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Let’s Web Conference Angele GIULIANO [email_address]
Agenda Introduction & Background Web 2.0 - evolution eLearning tools External Speakers Virtual Class management – making it work! Case studies – good/bad examples Questions WARNING: Sarcasm/Jokes present every now and then!!
Introduction & Background Education styles – a progression Face to Face (F2F) teaching Distance learning, learning videos, CBT, Multimedia CDs Internet based teaching & learning Human interaction gets less & less and both teachers and students end up frustrated, alone and not motivated Results = drop outs, bad academic performance, disillusionment
Why E-learning?  The eLearning Blend  & Disappearing Teacher
Humans are humans Human interaction is very important “ Pure” eLearning can lessen a lot of the teaching experience Technology can however supplement and not replace the teacher Choosing the right blend for you and your students is the main challenge – both in synchronous and asynchronous tools You have to be “there” for them, even when you are not physically in the same place  Teachers have to continue teaching – thus eTeaching!
Common Mistakes “ If I put all the material I use for teaching online, then students will magically understand it all on their own”  “ I don’t believe in chatting with students – it’s a waste of time” “ As long as I put in some photos and animations, then it becomes engaging and interactive” “ Students should not be allowed to talk on trivial issues between themselves on the teaching platform” “ I don’t want to broadcast myself on a live camera!”
The Eternal Struggles Length of course module  vs  Attention Span Text based  vs  Visual Information  vs  Instruction Individual  vs  Group/Community eLearning Dogmatic  vs  Experiential Our ultimate challenge is  MOTIVATION  – our own and our students’
Community Teaching Advent of blogs, wikis, community sites, Second Life  Our students are out there (in the web)... Let’s go get them! Content Centric vs Collaboration Centric Communities are ideal for: sharing best practices supporting organisational learning brainstorming getting immediate answers to problems mentoring working and learning together on projects.
Web 2.0 is community based Adapted from  What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software Tim O'Reilly Web 2.0 many-2-many   Web 1.0 1-to-many Google AdSense   DoubleClick Flickr  Ofoto, Kodak Last.FM, Napster  mp3.com Wikipedia  Britannica Online blogging  personal websites search engine optimization  domain name speculation cost per click  page views participation  publishing wikis  content management systems tagging (&quot;folksonomy&quot;)  directories (taxonomy) syndication  stickiness Facebook, Hi5  Email lists for friends Lulu.com  Amazon, publishing houses
Why E-learning?  Challenges in using Web 2.0 for learning Some teasers / harsh truths!.....
Online Fora / Discussions
Wikis / Collaborationware
Social networks
Why E-learning?  Addressing challenges Don’t overdo it… too much web2.0 will kill you! Focus on one tool and use it with your students Ensure students are comfortable with technologies Have synchronous sessions / chats to check progress Find innovative uses for the technology Hairdressers / mechanics log book Older students correcting younger ones’ wikis Get “guest speakers” in discussions – from abroad from all over the world
Virtual Classrooms It might be impossible to have all our  students together in one place physically  all the time No excuse for NOT meeting – just change physical to virtual meetings A virtual class is a software that allows real time  synchronous interaction with audio & video and sharing applications, materials, desktop, and  working together on whiteboards
External Speakers Adobe Connect Pro Dim Dim WiZiQ
Adverts….! The traveller http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FejrG3hOh3I The classroom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0_WhSdsgBo
Questions to Speakers Most innovative use of the meeting room Who uses it most? Techies or not? 1 most important tip to users What would you add in the next iteration?
Why E-learning?  How to make VCs work? Complicated to control large groups – be 2 tutors together during real lessons Technical problems until everyone connects -  better to have a first lesson as a test Don’t make lessons too long – aim for 45 mins with 10 minutes either way for warming up, weather conversations and winding down Confusion on whiteboards and their usage – Use semi designed framework images as a basis
Why E-learning?  How to make VCs work?
Why E-learning?  More tips and tricks Prepare materials well in advance and pre-upload them if possible in classroom Ask them something every 3 / 4 minutes during a PPT presentation. Get them to type or wave Aim for no more than 2 timezones apart either side if possible Define purpose of event. Summarise at the end and always leave them with a task
Case Studies http://www.chef2chef.net  http://www.chef2chef.net   http://www.collaborationproject.org http://www.collaborationproject.org   http://wiki.answers.com  http://wiki.answers.com   http://www.schmoozii.com  http://www.schmoozii.com   http://www.scienceblog.com  http://www.scienceblog.com   http://www.ted.com  http://www.ted.com
Conclusions Teachers & tutors are more important than ever in online learning Students are human and prefer human interaction We can create fun things to do with our students both on synchronous and asynchronous tools Collaboration is important and gets both students and teachers motivated Virtual classes put back the teacher in front of the student eTeaching is the way to go!
Thanks for your attention Angele GIULIANO (angele@acrosslimits.com) Across Limits Gateway Centre, Kappillan Mifsud Street,  Hamrun HMR 1856 – MALTA Tel: +356 21224900 / +356 99447060 Fax: +356 23331210 Web:  http://www.acrosslimits.com Email: info@acrosslimits.com

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  • 1. Let’s Web Conference Angele GIULIANO [email_address]
  • 2. Agenda Introduction & Background Web 2.0 - evolution eLearning tools External Speakers Virtual Class management – making it work! Case studies – good/bad examples Questions WARNING: Sarcasm/Jokes present every now and then!!
  • 3. Introduction & Background Education styles – a progression Face to Face (F2F) teaching Distance learning, learning videos, CBT, Multimedia CDs Internet based teaching & learning Human interaction gets less & less and both teachers and students end up frustrated, alone and not motivated Results = drop outs, bad academic performance, disillusionment
  • 4. Why E-learning? The eLearning Blend & Disappearing Teacher
  • 5. Humans are humans Human interaction is very important “ Pure” eLearning can lessen a lot of the teaching experience Technology can however supplement and not replace the teacher Choosing the right blend for you and your students is the main challenge – both in synchronous and asynchronous tools You have to be “there” for them, even when you are not physically in the same place Teachers have to continue teaching – thus eTeaching!
  • 6. Common Mistakes “ If I put all the material I use for teaching online, then students will magically understand it all on their own” “ I don’t believe in chatting with students – it’s a waste of time” “ As long as I put in some photos and animations, then it becomes engaging and interactive” “ Students should not be allowed to talk on trivial issues between themselves on the teaching platform” “ I don’t want to broadcast myself on a live camera!”
  • 7.  
  • 8. The Eternal Struggles Length of course module vs Attention Span Text based vs Visual Information vs Instruction Individual vs Group/Community eLearning Dogmatic vs Experiential Our ultimate challenge is MOTIVATION – our own and our students’
  • 9. Community Teaching Advent of blogs, wikis, community sites, Second Life Our students are out there (in the web)... Let’s go get them! Content Centric vs Collaboration Centric Communities are ideal for: sharing best practices supporting organisational learning brainstorming getting immediate answers to problems mentoring working and learning together on projects.
  • 10. Web 2.0 is community based Adapted from What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software Tim O'Reilly Web 2.0 many-2-many   Web 1.0 1-to-many Google AdSense  DoubleClick Flickr  Ofoto, Kodak Last.FM, Napster  mp3.com Wikipedia  Britannica Online blogging  personal websites search engine optimization  domain name speculation cost per click  page views participation  publishing wikis  content management systems tagging (&quot;folksonomy&quot;)  directories (taxonomy) syndication  stickiness Facebook, Hi5  Email lists for friends Lulu.com  Amazon, publishing houses
  • 11. Why E-learning? Challenges in using Web 2.0 for learning Some teasers / harsh truths!.....
  • 13. Online Fora / Discussions
  • 16. Why E-learning? Addressing challenges Don’t overdo it… too much web2.0 will kill you! Focus on one tool and use it with your students Ensure students are comfortable with technologies Have synchronous sessions / chats to check progress Find innovative uses for the technology Hairdressers / mechanics log book Older students correcting younger ones’ wikis Get “guest speakers” in discussions – from abroad from all over the world
  • 17. Virtual Classrooms It might be impossible to have all our students together in one place physically all the time No excuse for NOT meeting – just change physical to virtual meetings A virtual class is a software that allows real time synchronous interaction with audio & video and sharing applications, materials, desktop, and working together on whiteboards
  • 18. External Speakers Adobe Connect Pro Dim Dim WiZiQ
  • 19. Adverts….! The traveller http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FejrG3hOh3I The classroom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0_WhSdsgBo
  • 20. Questions to Speakers Most innovative use of the meeting room Who uses it most? Techies or not? 1 most important tip to users What would you add in the next iteration?
  • 21. Why E-learning? How to make VCs work? Complicated to control large groups – be 2 tutors together during real lessons Technical problems until everyone connects - better to have a first lesson as a test Don’t make lessons too long – aim for 45 mins with 10 minutes either way for warming up, weather conversations and winding down Confusion on whiteboards and their usage – Use semi designed framework images as a basis
  • 22. Why E-learning? How to make VCs work?
  • 23.  
  • 24.  
  • 25. Why E-learning? More tips and tricks Prepare materials well in advance and pre-upload them if possible in classroom Ask them something every 3 / 4 minutes during a PPT presentation. Get them to type or wave Aim for no more than 2 timezones apart either side if possible Define purpose of event. Summarise at the end and always leave them with a task
  • 26. Case Studies http://www.chef2chef.net http://www.chef2chef.net http://www.collaborationproject.org http://www.collaborationproject.org http://wiki.answers.com http://wiki.answers.com http://www.schmoozii.com http://www.schmoozii.com http://www.scienceblog.com http://www.scienceblog.com http://www.ted.com http://www.ted.com
  • 27. Conclusions Teachers & tutors are more important than ever in online learning Students are human and prefer human interaction We can create fun things to do with our students both on synchronous and asynchronous tools Collaboration is important and gets both students and teachers motivated Virtual classes put back the teacher in front of the student eTeaching is the way to go!
  • 28. Thanks for your attention Angele GIULIANO (angele@acrosslimits.com) Across Limits Gateway Centre, Kappillan Mifsud Street, Hamrun HMR 1856 – MALTA Tel: +356 21224900 / +356 99447060 Fax: +356 23331210 Web: http://www.acrosslimits.com Email: info@acrosslimits.com