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      Richard Banfield
a lil’bit


Web and mobile
                   Full-time, on-
                                                  Countries we’ve
                                                                      Offices in Boston,
design projects    site designers                  got clients in            and
  since 2005      and developers                                        San Francisco

                            freshtilledsoil.com    @freshtilledsoil
a lil’bit


freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
00   whydesignacareer?

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
We need more of


   “Where do I start?”

       class of summer 2012

         freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil

“The things I’m going to be working
   on haven’t been invented yet”
          rhys banfield, summer 2012

               freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
“Happiness is something you make,
       not stumble upon”

            freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
01   Ashortstory

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s start with


    freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s start with



    freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s start with



    freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s start with

“As the duo poured their sorrows into
  their drinks, they realized that the
 one part of the site that was actually
   doing well — the deals — could be
 combined with their love of design.”

              freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s start with



   Market                    Best in
    opp?                       the

    freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s start with


    freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s start with


   9M customers

    freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s start with

“I’m doing my dream job, and I’m building the
         company I’m meant to run.”

                Jason Goldberg

                freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil


         Best in

         freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
02   goodtogreat

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’


  freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’

  Can a good company
become a great company,
    and if so, how?

        freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’

 Greatness is not primarily a
function of circumstance, but
largely a matter of conscious
   choice, and discipline.

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’

Collins was talking about
businesses not individuals
   but it turns out it still works

            freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Can you really

  Where would you start?
What does the process look like?

            freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
03   thevisionframework

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’

   it always starts with


       freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’

   Get the right                                                   Get the wrong
 people on the bus.                                              people off the bus.

                                                                 Get the right people
Put who before what.
                                                                  in the right seats

                        freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Can you really


How do you know who gets on the
     bus and who gets off?

            freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’


     vivid vision

     Core purpose

     Core Values

     freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil

   TAG = timeless audacious goal

          vivid vision

         Core purpose

          Core Values

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Why create a


       freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’


discipline                                            opportunistic

             freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’


disciplined                                            opportunistic

              freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’

             What are you
           deeply passionate

   What can you                          What drives
   be the best at                       your economic
   the world at?                           engine?

            freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’

                 What are you
               deeply passionate

BHAG                about?

       What can you                          What drives
       be the best at                       your economic
       the world at?                           engine?

                freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’

          What are you
        deeply passionate
             about?                                                      Passion?

                                                                     Best in
What can you          What drives                                    world?
be the best at       your economic
the world at?           engine?

                            freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
04   thevisionworkshop

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s get started

Step 1: Create a list of core values
     create as many as you want
        be prepared to share
   core = emotional & motivational

             freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
fresh tilled soil’s

    Keep things simple
      Own the work
 Make the team look good
Grow with quiet confidence

        freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Teaching Company

    Cultivate every resource
  Results-oriented work ethic
Fair and generous relationships
        Integrity. Period.

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
 Step 2: make a short list
    determine the three to
 five values that you feel best
         represent you

         freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
    Step 3: test your values
 spend a few minutes answering yes or
no for each of the values you’ve chosen

      Here are your questions...

             freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
       Question One
   if you were starting your career
    today would this value be valid
regardless of the industry or trends?

            freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
      Question Two

 Is this value timeless, no matter
what changes in the outside world?

           freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
   Question Three

would you hold onto this value
 no matter what others say?

         freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
    Question Four

 would you change jobs before
  compromising this value?

         freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
      Question Five
if you had enough money to retire
   comfortably would you still
continue to believe in this value?

           freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Step 4: select the best values

 eliminate the values that didn’t
       pass the yes/no test

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Step 5: write a single core purpose

  describe in one sentence the core
      purpose of your career
      ...and can you be the best at this?

               freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil

    “help entrepreneurs launch
innovative and meaningful products”

            freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil

“To provide a secure place on Earth
      for the Jewish people”

           freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil

  “To make people happy”

       freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Step 6: write a vivid vision

describe in a paragraph how you
visualize your purpose happening

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
        “We will be as people-oriented as HP. ...
We will attain customer satisfaction unsurpassed even
by Nordstrom. ... We will continually gain market share
   despite a price premium on commodity products. ...
    We will be studied by business schools for our
           sophisticated use of technology.”

                     freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’

  Step 7: create your hedgehog
               What are you

     What can you                      What drives
     be the best at                       your
     the world at?                      economic

             freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
 Step 8: write a bhag
create a timeless and audacious
 goal that will excite you and
 motivate others to be part of

         freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Jim Collins’

                 What are you
               deeply passionate

BHAG                about?

       What can you                          What drives
       be the best at                       your economic
       the world at?                           engine?

                freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil

“be the best user experience design
      company in the world.”

           freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil

   what’s your mountain?

       freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
05   beingthebest

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s get started


“Find hard work you love doing.”

            freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s get started


“Commit yourself to making
    lots of mistakes.”

         freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
Let’s get started


“Focus more on less.”

      freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil
06   yourquestions

          freshtilledsoil.com   @freshtilledsoil

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Designing your Career 2013

  • 1. designingyourcareer By Richard Banfield
  • 2. a lil’bit Aboutus 443 Web and mobile 32 Full-time, on- 9 Countries we’ve 2 Offices in Boston, design projects site designers got clients in and since 2005 and developers San Francisco freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 4. 00 whydesignacareer? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 5. We need more of astrategythantactics “Where do I start?” class of summer 2012 freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 6. ...and astrategyisn’tplanning “The things I’m going to be working on haven’t been invented yet” rhys banfield, summer 2012 freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 7. happinessiskey “Happiness is something you make, not stumble upon” freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 8. 01 Ashortstory freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 9. Let’s start with astoryofvision freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 10. Let’s start with astoryofvision 2008 $2.75M freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 11. Let’s start with astoryofvision Meh! freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 12. Let’s start with astoryofvision “As the duo poured their sorrows into their drinks, they realized that the one part of the site that was actually doing well — the deals — could be combined with their love of design.” freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 13. Let’s start with astoryofvision Passion? Market Best in opp? the world? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 14. Let’s start with astoryofvision freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 15. Let’s start with astoryofvision 2012 $600M 9M customers freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 16. Let’s start with astoryofvision “I’m doing my dream job, and I’m building the company I’m meant to run.” Jason Goldberg freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 17. canitreallybethissimple? Passion? Best in Market the opp? world? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 18. 02 goodtogreat freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 19. Jim Collins’ goodtogreat freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 20. Jim Collins’ goodtogreat Can a good company become a great company, and if so, how? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 21. Jim Collins’ goodtogreat Greatness is not primarily a function of circumstance, but largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline. freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 22. Jim Collins’ goodtogreat Collins was talking about businesses not individuals but it turns out it still works freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 23. Can you really designacareer? Where would you start? & What does the process look like? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 24. 03 thevisionframework freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 25. Jim Collins’ corevaluesconcept it always starts with Who? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 26. Jim Collins’ goodtogreat Get the right Get the wrong people on the bus. people off the bus. Get the right people Put who before what. in the right seats freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 27. Can you really designacareer? How do you know who gets on the bus and who gets off? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 28. Jim Collins’ corevaluesconcept BHAG vivid vision Core purpose Core Values freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 29. Richard’s corevaluesconcept TAG = timeless audacious goal vivid vision Core purpose Core Values freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 30. Why create a timelessaudaciousgoal freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 31. Jim Collins’ thehedgehogconcept discipline opportunistic freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 32. Jim Collins’ thehedgehogconcept disciplined opportunistic freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 33. Jim Collins’ thehedgehogconcept What are you deeply passionate about? What can you What drives be the best at your economic the world at? engine? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 34. Jim Collins’ thehedgehogconcept What are you deeply passionate BHAG about? What can you What drives be the best at your economic the world at? engine? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 35. Jim Collins’ thehedgehogconcept What are you deeply passionate about? Passion? Best in Market the opp? What can you What drives world? be the best at your economic the world at? engine? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 36. 04 thevisionworkshop freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 37. Let’s get started designyourcareer Step 1: Create a list of core values Guidelines: create as many as you want be prepared to share core = emotional & motivational freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 38. fresh tilled soil’s corevalues Keep things simple Own the work Make the team look good Grow with quiet confidence freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 39. Teaching Company corevalues Excellence Cultivate every resource Results-oriented work ethic Fair and generous relationships Integrity. Period. freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 40. designyourcareer Step 2: make a short list determine the three to five values that you feel best represent you freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 41. designyourcareer Step 3: test your values spend a few minutes answering yes or no for each of the values you’ve chosen Here are your questions... freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 42. designyourcareer Question One if you were starting your career today would this value be valid regardless of the industry or trends? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 43. designyourcareer Question Two Is this value timeless, no matter what changes in the outside world? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 44. designyourcareer Question Three would you hold onto this value no matter what others say? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 45. designyourcareer Question Four would you change jobs before compromising this value? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 46. designyourcareer Question Five if you had enough money to retire comfortably would you still continue to believe in this value? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 47. designyourcareer Step 4: select the best values eliminate the values that didn’t pass the yes/no test freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 48. designyourcareer Step 5: write a single core purpose describe in one sentence the core purpose of your career ...and can you be the best at this? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 49. designyourcareer “help entrepreneurs launch innovative and meaningful products” freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 50. designyourcareer “To provide a secure place on Earth for the Jewish people” freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 51. designyourcareer “To make people happy” freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 52. designyourcareer Step 6: write a vivid vision describe in a paragraph how you visualize your purpose happening freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 53. designyourcareer “We will be as people-oriented as HP. ... We will attain customer satisfaction unsurpassed even by Nordstrom. ... We will continually gain market share despite a price premium on commodity products. ... We will be studied by business schools for our sophisticated use of technology.” freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 54. Jim Collins’ thehedgehogconcept Step 7: create your hedgehog What are you deeply passionate about? What can you What drives be the best at your the world at? economic engine? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 55. designyourcareer Step 8: write a bhag create a timeless and audacious goal that will excite you and motivate others to be part of freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 56. Jim Collins’ thehedgehogconcept What are you deeply passionate BHAG about? What can you What drives be the best at your economic the world at? engine? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 57. designyourcareer “be the best user experience design company in the world.” freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 58. designyourcareer what’s your mountain? freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 59. 05 beingthebest freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 60. Let’s get started designyourcareer “Find hard work you love doing.” freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 61. Let’s get started designyourcareer “Commit yourself to making lots of mistakes.” freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 62. Let’s get started designyourcareer “Focus more on less.” freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 63. 06 yourquestions freshtilledsoil.com @freshtilledsoil
  • 65. richard@freshtilledsoil.coM @freshtilledsoil