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Building Mobile App with Ionic 
Huy Tran 
Da Nang Java Developer Community
Who am I? 
Tran Duc Huy 
Hybrid Mobile Developer at Axon Active Vietnam 
Website: http://codedaily.vn 
Skype: huydotnet 
– Mobile Development 
– Game Development
▪ Why make mobile apps? 
▪ Hybrid vs Native 
▪ Introduce AngularJS 
▪ Introduce Ionic Framework 
▪ Coding time 
▪ Now what?
Why make mobile apps? 
▪ You want to make mobile app because: 
– The world is moving 
– Everybody's making mobile apps these day 
– It makes million dollars 
– For your business 
– ...
Why make mobile apps? 
▪ But... 
– You're not mobile app developer? 
– You don't know Java, Objective-C? 
– You want to build app that run 
– <ten thousand reasons...>
Why make mobile apps? 
Let's try Hybrid!
Hybrid vs Native 
Only run on browser 
No Hardware interactive 
Use Objective-C, Java 
Best performance 
Hardware interactive 
Rapid development 
Easy to customize UI 
Cross-platform, Cross-browser 
Not so fast development 
Hard to customize UI 
Run only one platform
Hybrid vs Native
Hybrid vs Native
Hybrid vs Native
-Awesome MVC framework 
- Developed by Google and the community 
- Features: 
• Live data binding 
• Two-way binding 
• Attaching code-behind to DOM element 
• Directives 
• Repeating DOM elements 
• Templates 
• Dependencies Injection
Ionic Framework
Ionic Framework 
• A Front-end framework for mobile apps 
• Contains a lot of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS 
• Uses AngularJS to power up your mobile apps 
• Uses Cordova to create, build, run, deploy mobile apps
Ionic Framework 
1. Install Node.js 
2. Install Cordova, Ionic: 
npm install -g cordova ionic 
For Android: 
1. Install Android SDK 
2. Install Brew and Ant 
3. Install Genymotion for test 
For iOS: 
1. Install ios-sim 
2. Need to run on Mac
Ionic Framework 
Create new project 
ionic start <your-app-name> 
Test on web browser 
ionic serve 
Add mobile platform (Android or iOS) 
ionic platform add [android/ios] 
Run test on device/emulator 
ionic [run/emulate] [ android/ios]
OK... enough talk... 
Let's take a break! 
Do you have any question?
Build a demo 
Coding time!
Coding time! 
This is what we gonna build 
Simple To Do List 
1. Creating UI with HTML/CSS 
2. Connecting data (ng-repeat) 
3. Add new item (ng-click) 
4. Build to device 
1. Check done item (ng-click) 
2. Search item (filter) 
3. Done items list (ng-if) 
4. Saving data (localStorage)
Now what? 
Slide & source code available at: http://codedaily.vn 
Learning AngularJS 
Ionic Framework CSS/JS components 
Ionic Framework Examples 
IonIcons: Icon library for Ionic 
We’re done! 
Thank you!

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Building mobile app with Ionic Framework

  • 1. Building Mobile App with Ionic Framework Huy Tran http://codedaily.vn Da Nang Java Developer Community
  • 2. Who am I? Tran Duc Huy Hybrid Mobile Developer at Axon Active Vietnam Website: http://codedaily.vn Skype: huydotnet Interest: – Mobile Development – Game Development
  • 3. Agenda ▪ Why make mobile apps? ▪ Hybrid vs Native ▪ Introduce AngularJS ▪ Introduce Ionic Framework ▪ Coding time ▪ Now what?
  • 4. Why make mobile apps? ▪ You want to make mobile app because: – The world is moving – Everybody's making mobile apps these day – It makes million dollars – For your business – ...
  • 5. Why make mobile apps? ▪ But... – You're not mobile app developer? – You don't know Java, Objective-C? – You want to build app that run everywhere – <ten thousand reasons...>
  • 6. Why make mobile apps? Let's try Hybrid!
  • 7. Hybrid vs Native BAD Only run on browser No Hardware interactive GOOD Use Objective-C, Java Best performance Hardware interactive GOOD Use HTML/CSS/JS Rapid development Easy to customize UI Cross-platform, Cross-browser BAD Not so fast development Hard to customize UI Run only one platform
  • 12. AngularJS is: -Awesome MVC framework - Developed by Google and the community - Features: • Live data binding • Two-way binding • Attaching code-behind to DOM element • Directives • Repeating DOM elements • Templates • Dependencies Injection
  • 14. Ionic Framework is: • A Front-end framework for mobile apps • Contains a lot of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components • Uses AngularJS to power up your mobile apps • Uses Cordova to create, build, run, deploy mobile apps
  • 15. Ionic Framework Installation: 1. Install Node.js 2. Install Cordova, Ionic: npm install -g cordova ionic For Android: 1. Install Android SDK 2. Install Brew and Ant 3. Install Genymotion for test For iOS: 1. Install ios-sim 2. Need to run on Mac
  • 16. Ionic Framework Create new project ionic start <your-app-name> Test on web browser ionic serve Add mobile platform (Android or iOS) ionic platform add [android/ios] Run test on device/emulator ionic [run/emulate] [ android/ios]
  • 17. OK... enough talk... Let's take a break! Do you have any question?
  • 18. Build a demo Coding time!
  • 19. Coding time! This is what we gonna build Simple To Do List 1. Creating UI with HTML/CSS 2. Connecting data (ng-repeat) 3. Add new item (ng-click) 4. Build to device Dojo: 1. Check done item (ng-click) 2. Search item (filter) 3. Done items list (ng-if) 4. Saving data (localStorage)
  • 20. Now what? Slide & source code available at: http://codedaily.vn Learning AngularJS https://thinkster.io/angulartutorial/a-better-way-to-learn-angularjs/ Ionic Framework CSS/JS components http://ionicframework.com/docs/ Ionic Framework Examples http://codepen.io/ionic/ IonIcons: Icon library for Ionic http://ionicons.com