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Deliverin' the Love to Create Bigger Brand "Fans"
Think a rock band can’t
possibly be legendary
Think again! The Grateful Dead
made marketing history by setting
the standard in content marketing,
blazing the path for social
networking and teaching us all how
to create the ultimate customer
So let’s explore how this out-of-
sight band helped change the
way we do marketing today!
Register for a Chance to Win
A copy of the book that will change
the way you market your brand!
Chalk Talk
• What is a brand “fan”?
• How do I start building brand “fans”?
• How do I keep my new
“fans” in the buying groove?
• What are “freemiums” and
how can I get some?
What’s a Brand “Fan”?
A brand “fan” is a
passionate and
loyal advocate of
your company’s
services or
products, your
company’s goals,
and your
company’s culture.
Direct Marketing Experts Say …
Break the Industry Mold
• Rock the World
Rethink the traditional marketing approach to your industry and seek out
new methods and alternatives not yet used.
• Change the Channel
Don’t follow your competitors, observe and create a new path.
• Sock It to ‘Em
Experiment with new marketing methods to
provide the ultimate brand experience.
Your “fans” will respect your brand more
as you connect with them in different ways.
Be Memorable
• Stand Out with the In Crowd
It’s true, the name of your company is a unique and defining factor, and
should be unmistakable. Take a common word and use a different
spelling (googol=Google) or just be wild and generate something totally
unique (Häagen-Dazs).
• Do Your Own Thing
Create a new look that separates you from the
competitors, using defining brand elements,
custom color palettes, and clear messaging.
• Take Care of Business
Focus on the customers and the brand experience;
purchases and brand acceptance will follow.
Build a Righteous Marketing Team
Get It Together with Solid
Brand Management
Think Beyond Project Manager
Choose someone who
inspires and can bring the
marketing team together to
create the harmony that
your customers want.
-David Meerman Scott,
Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead
Direct Marketing Experts Say …
Deliver the Love Through ...
• Direct Mail
• Social Media
• Blogging/Industry
Content (Thought
• Hosted Events
• Cause-Related Marketing
• Community Experiences
Direct Mail
• What’s the Skinny?
Research your target market and create market segments to help refine your messaging.
• Get Personal, Man.
Use Variable Data to add a personal touch in your messaging and design.
• Tell It Like It Is.
Make the message clear, short and direct.
• Use the Right Lingo.
Use words that relate to your audience and are easy to understand.
Make them feel like they’re in the know.
• Make a Statement with Fab Imagery.
Use imagery and design appropriate for the audience and message.
• Create a Good Vibe.
Appeal to the emotions of the recipient for a stronger connection.
• What’s the Deal?
Include a call to action (answer, “What’s in it for me?”).
Social Media
• Share the Love
Build a community that provides a platform for brand advocates to share and interact with one another.
• Do Your Own Thing
Find the best “voice” and message to have on each platform to make each experience unique.
• Be Up-Front
Be open and direct to create a stronger connection with your community, especially during difficult times.
• Get with the Words
Engage with the audience through conversations and posts; it’s the only way to truly connect with your
customers and receive honest, open answers.
• Don’t Create a Bad Scene
Moderate and make your forums friendly for continued engagement from all customers.
• Be There or Be Square
Hold social media campaigns to encourage audience engagement.
• Don’t Lose Your Cool
Have a plan for proactively handling disgruntled customers,
customer service requests, etc.
Blogging/Content Generation
• Clue Them In
Write about what you know; niche writing can help you create a place for your brand and separate
you from your competitors.
• Change the Channel
Mix it up! Promote your content by integrating with social media and sharing via direct mail and email.
• Get the Skinny
Encourage customer insight and feedback; there is no better way to get the true feelings of a customer
than to open your content for questions and discussion.
• Become a Bookbuster
Research and study what your customers’ interests are, what they
like to read, what they like to do. Doing this will help you generate
engaging content.
• Avoid a Brain Drain
Encourage guest blogging/writing from community to create
content that comes from all perspectives.
• Sock It to ‘Em
Moderate and be timely with responses to articles.
• Make It Happening
Events can be online, offline, in person or virtual. The key is to make it a memorable experience
for your customers.
• Make Them Part of the “In Crowd”
Be personal, appeal to their desire to be part of a community.
• Keep Them On the Hook
Use integrated marketing (a mix of direct mail, digital and social content generation) to create
the buzz.
• Create the Experience
Organize and keep it interesting with activities, interactive elements, and
unique opportunities (answer the question, “Why do I want to participate?”).
• Bring It Full Circle
Follow up the experience with personalized marketing.
• Create the Ultimate After-Party
Keep the event “alive” by creating a sense of community
online and off.
Cause-Related Marketing
• Tune In to Hear More
Make it personal; tell your “fans” how your brand feels about issues that concern
them and how you plan on making a difference.
• T.C.B. (Take Care of Business)
Use your actions to showcase your intentions, and encourage
"fans" to help you reach your company’s goals in making a difference.
• Create THE Scene
Build a community to support the cause; rally around “fan”
content generators that promote and share.
• Make It Real, Make It Heavy
Turn it into an event; make it a point to emphasize your
company’s commitment to the cause and to your “fan” community.
The Community Experience
• Get In the Groove
When you find your “fans” that will help you define your community, embrace them.
The ones that create change are the movers in their peer groups.
• Avoid the Marketing Hype
Remove the marketing speak, become personal and engaged. Don’t sell through
your community, let the community sell for you and engage with them regularly.
• Take Them on a Journey
Build your marketing around a customer journey,
and let your brand “fans” be part of that journey.
Make them an equal part and they will reward you for it.
-David Meerman Scott,
Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead
Passionate, Loyal Fans
-David Meerman Scott,
Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead
• Go Steady
Create passionate “fans” by putting them first. Remember, customers who believe
in your brand will continue to come back time after time.
• Capitalize on What Makes Your “Fans” Different
Look for the ways that your “fans” can help create your brand’s counterculture;
appeal to them to create a close-knit community.
Direct Marketing Experts Say …
Nifty S.W.A.G. (Something We All Get)
• Templates
• White Papers
• Videos
• Sample Products
Bring your “fans” closer to your brand by giving
out free useful content, sample products, trial
subscriptions and other beneficial materials (no
strings attached!).
Companies who successfully
use freemiums to reel us in!
MailChimp (mailchimp.com)
HootSuite (hootsuite.com)
• Trial Subscriptions
• Free Consultations
• Webinars
• Etc.!
Lay It On Us ...
We’ve been helping our clients
rock their marketing for 5 years!
Let us help you get your
marketing groove on and
Deliver the Love to your “fans.”
Call us today! 678-594-0048
Become a Marketing Guru
Your journey to ROI nirvana begins
when you register for a chance to win
Marketing Lessons from the Grateful
Dead for truly transcendental
marketing enlightenment.
Get insights from rock stars and other
enlightened souls on the best practices for
generating mail that helps make true
believers of any brand. Pick up the secrets of
integration and learn how to guide customers
to the next level of “brand consciousness.”
Register for a Chance to Win
Drawing Ends
August 8, 2014

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BLOG ISSUE 46- Balmer Lawrie Quarterly Gazette
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Deliverin' the Love to Create Bigger Brand "Fans"

  • 2. Think a rock band can’t possibly be legendary marketers? Think again! The Grateful Dead made marketing history by setting the standard in content marketing, blazing the path for social networking and teaching us all how to create the ultimate customer experience! So let’s explore how this out-of- sight band helped change the way we do marketing today! Register for a Chance to Win Cmoteam.com/neat-giveaway A copy of the book that will change the way you market your brand!
  • 3. Chalk Talk • What is a brand “fan”? • How do I start building brand “fans”? • How do I keep my new “fans” in the buying groove? • What are “freemiums” and how can I get some?
  • 4. What’s a Brand “Fan”? A brand “fan” is a passionate and loyal advocate of your company’s services or products, your company’s goals, and your company’s culture.
  • 6. Break the Industry Mold • Rock the World Rethink the traditional marketing approach to your industry and seek out new methods and alternatives not yet used. • Change the Channel Don’t follow your competitors, observe and create a new path. • Sock It to ‘Em Experiment with new marketing methods to provide the ultimate brand experience. Your “fans” will respect your brand more as you connect with them in different ways.
  • 7. Be Memorable • Stand Out with the In Crowd It’s true, the name of your company is a unique and defining factor, and should be unmistakable. Take a common word and use a different spelling (googol=Google) or just be wild and generate something totally unique (Häagen-Dazs). • Do Your Own Thing Create a new look that separates you from the competitors, using defining brand elements, custom color palettes, and clear messaging. • Take Care of Business Focus on the customers and the brand experience; purchases and brand acceptance will follow.
  • 8. Build a Righteous Marketing Team
  • 9. Get It Together with Solid Brand Management Think Beyond Project Manager Choose someone who inspires and can bring the marketing team together to create the harmony that your customers want. THE GRATEFUL DEAD TEACHES US TO FIND TALENTED PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF OUR INDUSTRY AND COMFORT ZONES. -David Meerman Scott, Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead
  • 10. DIVERSIFY YOUR MARKETING CHANNELS Direct Marketing Experts Say …
  • 11. Deliver the Love Through ... • Direct Mail • Social Media • Blogging/Industry Content (Thought Leadership) • Hosted Events • Cause-Related Marketing • Community Experiences
  • 12. Direct Mail • What’s the Skinny? Research your target market and create market segments to help refine your messaging. • Get Personal, Man. Use Variable Data to add a personal touch in your messaging and design. • Tell It Like It Is. Make the message clear, short and direct. • Use the Right Lingo. Use words that relate to your audience and are easy to understand. Make them feel like they’re in the know. • Make a Statement with Fab Imagery. Use imagery and design appropriate for the audience and message. • Create a Good Vibe. Appeal to the emotions of the recipient for a stronger connection. • What’s the Deal? Include a call to action (answer, “What’s in it for me?”).
  • 13. Social Media • Share the Love Build a community that provides a platform for brand advocates to share and interact with one another. • Do Your Own Thing Find the best “voice” and message to have on each platform to make each experience unique. • Be Up-Front Be open and direct to create a stronger connection with your community, especially during difficult times. • Get with the Words Engage with the audience through conversations and posts; it’s the only way to truly connect with your customers and receive honest, open answers. • Don’t Create a Bad Scene Moderate and make your forums friendly for continued engagement from all customers. • Be There or Be Square Hold social media campaigns to encourage audience engagement. • Don’t Lose Your Cool Have a plan for proactively handling disgruntled customers, customer service requests, etc.
  • 14. Blogging/Content Generation • Clue Them In Write about what you know; niche writing can help you create a place for your brand and separate you from your competitors. • Change the Channel Mix it up! Promote your content by integrating with social media and sharing via direct mail and email. • Get the Skinny Encourage customer insight and feedback; there is no better way to get the true feelings of a customer than to open your content for questions and discussion. • Become a Bookbuster Research and study what your customers’ interests are, what they like to read, what they like to do. Doing this will help you generate engaging content. • Avoid a Brain Drain Encourage guest blogging/writing from community to create content that comes from all perspectives. • Sock It to ‘Em Moderate and be timely with responses to articles.
  • 15. Events • Make It Happening Events can be online, offline, in person or virtual. The key is to make it a memorable experience for your customers. • Make Them Part of the “In Crowd” Be personal, appeal to their desire to be part of a community. • Keep Them On the Hook Use integrated marketing (a mix of direct mail, digital and social content generation) to create the buzz. • Create the Experience Organize and keep it interesting with activities, interactive elements, and unique opportunities (answer the question, “Why do I want to participate?”). • Bring It Full Circle Follow up the experience with personalized marketing. • Create the Ultimate After-Party Keep the event “alive” by creating a sense of community online and off.
  • 16. Cause-Related Marketing • Tune In to Hear More Make it personal; tell your “fans” how your brand feels about issues that concern them and how you plan on making a difference. • T.C.B. (Take Care of Business) Use your actions to showcase your intentions, and encourage "fans" to help you reach your company’s goals in making a difference. • Create THE Scene Build a community to support the cause; rally around “fan” content generators that promote and share. • Make It Real, Make It Heavy Turn it into an event; make it a point to emphasize your company’s commitment to the cause and to your “fan” community.
  • 17. The Community Experience • Get In the Groove When you find your “fans” that will help you define your community, embrace them. The ones that create change are the movers in their peer groups. • Avoid the Marketing Hype Remove the marketing speak, become personal and engaged. Don’t sell through your community, let the community sell for you and engage with them regularly. • Take Them on a Journey Build your marketing around a customer journey, and let your brand “fans” be part of that journey. Make them an equal part and they will reward you for it. LET YOUR COMMUNITY DEFINE YOU, RATHER THAN TRYING TO DICTATE WHAT’S SAID AND HOW ABOUT YOUR COMPANY. -David Meerman Scott, Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead
  • 18. Passionate, Loyal Fans -David Meerman Scott, Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead • Go Steady Create passionate “fans” by putting them first. Remember, customers who believe in your brand will continue to come back time after time. • Capitalize on What Makes Your “Fans” Different Look for the ways that your “fans” can help create your brand’s counterculture; appeal to them to create a close-knit community. HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT SOMETHING ARE EAGER TO TALK IT UP, JUST LIKE FANS OF THE GRATEFUL DEAD WANT TO TALK UP THEIR FAVORITE BAND? YOUR JOB IS TO CREATE AN EXPERIENCE THAT’S UNIQUE, ONE THAT ECCENTRICS WILL GRAVITATE TO, AND ONE THAT THEY WANT TO TALK UP.
  • 19. CREATE BRAND FREEMIUMS Direct Marketing Experts Say …
  • 20. Nifty S.W.A.G. (Something We All Get) • Templates • White Papers • Videos • Sample Products Bring your “fans” closer to your brand by giving out free useful content, sample products, trial subscriptions and other beneficial materials (no strings attached!). Companies who successfully use freemiums to reel us in! MailChimp (mailchimp.com) HootSuite (hootsuite.com) • Trial Subscriptions • Free Consultations • Webinars • Etc.!
  • 21. Lay It On Us ... We’ve been helping our clients rock their marketing for 5 years! Let us help you get your marketing groove on and Deliver the Love to your “fans.” www.cmoteam.com Call us today! 678-594-0048
  • 22. Become a Marketing Guru Your journey to ROI nirvana begins when you register for a chance to win Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead for truly transcendental marketing enlightenment. Get insights from rock stars and other enlightened souls on the best practices for generating mail that helps make true believers of any brand. Pick up the secrets of integration and learn how to guide customers to the next level of “brand consciousness.” Register for a Chance to Win Cmoteam.com/neat-giveaway Drawing Ends August 8, 2014