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Search Engine Optimisation - SEO
Web Marketing Academy (WMA
India) is the most preferred highly
rated Digital Marketing Training
Institute located in 12th Main, Indira
Nagar Bangalore, India. We are
endorsed by Christ University,
Official Partners for IIM Bangalore
Digital Marketing Workshop and
trusted by the industry.
About WMA
Our mission
To evangelize Digital
Marketing in India and
empower the next generation
of leaders in digital
transformation. We give
them skills and expertise to
reach the top, matched with
the critical thinking and
leadership capabilities to
stay there.
Apart from regular training,
we provide Custom
Corporate Digital & Social
Media Training Programs
consulting, workshops for
brands/MNC’s, Small
Business CEO, CMO,
Why we love what we do
The passion for digital, social
media marketing and the need
for internet marketing education
helped us start Web Marketing
Academy. Since 2002, for more
than 17 years, our founder &
instructors have helped some of
the world’s leading companies
maximize profitability through
digital media marketing.
What is SEO ? 4
What are the different types of Search engines 6
How does Crawler based search engines (Google) work? 7
SEO Techniques 10
Webmaster Guidelines 11
Types of SEO 13
Chapter 1
What is On-Page SEO and how to implement 14
Chapter 2
What is Off-Page SEO and How to Implement it? 45
Chapter 3
Universal SEO 55
Chapter 4
Local SEO 64
Chapter 5
How to get started with GSC? 75
What is SEO ?
Why SEO ?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, it is the process
of optimising your website to rank them in a better position
in SERP (Search Engine Results Page).
• Free
• High-Quality Traffic
• Long Term Results
• Higher ROI
• Higher Conversion Rate
• Better Visibility
• Reach the Right
• Better Position, Better
• Increase in Sales /
• Brand Awareness
Because no one cares about
the results on the 2nd page.
SEO What are the different types of Search engines
There are 3 types of search engines
• Directory-based Search
• Meta Search
• Crawler based Search
Directory based search engines are
Human-powered, where the website details
have to be submitted manually to the
directory. Whenever someone searches for
any information in the directory, it fetches
the information from its database and
serves it to the users.
Just dial, Classifieds website, Practo, etc.
Meta search engines fetch the data from
different data servers, combine the results
into one list and serve data to the users.
Crawler based search engines use
Spiders or Crawlers to find websites on the
internet, read(Scans) the content and store
the details in its data centers. Whenever
someone performs a search in these search
engines, it pulls out the data from its data
center, ranks the websites and serves the
information to the user. The Information
that you find in these search engines is not
real-time data, it uses the cache data.
Google, Yahoo
SEO How does Crawler based
search engines (Google) work?
Before you search, web crawlers gather information from
across hundreds of billions of webpages and organize it in the
Search index.
Google search works in 3 steps
Crawling is a process of discovering publicly available
web pages across the internet using the software known
as web crawlers. These crawlers scan the web pages and
understand the website content and bring back the data
to Google servers.
Indexing is all about organising the information on web
pages in data centers. When the crawler scans the web
pages, it takes a screenshot of the web pages,
understands the web page based on content, keywords,
freshness and other factors and stores that information
in the index which is also called data centers.
Serving/Ranking is a process of fetching the information
from the Google data center, ranking them based on the
algorithm or formulas or ranking signals and serving
the results (Web Pages) to users.
For more Details:- Google Search - Discover How Google
Search Works
When Google launched its search engine,
they used to have only one ranking factor
called Page Rank.
Page Rank is the first formula used by
Google to rank web pages based on the
number of webpages links
pointing(recommending) a web page.
PageRank was named after Larry Page, one
of the founders of Google.
Later when the webmasters or website
owners started misusing the formula or
taking advantage of the formula to rank their
website in SERP like buying backlinks,
exchanging links, getting links from low-
quality websites, Google started adding more
updates and started tweaking the algorithm.
At present, Google has more than 1500+
formulas to rank web pages in Google search.
The techniques used by webmasters to rank
their webpages in SERP(Search Engine
Results Page)
Page Rank
SEO Techniques
y2 + x
Webmaster Guidelines
White hat - Following all good or ethical
practices while optimising web pages
Black hat - Following all bad or unethical
practices while optimising web pages
Grey hat - Following a mix of both black and
white hat SEO techniques.
Webmaster Guidelines:- Is a list of
algorithms or formulas listed by Google for
webmasters which is divided into 2 parts.
General Guidelines (Do’s) - Consists
of all the good practices to follow which
will help Google to understand, index
and rank web pages.
Quality Guidelines (Don'ts) -
Consists of a few bad practices which
the webmasters should not implement
and make sure they don’t get impacted
by Google penalty.
For more details: Webmaster Guidelines - Search
Console Help
10 Big Brands That Were Penalized By Google,
From Rap Genius To The BBC
Here are a few case studies of websites that got
penalized by Google
Now let’s get started with the understanding of How to
implement SEO.
What happens when you follow or implement Black
hat or unethical practices to rank your website
When Google identifies any website or a web
page following unethical practices to rank
their web pages, Google penalizes that website
which is also called as Google penalty by
which the complete website will be removed
from Google index. This means the user can no
longer find that website in SERP until the
webmaster cleans up the website and submits
a reconsideration request to Google.
Types of SEO
There are 5 types of SEO, which in words are also called
5 different methods or ways to implement SEO.
On-Page SEO - Optimisation is done within
your website.
Off-Page SEO - Optimisation is done outside
of your website to rank your site(Ex:-
Technical SEO - Optimisation is done
considering the technical aspects like
optimising page speed, fixing broken links,
implementing structured data.
Local SEO - Mainly used by local business, to
optimise for location(Address)
Universal SEO - Optimising different
formats of content through different formats.
Step1:- Identifying the Goals, Objectives &
Step2:- Keyword Research
Step3:- Title Tag
Step4:- Meta Description
Step5:- URL Structure
Step6:- Header Tags ( H1, H2 tags)
Step7:- Anchor Links
Step8:- Image Optimisation ( ALT Attributes)
Step9:- Bread Crumbs
Step10:- Site Navigation ( Site Architecture /
Step11:- Content
On-Page SEO is a process of optimising individual
web pages within the website in order to rank the
web page in a better position in SERP and gain more
relevant traffic to the website. On-Page refers to
optimising elements like content, title, images,
header tags and many more in each web page.
Let us understand in detail the step by step
procedure of each one of the elements of On-Page
Chapter 1
What is On-Page SEO and how to implement
Identifying the Goals, Objectives
& Defining KPIs ( Key Performance Indicators)
Goals:- is basically defining what you want to
achieve through SEO. A company can have
multiple goals to achieve like an increase in
Revenue, Sales, Traffic, Brand Awareness.
When you define the goals, you can define it
either at the page level or at category level or
site level
Objectives:- is all about quantifying the goals.
For example, if increase in sales is your goal
then defining a number like what is the
current sales you are getting through SEO and
to what number or percentage you wanted to
increase it. While defining the number, it is
also very important to define a particular time
frame for it. Eg: Increase in sales from 50 units
to 100 units in three months time.
Step 1
KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators)
Identifying the Goals, Objectives
& Defining KPIs ( Key Performance Indicators)
KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators):- As you all
know SEO is an ongoing and time taking
process. So while we are implementing SEO,
we need to keep tracking the performance of
our website in organic results on a regular
periodic interval to make sure we are on the
right track. Few examples of KPIs for SEO we
have to keep measuring or analyzing are
increase in traffic & subscribers, keyword
rankings, time spent on the site, bounce rate,
top viewed pages or posts, pages viewed per
Let us discuss an example, a service-based
website with the goal of increasing revenue
and educating users.
Digital Marketing and Measurement Model:
Web Analytics
A search term which a user types to find your
website in the search engine is called a
Keyword. It can be a single word or a phrase.
Step 2
Keyword Research
What is a Keyword?
Keywords can be defined in two contexts,
• Based on the length.
• Based on the user's inten
Based on the Length
There are 3 types of keywords, based on length,
• Short-tail keyword (Single Word,
Ex:- Shoes, Mobiles)
• Medium-tail keyword ( 2 - 3 words,
Ex:- Buy shoes online, Buy
mobiles, Best shoes online)
• Long-tail keyword ( More than 3
words, Buy best running shoes,
Best washing machine within 20k,
Buy 43inch Led tv online
Based on the user's intent
There are 3 types of keywords, based on Intent,
• Transactional keywords (Search
terms with sales intent like buy,
sale, purchase)
• Informational keywords (Search
terms with educational or
research intent like how to, 10
best, top)
• Branded keywords (Search terms
that are associated with your
Brand name)
Keyword research helps you identify keywords that
appeal to your users and also help to expand the
reach of your website content. A good approach to
keyword research is through the help of tools that
help you identify what is the user intent, what
content/topic they are searching for.
Please note that when you research the keywords,
you should keep in mind the purpose/theme of your
website. If your intention is sales, go for
transactional keywords or opt for informational
keywords if you aim to provide important
information to the readers.
Here are a few important ways/tools that help
you research appropriate keywords for your
website and can be done in two ways
For transactional keywords, use tools
such as
Google Suggest: A simple, yet effective way
of doing keyword research. Search for a
keyword like how you would expect your users
to search and Google will provide suggestions
as you type, based on highly searched
keywords. Here you will see long-tail
Google Related: These are the searches
related to the keywords that you search on
Google. They are present at the bottom of the
SERP and are popular searches based on user
Google Keyword Planner: This is a free
Google Ads tool where you can search for
keywords, suitable to your website content.
You can also enter websites and see the
keywords based on their content. This tool
shows you the average monthly volume and
its competition.
Google Trends: This tool shows you the
frequency of keywords based on a country,
state, and gives you additional keyword ideas
and also shows you the competition. You can
compare different search terms, topics based
on the search type, categories, and duration of
the search.
UberSuggest: This tool goes through all the
recommendations from Google Suggest and
shows you the most appropriate keyword. You
can also check the competitors’ keywords by
putting their website URL.
Start using this tool: Ubersuggest's Free
Keyword Tool, Generate More Suggestions
For Informational keywords use tools
such as
Quora: This is the best platform to get ideas
for a blog. You can search for your blog topic
and understand what kind of questions people
are asking and the answers for it as well.
Please note that every keyword is a problem,
and your content should be the answer.
Start using this tool:
Answer the Public: This paid tool gives
you instant results directly based on the
user’s intent. You can see the insights
broken down into questions, prepositional
phrases, comparisons, related searches,
and alphabetical searches. You can only
perform three searches per day. If you want
to perform more searches, you should
upgrade to the Pro version.
Start searching today: AnswerThePublic:
Search listening tool for market,
customer & content research
People also ask (Google): This is a very
effective tool to check what kind of
questions people are asking for the given
keyword. The best part, it is displayed on
the SERP along with the other search
results. Just add a keyword based on the
page and you can find this option.
The best tool you can use for keyword
research is your gut feeling. You need to
have a clear understanding of what you
want to achieve with the website and how
you want your users to consume the
BONUS TIP: If you want to rank for Voice
Search, make sure to include question-based or
personalized keywords, that include phrases
like "How to", "Should I" or "For me". For more
information please visit:- https://
Once you have used these tools to come up with
appropriate keywords for your website, the next step
is to keep a track of these keywords using a Keyword
Planner excel sheet.
In this excel sheet you:
Will be creating columns and adding the
tool name that you use for each column.
Will be adding the relevant keywords
under each column.
Will be shortlisting the primary and
secondary keyword for optimization.
Repeat the process for each page of your
website by creating new sheets and
keeping the page content/theme in mind.
Important note: Keyword research has to be done
separately for individual pages.
For example,
when you are selecting keywords for the HOME
PAGE of a GST filing website, select
keywords, that show the overview of the page
such as How to file GST online or GST filing in
India etc.
When you are selecting keywords for an individual
page such as GSTR-1 filing, then use keywords only
related to GSTR-1 filing.
Here is a format to get you started with your
keyword planning: Keyword Planner Format . Feel
free to make a copy of it and use it for your website.
A title tag is an HTML element that specifies
the title of a webpage. It is displayed on the
SERP as a clickable headline for a searched
keyword and is one of the most important
steps in On-Page SEO. It is shown as a blue
link on the SERP.
Step 3
Title Tag
Optimising your title is important ranking
criteria for search engines and it can be easily
A perfectly optimised title looks like this
Title tags are a major factor in search engine
ranking and it also acts as a first impression
for the users to understand your pages. There
are three places where you can check the title
SERP (As shown in the image above)
Browser Tab
Page Source (Backend)
Importance of a title tag
The best practices to write a good title
A few things to avoid while writing title tags
The best practices to write a good title are
Keep your title length up to 60-70
characters including space to avoid
ellipses (...) Google truncates the title tags
that go beyond the ideal character length.
Put important keywords at the beginning
for more impact on search rankings.
Every page should have a unique Title tag
for better understanding for the users and
it also improves CTR.
Keep your users in mind and add USPs to
stand out.
Use separator after the keyword.
Example: use a comma (,) or a separator
(|) or a hyphen (-)
Avoid keyword stuffing or over
optimisation of the title as Google may
simply remove it for serving the users with
more relevant information.
Duplicating the titles for every page as
Google sees it as a black hat practice.
Lengthy or irrelevant title tags are bad for
the user experience and can lead the
search engines to not rank your pages
Writing the titles in UPPERCASE.
Capital letters take up extra character
spaces so your titles may be truncated by
Google in this case.
Step 4
Meta Description
Meta description is a piece of text that
provides a brief summary of a webpage. It is
displayed below the title tags in the SERP.
Just like title tags, this is also an important
ranking factor for search engines. The purpose
of the meta description is to get the users to
click on your link.
There are two places to check the meta
Page Source
Best practices to write a good meta description
Things to avoid
Use up to 155-160 characters. Anything going
beyond the optimal length can be truncated by
It should briefly describe the content of your
page. Keep it actionable which will urge the
user to click.
Include a call-to-action.
Add 1 or 2 focus keywords, keeping it relevant
to the content of your page so that Google
shows this to the users.
Write unique, compelling and readable
descriptions for a better CTR.
Using duplicate descriptions for different
pages. This is not a good practice according to
Google and it may not rank you higher on the
In the address bar
Writing short and irrelevant descriptions that
provide no value to the user.
Stuffing the keywords. It is a black hat
practice and Google can choose not to show a
description that is over-optimized.
Step 5
URL Structure
URL is a permalink that shows your domain
name along with a brief structure of a page.
URL is important for rankings, link sharing
and even adds value to your presence on the
SERP. It is shown in green color text. By
seeing the URL, the users and search engines
should get a good idea about what they can
expect on the page.
You can find the URL of a page in two places:
Best practices to write a good URL structure
Things to Avoid
Keep it simple, relevant and as accurate as
Use hyphens ( - ) to separate words. If you are
using a plugin like Yoast to add a structure
then the spaces are by default taken as a
Use lowercase text only.
Using the exact page name along with a
keyword can increase the click-through rate.
A user-friendly URL structure is ranked
higher by the search engines and also
enhances the user experience.
Using uppercase letters
Don’t use underscore, space or a special
character to separate the words
Using file extensions like
Keyword stuffing like “product-page-best-
Lengthy URLs
Avoid changing your URLs frequently. If
you do, then make sure you are redirecting
the users and the bots to the new URL
Implementation of On-Page SEO on Wordpress
To optimise and improve your SEO on
Wordpress, you can take the help of plugins.
Either use Yoast SEO plugin or All-in-One
SEO Pack plugin.
Go to the individual page in the Pages
section from your Wordpress dashboard.
Click on Edit, displayed under the
individual page name, for example,
Search Engine Optimisation.
On the edit page, scroll down, you will
see the Yoast SEO section > Click on
Edit Snippet and the Google Preview
option will open.
To Optimise the Title, URL, and Meta
Once you are in this section, you will see
the Google Preview from two aspects:
Mobile and Desktop.
Optimise your Title Tags, URL
Structure (Slug) and Meta description
using the best practices mentioned
Click on Close Snippet editor and then
Repeat the process for all the important
pages of your website that you want
Google to crawl, index and rank.
Update your pages in the URL
Inspection Tool on the Google Search
Console, for manually asking the Google
Bots to crawl your pages.
Step 6
Header Tags ( H1, H2-H6 tags)
Header tags are used to highlight the main
heading (H1) and subheadings(H2-H6) in a
page, H1 and H2 tags help in ranking pages
better. When you use different header tags,
you structure your website content to make it
easier for the visitors and crawlers to
understand it.
Use header tags to provide a good structure.
Each header should give the user a clear idea
about the information provided on the page.
Use H1 to highlight the main heading of the
page and H2-H6 tags to provide the
subheadings and so on. Please make sure to
use only ONE H1 tag per page.
Best practices for Header Tags
Include keywords in the headings. Do this for
the bots that are scanning your page and
trying to understand the content.
Use them consistently. This will add to good
user experience and also helps the user
navigate through the content with ease.
Using them in chronological order for better
SEO, although it is not a direct ranking factor.
Make sure that if you are using an H4, you use
H3 and H2 as well. This adds quality to your
content and that helps in SEO.
Using more than one H1 tag on the page. This
can be confusing to the bots as they won’t
understand which is the main title of the page.
Using an extremely lengthy header tag as it
can break the flow of your content and give
users a bad reading experience.
Using irrelevant header tags.
If you create content on your blog for an
individual page, then the other pages of your
website must direct the users to this blog page.
This is achieved through Anchor Links. You
can do this by adding links in between the
content of the other pages within the website.
Things to Avoid
Step 7
Anchor Links
Use proper anchor text (use keywords here) to
let the users know about which page they are
going to click on. This improves the user-
friendliness of a page.
Anchor links mainly focus on the internal
inbound links which means that how many
pages within the website are directing the
users to the main target page which you want
to rank on the SERP.
Optimising your image file name using alt text
makes it easier for the image bots to better
understand your images.
Use file names that best describe
your content of the image. For
example “Running shoes
Black.jpg” is a better filename
than “1235367-183637.jpg”
Things to note
Bonus tip: Always use the same anchor text that
leads to the target page. This helps the bots to
recognize the page as important and relevant to
the website which helps in ranking.
Step 8
Image Optimisation ( ALT Attributes)
The alt attributes make your site
more accessible and help the
visually impaired users
understand your content easily.
Changing the file name at source.
When you download free images
from the internet, always rename
the file when you save it on the
desktop. This can help you
understand that on which page of
the website should you upload the
Optimising on the Wordpress
backend in the Media section.
Over here, just like the pages, you
have to optimise the Title and
Description, along with the
Alternative text.
Image Optimisation can be
done in two ways:
Step 9
Bread Crumbs
A breadcrumb is a row of internal links at the
top of the page that allows visitors to quickly
navigate back to a previous section or the
home page. Breadcrumbs help to enhance the
user-experience, and also lower the bounce
rate on your site.
There are three types of breadcrumbs
Hierarchy-based breadcrumbs: They are
like your site structure, for example,
Home > Blog > Category > Post name.
Attribute-based breadcrumbs: they are
the ones we find on e-commerce sites,
having product filters, for example, Home
> Product category > Gender > Size >
History-based breadcrumbs: they talk
about what the user has been doing on
your site. Home > Previous page >
Previous page > Current page.
To optimise Breadcrumbs through Yoast:
Hover the cursor on Yoast SEO icon
displayed at the top of the dashboard >
take the cursor to the SEO Settings
option > click on Search Appearance.
On the Search appearance page, choose
Breadcrumbs option > Enable the
breadcrumbs option for your site > Click
on Save Changes.
Step 10
Site Navigation ( Site Architecture / Hierarchy)
The navigation of a website is important in
helping users quickly find the content they
want. It can also help search engines
understand what content you think is
An example of Amazon’s universal navigation
Step 11
Creating high quality, useful content
influences the website much more than any
other factors mentioned above. Your content
should Educate, Entertain and Engage the
users. Content has a very high value in terms
of ranking because that is what compels the
users to take necessary action onto your
Best practices for Header Tags
As of 2020, the best content should be simple
enough that even a 15-year-old can read it.
Write content for the right target audience and
make sure to use keywords that the user
might be searching for.
Create fresh, unique content and focus on
readability. A readable is clear, organized, has
logic and full of resourceful links.
Be the expert in writing content that you know
about. This builds credibility and also adds to
the trustworthiness.
Add a good mix of images, videos and cite the
resources/stats that you may use.
Using text that is full of spelling mistakes and
grammatical errors.
Adding a large amount of text without
structuring it using header tags or by using
Adding duplicated content that provides little
or no value to the users. This is considered as
a black-hat practice by Google and might be
penalized for the same.
Adding unnecessary words that have no
relevance to the content. Keyword stuffing is
not advisable.
Things to Avoid
Chapter 2
What is Off-Page SEO and How to Implement it?
Why is Off-Page SEO important?
Off-Page SEO in other words also called Off-site
Off-Page SEO refers to optimisation activities or
actions taken outside of your website to increase the
rankings of your website in SERP.
Off-Page activities are mainly referred to link-
building, which means getting links from external
websites that point to your website (BackLinks). Off-
Page SEO is all about other websites mentioning
your website link in their website. It is more like
recommendations. Other websites recommending
your website.
When it comes to SEO every webmaster starts their
optimisation from on-page, but is that enough for us
to rank our website in Search engines.
Let us take a scenario when there was a time where
there is no internet, at that time how do you find the
best restaurant, best school, best product or the best
doctor. We use to ask people, friends, to figure out
which is the best one. Which means it is all about
trustworthiness and the recommendations.
The same logic is what Google also considers, like
how many websites are recommending your website.
This is the first algorithm Google has launched to
rank websites in SERP which is called Page Rank.
Page rank is the score assigned to a page between 1
-10 based on the number of links pointing to that
website or webpage.
Nowadays Off-Page SEO is not about just the
number of links, it is beyond that. It also includes
where you are getting the links from, who is giving
the link, how good their website is and how they are
pointing the link.
Below are the factors, Google considers for ranking a
webpage based on Backlinks:-
Refers to the total number of backlinks your website
Refers to the popularity of the linking site,
relativeness of the linking site to your website/
Link Volume
Link authority
Anchor text
Link Placement
Link Volume
Link Authority
Refers to how are the links placed. If a link is placed
using a keyword ( like hyperlink to the keyword) or
just the URL is mentioned. A link placed using a
keyword has more value than a link without a
Note:- When a link is placed using an image,
then Google considers the alt text of the
image as the Anchor text.
Refers to where the links are placed within the page.
Note:- Links placed in the body of the page
along with the content have more weightage
(also called Link Juice) than the links
buried in the sidebar or footer as the links in
the content go with the flow of the page and
into the context.
Anchor Text
Link Placement
How Does Off-Page SEO Help in Ranking
When you get links from external websites, one third
page rank of that particular webpage will be
transferred to your webpage which will help in the
increase in page rank of your website.
For More Details:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Do you know Google Crawler/Bot is also called Web
spider, because while Google is crawling a web page,
if it finds any links on that page then it crawls those
links also, for example, website “ A” points to a link to
Website “B”. Now when Google crawls website A, it
finds the link of website B on that page then it goes
The website while giving the link to any website they
can tell whether Google should follow the link and
crawl that webpage or not to follow the link and not
to crawl that webpage.
Follow:- Command that suggests crawler to
follow the link and crawl that webpage
No Follow:- Command that suggests crawler
not to follow that link (i.e) not to crawl that
Follow Vs No Follow Links
Now what is Follow and No Follow
Note:- Backlinks pointing to your website
with a no follow command will not pass
the link juice, so it will not help in
increasing the SEO Ranking. Only Follow
links help in SEO rankings.
Getting backlinks to a website is an ongoing
process, more importantly, don't focus on getting
more backlinks, focus more on getting quality
backlinks, as we all know that participating in link
schemes or having more low-quality backlinks can
have a negative impact on your website SEO
rankings or some times even get penalized.
So before you start the process of getting backlinks,
it's always important to check the quality of the
website from where you want to get a backlink.
In the initial days Google used to show the page
rank of any website or webpage publicly, which
means you can go and check the page rank of any
website and try to get links only from a website
that has a high page rank. As many people are
misusing it Google stopped showing the page rank
of web pages. But you can use some 3rd party tools
to check the quality or authority of a webpage
which is somewhat similar to page rank but not
Moz is a SEO tool that helps in analyzing your SEO
efforts and also helps in spying competitor
How to Implement Off-Page SEO (Get backlinks)
Moz Tool or Moz Bar Chrome Extension
Moz analyzes a website based on many ranking
factors and gives you an authority score of 1 - 100.
Where 100 is the highest weightage and 1 is the
lowest weightage.
Moz gives you two different scores one for the
overall website called Domain Authority (DA) and
score for individual pages called Page Authority
To check the DA and PA of any website/web page,
Go to Chrome extensions -> Search and Add Moz
Bar Extension. Once you add it, Create a free
account and login in Moz website.
Now when you go to any website or when you
search with any keyword in Google, Moz Bar will
show the DA and PA for each website and webpage
in SERP as shown in the above image.
aHrefs Tool
Types of backlinks
Ahrefs is also another tool that will help you to
analyze your SEO efforts and spy on competitor
In Ahrefs, they refer the Authority of a website
with UR (Url Rating) and DR (Domain rating)
There 3 types of backlinks
Natural:- Backlinks that you get without doing
any activity, Means people mentioning your
website link on their website without you asking
For Example1:- You have written an
educational article that people find useful, so
when they write anything related to that topic
they mention your website link as a reference
or source.
Example2:- Your happy customers writing a
review or a testimonial about your product or
service in their website or blog recommending
it to others.
Note:- Natural backlinks can
only happen when you offer best/
useful/rich content on your
website or offer the best product/
service along with a great
customer experience.
Manual:- Manual Links are activities you
deliberately do to acquire new links for external
websites, like contacting influencers and
bloggers and ask them to recommend or write a
review about your product or service in their
blog. In this scenario, you don't create a backlink
but you ask for people to give or mention your
Self-Created:- Self-created links are where you
go and create these links by registering a local
directory, creating social media profiles,
answering in Q&A forums. These links are
created by you.
Local Directory submission:- Get links by
registering your business in Local directory
websites like JustDial, Yellow Pages, Sulekha
Classifieds, Google My Business, Magic Pic,
Foursquare and so on
Industry Based Directories:- Signup in
directories that are industry-specific like Practo
for Doctors and hospitals, Zomato for
Restaurants, yet5 for Training institutes,
Commonfloor and 99cares for Real estate.
Social Media Sites:- Create accounts in all
social media accounts mentioning website URL,
like FB page, Twitter Handle, Linkedin page,
Youtube Channel
Few ways to get backlinks
Job Posting Sites:- Create Profiles in all Job
portals like Naukri, Monster, Indeed
Content Sharing Platforms:- Create Accounts
in all the content sharing platforms like
Pinterest/ Flickr for images, Slideshare for PPTs,
Soundcloud for Audio, Youtube and Daily Motion
for Video and so on. It’s similar to universal SEO.
Q&A Sites:- Creating Profiles and actively
answering questions related to your domain or
website along with the website links. Few Q and
A sites are Quora, yahoo answers, Ask.com
Article Submission:- Find out the article
submission websites and start submitting or
sharing blog articles. Example:- Brighthub,
Hubpages, thefreelibrary.com and so on
Guest Blogging:- Where you write blog articles
and submit it in others’ blogs as a guest author.
Here you need to contact blog owners and ask
them to allow you as a guest blogger and publish
your articles.
Press Releases:- It is used to share something
newsworthy to get news coverage. Few PR Sites
are PRnewswire.com, Hirewire, Newswire,
pr.com and so on
Event websites:- If you are in a company where
they do lots of events and webinars then the best
way to get backlinks is through sharing the
events on event hosting platforms like Event
brite, Mera events, Meetup and so on.
Social book marketing sites:- Social
bookmarking is an online service that allows
users to add, annotate, edit, and share
bookmarks of web documents. Few Social
bookmarking sites are, Stumbleupon, Reddit,
Dribble, Medium and so on.
Spying on competitors:- One of the ways to get
backlinks is to check from where your
competitors are getting backlinks and try to get
links from those websites. To check the backlinks
of your competitors you can use tools like aHrefs,
Moz Link Explorer, Majestic, Backlink Checker
and so on
If you feel your website ranking is getting
affected because of the spam backlinks and when
you don't have control over it. You can report
those backlinks to Google by using the Disavow
Note:- These are some of the ways
to build backlinks but not
limited only to this. But
whatever method you follow to
get backlinks to keep quality in
the first place rather than
What is Disavow Tool
Chapter 3
Universal SEO
Not everyone likes to read the text content. Some
users might also look for something more. Universal
SEO or Universal Search Optimisation is the ideal
practice of combining your content with a perfect
blend of Images, Videos, Podcasts, and Downloadable
information such as PPTs, E-books, PDF templates
and optimising them on the various platforms so it
ranks higher on the SERP.
What is Blended Search?
The Blended or Universal search is an algorithm
update introduced by Google in the year 2007. This
update is a search engine’s way of serving users with
results from multiple sources. To put it in simple
terms, it refers to the integration of additional media
like videos, images, audio or information such as
PPT, Templates, etc.
For example, before this update, if you search for any
query, you will see only the 10 results or 10 blue links
on the SERP. But after this update, if you were to
search for a query, you will see results in a blend of
Images, videos, podcasts or even ebooks from
multiple sources.
An example of a normal with organic results is
shown below:
An example of blended search can be
understood from the image below:
An example of blended search can be
understood from the image below:
What is the importance of Universal Search?
Image SEO
Universal Search is designed to make search results
more user friendly, broadening the results from
simple text only, so that users can view all the cross-
media search results on one page.
This can be understood from four different types of
content optimization, which are
Image SEO
Video SEO
Audio SEO
Images can be anything ranging from a submission
form to an actual photo. Simply put, whenever you
add images on your website, make sure to optimize it
by using the correct filename and alt attributes. This
allows search engines to understand the images in
case they do not load properly.
There are two ways to optimise the images with
respect to Universal SEO
Optimisation at the source (Refer to step 8
Image Optimisation mentioned above in On-
Page SEO)
Optimising the images on popular
platforms like platforms like Pinterest
To optimise the images on Pinterest
Create a Pinterest account using Google here
Pinterest - India
Add your credentials and on the profile page,
create a board name related to the images that
you are looking to optimise. For example, if you
intend to optimise the images for a Blog page,
then name the board as Digital Marketing Blogs
On the board page, Create a new Pin. in this pin
you can upload the image that you want to
optimise and start adding the Title, Description
and a destination link where you will add the
URL of the destination page.
Once added, click on Save and preview.
Video SEO
Best Practices for Video SEO on Youtube
In universal SEO, videos are considered to have
the highest click-through rate which makes it an
important part of SEO. Ensure that the quality
of your video is well enough to rank higher.
Optimise your videos on Youtube which is the
most popular video-sharing platform and is also
the 2nd largest search engine after Google.
DO USE informative words like 'how-to', 'learn',
'what is' and 'history of' as these types of terms
aim to address a question or solve a problem and
tend to rank better.
DO NOT USE transactional keywords (such as
'buy', 'cheap', 'free' and 'sale' etc.) or navigational
keywords (such as brand descriptions, names,
site URLs, etc) as these tend to signal a more
spammy quality.
ADD LINKS to your social media accounts, other
youtube videos and most importantly, post the
video on your website.
Here’s an example of a high ranking video
Audio SEO
Audio SEO refers to optimization practices to
make audio files, especially podcasts, to be
displayed prominently in the search results.
As of 2019, Google has started indexing audio
files and displaying them in search results. So it
is important to optimise your Podcasts on
various popular platforms so that it ranks higher
in the search results.
Create your account on Soundcloud here
Upload your audio file on the profile and
optimise the following.
Title. The title should be relevant to
your target audience and should
summarise the theme of your Podcast.
Description. It serves as a summary of
your podcast, telling your audience a
little about what will be covered in the
audio and presenting additional
information. Don’t forget to add links to
the other podcasts or your website if you
intend to drive traffic.
Category. Define which category best
describes your podcast. This will help
users understand what they can expect
from the content.
The best platform to optimise your podcasts
with ease is Soundcloud.
Here is an example of a podcast on
Soundcloud How to Manage a PR Crisis on
Social Media [JSB Talks Digital PSMP 3]
PowerPoint submission or PPT SEO is an
effective digital marketing tactic to attract
traffic, get quality inbound links and maximize
your site's visibility on Search engines. Well
organized and visually attractive presentations
make visitors become interested in the content
and thereby increases the rate of conversion.
Optimising PPT is the perfect way for increasing
Google rank, wherein submission to quality
platforms can help your website get high traffic.
One of the most popular platforms for PPT SEO
is Slideshare. It is a Linkedin shared platform
where you can upload your PPT files and
optimise the Title, Description, Categories, and
Tags just like the podcasts.
Keep a track of the discoverability score. Higher
means better for the users to search for your
Chapter 4
Local SEO
Local SEO refers to optimising your business’
products or services for the customers that you serve
locally. It is all about increasing the search
visibility of your business by listing it on various
Local business platforms, managing the online
reviews, creating a social media engagement using
Local Citations to rank higher on search engines.
Why Local SEO?
What is Local Citation?
• Highly targeted traffic
• Highest conversion rate
• Reliability on Online Reviews
• Reliability of Maps
• Faster Reach
• Useful for all kinds of business
To know why citations are important for local SEO,
we must first understand what exactly is a citation.
To put it in simple words, a citation is any online
mention of the name, address, and phone number
for a local business. You can find them on local
business directories, on websites and apps, and
even on social platforms. It helps users to discover
local businesses and can also impact local search
engine rankings.
As mentioned above, there are various kinds of
platforms for submitting local citations which are:
Major Local Business Data Platform.
Local business owners and marketers can
create citations on a variety of important
local business data platforms which are
open to all kinds of local business ranging
from a Grocery store to a corporate firm.
Core platforms include Google My Business,
Just Dial, Indiamart, etc.
Geo/Industry-specific Platform.
Apart from submitting listings on the major
local business data platforms that serve all
industries, your business can build listings
on websites that are specific to its unique
industry and geography. Some of the core
examples are ZOMATO (for restaurants),
PRACTO (for doctors, clinics), FITTERNITY
(for fitness centers, gyms), TRIVAGO (for
hotels) and much more.
The Wider Web.
These are supplementary citations that can
either be built or earned on a wide variety of
platforms, including blogs, news sites, apps,
government sites, etc. You can either
manually submit the citations for your
business, or simply earn them based on
online reviews/ratings, etc.
The core components of local citation are your
Business Name, Business Address, and Phone
number, also known as NAP citation. It can also
include a reference link to your website. In addition
to these, your business citations may include the
• Business categories
• Business Hours
• Direction to the location
• Business description
• Images/Videos
• Reviews/ ratings from other local
platforms, etc
• Links to social media like Facebook,
Twitter, etc
• Email addresses
• Alternate phone numbers
• Store Labels (Landmarks to the
• Attributes such as Women-Led
• Store Code
The Components of a Local Citation
The image above highlights the NAP citation
which is Name, Address, and Phone number.
They can either positively or negatively impact
local search engine rankings.
The number of citations a business accrues, the
accuracy of the citations, and the quality of the
platforms they exist on, are all influencers of the
Since Google gathers data from all types of
platforms, it is important that you keep your
citations accurate and relevant to your business
to rank on top. Failing this can negatively impact
your rankings.
Local citations can either positively or negatively
impact customers.
Accurate citations help customers discover your
local business, which can result in a visit to
websites, phone calls, footfalls, and positive
reviews. Inaccurate citations, however, can
mislead customers, leading to a loss of traffic and
result in negative reviews.
The importance of Local citation can be
understood from two scenarios:
The core components of local citation are your
Business Name, Business Address, and Phone
number, also known as NAP citation. It can also
include a reference link to your website. In addition
to these, your business citations may include the
Advantages of using Google My Business
You can easily manage your information
for the customers to reach out to you.
You can directly interact with the
customers, through phone calls, emails
and responding to the reviews.
You can expand your business by posting
frequent updates which help in ranking
better than the competition.
To register your business with GMB you
Sign up and verify your business. Add all
the required information here and verify
your business.
Registration of Businesses through
Google My Business (GMB Listing)
Please note that Google can take up to 12
days (or more, in some cases) to verify
your business and the verification is done
through a postcard, which you will receive
at your business address.
This postcard has a piece of code that you
must enter on your GMB account to
complete the verification process.
Once your business gets verified, you will
get full access to your dashboard where
you can add more information, share
updates and also manage reviews.
Tip: Add your business description
which is an important citation. It
will help you stand out from your
competition and also give
customers more information about
your busines
Here are some good practices to rank locally
Optimise your homepage.
Your homepage should very clearly
state who you are, where you're located
and what you do. Make it easy on
Google to understand these elements of
your business. Your page title tag,
header tag and meta description should
clearly state this information.
Claim your GMB listing.
Claiming your business listing and
filling out the content for it is essential
to your local SEO and ranking on the
Update the NAP citations on your
Make sure that it is listed the same way
on every page of your website. Update it
in the footer of your website and make
sure it gets crawled by search engines.
Submit your business to other local
As mentioned above, Google tracks data
across all the platforms so make sure
that you are submitting your business to
popular platforms like Just Dial,
Keep your Business Hours accurate.
Entering and updating your opening
hours, including special hours for
holidays and special events, lets
potential customers know when you’re
available and gives them confidence
that when they travel to your location, it
will be open.
Manage and respond to reviews.
Interacting with your customers when
they share a review is a great way to
rank locally. Responding to reviews and
taking feedback from your customers
shows that you value them. High-
quality reviews from local guides and
customers can help your business
maintain the top ranking.
Technical SEO
What is Google Search Console (GSC)?
It refers to optimising your site for easier crawling
and indexing. That means, improving the technical
aspects such as Page Speed, mobile usability,
converting dead links to active links, etc to
increase the website’s search presence. Additionally,
you can also add more information on your SERP
results which is called Structured Data.
To monitor and optimise your website for Technical,
you must have access to Google Search Console.
It is a free tool offered by Google
where you can monitor,
maintain and measure your
site’s presence on Google
It is a tool that establishes communication between
Your Website and Google Search.
Chapter 5
On GSC, you can do the following:
Understand how Google crawls, indexes and
serves your website to the users.
Fix Errors
Submit fresh and updated content.
Track your search performance
To know more about search console: https://
How to get started with GSC?
You can submit your
website to GSC by
following these steps:
Sign up using your Gmail id here and click on
Start now.
On the opening tab, you can submit your
website URL in the section URL prefix (for
single domains) and click on Continue.
Now, you will have to verify your website by
adding the HTML tags to your website
backend in the <head> section. Please note
that there are other verification methods. You
can opt for them when you are using
platforms such as Google Tag Manager,
Google Analytics, etc.
Copy-paste the HTML code on your
Wordpress site. To do this, go to the
dashboard> choose Divi > Theme
Options> Integration> Add code to the
head of your blog> Paste the code here
and click on Save changes.
Now, come back to the Search Console
Tab and click on VERIFY under the
HTML tag option. You will get a
command prompt saying that your
website ownership is verified. Here, click
on Go To Property.
Now, you have access to your GSC
dashboard where it takes about 2-3 days
(or a week) for Google to show you the
PRO TIP: If you want the data to show faster, please
submit your website to GSC before you start
optimising for On-page SEO.
How to Use Search Console?
Once you receive the dashboard access, the very
first thing you should do is to submit the
A sitemap is a file that shows how many URLs
are present on the website. This helps the search
engines understand which are the pages to be
crawled and indexed.
To submit a sitemap,
Choose the Sitemaps option from the left-hand
side of the dashboard which is displayed under
Over here, add a new sitemap by
adding the URL which is
“sitemap.xml” and click on
Please note that your domain
name is by default mentioned in
the GSC.
After submitting sitemap you can check how your
sitemap appears on the search by simply adding
this URL in the address bar:
In this case, https://onlinedigipro.com/
sitemap.xml and your sitemap will look like this:
What is crawling and indexing
errors and how to fix them?
From the information mentioned above, we can
understand how Google (Search) works. Basically,
it crawls, indexes and ranks the webpages.
However, there can be scenarios where Google can
encounter issues while crawling your webpages.
GSC is a place where you can understand these
issues and also get recommendations on how to fix
these issues.
To understand what is the error and how to fix
them you have to go to the Coverage section on
Here you will see a few options which are
Primary crawler:
This is the Google bot that is crawling and
indexing your pages. You can either see
Desktop Or Smartphone as your primary
Known, Submitted or sitemap pages:
Submitted pages are pages that you submit
to the sitemap. Known pages are the ones
that have been crawled and/or indexed by
Google through any means like organic
crawling. Sitemap pages are the specific
URLs that you submit to the specific
These are the categories where your pages
are put under by Google. They can be pages
such as
Errors. These are the pages that could
not be indexed by Google.
Valid with Warnings. These are pages
that were successfully indexed by Google
but have some issues. Issues can be with
page speed, mobile versions, structured
data, etc.
Valid. The page is indexed by Google
without any issues.
Excluded. The page was not indexed
because you did not want Google to crawl
it, or the page has been removed by you.
This shows the details about the issues
with respect to Status, Types, How many
pages are affected, and the Validation
Once you understand what type of error is
mentioned in the Details column, you have to
first check how many pages are affected.
Open the Page report from the Details column.
Once the individual page opens, you will see the
affected URL. Click on it and then Inspect the
Now you will understand what exactly is the
issue with the page. Make sure to rectify these
changes at the source.
Once rectified, you have to manually submit the
page to Google for recrawl using the URL
inspection tool. Once submitted, you have to
request indexing and track whether the
changes were made successfully.
Perform a live test for the page if you want to
check whether it was successfully crawled by
To fix the errors, follow these steps:
Once you ask Google to recrawl your page, come
back to the Index status report of this and
Validate the changes.
Finally, Google will update you once the
validation process is complete. It can show you
two things here:
Passed- which means validation is done
successfully and your page will be
indexed OR
Failed - which means that validation
could not process and you may have to
repeat the process after rectifying the
When you delete a webpage, place an
invalid URL behind the anchor text or
don’t update the URL with the correct
address, you create a Broken Link.
These are links that don’t work. When
users click on a link, they are
redirected to a page that shows a 404:
What are Broken Links and How to Fix Them?
TIP: Have a thorough understanding of the errors
that are shown on GSC. Take some time to research
these errors. You can do that by clicking on the Help
button on GSC which is displayed at the top right with
a Question mark symbol (?)
Or by following the guide here: https://
How to Fix
First, find out the broken links that you
have on your website using tools like
Ahrefs broken link checker or Chrome
extensions which you can find here.
Then, follow a simple process of replacing
these broken links with active links.
Or you can even remove these links
completely from the source. Use the
Removals option on GSC to let Google know
about these links so that they don’t appear
on the SERP.
What is HTTP Status Codes and
how to understand them?
Status codes are the message that shows you
how the page has performed with respect to the
Here’s a list of all the status codes that you can
see on a website:
200- shows that the page is OK and has
no issues
300- shows the page has changed its
path or has been redirected.
400- shows that the page is not
accessible or not found
500- shows that the web-server is
temporarily unavailable
Here are some common https status codes that
you may across:
301 redirection. This means the page has
permanently moved from one URL to another
URL. Use this code in scenarios like when you
are securing your website from HTTP to HTTPS.
If you are doing that on Wordpress, use the
plugin Really Simple SSL to perform automatic
301 redirection. You can also use 301 when you
have converted the broken links to active ones.
404 Not Found. This appears on removed or
inactive pages of the website and is a bad
experience for the users. Make sure to redirect
the users to the active pages of the website by
using 301 redirection.
403 Forbidden. Sometimes when you try to
access your Wordpress site or dashboard, you
might come across this error. This means that
your request was understood, but converted
maybe because the servers are not responding.
502 Bad gateway. This means the gateway
server received an invalid response from the
host. Basically, if you host your website from
GoDaddy, this error might appear on your
screens when the GoDaddy server is down.
To know more about HTTP Status Codes click
Mobile Usability report on GSC
The Mobile Usability report shows which pages
in your property have usability problems when
viewed on mobile devices.
To check whether the mobile version of your
website is working fine or not use the Mobile-
Friendly Test tool and understand if there are
any issues.
You can find the Mobile Usability report under
the Enhancement Section of GSC
The most commonly found errors on Mobile
Usability are:
Content wider than screen
Horizontal scrolling is necessary to see words
and images on the page. This happens when
pages use absolute values in CSS declarations
or use images designed to look best at a
specific browser width (such as 980px).
How To fix it.
Make sure the pages use relative width
and position and scale your images as
Text too small to read
The font size for the page is too small to be
understood and would require mobile
visitors to “pinch to zoom” to read.
How to fix it.
Make sure you use standard font sizes
and avoid adding custom fonts.
Clickable elements too close together
Touch elements, such as buttons and
navigational links, are so close to each other
that a mobile user cannot easily click on the
desired link or button without also clicking
on the neighboring link or button.
How to fix it.
Make sure to correctly size and space
buttons and navigational links to be
suitable for your mobile visitors.
To know more about Mobile Usability report
visit https://bit.ly/mobusability
Performance Report on GSC
Metrics on Performance Report
The Performance report shows important
metrics about how your site performs in the
SERP, how often it comes upon search, its
average position in search results; click-through
rate; and also shows the Rich results associated
with your webpages.
With this report you can understand the
How your search traffic changes over time,
where it is coming from, and what search
queries (keywords) are most likely to show
your site.
Which keywords are showing results on
Mobiles and use this to improve your mobile
See which pages have the highest (and
lowest) click-through rate from Google
Clicks. Shows the total count of clicks from a
Google search result that landed the user on
your website.
Impressions. Shows how many links to your
website a user saw on SERP. Impressions are
counted when the user visits that page of results,
even if the result is not appearing on the screen.
Click-Through Rate (CTR). Shows the
percentage of the total number of clicks divided
by the total number of impressions. If there are
no impressions, the CTR will be shown as a NIL
(-) because CTR would be divided by zero.
Average Position. Shows the average position
of the topmost result from your site. So, for
example, if your website has three results at
positions 2, 4, and 6, the position is reported as
How to use this Report
You can use this report by analyzing the chart
showing clicks, impressions, CTR, and position
and analyzing the table below the chart which is
specific to Queries, Pages, Countries, Devices,
Search Appearance, and Dates.
Prioritize the pages that you are analyzing and
make sure that you understand how to improve
your website’s performance on Google.
Use this report regularly to understand the
issues and take necessary action to improve the
The URL Inspection tool provides information
about Google's indexed version of a specific page.
Information includes AMP errors, structured
data errors, and indexing issues.
URL Inspection Tool
With this tool you can:
• See the current index status of a URL:
Retrieve information about Google's
indexed version of your page. See why
Google could or couldn't index your page.
• Inspect a live URL: Test whether a page
on your site is able to be indexed in real-
• Request indexing for a URL: You can
request that an URL be crawled (or
recrawled) by Google.
• View a rendered version of the page: See
a screenshot of how Googlebot sees the
Once you have understood and fixed the errors
on the page you can also:
Request (re)indexing: You can request that an
inspected URL be re-indexed by Google.
Indexing can take up to a week or two; you can
check the progress using this tool.
Pro tip: If you want to inspect multiple pages or newly
updated pages to Google, then the best way is to
update the XML sitemap with these updated pages.
How to Check Page Speed of the website
and How to Improve it?
The loading time of a website is not only a major
ranking factor but also very important in terms of
user experience. For example assume a webpage
taking more time to load, as a user will you be happy?
You will surely look for another site.
Google suggests that your page should not take more
than 3 seconds to load. Fast sites make users happy
and you should work on taking steps to improve your
page speed.
To check for page speed of your website, use
PageSpeed Insights and take steps to improve the
page speed.
Why does it matter?
Because if your page takes more time to load, it
increases the bounce rate, which means how fast
the user will bounce back from your site to
another site.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
What is Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
How to Improve Page Speed?
Use minimum animation effects on the
important pages of your website. Compress high-
resolution images and embed the videos.
For more information about Page Speed refer to
the following link: New Industry Benchmarks for
Mobile Page Speed
The Accelerated Mobile
Pages (AMP) project is built
on top of existing web
technologies to enable
blazing-fast page rendering
and content delivery. Results
with Lightning symbol
represents that it is an AMP
which is different from a
normal mobile page (with no
lightning symbol)
To enable AMP on your
WordPress website,
Download Better AMP and
customize the pages that you
want to rank on SERP with
AMP features.
AMP Status Report on GSC
This report helps you fix errors that prevent
your AMP pages from appearing in Google
Search results with AMP-specific features.
In this report, make sure that you have zero
AMP error and all the AMP pages of your
website are being crawled and indexed by
Using AMP testing tool
You can test which pages of your website have
AMP enabled using the AMP testing tool
Security and Manual Actions Report
Just copy and paste the URL that you want to
test AMP for and the results will show you
whether that URL is AMP valid or not.
What is a Manual Action?
According to Google, manual action is taken against
a site when Google has determined that pages on the
site are not compliant with Google's webmaster
quality guidelines. Most manual actions attempt to
manipulate our search index. Most issues reported
here will result in pages or sites being ranked lower
or omitted from search results without any visual
indication to the user.
If you violate Google’s guidelines by following black
hat practices such as Cloaking, Doorway Pages,
Copied Content, etc, Google will penalise you by
either demoting your web page or in some cases such
as having obscene content, completely removing you
from the SERP.
If Google has taken manual action against your site,
you will be notified about it under the Manual Actions
report. To fix the manual actions taken against your
site, follow these steps
• Understand which pages of your site are
affected. Know the type and status of these
• Google will suggest some steps to fix these
issues. Follow these steps carefully and rectify
the changes on the affected page.
• Make sure that Google can reach your pages.
After you fix all the issues with the page, ask
Google to review it using the Request Review
option which will be shown to you along with
the report.
• In this report, describe what all changes have
you made to the pages and show the affected
and rectified page for Google to understand
that the page does not violate any guidelines.
Finally, ask Google to reconsider.
• Google can take up to a week to reconsider
your changes and put your pages back on its
indexed source.
What is a Manual Action?
What is a Canonical Url?
The Security Issues report lists indications that your
site was hacked, or behavior on your site that could
potentially harm a visitor or their computer: for
example, phishing attacks or installing malware or
unwanted software on the user's computer. These
pages can appear with a warning label in search
results, or a browser can display a warning page
when a user tries to visit them.
If you have a single page accessible by multiple
URLs, or different pages with similar content (for
example, a page with both a mobile and a desktop
version), Google sees these as duplicate versions of
the same page. Google will choose one URL as the
canonical version and crawl that, and all other URLs
will be considered duplicate URLs and crawled less
Note that all the websites that are created now have
a rel=canonical tag by default for all the webpages.
If you don’t define your canonical URL then
Googlebot will choose one for you and crawl that URL
more often.
In this report, you can see who links to your website
the most, both internally and externally, and you can
also check your top-linked pages.
You can find the following information on this report:
Top Linked Pages. Both Internal and External.
It shows which are the sites that link your pages
within the site (Internal) and which are the sites
from outside that link to the pages on your site
Top Linking Sites. It shows which are the top
websites externally that link to your webpages. It
is the backlinks that you get from the websites.
Top Linking Text. Also known as Anchor text.
Shows the link text on external websites that
link to your website.
After understanding this report, you can track which
are the important websites that give high-quality
links to your site.
Links Report on GSC
Disavow Tool
You can use the Disavow tool to kill the traffic from
sites that may lead Google to take manual action
against your site. Google works very hard to make
sure that actions on third-party sites do not
negatively affect a website. In some circumstances,
incoming links can affect Google’s opinion of a page or
site. Hence it is recommended to use the Disavow tool
to stop the negative impact on your site.
Steps to use this tool.
• Decide which are the links/websites that are
negatively impacting your website.
• Make a list of these websites/links for adding
them for Disavow.
• Go to the Disavow links Tool page.
• Choose your website property where you want
to add the links.
• Click on the Disavow Links button and upload
the file which contains the disavow links.
• Click on Submit.
Note: It can take a few weeks for Google to process the
information that you upload. Your list will be
incorporated into Google index as they recrawl the
What is Robots.txt file?
A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which
pages or files the crawler can or can't request from
your site. Robots.txt is used primarily to manage
crawler traffic to your site, and usually to keep a page
off Google
How to create and Submit the Robots.txt file?
You can create a Robots.txt file through the File
Editor option on your Yoast SEO plugin from
Follow these steps to create the robots.txt file
through Yoast:
On your Wordpress dashboard, look for the
Yoast SEO icon on top and click on Tools.
Once the Tools page opens, choose the File
Editor option.
After this, choose Create Robots.txt file.
Once you click on the button, the robots.txt
file will be shown like this (the image below).
Click on Save changes to Robots.txt.
Make sure to update your robots.txt file.
Whenever you want Google to not crawl your
webpage, use the Disallow command. In the
case where you don’t want Google to crawl
the links on your page, use the nofollow
Structured data is a code in a specific
format, in this case, Schema.org –,
written in such a way that search
engines understand it. Search engines
read the code and use it to display search
results in a specific and much richer way
which is why it is also called Rich
Snippet or and Enhanced Search Result.
You can easily put this piece of code on
your website.
Structured Data
Types of Structured Data
Imagine you have a website with a lot of recipes.
If you add structured data to a page with a
recipe, your result in the search engines might
change. It will be much “richer” regarding
content that’s shown. This is what a rich result
looks like:
Another example of a rich result from Web
Marketing academy courses page :
Notice how it mentions rich information about
the upcoming batch timings. This is the kind of
information that will help the users click on the
results and take the required action.
Some of the most popularly used Structured data
types are:
• Recipe Structured Data
• FAQ Structured Data
• Product Structured Data
• Ratings and Review
• BreadCrumbs List
• Book reviews
How to Add Structured Data On your Website?
Step by Step Procedure to
Add Structured data on your site
You can add structured data by using the
following methods:
• Using Overview | Search for
• Using Structured data Plugins on
• Structured data Generator Schema
Markup Generator (JSON-LD)
• schema.org: Home
• Go to any of the links mentioned
above and choose the structured data
that you want to add on the website
• Upon choosing the structured data,
click on the See Markup button and
you will be able to see the examples
in JSON-LD format. JSON-LD is the
accepted structured data format that
the Google bots can understand.
• Make the changes on the structured
data code, according to your website
content and test it on Structured
data testing tool.
• Check for ZERO errors. This is
because structured data with errors
will not be crawled and shown by
Google as a rich snippet.
• Once you finish testing the code, add
it to the WordPress page of your
choice using the code module.
• Update and finish. Make sure you let
Google know about the updated page
using the URL inspection tool.
Importance of using Structured Data
Structured data is important for SEO because
it’ll make it easier for Google to understand what
your pages and your website are about. Google
needs to find out what a page is about to show it
in the search results. Using structured data is
like talking to Google, telling Google what your
site is about. That’ll help with your rankings.
On top of that, structured data will change the
way your snippet (your search results) will look
like. It’ll show more information to your
customers. More specific information. And this
will increase the likelihood a customer will click
on your results. More clicks will eventually lead
to even higher rankings! We’re seeing more and
more structured data powered rich results pop
up, so it is important to keep an eye on this.
Here are some references that will help you
understand more about Structured Data
FAQ | Search for Developers
What is structured data? • SEO for beginners

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Complete end to end SEO guide for Beginners - Web Marketing Academy

  • 2. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 2 Web Marketing Academy (WMA India) is the most preferred highly rated Digital Marketing Training Institute located in 12th Main, Indira Nagar Bangalore, India. We are endorsed by Christ University, Official Partners for IIM Bangalore Digital Marketing Workshop and trusted by the industry. About WMA Our mission To evangelize Digital Marketing in India and empower the next generation of leaders in digital transformation. We give them skills and expertise to reach the top, matched with the critical thinking and leadership capabilities to stay there. Apart from regular training, we provide Custom Corporate Digital & Social Media Training Programs consulting, workshops for brands/MNC’s, Small Business CEO, CMO, Why we love what we do The passion for digital, social media marketing and the need for internet marketing education helped us start Web Marketing Academy. Since 2002, for more than 17 years, our founder & instructors have helped some of the world’s leading companies maximize profitability through digital media marketing.
  • 3. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY What is SEO ? 4 What are the different types of Search engines 6 How does Crawler based search engines (Google) work? 7 SEO Techniques 10 Webmaster Guidelines 11 Types of SEO 13 Chapter 1 What is On-Page SEO and how to implement 14 Chapter 2 What is Off-Page SEO and How to Implement it? 45 Chapter 3 Universal SEO 55 Chapter 4 Local SEO 64 Chapter 5 How to get started with GSC? 75 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS
  • 4. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 4 SEO SEO What is SEO ? Why SEO ? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, it is the process of optimising your website to rank them in a better position in SERP (Search Engine Results Page). • Free • High-Quality Traffic • Long Term Results • Higher ROI • Higher Conversion Rate • Better Visibility • Reach the Right Audience • Better Position, Better CTR • Increase in Sales / Revenue • Brand Awareness Because no one cares about the results on the 2nd page.
  • 6. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 6 SEO What are the different types of Search engines There are 3 types of search engines • Directory-based Search • Meta Search • Crawler based Search Directory based search engines are Human-powered, where the website details have to be submitted manually to the directory. Whenever someone searches for any information in the directory, it fetches the information from its database and serves it to the users. Examples:- Just dial, Classifieds website, Practo, etc. Meta search engines fetch the data from different data servers, combine the results into one list and serve data to the users. Example:- Trivago.
  • 7. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 7 Crawler based search engines use Spiders or Crawlers to find websites on the internet, read(Scans) the content and store the details in its data centers. Whenever someone performs a search in these search engines, it pulls out the data from its data center, ranks the websites and serves the information to the user. The Information that you find in these search engines is not real-time data, it uses the cache data. Example:- Google, Yahoo SEO How does Crawler based search engines (Google) work? Before you search, web crawlers gather information from across hundreds of billions of webpages and organize it in the Search index. Google search works in 3 steps Crawling Indexing Serving/Ranking
  • 8. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 8 SEO SEO Crawling Indexing Crawling is a process of discovering publicly available web pages across the internet using the software known as web crawlers. These crawlers scan the web pages and understand the website content and bring back the data to Google servers. Indexing is all about organising the information on web pages in data centers. When the crawler scans the web pages, it takes a screenshot of the web pages, understands the web page based on content, keywords, freshness and other factors and stores that information in the index which is also called data centers.
  • 9. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 9 Serving/Ranking is a process of fetching the information from the Google data center, ranking them based on the algorithm or formulas or ranking signals and serving the results (Web Pages) to users. For more Details:- Google Search - Discover How Google Search Works SEO Serving/Ranking
  • 10. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 10 When Google launched its search engine, they used to have only one ranking factor called Page Rank. Page Rank is the first formula used by Google to rank web pages based on the number of webpages links pointing(recommending) a web page. PageRank was named after Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. Later when the webmasters or website owners started misusing the formula or taking advantage of the formula to rank their website in SERP like buying backlinks, exchanging links, getting links from low- quality websites, Google started adding more updates and started tweaking the algorithm. At present, Google has more than 1500+ formulas to rank web pages in Google search. The techniques used by webmasters to rank their webpages in SERP(Search Engine Results Page) SEO SEO Page Rank SEO Techniques y2 + x
  • 11. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 11 SEO Webmaster Guidelines White hat - Following all good or ethical practices while optimising web pages Black hat - Following all bad or unethical practices while optimising web pages Grey hat - Following a mix of both black and white hat SEO techniques. Webmaster Guidelines:- Is a list of algorithms or formulas listed by Google for webmasters which is divided into 2 parts. General Guidelines (Do’s) - Consists of all the good practices to follow which will help Google to understand, index and rank web pages. Quality Guidelines (Don'ts) - Consists of a few bad practices which the webmasters should not implement and make sure they don’t get impacted by Google penalty.
  • 12. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 12 For more details: Webmaster Guidelines - Search Console Help 10 Big Brands That Were Penalized By Google, From Rap Genius To The BBC Here are a few case studies of websites that got penalized by Google Now let’s get started with the understanding of How to implement SEO. What happens when you follow or implement Black hat or unethical practices to rank your website When Google identifies any website or a web page following unethical practices to rank their web pages, Google penalizes that website which is also called as Google penalty by which the complete website will be removed from Google index. This means the user can no longer find that website in SERP until the webmaster cleans up the website and submits a reconsideration request to Google.
  • 13. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 13 SEO Types of SEO There are 5 types of SEO, which in words are also called 5 different methods or ways to implement SEO. On-Page SEO - Optimisation is done within your website. Off-Page SEO - Optimisation is done outside of your website to rank your site(Ex:- Backlinks) Technical SEO - Optimisation is done considering the technical aspects like optimising page speed, fixing broken links, implementing structured data. Local SEO - Mainly used by local business, to optimise for location(Address) Universal SEO - Optimising different formats of content through different formats.
  • 14. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 14 Step1:- Identifying the Goals, Objectives & KPIs Step2:- Keyword Research Step3:- Title Tag Step4:- Meta Description Step5:- URL Structure Step6:- Header Tags ( H1, H2 tags) Step7:- Anchor Links Step8:- Image Optimisation ( ALT Attributes) Step9:- Bread Crumbs Step10:- Site Navigation ( Site Architecture / Hierarchy) Step11:- Content On-Page SEO is a process of optimising individual web pages within the website in order to rank the web page in a better position in SERP and gain more relevant traffic to the website. On-Page refers to optimising elements like content, title, images, header tags and many more in each web page. Let us understand in detail the step by step procedure of each one of the elements of On-Page SEO. SEO Chapter 1 What is On-Page SEO and how to implement OnPage
  • 15. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 15 Step1 Goals Objectives Identifying the Goals, Objectives & Defining KPIs ( Key Performance Indicators) Goals:- is basically defining what you want to achieve through SEO. A company can have multiple goals to achieve like an increase in Revenue, Sales, Traffic, Brand Awareness. When you define the goals, you can define it either at the page level or at category level or site level Objectives:- is all about quantifying the goals. For example, if increase in sales is your goal then defining a number like what is the current sales you are getting through SEO and to what number or percentage you wanted to increase it. While defining the number, it is also very important to define a particular time frame for it. Eg: Increase in sales from 50 units to 100 units in three months time.
  • 16. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 16 Step 1 KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) Identifying the Goals, Objectives & Defining KPIs ( Key Performance Indicators) KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators):- As you all know SEO is an ongoing and time taking process. So while we are implementing SEO, we need to keep tracking the performance of our website in organic results on a regular periodic interval to make sure we are on the right track. Few examples of KPIs for SEO we have to keep measuring or analyzing are increase in traffic & subscribers, keyword rankings, time spent on the site, bounce rate, top viewed pages or posts, pages viewed per visit. Let us discuss an example, a service-based website with the goal of increasing revenue and educating users. Digital Marketing and Measurement Model: Web Analytics
  • 17. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 17 A search term which a user types to find your website in the search engine is called a Keyword. It can be a single word or a phrase. Step 2 Keyword Research What is a Keyword?
  • 18. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 18 Keywords can be defined in two contexts, • Based on the length. • Based on the user's inten Based on the Length There are 3 types of keywords, based on length, • Short-tail keyword (Single Word, Ex:- Shoes, Mobiles) • Medium-tail keyword ( 2 - 3 words, Ex:- Buy shoes online, Buy mobiles, Best shoes online) • Long-tail keyword ( More than 3 words, Buy best running shoes, Best washing machine within 20k, Buy 43inch Led tv online Based on the user's intent There are 3 types of keywords, based on Intent, • Transactional keywords (Search terms with sales intent like buy, sale, purchase) • Informational keywords (Search terms with educational or research intent like how to, 10 best, top) • Branded keywords (Search terms that are associated with your Brand name)
  • 19. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 19 Keyword research helps you identify keywords that appeal to your users and also help to expand the reach of your website content. A good approach to keyword research is through the help of tools that help you identify what is the user intent, what content/topic they are searching for. Please note that when you research the keywords, you should keep in mind the purpose/theme of your website. If your intention is sales, go for transactional keywords or opt for informational keywords if you aim to provide important information to the readers. Here are a few important ways/tools that help you research appropriate keywords for your website and can be done in two ways For transactional keywords, use tools such as Google Suggest: A simple, yet effective way of doing keyword research. Search for a keyword like how you would expect your users to search and Google will provide suggestions as you type, based on highly searched keywords. Here you will see long-tail keywords.
  • 20. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 20 Google Related: These are the searches related to the keywords that you search on Google. They are present at the bottom of the SERP and are popular searches based on user intent.
  • 21. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 21 Google Keyword Planner: This is a free Google Ads tool where you can search for keywords, suitable to your website content. You can also enter websites and see the keywords based on their content. This tool shows you the average monthly volume and its competition.
  • 22. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 22 Google Trends: This tool shows you the frequency of keywords based on a country, state, and gives you additional keyword ideas and also shows you the competition. You can compare different search terms, topics based on the search type, categories, and duration of the search. UberSuggest: This tool goes through all the recommendations from Google Suggest and shows you the most appropriate keyword. You can also check the competitors’ keywords by putting their website URL. Start using this tool: Ubersuggest's Free Keyword Tool, Generate More Suggestions
  • 23. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 23 For Informational keywords use tools such as Quora: This is the best platform to get ideas for a blog. You can search for your blog topic and understand what kind of questions people are asking and the answers for it as well. Please note that every keyword is a problem, and your content should be the answer. Start using this tool: https://www.quora.com/ Answer the Public: This paid tool gives you instant results directly based on the user’s intent. You can see the insights broken down into questions, prepositional phrases, comparisons, related searches, and alphabetical searches. You can only perform three searches per day. If you want to perform more searches, you should upgrade to the Pro version.
  • 24. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 24 Start searching today: AnswerThePublic: Search listening tool for market, customer & content research
  • 25. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 25 People also ask (Google): This is a very effective tool to check what kind of questions people are asking for the given keyword. The best part, it is displayed on the SERP along with the other search results. Just add a keyword based on the page and you can find this option. The best tool you can use for keyword research is your gut feeling. You need to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with the website and how you want your users to consume the content. BONUS TIP: If you want to rank for Voice Search, make sure to include question-based or personalized keywords, that include phrases like "How to", "Should I" or "For me". For more information please visit:- https:// www.thinkwithGoogle.com/feature/personal- searches/#/
  • 26. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 26 Once you have used these tools to come up with appropriate keywords for your website, the next step is to keep a track of these keywords using a Keyword Planner excel sheet. In this excel sheet you: Will be creating columns and adding the tool name that you use for each column. Will be adding the relevant keywords under each column. Will be shortlisting the primary and secondary keyword for optimization. Repeat the process for each page of your website by creating new sheets and keeping the page content/theme in mind. Important note: Keyword research has to be done separately for individual pages. For example, when you are selecting keywords for the HOME PAGE of a GST filing website, select keywords, that show the overview of the page such as How to file GST online or GST filing in India etc.
  • 27. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 27 OR, When you are selecting keywords for an individual page such as GSTR-1 filing, then use keywords only related to GSTR-1 filing. Here is a format to get you started with your keyword planning: Keyword Planner Format . Feel free to make a copy of it and use it for your website. A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a webpage. It is displayed on the SERP as a clickable headline for a searched keyword and is one of the most important steps in On-Page SEO. It is shown as a blue link on the SERP. Step 3 Title Tag
  • 28. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 28 Optimising your title is important ranking criteria for search engines and it can be easily optimised. A perfectly optimised title looks like this Title tags are a major factor in search engine ranking and it also acts as a first impression for the users to understand your pages. There are three places where you can check the title tag SERP (As shown in the image above) Browser Tab Page Source (Backend) Importance of a title tag
  • 29. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 29 The best practices to write a good title A few things to avoid while writing title tags The best practices to write a good title are Keep your title length up to 60-70 characters including space to avoid ellipses (...) Google truncates the title tags that go beyond the ideal character length. Put important keywords at the beginning for more impact on search rankings. Every page should have a unique Title tag for better understanding for the users and it also improves CTR. Keep your users in mind and add USPs to stand out. Use separator after the keyword. Example: use a comma (,) or a separator (|) or a hyphen (-) Avoid keyword stuffing or over optimisation of the title as Google may simply remove it for serving the users with more relevant information. Duplicating the titles for every page as Google sees it as a black hat practice.
  • 30. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 30 Lengthy or irrelevant title tags are bad for the user experience and can lead the search engines to not rank your pages higher. Writing the titles in UPPERCASE. Capital letters take up extra character spaces so your titles may be truncated by Google in this case. Step 4 Meta Description Meta description is a piece of text that provides a brief summary of a webpage. It is displayed below the title tags in the SERP. Just like title tags, this is also an important ranking factor for search engines. The purpose of the meta description is to get the users to click on your link. There are two places to check the meta descriptions SERP
  • 31. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 31 Page Source Best practices to write a good meta description Things to avoid Use up to 155-160 characters. Anything going beyond the optimal length can be truncated by Google. It should briefly describe the content of your page. Keep it actionable which will urge the user to click. Include a call-to-action. Add 1 or 2 focus keywords, keeping it relevant to the content of your page so that Google shows this to the users. Write unique, compelling and readable descriptions for a better CTR. Using duplicate descriptions for different pages. This is not a good practice according to Google and it may not rank you higher on the SERP.
  • 32. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 32 In the address bar URL Writing short and irrelevant descriptions that provide no value to the user. Stuffing the keywords. It is a black hat practice and Google can choose not to show a description that is over-optimized. Step 5 URL Structure URL is a permalink that shows your domain name along with a brief structure of a page. URL is important for rankings, link sharing and even adds value to your presence on the SERP. It is shown in green color text. By seeing the URL, the users and search engines should get a good idea about what they can expect on the page. You can find the URL of a page in two places: SERP
  • 33. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 33 Best practices to write a good URL structure Things to Avoid Keep it simple, relevant and as accurate as possible. Use hyphens ( - ) to separate words. If you are using a plugin like Yoast to add a structure then the spaces are by default taken as a hyphen. Use lowercase text only. Using the exact page name along with a keyword can increase the click-through rate. A user-friendly URL structure is ranked higher by the search engines and also enhances the user experience. Using uppercase letters Don’t use underscore, space or a special character to separate the words Using file extensions like “productpage.html” Keyword stuffing like “product-page-best- product-product-html” Lengthy URLs Avoid changing your URLs frequently. If you do, then make sure you are redirecting the users and the bots to the new URL
  • 34. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 34 Implementation of On-Page SEO on Wordpress To optimise and improve your SEO on Wordpress, you can take the help of plugins. Either use Yoast SEO plugin or All-in-One SEO Pack plugin. Go to the individual page in the Pages section from your Wordpress dashboard. Click on Edit, displayed under the individual page name, for example, Search Engine Optimisation. On the edit page, scroll down, you will see the Yoast SEO section > Click on Edit Snippet and the Google Preview option will open. To Optimise the Title, URL, and Meta Description
  • 35. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 35 Once you are in this section, you will see the Google Preview from two aspects: Mobile and Desktop. Optimise your Title Tags, URL Structure (Slug) and Meta description using the best practices mentioned above. Click on Close Snippet editor and then Update.
  • 36. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 36 Repeat the process for all the important pages of your website that you want Google to crawl, index and rank. Update your pages in the URL Inspection Tool on the Google Search Console, for manually asking the Google Bots to crawl your pages. Step 6 Header Tags ( H1, H2-H6 tags) Header tags are used to highlight the main heading (H1) and subheadings(H2-H6) in a page, H1 and H2 tags help in ranking pages better. When you use different header tags, you structure your website content to make it easier for the visitors and crawlers to understand it. Use header tags to provide a good structure. Each header should give the user a clear idea about the information provided on the page. Use H1 to highlight the main heading of the page and H2-H6 tags to provide the subheadings and so on. Please make sure to use only ONE H1 tag per page. Best practices for Header Tags <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6>
  • 37. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 37 Include keywords in the headings. Do this for the bots that are scanning your page and trying to understand the content. Use them consistently. This will add to good user experience and also helps the user navigate through the content with ease. Using them in chronological order for better SEO, although it is not a direct ranking factor. Make sure that if you are using an H4, you use H3 and H2 as well. This adds quality to your content and that helps in SEO. Using more than one H1 tag on the page. This can be confusing to the bots as they won’t understand which is the main title of the page. Using an extremely lengthy header tag as it can break the flow of your content and give users a bad reading experience. Using irrelevant header tags. If you create content on your blog for an individual page, then the other pages of your website must direct the users to this blog page. This is achieved through Anchor Links. You can do this by adding links in between the content of the other pages within the website. Things to Avoid Step 7 Anchor Links
  • 38. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 38 Use proper anchor text (use keywords here) to let the users know about which page they are going to click on. This improves the user- friendliness of a page. Anchor links mainly focus on the internal inbound links which means that how many pages within the website are directing the users to the main target page which you want to rank on the SERP. Optimising your image file name using alt text makes it easier for the image bots to better understand your images. Use file names that best describe your content of the image. For example “Running shoes Black.jpg” is a better filename than “1235367-183637.jpg” Things to note Bonus tip: Always use the same anchor text that leads to the target page. This helps the bots to recognize the page as important and relevant to the website which helps in ranking. Step 8 Image Optimisation ( ALT Attributes)
  • 39. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 39 The alt attributes make your site more accessible and help the visually impaired users understand your content easily. Changing the file name at source. When you download free images from the internet, always rename the file when you save it on the desktop. This can help you understand that on which page of the website should you upload the images. Optimising on the Wordpress backend in the Media section. Over here, just like the pages, you have to optimise the Title and Description, along with the Alternative text. Image Optimisation can be done in two ways:
  • 40. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 40 Step 9 Bread Crumbs A breadcrumb is a row of internal links at the top of the page that allows visitors to quickly navigate back to a previous section or the home page. Breadcrumbs help to enhance the user-experience, and also lower the bounce rate on your site.
  • 41. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 41 There are three types of breadcrumbs Hierarchy-based breadcrumbs: They are like your site structure, for example, Home > Blog > Category > Post name. Attribute-based breadcrumbs: they are the ones we find on e-commerce sites, having product filters, for example, Home > Product category > Gender > Size > Color. History-based breadcrumbs: they talk about what the user has been doing on your site. Home > Previous page > Previous page > Current page. To optimise Breadcrumbs through Yoast: Hover the cursor on Yoast SEO icon displayed at the top of the dashboard > take the cursor to the SEO Settings option > click on Search Appearance.
  • 42. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 42 On the Search appearance page, choose Breadcrumbs option > Enable the breadcrumbs option for your site > Click on Save Changes. Step 10 Site Navigation ( Site Architecture / Hierarchy) The navigation of a website is important in helping users quickly find the content they want. It can also help search engines understand what content you think is important.
  • 43. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 43 An example of Amazon’s universal navigation link: Step 11 Content Creating high quality, useful content influences the website much more than any other factors mentioned above. Your content should Educate, Entertain and Engage the users. Content has a very high value in terms of ranking because that is what compels the users to take necessary action onto your website.
  • 44. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 44 Best practices for Header Tags As of 2020, the best content should be simple enough that even a 15-year-old can read it. Write content for the right target audience and make sure to use keywords that the user might be searching for. Create fresh, unique content and focus on readability. A readable is clear, organized, has logic and full of resourceful links. Be the expert in writing content that you know about. This builds credibility and also adds to the trustworthiness. Add a good mix of images, videos and cite the resources/stats that you may use. Using text that is full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Adding a large amount of text without structuring it using header tags or by using multimedia. Adding duplicated content that provides little or no value to the users. This is considered as a black-hat practice by Google and might be penalized for the same. Adding unnecessary words that have no relevance to the content. Keyword stuffing is not advisable. Things to Avoid
  • 45. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 45 SEO Chapter 2 What is Off-Page SEO and How to Implement it? Why is Off-Page SEO important? Off-Page SEO in other words also called Off-site SEO. Off-Page SEO refers to optimisation activities or actions taken outside of your website to increase the rankings of your website in SERP. Off-Page activities are mainly referred to link- building, which means getting links from external websites that point to your website (BackLinks). Off- Page SEO is all about other websites mentioning your website link in their website. It is more like recommendations. Other websites recommending your website. When it comes to SEO every webmaster starts their optimisation from on-page, but is that enough for us to rank our website in Search engines. Let us take a scenario when there was a time where there is no internet, at that time how do you find the best restaurant, best school, best product or the best doctor. We use to ask people, friends, to figure out which is the best one. Which means it is all about trustworthiness and the recommendations.
  • 46. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 46 The same logic is what Google also considers, like how many websites are recommending your website. This is the first algorithm Google has launched to rank websites in SERP which is called Page Rank. Page rank is the score assigned to a page between 1 -10 based on the number of links pointing to that website or webpage. Nowadays Off-Page SEO is not about just the number of links, it is beyond that. It also includes where you are getting the links from, who is giving the link, how good their website is and how they are pointing the link. Below are the factors, Google considers for ranking a webpage based on Backlinks:- Refers to the total number of backlinks your website has Refers to the popularity of the linking site, relativeness of the linking site to your website/ Link Volume Link authority Anchor text Link Placement Link Volume Link Authority
  • 47. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 47 Refers to how are the links placed. If a link is placed using a keyword ( like hyperlink to the keyword) or just the URL is mentioned. A link placed using a keyword has more value than a link without a keyword. Note:- When a link is placed using an image, then Google considers the alt text of the image as the Anchor text. Refers to where the links are placed within the page. Note:- Links placed in the body of the page along with the content have more weightage (also called Link Juice) than the links buried in the sidebar or footer as the links in the content go with the flow of the page and into the context. Anchor Text Link Placement How Does Off-Page SEO Help in Ranking When you get links from external websites, one third page rank of that particular webpage will be transferred to your webpage which will help in the increase in page rank of your website. For More Details:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ PageRank
  • 48. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 48 Do you know Google Crawler/Bot is also called Web spider, because while Google is crawling a web page, if it finds any links on that page then it crawls those links also, for example, website “ A” points to a link to Website “B”. Now when Google crawls website A, it finds the link of website B on that page then it goes The website while giving the link to any website they can tell whether Google should follow the link and crawl that webpage or not to follow the link and not to crawl that webpage. Follow:- Command that suggests crawler to follow the link and crawl that webpage No Follow:- Command that suggests crawler not to follow that link (i.e) not to crawl that webpage. Follow Vs No Follow Links Now what is Follow and No Follow Note:- Backlinks pointing to your website with a no follow command will not pass the link juice, so it will not help in increasing the SEO Ranking. Only Follow links help in SEO rankings.
  • 49. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 49 Getting backlinks to a website is an ongoing process, more importantly, don't focus on getting more backlinks, focus more on getting quality backlinks, as we all know that participating in link schemes or having more low-quality backlinks can have a negative impact on your website SEO rankings or some times even get penalized. So before you start the process of getting backlinks, it's always important to check the quality of the website from where you want to get a backlink. In the initial days Google used to show the page rank of any website or webpage publicly, which means you can go and check the page rank of any website and try to get links only from a website that has a high page rank. As many people are misusing it Google stopped showing the page rank of web pages. But you can use some 3rd party tools to check the quality or authority of a webpage which is somewhat similar to page rank but not exactly. Moz is a SEO tool that helps in analyzing your SEO efforts and also helps in spying competitor activities. How to Implement Off-Page SEO (Get backlinks) Moz Tool or Moz Bar Chrome Extension
  • 50. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 50 Moz analyzes a website based on many ranking factors and gives you an authority score of 1 - 100. Where 100 is the highest weightage and 1 is the lowest weightage. Moz gives you two different scores one for the overall website called Domain Authority (DA) and score for individual pages called Page Authority (PA). To check the DA and PA of any website/web page, Go to Chrome extensions -> Search and Add Moz Bar Extension. Once you add it, Create a free account and login in Moz website. Now when you go to any website or when you search with any keyword in Google, Moz Bar will show the DA and PA for each website and webpage in SERP as shown in the above image.
  • 51. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 51 aHrefs Tool Types of backlinks Ahrefs is also another tool that will help you to analyze your SEO efforts and spy on competitor activities. In Ahrefs, they refer the Authority of a website with UR (Url Rating) and DR (Domain rating) There 3 types of backlinks Natural:- Backlinks that you get without doing any activity, Means people mentioning your website link on their website without you asking them. For Example1:- You have written an educational article that people find useful, so when they write anything related to that topic they mention your website link as a reference or source. Example2:- Your happy customers writing a review or a testimonial about your product or service in their website or blog recommending it to others. Note:- Natural backlinks can only happen when you offer best/ useful/rich content on your website or offer the best product/ service along with a great customer experience.
  • 52. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 52 Manual:- Manual Links are activities you deliberately do to acquire new links for external websites, like contacting influencers and bloggers and ask them to recommend or write a review about your product or service in their blog. In this scenario, you don't create a backlink but you ask for people to give or mention your link. Self-Created:- Self-created links are where you go and create these links by registering a local directory, creating social media profiles, answering in Q&A forums. These links are created by you. Local Directory submission:- Get links by registering your business in Local directory websites like JustDial, Yellow Pages, Sulekha Classifieds, Google My Business, Magic Pic, Foursquare and so on Industry Based Directories:- Signup in directories that are industry-specific like Practo for Doctors and hospitals, Zomato for Restaurants, yet5 for Training institutes, Commonfloor and 99cares for Real estate. Social Media Sites:- Create accounts in all social media accounts mentioning website URL, like FB page, Twitter Handle, Linkedin page, Youtube Channel Few ways to get backlinks
  • 53. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 53 Job Posting Sites:- Create Profiles in all Job portals like Naukri, Monster, Indeed Content Sharing Platforms:- Create Accounts in all the content sharing platforms like Pinterest/ Flickr for images, Slideshare for PPTs, Soundcloud for Audio, Youtube and Daily Motion for Video and so on. It’s similar to universal SEO. Q&A Sites:- Creating Profiles and actively answering questions related to your domain or website along with the website links. Few Q and A sites are Quora, yahoo answers, Ask.com Article Submission:- Find out the article submission websites and start submitting or sharing blog articles. Example:- Brighthub, Hubpages, thefreelibrary.com and so on Guest Blogging:- Where you write blog articles and submit it in others’ blogs as a guest author. Here you need to contact blog owners and ask them to allow you as a guest blogger and publish your articles. Press Releases:- It is used to share something newsworthy to get news coverage. Few PR Sites are PRnewswire.com, Hirewire, Newswire, pr.com and so on Event websites:- If you are in a company where they do lots of events and webinars then the best way to get backlinks is through sharing the events on event hosting platforms like Event brite, Mera events, Meetup and so on.
  • 54. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 54 Social book marketing sites:- Social bookmarking is an online service that allows users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents. Few Social bookmarking sites are, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Dribble, Medium and so on. Spying on competitors:- One of the ways to get backlinks is to check from where your competitors are getting backlinks and try to get links from those websites. To check the backlinks of your competitors you can use tools like aHrefs, Moz Link Explorer, Majestic, Backlink Checker and so on If you feel your website ranking is getting affected because of the spam backlinks and when you don't have control over it. You can report those backlinks to Google by using the Disavow Tool. Note:- These are some of the ways to build backlinks but not limited only to this. But whatever method you follow to get backlinks to keep quality in the first place rather than quantity. What is Disavow Tool
  • 55. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 55 SEO Chapter 3 Universal SEO Not everyone likes to read the text content. Some users might also look for something more. Universal SEO or Universal Search Optimisation is the ideal practice of combining your content with a perfect blend of Images, Videos, Podcasts, and Downloadable information such as PPTs, E-books, PDF templates and optimising them on the various platforms so it ranks higher on the SERP.
  • 56. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 56 What is Blended Search? The Blended or Universal search is an algorithm update introduced by Google in the year 2007. This update is a search engine’s way of serving users with results from multiple sources. To put it in simple terms, it refers to the integration of additional media like videos, images, audio or information such as PPT, Templates, etc. For example, before this update, if you search for any query, you will see only the 10 results or 10 blue links on the SERP. But after this update, if you were to search for a query, you will see results in a blend of Images, videos, podcasts or even ebooks from multiple sources. An example of a normal with organic results is shown below:
  • 57. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 57 An example of blended search can be understood from the image below:
  • 58. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 58 An example of blended search can be understood from the image below:
  • 59. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 59 What is the importance of Universal Search? Image SEO Universal Search is designed to make search results more user friendly, broadening the results from simple text only, so that users can view all the cross- media search results on one page. This can be understood from four different types of content optimization, which are Image SEO Video SEO Audio SEO PPT SEO Images can be anything ranging from a submission form to an actual photo. Simply put, whenever you add images on your website, make sure to optimize it by using the correct filename and alt attributes. This allows search engines to understand the images in case they do not load properly. There are two ways to optimise the images with respect to Universal SEO Optimisation at the source (Refer to step 8 Image Optimisation mentioned above in On- Page SEO) Optimising the images on popular platforms like platforms like Pinterest
  • 60. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 60 To optimise the images on Pinterest Create a Pinterest account using Google here Pinterest - India Add your credentials and on the profile page, create a board name related to the images that you are looking to optimise. For example, if you intend to optimise the images for a Blog page, then name the board as Digital Marketing Blogs On the board page, Create a new Pin. in this pin you can upload the image that you want to optimise and start adding the Title, Description and a destination link where you will add the URL of the destination page. Once added, click on Save and preview.
  • 61. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 61 Video SEO Best Practices for Video SEO on Youtube In universal SEO, videos are considered to have the highest click-through rate which makes it an important part of SEO. Ensure that the quality of your video is well enough to rank higher. Optimise your videos on Youtube which is the most popular video-sharing platform and is also the 2nd largest search engine after Google. DO USE informative words like 'how-to', 'learn', 'what is' and 'history of' as these types of terms aim to address a question or solve a problem and tend to rank better. DO NOT USE transactional keywords (such as 'buy', 'cheap', 'free' and 'sale' etc.) or navigational keywords (such as brand descriptions, names, site URLs, etc) as these tend to signal a more spammy quality. ADD LINKS to your social media accounts, other youtube videos and most importantly, post the video on your website. Here’s an example of a high ranking video on Youtube 17 COLORFUL CRAFTS FOR BORING DAYS AT HOME
  • 62. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 62 Audio SEO Audio SEO refers to optimization practices to make audio files, especially podcasts, to be displayed prominently in the search results. As of 2019, Google has started indexing audio files and displaying them in search results. So it is important to optimise your Podcasts on various popular platforms so that it ranks higher in the search results. Create your account on Soundcloud here Upload your audio file on the profile and optimise the following. Title. The title should be relevant to your target audience and should summarise the theme of your Podcast. Description. It serves as a summary of your podcast, telling your audience a little about what will be covered in the audio and presenting additional information. Don’t forget to add links to the other podcasts or your website if you intend to drive traffic. Category. Define which category best describes your podcast. This will help users understand what they can expect from the content. The best platform to optimise your podcasts with ease is Soundcloud.
  • 63. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 63 Here is an example of a podcast on Soundcloud How to Manage a PR Crisis on Social Media [JSB Talks Digital PSMP 3] PPT SEO PowerPoint submission or PPT SEO is an effective digital marketing tactic to attract traffic, get quality inbound links and maximize your site's visibility on Search engines. Well organized and visually attractive presentations make visitors become interested in the content and thereby increases the rate of conversion. Optimising PPT is the perfect way for increasing Google rank, wherein submission to quality platforms can help your website get high traffic. One of the most popular platforms for PPT SEO is Slideshare. It is a Linkedin shared platform where you can upload your PPT files and optimise the Title, Description, Categories, and Tags just like the podcasts. Keep a track of the discoverability score. Higher means better for the users to search for your content.
  • 64. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 64 Chapter 4 Local SEO Local SEO refers to optimising your business’ products or services for the customers that you serve locally. It is all about increasing the search visibility of your business by listing it on various Local business platforms, managing the online reviews, creating a social media engagement using Local Citations to rank higher on search engines.
  • 65. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 65 Why Local SEO? What is Local Citation? • Highly targeted traffic • Highest conversion rate • Reliability on Online Reviews • Reliability of Maps • Faster Reach • Useful for all kinds of business To know why citations are important for local SEO, we must first understand what exactly is a citation. To put it in simple words, a citation is any online mention of the name, address, and phone number for a local business. You can find them on local business directories, on websites and apps, and even on social platforms. It helps users to discover local businesses and can also impact local search engine rankings. As mentioned above, there are various kinds of platforms for submitting local citations which are:
  • 66. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 66 Major Local Business Data Platform. Local business owners and marketers can create citations on a variety of important local business data platforms which are open to all kinds of local business ranging from a Grocery store to a corporate firm. Core platforms include Google My Business, Just Dial, Indiamart, etc. Geo/Industry-specific Platform. Apart from submitting listings on the major local business data platforms that serve all industries, your business can build listings on websites that are specific to its unique industry and geography. Some of the core examples are ZOMATO (for restaurants), PRACTO (for doctors, clinics), FITTERNITY (for fitness centers, gyms), TRIVAGO (for hotels) and much more. The Wider Web. These are supplementary citations that can either be built or earned on a wide variety of platforms, including blogs, news sites, apps, government sites, etc. You can either manually submit the citations for your business, or simply earn them based on online reviews/ratings, etc.
  • 67. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 67 The core components of local citation are your Business Name, Business Address, and Phone number, also known as NAP citation. It can also include a reference link to your website. In addition to these, your business citations may include the following: • Business categories • Business Hours • Direction to the location • Business description • Images/Videos • Reviews/ ratings from other local platforms, etc • Links to social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc • Email addresses • Alternate phone numbers • Store Labels (Landmarks to the address) • Attributes such as Women-Led Business • Store Code The Components of a Local Citation
  • 68. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 68 The image above highlights the NAP citation which is Name, Address, and Phone number.
  • 69. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 69 They can either positively or negatively impact local search engine rankings. The number of citations a business accrues, the accuracy of the citations, and the quality of the platforms they exist on, are all influencers of the ranking. Since Google gathers data from all types of platforms, it is important that you keep your citations accurate and relevant to your business to rank on top. Failing this can negatively impact your rankings. Local citations can either positively or negatively impact customers. Accurate citations help customers discover your local business, which can result in a visit to websites, phone calls, footfalls, and positive reviews. Inaccurate citations, however, can mislead customers, leading to a loss of traffic and result in negative reviews. The importance of Local citation can be understood from two scenarios:
  • 70. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 70 The core components of local citation are your Business Name, Business Address, and Phone number, also known as NAP citation. It can also include a reference link to your website. In addition to these, your business citations may include the following: Advantages of using Google My Business You can easily manage your information for the customers to reach out to you. You can directly interact with the customers, through phone calls, emails and responding to the reviews. You can expand your business by posting frequent updates which help in ranking better than the competition. To register your business with GMB you must Sign up and verify your business. Add all the required information here and verify your business. Registration of Businesses through Google My Business (GMB Listing)
  • 71. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 71 Please note that Google can take up to 12 days (or more, in some cases) to verify your business and the verification is done through a postcard, which you will receive at your business address. This postcard has a piece of code that you must enter on your GMB account to complete the verification process. Once your business gets verified, you will get full access to your dashboard where you can add more information, share updates and also manage reviews. Tip: Add your business description which is an important citation. It will help you stand out from your competition and also give customers more information about your busines
  • 72. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 72 Here are some good practices to rank locally Optimise your homepage. Your homepage should very clearly state who you are, where you're located and what you do. Make it easy on Google to understand these elements of your business. Your page title tag, header tag and meta description should clearly state this information. Claim your GMB listing. Claiming your business listing and filling out the content for it is essential to your local SEO and ranking on the SERP. Update the NAP citations on your website. Make sure that it is listed the same way on every page of your website. Update it in the footer of your website and make sure it gets crawled by search engines. Submit your business to other local directories. As mentioned above, Google tracks data across all the platforms so make sure that you are submitting your business to popular platforms like Just Dial,
  • 73. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 73 Keep your Business Hours accurate. Entering and updating your opening hours, including special hours for holidays and special events, lets potential customers know when you’re available and gives them confidence that when they travel to your location, it will be open. Manage and respond to reviews. Interacting with your customers when they share a review is a great way to rank locally. Responding to reviews and taking feedback from your customers shows that you value them. High- quality reviews from local guides and customers can help your business maintain the top ranking.
  • 74. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 74 Technical SEO What is Google Search Console (GSC)? It refers to optimising your site for easier crawling and indexing. That means, improving the technical aspects such as Page Speed, mobile usability, converting dead links to active links, etc to increase the website’s search presence. Additionally, you can also add more information on your SERP results which is called Structured Data. To monitor and optimise your website for Technical, you must have access to Google Search Console. It is a free tool offered by Google where you can monitor, maintain and measure your site’s presence on Google Search. It is a tool that establishes communication between Your Website and Google Search. Chapter 5
  • 75. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 75 On GSC, you can do the following: Understand how Google crawls, indexes and serves your website to the users. Fix Errors Submit fresh and updated content. Track your search performance To know more about search console: https:// youtu.be/ONr5Z7VhNFI How to get started with GSC? You can submit your website to GSC by following these steps: Sign up using your Gmail id here and click on Start now. On the opening tab, you can submit your website URL in the section URL prefix (for single domains) and click on Continue.
  • 76. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 76 Now, you will have to verify your website by adding the HTML tags to your website backend in the <head> section. Please note that there are other verification methods. You can opt for them when you are using platforms such as Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, etc.
  • 77. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 77 Copy-paste the HTML code on your Wordpress site. To do this, go to the dashboard> choose Divi > Theme Options> Integration> Add code to the head of your blog> Paste the code here and click on Save changes. Now, come back to the Search Console Tab and click on VERIFY under the HTML tag option. You will get a command prompt saying that your website ownership is verified. Here, click on Go To Property. Now, you have access to your GSC dashboard where it takes about 2-3 days (or a week) for Google to show you the data. PRO TIP: If you want the data to show faster, please submit your website to GSC before you start optimising for On-page SEO.
  • 78. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 78 How to Use Search Console? Once you receive the dashboard access, the very first thing you should do is to submit the Sitemap. A sitemap is a file that shows how many URLs are present on the website. This helps the search engines understand which are the pages to be crawled and indexed. To submit a sitemap, Choose the Sitemaps option from the left-hand side of the dashboard which is displayed under Index.
  • 79. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 79 Over here, add a new sitemap by adding the URL which is “sitemap.xml” and click on Submit. Please note that your domain name is by default mentioned in the GSC. After submitting sitemap you can check how your sitemap appears on the search by simply adding this URL in the address bar: In this case, https://onlinedigipro.com/ sitemap.xml and your sitemap will look like this:
  • 80. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 80 What is crawling and indexing errors and how to fix them? From the information mentioned above, we can understand how Google (Search) works. Basically, it crawls, indexes and ranks the webpages. However, there can be scenarios where Google can encounter issues while crawling your webpages. GSC is a place where you can understand these issues and also get recommendations on how to fix these issues. To understand what is the error and how to fix them you have to go to the Coverage section on GSC. Here you will see a few options which are Primary crawler: This is the Google bot that is crawling and indexing your pages. You can either see Desktop Or Smartphone as your primary crawler.
  • 81. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 81 Known, Submitted or sitemap pages: Submitted pages are pages that you submit to the sitemap. Known pages are the ones that have been crawled and/or indexed by Google through any means like organic crawling. Sitemap pages are the specific URLs that you submit to the specific sitemap. Status: These are the categories where your pages are put under by Google. They can be pages such as Errors. These are the pages that could not be indexed by Google. Valid with Warnings. These are pages that were successfully indexed by Google but have some issues. Issues can be with page speed, mobile versions, structured data, etc. Valid. The page is indexed by Google without any issues. Excluded. The page was not indexed because you did not want Google to crawl it, or the page has been removed by you.
  • 82. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 82 Details: This shows the details about the issues with respect to Status, Types, How many pages are affected, and the Validation process. Once you understand what type of error is mentioned in the Details column, you have to first check how many pages are affected. Open the Page report from the Details column. Once the individual page opens, you will see the affected URL. Click on it and then Inspect the URL. Now you will understand what exactly is the issue with the page. Make sure to rectify these changes at the source. Once rectified, you have to manually submit the page to Google for recrawl using the URL inspection tool. Once submitted, you have to request indexing and track whether the changes were made successfully. Perform a live test for the page if you want to check whether it was successfully crawled by Google. To fix the errors, follow these steps:
  • 83. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 83 Once you ask Google to recrawl your page, come back to the Index status report of this and Validate the changes. Finally, Google will update you once the validation process is complete. It can show you two things here: Passed- which means validation is done successfully and your page will be indexed OR Failed - which means that validation could not process and you may have to repeat the process after rectifying the issues. When you delete a webpage, place an invalid URL behind the anchor text or don’t update the URL with the correct address, you create a Broken Link. These are links that don’t work. When users click on a link, they are redirected to a page that shows a 404: What are Broken Links and How to Fix Them? TIP: Have a thorough understanding of the errors that are shown on GSC. Take some time to research these errors. You can do that by clicking on the Help button on GSC which is displayed at the top right with a Question mark symbol (?) Or by following the guide here: https:// support.Google.com/webmasters#topic=9128571
  • 84. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 84 404 How to Fix First, find out the broken links that you have on your website using tools like Ahrefs broken link checker or Chrome extensions which you can find here. Then, follow a simple process of replacing these broken links with active links. Or you can even remove these links completely from the source. Use the Removals option on GSC to let Google know about these links so that they don’t appear on the SERP. What is HTTP Status Codes and how to understand them? Status codes are the message that shows you how the page has performed with respect to the user-action. Here’s a list of all the status codes that you can see on a website: 200- shows that the page is OK and has no issues 300- shows the page has changed its path or has been redirected. 400- shows that the page is not accessible or not found 500- shows that the web-server is temporarily unavailable
  • 85. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 85 Here are some common https status codes that you may across: 301 redirection. This means the page has permanently moved from one URL to another URL. Use this code in scenarios like when you are securing your website from HTTP to HTTPS. If you are doing that on Wordpress, use the plugin Really Simple SSL to perform automatic 301 redirection. You can also use 301 when you have converted the broken links to active ones. 404 Not Found. This appears on removed or inactive pages of the website and is a bad experience for the users. Make sure to redirect the users to the active pages of the website by using 301 redirection. 403 Forbidden. Sometimes when you try to access your Wordpress site or dashboard, you might come across this error. This means that your request was understood, but converted maybe because the servers are not responding. 502 Bad gateway. This means the gateway server received an invalid response from the host. Basically, if you host your website from GoDaddy, this error might appear on your screens when the GoDaddy server is down. To know more about HTTP Status Codes click here
  • 86. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 86 Mobile Usability report on GSC The Mobile Usability report shows which pages in your property have usability problems when viewed on mobile devices. To check whether the mobile version of your website is working fine or not use the Mobile- Friendly Test tool and understand if there are any issues. You can find the Mobile Usability report under the Enhancement Section of GSC The most commonly found errors on Mobile Usability are: Content wider than screen Horizontal scrolling is necessary to see words and images on the page. This happens when pages use absolute values in CSS declarations or use images designed to look best at a specific browser width (such as 980px).
  • 87. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 87 How To fix it. Make sure the pages use relative width and position and scale your images as well. Text too small to read The font size for the page is too small to be understood and would require mobile visitors to “pinch to zoom” to read. How to fix it. Make sure you use standard font sizes and avoid adding custom fonts. Clickable elements too close together Touch elements, such as buttons and navigational links, are so close to each other that a mobile user cannot easily click on the desired link or button without also clicking on the neighboring link or button. How to fix it. Make sure to correctly size and space buttons and navigational links to be suitable for your mobile visitors. To know more about Mobile Usability report visit https://bit.ly/mobusability
  • 88. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 88 Performance Report on GSC Metrics on Performance Report The Performance report shows important metrics about how your site performs in the SERP, how often it comes upon search, its average position in search results; click-through rate; and also shows the Rich results associated with your webpages. With this report you can understand the following: How your search traffic changes over time, where it is coming from, and what search queries (keywords) are most likely to show your site. Which keywords are showing results on Mobiles and use this to improve your mobile targeting. See which pages have the highest (and lowest) click-through rate from Google Clicks. Shows the total count of clicks from a Google search result that landed the user on your website. Impressions. Shows how many links to your website a user saw on SERP. Impressions are counted when the user visits that page of results, even if the result is not appearing on the screen.
  • 89. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 89 Click-Through Rate (CTR). Shows the percentage of the total number of clicks divided by the total number of impressions. If there are no impressions, the CTR will be shown as a NIL (-) because CTR would be divided by zero. Average Position. Shows the average position of the topmost result from your site. So, for example, if your website has three results at positions 2, 4, and 6, the position is reported as 2. How to use this Report You can use this report by analyzing the chart showing clicks, impressions, CTR, and position and analyzing the table below the chart which is specific to Queries, Pages, Countries, Devices, Search Appearance, and Dates.
  • 90. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 90 Prioritize the pages that you are analyzing and make sure that you understand how to improve your website’s performance on Google. Use this report regularly to understand the issues and take necessary action to improve the performance. The URL Inspection tool provides information about Google's indexed version of a specific page. Information includes AMP errors, structured data errors, and indexing issues. URL Inspection Tool
  • 91. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 91 With this tool you can: • See the current index status of a URL: Retrieve information about Google's indexed version of your page. See why Google could or couldn't index your page. • Inspect a live URL: Test whether a page on your site is able to be indexed in real- time. • Request indexing for a URL: You can request that an URL be crawled (or recrawled) by Google. • View a rendered version of the page: See a screenshot of how Googlebot sees the page. Once you have understood and fixed the errors on the page you can also: Request (re)indexing: You can request that an inspected URL be re-indexed by Google. Indexing can take up to a week or two; you can check the progress using this tool.
  • 92. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 92 Pro tip: If you want to inspect multiple pages or newly updated pages to Google, then the best way is to update the XML sitemap with these updated pages. How to Check Page Speed of the website and How to Improve it? The loading time of a website is not only a major ranking factor but also very important in terms of user experience. For example assume a webpage taking more time to load, as a user will you be happy? You will surely look for another site. Google suggests that your page should not take more than 3 seconds to load. Fast sites make users happy and you should work on taking steps to improve your page speed. To check for page speed of your website, use PageSpeed Insights and take steps to improve the page speed. Why does it matter? Because if your page takes more time to load, it increases the bounce rate, which means how fast the user will bounce back from your site to another site.
  • 93. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 93 Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) What is Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) How to Improve Page Speed? Use minimum animation effects on the important pages of your website. Compress high- resolution images and embed the videos. For more information about Page Speed refer to the following link: New Industry Benchmarks for Mobile Page Speed The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project is built on top of existing web technologies to enable blazing-fast page rendering and content delivery. Results with Lightning symbol represents that it is an AMP which is different from a normal mobile page (with no lightning symbol) To enable AMP on your WordPress website, Download Better AMP and customize the pages that you want to rank on SERP with AMP features.
  • 94. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 94 amp AMP Status Report on GSC This report helps you fix errors that prevent your AMP pages from appearing in Google Search results with AMP-specific features. In this report, make sure that you have zero AMP error and all the AMP pages of your website are being crawled and indexed by Google.
  • 95. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 95 Using AMP testing tool You can test which pages of your website have AMP enabled using the AMP testing tool Security and Manual Actions Report Just copy and paste the URL that you want to test AMP for and the results will show you whether that URL is AMP valid or not.
  • 96. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 96 What is a Manual Action? According to Google, manual action is taken against a site when Google has determined that pages on the site are not compliant with Google's webmaster quality guidelines. Most manual actions attempt to manipulate our search index. Most issues reported here will result in pages or sites being ranked lower or omitted from search results without any visual indication to the user. If you violate Google’s guidelines by following black hat practices such as Cloaking, Doorway Pages, Copied Content, etc, Google will penalise you by either demoting your web page or in some cases such as having obscene content, completely removing you from the SERP. If Google has taken manual action against your site, you will be notified about it under the Manual Actions report. To fix the manual actions taken against your site, follow these steps • Understand which pages of your site are affected. Know the type and status of these actions. • Google will suggest some steps to fix these issues. Follow these steps carefully and rectify the changes on the affected page. • Make sure that Google can reach your pages. After you fix all the issues with the page, ask Google to review it using the Request Review option which will be shown to you along with the report.
  • 97. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 97 • In this report, describe what all changes have you made to the pages and show the affected and rectified page for Google to understand that the page does not violate any guidelines. Finally, ask Google to reconsider. • Google can take up to a week to reconsider your changes and put your pages back on its indexed source. What is a Manual Action? What is a Canonical Url? The Security Issues report lists indications that your site was hacked, or behavior on your site that could potentially harm a visitor or their computer: for example, phishing attacks or installing malware or unwanted software on the user's computer. These pages can appear with a warning label in search results, or a browser can display a warning page when a user tries to visit them. If you have a single page accessible by multiple URLs, or different pages with similar content (for example, a page with both a mobile and a desktop version), Google sees these as duplicate versions of the same page. Google will choose one URL as the canonical version and crawl that, and all other URLs will be considered duplicate URLs and crawled less often. Note that all the websites that are created now have a rel=canonical tag by default for all the webpages.
  • 98. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 98 If you don’t define your canonical URL then Googlebot will choose one for you and crawl that URL more often. In this report, you can see who links to your website the most, both internally and externally, and you can also check your top-linked pages. You can find the following information on this report: Top Linked Pages. Both Internal and External. It shows which are the sites that link your pages within the site (Internal) and which are the sites from outside that link to the pages on your site (Backlinks) Top Linking Sites. It shows which are the top websites externally that link to your webpages. It is the backlinks that you get from the websites. Top Linking Text. Also known as Anchor text. Shows the link text on external websites that link to your website. After understanding this report, you can track which are the important websites that give high-quality links to your site. Links Report on GSC
  • 99. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 99 Disavow Tool You can use the Disavow tool to kill the traffic from sites that may lead Google to take manual action against your site. Google works very hard to make sure that actions on third-party sites do not negatively affect a website. In some circumstances, incoming links can affect Google’s opinion of a page or site. Hence it is recommended to use the Disavow tool to stop the negative impact on your site.
  • 100. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 100 Steps to use this tool. • Decide which are the links/websites that are negatively impacting your website. • Make a list of these websites/links for adding them for Disavow. • Go to the Disavow links Tool page. • Choose your website property where you want to add the links. • Click on the Disavow Links button and upload the file which contains the disavow links. • Click on Submit.
  • 101. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 101 Note: It can take a few weeks for Google to process the information that you upload. Your list will be incorporated into Google index as they recrawl the website. What is Robots.txt file? A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages or files the crawler can or can't request from your site. Robots.txt is used primarily to manage crawler traffic to your site, and usually to keep a page off Google How to create and Submit the Robots.txt file? You can create a Robots.txt file through the File Editor option on your Yoast SEO plugin from Wordpress. Follow these steps to create the robots.txt file through Yoast:
  • 102. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 102 On your Wordpress dashboard, look for the Yoast SEO icon on top and click on Tools. Once the Tools page opens, choose the File Editor option. After this, choose Create Robots.txt file.
  • 103. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 103 Once you click on the button, the robots.txt file will be shown like this (the image below). Click on Save changes to Robots.txt. Make sure to update your robots.txt file. Whenever you want Google to not crawl your webpage, use the Disallow command. In the case where you don’t want Google to crawl the links on your page, use the nofollow command. Structured data is a code in a specific format, in this case, Schema.org –, written in such a way that search engines understand it. Search engines read the code and use it to display search results in a specific and much richer way which is why it is also called Rich Snippet or and Enhanced Search Result. You can easily put this piece of code on your website. Structured Data
  • 104. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 104 Types of Structured Data Imagine you have a website with a lot of recipes. If you add structured data to a page with a recipe, your result in the search engines might change. It will be much “richer” regarding content that’s shown. This is what a rich result looks like: Another example of a rich result from Web Marketing academy courses page : Notice how it mentions rich information about the upcoming batch timings. This is the kind of information that will help the users click on the results and take the required action. Some of the most popularly used Structured data types are: • Recipe Structured Data • FAQ Structured Data • Product Structured Data • Ratings and Review • BreadCrumbs List • Book reviews
  • 105. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 105 How to Add Structured Data On your Website? Step by Step Procedure to Add Structured data on your site You can add structured data by using the following methods: • Using Overview | Search for Developers • Using Structured data Plugins on Wordpress. • Structured data Generator Schema Markup Generator (JSON-LD) • schema.org: Home • Go to any of the links mentioned above and choose the structured data that you want to add on the website
  • 106. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 106 • Upon choosing the structured data, click on the See Markup button and you will be able to see the examples in JSON-LD format. JSON-LD is the accepted structured data format that the Google bots can understand. • Make the changes on the structured data code, according to your website content and test it on Structured data testing tool. • Check for ZERO errors. This is because structured data with errors will not be crawled and shown by Google as a rich snippet.
  • 107. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 107 • Once you finish testing the code, add it to the WordPress page of your choice using the code module. • Update and finish. Make sure you let Google know about the updated page using the URL inspection tool. Importance of using Structured Data Structured data is important for SEO because it’ll make it easier for Google to understand what your pages and your website are about. Google needs to find out what a page is about to show it in the search results. Using structured data is like talking to Google, telling Google what your site is about. That’ll help with your rankings.
  • 108. WEB MARKETING ACADEMY 108 On top of that, structured data will change the way your snippet (your search results) will look like. It’ll show more information to your customers. More specific information. And this will increase the likelihood a customer will click on your results. More clicks will eventually lead to even higher rankings! We’re seeing more and more structured data powered rich results pop up, so it is important to keep an eye on this. Here are some references that will help you understand more about Structured Data FAQ | Search for Developers What is structured data? • SEO for beginners