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Student Residences
Building Information Modelling
University of Hull
What didn’t we want from the
• Sundry 3D Revit models of the
building at the end of construction
that we can’t read or update
• A massive spreadsheet of data which
we would struggle to use or interpret
• Record every possible asset in the
building purely because we can….
• Record theoretical position of service
runs and other assets on drawings
• A set of manuals for us to interpret
where our key assets are for
What didn’t we want from the
• To receive an update on BIM from the design team at
project meetings
• To spend the next 12 months typing or importing
data into our CAFM system
• To get to the end and have learnt nothing.
What did we want from the project?
• To understand the benefits of BIM
• To make the most of sensible data capture for the
benefit of the University estate
• A tangible result
• Involvement in the design
• To learn and to develop our staff
• To make the most of interface with
existing systems (Planon)
• To set out a clear direction for our BIM journey for
the future
How did we start?
• Made sure Estates staff had a good basic knowledge
of what BIM is
• Got the Estates team together and brainstormed what
everyone wanted with regard to the tangible outputs
• Reviewed the list of tangible outputs and cut a lot out
where we got carried away!
• Thought about how we would usefully capture all of
• Met with our consultants and discussed what we
wanted for them to incorporate in tender
documentation (Be challenging – NBS Doesn’t
address every issue)
• No rocket science involved – Keep it simple
• Door - lock type, cylinder ref
• Walls, ceilings and woodworks spec/colours
• Wall construction for future fixings, stud / solid /
• Access points (e.g. in ceilings to fire detectors, in
floors to valves)
• Shower cubicles/enclosures, tiles and floor coverings
• All pipe routes
• Valve positions
• Pump positions
Asset Capture
• Drainage and access
• Fire hydrants
• AHU's plus photos of any assets
• Actuator locations
• Fire dampers
• Volume control dampers
• Exterior and interior temperature sensors including
installation companies details
• BMS IQ view panel locations
Informati0n Capture
• Control panels for fire alarms throughout buildings
• Floor loadings
• Specific construction information (for example -post
tensioned concrete slabs)
• Fire plans and separations
• Photos of voids and risers before closing down
• Site investigation information
Information Capture
Prelims – What did we add?
• The Contractor must include for taking photos of voids
and risers prior to closing down for inclusion in the BIM
• The Contractor is required to export the data noted in the
EIR’s from the model into a data import template. The
contractor will need to agree the content of the template
with Universities FM team and be responsible for
exporting that information into the University CAFM
system Planon
• The contractor is to allow for all costs associated with the
above, including all management time to review with the
client and provide full training and support in conjunction
with the clients team
Plus the list of assets and a copy of the Construction
Industry Council BIM Protocol
What else?
• The rest relies very heavily on the strength of
co-ordination and collaboration between all members
of the project team
• Need to be committed to the outcome and look ahead.
GSS Archtitecture
Building Information Modelling
About GSS
• Established 1879
• Wide range of project
• 50+ staff across 3 offices
• Project values ranging
from £50k - £40m
• Project Lead for Hull
Student Residencies
• Practice IT and CAD
Standards Manager
• Partner responsible for
The GSS BIM Strategy
1. Progressive Revit rollout
over 2 years.
2. Move toward adopting
BIM on all new projects
wherever possible.
3. Progress utilisation of
Revit & BIM in line with
or ahead of Government
strategic targets.
4. Engage with our clients
and supply chain to
investigate enhanced
usage of the information
data in BIM.
Set out in our practice business
objectives during Summer 2010
Strong Leadership
& Accountability
Don’t Change
Everything at Once
Create New Behaviours
Share the Vision
The Design Team
Architect & Lead
Structural and
Civil Engineers
M&E Engineer
Established Team
Full BIM Capability
All prepared to work toward a
common goal
Greater benefits are achieved
when all parties buy-in
Implementing BIM BIM Start Up Meeting
• Purpose
• Introductions
• Project Team
• Roles
• Project BIM Goals
• Model Standards & Level of
• Software & Compatibility
• Model Organisation
• Spatial Organisation
• Model Approval &
Information Exchange
• Project Completion Review
Design Coordination Clash Detection
Accurate Communication
“Mamma always said
construction projects are like
a box of chocolates. You
never know what you’re
gonna get.”
Accurate Communication
Basic B&W Material RenderBasic Colour
Still Image – Planning
Still Image – Planning
Still Image – Detailed Design
Still Image – Detailed Design
360⁰ QTVR – Detailed Design
360⁰ QTVR – Detailed Design
3D Representations – HIVE, Unity
and ‘in-app’ developments
• Two initial BIM Workshops
1. Establish the University’s overall aims and
2. To engage with the wider University Estates
• Draft EIR’s were prepared for tender, including
requirements for data transfer to PlanOn
BIM Workshops &
Developing the EIR’s
BIM Workshops &
Developing the EIR’s
BIM Workshops
Approach to preparation of the EIR’s
• Intentionally ‘non-prescriptive’ so as not to
unnecessarily restrict or discourage contractors
• 360° photos of ‘pre-completed’ rooms was required
• Underlying principle was that it was to be a truly
collaborative approach
The data in the model
• Room numbering – get it right first time!
• Agree which assets are important to capture
• Start to think about what data can be captured now so
that things are only done once!
The Data in the Model
Lessons Learned
1. In an ideal world, clear EIR’s would be established
prior to project commencement
2. Work together towards a common goal – BIM is all
about collaboration
3. Keep it Simple!
4. Be flexible!
Sewell Group
• Sewell business structure:
Invest develop construct maintain
• Plus a forecourt convenience division
What’s important to us:
• Single team approach from the outset
• Cost and design assurance – culture of no surprises
• FM front on mind – capital cost vs whole life cost
• Total quality delivery
Sewell BIM Journey
• 2013 – BIM becomes a core part of our business plan
• To enable enhanced customer service
• To enable projects to delivered more efficiently
• 2014 – Sample project
• Practical experience was required
• Required a team that had a passion for developing
and using BIM
Sample Project
• South Cave Service Station
• Fully federated model
• Populated COBie data
• CAFM import
• Rendered fly throughs
• Accessible model through
Sample Project Lessons Learnt
• First time implementation of BIM
• There are very few people that have actually delivered
• Just do it, get your feet wet
• Select a team that has a passion and desire to
do BIM
• Develop a culture for action in a supportive
• Record and document, develop best practice and
• Future iterations
• Maintain a culture of collaboration
• Comprehensive and robust EIR and BEP
University of Hull BIM
• Employers Requirements
• Open ended with little definition
• A defined brief needed to be
developed for the project
Asset Information
Requirement for Data
Transfer to Planon
1. Door – lock type,
cylinder ref
2. Walls, ceilings and
woodworks spec/colours
3. Wall construction for
future fixings
With an additional 17 items
Project Team Collaboration
• BIM Team
• Established early in
the project
• Decision makers
• Full collaboration
• Agree goals
• Set responsibilities
Difficulties Encountered
• The process is new
• Wrong turns will be made
• Trial early
• Shared solutions
• Examples
• Size of the federated model
• Establishing the model coordinates
• Model file format
• Format for data export
• Validation of data
Current Status
• Federated model with data
• COBie sample data
• Sample data imported
into Planon
Collecting The Construction Data
• Simple guidelines for those collecting
the information in the field
• 360 degree photos
• Prior to closing walls by SES
• Giroptic 360
• Google docs for collaborative input
of COBie data by subcontractors
• Collaborative BIM
• A team committed to BIM
• Desire to learn and improve
• BIM will shape the future of estates and their assets
• Primary Project Benefits
• Day 1 functioning FM and CAFM
• Fully coordinated design
The Planon Team
• Christine Houghton – Sales Director
• Eelco de Bruijn – Product Manager
• Rob Williams – Solution Manager
………………………we are here to tell a story
Who are Planon?
• IWMS Software Supplier
• Working with the University of Hull since late 2013
• Maintenance & Space
Space & Workplace
Real Estate
Integrated Services
Planon & BIM
• Passed COBie Challenge 2013
• Kings College London, The Francis Crick Institute &
Queen’s University Belfast
Planon & BIM
90% of the costs of a building occur
after construction.
Source: Based upon whitepaperpublished in the USA by IFMA and authored by IFMA, APPA, US Federal Facilities Council, Holder Construction
Location Assets Maintenance
Planon & BIM
Planon & BIM
Planon & BIM
Planon & This Project
• Importing is the easy part!
• The import process highlights errors and anomalies
• What data to import?
• Assets
• Door – lock type, cylinder ref
• Walls, ceilings and woodworks spec/colours
• Wall construction for future fixings
Asset - Doors
• Unique?
• Grouped?
• Group by? Floor? Building?
• What type of door?
• Why add at all?
Asset – Oven (M&E)
• Unique?
• Grouped?
• Compliance?
• Trend reporting?
Data – How much?
Data – Where should it be added?
Data – Where should it be added?
Data – Where should it be added?
Where now?

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Building Information Modelling (BIM) Lessons at University of Hull's Student Residences

  • 3. What didn’t we want from the project? • Sundry 3D Revit models of the building at the end of construction that we can’t read or update • A massive spreadsheet of data which we would struggle to use or interpret • Record every possible asset in the building purely because we can…. • Record theoretical position of service runs and other assets on drawings • A set of manuals for us to interpret where our key assets are for maintenance.
  • 4. What didn’t we want from the project? • To receive an update on BIM from the design team at project meetings • To spend the next 12 months typing or importing data into our CAFM system • To get to the end and have learnt nothing.
  • 5. What did we want from the project? • To understand the benefits of BIM • To make the most of sensible data capture for the benefit of the University estate • A tangible result • Involvement in the design • To learn and to develop our staff • To make the most of interface with existing systems (Planon) • To set out a clear direction for our BIM journey for the future
  • 6. How did we start? • Made sure Estates staff had a good basic knowledge of what BIM is • Got the Estates team together and brainstormed what everyone wanted with regard to the tangible outputs • Reviewed the list of tangible outputs and cut a lot out where we got carried away! • Thought about how we would usefully capture all of this • Met with our consultants and discussed what we wanted for them to incorporate in tender documentation (Be challenging – NBS Doesn’t address every issue) • No rocket science involved – Keep it simple
  • 7. • Door - lock type, cylinder ref • Walls, ceilings and woodworks spec/colours • Wall construction for future fixings, stud / solid / structural • Access points (e.g. in ceilings to fire detectors, in floors to valves) • Shower cubicles/enclosures, tiles and floor coverings • All pipe routes • Valve positions • Pump positions Asset Capture
  • 8. • Drainage and access • Fire hydrants • AHU's plus photos of any assets • Actuator locations • Fire dampers • Volume control dampers • Exterior and interior temperature sensors including installation companies details • BMS IQ view panel locations Informati0n Capture
  • 9. • Control panels for fire alarms throughout buildings • Floor loadings • Specific construction information (for example -post tensioned concrete slabs) • Fire plans and separations • Photos of voids and risers before closing down • Site investigation information Information Capture
  • 10. Prelims – What did we add? • The Contractor must include for taking photos of voids and risers prior to closing down for inclusion in the BIM • The Contractor is required to export the data noted in the EIR’s from the model into a data import template. The contractor will need to agree the content of the template with Universities FM team and be responsible for exporting that information into the University CAFM system Planon • The contractor is to allow for all costs associated with the above, including all management time to review with the client and provide full training and support in conjunction with the clients team Plus the list of assets and a copy of the Construction Industry Council BIM Protocol
  • 11. What else? • The rest relies very heavily on the strength of co-ordination and collaboration between all members of the project team • Need to be committed to the outcome and look ahead.
  • 13. About GSS • Established 1879 • Wide range of project sectors • 50+ staff across 3 offices • Project values ranging from £50k - £40m Universities Colleges Schools • Project Lead for Hull Student Residencies • Practice IT and CAD Standards Manager • Partner responsible for BIM Healthcare
  • 14. The GSS BIM Strategy 1. Progressive Revit rollout over 2 years. 2. Move toward adopting BIM on all new projects wherever possible. 3. Progress utilisation of Revit & BIM in line with or ahead of Government strategic targets. 4. Engage with our clients and supply chain to investigate enhanced usage of the information data in BIM. Set out in our practice business objectives during Summer 2010 Strong Leadership & Accountability Don’t Change Everything at Once Create New Behaviours Share the Vision
  • 15. The Design Team Architect & Lead Consultant GSSArchitecture Structural and Civil Engineers M&E Engineer and BREEAM Assessor Established Team Full BIM Capability All prepared to work toward a common goal Greater benefits are achieved when all parties buy-in
  • 16. Implementing BIM BIM Start Up Meeting • Purpose • Introductions • Project Team • Roles • Project BIM Goals • Model Standards & Level of Detail • Software & Compatibility • Model Organisation • Spatial Organisation • Model Approval & Information Exchange • Project Completion Review
  • 18. Accurate Communication “Mamma always said construction projects are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
  • 19. Accurate Communication Basic B&W Material RenderBasic Colour
  • 20. Still Image – Planning
  • 21. Still Image – Planning
  • 22. Still Image – Detailed Design
  • 23. Still Image – Detailed Design
  • 24. 360⁰ QTVR – Detailed Design
  • 25. 360⁰ QTVR – Detailed Design
  • 26. 3D Representations – HIVE, Unity and ‘in-app’ developments
  • 27. • Two initial BIM Workshops 1. Establish the University’s overall aims and aspirations 2. To engage with the wider University Estates Team • Draft EIR’s were prepared for tender, including requirements for data transfer to PlanOn BIM Workshops & Developing the EIR’s
  • 29. BIM Workshops Approach to preparation of the EIR’s • Intentionally ‘non-prescriptive’ so as not to unnecessarily restrict or discourage contractors • 360° photos of ‘pre-completed’ rooms was required • Underlying principle was that it was to be a truly collaborative approach The data in the model • Room numbering – get it right first time! • Agree which assets are important to capture • Start to think about what data can be captured now so that things are only done once!
  • 30. The Data in the Model
  • 31. Lessons Learned 1. In an ideal world, clear EIR’s would be established prior to project commencement 2. Work together towards a common goal – BIM is all about collaboration 3. Keep it Simple! 4. Be flexible!
  • 32. Sewell Group • Sewell business structure: Invest develop construct maintain • Plus a forecourt convenience division What’s important to us: • Single team approach from the outset • Cost and design assurance – culture of no surprises • FM front on mind – capital cost vs whole life cost • Total quality delivery
  • 33. Sewell BIM Journey • 2013 – BIM becomes a core part of our business plan • To enable enhanced customer service • To enable projects to delivered more efficiently • 2014 – Sample project • Practical experience was required • Required a team that had a passion for developing and using BIM
  • 34. Sample Project • South Cave Service Station • EIR & BEP • Fully federated model • Populated COBie data • CAFM import • Rendered fly throughs • Accessible model through 4projects
  • 35. Sample Project Lessons Learnt • First time implementation of BIM • There are very few people that have actually delivered BIM • Just do it, get your feet wet • Select a team that has a passion and desire to do BIM • Develop a culture for action in a supportive environment • Record and document, develop best practice and guidelines • Future iterations • Maintain a culture of collaboration • Comprehensive and robust EIR and BEP
  • 36. University of Hull BIM Requirements • Employers Requirements • Open ended with little definition • A defined brief needed to be developed for the project Asset Information Requirement for Data Transfer to Planon 1. Door – lock type, cylinder ref 2. Walls, ceilings and woodworks spec/colours 3. Wall construction for future fixings With an additional 17 items
  • 37. Project Team Collaboration • BIM Team • Established early in the project • Decision makers • Full collaboration • Agree goals • Set responsibilities
  • 38. Difficulties Encountered • The process is new • Wrong turns will be made • Trial early • Shared solutions • Examples • Size of the federated model • Establishing the model coordinates • Model file format • Format for data export • Validation of data
  • 39. Current Status • Federated model with data • COBie sample data • Sample data imported into Planon
  • 40. Collecting The Construction Data • Simple guidelines for those collecting the information in the field • 360 degree photos • Prior to closing walls by SES • Giroptic 360 • Google docs for collaborative input of COBie data by subcontractors
  • 41. Conclusion • Collaborative BIM • A team committed to BIM • Desire to learn and improve • BIM will shape the future of estates and their assets • Primary Project Benefits • Day 1 functioning FM and CAFM • Fully coordinated design
  • 43. The Planon Team • Christine Houghton – Sales Director • Eelco de Bruijn – Product Manager • Rob Williams – Solution Manager ………………………we are here to tell a story
  • 44. Who are Planon? • IWMS Software Supplier • Working with the University of Hull since late 2013 • Maintenance & Space Space & Workplace Management Real Estate Management Maintenance Management Integrated Services Management Sustainability Management SINGLE SOURCE OF THE TRUTH | INTEGRATED BY DESIGN | FAST RESULT
  • 45. Planon & BIM • Passed COBie Challenge 2013 • Kings College London, The Francis Crick Institute & Queen’s University Belfast
  • 46. Planon & BIM 90% of the costs of a building occur after construction. Source: Based upon whitepaperpublished in the USA by IFMA and authored by IFMA, APPA, US Federal Facilities Council, Holder Construction
  • 50. Planon & This Project • Importing is the easy part! • The import process highlights errors and anomalies • What data to import? • Assets • Door – lock type, cylinder ref • Walls, ceilings and woodworks spec/colours • Wall construction for future fixings
  • 51. Asset - Doors • Unique? • Grouped? • Group by? Floor? Building? • What type of door? • Why add at all?
  • 52. Asset – Oven (M&E) • Unique? • Grouped? • Compliance? • Trend reporting?
  • 53. Data – How much?
  • 54. Data – Where should it be added?
  • 55. Data – Where should it be added?
  • 56. Data – Where should it be added?