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icrossing + HEarst

building a
connEctEd brand
How brands bEcomE publisHErs
in a rEal-timE markEting world
by Adam Lavelle - Chief Strategy Officer, iCrossing
with Brian Haven, Alisa Leonard and Rob Garner

iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand

1   The Big Shift:
    Brands Must Evolve Into Media Machines.
    Brands, media and audiences used to have distinct roles in the
    marketing relationship. Today those roles overlap, creating new
    opportunities and expectations.
    The traditional messaging model still plays a vital role for marketers. Placing brand advertising
    with media content consumed by audiences is an effective method to reach customers.
    But alone, the tactic is insufficient. Traditionally, media (and media companies) served as
    the meeting place for brands and audiences. But, media companies are no longer the sole
    connective tissue for brands to communicate with their customers. Today, all three are equal
    participants in an ecosystem where each party is both a content creator and distributor. This
    fundamental shift, while disruptive to the status quo, creates both opportunities and liabilities
    marketers cannot ignore.

    Figure 1: Brand, media, audience – BeFore & now


           BRAND                        MEDIA         AUDIENCE                   MEDIA       AUDIENCE

                                        BEFORE                                            NOW

        People are now their own publishers of opinions, experiences and preferences.
        They share those sentiments with each other in social spaces. By working together,
        audiences have commandeered many of the functions of marketers, driving product
        awareness and influencing purchase decisions. They are telling both brands and each other
        just what they think – and they are doing it publicly, for others to find and see.

        Media properties are also learning to evolve as technology continues to
        give rise to the voice of the customer. Magazine articles and news stories no longer end
        when the writer or journalist finishes the piece. Media companies are now playing host to
        serious conversations, with readers functioning as active contributors to the story. Media
        innovators are learning to harness that user-generated content, responding to it, building on
        it, and using it to inform further editorial direction. They are listening to their audiences, and
        actively engaging with them. They are evolving into real-time curators of unique audiences,
        each with their own robust communities.

    © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                                    2
iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand                                               FEBRUARY 2011

    Brands are expected to share back. As audiences increasingly talk directly
    to brands, brands are realizing that audiences are demanding more of them than simply
    shouting about their products and services. Audiences want to hear what brands have to
    say. Every day, millions of them are actively reaching out to connect with brands through
    digital channels. Nearly 15 million people “like” the Skittles Facebook page —opting in to
    daily messages from the candy brand. Zappos and Whole Foods each have nearly 2 million
    people following them on Twitter. Shoppers even pay for the content brands provide:
    witness the $.99 that iPhone users pay to download Kraft’s iFood Assistant app.

    Content moves through networks at lightning speeds at a pace marketers
    struggle to match. To complicate matters, one form of content can create another form
    of content, and another, and another — moving through a constant cycle of replication.
    Comments, re-mixes, mash-ups, parodies, derivatives — it seemingly never stops. And
    as the content replicates, it spreads through networks exposing hundreds or thousands
    of unique connections to audiences, creating public, visible histories of interaction.
    Conquering this rapid cycle, a significant aspect of the content ecosystem, can prove

    The Takeaways:
    As these three forces — brand, media and audience — blur together, the roles and
    expectations of each continue to change. Most importantly, for brands there are two key

    1) Brands are becoming their own media platforms
        Brand equity is no longer being created by media spend alone. Instead ‘earned’ media
        (visibility in search and social spaces, word-of-mouth, PR) and ‘owned’ media (a
        brand’s website, official Facebook and Twitter pages, branded apps, etc.) are becoming
        fundamental components of the story.

    2) Always-on marketing is the new norm
        Audiences are increasingly expecting constant, consistent engagement from brands.
        Online stores are never closed, so marketing programs and customer service can’t be
        either. When consumers want to know more about a product, need answers to questions
        or are ready to take action, the brands are expected to be ready and responsive.

    Hearst and iCrossing are committed to working with brands that recognize this
    fundamental shift in marketing. Central to our approach is a marketing framework we call
    connectedness, an approach that focuses on how marketing gets done in a networked
    world. As our clients embrace this approach, brands become a new kind of publisher,
    interacting with their audiences wherever they are, whenever they want, armed with unique
    content that serves as the relationship-building currency they need. This results in higher
    degrees of loyalty and brand preference — not to mention the ability to more precisely
    influence purchase behaviors.

iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand

2   Connected marketing presents new
    opportunities for brands.
    Brands have no choice but to rethink their current approaches to
    communication, customer engagement, and the metrics they use to
    determine success. The rules have changed.
    Connectedness is an approach to executing marketing in a networked world. It is a framework
    for, and a measure of how intimate a brand is with its audiences. It’s a characteristic of a
    brand, a ‘state of being.’ After all, a brand needs to be a living organism in today’s marketing
    world, not an object, not a loudspeaker yelling at people. Connectedness is a way of thinking
    about how successful brands do marketing: focusing on audiences, not targets; engaging in
    dialogue, not shouting; and developing trust that is meaningful and lasting.

    We see connectedness and measure it by looking at a brand’s visibility to its audiences, its
    usefulness to those audiences, its usability (the ease of doing business with the brand), the
    brand’s ability to create desire, and finally, its level of engagement with its customers.

    A new approach is required for brands that wish to leverage the strengths of earned and
    owned media, and adopt meaningful customer engagement as keys to marketing success.
    To reinvigorate a brand and strive for category leadership, brands need to become:

            Aware. Gone are the days of immense “consumer”              A new approach is required
            studies conducted every several years — audiences’          for brands that wish to
            needs and behaviors are now changing dramatically           leverage the strengths of
            within much shorter timeframes. Brands need to stay on      earned and owned media,
            top of what’s truly important to audiences at any given
                                                                        and adopt meaningful
            time — sometimes even minute-to-minute. It is less
            about isolated market research data and more about
                                                                        customer engagement as
            understanding your customers, in the moment.                keys to marketing success.

            Agile. Brands need to adapt quickly and precisely to
            shifting audience attitudes, interests and behaviors.
            What’s required? New processes for creating and
            distributing content on a frequent and reactive basis.

            Active. Brands need to play an active role in the
            digital ecosystem by reaching out to audiences for
            interactive, two-way conversations. Those that don’t
            will either cease to be relevant with online audiences or
            relinquish control of their brand image to the whims of
            the masses.

     Brands that mobilize around these themes, focusing on content and community, moving at the
     speed of the net, and integrating their programs not just across traditional and digital channels,
     but across the entire bought, earned and owned media landscapes, will define themselves as
     connected brands, and will win in the marketplace.

    © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                                4
iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand                                                     FEBRUARY 2011

3   Content And Community Are
    Essential Ingredients.
    audiences expect brands to support them throughout their
    decisioning journey, providing information and assistance in real-
    time. marketers that fail to deliver erode brand equity.
    At the core of a connected experience is          Figure 2A: avery, home depot, and rei
    content. Procter and Gamble provides recipes
    and craft ideas on its Home Made Simple site,
    while North Face and REI have developed
    iPhone apps that report snow conditions
    on popular ski trails. Pampers.com has a
    complete tool set for moms including helpful
    information for every stage of the child-
    raising journey, and Avery helps moms stay
    organized through its Organization Of Moms
    Facebook community. The Home Depot has
    produced hundreds of do-it-yourself videos
    for its YouTube channel. The implication for
    marketers who want to create connected
    experiences: beyond campaigns and campaign
    assets, brands need to create and distribute
    meaningful content at significant scale, and at
    increasing velocities.

    Figure 2B: ally Bank and Best Buy

    But content alone does not create a connected brand. Content may be the currency, but
    active engagement is how a brand comes to life: content is shared, discussed, re-formed
    and amplified. This is a new breed of communications strategy, where connected brands
    participate in live, active dialogue with their audiences. Comcast, Jetblue and Best Buy
    provide customer service experiences through Twitter. Skechers and bebe partner with
    Kim Kardashian (armed with her 5M Twitter followers and 4M Facebook fans) to cultivate
    conversations with their audiences. Ally Bank doesn’t just listen to what its customers
    are saying in social spaces and on their blog, they use those conversations to inform new
    products and services. In all of these examples, it’s the synergy between content creation,
    sharing and community engagement that yields success.

iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand

4   The Connected Marketing Playbook.
    Brands need a framework to thrive in an always-on world.
    Our approach provides the foundation necessary for brands to succeed.

    Marketers are struggling with changes in the media landscape, and are determined to figure
    out how to take advantage of them. Do we just create a Facebook page and call it a day? Do
    I use Twitter for customer service? What content should I be producing? What makes good
    content, and what do with it? Can I control the conversation? How do I pull off the ‘live’ experi-
    ences my audiences expect?

    We are helping marketers answer these and other questions, by identifying and developing
    programs across four must-have areas:
    •	 Listening: ongoing analysis of customer sentiment, expectations and intent
    •	 Creation: content publishing, from high-quality branded content to real-time responsiveness
    •	 Engagement: continuous dialogue with audiences, backed by defined governance models
    •	 Measurement: benchmarking a brand’s performance within the networks and ways to optimize

    Figure 3: the connected Brand system


                                   MEASURE                                           CREATE


    The Connected Brand System
    Listening uses both comprehensive research studies coupled with real-time monitoring to en-
    sure that a brand’s insights about their audiences are not only deep, but current as well. Those
    findings drive the creation and distribution of the appropriate forms of content. A varied mix of
    content ranging from high-production branded content to the harnessing of audience-gener-
    ated content then flows across an ecosystem of publishing systems. As that content flows, au-
    dience managers guide it to the right venues, motivate audiences to engage and participate in
    continuing dialogue. As this engagement happens, metrics determine what content, and which
    actions are successful. Ongoing optimization ensures that the appropriate mix and speed is
    used to keep the audience engaged. Finally, all of this information feeds back into the listening
    process to enhance overall insights and inform the content that will be created going forward.

    © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                                6
iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand                                                FEBRUARY 2011

To guide our clients through the essential activities for building successful and sustainable
real-time marketing programs, we’ve developed The Connected Marketing Playbook.
These activities center around the four key areas described on the previous page: listening,
creating content, engaging audiences and measurement.

 A Create a customer listening program.
A gap exists between the tactics in the typical marketing
toolkit and the behavior of audiences in today’s digital land-
scape. Marketers typically turn to focus groups, surveys and
customer satisfaction analysis to understand an audience —
but they stop there. As a result, brands are out of touch with
audiences’ digital behaviors — and most of their advertising
and marketing efforts prove it. While all of these techniques
are still useful, they don’t tell the full story. There are nu-
merous techniques to understand how audiences behave,
including conversation monitoring and analysis, search data,
persona development, web analytics, campaign performance
data, social media activity data and more. These newer
techniques improve a brand’s understanding of who their
audiences are, where they are in the network, and how they
behave— a substantial enhancement of insight over mean             Together, iCrossing
income and gender.                                                 and Hearst can help
                                                                   marketers form a
Additionally, much of this information can be collected now,       detailed and accurate
in real-time — and should be, because it’s continually chang-
ing and providing insights. This means marketers need to
                                                                   picture of a brand’s
shift their thinking — audience insights don’t happen in quar-     target audiences — and
terly or annual research sessions, they demand listening right     ensure that it’s always
now. Knowing and understanding this information in real time       up-to-date.
is essential for a connected brand to develop and maintain
an effective strategy. Audience needs and desires shift in the
moment, and marketers and audience managers need to
adapt the content accordingly to remain relevant.

Leveraging both its own resources and those of its par-
ent company, the Hearst Corporation, iCrossing helps
marketers form a detailed and accurate picture of a
brand’s audiences— and ensures that the insights are
always up-to-date.

Our listening methods are targeted specifically at digital
audiences. We leverage numerous data sources to give us a
baseline understanding of audiences’ media consumption,
technology adoption and online behavior. We layer on our
own research into how audiences make decisions online, the
roles that various media channels play in the process, and
what (or who) the influencers are at each step along the way.
We leverage best-in-class monitoring tools — like Radian6,
Buzzmetrics, Cymfony and others — to listen to online
conversations and understand what specific communities

iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand

 are saying about our clients and their competitors. And with our proprietary linguistic
 profiling methods, we mine search data to identify what people need and want. We find
 exact language so our clients can connect with audiences using the audience’s own

 Leveraging insights from Hearst’s media properties (magazines, websites, newspapers
 and more) we are also able to keep attuned to changes in the aspirations, attitudes
 and emotional needs of the audience groups that brands want. With a rich subscriber
 database, ongoing custom research programs, and active reader panels, Hearst pro-
 vides insights and informed opinions into what inspires and intrigues audiences right
 now. Hearst’s expertise ranges from broad categories like teens, women, and men, to
 specific interest areas like beauty, green living and retail shopping trends.

 Figure 4: customer listening program

                                                                                                                                                                  R PA
                         HICS                                                   TRADITIONAL

                                                                                                                                                        IVE R
                                       O                                      MARKET RESEARCH






                      EXP                                                                                                               O   M

                           IEN                                                                                                     CU


                                 LM                               UP

                                   AP                                  S
                                           G                    SU

                                             CON                     YS

                                                         ON & MONI


                                                                                                  RICH S

                                                                                             P                                            HEARST


                                                                                                                                         & INSIGHTS




                                                                                                                         AUDIENCE INSIGHTS & PERSONAS
                                                                                                                         (Needs, Desires, Aspirations)

 This combination of traditional research efforts, Hearst media insights and iCrossing digital
 audience knowledge provides brands with the needed intelligence to develop powerful and
 effective programs. Programs that are authentic, intimate and connected to desired audiences.

 © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                                                                                                           8
iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand                                                  FEBRUARY 2011

 B Develop a process for content creation and distribution.
There is a tendency to think that an effective tactic to marketing in an always-on
environment, rife with chatter, spam and other noise that may keep a brand from achieving
its rightful share of voice, is to simply push out massive amounts of content. After all,
consumers are likely to produce more content about your brand, more quickly than your
marketing department ever could. There is a bit of a content war going on online, and brands
are on the front lines, like it or not.

We believe success lies in distributing the right content to the right audience in the right
places at the right time. And that’s a tricky thing to figure out. What topics will engage
audiences the most? Where will content have the most impact — in a blog, on Twitter, or on
a branded website? How often does new content need to be distributed and how quickly
do audience comments need to be addressed? Even if marketers find the answers to these
questions, they still need to develop the content. Articles, stories, video, photos, blog posts,
and responses to audience-generated content — new ideas for specific pieces of content
— all need to be produced. For many marketers, the resources and expertise required for a
real-time marketing program can be daunting or just simply undoable.

With expert content strategists, content creators and premium material at our fingertips,
the unique combination of iCrossing and Hearst can help brands create and distribute
content efficiently and effectively.

iCrossing’s dedicated content team is coupled with Hearst experts and resources, giving us
access to an extensive editorial network for the development of premium content. We can
also tap Hearst’s deep archives of existing editorial content assets for brand use. And of
course, because we adjust our plans on an ongoing basis, much of the content we produce
is developed dynamically, on-the-fly. Throughout the content development process, we also
involve iCrossing’s creative and user experience experts, who ensure a smooth and consistent
brand experience as audiences follow the content trail from search to Facebook to a brand
website and beyond.

Connected Brands Create & Inspire Content From Many Participants
While content, sharing and community are at the foundation of a successful connected brand,
not all content is created equal. The digital network through which content is published,
consumed and re-purposed is increasingly multifaceted. The complexity of creating and
distributing content aligned with audiences’ needs and desires requires a robust approach.
Therefore, a content platform for a connected brand is:

     Relevant to the audiences’ needs first. Many marketers put their own needs ahead
     of their customers. Pressure to meet financial objectives, achieve disjointed marketing
     metrics, or simply believing that buyers of the brand are still “consumers,” drive marketers
     to miss the mark. Connected brands know that business objectives begin with an
     audience need, and that’s no different with content creation. Content must be useful to the
     audience, otherwise there’s no reason for them to engage.

iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand

     Cohesive across touch points. Content creation must be diverse to meet audience
     needs, but it also must tell a larger brand story. Content generated by a brand should align
     thematically across all touch points, ensuring that the subject matter aligns with audience
     expectations and allows them to accept, or give permission, for the brand to engage on
     the topic.

     Designed to foster engagement. While not all content created will generate massive
     amounts of interaction, brands should strive to achieve that interactivity as often as
     possible. One significant tactic to creating engaging content is listening. The brand
     audience provides ample information about what is interesting, exciting, and useful for
     them; all the brand has to do is observe their behaviors and listen to the words they
     say. Built into a robust content plan, this feedback can be invaluable to keeping people

     Sourced from the appropriate creator. Most marketers cringe at the thought of
     generating the volumes of content required to maintain an engaged audience. But
     marketers need to remember that they don’t have to generate the content alone. Brand
     content can come from within the company, from agency and media partners, aggregated
     from third parties, and developed in conjunction with the brands audiences (see Figure 5:
     Content Continuum)

     Adaptive to modification by all parties. Brands no longer have full control of the content
     created about them. Content can be owned by the brand, influenced by the brand, or
     merely observed (see Figure 6: Degrees of Content Control). Any content, regardless of
     source, ‘belongs’ to all other participants in the dialogue. This means it can be repurposed
     or recreated in newer and more meaningful ways. The connected brand’s role is to design
     for, allow, encourage and facilitate these modifications. Once the content created by
     a brand becomes the ownership of the audience, it’s more valuable and it brings that
     audience closer to the brand because it’s a co-creation.

  Figure 5: content continuum


    Pre-existing or         New, custom       Pre-existing      Pre-existing       Short, rapid     Personal content
    newly created           content requested content created   content created    interactions     frequently
    content by the          by the brand      by partners       by third-parties   between among    created by the
    brand’s staff                                                                  audiences and    audience, about
                                                                                   between the      the brand or
                                                                                   audience and     tangentially
                                                                                   brand            related to the

© ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                                                 10
iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand                                                            FEBRUARY 2011

These content sources can be classified into three primary categories: 1) Owned—fully
in the control by the brand, 2) Influenced—requested by the brand but not necessarily
controlled, and 3) Observed—outside the control of the brand, but still usable (and critical) to
a connected brand’s content strategy.

Figure 6: degrees oF content control

SOURCES                         OWNED                              INFLUENCED                        OBSERVED

Connected Brands Share Content at the Appropriate Velocity
Content that is created for the appropriate situation and activated by audience management
must be distributed at the necessary speed to remain relevant since content exists in many
forms and it takes varying amounts of time to prepare. Sometimes weeks or months of
research are required to answer a complex question, other times it’s a rapid and instantaneous
dialogue — and any type of content can inspire or instigate the creation of a different type. It’s
this robust cycle of content creation that demonstrates the need for content that can be shared
in a manner that:

     Allows for the proper preparation time. Some content may require extensive research
     or preparation, from investigative editorial article to a long-form video, these types of
     content don’t happen overnight. Additionally, some content is instantaneous, from
     comments on a blog to @replies on Twitter, a brand need to be prepared and have a plan
     to respond. Content plans and the appropriate staff are critical components to bringing
     these disparate forms of content to life in the same ecosystem.

     Transforms when appropriate, spanning long-term to real-time.
     Any piece of content can instigate a flurry of responses by an audience, derivative content
     that can spread like wildfire. Additionally, some content should be designed for change,
     allowing the audience to transform it into something completely different. Perhaps a long-
     form, in-depth article motivates a days-long discussion about the implications. Or perhaps
     the advice of an expert inspires the audience to test the advice and capture it on video.
     Any piece of content must be designed to consider multiple forms of derivative output.

     Achieves the necessary velocity of distribution. Each form of content within the
     Content Continuum has a different pace for development. As content moves from Owned
     to Influenced to Observed, the pace becomes evermore explosive. As a result, different
     content development strategies are employed given the preparation times involved. In fact,
     there are different types of people employed along the way, but they all must work in a
     tight knit, integrated fashion to ensure a fluid process.

iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand

Figure 7: the content continuum + velocity                                                                 VELOCITY

                                      COMMISSIONED                                              AUDIENCE
CONTENT            BRAND                             PARTNERED   AGGREGATED   CONVERSATIONAL
                              OWNED                              INFLUENCED                    OBSERVED

     Presents an appropriate amount of information to the audience.
     Distributing these types of content in the right channels and at the right pace will play a
     significant role in the level of audience engagement. Too fast, and they get overwhelmed.
     Too slow… boring. A highly-astute staff must monitor the pace of content generation
     and distribution (both internally and externally) to ensure the proper flow.

     Promotes dialogue, not just consumption.
     Content must be shared in a way that it facilitates a conversation. Long gone are the
     days of “consumption,” media control, and push-only messages. As the authors of The
     Cluetrain Manifesto observed, “markets are conversations”. Connected brands contribute
     content and perspective to these conversations, but the dialogue belongs to the audience
     as well. This means that content must be shared in a venue that is optimized for the
     desired method of response — perhaps YouTube for video responses, or Facebook for

© ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                                                     12

C Actively Manage Content and Communities
Content alone does not produce a successful connected marketing program. Nor does a
stand-alone Facebook page or Twitter account. No matter how strong their initial foray into
branded content or social media, many marketers lack a plan for sustaining their efforts on a
long-term basis. Today’s real-time, networked environment requires that brands produce rich,
engaging content on an ongoing basis and continually cultivate relationships with audiences.
Brands that can’t keep up with these constant demands will see their online presence start
to languish, along with their opportunity to reach audiences and convert them to brand

Hearst and iCrossing believe that there’s a synergy between a strong content strategy and an
active audience management plan. Through this approach, we compound the value of our
clients’ real-time marketing efforts. We develop and execute a Communications Architecture,
that requires specific strategy and planning skills to leverage the expertise of individuals who
understand the reciprocal relationship between content, community and crafting ongoing
brand narratives across multiple touch points through content and conversation.

Whether it’s reaching out to audiences in existing communities or fostering dialog and
relationships in communities that we build, iCrossing’s teams work on behalf of the brand
to engender deeper engagement with audiences. Depending on the client and the content
strategy, our daily efforts might include posting updates to a brand’s Facebook page,
responding to questions or comments on Twitter, or directly emailing influential bloggers
within a community. But beyond simply publishing content, our community managers
play an active role in iterative content development. We turn audiences’ comments into
conversations by creating polls, open questions, and other dialogue-based content intended
to amplify conversation and interaction within a community. We leverage the Content
Continuum to create assets, publish them to appropriate media formats, and propagate them
across the brand’s digital ecoystem (see Figure 8: Connected Marketing Ecosystem). All
delivered within the wrapper of a defined governance model, and brought to life through an
engagement strategy.

Figure 8: connected marketing ecosystem

           MEDIA                                          Partner
                                .com         Brand                     3rd Party    Facebook                YouTube
           PLATFORMS                                       Site                                                               Flickr
                                              Blog                        Site                    Twitter

                          •   Article   •   Editorial Article   •   Blog Post          •   Status Update              •   Tweet
           CONTENT        •   Story     •   Brand Mention       •   Blog Comments      •   Facebook “Like”            •   Retweet
                          •   Photo     •   Comments            •   Blog Link          •   Facebook Comment           •   Twitter Follow
           TYPES          •   Video     •   Link to Brand       •   Video Embed        •   Facebook Poll Response     •   Twitter @Reply

                                                  AUDIENCE MANAGEMENT

          BRAND        COMMISSIONED            PARTNERED               AGGREGATED            CONVERSATIONAL

                  OWNED                                                INFLUENCED                                     OBSERVED

                                                   CONTENT DEVELOPMENT


iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand

By continually keeping the community engaged, we encourage audiences to create an
enormous amount of additional branded content in the form of tweets, comments, status
updates, and likes. This audience-generated content magnifies both the volume and speed
of branded messages throughout the network — and it does so in an extremely cost-effective
manner. Because we’re always in the loop on what audiences are talking about, we’re able to
constantly feed new ideas into the content strategy and master content plan.

Connected Brands Embrace The Art & Science of Audience Engagement
While content is the critical ingredient, and sharing the essential frequency, community is the
process that activates that content and defines the pace. The ‘network effect’ of a published
piece of content can result in hundreds or thousands of unique connections to audiences,
creating public, visible histories of interaction. For brands to be relevant today, they need to
entrench themselves where people already spend time, across the fluid ecosystem of digital
channels. Managing this ecosystem is a full-time job. It must leverage the expertise and
skills of talented individuals who understand the engagement landscape, the power of smart
content, and who think and function as strategists, communications designers, and user
experience experts. Architecting and managing activities embedded within this ecosystem
requires an audience manager who can:

     Be the steward and voice. A connected brand exists and participates in many places.
     Some are owned, like the website or microsites. Some are semi-owned, such as social
     spaces like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Others are not owned, like forums and blogs.
     Regardless of the venue, the brand needs audience manager(s) who can speak on behalf
     of the brand in a unified and consistent voice. Many of these individuals become quasi-
     celebrities as stewards of the brand, so marketers need to find a person (or people) with
     not only the right skill, but also with the personality that aligns with the brand and is inviting
     to audiences.

     Encourage an active dialogue. The audience manager has to be both a good listener
     and a social butterfly. Much like a conductor, they must orchestrate many different topics
     and ensure that the audience stays engaged. Their tactics span from issuing requests
     for content, to soliciting stories to sharing new content. It’s a never-ending process of
     monitoring, encouraging, activating and conversing.

     Enhance the visibility of content. But audience managers don’t just engage in
     conversations with the audience, they also promote and distribute content. Some of that
     content is contributed by the brand (Owned or Influenced content) and made available
     through various digital channels. Additionally, sometimes that content is created by the
     audience themselves. Either way, the audience manager acts as the hub making sure
     anyone who might be interested knows the content exists. Lastly, iCrossing’s audience
     managers access search and social data, to ensure the visibility of content in search
     engines and relevant social spaces.

     Drive buzz and word-of-mouth. Getting the word out is not only the job of the audience
     manager. The audience itself plays a crucial role in exposing the brand and the conversation
     to new people. The audience manager must ensure that the community has all of the tools,
     motivation, and interest they need to spread the work. Audience managers use techniques
     like contests, promotions, and audience generated content initiatives.

© ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                                    14

    Create and inspire derivative content. Just like spreading the word is a role for the
    audience, so is the creation of content. An effective audience manager actively encourages
    the audience to create new content or enhance and modify content contributed by the
    brand. It’s a process of co-creating that furthers engagement and brings people closer to
    the brand.

    Build relationships with influencers. Some audience members are of significant
    importance because they are key influencers — they also inspire the audience. The
    audience manager constantly seeks out and identifies these influencers and engages in
    relationships with them to help promote both the brand, and the influencer themselves.
    This mutual benefit helps motivate these influencers to amplify brand messages.

    Contribute to an enhanced audience experience. In many ways, the audience manager
    becomes an extension of the brand’s products or services. The engaging interactions they
    inspire contribute directly to the overall brand and audience experience. Connected brands
    differentiate themselves from the competition by using audience management and robust
    content strategies to enhance the experience.

D Measure and optimize.
The point of connected marketing is to help brands maximize their marketing spend by
creating deeper engagement with audiences. While many marketers have jumped on the
social media bandwagon to create a branded presence on Facebook or Twitter, they’re just not
seeing results. Or worse: they don’t even know how to measure their performance. In order to
take full advantage of their investments in real-time marketing, marketers need to understand
what content is getting the most traction in the community — and how it’s performing across
paid, owned and earned media.

Our dedicated measurement teams and proprietary technology enable us to quantify the
results of our marketing programs and make strategic adjustments to our approach over time
— ensuring a positive ROI.

We start by creating an initial baseline for audiences’ conversations around a brand. We
benchmark KPIs such as blog mentions, social signals and referral traffic and then monitor
these metrics over time to understand what’s working — and what’s not. We measure
conversions from Facebook fan pages and referral traffic from Twitter followers, which allow
us to determine the actual value of a brand’s participation on these sites. Our real strength lies
in our proprietary platform that tracks audience behavior across SEO, SEM, display, brand
websites, and social spaces in order to create a robust understanding of who’s engaging
with what content and where. In addition, our custom Web-based marketing intelligence
dashboards enable our clients and our internal teams to view all content performance data
at a glance.

Once we understand how certain pieces of content are performing in different contexts, we’re
able to adjust the content strategy and master content plan accordingly — creating additional
content around a hot topic or scaling down our efforts on a particular site. Often, we’re able to
adjust our programs that same day. Our ability to continually fine-tune our approach ensures
that brands are always getting the most of their marketing budget.

iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand

5   iCrossing + Hearst: Your Connected
    Marketing Partners
    Creating and managing a connected marketing program takes preparation and strategic
    vision. It also requires an ability to see and react to changes in audience behavior and
    conversations as they happen. This is clearly one of the biggest challenges that marketers will
    face in the years ahead — and many are unprepared.

    Marketing programs at most companies simply aren’t designed to keep up with audience
    expectations for real-time content and interactions. Marketers spend months designing and
    developing microsites — and years on their primary .com properties. They treat social media
    efforts as on-again, off-again campaigns with stringent review processes that cripple new
    content development. And while analytics platforms can provide immediate visibility into data
    trends, most marketers don’t look at their website or search analytics data until they’re
    months out of date. In short, many brands are stuck in old-fashioned marketing practices
    that aren’t conducive to — and actually hinder — active participation with audiences in a
    connected manner.

    To succeed with connected marketing, brands need to align with partners who can inspire
    people around the world through rich content – and distribute that content to audiences
    precisely when and where they need it. iCrossing and Hearst have joined forces to do just that.

    iCrossing is a full-service digital marketing agency. Our heritage in search engine marketing
    and optimization affords us unmatched skills in understanding what online audiences need
    and defining how to distribute content so that it’s highly visible to the right audiences. Our
    social media strategists and community managers keep an active pulse on audience attitudes
    and conversations for brands as diverse as bebe, The LEGO Group and Mazda. We’ve got
    data in our DNA and a relentless focus on measurement, so our clients always know how
    effective their marketing efforts are. Our clients also have access to our proprietary tools for
    audience research, analytics and content optimization.

    Hearst’s creative legacy provides a complement to iCrossing’s deep technical expertise.
    With 14 U.S. magazine brands – six of which are over 100 years old — Hearst has mastered
    the art of understanding audiences’ ever-changing needs and creating branded content
    that’s fresh and relevant. To support its publishing engine, Hearst has world class resources
    including a global network or editors and writers, digital photography and video studios, and
    a deep archive of historical content. Marketers can leverage all of these resources for their
    own branded content programs. And marketers can tap into Hearst’s extensive distribution
    network, which reaches a truly global audience through 14 magazines, 24 websites, 10 mobile
    websites, and nearly 200 international editions. Each month, Hearst’s U.S. magazines alone
    reach 72.6 million readers, and its websites draw 21 million unique visitors.

    © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                               16

Brands can leverage the authenticity and authority associated with brands like Good House-
keeping, Esquire, Popular Mechanics and Seventeen by tapping Hearst’s vast editorial net-
work and its archive of evergreen articles and images. Hearst offers premium content in the
following areas such as Luxury, Beauty, Family, Men, Moms, Food & Home, Technology and
Young Women.

Figure 9: hearst content category Breakdown




     FOOD &


iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand

By combining our respective talents, iCrossing and Hearst help marketers connect with
audiences through real-time marketing programs. Here are a few examples of how we make
this work:

          Hearst insights are used to advise brands on topics that might be of particular interest
          to certain communities.

          iCrossing taps into Hearst archives and commissions new content from Hearst’s
          network to create branded content for sites, Facebook pages, microsites, blogs, Twitter,
          YouTube, and many others.

          iCrossing curates relevant text, images, video, etc. from Hearst archives to create
          branded service or entertainment-focused display ads that can be displayed on Hearst
          and/or third-party properties.

          iCrossing leverages its robust technology platform to monitor, track and distribute
          content throughout the ecosystem, providing a technological platform to support a
          connected brand.

© ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                                                    18

6   How can we help you?
    iCrossing and Hearst have joined forces to help marketers create communities around rich,
    engaging content. We’re developing powerful connected marketing programs for some of the
    world’s top brands — and our combined expertise in social media, search technology, content
    creation, distribution and community cultivation means that we can help marketers sustain
    these programs for years to come.

    You might want to talk to us if you:

             Struggle to keep up with the rapid changes in your audience’s needs, wants,
             interests and conversations online.

             Want to figure out the right level of active participation for your brand.

             Aren’t sure what kind of content will best engage consumers.

             Aren’t ready to build an internal editorial department.

             Lack the resources to continually engage with your consumers.

             Seek skills and approaches to measure the ROI of your social media efforts.

         We want to help you succeed in today’s real-time marketing environment. Please connect
         with us:

                                 Join the dialogue:
                                 Email us:
                                 Call us:
                                 Follow us on Twitter:
                                 Become a fan on Facebook:
                                 Read our minds a Great Finds, the iCrossing blog:


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Rob Garner
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Rob Garner
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Rob Garner
Transforming Enterprise Organizations into Brand Publishing Machines, by Rob ...
Transforming Enterprise Organizations into Brand Publishing Machines, by Rob ...Transforming Enterprise Organizations into Brand Publishing Machines, by Rob ...
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Rob Garner
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Rob Garner
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Rob Garner
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Rob Garner
Digital Brand Monitoring and Management
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Rob Garner
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Search and Social Signals Pubcon 2011
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Designing Websites for Visibility, Rob Garner at the Association of National ...
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Rob Garner at adtech Chicago 2006: Preserving your URL Equity in a Website Re...
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Brands As Publishers - Digital Brand Strategy at iCrossing, a Hearst Company

  • 1. FEBRUARY 2011 icrossing + HEarst building a connEctEd brand How brands bEcomE publisHErs in a rEal-timE markEting world RELEASE 1.0 by Adam Lavelle - Chief Strategy Officer, iCrossing with Brian Haven, Alisa Leonard and Rob Garner 1
  • 2. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand 1 The Big Shift: Brands Must Evolve Into Media Machines. Brands, media and audiences used to have distinct roles in the marketing relationship. Today those roles overlap, creating new opportunities and expectations. The traditional messaging model still plays a vital role for marketers. Placing brand advertising with media content consumed by audiences is an effective method to reach customers. But alone, the tactic is insufficient. Traditionally, media (and media companies) served as the meeting place for brands and audiences. But, media companies are no longer the sole connective tissue for brands to communicate with their customers. Today, all three are equal participants in an ecosystem where each party is both a content creator and distributor. This fundamental shift, while disruptive to the status quo, creates both opportunities and liabilities marketers cannot ignore. Figure 1: Brand, media, audience – BeFore & now BRAND BRAND MEDIA AUDIENCE MEDIA AUDIENCE BEFORE NOW People are now their own publishers of opinions, experiences and preferences. They share those sentiments with each other in social spaces. By working together, audiences have commandeered many of the functions of marketers, driving product awareness and influencing purchase decisions. They are telling both brands and each other just what they think – and they are doing it publicly, for others to find and see. Media properties are also learning to evolve as technology continues to give rise to the voice of the customer. Magazine articles and news stories no longer end when the writer or journalist finishes the piece. Media companies are now playing host to serious conversations, with readers functioning as active contributors to the story. Media innovators are learning to harness that user-generated content, responding to it, building on it, and using it to inform further editorial direction. They are listening to their audiences, and actively engaging with them. They are evolving into real-time curators of unique audiences, each with their own robust communities. © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2
  • 3. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand FEBRUARY 2011 Brands are expected to share back. As audiences increasingly talk directly to brands, brands are realizing that audiences are demanding more of them than simply shouting about their products and services. Audiences want to hear what brands have to say. Every day, millions of them are actively reaching out to connect with brands through digital channels. Nearly 15 million people “like” the Skittles Facebook page —opting in to daily messages from the candy brand. Zappos and Whole Foods each have nearly 2 million people following them on Twitter. Shoppers even pay for the content brands provide: witness the $.99 that iPhone users pay to download Kraft’s iFood Assistant app. Content moves through networks at lightning speeds at a pace marketers struggle to match. To complicate matters, one form of content can create another form of content, and another, and another — moving through a constant cycle of replication. Comments, re-mixes, mash-ups, parodies, derivatives — it seemingly never stops. And as the content replicates, it spreads through networks exposing hundreds or thousands of unique connections to audiences, creating public, visible histories of interaction. Conquering this rapid cycle, a significant aspect of the content ecosystem, can prove difficult. The Takeaways: As these three forces — brand, media and audience — blur together, the roles and expectations of each continue to change. Most importantly, for brands there are two key takeaways: 1) Brands are becoming their own media platforms Brand equity is no longer being created by media spend alone. Instead ‘earned’ media (visibility in search and social spaces, word-of-mouth, PR) and ‘owned’ media (a brand’s website, official Facebook and Twitter pages, branded apps, etc.) are becoming fundamental components of the story. 2) Always-on marketing is the new norm Audiences are increasingly expecting constant, consistent engagement from brands. Online stores are never closed, so marketing programs and customer service can’t be either. When consumers want to know more about a product, need answers to questions or are ready to take action, the brands are expected to be ready and responsive. Hearst and iCrossing are committed to working with brands that recognize this fundamental shift in marketing. Central to our approach is a marketing framework we call connectedness, an approach that focuses on how marketing gets done in a networked world. As our clients embrace this approach, brands become a new kind of publisher, interacting with their audiences wherever they are, whenever they want, armed with unique content that serves as the relationship-building currency they need. This results in higher degrees of loyalty and brand preference — not to mention the ability to more precisely influence purchase behaviors. 3
  • 4. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand 2 Connected marketing presents new opportunities for brands. Brands have no choice but to rethink their current approaches to communication, customer engagement, and the metrics they use to determine success. The rules have changed. Connectedness is an approach to executing marketing in a networked world. It is a framework for, and a measure of how intimate a brand is with its audiences. It’s a characteristic of a brand, a ‘state of being.’ After all, a brand needs to be a living organism in today’s marketing world, not an object, not a loudspeaker yelling at people. Connectedness is a way of thinking about how successful brands do marketing: focusing on audiences, not targets; engaging in dialogue, not shouting; and developing trust that is meaningful and lasting. We see connectedness and measure it by looking at a brand’s visibility to its audiences, its usefulness to those audiences, its usability (the ease of doing business with the brand), the brand’s ability to create desire, and finally, its level of engagement with its customers. A new approach is required for brands that wish to leverage the strengths of earned and owned media, and adopt meaningful customer engagement as keys to marketing success. To reinvigorate a brand and strive for category leadership, brands need to become: Aware. Gone are the days of immense “consumer” A new approach is required studies conducted every several years — audiences’ for brands that wish to needs and behaviors are now changing dramatically leverage the strengths of within much shorter timeframes. Brands need to stay on earned and owned media, top of what’s truly important to audiences at any given and adopt meaningful time — sometimes even minute-to-minute. It is less about isolated market research data and more about customer engagement as understanding your customers, in the moment. keys to marketing success. Agile. Brands need to adapt quickly and precisely to shifting audience attitudes, interests and behaviors. What’s required? New processes for creating and distributing content on a frequent and reactive basis. Active. Brands need to play an active role in the digital ecosystem by reaching out to audiences for interactive, two-way conversations. Those that don’t will either cease to be relevant with online audiences or relinquish control of their brand image to the whims of the masses. Brands that mobilize around these themes, focusing on content and community, moving at the speed of the net, and integrating their programs not just across traditional and digital channels, but across the entire bought, earned and owned media landscapes, will define themselves as connected brands, and will win in the marketplace. © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4
  • 5. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand FEBRUARY 2011 3 Content And Community Are Essential Ingredients. audiences expect brands to support them throughout their decisioning journey, providing information and assistance in real- time. marketers that fail to deliver erode brand equity. At the core of a connected experience is Figure 2A: avery, home depot, and rei content. Procter and Gamble provides recipes and craft ideas on its Home Made Simple site, while North Face and REI have developed iPhone apps that report snow conditions on popular ski trails. Pampers.com has a complete tool set for moms including helpful information for every stage of the child- raising journey, and Avery helps moms stay organized through its Organization Of Moms Facebook community. The Home Depot has produced hundreds of do-it-yourself videos for its YouTube channel. The implication for marketers who want to create connected experiences: beyond campaigns and campaign assets, brands need to create and distribute meaningful content at significant scale, and at increasing velocities. Figure 2B: ally Bank and Best Buy But content alone does not create a connected brand. Content may be the currency, but active engagement is how a brand comes to life: content is shared, discussed, re-formed and amplified. This is a new breed of communications strategy, where connected brands participate in live, active dialogue with their audiences. Comcast, Jetblue and Best Buy provide customer service experiences through Twitter. Skechers and bebe partner with Kim Kardashian (armed with her 5M Twitter followers and 4M Facebook fans) to cultivate conversations with their audiences. Ally Bank doesn’t just listen to what its customers are saying in social spaces and on their blog, they use those conversations to inform new products and services. In all of these examples, it’s the synergy between content creation, sharing and community engagement that yields success. 5
  • 6. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand 4 The Connected Marketing Playbook. Brands need a framework to thrive in an always-on world. Our approach provides the foundation necessary for brands to succeed. Marketers are struggling with changes in the media landscape, and are determined to figure out how to take advantage of them. Do we just create a Facebook page and call it a day? Do I use Twitter for customer service? What content should I be producing? What makes good content, and what do with it? Can I control the conversation? How do I pull off the ‘live’ experi- ences my audiences expect? We are helping marketers answer these and other questions, by identifying and developing programs across four must-have areas: • Listening: ongoing analysis of customer sentiment, expectations and intent • Creation: content publishing, from high-quality branded content to real-time responsiveness • Engagement: continuous dialogue with audiences, backed by defined governance models • Measurement: benchmarking a brand’s performance within the networks and ways to optimize Figure 3: the connected Brand system LISTEN MEASURE CREATE ENGAGE The Connected Brand System Listening uses both comprehensive research studies coupled with real-time monitoring to en- sure that a brand’s insights about their audiences are not only deep, but current as well. Those findings drive the creation and distribution of the appropriate forms of content. A varied mix of content ranging from high-production branded content to the harnessing of audience-gener- ated content then flows across an ecosystem of publishing systems. As that content flows, au- dience managers guide it to the right venues, motivate audiences to engage and participate in continuing dialogue. As this engagement happens, metrics determine what content, and which actions are successful. Ongoing optimization ensures that the appropriate mix and speed is used to keep the audience engaged. Finally, all of this information feeds back into the listening process to enhance overall insights and inform the content that will be created going forward. © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6
  • 7. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand FEBRUARY 2011 To guide our clients through the essential activities for building successful and sustainable real-time marketing programs, we’ve developed The Connected Marketing Playbook. These activities center around the four key areas described on the previous page: listening, creating content, engaging audiences and measurement. A Create a customer listening program. A gap exists between the tactics in the typical marketing toolkit and the behavior of audiences in today’s digital land- scape. Marketers typically turn to focus groups, surveys and customer satisfaction analysis to understand an audience — but they stop there. As a result, brands are out of touch with audiences’ digital behaviors — and most of their advertising and marketing efforts prove it. While all of these techniques are still useful, they don’t tell the full story. There are nu- merous techniques to understand how audiences behave, including conversation monitoring and analysis, search data, persona development, web analytics, campaign performance data, social media activity data and more. These newer techniques improve a brand’s understanding of who their audiences are, where they are in the network, and how they behave— a substantial enhancement of insight over mean Together, iCrossing income and gender. and Hearst can help marketers form a Additionally, much of this information can be collected now, detailed and accurate in real-time — and should be, because it’s continually chang- ing and providing insights. This means marketers need to picture of a brand’s shift their thinking — audience insights don’t happen in quar- target audiences — and terly or annual research sessions, they demand listening right ensure that it’s always now. Knowing and understanding this information in real time up-to-date. is essential for a connected brand to develop and maintain an effective strategy. Audience needs and desires shift in the moment, and marketers and audience managers need to adapt the content accordingly to remain relevant. Leveraging both its own resources and those of its par- ent company, the Hearst Corporation, iCrossing helps marketers form a detailed and accurate picture of a brand’s audiences— and ensures that the insights are always up-to-date. Our listening methods are targeted specifically at digital audiences. We leverage numerous data sources to give us a baseline understanding of audiences’ media consumption, technology adoption and online behavior. We layer on our own research into how audiences make decisions online, the roles that various media channels play in the process, and what (or who) the influencers are at each step along the way. We leverage best-in-class monitoring tools — like Radian6, Buzzmetrics, Cymfony and others — to listen to online conversations and understand what specific communities 7
  • 8. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand are saying about our clients and their competitors. And with our proprietary linguistic profiling methods, we mine search data to identify what people need and want. We find exact language so our clients can connect with audiences using the audience’s own vernacular. Leveraging insights from Hearst’s media properties (magazines, websites, newspapers and more) we are also able to keep attuned to changes in the aspirations, attitudes and emotional needs of the audience groups that brands want. With a rich subscriber database, ongoing custom research programs, and active reader panels, Hearst pro- vides insights and informed opinions into what inspires and intrigues audiences right now. Hearst’s expertise ranges from broad categories like teens, women, and men, to specific interest areas like beauty, green living and retail shopping trends. Figure 4: customer listening program S NEL R PA EADE DEMOGRAP HICS TRADITIONAL IVE R CU ST O MARKET RESEARCH ACT ME RS ATI CH SFA AR CTIO SE DIGITAL ETHNOGRAPHY RE N EXP O M ST FOC ER IEN CU US TIA ASE GR LM UP TAB O AP S PIN G SU RVE DA R CON YS IBE VERSATI ON & MONI CR TORIN G UBS LING UIS RICH S TIC P HEARST RO RESEARCH FIL ES & INSIGHTS SEA RCH iCROSSING ACTIVI “LIVE” AUDIENCE TIES TRACKING AUDIENCE INSIGHTS & PERSONAS (Needs, Desires, Aspirations) This combination of traditional research efforts, Hearst media insights and iCrossing digital audience knowledge provides brands with the needed intelligence to develop powerful and effective programs. Programs that are authentic, intimate and connected to desired audiences. © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8
  • 9. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand FEBRUARY 2011 B Develop a process for content creation and distribution. There is a tendency to think that an effective tactic to marketing in an always-on environment, rife with chatter, spam and other noise that may keep a brand from achieving its rightful share of voice, is to simply push out massive amounts of content. After all, consumers are likely to produce more content about your brand, more quickly than your marketing department ever could. There is a bit of a content war going on online, and brands are on the front lines, like it or not. We believe success lies in distributing the right content to the right audience in the right places at the right time. And that’s a tricky thing to figure out. What topics will engage audiences the most? Where will content have the most impact — in a blog, on Twitter, or on a branded website? How often does new content need to be distributed and how quickly do audience comments need to be addressed? Even if marketers find the answers to these questions, they still need to develop the content. Articles, stories, video, photos, blog posts, and responses to audience-generated content — new ideas for specific pieces of content — all need to be produced. For many marketers, the resources and expertise required for a real-time marketing program can be daunting or just simply undoable. With expert content strategists, content creators and premium material at our fingertips, the unique combination of iCrossing and Hearst can help brands create and distribute content efficiently and effectively. iCrossing’s dedicated content team is coupled with Hearst experts and resources, giving us access to an extensive editorial network for the development of premium content. We can also tap Hearst’s deep archives of existing editorial content assets for brand use. And of course, because we adjust our plans on an ongoing basis, much of the content we produce is developed dynamically, on-the-fly. Throughout the content development process, we also involve iCrossing’s creative and user experience experts, who ensure a smooth and consistent brand experience as audiences follow the content trail from search to Facebook to a brand website and beyond. Connected Brands Create & Inspire Content From Many Participants While content, sharing and community are at the foundation of a successful connected brand, not all content is created equal. The digital network through which content is published, consumed and re-purposed is increasingly multifaceted. The complexity of creating and distributing content aligned with audiences’ needs and desires requires a robust approach. Therefore, a content platform for a connected brand is: Relevant to the audiences’ needs first. Many marketers put their own needs ahead of their customers. Pressure to meet financial objectives, achieve disjointed marketing metrics, or simply believing that buyers of the brand are still “consumers,” drive marketers to miss the mark. Connected brands know that business objectives begin with an audience need, and that’s no different with content creation. Content must be useful to the audience, otherwise there’s no reason for them to engage. 9
  • 10. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand Cohesive across touch points. Content creation must be diverse to meet audience needs, but it also must tell a larger brand story. Content generated by a brand should align thematically across all touch points, ensuring that the subject matter aligns with audience expectations and allows them to accept, or give permission, for the brand to engage on the topic. Designed to foster engagement. While not all content created will generate massive amounts of interaction, brands should strive to achieve that interactivity as often as possible. One significant tactic to creating engaging content is listening. The brand audience provides ample information about what is interesting, exciting, and useful for them; all the brand has to do is observe their behaviors and listen to the words they say. Built into a robust content plan, this feedback can be invaluable to keeping people engaged. Sourced from the appropriate creator. Most marketers cringe at the thought of generating the volumes of content required to maintain an engaged audience. But marketers need to remember that they don’t have to generate the content alone. Brand content can come from within the company, from agency and media partners, aggregated from third parties, and developed in conjunction with the brands audiences (see Figure 5: Content Continuum) Adaptive to modification by all parties. Brands no longer have full control of the content created about them. Content can be owned by the brand, influenced by the brand, or merely observed (see Figure 6: Degrees of Content Control). Any content, regardless of source, ‘belongs’ to all other participants in the dialogue. This means it can be repurposed or recreated in newer and more meaningful ways. The connected brand’s role is to design for, allow, encourage and facilitate these modifications. Once the content created by a brand becomes the ownership of the audience, it’s more valuable and it brings that audience closer to the brand because it’s a co-creation. Figure 5: content continuum AUDIENCE BRAND COMMISSIONED PARTNERED AGGREGATED CONVERSATIONAL GENERATED Pre-existing or New, custom Pre-existing Pre-existing Short, rapid Personal content newly created content requested content created content created interactions frequently content by the by the brand by partners by third-parties between among created by the brand’s staff audiences and audience, about between the the brand or audience and tangentially brand related to the brand © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10
  • 11. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand FEBRUARY 2011 These content sources can be classified into three primary categories: 1) Owned—fully in the control by the brand, 2) Influenced—requested by the brand but not necessarily controlled, and 3) Observed—outside the control of the brand, but still usable (and critical) to a connected brand’s content strategy. Figure 6: degrees oF content control AUDIENCE BRAND COMMISSIONED PARTNERED AGGREGATED CONVERSATIONAL GENERATED CONTENT SOURCES OWNED INFLUENCED OBSERVED Connected Brands Share Content at the Appropriate Velocity Content that is created for the appropriate situation and activated by audience management must be distributed at the necessary speed to remain relevant since content exists in many forms and it takes varying amounts of time to prepare. Sometimes weeks or months of research are required to answer a complex question, other times it’s a rapid and instantaneous dialogue — and any type of content can inspire or instigate the creation of a different type. It’s this robust cycle of content creation that demonstrates the need for content that can be shared in a manner that: Allows for the proper preparation time. Some content may require extensive research or preparation, from investigative editorial article to a long-form video, these types of content don’t happen overnight. Additionally, some content is instantaneous, from comments on a blog to @replies on Twitter, a brand need to be prepared and have a plan to respond. Content plans and the appropriate staff are critical components to bringing these disparate forms of content to life in the same ecosystem. Transforms when appropriate, spanning long-term to real-time. Any piece of content can instigate a flurry of responses by an audience, derivative content that can spread like wildfire. Additionally, some content should be designed for change, allowing the audience to transform it into something completely different. Perhaps a long- form, in-depth article motivates a days-long discussion about the implications. Or perhaps the advice of an expert inspires the audience to test the advice and capture it on video. Any piece of content must be designed to consider multiple forms of derivative output. Achieves the necessary velocity of distribution. Each form of content within the Content Continuum has a different pace for development. As content moves from Owned to Influenced to Observed, the pace becomes evermore explosive. As a result, different content development strategies are employed given the preparation times involved. In fact, there are different types of people employed along the way, but they all must work in a tight knit, integrated fashion to ensure a fluid process. 11
  • 12. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand Figure 7: the content continuum + velocity VELOCITY COMMISSIONED AUDIENCE CONTENT BRAND PARTNERED AGGREGATED CONVERSATIONAL GENERATED SOURCES OWNED INFLUENCED OBSERVED Presents an appropriate amount of information to the audience. Distributing these types of content in the right channels and at the right pace will play a significant role in the level of audience engagement. Too fast, and they get overwhelmed. Too slow… boring. A highly-astute staff must monitor the pace of content generation and distribution (both internally and externally) to ensure the proper flow. Promotes dialogue, not just consumption. Content must be shared in a way that it facilitates a conversation. Long gone are the days of “consumption,” media control, and push-only messages. As the authors of The Cluetrain Manifesto observed, “markets are conversations”. Connected brands contribute content and perspective to these conversations, but the dialogue belongs to the audience as well. This means that content must be shared in a venue that is optimized for the desired method of response — perhaps YouTube for video responses, or Facebook for polling. © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12
  • 13. FEBRUARY 2011 C Actively Manage Content and Communities Content alone does not produce a successful connected marketing program. Nor does a stand-alone Facebook page or Twitter account. No matter how strong their initial foray into branded content or social media, many marketers lack a plan for sustaining their efforts on a long-term basis. Today’s real-time, networked environment requires that brands produce rich, engaging content on an ongoing basis and continually cultivate relationships with audiences. Brands that can’t keep up with these constant demands will see their online presence start to languish, along with their opportunity to reach audiences and convert them to brand advocates. Hearst and iCrossing believe that there’s a synergy between a strong content strategy and an active audience management plan. Through this approach, we compound the value of our clients’ real-time marketing efforts. We develop and execute a Communications Architecture, that requires specific strategy and planning skills to leverage the expertise of individuals who understand the reciprocal relationship between content, community and crafting ongoing brand narratives across multiple touch points through content and conversation. Whether it’s reaching out to audiences in existing communities or fostering dialog and relationships in communities that we build, iCrossing’s teams work on behalf of the brand to engender deeper engagement with audiences. Depending on the client and the content strategy, our daily efforts might include posting updates to a brand’s Facebook page, responding to questions or comments on Twitter, or directly emailing influential bloggers within a community. But beyond simply publishing content, our community managers play an active role in iterative content development. We turn audiences’ comments into conversations by creating polls, open questions, and other dialogue-based content intended to amplify conversation and interaction within a community. We leverage the Content Continuum to create assets, publish them to appropriate media formats, and propagate them across the brand’s digital ecoystem (see Figure 8: Connected Marketing Ecosystem). All delivered within the wrapper of a defined governance model, and brought to life through an engagement strategy. Figure 8: connected marketing ecosystem MEDIA Partner .com Brand 3rd Party Facebook YouTube PLATFORMS Site Flickr Blog Site Twitter • Article • Editorial Article • Blog Post • Status Update • Tweet CONTENT • Story • Brand Mention • Blog Comments • Facebook “Like” • Retweet • Photo • Comments • Blog Link • Facebook Comment • Twitter Follow TYPES • Video • Link to Brand • Video Embed • Facebook Poll Response • Twitter @Reply AUDIENCE MANAGEMENT AUDIENCE BRAND COMMISSIONED PARTNERED AGGREGATED CONVERSATIONAL GENERATED OWNED INFLUENCED OBSERVED CONTENT DEVELOPMENT GOVERNANCE 13
  • 14. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand By continually keeping the community engaged, we encourage audiences to create an enormous amount of additional branded content in the form of tweets, comments, status updates, and likes. This audience-generated content magnifies both the volume and speed of branded messages throughout the network — and it does so in an extremely cost-effective manner. Because we’re always in the loop on what audiences are talking about, we’re able to constantly feed new ideas into the content strategy and master content plan. Connected Brands Embrace The Art & Science of Audience Engagement While content is the critical ingredient, and sharing the essential frequency, community is the process that activates that content and defines the pace. The ‘network effect’ of a published piece of content can result in hundreds or thousands of unique connections to audiences, creating public, visible histories of interaction. For brands to be relevant today, they need to entrench themselves where people already spend time, across the fluid ecosystem of digital channels. Managing this ecosystem is a full-time job. It must leverage the expertise and skills of talented individuals who understand the engagement landscape, the power of smart content, and who think and function as strategists, communications designers, and user experience experts. Architecting and managing activities embedded within this ecosystem requires an audience manager who can: Be the steward and voice. A connected brand exists and participates in many places. Some are owned, like the website or microsites. Some are semi-owned, such as social spaces like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Others are not owned, like forums and blogs. Regardless of the venue, the brand needs audience manager(s) who can speak on behalf of the brand in a unified and consistent voice. Many of these individuals become quasi- celebrities as stewards of the brand, so marketers need to find a person (or people) with not only the right skill, but also with the personality that aligns with the brand and is inviting to audiences. Encourage an active dialogue. The audience manager has to be both a good listener and a social butterfly. Much like a conductor, they must orchestrate many different topics and ensure that the audience stays engaged. Their tactics span from issuing requests for content, to soliciting stories to sharing new content. It’s a never-ending process of monitoring, encouraging, activating and conversing. Enhance the visibility of content. But audience managers don’t just engage in conversations with the audience, they also promote and distribute content. Some of that content is contributed by the brand (Owned or Influenced content) and made available through various digital channels. Additionally, sometimes that content is created by the audience themselves. Either way, the audience manager acts as the hub making sure anyone who might be interested knows the content exists. Lastly, iCrossing’s audience managers access search and social data, to ensure the visibility of content in search engines and relevant social spaces. Drive buzz and word-of-mouth. Getting the word out is not only the job of the audience manager. The audience itself plays a crucial role in exposing the brand and the conversation to new people. The audience manager must ensure that the community has all of the tools, motivation, and interest they need to spread the work. Audience managers use techniques like contests, promotions, and audience generated content initiatives. © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14
  • 15. FEBRUARY 2011 Create and inspire derivative content. Just like spreading the word is a role for the audience, so is the creation of content. An effective audience manager actively encourages the audience to create new content or enhance and modify content contributed by the brand. It’s a process of co-creating that furthers engagement and brings people closer to the brand. Build relationships with influencers. Some audience members are of significant importance because they are key influencers — they also inspire the audience. The audience manager constantly seeks out and identifies these influencers and engages in relationships with them to help promote both the brand, and the influencer themselves. This mutual benefit helps motivate these influencers to amplify brand messages. Contribute to an enhanced audience experience. In many ways, the audience manager becomes an extension of the brand’s products or services. The engaging interactions they inspire contribute directly to the overall brand and audience experience. Connected brands differentiate themselves from the competition by using audience management and robust content strategies to enhance the experience. D Measure and optimize. The point of connected marketing is to help brands maximize their marketing spend by creating deeper engagement with audiences. While many marketers have jumped on the social media bandwagon to create a branded presence on Facebook or Twitter, they’re just not seeing results. Or worse: they don’t even know how to measure their performance. In order to take full advantage of their investments in real-time marketing, marketers need to understand what content is getting the most traction in the community — and how it’s performing across paid, owned and earned media. Our dedicated measurement teams and proprietary technology enable us to quantify the results of our marketing programs and make strategic adjustments to our approach over time — ensuring a positive ROI. We start by creating an initial baseline for audiences’ conversations around a brand. We benchmark KPIs such as blog mentions, social signals and referral traffic and then monitor these metrics over time to understand what’s working — and what’s not. We measure conversions from Facebook fan pages and referral traffic from Twitter followers, which allow us to determine the actual value of a brand’s participation on these sites. Our real strength lies in our proprietary platform that tracks audience behavior across SEO, SEM, display, brand websites, and social spaces in order to create a robust understanding of who’s engaging with what content and where. In addition, our custom Web-based marketing intelligence dashboards enable our clients and our internal teams to view all content performance data at a glance. Once we understand how certain pieces of content are performing in different contexts, we’re able to adjust the content strategy and master content plan accordingly — creating additional content around a hot topic or scaling down our efforts on a particular site. Often, we’re able to adjust our programs that same day. Our ability to continually fine-tune our approach ensures that brands are always getting the most of their marketing budget. 15
  • 16. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand 5 iCrossing + Hearst: Your Connected Marketing Partners Creating and managing a connected marketing program takes preparation and strategic vision. It also requires an ability to see and react to changes in audience behavior and conversations as they happen. This is clearly one of the biggest challenges that marketers will face in the years ahead — and many are unprepared. Marketing programs at most companies simply aren’t designed to keep up with audience expectations for real-time content and interactions. Marketers spend months designing and developing microsites — and years on their primary .com properties. They treat social media efforts as on-again, off-again campaigns with stringent review processes that cripple new content development. And while analytics platforms can provide immediate visibility into data trends, most marketers don’t look at their website or search analytics data until they’re months out of date. In short, many brands are stuck in old-fashioned marketing practices that aren’t conducive to — and actually hinder — active participation with audiences in a connected manner. To succeed with connected marketing, brands need to align with partners who can inspire people around the world through rich content – and distribute that content to audiences precisely when and where they need it. iCrossing and Hearst have joined forces to do just that. iCrossing is a full-service digital marketing agency. Our heritage in search engine marketing and optimization affords us unmatched skills in understanding what online audiences need and defining how to distribute content so that it’s highly visible to the right audiences. Our social media strategists and community managers keep an active pulse on audience attitudes and conversations for brands as diverse as bebe, The LEGO Group and Mazda. We’ve got data in our DNA and a relentless focus on measurement, so our clients always know how effective their marketing efforts are. Our clients also have access to our proprietary tools for audience research, analytics and content optimization. Hearst’s creative legacy provides a complement to iCrossing’s deep technical expertise. With 14 U.S. magazine brands – six of which are over 100 years old — Hearst has mastered the art of understanding audiences’ ever-changing needs and creating branded content that’s fresh and relevant. To support its publishing engine, Hearst has world class resources including a global network or editors and writers, digital photography and video studios, and a deep archive of historical content. Marketers can leverage all of these resources for their own branded content programs. And marketers can tap into Hearst’s extensive distribution network, which reaches a truly global audience through 14 magazines, 24 websites, 10 mobile websites, and nearly 200 international editions. Each month, Hearst’s U.S. magazines alone reach 72.6 million readers, and its websites draw 21 million unique visitors. © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16
  • 17. FEBRUARY 2011 Brands can leverage the authenticity and authority associated with brands like Good House- keeping, Esquire, Popular Mechanics and Seventeen by tapping Hearst’s vast editorial net- work and its archive of evergreen articles and images. Hearst offers premium content in the following areas such as Luxury, Beauty, Family, Men, Moms, Food & Home, Technology and Young Women. Figure 9: hearst content category Breakdown LUXURY MEN MOMS FOOD & HOME YOUNG WOMEN 17
  • 18. iCROSSING: Building a Connected Brand By combining our respective talents, iCrossing and Hearst help marketers connect with audiences through real-time marketing programs. Here are a few examples of how we make this work: Hearst insights are used to advise brands on topics that might be of particular interest to certain communities. iCrossing taps into Hearst archives and commissions new content from Hearst’s network to create branded content for sites, Facebook pages, microsites, blogs, Twitter, YouTube, and many others. iCrossing curates relevant text, images, video, etc. from Hearst archives to create branded service or entertainment-focused display ads that can be displayed on Hearst and/or third-party properties. iCrossing leverages its robust technology platform to monitor, track and distribute content throughout the ecosystem, providing a technological platform to support a connected brand. © ICROSSING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 18
  • 19. FEBRUARY 2011 6 How can we help you? iCrossing and Hearst have joined forces to help marketers create communities around rich, engaging content. We’re developing powerful connected marketing programs for some of the world’s top brands — and our combined expertise in social media, search technology, content creation, distribution and community cultivation means that we can help marketers sustain these programs for years to come. You might want to talk to us if you: Struggle to keep up with the rapid changes in your audience’s needs, wants, interests and conversations online. Want to figure out the right level of active participation for your brand. Aren’t sure what kind of content will best engage consumers. Aren’t ready to build an internal editorial department. Lack the resources to continually engage with your consumers. Seek skills and approaches to measure the ROI of your social media efforts. We want to help you succeed in today’s real-time marketing environment. Please connect with us: Join the dialogue: http://thecontentlab.icrossing.com Email us: thecontentlab@icrossing.com Call us: 866.620.3780 Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/icrossing Become a fan on Facebook: facebook.com/icrossing Read our minds a Great Finds, the iCrossing blog: greatfinds.icrossing.com 19