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Bringing Technology  into the EL classroom British Council Russia Hornby  Summer School Moscow  11-22 August 2008 Annela Laht
Was it worth attending? high time to find out something new extremely intensive training being ambassadors, breaking ice learning from experience of colleagues making new friends (32 participants from 14 countries) refreshing our cultural knowledge
24/7 security
Dream accommodation
Perfect facilities
33 degrees in the shade
First aid
From 10 a.m. …
…  to 6 p.m. on workdays
Coffee breaks
Happy colleagues…
… during the break
Our guide in Moscow
Olga, Gavin, Rena
Olga and Steve
A memorable trip
Chinese to most of us at the beginning Blog   * Delicious Twitter   * YouTube Wiki   *  Flickr Podcast   *  Voicethread Ning   *  Moodle Facebook   * RSS Crowdstatus   *  VLE No wonder… because   the majority of us are   digital immigrants
how tech-savvy are you? Introduction to ICT technophobe technogeek digital immigrant digital native
The first attack! If a teacher today is  technologically illiterate  – and is  unwilling to make the   effort to learn more  – it’s equivalent to a   teacher 30 years ago  who didn’t know how to read and write. DO YOU AGREE?
attitudes to ICT Introduction to ICT
web 2.0 Introduction to ICT
Web 2.0 It is not a specific technology; it refers to a major  paradigm shift (‘user-generated content) and describes a number of technologies (an intellectual concept) called the ‘New Internet’ Web 1.0  – the users are  consumers Web 2.0  – the users are  prosumers  (producers + consumers) Web 1.0 = Personal Website/ Web 2.0= Blog Web 1.0 = Britannica Online/ Web 2.0 = Wikipedia Web 3.0  – describes the currently evolving version of the web, virtual worlds of today, move to the semantic web
http:// www.commoncraft.com (Explanations in Plain English)
web 2.0 Tools Introduction to ICT Social networking tools: file sharing  [ Flickr, YouTube …] social network sites  [ MySpace, FaceBook, LinkedIn …] instant social networking tools /  micro-blogging  [ Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku …] social bookmarking  [ del.icio.us ]
TWITTER A microblogging tool One tweet (message) can be of up to 140 characters A service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? http:// twitter.com http:// twittervision.com   (twitter+Google maps)
Why use twitter? Why? Because even basic updates are meaningful to family members, friends, or colleagues—especially when they’re timely. Eating soup?  Research shows that moms want to know.  Running late to a meeting?  Your co–workers might find that useful.  Partying?  Your friends may want to join you.  Blogging develops into micro - blogging. That means that people don´t want to read long and boring texts. They want quick messages, that something’s up or you met  somebody.
BLOGS A website maintained by an individual, an online diary www.blogger.com www.technorati.com  – search engine for blogs
Why use blogs? A  blog  is an easy-to-use website, where you can quickly post thoughts and interact with people.  A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world. Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.
WIKIS A collection of webpages You can modify the content www.pbwiki.com
Wikis: The what
Wikis: The how 6 easy steps: Create a wiki at  www.pbwiki.com Confirm email & set password  Choose free version Edit your front page (see video) Create and link to a new wiki page Add a photo or picture to a wiki page Detailed print tutorial at:  http://www.theconsultants-e.com/workshops.asp
NING A private social networking site (photos, videos, images, adverts,etc.) Ability to add other members Interaction facility http:// ning.com
FACEBOOK A social networking site www.facebook.com A private group could be set up for a class for providing links for students to follow, to prepare for a discussion or reading. Students could upload and share photos or videos to follow on from a reading or as prompts for a writing or speaking task
CROWDSTATUS To view a group of people’s twitter statuses http:// crowdstatus.com www.webheads.info
a popular social networking website offering an interactive, user-submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos for teenagers and adults internationally. In June 2006, MySpace was the most popular social networking site in the United States.  MySpace
DEL.ICIO.US A social bookmarking site video: Social bookmarking in Plain English  http:// delicious.com
Things you can do with Delicious Bookmark any site on the Internet, and get to it from anywhere  Share your bookmarks, and get bookmarks in return Discover the most useful and interesting bookmarks on the web
VOICETHREAD Presentation website (pictures+record your voice+comments) http:// voicethread.com Load up your pictures and add comments. Send them to the people you want to see them. Students can do it about their holidays, home, family etc.
FLICKR www.flickr.com Yahoo ID is needed  *  an ima ge  and  video hosting website , and  online community  platform *  launched in February 2004
PODCASTS You can create, find and share podcasts (a uthentic ,  teacher ,  student )   http://www.podomatic.com/
Podcasting  (a portmanteau of the words iPod and broadcasting) is the name given to  the publishing of audio (usually mp3 )  files   via the Internet ,  designed to be downloaded and listened to on a portable mp3 player of any type, or on a personal computer.
Producing a radio show  has long been a  popular project choice , especially with young learners.  One advantage of recording a show and uploading it to the Web is that your students will probably  take more care with the preparation , knowing that it could be potentially listened to by people all over the world.  Finally, the students can invite their family and friends to listen to it. The fact that they have a real audience for their show should act as a great motivator.
Podcasting with Learners Free podcasting software : Podcast people: www.podcastpeople.com Also: PodOmatic:  www.podomatic.com PodBean:  podbean.com WildVoice:  www.wildvoice.com
Most podcasts use a  weblog   as their homepage. When you visit the blog you should see links to audio files.  Podcasts can then be  downloaded  and  transferred to a portable mp3 player, recorded to CD-ROM  for use in class, or students can be  directed  to them for self-study purposes on the computer.  Many of the ELT podcasts  come with transcripts  to help understanding.
Flo-Joe  http://www.splendid-learning.co.uk/podcast/index.html ELT Podcasting (Graham Stanley) http://www.pod-efl.com/ ESL Podcasts http://www.eslpod.com/website/ ELT Podcast – The Teacher’s Lounge http://www.eltpodcast.com/archive/lounge
YOUTUBE Teachers can use it for self-training and teaching http:// teachertrainingvideos.com www.teflclips.com (lesson plans based on Youtube)
MOODLE A course management system (CMS) A free open source software package designed to help educators create effective online courses http:// moodle.org /  - e-learning platform www.moodle.com  – installation, support, hosting, development, consulting
How do I get started? Basic concept What’s it for? What does it do? Personal experience Try it out! Pedagogical application How could I use it in class? Join a group   www.webheads.info
Advantages of learning technologies Interactive Multimedia IT skills required Student paced Variety=Fun! Presentation quality Authentic Real life and communication into the classroom  Storage Promotes independent learning Learner and teacher motivation Access to other countries and cultures Free ICT tools
Disadvantages Learner and teacher IT skills Computer access Slow connections Lack of training Technical issues Mixed ability and degrees of comfort with technology Can seduce teachers and learners Classroom management Accuracy of language and appropriacy of content Distraction Tiredness Integration problems
What has been done so far? I have created a pbwiki for my students * learning (links) * projects   * uploading works Students have presented their projects on Web 2.0 tools. We learn together! Classes have created social networking sites (Ning)
Differentiated learning opportunities In the ways and to the extent that students are similar, their education should be similar. In the ways and to the extent that students are different, their education should be different (Dr.L.Kanevsky)
Evaluation of web resources Accuracy and acceptance Authority and coverage Audience and relevance Educational focus Ease of use
roundup Introduction to ICT 6  What is del.icio.us?  How does it work? 1  Are you more of a digital native or immigrant?  Why? 2  What are your own attitudes  and emotional responses to ICT? 5  What are these:  Wikis, WebQuests,  ePortfolios, blogs,  Podcasts, chat…? 3  What have you learned  about Web 2.0? 4  What have you learned  about social networking tools?
Web 2.0 mindmap

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AC Atlassian Coimbatore Session Slides( 22/06/2024)

Bringing Technology

  • 1. Bringing Technology into the EL classroom British Council Russia Hornby Summer School Moscow 11-22 August 2008 Annela Laht
  • 2. Was it worth attending? high time to find out something new extremely intensive training being ambassadors, breaking ice learning from experience of colleagues making new friends (32 participants from 14 countries) refreshing our cultural knowledge
  • 6. 33 degrees in the shade
  • 9. … to 6 p.m. on workdays
  • 12. … during the break
  • 13. Our guide in Moscow
  • 20. On the one hand,…. LANGUAGE IN TEST ROASTED WITH COLOR BY CABBAGE BOILED On the other hand,…
  • 21. Chinese to most of us at the beginning Blog * Delicious Twitter * YouTube Wiki * Flickr Podcast * Voicethread Ning * Moodle Facebook * RSS Crowdstatus * VLE No wonder… because the majority of us are digital immigrants
  • 22. how tech-savvy are you? Introduction to ICT technophobe technogeek digital immigrant digital native
  • 23. The first attack! If a teacher today is technologically illiterate – and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more – it’s equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn’t know how to read and write. DO YOU AGREE?
  • 24. attitudes to ICT Introduction to ICT
  • 26. Web 2.0 It is not a specific technology; it refers to a major paradigm shift (‘user-generated content) and describes a number of technologies (an intellectual concept) called the ‘New Internet’ Web 1.0 – the users are consumers Web 2.0 – the users are prosumers (producers + consumers) Web 1.0 = Personal Website/ Web 2.0= Blog Web 1.0 = Britannica Online/ Web 2.0 = Wikipedia Web 3.0 – describes the currently evolving version of the web, virtual worlds of today, move to the semantic web
  • 28. web 2.0 Tools Introduction to ICT Social networking tools: file sharing [ Flickr, YouTube …] social network sites [ MySpace, FaceBook, LinkedIn …] instant social networking tools / micro-blogging [ Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku …] social bookmarking [ del.icio.us ]
  • 29. TWITTER A microblogging tool One tweet (message) can be of up to 140 characters A service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? http:// twitter.com http:// twittervision.com (twitter+Google maps)
  • 30. Why use twitter? Why? Because even basic updates are meaningful to family members, friends, or colleagues—especially when they’re timely. Eating soup? Research shows that moms want to know. Running late to a meeting? Your co–workers might find that useful. Partying? Your friends may want to join you. Blogging develops into micro - blogging. That means that people don´t want to read long and boring texts. They want quick messages, that something’s up or you met somebody.
  • 31. BLOGS A website maintained by an individual, an online diary www.blogger.com www.technorati.com – search engine for blogs
  • 32.  
  • 33. Why use blogs? A blog is an easy-to-use website, where you can quickly post thoughts and interact with people. A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world. Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.
  • 34. WIKIS A collection of webpages You can modify the content www.pbwiki.com
  • 36. Wikis: The how 6 easy steps: Create a wiki at www.pbwiki.com Confirm email & set password Choose free version Edit your front page (see video) Create and link to a new wiki page Add a photo or picture to a wiki page Detailed print tutorial at: http://www.theconsultants-e.com/workshops.asp
  • 37. NING A private social networking site (photos, videos, images, adverts,etc.) Ability to add other members Interaction facility http:// ning.com
  • 38. FACEBOOK A social networking site www.facebook.com A private group could be set up for a class for providing links for students to follow, to prepare for a discussion or reading. Students could upload and share photos or videos to follow on from a reading or as prompts for a writing or speaking task
  • 39. CROWDSTATUS To view a group of people’s twitter statuses http:// crowdstatus.com www.webheads.info
  • 40. a popular social networking website offering an interactive, user-submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos for teenagers and adults internationally. In June 2006, MySpace was the most popular social networking site in the United States. MySpace
  • 41. DEL.ICIO.US A social bookmarking site video: Social bookmarking in Plain English http:// delicious.com
  • 42. Things you can do with Delicious Bookmark any site on the Internet, and get to it from anywhere Share your bookmarks, and get bookmarks in return Discover the most useful and interesting bookmarks on the web
  • 43. VOICETHREAD Presentation website (pictures+record your voice+comments) http:// voicethread.com Load up your pictures and add comments. Send them to the people you want to see them. Students can do it about their holidays, home, family etc.
  • 44. FLICKR www.flickr.com Yahoo ID is needed * an ima ge and video hosting website , and online community platform * launched in February 2004
  • 45. PODCASTS You can create, find and share podcasts (a uthentic , teacher , student ) http://www.podomatic.com/
  • 46. Podcasting (a portmanteau of the words iPod and broadcasting) is the name given to the publishing of audio (usually mp3 ) files via the Internet , designed to be downloaded and listened to on a portable mp3 player of any type, or on a personal computer.
  • 47. Producing a radio show has long been a popular project choice , especially with young learners. One advantage of recording a show and uploading it to the Web is that your students will probably take more care with the preparation , knowing that it could be potentially listened to by people all over the world. Finally, the students can invite their family and friends to listen to it. The fact that they have a real audience for their show should act as a great motivator.
  • 48. Podcasting with Learners Free podcasting software : Podcast people: www.podcastpeople.com Also: PodOmatic: www.podomatic.com PodBean: podbean.com WildVoice: www.wildvoice.com
  • 49. Most podcasts use a weblog as their homepage. When you visit the blog you should see links to audio files. Podcasts can then be downloaded and transferred to a portable mp3 player, recorded to CD-ROM for use in class, or students can be directed to them for self-study purposes on the computer. Many of the ELT podcasts come with transcripts to help understanding.
  • 50. Flo-Joe http://www.splendid-learning.co.uk/podcast/index.html ELT Podcasting (Graham Stanley) http://www.pod-efl.com/ ESL Podcasts http://www.eslpod.com/website/ ELT Podcast – The Teacher’s Lounge http://www.eltpodcast.com/archive/lounge
  • 51. YOUTUBE Teachers can use it for self-training and teaching http:// teachertrainingvideos.com www.teflclips.com (lesson plans based on Youtube)
  • 52. MOODLE A course management system (CMS) A free open source software package designed to help educators create effective online courses http:// moodle.org / - e-learning platform www.moodle.com – installation, support, hosting, development, consulting
  • 53. How do I get started? Basic concept What’s it for? What does it do? Personal experience Try it out! Pedagogical application How could I use it in class? Join a group www.webheads.info
  • 54. Advantages of learning technologies Interactive Multimedia IT skills required Student paced Variety=Fun! Presentation quality Authentic Real life and communication into the classroom Storage Promotes independent learning Learner and teacher motivation Access to other countries and cultures Free ICT tools
  • 55. Disadvantages Learner and teacher IT skills Computer access Slow connections Lack of training Technical issues Mixed ability and degrees of comfort with technology Can seduce teachers and learners Classroom management Accuracy of language and appropriacy of content Distraction Tiredness Integration problems
  • 56.  
  • 57. What has been done so far? I have created a pbwiki for my students * learning (links) * projects * uploading works Students have presented their projects on Web 2.0 tools. We learn together! Classes have created social networking sites (Ning)
  • 58. Differentiated learning opportunities In the ways and to the extent that students are similar, their education should be similar. In the ways and to the extent that students are different, their education should be different (Dr.L.Kanevsky)
  • 59. Evaluation of web resources Accuracy and acceptance Authority and coverage Audience and relevance Educational focus Ease of use
  • 60. roundup Introduction to ICT 6 What is del.icio.us? How does it work? 1 Are you more of a digital native or immigrant? Why? 2 What are your own attitudes and emotional responses to ICT? 5 What are these: Wikis, WebQuests, ePortfolios, blogs, Podcasts, chat…? 3 What have you learned about Web 2.0? 4 What have you learned about social networking tools?