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Build a Game in 60 minutes
PeopleSpace, Irvine CA 24 May 2016
Build a Game in 60 minutes
Code and Slides
Troy Miles
Troy Miles
Over 37 years of
programming experience
Speaker and author
Author of jQuery Essentials
Build a Game in 60 minutes
Cocos2d-x: Introduction
What is Cocos2d-x?
Open source game engine under MIT license
It is optimized for 2D graphics using OpenGL
Used by more than 400,000 developers worldwide
2008 Ricardo Quesada in Argentina creates Cocos2d
Ported to iPhone with the opening of the iPhone App
2010 Zhe Wang in China forks it creating Cocos2d-x
2013 Ricardo joins Cocos2d-x team
12 May 2016 version 3.11 released
Target Platforms
iOS (iPhone + iPad)
Mac OS X
Windows Phone 8
Windows 7
Development Platforms
Visual Studio 2012+ (Windows)
Xcode 4.6+ (Mac)
CMake 2.6+ (Ubuntu)
All platforms need Python v2.7.x (not 3!)
Development Languages
JavaScript (all except WP8)
Why JavaScript?
Arguably the most popular programming language
It is universal
It is fast
Way easier to learn than C++
Mandatory Tools
iOS / Mac OS X apps require Xcode and a Mac
Windows / WP8 apps require VS and a PC
Titles using Cocos2d-x
Avengers Alliance
Marvel Entertainment
Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff
TinyCo, Inc.
Star Wars:
Tiny Death
Build a Game in 60 minutes
Key Points	
Cocos2d has been around since 2008
Cocos2d-x uses C++ for speed
A lot of big name titles use it
It has always been free and always will be
Cocos2d-x: Installation
Keep in mind…
I am using a Mac, but Cocos2D-x is cross platform
Everything will work on Windows and Linux
Mac Development
Python 2.7.x
Apple Xcode
(Jetbrains’ AppCode)
Windows Development
Python 2.7.x
Visual Studio 2012+
Windows Phone SDK 8
Under the column, Cocos2d-x,
Click, “DOWNLOAD V3.11”
Unzip it
From terminal or command prompt
cd to the root of the directory
(will modify your path and other env variables)
open the project for your environment
Key Points
Installing cocos2d-x is pretty easy
Everything is done from the command line
Cocos2d-x: Feature Overview
Build a Game in 60 minutes
Uses Mozilla’s SpiderMonkey JS Engine v33
Released 14 Oct 2014
Same engine used in FireFox 33
Support a lot of ES6 features
(except templates strings)
Sound effects
Background music
CocosDenshion library (Open AL)
Support audio is platform dependent
Portable 2-dimensional real-time rigid body physics engine
Written in C99 by Scott Lembcke
Free open source 2-dimensional physics simulator engine
Written in C++ by Erin Catto
Published under the zlib license
WebSocket API
XMLHttpRequest API
User Input
Touch/Accelerometer on mobile devices
Touch/Mouse/Keyboard on desktop
Game controller support
2D Graphics
Transitions between scenes
Sprites and Sprite Sheets
Effects: Lens, Ripple, Waves, Liquid, etc.
Transformation Actions: Move, Rotate, Scale, Fade, Tint,
Composable actions: Sequence, Spawn, Repeat,
2D Graphics
Ease Actions: Exp, Sin, Cubic, Elastic, etc.
Misc actions: CallFunc, OrbitCamera, Follow, Tween
Particle system
Skeleton Animations: Spine and Adobe DragonBone
Fast font rendering using Fixed and Variable width fonts
2D Graphics
TrueType fonts
Tile Map support: Orthogonal, Isometric and
Parallax scrolling
Motion Streak
Render To Texture
Right handed coordinate system
Different than web
Origin (0,0) located at lower
left hand of screen
x position increases going
y position increases going up
max x,y at upper right hand
Let’s make a game
Cocos command options
new - creates a new game
run - compile, deploy, and run on game on target
deploy - deploy game to target
compile - compiles game
luacompile - minifies Lua files and compiles
jscompile - minifies JS files and compiles
Cocos command options
-h, —help - Shows the help
-v, —version - Shows the current version
Creating a new game
Open the cmd window
Validate that cocos is in your path, cocos <enter>
cocos new gamename -p com.company.name -l js
new command explained
MyGame: name of your project
-p com.mycompany.mygame: package name
-l js: programming language used for the project, valid
values are: cpp, lua, and js
Directory Structure
Platform directories
Class Directory
AppDelegate initializes
HelloWorldScene is
where your game begins
Hello World
Cocos2D-x ships as
source code
Build it to compile the
Bootup on Mac
launches from main.cpp
calls AppDelegate.cpp
(starts up Cocos2D-x)
calls main.js
(launches your scene)
Graphics Diagnostics
configured in project.json
82 <-- number of draw calls
0.016 <-- time it took to render the frame
60.0 <-- frames per second
Don’t forget
Add JavaScript files to the project.json
Add resources (images/sound/music) to resources.js
Forgetting to add them is a very common bug
Adding Scenes
Scenes are actually derived from the Layer class
Add scene for main, game, pause, end game
Add colors to scenes
Add transitions
The Game Loop
The central component of any game
Allows game to run smoothly regardless of user input
Allows game to run at same speed regardless of
Game Loop Reality
In the scene init add, 

Add an update method, 

HelloWorld::update(float dt)
The update method should be as fast as possible
Add a background
Add a hero
Move the hero
Detect touches
Fire bullets
Add enemy
Animate enemy
Detect collision
Give points
Detect end of game
Adding sound
Adding music
Adding scenes
More resources
Code and Slides
Cocos2d-x is a free open source game engine
It supports Android, iOS, Windows and Mac

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