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What is the Difference Between Targeting
and Positioning?
In today’s competitive business world, companies work hard to create a
unique identity and communicate their value to their audience. Two key
concepts in this process are targeting and positioning. Understanding the
difference between targeting and positioning is essential for developing a
successful marketing strategy.
This article will explain these concepts, their importance, how they depend on
each other, and how they help a company succeed in the market.
The Essence of Targeting
The difference between targeting and positioning is evident in their distinct
roles within a marketing strategy. Targeting is the process by which a
company identifies and selects a specific segment or group of consumers to
focus its marketing efforts on. This selection is based on various criteria,
including demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral factors.
The primary goal of targeting is to allocate resources efficiently and effectively
to reach the most promising and receptive audience segments.
Steps in Targeting
1. Market Segmentation: This is the first step in targeting, where the
market is divided into distinct segments based on various criteria
such as age, gender, income, lifestyle, and buying behavior. Market
segmentation helps in identifying groups of consumers with similar
needs and preferences.
2. Segment Evaluation: Once the market is segmented, the next step is
to evaluate each segment’s potential profitability, size, and
compatibility with the company’s objectives and resources. This
evaluation helps in prioritizing segments that are most aligned with
the company’s strategic goals.
3. Segment Selection: After evaluating the segments, the company
selects one or more segments to target. This decision is based on
factors such as market potential, competitive intensity, and the
company’s ability to meet the needs of the chosen segment(s).
4. Targeting Strategy: The final step involves developing a targeting
strategy, which could be undifferentiated (mass marketing),
differentiated (targeting multiple segments with different strategies),
concentrated (focusing on a single segment), or micro-targeting
(personalized marketing).
The Essence of Positioning
Positioning is the process of creating a distinct image for a product or brand in
the minds of the target audience. It defines how a product differs from
competitors and why it is the best choice for consumers. Effective positioning
communicates the unique value proposition and sets the product apart.
Understanding the difference between targeting and positioning is crucial:
targeting identifies specific audience segments, while positioning defines how
to appeal to them uniquely.
Steps in Positioning
1. Identifying Competitive Advantage: This involves analyzing the
company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as understanding the
competitive landscape. The goal is to identify attributes or benefits
that provide a competitive edge.
2. Developing Positioning Statements: A positioning statement is a
concise description of the target market as well as a compelling
picture of how the marketer wants that market to view the brand. It
typically includes the target segment, brand name, frame of
reference, point of difference, and reason to believe.
3. Communicating the Position: Once the positioning statement is
crafted, the next step is to communicate it effectively through various
marketing channels. This can include advertising, public relations,
social media, packaging, and customer service.
4. Consistency and Adaptation: Maintaining a consistent positioning
strategy is crucial for building brand equity. However, it’s also
important to monitor market changes and adapt the positioning
strategy as needed to stay relevant and competitive.
Difference Between Targeting and Positioning
Understanding the difference between targeting and positioning is essential
for businesses to create a cohesive marketing strategy. While both concepts
are interconnected, they serve different purposes in the marketing process.
1. Objective:
Targeting: The primary objective of targeting is to identify and select the most
promising market segments to focus marketing efforts on.
Positioning: The primary objective of positioning is to create a unique and
compelling image of the product or brand in the minds of the target audience.
2. Process:
Targeting: Involves market segmentation, segment evaluation, segment
selection, and developing a targeting strategy.
Positioning: Involves identifying competitive advantage, developing positioning
statements, communicating the position, and maintaining consistency.
3. Focus:
Targeting: Focuses on the “who” aspect, i.e., identifying the specific group of
consumers to target.
Positioning: Focuses on the “what” and “why” aspects, i.e., defining the unique
value proposition and why the product is the best choice for the target
4. Outcome:
Targeting: Results in a clear understanding of the target market segments and
the development of tailored marketing strategies for each segment.
Positioning: Results in a distinct and compelling brand image that resonates
with the target audience and differentiates the product from competitors.
5. Interdependence:
Targeting: Sets the foundation for positioning by identifying the specific
audience segments that the company wants to reach.
Positioning: Builds on targeting by crafting a unique and appealing image for
the product or brand that aligns with the needs and preferences of the
targeted segments.
Practical Examples
To further illustrate the difference between targeting and positioning, let’s
consider a few practical examples from various industries.
Example: Apple Inc.
● Targeting: Apple targets a broad range of consumer segments,
including tech-savvy individuals, professionals, students, and creative
professionals. The company uses a differentiated targeting strategy to
address the unique needs of each segment with tailored products
such as the iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and Apple Watch.
● Positioning: Apple positions itself as a premium brand that offers
innovative, high-quality products with a superior user experience. The
company’s positioning statement emphasizes attributes like
cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and seamless integration
across its product ecosystem.
Importance of Integrating Targeting and Positioning
While the difference between targeting and positioning is clear, it is essential
to recognize their interdependence and the importance of integrating both
concepts into a cohesive marketing strategy. Effective targeting ensures that
marketing efforts are directed toward the most receptive and profitable
audience segments. In turn, effective positioning ensures that the product or
brand resonates with these segments by clearly communicating its unique
value proposition.
Challenges in Targeting and Positioning
Despite their importance, both targeting and positioning come with their own
set of challenges that businesses must navigate to achieve success.
Targeting Challenges
1. Data Accuracy: Accurate and comprehensive data is crucial for
effective market segmentation and targeting. Inaccurate or outdated
data can lead to misguided targeting efforts.
2. Market Dynamics: Consumer preferences and market conditions are
constantly evolving. Businesses must continuously monitor and adapt
their targeting strategies to stay relevant.
3. Resource Allocation: Efficiently allocating resources to target
segments can be challenging, especially for companies with limited
budgets. Prioritizing segments that offer the highest potential return
on investment is essential.
Positioning Challenges
1. Differentiation: In highly competitive markets, creating a distinct and
compelling position can be difficult. Companies must identify unique
attributes that set them apart from competitors.
2. Consistency: Maintaining a consistent positioning strategy across all
marketing channels and touchpoints is crucial for building brand
equity. Inconsistent messaging can dilute the brand image.
3. Adaptation: While consistency is important, companies must also be
flexible and adapt their positioning strategies in response to market
changes and emerging trends.
Understanding the difference between targeting and positioning is essential
for developing a successful marketing strategy. Targeting involves identifying
specific market segments to focus on, while positioning creates a unique
image of the product or brand in the minds of the target audience. These
interconnected concepts help businesses effectively reach and resonate with
consumers. By integrating targeting and positioning, businesses can efficiently
allocate resources, communicate their value proposition, and gain a
competitive edge. Recognizing and overcoming related challenges is crucial
for long-term success and market relevance.

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Jomer Gregorio

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Difference Between Targeting and Positioning for Marketing Success | CIO Women Magazine

  • 1. What is the Difference Between Targeting and Positioning? In today’s competitive business world, companies work hard to create a unique identity and communicate their value to their audience. Two key concepts in this process are targeting and positioning. Understanding the difference between targeting and positioning is essential for developing a successful marketing strategy. This article will explain these concepts, their importance, how they depend on each other, and how they help a company succeed in the market.
  • 2. The Essence of Targeting The difference between targeting and positioning is evident in their distinct roles within a marketing strategy. Targeting is the process by which a company identifies and selects a specific segment or group of consumers to focus its marketing efforts on. This selection is based on various criteria, including demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral factors. The primary goal of targeting is to allocate resources efficiently and effectively to reach the most promising and receptive audience segments. Steps in Targeting
  • 3. 1. Market Segmentation: This is the first step in targeting, where the market is divided into distinct segments based on various criteria such as age, gender, income, lifestyle, and buying behavior. Market segmentation helps in identifying groups of consumers with similar needs and preferences. 2. Segment Evaluation: Once the market is segmented, the next step is to evaluate each segment’s potential profitability, size, and compatibility with the company’s objectives and resources. This evaluation helps in prioritizing segments that are most aligned with the company’s strategic goals. 3. Segment Selection: After evaluating the segments, the company selects one or more segments to target. This decision is based on factors such as market potential, competitive intensity, and the company’s ability to meet the needs of the chosen segment(s). 4. Targeting Strategy: The final step involves developing a targeting strategy, which could be undifferentiated (mass marketing), differentiated (targeting multiple segments with different strategies), concentrated (focusing on a single segment), or micro-targeting (personalized marketing). The Essence of Positioning Positioning is the process of creating a distinct image for a product or brand in the minds of the target audience. It defines how a product differs from competitors and why it is the best choice for consumers. Effective positioning communicates the unique value proposition and sets the product apart. Understanding the difference between targeting and positioning is crucial: targeting identifies specific audience segments, while positioning defines how to appeal to them uniquely. Steps in Positioning
  • 4. 1. Identifying Competitive Advantage: This involves analyzing the company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as understanding the competitive landscape. The goal is to identify attributes or benefits that provide a competitive edge. 2. Developing Positioning Statements: A positioning statement is a concise description of the target market as well as a compelling picture of how the marketer wants that market to view the brand. It typically includes the target segment, brand name, frame of reference, point of difference, and reason to believe. 3. Communicating the Position: Once the positioning statement is crafted, the next step is to communicate it effectively through various marketing channels. This can include advertising, public relations, social media, packaging, and customer service. 4. Consistency and Adaptation: Maintaining a consistent positioning strategy is crucial for building brand equity. However, it’s also important to monitor market changes and adapt the positioning strategy as needed to stay relevant and competitive. Difference Between Targeting and Positioning Understanding the difference between targeting and positioning is essential for businesses to create a cohesive marketing strategy. While both concepts are interconnected, they serve different purposes in the marketing process.
  • 5. 1. Objective: Targeting: The primary objective of targeting is to identify and select the most promising market segments to focus marketing efforts on. Positioning: The primary objective of positioning is to create a unique and compelling image of the product or brand in the minds of the target audience. 2. Process: Targeting: Involves market segmentation, segment evaluation, segment selection, and developing a targeting strategy.
  • 6. Positioning: Involves identifying competitive advantage, developing positioning statements, communicating the position, and maintaining consistency. 3. Focus: Targeting: Focuses on the “who” aspect, i.e., identifying the specific group of consumers to target. Positioning: Focuses on the “what” and “why” aspects, i.e., defining the unique value proposition and why the product is the best choice for the target audience. 4. Outcome: Targeting: Results in a clear understanding of the target market segments and the development of tailored marketing strategies for each segment. Positioning: Results in a distinct and compelling brand image that resonates with the target audience and differentiates the product from competitors. 5. Interdependence: Targeting: Sets the foundation for positioning by identifying the specific audience segments that the company wants to reach.
  • 7. Positioning: Builds on targeting by crafting a unique and appealing image for the product or brand that aligns with the needs and preferences of the targeted segments. Practical Examples To further illustrate the difference between targeting and positioning, let’s consider a few practical examples from various industries. Example: Apple Inc. ● Targeting: Apple targets a broad range of consumer segments, including tech-savvy individuals, professionals, students, and creative professionals. The company uses a differentiated targeting strategy to address the unique needs of each segment with tailored products such as the iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and Apple Watch. ● Positioning: Apple positions itself as a premium brand that offers innovative, high-quality products with a superior user experience. The company’s positioning statement emphasizes attributes like cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and seamless integration across its product ecosystem. Importance of Integrating Targeting and Positioning While the difference between targeting and positioning is clear, it is essential to recognize their interdependence and the importance of integrating both concepts into a cohesive marketing strategy. Effective targeting ensures that marketing efforts are directed toward the most receptive and profitable audience segments. In turn, effective positioning ensures that the product or
  • 8. brand resonates with these segments by clearly communicating its unique value proposition. Challenges in Targeting and Positioning Despite their importance, both targeting and positioning come with their own set of challenges that businesses must navigate to achieve success. Targeting Challenges
  • 9. 1. Data Accuracy: Accurate and comprehensive data is crucial for effective market segmentation and targeting. Inaccurate or outdated data can lead to misguided targeting efforts. 2. Market Dynamics: Consumer preferences and market conditions are constantly evolving. Businesses must continuously monitor and adapt their targeting strategies to stay relevant. 3. Resource Allocation: Efficiently allocating resources to target segments can be challenging, especially for companies with limited budgets. Prioritizing segments that offer the highest potential return on investment is essential. Positioning Challenges 1. Differentiation: In highly competitive markets, creating a distinct and compelling position can be difficult. Companies must identify unique attributes that set them apart from competitors. 2. Consistency: Maintaining a consistent positioning strategy across all marketing channels and touchpoints is crucial for building brand equity. Inconsistent messaging can dilute the brand image. 3. Adaptation: While consistency is important, companies must also be flexible and adapt their positioning strategies in response to market changes and emerging trends. Conclusion Understanding the difference between targeting and positioning is essential for developing a successful marketing strategy. Targeting involves identifying specific market segments to focus on, while positioning creates a unique image of the product or brand in the minds of the target audience. These interconnected concepts help businesses effectively reach and resonate with consumers. By integrating targeting and positioning, businesses can efficiently
  • 10. allocate resources, communicate their value proposition, and gain a competitive edge. Recognizing and overcoming related challenges is crucial for long-term success and market relevance.