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Social Media                   HASHTAGS:
for Events             #ADVSOCIAL4EVENTS

Ian McGonnigal                   FOLLOW:
SVP, Client Strategy       @ianmcgonnigal
& Brand Performance           @jackmorton
Advanced social media for events
But Relationships
between brands
and people are
between brands
and the people
who matter most
to them.
Experiences are
every touchpoint,
Good and bad,
these define your
...including social
Experience Drivers

1. Products and services
   that meet your needs
2. Understands your needs                   Motivate Action
3. Continues to serve and engage you    EXPERIENCE DRIVERS IMPORTANT TO UNIQUE
   after you’ve become a customer                  BRAND EXPERIENCE
4. Exceeds your expectations
5. Makes it easy to find information   1. Initial impression the brand
   and buy their products, wherever       makes on you
   and whenever I want to shop         2. Continues to service and engage
                                          you after you’ve become a customer
                                       3. Understands your needs
                                       4. Differentiates from similar products
                                       5. Employs people who anticipate
                                          your needs
“If I tell my Facebook friends about
your brand, it’s not because I like
your brand...

                            ...but rather because I like my

Mike Arauz, Sr. Strategist, Undercurrent
“Your brand is
formed primarily,
not by what the
company says
about itself, but
by what the
company does.”

Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com
The Evolution of Experience
Social media is continually
growing and showing no signs
of slowing down.
56% of Americans have
a profile on at least one
social networking site

The average Facebook
user spends about 7 hours
per month on the site
Social networking
is all about mobile.
Out of 121.1B minutes spent on
social media over 2012, 5.7B of
those minutes happened to be
on the mobile web, and 40.8
happened through a mobile
Nielsen, 2012

                                  BTW, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the
                                    preferred platform for web access by 2014.

                                                              Morgan Stanley, 2010
People spend 30% of their
mobile time on social
Mobile web use is up 82% from
last year.

Mobile app use is up 85% from
last year.
Nielsen, 2012
The Future
is Mobile
Events give us the means to
enhance our relationship with
our audiences
Social media enables us to
amplify and expand this
Together, these create unique
opportunities to deliver a
comprehensive brand
Attendees are of
two minds at
every event.
Think about how
you manage both
& social
Social Media
The Ecosystem
                             THE CONVERSATION

         LAUNCH EVENTS                VIRTUAL EVENTS                 MOBILE TOURS

                         TRADESHOWS                    CONFERENCES                  WEBCASTS

PR      DIRECT               BROADCAST                      ONLINE                  POS        SEO
EMAIL   CRM     INTERNAL              TRAINING            PRINT        SEM          TELEMARKETING
1.   Set objectives
2.   Understand audiences
3.   Identify events & platforms
4.   Create a strategy
5.   Develop content plan
6.   Develop marketing plan
7.   Create content
8.   Engage communities & influencers
9.   Measure
Set objectives
Create objectives for
the overall program.
Decide which
each tactic will deliver
Understand audiences
Observe how they behave.
Listen to what they say.
Incorporate what you’ve learned into everything you do.
Identify ideas and platforms
Use a portfolio-based approach.
Selections should be audience-centric.
Listen to your data, not your gut.
Create a strategy
Understand the role of
every tactic in the mix.
Develop a content plan
  Months     -6        -3     -1       Event    +1     +3       +6

                  Don’t just consider what to say...

                  ...But how to say it based on the platform.

                  *Think tone, voice, personality, suitable
                  content, etc.
Create Content
 Evolve your program over time...
                                                                                                                   SOCIAL BRAND
                                                                                                                     The byproduct of
                                                                                                         successful social media initiatives, social
                                                                            SOCIAL                            brand experiences stand to act
                                                                           CHANNELS                              as the most trusted form
                                                                         These are the vehicles            of advertising. They also drive brand
                                                                  (i.e. blogs or social networks) that                   advocacy
                                   SOCIAL                            enable broader conversations           and loyalty from a brand’s biggest
                                                                     and social brand experiences.                     ambassadors.
                      The currency of conversation, these
                            objects are expressions
                            of the social idea in the
 SOCIAL IDEAS       form of easily shareable digital artifacts.
    A concept or
    content that
  consumers want
   to talk about.
Engage Communities & Influencers
                   TO THEM


• Define success
• Track KPIs
• Diagnose
• Adopt simplicity
• Measure significance
• Outcomes over
• Change program
• Monitor trends
Let’s talk specifics...
Advanced social media for events
The average Facebook user:
• spends over 700 minutes per month on the site
• has 229 friends
• creates 90 pieces of content per month
• is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events

•   87% of consumers like brands on Facebook
•   75% said that they feel more connected to a brand on Facebook
•   77% of people said they have saved money from liking a brand on Facebook
•   50% of consumers will purchase your brand after “liking” it on Facebook
Facebook best practices
1. Think about how to present your brand using
   the timeline approach
2. Brand over community (but not too much)
3. Use the Newsfeed application
4. Emphasize visualization
5. Brand storytelling through milestones
Advanced social media for events
•   Linkedin was founded in May, 2003
•   There are over 200 million members
•   200 countries around the world, 19 languages
•   170+ Industries
•   87% trust Linkedin as source of information affecting decisions
•   49% believe it is a good source for word of mouth information on brand experiences
•   Growing by 170K users per day (about 2 every second)
Linkedin best practices
1. Encourage users to follow your company
2. Use Advanced Search to find attendees, exhibitors,
   analysts, press, media, partners, etc.
3. Use Groups for relevant associations
4. Use endorsements to identify reputable partners
   or enhance own reputation
Advanced social media for events
•   Twitter launched in 2006
•   500 million users
•   8% of all internet users are on Twitter
•   1 million new accounts are created every day
•   175 million tweets sent per day
•   182% increase in mobile Twitter use
•   67% of brand followers will purchase that brand
•   6 in 10 Twitter users are more likely to recommend a brand they follow
Twitter tools

Twitter best practices
1.   Share - people use twitter to get the latest news
2.   Listen - monitor comments
3.   Ask - this is how you can gain valuable insights
4.   Respond - promptly
5.   Reward - offers, discounts, deals
6.   Thought leadership - share articles and links
7.   Thank followers by retweeting and replying
8.   Show your personality!
Advanced social media for events
•   Instagram was founded in 2010
•   60 photos uploaded every second
•   40 million instagram users worldwide
•   User base grew by 1600% between aril 2011 and 2012
Instagram best practices
1. Share interesting photos
   from your event -
   it won’t matter if it isn’t
2. Tell a story about it - let users
   experience your event
3. Expand your event audience -
   connect your account
   to other social networks
4. Engage - leverage #hashtags
   and photo captions
   to encourage contribution
   from event attendees
Advanced social media for events
•   Pinterest was launched in 2011
•   It has 10.4 million users
•   79% of its user base are women
•   11.3% of users start a shopping session after visiting Pinterest
•   Pinterest users visit an average of 4 brand pages while on the site
•   0.9% make a purchase
Pinterest best practices
1. Create a profile that expresses who you
2. Create a pinboard for your event - scout
   out official and unofficial media
3. Create boards around event sessions
   and discussions. make them inspiring
   and segmented by topic
4. Make attendee pinboards
5. Make other assets Pinterest friendly
6. Promote your pins by linking to other
   social media sites
Advanced social media for events
•   Launched in June 2011
•   100 million active users
•   625K new users a day
•   The +1 button is used 5 million times per day
•   Websites that use the +1 button increase page traffic by 350%
•   40% marketers use it, 70% want to learn more, 67% plan on increasing site activity
Google+ best practices
1. Create a Google+ for business page
2. Appoint a Google+ point person
3. Drive awareness through websites, email blasts,
   invitations and other communication channels
Google+ best practices
4. Ask speakers to host Google+ Hangouts at regular intervals
   before the event
5. Drive awareness of hangouts through Google+
   & other channels
6. Host a Google+ Huddle, during the event (chat backchannel)
   ensure moderator present
   at all times
Google+ best practices
7. Post relevant content (photos & videos, etc.) after the event
   and link out to other Social channels
8. Add users to your circles once they add you
9. Encourage Users to +1 your content
Advanced social media for events
YouTube & Flickr
• YouTube is Owned by Google
• 800M+ unique users
• 5 billion videos viewed per day
• Almost 1.5 hours of video uploaded each second
• More video is uploaded in one month than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years

• Flickr has 51 million registered members
• Hosts more than 6 billion images and growing
YouTube best practices
1. Create a channel
2. Upload all your video assets from event
   and tag it (to be found)
3. Hire a professional videographer
4. Post videos on YouTube & create playlists
5. Cut a video trailer
6. Record interviews with everyone
Flickr best practices
1.   Create a stream
2.   Hire a professional photographer to catalogue the event
3.   License all photography appropriately for use
4.   Recommend users upload their photos
5.   Create tags for searching & sharing
6.   Comment & engage
Video / Photo sharing best
1.   Create great content
2.   Upload all your assets
3.   Use tags to be found
4.   Reach your target audience
5.   Build a home for your brand
6.   Engage
7.   Track, analyze and improve
8.   Innovate & Integrate
Advanced social media for events
•   Foursquare was launched in March 2009
•   Foursquare has nearly 30 million users worldwide
•   Over 3 billion checkins
•   There are over 1 million active businesses
•   Other LBS: gowalla, brightkite, loopd, yelp

• Foursquare Drives people to your location over and over again
Foursquare best practices
1. Become Foursquare Friendly, and educate staff
2. incentivize staff to check-in observe & shape strategy
   from their behavior
3. Own your ‘venue’ on Foursquare
4. Educate consumers. Let them know they can and should
   check in
Foursquare best practices
5. Design fun “specials”, and change them often
6. Remember, it’s a game
7. Offer something special to those who check in
8. Give something special to mayor(s), your most loyal
9. Follow those who check in on Twitter, Facebook & Linkedin
Foursquare best practices
10.Target first-time customers/visitors. Customers = community
11.Foster competition to encourage frequent visits by mayoral
12.Experiment with promotions
13.Track everything
LBS best practices
1.   Participate: Subscribe & update profile
2.   Promote: Create special promotions
3.   Pull: Create special environments & events
4.   Partner: consider cross-brand promotions
5.   Piggyback: partner with local establishments, tie into local
Social Bookmarking
Social Bookmarking
•   Digg: social news site with 1.2M active visitors & 6M registered users
•   StumbleUpon: discovery-focused search engine,15M members & 5M active users
•   Reddit: user-voting social news site with 13M unique page views monthly
•   Buzzfeed: pop culture focused site looks at emerging content.14.5M monthly users
•   Delicious: curation & discover focused site. 5.5M Monthly users
•   Tweetmeme: twitter trend based service. 5.5M Monthly users
Social Bookmarking
best practices
1. Research which social bookmarking sites your audiences
2. Create a profile on relevant Social Bookmarking sites
3. Ensure all your content is sharable using widgets like:
   + Addthis
   + Sharethis
   + Add to Any
   + Etc.
4. Post all your own content to your profile(s)
5. Identify & post other related content to your profile(s)
Social Bookmarking
best practices
6. Add an RSS feed of bookmarked content to your website
7. Use other’s content as research fodder to plan
   the ongoing conversation
   & future events
8. Use the 90:10 rule: 90% of the content should be from other
   sources (not self-promotional)
Advanced social media for events
• With 60 million unique visitors a month & 16+ million registered users,
  Slideshare is a centrifuge of thought leadership and one of the top 150 sites on the web
Slideshare best practices
1.   Create a profile (Branded Channel)
2.   Post all event content on slide share
3.   Link to slideshare from all SM platforms
4.   Comment on other’s presentations
5.   Ask all presenters for slide decks ahead of time
6.   Create a partnership with Slideshare to feature event
7.   Create a thought leadership presentation
Intention Web
Intention Web
• What are you doing to build excitement, drive anticipation, generate audience and foster
    community before your event takes place?
•   There are a few Intention-based social networks that specialize in driving this anticipation
Intention Web best practices
1.   Decide on which platform(s) to use
2.   Create profile(s)
3.   Build your network
4.   Claim your event
5.   Invite others
6.   Integrate info into website

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Advanced social media for events

  • 1. Advanced Social Media HASHTAGS: for Events #ADVSOCIAL4EVENTS #EXHIBITOR2013 Ian McGonnigal FOLLOW: SVP, Client Strategy @ianmcgonnigal & Brand Performance @jackmorton
  • 2. Outline Relationships Experience Brands Landscape Ecosystem Integration Process Specifics
  • 5. But Relationships between brands and people are different...
  • 8. Experiences are every touchpoint, Good and bad, these define your brand... ...including social media experiences
  • 9. Experience Drivers TOP EXPERIENCE DRIVERS OVERALL 1. Products and services that meet your needs 2. Understands your needs Motivate Action 3. Continues to serve and engage you EXPERIENCE DRIVERS IMPORTANT TO UNIQUE after you’ve become a customer BRAND EXPERIENCE 4. Exceeds your expectations 5. Makes it easy to find information 1. Initial impression the brand and buy their products, wherever makes on you and whenever I want to shop 2. Continues to service and engage you after you’ve become a customer 3. Understands your needs 4. Differentiates from similar products 5. Employs people who anticipate your needs
  • 10. “If I tell my Facebook friends about your brand, it’s not because I like your brand... ...but rather because I like my friends.” Mike Arauz, Sr. Strategist, Undercurrent
  • 11. “Your brand is formed primarily, not by what the company says about itself, but by what the company does.” Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com
  • 12. The Evolution of Experience
  • 13. Social media is continually growing and showing no signs of slowing down. 56% of Americans have a profile on at least one social networking site The average Facebook user spends about 7 hours per month on the site Mashable
  • 14. Social networking is all about mobile. Out of 121.1B minutes spent on social media over 2012, 5.7B of those minutes happened to be on the mobile web, and 40.8 happened through a mobile app. Nielsen, 2012 BTW, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the preferred platform for web access by 2014. Morgan Stanley, 2010
  • 15. People spend 30% of their mobile time on social networks. Mobile web use is up 82% from last year. Mobile app use is up 85% from last year. Nielsen, 2012
  • 17. Events give us the means to enhance our relationship with our audiences Social media enables us to amplify and expand this engagement Together, these create unique opportunities to deliver a comprehensive brand experience
  • 18. Attendees are of two minds at every event. Think about how you manage both face-to-face & social experiences.
  • 21. Process 1. Set objectives 2. Understand audiences 3. Identify events & platforms 4. Create a strategy 5. Develop content plan 6. Develop marketing plan 7. Create content 8. Engage communities & influencers 9. Measure
  • 22. Set objectives Create objectives for the overall program. Decide which objectives each tactic will deliver against.
  • 23. Understand audiences Observe how they behave. Listen to what they say. Incorporate what you’ve learned into everything you do.
  • 24. Identify ideas and platforms Use a portfolio-based approach. Selections should be audience-centric. Listen to your data, not your gut.
  • 25. Create a strategy Understand the role of every tactic in the mix.
  • 26. Develop a content plan Months -6 -3 -1 Event +1 +3 +6 Platforms Don’t just consider what to say... ...But how to say it based on the platform. *Think tone, voice, personality, suitable content, etc.
  • 27. Create Content Evolve your program over time... SOCIAL BRAND EXPERIENCES The byproduct of successful social media initiatives, social SOCIAL brand experiences stand to act CHANNELS as the most trusted form These are the vehicles of advertising. They also drive brand (i.e. blogs or social networks) that advocacy SOCIAL enable broader conversations and loyalty from a brand’s biggest and social brand experiences. ambassadors. OBJECTS The currency of conversation, these objects are expressions of the social idea in the SOCIAL IDEAS form of easily shareable digital artifacts. A concept or content that consumers want to talk about.
  • 29. Measure • Define success • Track KPIs • Diagnose performance • Adopt simplicity • Measure significance • Outcomes over outputs • Change program • Monitor trends
  • 32. Facebook The average Facebook user: • spends over 700 minutes per month on the site • has 229 friends • creates 90 pieces of content per month • is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events • 87% of consumers like brands on Facebook • 75% said that they feel more connected to a brand on Facebook • 77% of people said they have saved money from liking a brand on Facebook • 50% of consumers will purchase your brand after “liking” it on Facebook
  • 33. Facebook best practices 1. Think about how to present your brand using the timeline approach 2. Brand over community (but not too much) 3. Use the Newsfeed application 4. Emphasize visualization 5. Brand storytelling through milestones
  • 35. Linkedin • Linkedin was founded in May, 2003 • There are over 200 million members • 200 countries around the world, 19 languages • 170+ Industries • 87% trust Linkedin as source of information affecting decisions • 49% believe it is a good source for word of mouth information on brand experiences • Growing by 170K users per day (about 2 every second)
  • 36. Linkedin best practices 1. Encourage users to follow your company 2. Use Advanced Search to find attendees, exhibitors, analysts, press, media, partners, etc. 3. Use Groups for relevant associations 4. Use endorsements to identify reputable partners or enhance own reputation
  • 38. Twitter • Twitter launched in 2006 • 500 million users • 8% of all internet users are on Twitter • 1 million new accounts are created every day • 175 million tweets sent per day • 182% increase in mobile Twitter use • 67% of brand followers will purchase that brand • 6 in 10 Twitter users are more likely to recommend a brand they follow
  • 39. Twitter tools TweetChat
  • 40. Twitter best practices 1. Share - people use twitter to get the latest news 2. Listen - monitor comments 3. Ask - this is how you can gain valuable insights 4. Respond - promptly 5. Reward - offers, discounts, deals 6. Thought leadership - share articles and links 7. Thank followers by retweeting and replying 8. Show your personality!
  • 42. Instagram • Instagram was founded in 2010 • 60 photos uploaded every second • 40 million instagram users worldwide • User base grew by 1600% between aril 2011 and 2012
  • 43. Instagram best practices 1. Share interesting photos from your event - it won’t matter if it isn’t compelling. 2. Tell a story about it - let users experience your event 3. Expand your event audience - connect your account to other social networks 4. Engage - leverage #hashtags and photo captions to encourage contribution from event attendees
  • 45. Pinterest • Pinterest was launched in 2011 • It has 10.4 million users • 79% of its user base are women • 11.3% of users start a shopping session after visiting Pinterest • Pinterest users visit an average of 4 brand pages while on the site • 0.9% make a purchase
  • 46. Pinterest best practices 1. Create a profile that expresses who you are 2. Create a pinboard for your event - scout out official and unofficial media 3. Create boards around event sessions and discussions. make them inspiring and segmented by topic 4. Make attendee pinboards 5. Make other assets Pinterest friendly 6. Promote your pins by linking to other social media sites
  • 48. Google+ • Launched in June 2011 • 100 million active users • 625K new users a day • The +1 button is used 5 million times per day • Websites that use the +1 button increase page traffic by 350% • 40% marketers use it, 70% want to learn more, 67% plan on increasing site activity
  • 49. Google+ best practices 1. Create a Google+ for business page 2. Appoint a Google+ point person 3. Drive awareness through websites, email blasts, invitations and other communication channels
  • 50. Google+ best practices 4. Ask speakers to host Google+ Hangouts at regular intervals before the event 5. Drive awareness of hangouts through Google+ & other channels 6. Host a Google+ Huddle, during the event (chat backchannel) ensure moderator present at all times
  • 51. Google+ best practices 7. Post relevant content (photos & videos, etc.) after the event and link out to other Social channels 8. Add users to your circles once they add you 9. Encourage Users to +1 your content
  • 53. YouTube & Flickr YouTube • YouTube is Owned by Google • 800M+ unique users • 5 billion videos viewed per day • Almost 1.5 hours of video uploaded each second • More video is uploaded in one month than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years Flickr • Flickr has 51 million registered members • Hosts more than 6 billion images and growing
  • 54. YouTube best practices 1. Create a channel 2. Upload all your video assets from event and tag it (to be found) 3. Hire a professional videographer 4. Post videos on YouTube & create playlists 5. Cut a video trailer 6. Record interviews with everyone
  • 55. Flickr best practices 1. Create a stream 2. Hire a professional photographer to catalogue the event 3. License all photography appropriately for use 4. Recommend users upload their photos 5. Create tags for searching & sharing 6. Comment & engage
  • 56. Video / Photo sharing best practices 1. Create great content 2. Upload all your assets 3. Use tags to be found 4. Reach your target audience 5. Build a home for your brand 6. Engage 7. Track, analyze and improve 8. Innovate & Integrate
  • 58. Foursquare • Foursquare was launched in March 2009 • Foursquare has nearly 30 million users worldwide • Over 3 billion checkins • There are over 1 million active businesses • Other LBS: gowalla, brightkite, loopd, yelp • Foursquare Drives people to your location over and over again
  • 59. Foursquare best practices 1. Become Foursquare Friendly, and educate staff 2. incentivize staff to check-in observe & shape strategy from their behavior 3. Own your ‘venue’ on Foursquare 4. Educate consumers. Let them know they can and should check in
  • 60. Foursquare best practices 5. Design fun “specials”, and change them often 6. Remember, it’s a game 7. Offer something special to those who check in 8. Give something special to mayor(s), your most loyal customers 9. Follow those who check in on Twitter, Facebook & Linkedin
  • 61. Foursquare best practices 10.Target first-time customers/visitors. Customers = community 11.Foster competition to encourage frequent visits by mayoral candidates 12.Experiment with promotions 13.Track everything
  • 62. LBS best practices 1. Participate: Subscribe & update profile 2. Promote: Create special promotions 3. Pull: Create special environments & events 4. Partner: consider cross-brand promotions 5. Piggyback: partner with local establishments, tie into local events
  • 64. Social Bookmarking • Digg: social news site with 1.2M active visitors & 6M registered users • StumbleUpon: discovery-focused search engine,15M members & 5M active users • Reddit: user-voting social news site with 13M unique page views monthly • Buzzfeed: pop culture focused site looks at emerging content.14.5M monthly users • Delicious: curation & discover focused site. 5.5M Monthly users • Tweetmeme: twitter trend based service. 5.5M Monthly users
  • 65. Social Bookmarking best practices 1. Research which social bookmarking sites your audiences use 2. Create a profile on relevant Social Bookmarking sites 3. Ensure all your content is sharable using widgets like: + Addthis + Sharethis + Add to Any + Etc. 4. Post all your own content to your profile(s) 5. Identify & post other related content to your profile(s)
  • 66. Social Bookmarking best practices 6. Add an RSS feed of bookmarked content to your website 7. Use other’s content as research fodder to plan the ongoing conversation & future events 8. Use the 90:10 rule: 90% of the content should be from other sources (not self-promotional)
  • 68. Slideshare • With 60 million unique visitors a month & 16+ million registered users, Slideshare is a centrifuge of thought leadership and one of the top 150 sites on the web
  • 69. Slideshare best practices 1. Create a profile (Branded Channel) 2. Post all event content on slide share 3. Link to slideshare from all SM platforms 4. Comment on other’s presentations 5. Ask all presenters for slide decks ahead of time 6. Create a partnership with Slideshare to feature event 7. Create a thought leadership presentation
  • 71. Intention Web • What are you doing to build excitement, drive anticipation, generate audience and foster community before your event takes place? • There are a few Intention-based social networks that specialize in driving this anticipation
  • 72. Intention Web best practices 1. Decide on which platform(s) to use 2. Create profile(s) 3. Build your network 4. Claim your event 5. Invite others 6. Integrate info into website