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Data Warehouses in Kubernetes Visualized
Introducing the ClickHouse
Kubernetes Operator UI
Graham Mainwaring
Robert Hodges
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Presenter Bios and Altinity Introduction
ClickHouse support and services including Altinity.Cloud
Authors of ClickHouse Operator for Kubernetes
and other fine open source projects
Robert Hodges
Altinity CEO
30+ years on DBMS plus
virtualization and security.
ClickHouse is DBMS #20
Graham Mainwaring
Senior Cloud Eng
25 years of enterprise
development; author of
Ansible Receptor project
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
What is
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
“Kubernetes is the new Linux”
Actually it’s an open-source platform that is:
● An orchestrator for container-based apps
● Infrastructure as code
● A great cluster manager
● A terminal endpoint for CI/CD automation
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Where Kubernetes runs…
Dev Environment
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
How Kubernetes manages applications
. . .
kube-system default my-namespace . . .
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
A simple distributed application
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Defined using Kubernetes resources
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Problem: ClickHouse on Kubernetes is complex!
Shard 1 Replica 1
Shard 1 Replica 2
Shard 2 Replica 1
Shard 2 Replica 2
User Config Map Common Config Map
Per-replica Config Map
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Solution: Kubernetes Operator
kube-system namespace
your-favorite namespace
Apache 2.0 source,
distributed as Docker
kubectl -f apply
Best practice deployment
“Adjust reality”
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Cluster Creation
On Kubernetes
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Installing ClickHouse operator
Get operator custom resource definition:
Install the operator:
kubectl apply -f clickhouse-operator-install-bundle.yaml
Install in kube-system namespace
Don’t delete -f when there are live clusters!
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Installing Zookeeper
Get Zookeeper stateful set definition:
Install Zookeeper.
kubectl create ns zoo1ns
kubectl apply -f zookeeper-1-node.yaml -n zoo1ns
Dev/test only!
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Time to bring up a data warehouse
kubectl apply -f first.yaml
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
First.yaml, part 1: Basics
apiVersion: "clickhouse.altinity.com/v1"
kind: "ClickHouseInstallation"
name: "first"
- name: "first"
shardsCount: 2
replicasCount: 2
podTemplate: clickhouse-stable
volumeClaimTemplate: pd-ssd
- host: zookeeper.zoo1ns
port: 2181
Resource type
Shards and replicas
Where is Zookeeper?
Ensure storage is
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
First.yaml, part 2: Users
# User = demo, Password = topsecret
demo/profile: default
demo/quota: default
- ::/0
Profile and quota
IP filters for user
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
First.yaml, part 3: Pods
# What is the definition of my server?
- name: clickhouse-stable
- name: clickhouse
image: altinity/clickhouse-server:
# Keep servers on separate nodes!
- scope: ClickHouseInstallation
type: ClickHouseAntiAffinity
Altinity stable
Pods on separate nodes
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
First.yaml, part 4: Storage
# How much storage and which type on each node?
- name: pd-ssd
# Do not delete PVC if installation is dropped.
reclaimPolicy: Retain
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 100Gi
# GKE storage class to allocate pd-ssd storage.
storageClassName: premium-rwo
Don’t delete storage!
Storage size
Storage type
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Accessing our creations
Safety first...Check storage!
kubectl get pvc
And make sure pods are on separate nodes
kubectl get pod -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,
Access ClickHouse via load-balancer service
kubectl exec -it chi-first-first-0-0-0 -- bash
clickhouse-client --host=clickhouse-first 
--user=demo --password=topsecret
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
After seeing all that…
Wouldn’t it be
better if the
operator had a UI?
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Dashboard Goals
● Be able to do the things we just talked about, but without having to remember
all the command syntax.
● Given a Kubernetes cluster, easily deploy the operator and a ClickHouse
Instance in a few mouse clicks.
● Have immediate visibility to the overall state of the deployment.
● Show a focused view of only the items that matter for ClickHouse.
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Demo Time
Altinity Dashboard
in action
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
● It’s alpha software!
● We are still working on testing and documentation!
● We will be adding more features!
Try it out and tell us what you think by logging issues or on AltinityDB slack
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Learning more
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
● Altinity Dashboard
● ClickHouse Kubernetes Operator
● Altinity Documentation
○ Kubernetes operator & ClickHouse blog
● ClickHouse
○ Everything Clickhouse
● Altinity Blog
○ Articles about ClickHouse usage including Kubernetes
More information and references
© 2021 Altinity, Inc.
Thank you!
We’re hiring
ClickHouse Operator:
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Data Warehouses in Kubernetes Visualized: the ClickHouse Kubernetes Operator UI

  • 1. Data Warehouses in Kubernetes Visualized Introducing the ClickHouse Kubernetes Operator UI Graham Mainwaring Robert Hodges 1
  • 2. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Presenter Bios and Altinity Introduction ClickHouse support and services including Altinity.Cloud Authors of ClickHouse Operator for Kubernetes and other fine open source projects Robert Hodges Altinity CEO 30+ years on DBMS plus virtualization and security. ClickHouse is DBMS #20 Graham Mainwaring Senior Cloud Eng 25 years of enterprise development; author of Ansible Receptor project
  • 3. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. What is Kubernetes? 3
  • 4. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. “Kubernetes is the new Linux” Actually it’s an open-source platform that is: ● An orchestrator for container-based apps ● Infrastructure as code ● A great cluster manager ● A terminal endpoint for CI/CD automation
  • 5. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Where Kubernetes runs… 5 Dev Environment (Laptop/VM) Self-managed Managed
  • 6. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. How Kubernetes manages applications Kubernetes Resources Server Storage Server Storage Server Storage . . . Physical Nodes kube-system default my-namespace . . .
  • 7. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. A simple distributed application Load Balancer Process #1 Process #3 Process #2 Storage Storage Storage Traffic
  • 8. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Defined using Kubernetes resources Pod “svc-1” Persistent Volume Service “svc” Stateful Set Persistent Volume Claim Persistent Volume Persistent Volume Pod “svc-2” Pod “svc-2” Persistent Volume Claim Persistent Volume Claim Config Maps Config Maps
  • 9. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Problem: ClickHouse on Kubernetes is complex! Zookeeper Services Zookeeper-0 Zookeeper-2 Zookeeper-1 Shard 1 Replica 1 Replica Service Load Balancer Service Shard 1 Replica 2 Shard 2 Replica 1 Shard 2 Replica 2 Replica Service Replica Service Replica Service User Config Map Common Config Map Stateful Set Pod Persistent Volume Claim Persistent Volume Per-replica Config Map
  • 10. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Solution: Kubernetes Operator kube-system namespace ClickHouse Operator your-favorite namespace Apache 2.0 source, distributed as Docker image kubectl -f apply my-cluster.yaml Best practice deployment ClickHouse Resource Definition “Adjust reality”
  • 11. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Soup-to-Nuts Cluster Creation On Kubernetes 11
  • 12. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Installing ClickHouse operator Get operator custom resource definition: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/m aster/deploy/operator/clickhouse-operator-install-bundle.yaml Install the operator: kubectl apply -f clickhouse-operator-install-bundle.yaml Install in kube-system namespace Don’t delete -f when there are live clusters!
  • 13. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Installing Zookeeper Get Zookeeper stateful set definition: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operato r/master/deploy/zookeeper/quick-start-persistent-volume/zooke eper-1-node.yaml Install Zookeeper. kubectl create ns zoo1ns kubectl apply -f zookeeper-1-node.yaml -n zoo1ns Dev/test only!
  • 14. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Time to bring up a data warehouse 14 kubectl apply -f first.yaml
  • 15. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. First.yaml, part 1: Basics apiVersion: "clickhouse.altinity.com/v1" kind: "ClickHouseInstallation" metadata: name: "first" spec: configuration: clusters: - name: "first" layout: shardsCount: 2 replicasCount: 2 templates: podTemplate: clickhouse-stable volumeClaimTemplate: pd-ssd zookeeper: nodes: - host: zookeeper.zoo1ns port: 2181 15 Resource type Shards and replicas Where is Zookeeper? Ensure storage is persistent
  • 16. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. First.yaml, part 2: Users users: # User = demo, Password = topsecret demo/password_sha256_hex: 53336a676c64c1396553b2b7c92f38126768827c93b64d9142069c10eda7a721 demo/profile: default demo/quota: default demo/networks/ip: - - ::/0 16 Password Profile and quota IP filters for user
  • 17. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. First.yaml, part 3: Pods templates: podTemplates: # What is the definition of my server? - name: clickhouse-stable spec: containers: - name: clickhouse image: altinity/clickhouse-server: # Keep servers on separate nodes! podDistribution: - scope: ClickHouseInstallation type: ClickHouseAntiAffinity 17 Altinity stable release Pods on separate nodes
  • 18. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. First.yaml, part 4: Storage volumeClaimTemplates: # How much storage and which type on each node? - name: pd-ssd # Do not delete PVC if installation is dropped. reclaimPolicy: Retain spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 100Gi # GKE storage class to allocate pd-ssd storage. storageClassName: premium-rwo 18 Don’t delete storage! Storage size Storage type
  • 19. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Accessing our creations Safety first...Check storage! kubectl get pvc And make sure pods are on separate nodes kubectl get pod -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name, STATUS:.status.phase,NODE:.spec.nodeName Access ClickHouse via load-balancer service kubectl exec -it chi-first-first-0-0-0 -- bash clickhouse-client --host=clickhouse-first --user=demo --password=topsecret
  • 20. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. After seeing all that… 20 Wouldn’t it be better if the operator had a UI?
  • 21. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Introducing Altinity Dashboard 21
  • 22. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Dashboard Goals ● Be able to do the things we just talked about, but without having to remember all the command syntax. ● Given a Kubernetes cluster, easily deploy the operator and a ClickHouse Instance in a few mouse clicks. ● Have immediate visibility to the overall state of the deployment. ● Show a focused view of only the items that matter for ClickHouse. 22
  • 23. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Demo Time 23 Altinity Dashboard in action
  • 24. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Caveats ● It’s alpha software! ● We are still working on testing and documentation! ● We will be adding more features! Try it out and tell us what you think by logging issues or on AltinityDB slack 24
  • 25. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Learning more 25
  • 26. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. ● Altinity Dashboard ● ClickHouse Kubernetes Operator ● Altinity Documentation ○ Kubernetes operator & ClickHouse blog ● ClickHouse ○ Everything Clickhouse ● Altinity Blog ○ Articles about ClickHouse usage including Kubernetes More information and references 26
  • 27. © 2021 Altinity, Inc. Thank you! We’re hiring ClickHouse Operator: https://github.com/Altinity/click house-operator Altinity Website: https://www.altinity.com Altinity Dashboard: https://github.com/Altinity/altini ty-dashboard 27