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microsoft windows mobile development visual studio c# android ios azure windows phone cloud windows 10 xamarin uwp hololens virtual reality mixed reality game development speech unity windows store vr bots iaas paas iot cortana mr cognitive services nlp bot framework hmd open source xaml push java cordova cross-platform windows mixed reality ar luis augmented reality node.js storage authentication asp.net internet of things maker mobile apps bizspark speech synthesis speech recognition objective-c apple language understanding holograms holotoolkit windows holographic gamedev .net universal windows platform electronics raspberry pi arduino software development halo warcraft shadowrun code generation app generator technology siri voice commands universal apps wpdev mobile google xr asp.net web api mvvm natural language processing 3d text analytics bing machine learning natural language understanding slack skype directx computer speech project oxford linux middleware xbox live xamarin.forms swift hockeyapp gpio eclipse text-to-speech mobility analytics security push notifications intel sketches computer science dreamspark web development mva startups ssml google now windows 8 shared code hybrid apps nokia phonegap jquery mobile accessibility chatbots ml ai artificial intelligence immersive headset mrtk unity3d xbox one xbox live creators program xbox sony playstation nintendo switch mixer microsoft store indie studios id@xbox game consoles lenovo hp asus acer dell mixed reality toolkit cortana skills azure bot service twilio facebook messenger msal oauth hybrid cloud azure ad b2c azure app service azure active directory wcf enterprise development json real-world localization mobile devops mobilke development case study urban refuge cceh vsts dependency service sptial sound github spatial mapping translator language api headsets nodejs app service firmware update power bi telemetry mbed azure iot rtos device management spatial sound head-mounted displays 3d games 3d apps xamarin studio code sharing computer vision ocr natural language translation cloud services face detection emotion detection developer api webapi facebook bot builder sdk hui graphics data visualization games win2d windows 10 iot core electrical engineering microsoft azure tts augmented gameplay grammars serious games voiceover speechsynthesis managed code mac .net core vb os x winforms clr wpf .net framework .net native jit compilation database nosql connected games game backend web apps mobile services multiplayer case studies architecture gamedevelopment startup devops azure app services gcm apns wns visual studio android studio apk ide emulator adb electron photon particle c spark core spark event hubs jacascript backend android studio droidcon ios android vcd app insights app model astoria islandwood microsoft edge centennial virtual machines meetup msdn wordpress office365 onenote m2m edison galileo arm atmel netduino fritzing hardware node apps notification hubs youthspark hour of code students programming high school windows app studio cpython ironpython flask django bottle python microsoft virtual academy office 365mva entrepreneurs photography imaging sdk adobe html5 jqm mobile web ipad mobileservices iphone native development monotouch mono mac os x ambassador promotional developer gps apple maps mapquest esri gis maps openstreetmap tomtom location services bing maps google maps nokia maps voice recognition monetization mobile development. windows phone window 8 development xcode microsoft .net tablet smartphone
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