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Building a Single Page
Application (SPA) with
Hi 👋
Hi 👋
I’m Dan Pastori
I’m From Wisconsin
I’m passionate about traveling ✈
Drinking coffee ☕
I’m passionate about traveling ✈
Drinking coffee ☕
I’m passionate about traveling ✈
Being in nature 🍁
Drinking coffee ☕
I’m passionate about traveling ✈
Being in nature 🍁
And of course…
Drinking coffee ☕
I’m passionate about traveling ✈
Being in nature 🍁
And of course…
Everything to do with
making apps!!!
I’ve been developing for 12 years
I’ve been developing for 12 years
8 years ago, Jay Rogers and I started
521 Dimensions
We build 100% custom web and
mobile applications and specialize in API
Driven Development (SPA + API)
For our applications, we use a variety of
tools and languages….
For our applications, we use a variety of
tools and languages….
But our preferred front end framework is
Before we dive in, I wanted
to make 2 points:
Before we dive in, I wanted
to make 2 points:
1. This will be an open talk!
Meaning I’ll share my
experiences, show tutorials,
and discuss the wonders of
But…. It’s also a time for you
all to pipe up with questions,
concerns, comments
whatever you think is
beneficial to the group and
Before we dive in, I wanted
to make 2 points:
2. Like all developers, I have
an opinion
That doesn’t mean I’m right
and anyone using Angular,
React, Stimulus, etc. is
I just ❤ Vue and my goal is
show you how awesome it is
even as an alternative.. And
that SPAs are awesome too!
Which is probably
controversial.. but we will get
there 🥰
First off, how many of you
have used Vue? ✋
How many have built an
SPA? 🛁
How many of you have used
ReactJS, AngularJS, or
something similar? ✋
Let’s do a quick comparison
between Vue + React & Vue +
Let’s do a quick comparison
between Vue + React & Vue +
I’ll do my best being out of the ReactJS and Angular
communities for some time
VueJS vs Angular 🥊
Angular is Backed by Google
Angular is Backed by Google
(VueJS creator Evan You worked on Angular when he was
at Google)
Angular is built heavily on TypeScript, VueJS it’s
Angular is Backed by Google
(VueJS creator Evan You worked on Angular when he was
at Google)
Angular is Backed by Google
(VueJS creator Evan You worked on Angular when he was
at Google)
Angular is built heavily on TypeScript, VueJS it’s
Angular has a much more opinionated
architecture where VueJS is flexible
Angular is Backed by Google
(VueJS creator Evan You worked on Angular when he was
at Google)
Angular has a much larger footprint (500+ KB vs
Angular is built heavily on TypeScript, VueJS it’s
Angular has a much more opinionated
architecture where VueJS is flexible
Angular is Backed by Google
(VueJS creator Evan You worked on Angular when he was
at Google)
Angular has a much larger footprint (500+ KB vs
Angular is built heavily on TypeScript, VueJS it’s
Angular has a much more opinionated
architecture where VueJS is flexible
Angular is MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
VueJS vs React 🥊
React is Backed by Facebook
React is Backed by Facebook
React uses JSX. Vue allows you to use Web
Components ❤ or JSX
Web Components are AAAAHHHMAZING!!
<router-link :to="route" class="no-underline">
<div class="mt-2 mb-2 left-nav-link text-center h-16 flex flex-col items-center justify-center
v-bind:class="{ 'bg-blue-500 border-l-2 border-white border-solid' : currentRoute ==
route }">
<slot name="image"></slot>
<span class="text-xs mt-2 block text-center"
'text-gray-400': currentRoute != route,
'text-white' : currentRoute == route
<slot name="name"></slot>
export default {
props: ['route'],
return {
currentRoute: this.$router.currentRoute.name
React is Backed by Facebook
React uses JSX. Vue allows you to use Web
Components ❤ or JSX
Official packages (state management and router)
for React are 3rd Party
React is Backed by Facebook
React uses JSX. Vue allows you to use Web
Components ❤ or JSX
Official packages (state management and router)
for React are 3rd Party
React has React Native. VueJS has ports like
So why I love Vue!
So why I love Vue!
1. The documentation is incredible
So why I love Vue!
1. The documentation is incredible
* Third party docs are amazing as well!
So why I love Vue!
2. Ability to use Web Components
So why I love Vue!
2. Ability to use Web Components
All Javscript, Template HTML, and
CSS are in one re-usable file
So why I love Vue!
2. Ability to use Web Components
All Javscript, Template HTML, and
CSS are in one re-usable file
With slots, it’s even more reusable!
So why I love Vue!
3. State Management and Router are
NOT 3rd Party!
So why I love Vue!
3. State Management and Router are
NOT 3rd Party!
That’s right! Vue-Router and Vuex are
So why I love Vue!
4. Not maintained by a large
So why I love Vue!
4. Not maintained by a large
This may sound weird, but I love how
Vue is run and managed.
So why I love Vue!
5. Excellent tools
So why I love Vue!
5. Excellent tools
•Chrome Debugger
•Server Side Rendering
•Vue CLI
Other Devs Love Vue Too!
Let’s talk a little bit about the
core modules of VueJS!
First, we have the core library
This is where all of the core
features are packed such as:
• Reactivity
• Housing of local data
• Template Rendering
• Registering of Components
You also get features like:
• Mixins
• Transitions
• Form Input Bindings
• Computed Properties
Don’t worry, we will see all of
this in action! 🔥
Next, we have the vue-router
Vue Router takes care of
• HTML 5 History API Management
• Navigating without full page reloading
• Nested Routing
With Vue Router you also get
features like:
• Named Routes
• Route Meta Data
• Redirecting
• Hooks that can be used for guarding and
Essentially, Vue-Router is
what makes Single Page
Applications Possible!
Last but not least, we have the
Vuex library
Vuex is Vue’s version of Redux
for React. It’s a “state
management pattern +
library” inspired by Redux and
For the React Devs in the
room, you may recognize Dan
Abramov’s quote.
“Flux libraries are like glasses: you’ll know when you
need them.”
For the React Devs in the
room, you may recognize Dan
Abramov’s quote.
“Flux libraries are like glasses: you’ll know when you
need them.”
That’s by far the best definition of when you should use a flux library.
Vuex handles the state for
your large scale SPAs.
State is made up of modules
which in turn have:
• Localized State
• Getters
• Mutations
• Actions
The way I look at it. If you keep passing
properties and you need the same data
on your page more than 5 times, might
be time to look at Vuex.
Let’s mix it all together and
make some VueJS Magic!
Real quick, has anyone built an
Let’s spend 1 minute defining what an
SPA is.
A Single Page Application Means:
•The page doesn’t make a full refresh when
A Single Page Application Means:
•The page doesn’t make a full refresh when
•We rely on the HTML 5 History API for navigation
A Single Page Application Means:
•The page doesn’t make a full refresh when
•We rely on the HTML 5 History API for navigation
•Usually communicates to some sort of API to
retrieve data
A Single Page Application Means:
•The page doesn’t make a full refresh when
•We rely on the HTML 5 History API for navigation
•Usually communicates to some sort of API to
retrieve data
•You make an initial load of assets and then load
the rest on demand
What we are building
•Simple Contact Book
•We will have 3 Routes
•Add Contact
•We will have Vuex for state, vue-router for nav
and Vue for display.
Let’s begin!!
So I did a little set up… Just to save
time ⏱
1. I set up a quick project using the Vue
CLI (Yup, they have that too). Which
installed Vue, Vuex, and Vue Router.
2. Next I installed Axios.js for HTTP
3. I added two directories:
• ./src/api
4. I added the contacts module and
imported it into the store.
5. I added the contacts API and
imported it into the contacts module.
This allows us to keep our API routes
separate and easy to edit.
6. I also set up a simple PHP API we
will hit. It has the following routes:
• GET /api/v1/contacts
• GET /api/v1/contacts/{id}
• POST /api/v1/contacts
• PUT /api/v1/contacts/{id}
This does not have authentication, you
will see the route in this presentation. It
will be accessible on the network.
Please be nice ☺
Time to switch to VS Code!!
Vue Life Cycle Diagram
Vuex Flow
Any Feedback, Questions, Etc?
Thank you!
If you need any help you can find me at:

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Building a Single Page Application with VueJS

  • 1. Building a Single Page Application (SPA) with VueJS @danpastori
  • 5. I’m passionate about traveling ✈
  • 6. Drinking coffee ☕ I’m passionate about traveling ✈
  • 7. Drinking coffee ☕ I’m passionate about traveling ✈ Being in nature 🍁
  • 8. Drinking coffee ☕ I’m passionate about traveling ✈ Being in nature 🍁 And of course…
  • 9. Drinking coffee ☕ I’m passionate about traveling ✈ Being in nature 🍁 And of course… Everything to do with making apps!!!
  • 10. I’ve been developing for 12 years
  • 11. I’ve been developing for 12 years 8 years ago, Jay Rogers and I started 521 Dimensions https://521dimensions.com @521dimensions
  • 12. We build 100% custom web and mobile applications and specialize in API Driven Development (SPA + API)
  • 13. For our applications, we use a variety of tools and languages….
  • 14. For our applications, we use a variety of tools and languages…. But our preferred front end framework is VueJS!
  • 15. Before we dive in, I wanted to make 2 points:
  • 16. Before we dive in, I wanted to make 2 points: 1. This will be an open talk!
  • 17. Meaning I’ll share my experiences, show tutorials, and discuss the wonders of VueJS
  • 18. But…. It’s also a time for you all to pipe up with questions, concerns, comments whatever you think is beneficial to the group and understanding!
  • 19. Before we dive in, I wanted to make 2 points: 2. Like all developers, I have an opinion
  • 20. That doesn’t mean I’m right and anyone using Angular, React, Stimulus, etc. is wrong..
  • 21. I just ❤ Vue and my goal is show you how awesome it is even as an alternative.. And that SPAs are awesome too!
  • 22. Which is probably controversial.. but we will get there 🥰
  • 23. First off, how many of you have used Vue? ✋
  • 24. How many have built an SPA? 🛁
  • 25. How many of you have used ReactJS, AngularJS, or something similar? ✋
  • 26. Let’s do a quick comparison between Vue + React & Vue + Angular
  • 27. Let’s do a quick comparison between Vue + React & Vue + Angular I’ll do my best being out of the ReactJS and Angular communities for some time https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/comparison.html
  • 29. Angular is Backed by Google
  • 30. Angular is Backed by Google (VueJS creator Evan You worked on Angular when he was at Google)
  • 31. Angular is built heavily on TypeScript, VueJS it’s optional https://buttercms.com/blog/comparing-angular-vs-vue Angular is Backed by Google (VueJS creator Evan You worked on Angular when he was at Google)
  • 32. https://buttercms.com/blog/comparing-angular-vs-vue Angular is Backed by Google (VueJS creator Evan You worked on Angular when he was at Google) Angular is built heavily on TypeScript, VueJS it’s optional Angular has a much more opinionated architecture where VueJS is flexible
  • 33. Angular is Backed by Google (VueJS creator Evan You worked on Angular when he was at Google) Angular has a much larger footprint (500+ KB vs 80KB) https://www.themexpert.com/blog/angular-vs-react-vs-vue Angular is built heavily on TypeScript, VueJS it’s optional Angular has a much more opinionated architecture where VueJS is flexible
  • 34. Angular is Backed by Google (VueJS creator Evan You worked on Angular when he was at Google) Angular has a much larger footprint (500+ KB vs 80KB) https://www.themexpert.com/blog/angular-vs-react-vs-vue Angular is built heavily on TypeScript, VueJS it’s optional Angular has a much more opinionated architecture where VueJS is flexible Angular is MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
  • 36. React is Backed by Facebook
  • 37. React is Backed by Facebook React uses JSX. Vue allows you to use Web Components ❤ or JSX
  • 39. Web Components are AAAAHHHMAZING!! <template> <router-link :to="route" class="no-underline"> <div class="mt-2 mb-2 left-nav-link text-center h-16 flex flex-col items-center justify-center cursor-pointer" v-bind:class="{ 'bg-blue-500 border-l-2 border-white border-solid' : currentRoute == route }"> <slot name="image"></slot> <span class="text-xs mt-2 block text-center" v-bind:class="{ 'text-gray-400': currentRoute != route, 'text-white' : currentRoute == route }"> <slot name="name"></slot> </span> </div> </router-link> </template> <script> export default { props: ['route'], data(){ return { currentRoute: this.$router.currentRoute.name } }, } </script>
  • 40. React is Backed by Facebook React uses JSX. Vue allows you to use Web Components ❤ or JSX Official packages (state management and router) for React are 3rd Party https://buttercms.com/blog/comparing-angular-vs-vue
  • 41. React is Backed by Facebook React uses JSX. Vue allows you to use Web Components ❤ or JSX Official packages (state management and router) for React are 3rd Party https://buttercms.com/blog/comparing-angular-vs-vue React has React Native. VueJS has ports like NativeScript
  • 42. So why I love Vue!
  • 43. So why I love Vue! 1. The documentation is incredible
  • 44. So why I love Vue! 1. The documentation is incredible * Third party docs are amazing as well!
  • 45. So why I love Vue! 2. Ability to use Web Components
  • 46. So why I love Vue! 2. Ability to use Web Components All Javscript, Template HTML, and CSS are in one re-usable file
  • 47. So why I love Vue! 2. Ability to use Web Components All Javscript, Template HTML, and CSS are in one re-usable file With slots, it’s even more reusable!
  • 48. So why I love Vue! 3. State Management and Router are NOT 3rd Party!
  • 49. So why I love Vue! 3. State Management and Router are NOT 3rd Party! That’s right! Vue-Router and Vuex are official.
  • 50. So why I love Vue! 4. Not maintained by a large corporation
  • 51. So why I love Vue! 4. Not maintained by a large corporation This may sound weird, but I love how Vue is run and managed.
  • 52. So why I love Vue! 5. Excellent tools
  • 53. So why I love Vue! 5. Excellent tools •Chrome Debugger •Server Side Rendering •Vue CLI
  • 55. Let’s talk a little bit about the core modules of VueJS!
  • 56. First, we have the core library https://vuejs.org
  • 57. This is where all of the core features are packed such as: • Reactivity • Housing of local data • Template Rendering • Registering of Components
  • 58. You also get features like: • Mixins • Transitions • Form Input Bindings • Computed Properties
  • 59. Don’t worry, we will see all of this in action! 🔥
  • 60. Next, we have the vue-router library https://router.vuejs.org/
  • 61. Vue Router takes care of • HTML 5 History API Management • Navigating without full page reloading • Nested Routing
  • 62. With Vue Router you also get features like: • Named Routes • Route Meta Data • Redirecting • Hooks that can be used for guarding and authorization.
  • 63. Essentially, Vue-Router is what makes Single Page Applications Possible! 🏄
  • 64. Last but not least, we have the Vuex library https://vuex.vuejs.org/
  • 65. Vuex is Vue’s version of Redux for React. It’s a “state management pattern + library” inspired by Redux and Flux
  • 66. For the React Devs in the room, you may recognize Dan Abramov’s quote. “Flux libraries are like glasses: you’ll know when you need them.”
  • 67. For the React Devs in the room, you may recognize Dan Abramov’s quote. “Flux libraries are like glasses: you’ll know when you need them.” That’s by far the best definition of when you should use a flux library.
  • 68. Vuex handles the state for your large scale SPAs. State is made up of modules which in turn have: • Localized State • Getters • Mutations • Actions
  • 70. The way I look at it. If you keep passing properties and you need the same data on your page more than 5 times, might be time to look at Vuex.
  • 71. Let’s mix it all together and make some VueJS Magic! -
  • 72. Real quick, has anyone built an SPA?
  • 73. Let’s spend 1 minute defining what an SPA is.
  • 74. A Single Page Application Means: •The page doesn’t make a full refresh when navigating
  • 75. A Single Page Application Means: •The page doesn’t make a full refresh when navigating •We rely on the HTML 5 History API for navigation
  • 76. A Single Page Application Means: •The page doesn’t make a full refresh when navigating •We rely on the HTML 5 History API for navigation •Usually communicates to some sort of API to retrieve data
  • 77. A Single Page Application Means: •The page doesn’t make a full refresh when navigating •We rely on the HTML 5 History API for navigation •Usually communicates to some sort of API to retrieve data •You make an initial load of assets and then load the rest on demand
  • 78. What we are building •Simple Contact Book •We will have 3 Routes •Contacts •Contact •Add Contact •We will have Vuex for state, vue-router for nav and Vue for display. 📒
  • 80. So I did a little set up… Just to save time ⏱
  • 81. 1. I set up a quick project using the Vue CLI (Yup, they have that too). Which installed Vue, Vuex, and Vue Router.
  • 82. 2. Next I installed Axios.js for HTTP requests. https://github.com/axios/axios
  • 83. 3. I added two directories: • ./src/api •./src/state
  • 84. 4. I added the contacts module and imported it into the store.
  • 85. 5. I added the contacts API and imported it into the contacts module. This allows us to keep our API routes separate and easy to edit.
  • 86. 6. I also set up a simple PHP API we will hit. It has the following routes: • GET /api/v1/contacts • GET /api/v1/contacts/{id} • POST /api/v1/contacts • PUT /api/v1/contacts/{id}
  • 87. This does not have authentication, you will see the route in this presentation. It will be accessible on the network. Please be nice ☺
  • 88. Time to switch to VS Code!!
  • 89. Vue Life Cycle Diagram https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/instance.html#Lifecycle-Diagram
  • 93. If you need any help you can find me at: @danpastori https://serversideup.net https://github.com/521dimensions