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Resources for the 1-to-1 classroom
     Andrew Scott
      Sacre Coeur

See my website for a variety
 of eresources for the VCE
   Psychology classroom
• Sacre Coeur – is located in Glen Iris
• We have @ 500 students in our senior school
• In 2013: Year 9 & 10 are 1-to-1 iPads (purchased out of DER funding)
• All staff who teach year 9 or 10 have school provided iPads
• We have 8 Apple TV’s connected to either data projectors of big screen tv’s
• Year 11 – have notebooks (purchased in 2010 from DER funding)
• 2014: tbc – based largely on anecdotal evidence provided by key stakeholders,
  particularly given our DER funds have dried up
• BYOD is under discussion
My angle/ my vision
• No Unit ½ textbook this year! (30% of Unit 1 students are Year 10 with iPads)
• No Unit ¾ textbook next year (I will create a book using iBooks Author)
• Currently ¾ of my classes are in a room with an apple TV
• Thus I teach exclusive with my iPad in these rooms regularly using half a dozen
  app’s + a few occasional’s
• This fosters a more visual and participative approach to classes
• I use the school LMS (Learning Management System) for document storage and
  social media (closed group) for flipped learning & discussion
• My aim is to nurture a culture where student learning is done both at home and in
  the classroom, thus freeing up time to act as a facilitator in the classroom, enabling
  more discussion, 1 on 1 engagement and a deep consolictiaton of concepts.
Apple TV
• Enables user to wireless connect to plasma screen
  or data projector
• Great for either the mobile teacher or for student
  presentations of work created on the iPad.
Rationale for 1:1
The flipped classroom
Andrew scott   cdes
Andrew scott   cdes
The flipped classroom
The flipped classroom
Resources for the flipped classroom
        Podcast c/o iTunes
Resources for the flipped classroom


Resources for the flipped classroom
 Zite app: up-to-date Psych articles
Rationale for Social media
             • Students are already connected,
               hence communication flows more
             • User can post links to web
               resources such as YouTube clips or
               podcasts – with a brief comment.
               Students can access web content
               at their convenience on their
               device at home thus freeing up
               class time
             • Enables and fosters student
               discussion on course contents thus
               leading to a deeper understanding
               for the parties involved.
             • Models appropriate use of social
               media e.g. Facebook, twitter.
Mistakes made with iPads in the classroom
• Focussing on content apps (what about apps for creativity e.g.
• Lack of teacher preparation in classroom management
• Treating iPad like a computer and expecting it to function like a
• Failure to communicate to stakeholders ‘why iPads’
• http://edudemic.com/2012/09/5-critical-mistakes-schools-ipads-and-
How can the iPad value-add in the
       VCE Psychology classroom
• Benefits include
  (apart from ease
  of access)
• Search function
• Screen capture
• Pinch & zoom
Alternatives to Textbooks
• A static resources vs. a
  dynamic resource!
• IBooks Author, enables
  you to create an
  interactive book with
  weblinks, embedded
  YouTubes, ppt’s &
  images that the user can
  manipulate, virtual tests
  & more
Safari for web-search
Or use web resources such as testmoz
Camera app
• Students can take a
  photo of board work
• Take a screen dump of
  webpage, image, page
  of their textbook
• Plus take standard
  photo’s, movie
Apps for experiments e.g. Stroop app
• This 99c app a
  great for
  conducting an ERA
Tactile apps for Psych
• 3D brain
Drawing apps – e.g. Whiteboard
Apps for annotating files (e.g. pdf’s)
         such as Notetaker
Or Upad
Annotate visual aspects of the course on a data projector
  whilst the students label and annotated their images
             MAKE LEARNING – ‘HANDS ON’
Quiz apps
   • E.g. Socrative app (a freebie)
   • or eclicker app (free for
     students) @ $11 for host.
   • Provides – instant feedback to
     both user and teacher
   • Great for Multi-choice
Flashcard apps
     • E.g. cram app, gflash+, etc.
     • Students can create or source
       sets from quizlet.com
Showme app

Students narrate
an animation to
   of content.
Mindmapping apps e.g. ithoughtshd
Or popplet
File-sharing – Dropbox: use on the web & iPad
Make sure you give students a criteria sheet that
  assesses the content (not the technology)
Presentation apps (for creating or editing)
Share files via dropbox, students can
annote slides using annotating apps
File Sharing - options
•   email (for documents)
•   iTunes (for user to have access from multiple devices)
•   Dropbox (enables user to share files with invited guests
•   YouTube (for large video files, student can put video on private
    setting and invite up to 50 views via email)
Andrew scott   cdes
Evernote – use it on the web or iPad to -

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Andrew scott cdes

  • 1. Resources for the 1-to-1 classroom Andrew Scott Sacre Coeur See my website for a variety of eresources for the VCE Psychology classroom www.ePsychVCE.com
  • 2. Preamble • Sacre Coeur – is located in Glen Iris • We have @ 500 students in our senior school • In 2013: Year 9 & 10 are 1-to-1 iPads (purchased out of DER funding) • All staff who teach year 9 or 10 have school provided iPads • We have 8 Apple TV’s connected to either data projectors of big screen tv’s • Year 11 – have notebooks (purchased in 2010 from DER funding) • 2014: tbc – based largely on anecdotal evidence provided by key stakeholders, particularly given our DER funds have dried up • BYOD is under discussion
  • 3. My angle/ my vision • No Unit ½ textbook this year! (30% of Unit 1 students are Year 10 with iPads) • No Unit ¾ textbook next year (I will create a book using iBooks Author) • Currently ¾ of my classes are in a room with an apple TV • Thus I teach exclusive with my iPad in these rooms regularly using half a dozen app’s + a few occasional’s • This fosters a more visual and participative approach to classes • I use the school LMS (Learning Management System) for document storage and social media (closed group) for flipped learning & discussion • My aim is to nurture a culture where student learning is done both at home and in the classroom, thus freeing up time to act as a facilitator in the classroom, enabling more discussion, 1 on 1 engagement and a deep consolictiaton of concepts.
  • 4. Apple TV • Enables user to wireless connect to plasma screen or data projector • Great for either the mobile teacher or for student presentations of work created on the iPad.
  • 11. Resources for the flipped classroom Podcast c/o iTunes
  • 12. Resources for the flipped classroom YouTube S.B A. D
  • 13. Resources for the flipped classroom Zite app: up-to-date Psych articles
  • 14. Rationale for Social media • Students are already connected, hence communication flows more rapidly • User can post links to web resources such as YouTube clips or podcasts – with a brief comment. Students can access web content at their convenience on their device at home thus freeing up class time • Enables and fosters student discussion on course contents thus leading to a deeper understanding for the parties involved. • Models appropriate use of social media e.g. Facebook, twitter.
  • 15. Mistakes made with iPads in the classroom • Focussing on content apps (what about apps for creativity e.g. iMovie) • Lack of teacher preparation in classroom management • Treating iPad like a computer and expecting it to function like a laptop • Failure to communicate to stakeholders ‘why iPads’ • http://edudemic.com/2012/09/5-critical-mistakes-schools-ipads-and- correct-them/
  • 16. How can the iPad value-add in the VCE Psychology classroom •
  • 17. eBook • Benefits include (apart from ease of access) • Search function • Screen capture • Pinch & zoom
  • 18. Alternatives to Textbooks • A static resources vs. a dynamic resource! • IBooks Author, enables you to create an interactive book with weblinks, embedded YouTubes, ppt’s & images that the user can manipulate, virtual tests & more
  • 20. Or use web resources such as testmoz
  • 21. Camera app • Students can take a photo of board work • Take a screen dump of webpage, image, page of their textbook • Plus take standard photo’s, movie
  • 22. Apps for experiments e.g. Stroop app • This 99c app a great for conducting an ERA
  • 23. Tactile apps for Psych • 3D brain
  • 24. Drawing apps – e.g. Whiteboard
  • 25. Apps for annotating files (e.g. pdf’s) such as Notetaker
  • 26. Or Upad Annotate visual aspects of the course on a data projector whilst the students label and annotated their images MAKE LEARNING – ‘HANDS ON’
  • 27. Quiz apps • E.g. Socrative app (a freebie) • or eclicker app (free for students) @ $11 for host. • Provides – instant feedback to both user and teacher • Great for Multi-choice practice
  • 28. Flashcard apps • E.g. cram app, gflash+, etc. • Students can create or source sets from quizlet.com
  • 29. Showme app Students narrate an animation to demonstrate their understanding of content.
  • 30. Mindmapping apps e.g. ithoughtshd
  • 32. File-sharing – Dropbox: use on the web & iPad
  • 35. Make sure you give students a criteria sheet that assesses the content (not the technology)
  • 36. Presentation apps (for creating or editing)
  • 37. keynote Share files via dropbox, students can annote slides using annotating apps
  • 38. File Sharing - options • email (for documents) • iTunes (for user to have access from multiple devices) • Dropbox (enables user to share files with invited guests • YouTube (for large video files, student can put video on private setting and invite up to 50 views via email)
  • 40. Evernote – use it on the web or iPad to -