observed in response to questions about
feelings of irritability, being tense, worn
out, anxious, exhausted, feeling persistently
fatigued, or on ratings of health during the
last period of wakefulness.
However, a significant difference within
subjects was observed in response to the
question about gaining enough rest and
recuperation during the last period of
wakefulness – with rest and recuperation
reported to be more sufficient during the
time off period following the first watch of
the day than the second (2.6 ±0.2 versus
3.2 ±0.2).
Effect of the off-watch disturbance
Scores on most wake diary parameters
indicated a worse state following the
off-watch disturbance. For example, the
category ‘exhausted’ obtained a rating of
2.9 ±0.3 after the disturbance vs 1.7 ±0.2
after no disturbance for 6-on/6-off. The
corresponding values for 4-on/8-off were
1.8 ±0.2 vs 1.2 ±0.1. Both were highly
significant, but those on the 6-on/6-off
pattern were more affected – presumably
because they lost a six-hour free watch, while
those on 4-on/8-off ‘only’ lost four hours.
Similar effects and ratings were seen for the
category ‘worn out’.
4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off
Two wake diary parameters differed
significantly between the two watch systems.
Worn out feelings were more substantial in
the 6-on/6-off system (2.1 ±0.2) than in
the 4-on/8-off system. The sufficiency of rest
and recuperation was reported to be higher
in the 4-on/8-off system (2.3 ±0.1) than in
the 6-on/6-off system (3.2 ±0.3).
Warsash deck
Wake diaries showed feelings of irritability,
tensions, worn out, anxiety, self-rated health
and sufficiency of rest and recuperation
increased during the course of the week.
Tensions were higher following the second
watch when rest and recuperation was stated
to be less sufficient compared to the first
Warsash engineroom
No significant differences within or between
subjects were observed in responses
to questions about irritability, tension,
exhaustion, anxiety, or self-ratings of
health. But feelings of persistent fatigue and
insufficient rest and recuperation increased
during the course of the week – being shown
to be more abundant during the second
watch of the day than the first.
Deck versus engineroom
Wake diary parameters did not differ between
the bridge and the engineroom.
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Research findings
■ wake diary outcomes indicated
better time off following the
first watch of the day: rest
and recuperation was rated as
more efficient and less negative
symptoms such as tensions
■ outcomes got worse during the
course of the week
■ the disturbed free watch had
adverse effects in both watch
■ overall, more negative wake diary
outcomes were reported in the
6-on/6-off system than in the
4-on/8-off system
■ no differences were observed
between the bridge and the
Work diary
Participants were asked whether they had
experienced on a scale of 1 (not at all) to
5 (to a great extent): heavy eyelids; ‘gravel
eyes’; difficulties focussing; irresistible
sleepiness; tired eyes; difficulties holding
eyes open; impaired performance; effort to
stay awake; and to rate difficulty in working;
work performance; and workload; and
whether they had nodded off during the
Chalmers 4-on/8-off
No within or between subjects differences
were observed for the parameters of gravel
eyed, difficulties focussing, irresistible
sleepiness, impaired performance, effort
to stay awake, work performance, and
nodding off.
Responses showed that the experience of
heavy eyelids differed across the days and
between the first and the second watch of
the day, while the experience of tired eyes
was reported to be higher during the first
watch. Within subjects, the experience of
having difficulties holding the eyes open was
reported as higher during the first watch.
Within subjects, self-reported work difficulty
and workloads differed across the days.
Overall, the work diary parameters indicated
more sleepiness and fatigue during the first
watch of the day than in the second.
Chalmers 6-on/6-off
Within subjects, the experience of heavy
eyelids, ‘gravel eyes’, difficulties focussing,
irresistible sleepiness, tired eyes, difficulties
holding the eyes open, was reported as
higher during the first watch than the
second. Self-reported nodding off was found
to be higher during the first watch.
No within or between subjects difference
were observed for the parameters of impaired
performance, effort to stay awake, and
self-rated work performance.
Within subjects, self-reported work difficulty
differed across the days and was reported as
being more difficult during the second watch
of the day. Within subjects, self-reported
workload differed across the days and a
three way interaction between day, watch
and watch team was observed, indicating
that the effect of day was dependent on the
watch of the day and that this dependency,
in turn, is dependent on the watch team.
Overall, many of the work diary parameters
indicated increased levels of sleepiness and
fatigue during the first watch of the day
compared with the second watch.
Effect of the off-watch disturbance
The effects of the off-watch disturbance
compared to the control watch in the other
half of the week were evident from a number
of ratings. For example, the rating of ‘heavy
eyelids’ was higher during the watch after the
disturbed free watch: 2.9 ±0.2 vs 1.8 ±0.2
for 4-on/8-off and 3.3 ±0.3 vs 2.1 ±0.2 for
6-on/6-off – both highly significant. Similar
results were seen for the rating ‘impaired
8-off and 2.9 ±0.2 vs 1.8 ±0.1 for 6-on/6-
off) as well as ‘nodding off’ (2.1 ±0.2 vs
1.3 ±0.1 for 4-on/8-off and 2.7 ±0.3 vs
1.6 ±0.1).
Similar variations were seen in the results for
a number of other ratings of performance
and fatigue. It was evident that using an
off-watch period for activity rather than sleep
caused major effects on perceived fatigue
and performance.
The ship used to provide accommodation for
Chalmers participants
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Research findings
17 www.project-horizon.eu
Overall, the work diary parameters indicated
increased sleepiness and fatigue following
the free watch disturbance in both shift
systems and in all watch teams.
4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off
Several work diary parameters differed
between the two watch systems.
Heavy eyelids and gravel eyes were more
abundant in the 6-on/6-off system than in
the 4-on/8-off system. Participants working
in the 6-on/6-off system had more difficulties
focussing the eyes and reported a higher
incidence of tired eyes. Difficulties holding
the eyes open were also more abundant in
those working 6-on/6-off and those working
this system also reported having to put in
more effort to stay awake than those working
4-on/8-off. Subjects in the 6-on/6-off system
also nodded off more frequently.
Warsash deck
Both between and within subjects, the
experience of heavy eyelids was reported
as higher during the first watch. Between
subjects, the watch team working from
00:00 to 06:00 reported more experiences
of gravelled eyes than the second watch
team. Difficulties focussing the eyes and
experiences of near-irresistible sleepiness,
tired eyes, difficulties holding the eyes
open, impaired performance, effort to stay
awake, self-reported work difficulty differed
across the days, and were found to be higher
during the first watch. More nodding-off was
reported for the first watch than during the
second watch.
Overall, most work diary parameters
indicated increased levels of sleepiness and
fatigue during the first watch of the day
than in the second. Some parameters also
indicated higher rates of sleepiness and
fatigue in the team working the 00:00 to
06:00 system.
Warsash engineroom
Participants reported a higher rate of
experiencing heavy eyelids, gravel eyes,
difficulties focussing, irresistible sleepiness,
tired eyes, difficulties holding the eyes open,
impaired performance, and effort to stay
awake during the first watch. Self-reported
performance satisfaction levels were higher
during the second watch and self-reported
workload ratings were higher during the first
watch. More nodding-off was reported for
the first watch.
The work diary parameters indicated
increased levels of sleepiness and fatigue
during the first watch of the day as compared
with the second. Sleepiness and fatigue
symptoms also increased during the course
of the week.
Deck versus engineroom
Sleepiness and fatigue-related parameters
of the work diary did not differ between the
bridge and the engineroom, although work
difficulty and workload was found to be lower
in the engineroom than on the bridge.
Overall, more sleepiness and fatigue-
related symptoms were recorded during the
first watch of the day. Fatigue symptoms
were shown to be more abundant in the
6-on/6-off system than the 4-on/8-off
system, and participants rated work difficulty
and workload levels as higher on the bridge
than in the engineroom.
A participant in the bridge simulator at Warsash
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Research findings
Sleep diary
In the sleep diary, participants wrote down
details including if and when they slept and
how long it took for them to fall asleep (sleep
latency). Questions also addressed the
quality of the sleep, with subjects asked to
rate their feelings at bedtime and at getting
up on a scale of 1 (very alert) to 9 (very
sleepy). They were also asked to state the
number of cups of coffee consumed, as well
as the number of sleeping pills, painkillers or
any other medication that was taken.
Other questions included:
■ number of awakenings from
0 to 6 or more
■ was it hard to fall asleep?
5 (not at all) to 1 (very hard)
■ did you wake up too early?
5 (no) to 1 (much too early)
■ how have you slept?
5 (very well) to 1 (very bad)
■ was it easy to get up?
5 (very easy) to 1 (very hard)
■ did you have disturbed sleep?
5 (not at all) to 1 (very disturbed)
■ did you spent time awake during
the period of sleep?
5 (no) to 1 (more than 1 hour)
Fig.6 Actigraphy-based sleep duration per 24-hour period during the
experimental week for Chalmers participants working the 4-on/8-off system bridge
simulators. The team working 0000 to 0400 and 1200 to 1600 watches is
indicated in blue; the team working 0400 to 0800 and 1600 to 2000 in orange;
and the team working 0800 to 1200 and 2000 to 0000 in green
Fig.5 Sleep duration per 24-hour period during the experimental week for
Chalmers participants working the 6-on/6-off system bridge simulators. The team
working 0000 to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working
0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in orange
Fig.7 Sleep duration per 24-hour period during the experimental week for
Warsash participants working the 6-on/6-off system bridge simulators. The team
working 0000 to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working
0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in orange
Fig.8 Sleep duration per 24-hour period during the experimental week for
Warsash participants working the 6-on/6-off system engineroom simulators. The
team working 0000 to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team
working 0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in orange
Sleep duration
Sleep duration
Sleep duration
6-on/6-off system
Sleep duration
4-on/8-off system
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Research findings
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■ how deep was your sleep?
5 (very deep) to 1 (very light)
■ did you wake up well rested?
5 (completely) to 1 (not at all)
■ did you feel stressed at bedtime?
5 (not at all) to 1 (very)
■ have you slept long enough?
5 (definitely enough) to
1 (definitely too little)
Total daily sleep duration
The total daily sleep duration for each
participant was calculated from the start of
the first watch on for every 24-hour period.
Variations were found between the two
watch systems, with sleep duration being
considerably longer in the 4-on/8-off system
(211 ±8 minutes per free watch) compared
with the 6-on/6-off system (162 ±10
minutes per free watch).
The vast majority of participants were
found to split their sleep across the two
free watches. In the 6-on/6-off system,
sleep duration was longest during the free
watches from 0000 to 0600 and from 0600
to 1200. In the 4-on/8-off system, sleep
duration was longest during the free watches
from 0400 to 1200, from 2000 to 0400
and from 0000 to 0800.
Significant differences were also found in the
time taken by participants to get to sleep.
The delay to bedtime differed significantly
across watches – for example, on Chalmers
4-on/8-off: after 0000-0400 the delay to
bedtime was 42 ±21 minutes (±standard
error), after 0400-0800 it was 60 ±22
minutes, after 0800-1200 it was 225 ±23
minutes (and few sleeping), after 1200-
1600 it was 237 ±18 minutes, after 1600-
2000 it was 169 ±20 minutes, after 2000-
2400 it was 74 ±23 minutes. Night watches
had the least delay to bedtime.
Similarly, at Warsash, a comparison between
the bedtimes of deck and engineroom officers
on 6-on/6-off (see Figures 9 to 12 on page
20) reveals that after the 0000-0400 watch,
the delay to bedtime was generally about 50
minutes, rising to nearer 100 minutes for the
late afternoon and evening watches. These
results also show that the delay in getting
to sleep after the end of the watch was
considerably less on the 6-on/6-off regime
than for the 4-on/8-off. This relative ease of
falling asleep after the end of the watch on
6-on/6-off is explained by the general lack of
sleep for those on that more arduous watch.
These results mean that estimates of bed
timing need to be adjusted in any estimates
of fatigue in models of fatigue regulation.
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Research findings
Sleep on duty
Sleeping on duty poses an immediate and
significant threat to safety in any mode of
transportation, and shipping is no exception.
Through analysis of EEG recordings and visual
observation of Project Horizon participants,
researchers were able to identify incidents
of sleep – both on the bridge and in the
engineroom – as defined by the occurrence
of at least one 20 second period of stage 1
sleep whilst on watch.
Chalmers 4-on/8-off
The percentage of participants sleeping by
watch is indicated in Figure 9. The highest
proportion of watchkeepers falling asleep
was observed between 0000 and 0400hrs
– 40%, or four participants.
McNemar’s testing did not reveal any
statistically significant differences between
watches overall, but between night watches
and evening watches. The presence of sleep
during day watches (between 1200 and
2000) is unusual and normally not seen,
but could be a consequence of working
night watches, preventing participants from
getting their sleep at the proper time – in the
hours of darkness.
Fig.9 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch in the Chalmers 4-on/8-off simulations.
The team working 0000 to 0400 and 1200 to 1600 watches is indicated in blue; the team
working 0400 to 0800 and 1600 to 2000 in orange; and the team working 0800 to 1200
and 2000 to 0000 in green
Fig.11 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch team in the Chalmers simulations after
the control watch (C) and following the free watch disturbance (D). The teams working in the
4-on/8-off system are shown at the left, those working in the 6-on/6-off system at the right
Fig.10 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch in the
Warsash 6-on/6-off engineroom simulations
Fig.12 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch team in the
Chalmers simulations. The teams working in the 4-on/8-off system are
shown at the left, those working in the 6-on/6-off system at the right
4-on/8-off system 6-on/6-off system
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Research findings
21 www.project-horizon.eu
Chalmers 6-on/6-off
The percentage of participants sleeping by
watch is indicated in Figure 10. The highest
proportion of watchkeepers falling asleep
was observed between 0000 and 0400
(more than 40%).
Effect of the off-watch disturbance
Increased rates of participants sleeping were
noted in almost all watch teams in both
watch systems during the watch following
the off-watch disturbance (D) as compared
to the control watch in the other half of the
week (C) – as indicated in Figure 11.
4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off
The results (Figure 12) showed more
participants sleeping on watch in the
6-on/6-off system than in the 4-on/
8-off system, although a level of statistical
significance was not reached. At least 50%
of participants in both watch teams in the
6-on/6-off system were found to have slept
on the bridge, whereas in the 4-on/8-off
system such a percentage was only reached
by team 1 (working 0000 to 0400 and
1200 to 1600).
Warsash bridge
The percentage of participants sleeping by
watch is indicated in Figure 13. The highest
proportion of watch keepers falling asleep was
observed between 1800 and 0000 (more
than 20%, or two participants). McNemar’s
testing did not reveal any statistically
significant differences between watches.
Researchers suggest that the absence of
participants sleeping between 0600 and
1200 may have been the consequence of half
of the group participating in cargo-handling
simulations (which is rather activating) at
that time. Again, sleep during daytime might
have been a consequence of the night work
Warsash engineroom
The percentage of participants sleeping by
watch is indicated in Figure 14. The highest
proportion of watch keepers falling asleep
was observed between 0000 and 0600 and
between 0600 and 1200 (more than 20%,
or two participants).
Bridge versus engineroom
The percentage of participants sleeping
on watch was found to be relatively similar
for both watch teams in the bridge and
the engineroom, as shown in Figure 14.
No statistically significant differences were
■ the percentage of participants
showing sleep while working on the
bridge were unexpectedly high
■ more participants fell asleep
during the night/morning watches
than day-early evening watches
■ a disturbed off-watch period was
found to result in more sleep
during the subsequent watch
■ more sleep was found to occur on
watch in the 6-on/6-off system
than in the 4-on/8-off system
■ no significant differences were
observed between the bridge and
the engineroom
Fig.13 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch in the
Warsash 6-on/6-off bridge simulations
Fig.14 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch in the
Warsash 6-on/6-off engineroom simulations
Bridge Engineroom
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Research findings
Chalmers 4-on/8-off
Reaction time
Within subjects, the mean reaction time
differed across the days and between the
first and the second watch of the day, being
slower during the first watch. Mean reaction
times also differed based on time in watch,
being slower at the end of the watch than
the start.
Within subjects, the number of lapses was
greater during the first watch of the day than
the second and lapses were more abundant
at the end of the watch than at the start.
Chalmers 6-on/6-off
Reaction time
Within subjects, the mean reaction time was
found to be slower at the end of the watch
than at the start, and the number of lapses
was greater at the end of the watch than at
the start.
Effect of the off-watch disturbance
In both watch systems, reaction times were
slower following the off-watch disturbance.
In the 4-on/8-off system, the mean reaction
time was considerably slower following the
disturbance (306 ±7ms) compared with
the control watch (283
±5ms). The number of lapses was also
higher following the disturbance (2.3 ±0.4)
compared with (0.9 ±0.2) in the control
In the 6-on/6-off system, no differences in
the rate of lapses were observed between
subjects following the free watch disturbance
and the control watch. However, the mean
reaction time was slower following the
disturbance: (339 ±27ms) against (289
±18ms) for the control watch.
4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off
Reaction times and number of lapses did not
differ between the two watch systems.
Warsash deck
Within subjects, no significant main effects
were observed for reaction times or the rate
of lapses.
Warsash engineroom
Reaction time
Within subjects, the mean reaction time was
found to be slower during the first watch
of the day than the second: (339 ±17ms
versus 329 ±17ms).
Within subjects, the number of lapses was
found to be more abundant during the first
watch of the day compared to the second:
6.1 ±1.6 versus 5.2 ±1.4. The number of
lapses was also more abundant at the end of
the watch than at the start: 6.1 ±1.5 versus
5.2 ±1.5.
Deck versus engineroom
PVT reaction times and number of lapses
did not differ between the bridge and the
Overall findings:
■ worse PVT performance during the
first watch of the day
■ worse PVT performance at the end
of the watch compared with the
■ the off-watch disturbance
worsened PVT performance
■ PVT performance did not differ
between the bridge and the
Stroop test
Warsash deck
The reaction time on control stimuli did not
differ within or between subjects. However,
within subjects, the mean reaction time on
interference stimuli differed significantly
across days with a gradual decline in daily
means (1103 ±61ms on day 1 to 982
±58ms on day 7) which indicated a learning
effect over the course of the week.
The number of mistakes on control stimuli
did not differ within or between subjects
and no mistakes on interference stimuli
were observed within subjects. However, the
number of mistakes on interference stimuli
differed significantly between the two watch
teams, with the team working 00:00-06:00
making more mistakes (2.1 ±0.4) than the
other team (0.6 ±0.3).
Within subjects, absolute interference (the
mean reaction time on interference stimuli
minus the mean reaction time on control
stimuli) differed significantly across days,
with the gradual decline in daily means
(from 136 ±18ms on day 1 to 60 ±20ms
on day 7) suggesting the presence of a
learning effect. Between subjects, no effects
were observed.
Within subjects, percentual interference
(the relative increase in reaction time on
interference stimuli as compared to control
stimuli) differed significantly across days and
8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 228022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 22 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
Research findings
23 www.project-horizon.eu
the gradually declining daily means (from
13.8 ±1.7% on day 1 to 6.3 ±2.0% on day
7), were a sign of a learning effect. Between
subjects, no effects were observed.
Warsash engineroom
Within subjects, the mean reaction time on
control stimuli differed significantly across
days and the gradual decline in daily means
(909 ±51ms on day 1 to 805 ±37ms on
day 7) indicated a learning effect over the
course of the week. The mean reaction time
was observed to have differed between the
first and the second watch of the day, with
slowermean reaction times during the first
watch (857 ±47ms) than during the second
(832 ±41ms). Between subjects, no effects
were observed.
Within subjects, the mean reaction time
on interference stimuli differed significantly
across days, with the gradual decline in
daily means (1010 ±69ms on day 1 to
883 ±54ms on day 7) being indicative of a
learning effect over the course of the week.
The number of mistakes on control stimuli
and interference stimuli did not differ within
or between subjects. Within subjects,
absolute interference (the mean reaction
time on interference stimuli minus the
mean reaction time on control stimuli)
differed significantly across days and the
gradual decline in daily means (from 102
±24ms on day 1 to 79 ±24ms on day 7)
suggested the presence of a learning effect.
Between subjects, no effects were observed.
Percentual interference did not differ within
or between subjects. Stroop performance
was not found to differ depending on the
Deck versus engineroom
None of the Stroop test parameters differed
between the bridge and the engineroom.
Overall, the tests showed slower reaction
times on interference stimuli than on control
stimuli. This interference effect declined
during the course of the week, probably due
to a learning effect.
A participant wired up for Actigraph and EEG recordings during the bridge simulations
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Research findings
Naturalistic performance
Chalmers 4-on/8-off
Subjects were observed responding to a
range of ‘events’ and sub-tasks, including:
■ collision course
■ compliance to collision regulations
■ the presence of fishing boats
■ object adrift
■ communication task
■ close encounter
■ high-speed ferry
Whole watch performance was assessed and
if nodding-off was observed by simulator
instructors and/or researchers, the watch
was scored as 1. If not, it was scored as zero.
No differences within or between subjects
were observed.
Performance during the two sessions in
the liquid cargo operations simulators was
expressed on a 0 to 100 scale. Performance
did not differ within or between subjects.
Comparative analysis was not possible for a
number of events and sub-tasks but, overall
and in particular in relation to the ‘close
encounter’ event, a limited performance
increase was noted during the course of the
week and this was indicative of a learning
Chalmers 6-on/6-off
Comparative analysis was not possible for a
number of events and sub-tasks but, overall
performance in the ‘close encounter’ event
was higher in the team working 00:00 to
06:00 watch (7.1 ±0.5 versus 3.8 ±0.5).
No differences within or between subjects
were observed in relation to nodding-off or
performance during the two sessions in the
liquid cargo operations simulators.
Effect of the free watch disturbance
Limited and somewhat bi-directional effects
were observed. The off-watch disturbance
only affected sub-task 1 on the whole watch
performance rating. In the 4-on/8-off system,
a significant difference was observed on this
sub-task between the control watch and the
watch following the off-watch disturbance,
with performance being worse following the
disturbed off-watch period (2.8 ±0.2) than
in the control watch (3.2 ±0.2). This effect
was not seen in the 6-on/6-off system, but
an interaction between day and watch team
was observed.
Comparing the free watch following
the disturbance with the control watch,
performance increased in the team working
00:00 to 06:00, but decreased in the other
In the 4-on/8-off system, more nodding
offs were observed after the free watch
disturbance than in the control watch: 0.3
±0.1, against none during the control watch.
4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off
Limited differences between the two watch
systems were noted from all sub-tasks
of all events. Performance on sub-task 3
(detection range) of event 3 (communication
event) was seen to be higher in the
6-on/6-off system (4.0 ±0.3 versus 2.2
±0.2). Sub=task 1 (position taking) of the
whole watch performance was found to be
higher in the 4-on/8-off system (2.9 ±0.1
versus 2.6 ±0.1).
Warsash deck
Adherence to the collision prevention
regulations was scored during the first and
second watch of days 2, 4, and 7 and rated
on a 0 to 10 scale. No within or between
subjects effects were observed.
The standard of communications with the
engineroom was measured in the second
watch on days 4 and 7. Limited differences
were noted and only accuracy differed
between the days, with higher accuracy
being observed on day 4 than on day 7 (4.8
±0.2 versus 4.1 ±0.3). The effect of day
was only present in the team working 00:00
to 06:00.
Accuracy and completeness of the watch
handover was rated on a 0 to 10 scale during
both watches on days 2, 4, and 7. No within
Monitoring bridge operations during a simulated voyage
8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 248022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 24 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
Research findings
25 www.project-horizon.eu
or between subjects effects were observed.
Overall log keeping was rated on a 1 to
10 scale on days 2, 4, and 7 during both
watches and was found to be rated higher
during the second watch of the day than the
first (6.3 ±0.6 versus 5.8 ±0.6).
No within or between subject effects were
observed in standard alteration of course
and determination of position tasks.
However, several LICOS performance
scores decreased during the course of the
week, including: adherence to standard
watchkeeping tasks (from 4.5 ±0.3 on
day 1 to 4.2 ±0.2 on day 3 to 3.7 ±0.3
on day 6) and completeness of the handover
(from 4.4 ±0.3 on day 1 to 4.3 ±0.3 on
day 3 to 3.3 ±0.3 on day 6). The decline in
the completeness of the watch handover over
the three days was much more pronounced
in the team working 00:00 to 06:00 (from
5.2 ±0.5 to 3.1 ±0.4 versus 3.5 ±0.5 to
3.5 ±0.4).
Warsash engineroom
No differences between or within subjects
were noted on a range of tasks, including
professional discussion, providing current
status information and acknowledgement of
information received.
The team working the 00:00 to 06:00 watch
scored higher in requesting information
when coming on watch (4.1 ±0.2 versus 3.5
±0.2) and higher on one of the problem-
solving tasks(2.5 ±0.3 versus 1.6 ±0.3)
when responding to a high scavenge air
temperature on the main engine.
Performance ratings for a range of speed and
accuracy tasks varied – with some decreasing
during the week, others improving and no
differences within or between subjects being
noted on others.
Adherence to standing orders was found to
be greater in the second watch of the day
than the first ( 4.8 ±0.5 versus 4.6 ±0.1).
The quality of the watch handover was
found to have gone from 6.7 ±0.4 on day
3 to 7.8 ±0.2 on day 5 and overall watch
performance ranged from 6.8 ±0.4 on day
3 to 7.7 ±0.2 on day 5.
Overall, the team working 00:00 to 06:00
performed slightly better. Performance on
some tasks increased during the course of
the week, while performance on other tasks
Project Horizon has undoubtedly succeeded
in its core of aim of delivering a more informed
and scientifically rigorous understanding of
the way different watchkeeping patterns at
sea affect the performance of ships’ officers.
The range of measurements and the high
degree of realism gained through the use of
simulators have provided detailed and robust
data on which to assess and analyse effects.
Data gained from the research is sufficiently
robust to provide input to marine-validated
mathematical fatigue prediction models
within a fatigue risk management system.
Overall, it is clear that much of the data
gained from the research supports the
‘circadian theory’ of diurnal performance
peaks and troughs and clear evidence of
‘sleepiness’ risk periods.
■ watchkeepers were found to be
most tired at night and in the
■ sleepiness levels were found to
peak towards the end of night
■ slowest reaction times were found
at the end of night watches
■ incidents of sleep on watch mainly
occurred during night and early
morning watches
■ the 6-on/6-off regime was found to
be more tiring than 4-on/8-off
■ the onset of tiredness on
6-on/6-off occured over a shorter
timeframe than predicted
■ ‘disturbed’ off-watch periods
produce significantly high levels of
■ participants on 6-on/6-off rotas
were found to get markedly less
sleep than those on 4-on/8-off
■ all groups reported relatively high
levels of subjective sleepiness on
the KSS scale
EEG data demonstrated that a large
proportion of the watchkeepers showed
actual sleep on the bridge, particularly
following ‘disturbed off-watch’ periods. In
the Chalmers 4-on/8-off pattern, the figures
varied between 0% for the 1200-1600
and 2000-0000 watches to almost 40%
on the 0000-0400 watch. In the Chalmers
6-on/6-off rotas, the figures varied between
almost 10% for the 1800 to 0000 watch to
more than 40% for the 0000-0600 period.
The disturbed off-watch period was also
found to have a strong impact on sleepiness.
Total daily sleep duration was measured for
all participants over each 24-hour period
and marked differences were detected
between the different watchkeeping
patterns. The differences were particularly
apparent amongst those working the
6-on/6-off schedules – where data showed
less sleep and a clear ‘split’ sleeping
pattern in which daily sleep was divided
into two periods, one of between three
to four hours and the other averaging
between two to three hours. In contrast,
the sleep patterns for those working the
4-on/8-off schedule at Chalmers were found
to be relatively normal – varying between
around 7 to 7.5 hours for Team 1 to around
6 hours for the second team.
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
Research findings
Another important observation
on sleep was that it was found
not to be initiated almost
immediately after ending a night
watch, but there was a delay
averaging about 50 minutes.
This is important information
for estimating the recuperative
effect of sleep. Off-watch periods
starting in the afternoon to
evening were found to have very
long delays to the onset of sleep
and often no sleep was taken,
particularly on the 4-on/8-off
pattern. See Figure 15 opposite.
Fig.15 An important finding from Project Horizon was data showing how watchkeepers can experience very long delays to the onset of sleep following their watch
Delay of Bedtime Warsash Delay of Bedtime Chalmers
8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 268022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 26 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
27 www.project-horizon.eu
There can be no doubt that Project Horizon
has achieved its principal objective of gaining
a deeper and more scientifically rigorous
understanding of the way in which sleepiness
affects watchkeepers at sea. The results
have taken knowledge of the issues to a new
level and have demonstrated the multiple
and complex effects of some of the most
common working patterns for seafarers.
It should be noted, however, that Project
Horizon was a simulator-based study that
was designed to study some basic aspects
of the effects of standard maritime watch
schedules on sleepiness and fatigue.
Whilst the simulator setting can present a
limitation, it does provide better control of
the test conditions and offered researchers
opportunities for in-depth comparative
analysis of participants at different times
and on different working patterns in near-
identical situations. Whilst every effort was
made to design realistic simulated working
conditions, the practical limitations must
be recognised – such as timescales and
working environment. There are many other
factors may have an important impact on
watchkeepers’ sleep and rest – such as
bad weather conditions, onboard noise,
the effects of long periods at sea, skills and
competence of the crew, and varying rules
on the use of chairs on the bridge. All these
are influences that need to be considered in
future studies of fatigue at sea.
Nevertheless, Project Horizon has delivered
data that enables the achievement of the
core objective of using the findings to assist
the development of ‘best practice’ standards
for the shipping industry. The results also
provide reliable and validated source
material for input into policy discussions at
national, regional and international level –
with the potential for appropriate bodies to
take forward plans for improved regulation of
seafarers’ working hours, safe manning and
fatigue mitigation.
Analysis and assessment of this data has
enabled researchers to develop a lasting
legacy, in the form of a proposed fatigue
management toolkit. This package is
intended to provide practical guidance for
key stakeholders covering:
■ the nature of fatigue or sleepiness
at sea
■ pointers to aid recognition of such
■ measures by which mitigation of
them might be achieved
■ concrete indications how the
conditions might be avoided
at source and the findings of
the project might be applied
– in particular to the key
stakeholders: seafarers; ship
owners/managers; classification
societies; policymakers/
regulatory authorities; training
establishments; equipment
Fatigue management toolkit
Sleepiness is an acknowledged risk factor
in safety-critical industries and in all modes
of transport. It is recognised, however, that
shipping differs from some other transport
modes, in that the nature of risk exposure and
the capacity to act is extremely variable and
depends on many factors. The characteristics
of working at sea – and especially in the
deepsea trades – mean that the coincidence
of exposure to risk and absence of capacity
to deal with it will be a relatively rare event.
It is probable that the level of risk will be
much lower than that for road transport, for
example, and most likely to be more similar
to that in aviation.
In fact, the data from Project Horizon
indicates that the probability of danger
at sea will be highest when night watches
are combined with prior reduction of sleep
opportunities, and exacerbated by passages
through narrow or very densely travelled
waters, or during reduced visibility.
The Project Horizon findings suggest that
owners, regulators, seafarers and others
should pay special attention to the potential
risks in difficult waters in combination with
the 6-on/6-off watch system (because
of sleep loss), night watches, the last
portion of most watches (especially night
watches), and watches after reduced sleep
opportunity. There is also some evidence
from the research to suggest that individual
susceptibility to fatigue probably also needs
to be considered.
A variety of methods (some of which are
already commonly deployed) may be used
to address this potential risk, including
alarm systems to alert crew before important
waypoints, encouragement not to use
chairs on the bridge during night watches,
additional crew, training crew to recognise
symptoms of fatigue, and special protection
of sleep periods for watchkeepers.
Another way of reducing fatigue-related risk
is to train seafarers in understanding the
causes and consequences of fatigue, how to
detect it, how to prevent it and how to report
it. The latter requires a level of acceptance
of fatigue reporting without reprisals
from those in authority. Personal fatigue
countermeasures include caffeine, strategic
napping and physical or mental activity.
Judicial use of countermeasures against
fatigue should be part of the job description
for all personnel on watch duty.
The toolkit takes these precautions a step
further, by using scientifically verified data
to build mathematical models which can be
used to predict which portions of a particular
voyage may be critical from a fatigue point
of view – allowing mitigating action to be
planned ahead of time.
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
It is well known that working hours which
deviate from conventional patterns (shift
work, roster work, and irregular watch
schedules) always entail a high probability of
reduced sleep and of increased fatigue, with
an ensuing accident risk. In recent years,
scientists have developed mathematical
models for alertness or performance
prediction – and these have most notably
been applied in the aviation industry. An
example of the recognition of the value
of such systems can be seen from the US
National Transportation Safety Board’s
‘Most Wanted List’ and the associated 2011
recommendation stating: ‘The Safety Board
continues to call for the development of
fatigue management systems, which take a
comprehensive approach to reducing fatigue-
related risk. These systems should be based
on empirical and scientific evidence and
should include a methodology to continually
assess their effectiveness.’
It is against this background that the Project
Horizon researchers have been able to use
the robustness of the results of their work
to develop a maritime alertness regulation
version of these models – ‘MARTHA’: an
acronym derived from ‘a maritime alertness’
regulation tool based on hours of work.
Mathematical models for alertness or
performance prediction have been developed
mainly as tools for evaluating the effects on
sleepiness or fatigue of work schedules or
sleep/wake patterns that deviate from the
pattern of daytime activity and night time
sleep. Early models were based on the effects
of time awake and amount of prior sleep as
well as a circadian component representing
the effect of the biological clock. As scientific
understanding has increased, models have
become more sophisticated, incorporating
a wider range of factors that influence
sleepiness and alertness and expanding to
include predictions of sleep latency and sleep
The detailed information obtained in Project
Horizon has enabled the model to be
validated against the empirical sleepiness
data. Apparently, there has been no prior
knowledge of the way in which sleep is
distributed across sleep opportunities on sea
schedules. An important new development
from Project Horizon has been the use of
the empirical sleep data (bedtimes and rise
times) obtained from the research to create
a new function of the model to predict sleep
on sea watches. The model also incorporates
a third process reflecting the effects of time
These functions were combined and, using
a computer-based system, will provide a
maritime interface with selectable watch
schedules and a ‘do-it-yourself’ watch
system facility. Users will be able to enter
their working schedules over a six-week time
window and receive predicted estimates of
the most risky times and the times of highest
potential sleepiness for each watch and for
the whole watch schedule, as well as for time
outside watch duty.
The major display contains estimates for
each 24-hour period, with a second display
to describe each 24-hour period with
sleep periods and a continuous estimate
of sleepiness. This information may also be
displayed as miniatures in the main display.
How MARTHA could predict sleepiness on a 6-on/6-off
schedule for team A (0-6 +12-18). 16% of the time
on watch sleepiness is at dangerous levels. The second
image includes the miniatures of the continuous curve
and the predicted sleep periods
8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 288022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 28 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
29 www.project-horizon.eu
MARTHA could be used onboard during
voyage planning to develop watch systems
that are efficient and that minimise risk.
Shipping companies can use the system
when planning the size and competence of
the crew. The tool could also yield important
International Safety Management Code
benefits, and might be used for insurance
and classification purposes.
MARTHA could also assist flag states and
port state control authorities, enabling
solid documentation if, for example, a ship
is to be detained in order to let the crew
rest before the voyage is resumed. It could
also be used for the prevention and
investigation of accidents. The Horizon
consortium recognises that Project Horizon is
a project that will be more for public benefit
It fulfils a need that could not economically be
sustained by any individual, or even a group
of, actors, without the essential ingredient
of public funding, by courtesy of the EU. It
will achieve its success through exploitation,
in a variety of ways: widely and generally
on the world stage of maritime safety; as
well as individually through the benefits
attained and appreciated by the project
partners themselves.
The MARTHA interface
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Project Horizon — Research report 2012
The overall results from Project Horizon
may be transferred into different types of
recommendations. However, these need to
acknowledge the total risk situation – the
convergence of risk exposure and capacity
to act. In road transport the risk exposure is
present 100% of the time. In seafaring risk
exposure may mainly occur in manoeuvring
in narrow or otherwise difficult waters or
with poor visibility. The incidence of such
exposure will vary greatly depending on
many factors, but must be very much lower
than that for road transport – probably more
similar to that in aviation.
One of the strongest factors influencing the
capacity to act is sleep, when performance
is absent. However, such states during work
are relatively sparse and sporadic – even
during night work – but they occur for most
operators on each difficult watch or shift.
The coincidence of exposure to risk and
absence of capacity to deal with it will be
a relatively rare event. The probability of
danger will be highest when night watches
are combined with prior reduction of sleep
opportunities, together with passages
through narrow or very densely travelled
waters, or during reduced visibility.
Considering the results of the present study,
special attention needs to be paid to:
■ the risks in passages through
difficult waters in combination
with the 6-on/6-off watch system
(because of sleep loss)
■ night watches
■ the last portion of most watches
(especially night watches)
■ watches after reduced sleep
■ individual susceptibility to fatigue
also needs to be considered
The suggested ‘special attention’ may
involve alarm systems to alert crew before
important changes of course, alerting
devices, encouragement not to use chairs on
the bridge during night watches, additional
crew, special protection of sleep periods
for watchkeepers, or no work apart from
In addition, mathematical models (MARTHA)
can be used to predict which portions of a
particular voyage may be critical from a
fatigue point of view and thereby mitigating
action can be planned ahead of time.
One way of reducing risks related to fatigue
may also be to train the crew in the causes
and prediction of fatigue, its risks, how to
detect it, how to prevent it and how to report
it. The latter requires a level of acceptance of
fatigue report without reprisals for those in
authority. Personal fatigue countermeasures
include caffeine, strategic napping and
physical or mental activity. Judicial use of
countermeasures against fatigue should be
part of the job description for all personnel
on watch duty.
Most of the general points discussed above
are part of what is called ‘Fatigue Risk
Management’, and which is presently being
implemented in aviation worldwide. A similar
development seems called for in marine
A final recommendation concerns future
research. Project Horizon is the first detailed
and experimental study of fatigue at sea. As
discussed previously, it has limitations, one
of which is that the data has been obtained
in a simulator. This makes good experimental
control possible, but also detracts from the
possibility to generalise. There is a clear need
for replicating the present study at sea and
to carry out studies of long periods at sea to
identify fatigue causes that may derive from
boredom, isolation and similar factors.
8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 308022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 30 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
31 www.project-horizon.eu
31 www.project-horizon.eu
This was one of the worst cases observed in
Project Horizon. It involved one of the Warsash
participants and occurred on day 2, during
his watch from 1800 to 0000. Physiological
sleepiness during the course of this watch is
shown in Figure 16, where sleepiness ranges
from stage 0 (fully alert) to stage 100 (fully
asleep). It can be seen that after less than
1.5 hours in watch, the participant started to
show rapid alternations between wakefulness
and sleep. Of special concern is the period
between about 2005 and 2035, where the
participant was in a state of continuous sleep.
Such a sleep period occurred again between
about 2245 and 2300. Figure 17 shows the
EEG trace at 2029. The high amplitude low
frequency waves on the upper two traces
indicate a state of deep sleep. Deep sleep on
duty is a very serious condition, because it
requires additional effort to get woken up from
than from lighter sleep. In addition, waking up
straight from deep sleep is usually followed
by a state called sleep inertia from which a
substantial amount of time after waking up
will be required to regain full alertness again.
Worst case scenario
8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 318022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 31 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
www.project-horizon.eu Email: graham.clarke@inchmery.eu
Project Horizon consortium
Southampton Solent University – Warsash Maritime Academy (Coordinator) (WMA)
Bureau Veritas – Marine Division, Research Dept (BV)
Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB – Dept of Shipping & Marine Technology (Chalmers)
European Transport Workers’ Federation – Nautilus International (ETFN)
Stockholms Universitet – Stress Research Institute (SU)
The Standard P&I Club – Charles Taylor & Co Limited (CTPI)
European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA)
European Harbour Masters Committee (EHMC)
International Association of Independent Tanker Owners – Intertanko (INTKO)
UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB)
UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA)
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Final Report Horizon

  • 1. Project Horizon — a wake-up call Research report 2012 Part EU-funded Project No. FP7 234000www.project-horizon.eu with the cooperation of Research into the effects of sleepiness on the cognitive performance of maritime watchkeepers under different watch patterns, using ships’ bridge, engine and liquid cargo handling simulators. 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 18022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 1 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 2. 2 ANOVA Analysis of Variance COLREGS International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea CPA Closest Point of Approach EEG Electroencephalogram ECG Electrocardiogram EOG Electrooculogram HRV Hearth rate variability KSS Karolinska Sleepiness Scale KDT Karolinska Drowsiness Test LICOS Liquid Cargo Operations Simulator PVT Psychomotor Vigilance Test SD Standard Deviation SE Standard Error VLCC Very large crude oil carrier WMA Warsash Maritime Academy List of abbreviations in the text 3 Executive summary 4 Introduction 6 Project Horizon background 8 Research activity 12 Research findings 27 Outcome 28 MARTHA 30 Recommendations 31 Worst case scenario Contents 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 28022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 2 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 3. Executive summary www.project-horizon.eu This report presents the findings of Project Horizon – a European Commission part-funded multi-partner research initiative to investigate the impact of watchkeeping patterns on the cognitive performance of seafarers. This pioneering research sought to advance understanding of seafarer fatigue through scientific analysis of data drawn from realistic working scenarios using experienced watchkeepers on ship simulators. The report explains the reasons why the project was considered necessary and how the research was undertaken, as well as presenting the findings and research outcomes. The project has taken knowledge in this area to a new level, demonstrating conclusively the links between performance degradation and certain patterns of work. The project surpasses previous subjective fatigue studies, delivering validated, scientifically and statistically robust results that can be used to help determine safer working patterns in the interests of the safety of life at sea, the safety and security of the marine transport system and the protection of the marine environment. 3 Project Horizon consortium Southampton Solent University – Warsash Maritime Academy (Coordinator) (WMA) Bureau Veritas – Marine Division, Research Dept (BV) Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB – Dept of Shipping & Marine Technology (Chalmers) European Transport Workers’ Federation – Nautilus International (ETFN) Stockholms Universitet – Stress Research Institute (SU) The Standard P&I Club – Charles Taylor & Co Limited (CTPI) European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA) European Harbour Masters Committee (EHMC) International Association of Independent Tanker Owners – Intertanko (INTKO) UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 38022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 3 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 4. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Introduction 4 Project Horizon is a major multi-partner European research study that brought together 11 academic institutions and shipping industry organisations with the agreed aim of delivering empirical data to provide a better understanding of the way in which watchkeeping patterns can affect ships’ watchkeepers. The broad spread of the project partners ensured expert objectivity of the project and its results, as well as widening routes for dissemination and exploitation of the findings. The project was established to: ■ define and undertake scientific methods for measurement of fatigue in various realistic seagoing scenarios using bridge, engineroom and cargo simulators ■ capture empirical data on the cognitive performance of watchkeepers working within those realistic scenarios ■ assess the impact of fatigue on decision-making performance ■ and determine arrangements for minimising risks to ships and their cargoes, seafarers, passengers and the marine environment At the heart of the project was the extensive use of ship simulators in Sweden and the UK to examine the decision-making and cognitive performance of officers during a range of real-life, real-time scenarios of voyage, workload and interruptions. A total of 90 experienced deck and engineer officer volunteers participated in rigorous tests at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteberg, and at Warsash Maritime Academy at Southampton Solent University to measure their performance during seagoing and port-based operations on bridge, engine and liquid cargo handling simulators. The project sought to take understanding of the issues to a new level with specialist input from some world-leading transport and stress research experts. Academic experts at WMA, Chalmers and the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University (SU) devised the simulator runs, setting the requirements for fatigue measurement and determining performance degradation measures for watchkeepers, and SU analysed the results from the week-long programmes. Finally, in response to the research findings, the Project Horizon partners have developed a fatigue management toolkit for the industry, which seeks to provide guidance to owners, operators, maritime regulators and seafarers to assist them in organising work patterns at sea in the safest and healthiest way possible. A participant’s EEG brain activity measurements during a simulated watch 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 48022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 4 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 5. Project Horizon background 5 www.project-horizon.eu Shipping is the ultimate 24/7 industry. Inherently globalised in its nature, the industry is complex, capital-intensive, increasingly technologically sophisticated and of immense economic and environmental significance. More than 80% of world trade moves by sea, almost 90% of EU external freight trade is seaborne, and some 40% of intra-EU freight is carried by shortsea shipping. Around 40% of the world fleet is beneficially controlled in the EEA and EU-registered tonnage accounts for more than 20% of the world total. An average of around four million passengers embark and disembark in 27EU ports every year – the vast majority being carried by ferries. The increasingly intensive nature of shipping operations means that seafarers frequently work long and irregular hours. Under the International Labour Organisation regulations (social provisions) it is permissible for seafarers to work up to 91 hours a week – and, under the International Maritime Organisation’s STCW 2010 amendments (safety provisions), a 98-hour working week is allowed for up to two weeks in ‘exceptional’ circumstances. Noise, vibration, sailing patterns, port calls, cargo handling and other activities can all reduce the ability of the seafarer to gain quality sleep during rest periods. Fatigue is generally understood to be a state of acute mental and/or physical tiredness, in which there is a progressive decline in performance and alertness. The term is often used interchangeably with ‘sleepiness’, ‘tiredness’ and ‘drowsiness’. Fatigue is often considered to be a generic term, of which sleepiness is one of the major sub-components. In this project, the emphasis has been placed upon ‘sleepiness’ as the most effective description of the physical and physiological conditions under examination. Seafarers are already usually covered by company, sector-specific, flag state or IMO rules banning or severely restricting alcohol use at sea. Studies have shown that around 22 hours of wakefulness will have a similar effect upon the impairment of an individual’s performance as a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.10% – double the legal driving limit in most EU member states. Laboratory research and studies in other transport modes have demonstrated that severe sleepiness (and even sleep onset) and performance deterioration is common amongst workers undertaking night shifts. Fatigue is also an important health issue, with significant evidence to show the way in which long-term sleep loss can be a risk factor in such conditions as obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The issue is also one of great relevance to the recruitment and retention of skilled and experienced seafarers. Reducing excessive working hours is of critical importance in delivering working conditions for maritime professionals that reflect the increasingly high levels of training and qualifications required to safely operate modern-day merchant ships. Project Horizon was established in response to growing concern about such issues andtheincreasedevidenceoftheroleoffatigue in maritime accidents. The project is therefore closely aligned to the FP7 (Sustainable Surface Transport 2008 RTD-1 call) aims of increased safety and security, and reduced fatalities. Over the past 20 years, the shipping industry has become increasingly aware of the importance of the ‘human factor’ in safe shipping operations. Marine insurance statistics have shown ‘human error’ to be the key contributory factor in around 60% of Shipping is a round-the-clock industry Factors which result in fatigue include: ■ the lack of, or poor quality of, sleep ■ working at times of low alertness ■ prolonged work periods ■ insufficient rest between work periods ■ excessive workloads ■ noise, vibration and motion ■ medical conditions 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 58022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 5 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 6. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Project Horizon background 6 accidents – with other research suggesting that the figure is as high as 80% to 90% in the case of collisions and groundings. Such statistics have generated a growing impetus to investigate the nature of the human factors that may contribute to the causal chain in shipping accidents. The increased complexity of ships’ systems and the growing technological sophistication of onboard equipment have placed greater emphasis on the performance of seafarers – and watchkeepers in particular. The marked increase in the size of passenger ships and cargo vessels has also highlighted the potential for substantial loss of life or pollution in the event of an accident. Extrapolation of UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch statistics on the role of seafarer fatigue in shipping accidents between 1993 and 2003 suggests that significant economic savings could be made if the number of tiredness- related accidents is reduced. As awareness of the importance of the human factor in shipping has grown, recognition of the role of fatigue in maritime safety has also increased. There have been a number of high-profile and often costly and damaging casualties in which seafarer fatigue has been shown as a key causal factor. These include: ■ the Exxon Valdez tanker disaster in 1989. the US National Transportation Safety Board found that in the 24 hours prior to the grounding of the ship, the The Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989 The Cita grounding in 1997 The Jambo grounding in 2003 The Shen Neng 1, aground on the Great Barrier Reef in 2010 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 68022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 6 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 7. Project Horizon background 7 www.project-horizon.eu watchkeeper had only had 5 or 6 hours of sleep ■ thegroundingofthefeedercontainership Cita in the Isles of Scilly in March 1997, after the mate fell asleep and the ship sailed for two and a half hours with no one in control ■ the grounding of the general cargoship Jambo in Scotland in June 2003, after the chief officer fell asleep and missed an intended change of course ■ the grounding of the bulk carrier Pasha Bulker near the port of Newcastle in Australia in June 2007, in which an investigation report stated that ‘the master became increasingly overloaded, and affected by fatigue and anxiety’ ■ the death of a Filipino AB in a fall onboard the Danish-flagged general cargo ship Thor Gitta in May 2009. Investigators who used FAID fatigue assessment software found that the seafarer’s 6-on/6-off work pattern was at a score of 111 on the morning before the accident – a level considered to be in the very high range ■ the grounding of the bulk carrier Shen Neng 1 on the Great Barrier Reef in April 2010. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau investigation found that the grounding occurred because the chief mate did not alter the ship’s course at the designated position. His monitoring of the ship’s position was ineffective and his actions were affected by fatigue. Investigations showed that he had only two and a half hours sleep in the 38.5 hours prior to the casualty. Concern about such incidents was also mirrored by a growing weight of evidence gathered from research among seafarers. It is generally accepted that fatigue at sea has been subjected to considerably less research than in other modes of transport or safety-critical industries, but from the 1980s onwards increasing academic attention was paid to working hours in the maritime sector – with a 1989 Medical Research Council report on hours of work, fatigue and safety at sea, by Professor ID Brown, serving as something of a watershed. In 1990, a report on shipboard crew fatigue, safety and reduced manning, by JK Pollard, ED Sussman and M Sterns noted that work at sea is characterised by longer working weeks, more non-standard work days, extensive night operations, and periods of intense effort preceded by periods of relative inactivity. In 1995, the UK National Union of Marine Aviation & Shipping Transport Officers (NUMAST) published the result of a survey of 1,000 officers. Just over three-quarters of those surveyed said they believed that fatigue had increased significantly in the previous three to 10 years. In a further survey of 563 members, NUMAST found 50% reporting that they worked more than 85 hours a week. A 2006 report on one of the most extensive research projects, carried out by the Centre for Occupational and Health Psychology at Cardiff University, found evidence that as many as one in four watchkeepers reported having fallen asleep on watch. As many as 53% of respondents reported having no opportunity to have six hours of uninterrupted sleep. A Swedish survey carried out in 2008 and 2010 showed that about 70% of officers had nodded off on watch one or more times during their career. Another significant research study was published by the UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) in 2004. This analysed the role of fatigue in 66 collisions, near-collisions, groundings and contacts investigated between 1989 and 1999. Fatigue was considered to be a contributory factor to 82% of the groundings in the study which occurred between 0000 and 0600 and was also a major causal factor in the majority of collisions. This latter point was also highlighted in research published by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden in 2004, which found levels of sleepiness to be highest during the 00:00- 06:00hrs watch period. In 2005, a report published by TNO in the Netherlands, recommended the setting up of a framework for the development of a fatigue management programme or tool to help shipping companies to take measures to manage fatigue. Other seafarer fatigue studies have also highlighted such factors as: ■ the long working hours experienced by many crew members ■ problems in gaining quality sleep ■ the impact of watchkeeping patterns: notably six hours-on/six hours-off ■ stress and workloads ■ frequent port calls and associated cargo work ■ tour lengths Shipping is a round-the-clock industry 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 78022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 7 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 8. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Research activity 8 Against this background, Project Horizon seeks to address the marked concerns over the increasing human, financial and environmental impact of maritime accidents which frequently cite fatigue as a contributory cause. This is an issue of critical importance at a time when the high demand for shipping capacity has led to national and international shortages of well-qualified and experienced seafarers. Project Horizon research has been based on very rigorous scientific principles, involving unprecedented and cutting-edge use of deck, engine and cargo handling simulators to create realistic seven-day simulated voyage scenarios for the volunteer officers. The study was focussed upon two of the most common watch schedules used at sea: six hours on watch followed by six hours off (6-on/6-off) and four hours on followed by eight hours off (4-on/8-off). The 6-on/6-off pattern is most common on smaller ships, often operating in shortsea and coastal trades and often operating with just two officers onboard. The simulator voyage plans were designed to ensure a high degree of authenticity, including variable workloads, port visits, mandatory reporting points, and passing traffic. The studies were carried out using the simulators at Warsash Maritime Academy in the UK and Chalmers Technical University in Sweden. At Warsash, the effects of the 6-on/6-off schedule were observed for deck and engine watchkeepers, whilst at Chalmers the tests examined the effects of 4-on/8-off and 6-on/6-off watches on deck watchkeepers only. Before the simulator runs began at Chalmers and Warsash, extensive pilot tests were conducted to ensure the methodology was right and a Simulation Protocol Handbook was produced. A total of 90 officers were recruited to undertake the simulated voyages. All those taking part were appropriately qualified and experienced deck and engineer officers from west and east Europe, Africa and Asia. The mix of nationalities and gender (87 males and three women) provided a representative cross-section from the industry and all participants were required to be in good health, with no sleep disorders. The volunteers were recruited through advertisements and crewing agencies as if they were going to sea and during the tests they lived as close to a shipboard life as possible – in institutional-style cabin accommodation at WMA and onboard an accommodation vessel at Chalmers. During the runs, there were a number of imposed restrictions and participants were allowed up to four cups of coffee a day, and no alcohol was permitted. The total time spent ‘working’ during the week-long simulator runs was 64 hours for those on 4-on/8-off and 90 hours for 6-on/6-off participants (including at Chalmers an interrupted off-watch period). In that experiment, participants were randomly assigned to a watch system and a simulator and were told in advance that one of their free watches would be interrupted – although they were not told which one it would be. During the interrupted off-watch period, participants were supervised and had to undertake a mix of cargo operations simulator work and ‘paperwork’, including reading and watching the TV. They were not allowed to sleep during this period. This element of the programme was introduced to simulate real-world conditions, in which work patterns may be interrupted by such factors as port visits, inspections, cargo work, drills and emergencies. To balance the experiment design, one watch system had this disturbed off-watch period in the first part of the week, and the second session with the same watch system had it in the second part of the week. The test methodology was rigorous. Cameras tracked and recorded participants’ every movement on watch, producing an enormous database of activity, while supervisors were able to observe remotely on CCTV monitors. Chalmers Warsash 4-on/8-off 6-on/6-off Deck Engineroom n 30 19 20 20 # of men 29 18 20 19 # of women 1 1 0 1 Age (years) 30 ±6 34 ±12 30 ±7 32 ±8 Married 60% 47% 65% 65% Children 37% 42% 15% 45% Years at sea 7 11 8 9 Weight (kg) 82 ±9 87 ±11 79 ±8 75 ±9 Height (m) 1.81 ±0.06 1.82 ±0.06 1.75 ±0.05 1.73 ±0.08 Table 1 Background characteristics of the Project Horizon participants 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 88022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 8 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 9. Research activity 9 www.project-horizon.eu Instructors were able to oversee the ‘voyages’, not only monitoring performance but also acting as ‘masters’ and ‘chiefs’ during handovers and in cases where intervention has been required to prevent an accident. The policy was one of minimal intervention, but instructors could not allow a collision, grounding or other major incident to occur as this would have prevented the completion of the exercise under experimentally controlled conditions. The following data were collected: ■ Actigraphy – participants wore the Actiwatch, a device that measures acceleration and enables physical activity and sleep duration to be calculated ■ Electroencephalogam (EEG), electrooculogram (EOG), and electrocardiogram (ECG) – recordings of brain activity, eye movements and heart rates ■ Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) performed, using standard hand-held equipment, before and after each watch. The test involved participants having to press a button to record when they see a target presented on a screen at random intervals. Each test lasted approximately five minutes and the reaction time, the number of lapses, and the mean reaction time were all recorded and stored on the device ■ Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) ■ Karolinska Drowsiness Test (KDT) – administers at the end of a watch, when participants’ EEG measurements were taken as they were asked to stare at a black spot on a wall for five minutes and then to close their eyes for five minutes ■ Stress scores A ‘near-miss’ incident during the simulated voyage A participant undertakes the Karolinska drowsiness test ■ Stroop test – in which participants were sat at a laptop computer on which the names of two different colours (green and red) were shown on the screen. Participants had to click on the colour- name as quickly as possible, ignoring the meaning of the word displayed ■ Evaluation of general watchkeeping performance during navigation, engineroom and cargo operations ■ Evaluation of performance in ‘specific’ repeatable events ■ Demographic data (background questionnaire) ■ Sleep and wake diary ■ Ship’s logbook ■ Temperature in simulators and quarters ■ Videos in all simulators ■ Debriefing interview 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 98022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 9 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 10. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Research activity 10 Data on participants’ alertness and sleepiness was amassed using both subjective and objective research methods. The subjective information was drawn from the three diaries participants were asked to keep: a sleep diary filled in on waking up; a work diary they completed during the watch; and a wake diary completed during the off-watch period. Data collected covered: Work diary ■ Food intake ■ Symptoms of fatigue during work shift ■ Work (difficult/easy) ■ Satisfaction with own performance ■ Workload ■ nodding off Wake diary ■ Food intake ■ Type of activity during free time ■ Symptoms of fatigue ■ Wellbeing (health) ■ Recuperation Sleep diary ■ intake of coffee ■ intake of medications ■ awakenings ■ difficulty to fall asleep ■ sleep quality ■ waking up early ■ easiness to get up ■ disturbed sleep ■ time awake during sleep period ■ depth of sleep ■ anxiety ■ special occurrences ■ reason for waking up ■ comments In the watch diary, participants indicated how they felt at various points on duty using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale. This ranges from 1 for ‘extremely alert’ to 9 for ‘very sleepy, great effort to keep awake, fighting sleep’. This scale has been validated against road driving accidents and electroencephalogram (EEG) changes characterising sleep. For two 24-hour periods the participants wore 10 scalp electrodes and ambulatory recorders of the EEG, which is the gold standard for measuring sleep and thus the absence of watchkeeper performance if it appears. They also wore Actigraph activity measuring devices to record brain and physical activity throughout the week, as well as being subjected to psychomotor vigilance tests (PVT) to check their reaction times at the beginning and end of each watch. The latter is considered the gold standard for behavioural fatigue measurement. At two stages of the ‘voyage’, the participants wore 10 electrodes that measure their brain activity, over two watch periods and two sleep periods. Data obtained allows experts to analyse cognitive performance at key stages and can also show instances of ‘microsleep’. Data recorded from the off-watch periods was especially valuable, as it enabled an objective picture to be obtained of exactly when participants fell asleep and the quality of the sleep they obtained. At Chalmers, navigation simulations were carried out using two different watch The simulated voyage undertaken by Project Horizon participants 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 108022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 10 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 11. Research activity 11 www.project-horizon.eu schedules: 30 seafarers were assessed over 4-on/8-off schedules, and 20 were monitored on 6-on/6-off patterns. The voyage pattern was based on a simulated voyage in a small coaster and cargo simulations replicating a 210,000dwt VLCC. The data gained from these different patterns were analysed separately. The two-watch runs also included a section involving the disturbance of a single free watch, in which no sleep was allowed to enable the investigation of the effect additional workloads arising from a port visit. At Warsash, bridge and engineroom simulators were used to investigate the effects of 6-on/6-off work patterns. Cargo handling simulations were carried out at both locations. At Warsash, the simulators were linked up, so that the participants sailed a 17,071dwt product tanker from Fawley to Rotterdam and back again, twice, with a varied workload including cargo loading and discharge, and picking up pilots. The simulations included some ‘distinctly boring’ sections as well as a number of realistic events and incidents, including: ■ keeping the ship’s logbook ■ marking positions on a chart ■ exchanging information at the end of a watch ■ radio communications ■ close-quarters situations ■ a ‘man overboard’ from another ship ■ a gyro-compass error ■ machinery alarms Using simulators allowed the researchers to ‘re-set’ the voyage at the end of each watch, so that the watchkeeper coming on duty repeated the section of the voyage just completed by the previous participant. As ‘handovers’ were conducted by staff members acting in the role of master or chief engineer, the participants were unaware that the voyage sections were being repeated in this manner. The standard test conditions and replicated situations enabled the researchers to make valid comparisons, under statistically robust conditions, monitoring the way in which the volunteer officers reacted and how their judgement and performance were affected at different times during the week. Volunteers’ performance was also checked by a wide range of indicators – with lecturers monitoring such things as their behaviour, body language and ability to pass on 10 standard items of information at each watch handover. During each bridge watch, participants were observed and rated by the simulator operators. The scoring system covered the general performance over the whole watch, the watch handovers, ‘special’ events – such as certain close-quarters situations – and ‘unplanned’ events – such as unintentional ‘near-misses’ with other vessels. The evaluation of watchkeeping performance was based on both expert rating (for example, how well the collision prevention regulations were followed) and objective scores (for example, the number and timing of positions marked on the chart). The cargo work simulations enabled supervisors to monitor performance on a range of standard task indicators, including: ■ correct sequence of events ■ avoidance of ‘forbidden’ operations ■ control of bending moments, shear forces and list ■ ballast handling ■ stability control ■ monitoring pressures and temperatures Similarly, engineroom performance was rated on a wide range of indicators, including: ■ standard watchkeeping duties ■ adherence to standing orders and chief engineer’s orders ■ logbook entries ■ communications with bridge ■ quality of information at handovers A participant on the liquid cargo handling simulator equipment 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 118022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 11 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 12. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Research findings 12 ■ dealing with ‘incidents’ including main engine exhaust gas temperature deviation, changing over of alternators, high scavenge air temperature on main engine, boiler flame failure, high engineroom bilge level, high differential on sea water inlet strainer, fluctuating main engine fuel viscosity, and an earth fault (with request to start up other machinery while earth fault is present) In presenting the research findings, variables that were measured once per watch were analysed using repeated measures analysis of variance (Anova) with day (1 to 7) and watch (first or second watch of the day) as ‘within subject’ factors and watch team (working 00:00 to 06:00 or working 06:00 to 12:00) as ‘between subject’ factors. Variables measured at the start and end of every watch (PVT) also included those timepoints as ‘within subject’ factors, and variables measured on an hourly basis (KSS and stress) included hours in watch as a ‘within subject’ factor. For the Warsash runs, the analysis was carried out separately for the deck and the engineroom teams. For the Chalmers runs, analysis was carried out separately for the two watch systems (4-on/8-off and 6-on/6-off). Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) Sleepiness was rated every hour on the KSS self-rating scale, which has been validated against EEG measurements. The KSS scale varies from 1 to 9, with Score 1 representing highest alertness and Score being close to falling asleep. The KSS ratings are: 1. Extremely alert 2. Very alert 3. Alert 4. Rather alert 5. Neither alert nor sleepy 6. Some signs of sleepiness 7. Sleepy, but no effort to keep alert 8. Sleepy, some effort to keep alert 9. Very sleepy, great effort to keep alert, fighting sleep Chalmers 4-on/8-off Sleepiness scores were found to differ significantly between the first and the second watch of the day. The difference was highest in the team working 04:00 to 08:00 (4.1 ±0.3 versus 2.9 ±0.3) and virtually absent in the team working 08:00 to 12:00 (3.8 ±0.4 versus 3.7 ±0.3). Sleepiness was also found to peak at the end of the watch (4.1 ±0.2), with the three- way interactions and the pattern of results indicating that maximum sleepiness is reached towards the end of the 00:00-00:04 watch, closely followed by the 04:00-08:00 watch. Lowest sleepiness scores occurred in the afternoon or early evening watches. Chalmers 6-on/6-off Within subjects, sleepiness scores were found to be significantly higher during the first watch of the day than the second (4.6 ±0.2 versus 4.0 ±0.2). Sleepiness scores also differed based on the hours in watch – being lowest after one hour in watch (3.7 ±0.2) and highest at the end of the watch (5.1 ±0.3). A more complex three-way interaction between watch, hours in watch, and watch team was observed (F(3.95, 51.40) = 10.88, p < 0.001). Effect of the off-watch disturbance In both watch systems, the off-watch disturbance had a profound effect on sleepiness. In the 4-on/8-off system, sleepiness levels were higher during the watch following the disturbance (6.5 ±0.3) compared with the control watch (4.2 ±0.2) in the other half of the week. A similar pattern was observed in the 6-on/6-off system, with sleepiness levels being considerably higher following the off-watch disturbance (6.7 ±0.4) than during the control watch (4.6 ±0.3. No interactions were observed, indicating that the effect was similar in all watch teams. A higher rate of sleep on watch was discovered amongst participants who had experienced the disturbed off-watch period. Fig.1 Sleepiness scores for Chalmers participants working in the 4-on/8-off bridge simulators. The team working 0000 to 0400 and 1200 to 1600 watches is indicated in blue; the team working 0400 to 0800 and 1600 to 2000 in red; and the team working 0800 to 1200 and 2000 to 0000 in green Sleepiness 4-on/8-off 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 128022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 12 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 13. Research findings 13 www.project-horizon.eu 4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off Sleepiness levels differed between the two watch systems, being found to be higher in all watches and for all teams in the 6-on/6-off watch system (4.6 ±0.2) than in the 4-on/8-off watch system (3.9 ±0.2). Higher rates of sleep on watch were found in the 6-on/6-off teams than in the 4-on/8-off participants and sleep duration was found to be longer for those on 4-on/8-off than in the 6-on/6-off pattern. Warsash deck Within subjects, sleepiness scores differed significantly across the days of the week, being lowest on day 1 (3.1 ±0.3) and highest on both days 5 and 6 (4.3 ±0.4). Sleepiness scores were also found to be higher during the first watch of the day than the second (4.1 ±0.3 versus 3.6 ±0.3). Sleepiness scores also differed based on the hours in watch, ranging from 3.3 ±0.3 at the start to 4.8 ±0.3 after 5 hours in watch. Sleepiness levels were also shown to have increased during the course of the week. Daily sleep durations were found to total between 6 and 7 hours. Warsash engineroom Sleepiness scores differed significantly across the days of the week, being lowest on day 2 (3.5 ±0.2) and highest on day 7 (4.3 ±0.3). Scores were also found to be higher during the first watch of the day than in the second (4.2 ±0.3 versus 3.5 ±0.3). Sleepiness was found to increase during the watch period, with scores ranged from 3.3 ±0.3 at the start to 4.5 ±0.3 after 5 hours in watch. Sleepiness levels were also shown to increase during the course of the week. Deck versus engineroom Overall sleepiness ratings did not differ between the bridge and the engineroom. Fig.2 Sleepiness scores for Chalmers participants working in the 6-on/6-off bridge simulators. The team working 0000 to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working 0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in red Fig.3 Sleepiness scores for Warsash participants working in the engineroom simulators. The team working 0000 to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working 0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in red Fig.4 Sleepiness scores for Warsash participants working in the bridge simulators. The team working 0000 to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working 0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in red Sleepiness 6-on/6-off Sleepiness Engineroom Sleepiness Bridge 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 138022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 13 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 14. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Research findings 14 Conclusions ■ overall, more sleepiness was recorded during the first watch of the day – especially among deck teams ■ sleepiness was found to increase with time in watch ■ the off-watch disturbance instantly increased sleepiness ■ on the whole, sleepiness levels were higher in the 6-on/6-off system than in the 4-on/8-off system ■ sleepiness levels did not significantly differ between deck and engineroom ■ sleepiness levels consistently peaked between 0400 and 0800 ■ alertness levels consistently peaked between 1400 and 1800 Stress scale Stress was rated every hour on a 1 (very low stress – I feel very relaxed and calm) to 9 (very high stress – I feel very tense and under high pressure, on the limit to what I can manage). Chalmers 4-on/8-off Stress levels remained fairly low under all circumstances. Chalmers 6-on/6-off Stress levels remained fairly low under all circumstances. Effect of the off-watch disturbance In the 4-on/8-off system, stress levels were higher during the watch following the disturbance (3.7 ±0.3) than in the control watch (2.8 ±0.2) in the other half of the week. A similar effect was observed in the 6-on/6-off system, with higher stress levels following the disturbance (4.0 ±0.5) than in the control watch (2.9 ±0.2). An interaction with hours in watch was observed in the 6-on/6-off system. Following the off-watch disturbance, stress levels increased during the course of the watch, whereas such a trend was not observed during the control watch. 4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off Stress levels did not differ between the two watch systems, although levels were slightly higher in the 6-on/6-off watch system (3.1 ±0.2) than in the 4-on/8-off system (2.7 ±0.2). Warsash deck Stress scores were found to be higher during the first watch of the day than in the second (2.8 ±0.2 versus 2.5 ±0.2). Stress scores also differed based on the hours in watch, ranging from 2.1 ±0.2 at the start of the watch to 3.1 ±0.3 after 5 hours in watch. An interaction between day and watch was observed – indicating that the effect of watch was not identical across the days of the week. Warsash engineroom Within subjects, stress scores differed based on the hours in watch, ranging from 3.1 ±0.3 at the start of the watch to 3.6 ±0.3 after 2 hours in watch. In addition, an interaction between watch and hours in watch was observed, indicating that the effect of hours in watch was different for the two watches. Bridge versus engineroom Stress ratings were higher in the engineroom than on the bridge. A participant in the engineroom simulator at Warsash 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 148022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 14 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 15. Research findings 15 www.project-horizon.eu Conclusions ■ stress levels were found to vary, but the axis along which it varied differed between the watch systems and between deck and engineroom teams ■ overall, stress levels remained fairly low ■ the disturbed off-watch period resulted in an immediate increase in stress levels ■ stress levels were higher in the engineroom than on the bridge ■ stress levels did not differ between the two watch systems Wake diary Participants were asked to provide ratings on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (to a great extent) on whether they had experienced any irritability, tensions, worn-out feelings, exhaustion, anxiety, or persistent fatigue, and to rate their health and whether they had got enough rest and recuperation during the last period of wakefulness. Chalmers 4-on/8-off No within or between subjects difference was observed in response to questions about feelings of irritability, being worn out, anxious, exhausted, or feeling persistently fatigued. However, more tensions were reported following the second watch of the day and rest and recuperation was reported to be less sufficient during this period. Chalmers 6-on/6-off No within or between subjects difference was observed in response to questions about feelings of irritability, being tense, worn out, anxious, exhausted, feeling persistently fatigued, or on ratings of health during the last period of wakefulness. However, a significant difference within subjects was observed in response to the question about gaining enough rest and recuperation during the last period of wakefulness – with rest and recuperation reported to be more sufficient during the time off period following the first watch of the day than the second (2.6 ±0.2 versus 3.2 ±0.2). Effect of the off-watch disturbance Scores on most wake diary parameters indicated a worse state following the off-watch disturbance. For example, the category ‘exhausted’ obtained a rating of 2.9 ±0.3 after the disturbance vs 1.7 ±0.2 after no disturbance for 6-on/6-off. The corresponding values for 4-on/8-off were 1.8 ±0.2 vs 1.2 ±0.1. Both were highly significant, but those on the 6-on/6-off pattern were more affected – presumably because they lost a six-hour free watch, while those on 4-on/8-off ‘only’ lost four hours. Similar effects and ratings were seen for the category ‘worn out’. 4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off Two wake diary parameters differed significantly between the two watch systems. Worn out feelings were more substantial in the 6-on/6-off system (2.1 ±0.2) than in the 4-on/8-off system. The sufficiency of rest and recuperation was reported to be higher in the 4-on/8-off system (2.3 ±0.1) than in the 6-on/6-off system (3.2 ±0.3). Warsash deck Wake diaries showed feelings of irritability, tensions, worn out, anxiety, self-rated health and sufficiency of rest and recuperation increased during the course of the week. Tensions were higher following the second watch when rest and recuperation was stated to be less sufficient compared to the first watch. Warsash engineroom No significant differences within or between subjects were observed in responses to questions about irritability, tension, exhaustion, anxiety, or self-ratings of health. But feelings of persistent fatigue and insufficient rest and recuperation increased during the course of the week – being shown to be more abundant during the second watch of the day than the first. Deck versus engineroom Wake diary parameters did not differ between the bridge and the engineroom. 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 158022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 15 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 16. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Research findings 16 Conclusions ■ wake diary outcomes indicated better time off following the first watch of the day: rest and recuperation was rated as more efficient and less negative symptoms such as tensions occurred ■ outcomes got worse during the course of the week ■ the disturbed free watch had adverse effects in both watch systems ■ overall, more negative wake diary outcomes were reported in the 6-on/6-off system than in the 4-on/8-off system ■ no differences were observed between the bridge and the engineroom Work diary Participants were asked whether they had experienced on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (to a great extent): heavy eyelids; ‘gravel eyes’; difficulties focussing; irresistible sleepiness; tired eyes; difficulties holding eyes open; impaired performance; effort to stay awake; and to rate difficulty in working; work performance; and workload; and whether they had nodded off during the watch. Chalmers 4-on/8-off No within or between subjects differences were observed for the parameters of gravel eyed, difficulties focussing, irresistible sleepiness, impaired performance, effort to stay awake, work performance, and nodding off. Responses showed that the experience of heavy eyelids differed across the days and between the first and the second watch of the day, while the experience of tired eyes was reported to be higher during the first watch. Within subjects, the experience of having difficulties holding the eyes open was reported as higher during the first watch. Within subjects, self-reported work difficulty and workloads differed across the days. Overall, the work diary parameters indicated more sleepiness and fatigue during the first watch of the day than in the second. Chalmers 6-on/6-off Within subjects, the experience of heavy eyelids, ‘gravel eyes’, difficulties focussing, irresistible sleepiness, tired eyes, difficulties holding the eyes open, was reported as higher during the first watch than the second. Self-reported nodding off was found to be higher during the first watch. No within or between subjects difference were observed for the parameters of impaired performance, effort to stay awake, and self-rated work performance. Within subjects, self-reported work difficulty differed across the days and was reported as being more difficult during the second watch of the day. Within subjects, self-reported workload differed across the days and a three way interaction between day, watch and watch team was observed, indicating that the effect of day was dependent on the watch of the day and that this dependency, in turn, is dependent on the watch team. Overall, many of the work diary parameters indicated increased levels of sleepiness and fatigue during the first watch of the day compared with the second watch. Effect of the off-watch disturbance The effects of the off-watch disturbance compared to the control watch in the other half of the week were evident from a number of ratings. For example, the rating of ‘heavy eyelids’ was higher during the watch after the disturbed free watch: 2.9 ±0.2 vs 1.8 ±0.2 for 4-on/8-off and 3.3 ±0.3 vs 2.1 ±0.2 for 6-on/6-off – both highly significant. Similar results were seen for the rating ‘impaired performance’(2.2±0.2vs1.5±0.1for4-on/ 8-off and 2.9 ±0.2 vs 1.8 ±0.1 for 6-on/6- off) as well as ‘nodding off’ (2.1 ±0.2 vs 1.3 ±0.1 for 4-on/8-off and 2.7 ±0.3 vs 1.6 ±0.1). Similar variations were seen in the results for a number of other ratings of performance and fatigue. It was evident that using an off-watch period for activity rather than sleep caused major effects on perceived fatigue and performance. The ship used to provide accommodation for Chalmers participants 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 168022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 16 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 17. Research findings 17 www.project-horizon.eu Overall, the work diary parameters indicated increased sleepiness and fatigue following the free watch disturbance in both shift systems and in all watch teams. 4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off Several work diary parameters differed between the two watch systems. Heavy eyelids and gravel eyes were more abundant in the 6-on/6-off system than in the 4-on/8-off system. Participants working in the 6-on/6-off system had more difficulties focussing the eyes and reported a higher incidence of tired eyes. Difficulties holding the eyes open were also more abundant in those working 6-on/6-off and those working this system also reported having to put in more effort to stay awake than those working 4-on/8-off. Subjects in the 6-on/6-off system also nodded off more frequently. Warsash deck Both between and within subjects, the experience of heavy eyelids was reported as higher during the first watch. Between subjects, the watch team working from 00:00 to 06:00 reported more experiences of gravelled eyes than the second watch team. Difficulties focussing the eyes and experiences of near-irresistible sleepiness, tired eyes, difficulties holding the eyes open, impaired performance, effort to stay awake, self-reported work difficulty differed across the days, and were found to be higher during the first watch. More nodding-off was reported for the first watch than during the second watch. Overall, most work diary parameters indicated increased levels of sleepiness and fatigue during the first watch of the day than in the second. Some parameters also indicated higher rates of sleepiness and fatigue in the team working the 00:00 to 06:00 system. Warsash engineroom Participants reported a higher rate of experiencing heavy eyelids, gravel eyes, difficulties focussing, irresistible sleepiness, tired eyes, difficulties holding the eyes open, impaired performance, and effort to stay awake during the first watch. Self-reported performance satisfaction levels were higher during the second watch and self-reported workload ratings were higher during the first watch. More nodding-off was reported for the first watch. The work diary parameters indicated increased levels of sleepiness and fatigue during the first watch of the day as compared with the second. Sleepiness and fatigue symptoms also increased during the course of the week. Deck versus engineroom Sleepiness and fatigue-related parameters of the work diary did not differ between the bridge and the engineroom, although work difficulty and workload was found to be lower in the engineroom than on the bridge. Overall, more sleepiness and fatigue- related symptoms were recorded during the first watch of the day. Fatigue symptoms were shown to be more abundant in the 6-on/6-off system than the 4-on/8-off system, and participants rated work difficulty and workload levels as higher on the bridge than in the engineroom. A participant in the bridge simulator at Warsash 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 178022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 17 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 18. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Research findings 18 Sleep diary In the sleep diary, participants wrote down details including if and when they slept and how long it took for them to fall asleep (sleep latency). Questions also addressed the quality of the sleep, with subjects asked to rate their feelings at bedtime and at getting up on a scale of 1 (very alert) to 9 (very sleepy). They were also asked to state the number of cups of coffee consumed, as well as the number of sleeping pills, painkillers or any other medication that was taken. Other questions included: ■ number of awakenings from 0 to 6 or more ■ was it hard to fall asleep? 5 (not at all) to 1 (very hard) ■ did you wake up too early? 5 (no) to 1 (much too early) ■ how have you slept? 5 (very well) to 1 (very bad) ■ was it easy to get up? 5 (very easy) to 1 (very hard) ■ did you have disturbed sleep? 5 (not at all) to 1 (very disturbed) ■ did you spent time awake during the period of sleep? 5 (no) to 1 (more than 1 hour) Fig.6 Actigraphy-based sleep duration per 24-hour period during the experimental week for Chalmers participants working the 4-on/8-off system bridge simulators. The team working 0000 to 0400 and 1200 to 1600 watches is indicated in blue; the team working 0400 to 0800 and 1600 to 2000 in orange; and the team working 0800 to 1200 and 2000 to 0000 in green Fig.5 Sleep duration per 24-hour period during the experimental week for Chalmers participants working the 6-on/6-off system bridge simulators. The team working 0000 to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working 0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in orange Fig.7 Sleep duration per 24-hour period during the experimental week for Warsash participants working the 6-on/6-off system bridge simulators. The team working 0000 to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working 0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in orange Fig.8 Sleep duration per 24-hour period during the experimental week for Warsash participants working the 6-on/6-off system engineroom simulators. The team working 0000 to 0600 and 1200 to 1800 is indicated in blue, the team working 0600 to 1200 and 1800 to 0000 in orange Sleep duration Bridge Sleep duration Engineroom Sleep duration 6-on/6-off system Sleep duration 4-on/8-off system 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 188022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 18 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 19. Research findings 19 www.project-horizon.eu ■ how deep was your sleep? 5 (very deep) to 1 (very light) ■ did you wake up well rested? 5 (completely) to 1 (not at all) ■ did you feel stressed at bedtime? 5 (not at all) to 1 (very) ■ have you slept long enough? 5 (definitely enough) to 1 (definitely too little) Total daily sleep duration The total daily sleep duration for each participant was calculated from the start of the first watch on for every 24-hour period. Variations were found between the two watch systems, with sleep duration being considerably longer in the 4-on/8-off system (211 ±8 minutes per free watch) compared with the 6-on/6-off system (162 ±10 minutes per free watch). The vast majority of participants were found to split their sleep across the two free watches. In the 6-on/6-off system, sleep duration was longest during the free watches from 0000 to 0600 and from 0600 to 1200. In the 4-on/8-off system, sleep duration was longest during the free watches from 0400 to 1200, from 2000 to 0400 and from 0000 to 0800. Significant differences were also found in the time taken by participants to get to sleep. The delay to bedtime differed significantly across watches – for example, on Chalmers 4-on/8-off: after 0000-0400 the delay to bedtime was 42 ±21 minutes (±standard error), after 0400-0800 it was 60 ±22 minutes, after 0800-1200 it was 225 ±23 minutes (and few sleeping), after 1200- 1600 it was 237 ±18 minutes, after 1600- 2000 it was 169 ±20 minutes, after 2000- 2400 it was 74 ±23 minutes. Night watches had the least delay to bedtime. Similarly, at Warsash, a comparison between the bedtimes of deck and engineroom officers on 6-on/6-off (see Figures 9 to 12 on page 20) reveals that after the 0000-0400 watch, the delay to bedtime was generally about 50 minutes, rising to nearer 100 minutes for the late afternoon and evening watches. These results also show that the delay in getting to sleep after the end of the watch was considerably less on the 6-on/6-off regime than for the 4-on/8-off. This relative ease of falling asleep after the end of the watch on 6-on/6-off is explained by the general lack of sleep for those on that more arduous watch. These results mean that estimates of bed timing need to be adjusted in any estimates of fatigue in models of fatigue regulation. 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 198022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 19 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 20. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Research findings 20 Sleep on duty Sleeping on duty poses an immediate and significant threat to safety in any mode of transportation, and shipping is no exception. Through analysis of EEG recordings and visual observation of Project Horizon participants, researchers were able to identify incidents of sleep – both on the bridge and in the engineroom – as defined by the occurrence of at least one 20 second period of stage 1 sleep whilst on watch. Chalmers 4-on/8-off The percentage of participants sleeping by watch is indicated in Figure 9. The highest proportion of watchkeepers falling asleep was observed between 0000 and 0400hrs – 40%, or four participants. McNemar’s testing did not reveal any statistically significant differences between watches overall, but between night watches and evening watches. The presence of sleep during day watches (between 1200 and 2000) is unusual and normally not seen, but could be a consequence of working night watches, preventing participants from getting their sleep at the proper time – in the hours of darkness. Fig.9 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch in the Chalmers 4-on/8-off simulations. The team working 0000 to 0400 and 1200 to 1600 watches is indicated in blue; the team working 0400 to 0800 and 1600 to 2000 in orange; and the team working 0800 to 1200 and 2000 to 0000 in green Fig.11 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch team in the Chalmers simulations after the control watch (C) and following the free watch disturbance (D). The teams working in the 4-on/8-off system are shown at the left, those working in the 6-on/6-off system at the right Fig.10 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch in the Warsash 6-on/6-off engineroom simulations Fig.12 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch team in the Chalmers simulations. The teams working in the 4-on/8-off system are shown at the left, those working in the 6-on/6-off system at the right 4-on/8-off system 6-on/6-off system 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 208022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 20 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 21. Research findings 21 www.project-horizon.eu Chalmers 6-on/6-off The percentage of participants sleeping by watch is indicated in Figure 10. The highest proportion of watchkeepers falling asleep was observed between 0000 and 0400 (more than 40%). Effect of the off-watch disturbance Increased rates of participants sleeping were noted in almost all watch teams in both watch systems during the watch following the off-watch disturbance (D) as compared to the control watch in the other half of the week (C) – as indicated in Figure 11. 4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off The results (Figure 12) showed more participants sleeping on watch in the 6-on/6-off system than in the 4-on/ 8-off system, although a level of statistical significance was not reached. At least 50% of participants in both watch teams in the 6-on/6-off system were found to have slept on the bridge, whereas in the 4-on/8-off system such a percentage was only reached by team 1 (working 0000 to 0400 and 1200 to 1600). Warsash bridge The percentage of participants sleeping by watch is indicated in Figure 13. The highest proportion of watch keepers falling asleep was observed between 1800 and 0000 (more than 20%, or two participants). McNemar’s testing did not reveal any statistically significant differences between watches. Researchers suggest that the absence of participants sleeping between 0600 and 1200 may have been the consequence of half of the group participating in cargo-handling simulations (which is rather activating) at that time. Again, sleep during daytime might have been a consequence of the night work involved. Warsash engineroom The percentage of participants sleeping by watch is indicated in Figure 14. The highest proportion of watch keepers falling asleep was observed between 0000 and 0600 and between 0600 and 1200 (more than 20%, or two participants). Bridge versus engineroom The percentage of participants sleeping on watch was found to be relatively similar for both watch teams in the bridge and the engineroom, as shown in Figure 14. No statistically significant differences were observed. Conclusions ■ the percentage of participants showing sleep while working on the bridge were unexpectedly high ■ more participants fell asleep during the night/morning watches than day-early evening watches ■ a disturbed off-watch period was found to result in more sleep during the subsequent watch ■ more sleep was found to occur on watch in the 6-on/6-off system than in the 4-on/8-off system ■ no significant differences were observed between the bridge and the engineroom Fig.13 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch in the Warsash 6-on/6-off bridge simulations Fig.14 Percentage of participants sleeping per watch in the Warsash 6-on/6-off engineroom simulations Bridge Engineroom 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 218022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 21 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 22. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Research findings 22 Activity/Electrophysiological measurements Chalmers 4-on/8-off Reaction time Within subjects, the mean reaction time differed across the days and between the first and the second watch of the day, being slower during the first watch. Mean reaction times also differed based on time in watch, being slower at the end of the watch than the start. Lapses Within subjects, the number of lapses was greater during the first watch of the day than the second and lapses were more abundant at the end of the watch than at the start. Chalmers 6-on/6-off Reaction time Within subjects, the mean reaction time was found to be slower at the end of the watch than at the start, and the number of lapses was greater at the end of the watch than at the start. Effect of the off-watch disturbance In both watch systems, reaction times were slower following the off-watch disturbance. In the 4-on/8-off system, the mean reaction time was considerably slower following the disturbance (306 ±7ms) compared with the control watch (283 ±5ms). The number of lapses was also higher following the disturbance (2.3 ±0.4) compared with (0.9 ±0.2) in the control watch. In the 6-on/6-off system, no differences in the rate of lapses were observed between subjects following the free watch disturbance and the control watch. However, the mean reaction time was slower following the disturbance: (339 ±27ms) against (289 ±18ms) for the control watch. 4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off Reaction times and number of lapses did not differ between the two watch systems. Warsash deck Within subjects, no significant main effects were observed for reaction times or the rate of lapses. Warsash engineroom Reaction time Within subjects, the mean reaction time was found to be slower during the first watch of the day than the second: (339 ±17ms versus 329 ±17ms). Lapses Within subjects, the number of lapses was found to be more abundant during the first watch of the day compared to the second: 6.1 ±1.6 versus 5.2 ±1.4. The number of lapses was also more abundant at the end of the watch than at the start: 6.1 ±1.5 versus 5.2 ±1.5. Deck versus engineroom PVT reaction times and number of lapses did not differ between the bridge and the engineroom. Overall findings: ■ worse PVT performance during the first watch of the day ■ worse PVT performance at the end of the watch compared with the start ■ the off-watch disturbance worsened PVT performance ■ PVT performance did not differ between the bridge and the engineroom Stroop test Warsash deck The reaction time on control stimuli did not differ within or between subjects. However, within subjects, the mean reaction time on interference stimuli differed significantly across days with a gradual decline in daily means (1103 ±61ms on day 1 to 982 ±58ms on day 7) which indicated a learning effect over the course of the week. The number of mistakes on control stimuli did not differ within or between subjects and no mistakes on interference stimuli were observed within subjects. However, the number of mistakes on interference stimuli differed significantly between the two watch teams, with the team working 00:00-06:00 making more mistakes (2.1 ±0.4) than the other team (0.6 ±0.3). Within subjects, absolute interference (the mean reaction time on interference stimuli minus the mean reaction time on control stimuli) differed significantly across days, with the gradual decline in daily means (from 136 ±18ms on day 1 to 60 ±20ms on day 7) suggesting the presence of a learning effect. Between subjects, no effects were observed. Within subjects, percentual interference (the relative increase in reaction time on interference stimuli as compared to control stimuli) differed significantly across days and 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 228022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 22 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 23. Research findings 23 www.project-horizon.eu the gradually declining daily means (from 13.8 ±1.7% on day 1 to 6.3 ±2.0% on day 7), were a sign of a learning effect. Between subjects, no effects were observed. Warsash engineroom Within subjects, the mean reaction time on control stimuli differed significantly across days and the gradual decline in daily means (909 ±51ms on day 1 to 805 ±37ms on day 7) indicated a learning effect over the course of the week. The mean reaction time was observed to have differed between the first and the second watch of the day, with slowermean reaction times during the first watch (857 ±47ms) than during the second (832 ±41ms). Between subjects, no effects were observed. Within subjects, the mean reaction time on interference stimuli differed significantly across days, with the gradual decline in daily means (1010 ±69ms on day 1 to 883 ±54ms on day 7) being indicative of a learning effect over the course of the week. The number of mistakes on control stimuli and interference stimuli did not differ within or between subjects. Within subjects, absolute interference (the mean reaction time on interference stimuli minus the mean reaction time on control stimuli) differed significantly across days and the gradual decline in daily means (from 102 ±24ms on day 1 to 79 ±24ms on day 7) suggested the presence of a learning effect. Between subjects, no effects were observed. Percentual interference did not differ within or between subjects. Stroop performance was not found to differ depending on the watch. Conclusion Deck versus engineroom None of the Stroop test parameters differed between the bridge and the engineroom. Overall, the tests showed slower reaction times on interference stimuli than on control stimuli. This interference effect declined during the course of the week, probably due to a learning effect. A participant wired up for Actigraph and EEG recordings during the bridge simulations 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 238022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 23 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 24. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Research findings 24 Naturalistic performance Chalmers 4-on/8-off Subjects were observed responding to a range of ‘events’ and sub-tasks, including: ■ collision course ■ compliance to collision regulations ■ the presence of fishing boats ■ object adrift ■ communication task ■ close encounter ■ high-speed ferry Whole watch performance was assessed and if nodding-off was observed by simulator instructors and/or researchers, the watch was scored as 1. If not, it was scored as zero. No differences within or between subjects were observed. Performance during the two sessions in the liquid cargo operations simulators was expressed on a 0 to 100 scale. Performance did not differ within or between subjects. Comparative analysis was not possible for a number of events and sub-tasks but, overall and in particular in relation to the ‘close encounter’ event, a limited performance increase was noted during the course of the week and this was indicative of a learning effect. Chalmers 6-on/6-off Comparative analysis was not possible for a number of events and sub-tasks but, overall performance in the ‘close encounter’ event was higher in the team working 00:00 to 06:00 watch (7.1 ±0.5 versus 3.8 ±0.5). No differences within or between subjects were observed in relation to nodding-off or performance during the two sessions in the liquid cargo operations simulators. Effect of the free watch disturbance Limited and somewhat bi-directional effects were observed. The off-watch disturbance only affected sub-task 1 on the whole watch performance rating. In the 4-on/8-off system, a significant difference was observed on this sub-task between the control watch and the watch following the off-watch disturbance, with performance being worse following the disturbed off-watch period (2.8 ±0.2) than in the control watch (3.2 ±0.2). This effect was not seen in the 6-on/6-off system, but an interaction between day and watch team was observed. Comparing the free watch following the disturbance with the control watch, performance increased in the team working 00:00 to 06:00, but decreased in the other team. In the 4-on/8-off system, more nodding offs were observed after the free watch disturbance than in the control watch: 0.3 ±0.1, against none during the control watch. 4-on/8-off versus 6-on/6-off Limited differences between the two watch systems were noted from all sub-tasks of all events. Performance on sub-task 3 (detection range) of event 3 (communication event) was seen to be higher in the 6-on/6-off system (4.0 ±0.3 versus 2.2 ±0.2). Sub=task 1 (position taking) of the whole watch performance was found to be higher in the 4-on/8-off system (2.9 ±0.1 versus 2.6 ±0.1). Warsash deck Adherence to the collision prevention regulations was scored during the first and second watch of days 2, 4, and 7 and rated on a 0 to 10 scale. No within or between subjects effects were observed. The standard of communications with the engineroom was measured in the second watch on days 4 and 7. Limited differences were noted and only accuracy differed between the days, with higher accuracy being observed on day 4 than on day 7 (4.8 ±0.2 versus 4.1 ±0.3). The effect of day was only present in the team working 00:00 to 06:00. Accuracy and completeness of the watch handover was rated on a 0 to 10 scale during both watches on days 2, 4, and 7. No within Monitoring bridge operations during a simulated voyage 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 248022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 24 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 25. Research findings 25 www.project-horizon.eu or between subjects effects were observed. Overall log keeping was rated on a 1 to 10 scale on days 2, 4, and 7 during both watches and was found to be rated higher during the second watch of the day than the first (6.3 ±0.6 versus 5.8 ±0.6). No within or between subject effects were observed in standard alteration of course and determination of position tasks. However, several LICOS performance scores decreased during the course of the week, including: adherence to standard watchkeeping tasks (from 4.5 ±0.3 on day 1 to 4.2 ±0.2 on day 3 to 3.7 ±0.3 on day 6) and completeness of the handover (from 4.4 ±0.3 on day 1 to 4.3 ±0.3 on day 3 to 3.3 ±0.3 on day 6). The decline in the completeness of the watch handover over the three days was much more pronounced in the team working 00:00 to 06:00 (from 5.2 ±0.5 to 3.1 ±0.4 versus 3.5 ±0.5 to 3.5 ±0.4). Warsash engineroom No differences between or within subjects were noted on a range of tasks, including professional discussion, providing current status information and acknowledgement of information received. The team working the 00:00 to 06:00 watch scored higher in requesting information when coming on watch (4.1 ±0.2 versus 3.5 ±0.2) and higher on one of the problem- solving tasks(2.5 ±0.3 versus 1.6 ±0.3) when responding to a high scavenge air temperature on the main engine. Performance ratings for a range of speed and accuracy tasks varied – with some decreasing during the week, others improving and no differences within or between subjects being noted on others. Adherence to standing orders was found to be greater in the second watch of the day than the first ( 4.8 ±0.5 versus 4.6 ±0.1). The quality of the watch handover was found to have gone from 6.7 ±0.4 on day 3 to 7.8 ±0.2 on day 5 and overall watch performance ranged from 6.8 ±0.4 on day 3 to 7.7 ±0.2 on day 5. Overall, the team working 00:00 to 06:00 performed slightly better. Performance on some tasks increased during the course of the week, while performance on other tasks decreased. Conclusions Project Horizon has undoubtedly succeeded in its core of aim of delivering a more informed and scientifically rigorous understanding of the way different watchkeeping patterns at sea affect the performance of ships’ officers. The range of measurements and the high degree of realism gained through the use of simulators have provided detailed and robust data on which to assess and analyse effects. Data gained from the research is sufficiently robust to provide input to marine-validated mathematical fatigue prediction models within a fatigue risk management system. Overall, it is clear that much of the data gained from the research supports the ‘circadian theory’ of diurnal performance peaks and troughs and clear evidence of ‘sleepiness’ risk periods. ■ watchkeepers were found to be most tired at night and in the afternoon ■ sleepiness levels were found to peak towards the end of night watches ■ slowest reaction times were found at the end of night watches ■ incidents of sleep on watch mainly occurred during night and early morning watches ■ the 6-on/6-off regime was found to be more tiring than 4-on/8-off ■ the onset of tiredness on 6-on/6-off occured over a shorter timeframe than predicted ■ ‘disturbed’ off-watch periods produce significantly high levels of tiredness ■ participants on 6-on/6-off rotas were found to get markedly less sleep than those on 4-on/8-off ■ all groups reported relatively high levels of subjective sleepiness on the KSS scale EEG data demonstrated that a large proportion of the watchkeepers showed actual sleep on the bridge, particularly following ‘disturbed off-watch’ periods. In the Chalmers 4-on/8-off pattern, the figures varied between 0% for the 1200-1600 and 2000-0000 watches to almost 40% on the 0000-0400 watch. In the Chalmers 6-on/6-off rotas, the figures varied between almost 10% for the 1800 to 0000 watch to more than 40% for the 0000-0600 period. The disturbed off-watch period was also found to have a strong impact on sleepiness. Total daily sleep duration was measured for all participants over each 24-hour period and marked differences were detected between the different watchkeeping patterns. The differences were particularly apparent amongst those working the 6-on/6-off schedules – where data showed less sleep and a clear ‘split’ sleeping pattern in which daily sleep was divided into two periods, one of between three to four hours and the other averaging between two to three hours. In contrast, the sleep patterns for those working the 4-on/8-off schedule at Chalmers were found to be relatively normal – varying between around 7 to 7.5 hours for Team 1 to around 6 hours for the second team. 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 258022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 25 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 26. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Research findings 26 Another important observation on sleep was that it was found not to be initiated almost immediately after ending a night watch, but there was a delay averaging about 50 minutes. This is important information for estimating the recuperative effect of sleep. Off-watch periods starting in the afternoon to evening were found to have very long delays to the onset of sleep and often no sleep was taken, particularly on the 4-on/8-off pattern. See Figure 15 opposite. Fig.15 An important finding from Project Horizon was data showing how watchkeepers can experience very long delays to the onset of sleep following their watch Delay of Bedtime Warsash Delay of Bedtime Chalmers 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 268022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 26 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 27. Outcomes 27 www.project-horizon.eu Outcomes There can be no doubt that Project Horizon has achieved its principal objective of gaining a deeper and more scientifically rigorous understanding of the way in which sleepiness affects watchkeepers at sea. The results have taken knowledge of the issues to a new level and have demonstrated the multiple and complex effects of some of the most common working patterns for seafarers. It should be noted, however, that Project Horizon was a simulator-based study that was designed to study some basic aspects of the effects of standard maritime watch schedules on sleepiness and fatigue. Whilst the simulator setting can present a limitation, it does provide better control of the test conditions and offered researchers opportunities for in-depth comparative analysis of participants at different times and on different working patterns in near- identical situations. Whilst every effort was made to design realistic simulated working conditions, the practical limitations must be recognised – such as timescales and working environment. There are many other factors may have an important impact on watchkeepers’ sleep and rest – such as bad weather conditions, onboard noise, the effects of long periods at sea, skills and competence of the crew, and varying rules on the use of chairs on the bridge. All these are influences that need to be considered in future studies of fatigue at sea. Nevertheless, Project Horizon has delivered anunprecedentedlevelofremarkablydetailed data that enables the achievement of the core objective of using the findings to assist the development of ‘best practice’ standards for the shipping industry. The results also provide reliable and validated source material for input into policy discussions at national, regional and international level – with the potential for appropriate bodies to take forward plans for improved regulation of seafarers’ working hours, safe manning and fatigue mitigation. Analysis and assessment of this data has enabled researchers to develop a lasting legacy, in the form of a proposed fatigue management toolkit. This package is intended to provide practical guidance for key stakeholders covering: ■ the nature of fatigue or sleepiness at sea ■ pointers to aid recognition of such conditions ■ measures by which mitigation of them might be achieved ■ concrete indications how the conditions might be avoided at source and the findings of the project might be applied – in particular to the key stakeholders: seafarers; ship owners/managers; classification societies; policymakers/ regulatory authorities; training establishments; equipment providers Fatigue management toolkit Sleepiness is an acknowledged risk factor in safety-critical industries and in all modes of transport. It is recognised, however, that shipping differs from some other transport modes, in that the nature of risk exposure and the capacity to act is extremely variable and depends on many factors. The characteristics of working at sea – and especially in the deepsea trades – mean that the coincidence of exposure to risk and absence of capacity to deal with it will be a relatively rare event. It is probable that the level of risk will be much lower than that for road transport, for example, and most likely to be more similar to that in aviation. In fact, the data from Project Horizon indicates that the probability of danger at sea will be highest when night watches are combined with prior reduction of sleep opportunities, and exacerbated by passages through narrow or very densely travelled waters, or during reduced visibility. The Project Horizon findings suggest that owners, regulators, seafarers and others should pay special attention to the potential risks in difficult waters in combination with the 6-on/6-off watch system (because of sleep loss), night watches, the last portion of most watches (especially night watches), and watches after reduced sleep opportunity. There is also some evidence from the research to suggest that individual susceptibility to fatigue probably also needs to be considered. A variety of methods (some of which are already commonly deployed) may be used to address this potential risk, including alarm systems to alert crew before important waypoints, encouragement not to use chairs on the bridge during night watches, additional crew, training crew to recognise symptoms of fatigue, and special protection of sleep periods for watchkeepers. Another way of reducing fatigue-related risk is to train seafarers in understanding the causes and consequences of fatigue, how to detect it, how to prevent it and how to report it. The latter requires a level of acceptance of fatigue reporting without reprisals from those in authority. Personal fatigue countermeasures include caffeine, strategic napping and physical or mental activity. Judicial use of countermeasures against fatigue should be part of the job description for all personnel on watch duty. The toolkit takes these precautions a step further, by using scientifically verified data to build mathematical models which can be used to predict which portions of a particular voyage may be critical from a fatigue point of view – allowing mitigating action to be planned ahead of time. 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 278022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 27 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 28. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 MARTHA 28 It is well known that working hours which deviate from conventional patterns (shift work, roster work, and irregular watch schedules) always entail a high probability of reduced sleep and of increased fatigue, with an ensuing accident risk. In recent years, scientists have developed mathematical models for alertness or performance prediction – and these have most notably been applied in the aviation industry. An example of the recognition of the value of such systems can be seen from the US National Transportation Safety Board’s ‘Most Wanted List’ and the associated 2011 recommendation stating: ‘The Safety Board continues to call for the development of fatigue management systems, which take a comprehensive approach to reducing fatigue- related risk. These systems should be based on empirical and scientific evidence and should include a methodology to continually assess their effectiveness.’ It is against this background that the Project Horizon researchers have been able to use the robustness of the results of their work to develop a maritime alertness regulation version of these models – ‘MARTHA’: an acronym derived from ‘a maritime alertness’ regulation tool based on hours of work. Mathematical models for alertness or performance prediction have been developed mainly as tools for evaluating the effects on sleepiness or fatigue of work schedules or sleep/wake patterns that deviate from the pattern of daytime activity and night time sleep. Early models were based on the effects of time awake and amount of prior sleep as well as a circadian component representing the effect of the biological clock. As scientific understanding has increased, models have become more sophisticated, incorporating a wider range of factors that influence sleepiness and alertness and expanding to include predictions of sleep latency and sleep duration. The detailed information obtained in Project Horizon has enabled the model to be validated against the empirical sleepiness data. Apparently, there has been no prior knowledge of the way in which sleep is distributed across sleep opportunities on sea schedules. An important new development from Project Horizon has been the use of the empirical sleep data (bedtimes and rise times) obtained from the research to create a new function of the model to predict sleep on sea watches. The model also incorporates a third process reflecting the effects of time on-watch. These functions were combined and, using a computer-based system, will provide a maritime interface with selectable watch schedules and a ‘do-it-yourself’ watch system facility. Users will be able to enter their working schedules over a six-week time window and receive predicted estimates of the most risky times and the times of highest potential sleepiness for each watch and for the whole watch schedule, as well as for time outside watch duty. The major display contains estimates for each 24-hour period, with a second display to describe each 24-hour period with sleep periods and a continuous estimate of sleepiness. This information may also be displayed as miniatures in the main display. How MARTHA could predict sleepiness on a 6-on/6-off schedule for team A (0-6 +12-18). 16% of the time on watch sleepiness is at dangerous levels. The second image includes the miniatures of the continuous curve and the predicted sleep periods 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 288022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 28 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 29. MARTHA 29 www.project-horizon.eu MARTHA could be used onboard during voyage planning to develop watch systems that are efficient and that minimise risk. Shipping companies can use the system when planning the size and competence of the crew. The tool could also yield important International Safety Management Code benefits, and might be used for insurance and classification purposes. MARTHA could also assist flag states and port state control authorities, enabling solid documentation if, for example, a ship is to be detained in order to let the crew rest before the voyage is resumed. It could also be used for the prevention and investigation of accidents. The Horizon consortium recognises that Project Horizon is a project that will be more for public benefit thanhavingcommerciallyexploitableoutputs. It fulfils a need that could not economically be sustained by any individual, or even a group of, actors, without the essential ingredient of public funding, by courtesy of the EU. It will achieve its success through exploitation, in a variety of ways: widely and generally on the world stage of maritime safety; as well as individually through the benefits attained and appreciated by the project partners themselves. The MARTHA interface 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 298022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 29 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 30. Project Horizon — Research report 2012 Recommendations 30 The overall results from Project Horizon may be transferred into different types of recommendations. However, these need to acknowledge the total risk situation – the convergence of risk exposure and capacity to act. In road transport the risk exposure is present 100% of the time. In seafaring risk exposure may mainly occur in manoeuvring in narrow or otherwise difficult waters or with poor visibility. The incidence of such exposure will vary greatly depending on many factors, but must be very much lower than that for road transport – probably more similar to that in aviation. One of the strongest factors influencing the capacity to act is sleep, when performance is absent. However, such states during work are relatively sparse and sporadic – even during night work – but they occur for most operators on each difficult watch or shift. The coincidence of exposure to risk and absence of capacity to deal with it will be a relatively rare event. The probability of danger will be highest when night watches are combined with prior reduction of sleep opportunities, together with passages through narrow or very densely travelled waters, or during reduced visibility. Considering the results of the present study, special attention needs to be paid to: ■ the risks in passages through difficult waters in combination with the 6-on/6-off watch system (because of sleep loss) ■ night watches ■ the last portion of most watches (especially night watches) ■ watches after reduced sleep opportunity ■ individual susceptibility to fatigue also needs to be considered The suggested ‘special attention’ may involve alarm systems to alert crew before important changes of course, alerting devices, encouragement not to use chairs on the bridge during night watches, additional crew, special protection of sleep periods for watchkeepers, or no work apart from watchkeeping. In addition, mathematical models (MARTHA) can be used to predict which portions of a particular voyage may be critical from a fatigue point of view and thereby mitigating action can be planned ahead of time. One way of reducing risks related to fatigue may also be to train the crew in the causes and prediction of fatigue, its risks, how to detect it, how to prevent it and how to report it. The latter requires a level of acceptance of fatigue report without reprisals for those in authority. Personal fatigue countermeasures include caffeine, strategic napping and physical or mental activity. Judicial use of countermeasures against fatigue should be part of the job description for all personnel on watch duty. Most of the general points discussed above are part of what is called ‘Fatigue Risk Management’, and which is presently being implemented in aviation worldwide. A similar development seems called for in marine operations. A final recommendation concerns future research. Project Horizon is the first detailed and experimental study of fatigue at sea. As discussed previously, it has limitations, one of which is that the data has been obtained in a simulator. This makes good experimental control possible, but also detracts from the possibility to generalise. There is a clear need for replicating the present study at sea and to carry out studies of long periods at sea to identify fatigue causes that may derive from boredom, isolation and similar factors. 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 308022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 30 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 31. Title 31 www.project-horizon.eu Title 31 www.project-horizon.eu This was one of the worst cases observed in Project Horizon. It involved one of the Warsash participants and occurred on day 2, during his watch from 1800 to 0000. Physiological sleepiness during the course of this watch is shown in Figure 16, where sleepiness ranges from stage 0 (fully alert) to stage 100 (fully asleep). It can be seen that after less than 1.5 hours in watch, the participant started to show rapid alternations between wakefulness and sleep. Of special concern is the period between about 2005 and 2035, where the participant was in a state of continuous sleep. Such a sleep period occurred again between about 2245 and 2300. Figure 17 shows the EEG trace at 2029. The high amplitude low frequency waves on the upper two traces indicate a state of deep sleep. Deep sleep on duty is a very serious condition, because it requires additional effort to get woken up from than from lighter sleep. In addition, waking up straight from deep sleep is usually followed by a state called sleep inertia from which a substantial amount of time after waking up will be required to regain full alertness again. Worst case scenario Fig.16 Fig.17 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 318022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 31 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00
  • 32. www.project-horizon.eu Email: graham.clarke@inchmery.eu Project Horizon consortium Southampton Solent University – Warsash Maritime Academy (Coordinator) (WMA) Bureau Veritas – Marine Division, Research Dept (BV) Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB – Dept of Shipping & Marine Technology (Chalmers) European Transport Workers’ Federation – Nautilus International (ETFN) Stockholms Universitet – Stress Research Institute (SU) The Standard P&I Club – Charles Taylor & Co Limited (CTPI) European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA) European Harbour Masters Committee (EHMC) International Association of Independent Tanker Owners – Intertanko (INTKO) UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) 8022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 328022 NAU014 Horizon Report GB.indd 32 04/05/2012 09:0004/05/2012 09:00