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Social Media Revolution:
      Creating Value
  for your B2B Business
            Presented at

          Ira Kaufman President
    Patsy Stewart Director Social Media

About the Presenters
Ira Kaufman, President, Ira challenges owners and senior executives to clarify their goals and
translate them into a consistent Brand and Integrated Media Marketing Strategy. He combines 30 years
of rich experiences with businesses and nonprofits to guide them to leverage the power of social media
for marketing, recruitment and organizational development . Ira collaborates with a team of experts to
design interactive environments to create long term business value by integrating traditional advertising,
online marketing, public relations and social media. His strong values and sensitivity to organization
innovation and change are the foundation of his work. Ira has a PhD in Marketing and serves as a
consultant, public speaker, and lecturer for companies and Senior Executive programs .

Patsy Stewart, Director Social Media and Training, Patsy is responsible for designing and
implementing social media strategies as part of an Integrated Media Marketing plan. She specializes in
working with clients to generate conversations that create relationships. Patsy is well known throughout
Virginia as a speaker, trainer and thought leader in Social Media. She manages a recruitment team that
was recognized as one of the top 50 recruiters nationally using Twitter/social media. She is a national
speaker, contributor to business publications and she authored the ebook, "How to Grow Your Digital

Will B2B Companies
   Embrace Social Media?
• B2C outpaces B2B on social media

• B2B Magazine's "2010" outlook – 6 of 10
  B2B companies will increase social media
Social Media Marketing
     Strategic Imperative

1. Provide Roadmap to
   navigate the world of
   digital media
2. Ask the right questions
3. Develop a mindset that
   integrates marketing
   efforts instead of seeing
   each as a silo
Three Parts

Part 1: Social Media Revolution – the Case

Part 2: The Integrated Strategy

Part 3: Social Media Marketing Tactics
Social Media
          Marketing is a
         Business Reality,
          its Beyond the

How are your preparing
   to maintain your
 competitive position?
Are You Leveraging
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Revolution

Social Media B2B Marketing: Adhesives and Sealants Industry
What are Your
                  Leaders Saying?

“There will be a huge change over the next
 year for… American Chemistry Council
 and chemical firms in the way we engage
 in debates and communicate our
 message… We will be de-emphasizing TV
 and billboards and focus more on
 advocacy and social media.”
 Randy Dearth CEO, LANXESS
                         E-News Survey
• Adhesives and Sealants industry is tracking
  social media trends
   – More than 60% use LinkedIn
   – Nearly 40% use Facebook
• “Adhesives and Sealant Industry interest in
  social media is growing. Social media presents a
  great opportunity for companies to market their
  products in new ways.. It is not going away!”
  ASI Magazine editor, Teresa McPherson
Social Media Emerging Power
• 80% Adult Internet Users have used Social Media
• 72% been using Social Media < 90 days
• Demographics +10hrs/wk: 30-39yrs (45%), 50-59 yr(39%)
   Social Media Industry Report 2009 by Michael Stelzner
• Total US minutes devoted to social media surged 210% >2008
• 80% female Internet users are a fan of a product or brand on
  a social network
• 60% of Ad Agencies support clients with social media
• 76% small business not found social media useful in
  generating business. (Citi Survey)
• 82% US Executives use social media for brand building, 60%
  for networking, 32% for customer service and 25% for
  competitive monitoring. www,.marketer.com

  • Facebook 400+ million active users
  • Twitter 105+ million users
  • LinkedIn 65 million users
Social Media Live Update
    Clicking this link will show you how
    social media has been embraced.
    Notice the elapsed time.

     Changes in the Marketplace
       … Customer’s Mindset
•   Globalization… Interdependence
•   Control of media; consumer is publisher
•   Conversations generate exposure, sales
•   Transparency –open source
•   Collaboration rules
•   Innovation compressed
•   People use technologies to get things that
    they need from each other, rather from
Old 4Ps Marketing 1.0
Value Creator   Customer

Marketing 2.0
Value Builder as                                    User
 - Company
 - Employer          Product (WEB2.0 Brand)                              Job Seeker
 - Partner

                       Place (online, offline)

                       Price ($, time, ease)

                    Promotion (Integrated Marketing)

                        Participation (Conversations)

                                                           Thought Leaders
Marketing Rules are Changing
It was                               It’s now
Pushing message to client            Pulling client to the message

One way message                      Interactive conversation

Business generated content           User generated content
Interrupt client- direct immediate
                                     Engage, build relationship
Attention economy                    Attraction economy
Hard to measure results              Real time metrics
Coveting information                 Sharing information

Charging for entry – block entry     Giving free ebooks, product
Social Media Benefits B2B

•   Anticipate market trends
•   Identify alliances
•   Increase touchpoints
•   Feedback on innovation
•   Develop company as thought leader
•   Company chatter- warning of innovation
    within/outside your industry
Arizona Chemical
Company position: We have a “sustainable
 alternative to petro chemicals “

 Social Media Marketing Approach
• Establish Arizona Chemical as Thought Leader
• Transfer PR and case studies to blog posts
• Increase current one position in top 20 in
  Google Search to 3+ positions on first page
Social Media Provides Value
     We are tripling social media spending over the
      past three years and experiencing "great
      returns on this investment.” COO

     “Our head of Social Media is the customer”

     “We achieved cost savings by a 20% reduction
       in call center activity as customers go to
       community website for answers “
Clearly Social Media is a Valued
 The Adhesives and Sealants Industry is
      a late comer to social media.
       Your keys to success are:

    Strategy - Integration - ROI
The Choice is Yours !
The Question is not IF your company will adopt
                 Social media
                  But WHEN
     Competitive Landscape is OPEN;
             many opportunities
   Will you position your company as a
   Innovator/Early Adopter or Laggard?
Strategy… not an Option

Pres. Obama’s team used Integrated
Media Marketing quite successfully!

Their conclusion “>50% of new media
 campaigns fail without a strategy!”
Integrated Media
Marketing Strategy

 Five Steps
 • BASELINE (Assessment)
 • WHAT (Branding)
 • WHO (Strategic Positioning)
 • HOW (Marketing Mix)

 • ROI (Evaluation, Metrics)
Let’s Start Where You Are !

• Are your current marketing efforts
  producing results?
• What are your metrics in each media
• Are you engaging your target markets?
• How are you measuring success?
How do you touch your
 business ecosystem?
Cytec Industries Touchpoints
 Objectives: Promote innovation, partners
 Tactics: technical articles; PR; webcasts

Increase Touchpoints using
  –   Blog articles, PR, webcasts
  –   Youtube Channel
  –   LinkedIn
  –   Video
  –   Facebook
  –   Search engine optimization

• Develop Value Proposition
• Finding your Sweet Spot
• Determine Voice (with
  authority) and Personality
  (logo, tagline)
5000 Coke Mentions/Day –
    Here is a taste…

                                 (SEPTEMBER 2009)
N = 1,276 posts*
*non-english language posts removed
Source: Analysis of Facebook for Sept 1st – 30th 2009
Evans Adhesives
  New Product Introduction
      “Low temp, hot melt adhesives”

• Create value proposition
• Generate Brand from feedback from user
  base in packaging, outdoor advertising,
  beverage, labeling industries
• Promote via
   – Video
   – Blog
   – LinkedIn
Strategic Positioning
• Market Intelligence- integrated into
  product life cycle
• Touchpoint Conversion Analysis
• Integrated Media Marketing Strategy
Touchpoint Lifecycle
H.M. Royal
Solutions for Adhesives, Sealants
“Source Globally, Sell Nationally. Service
Require Integrated Media Marketing Strategy:
• Build Thought Leadership
  • Blog articles, case Studies
  • LinkedIn
  • Video
Marketing Mix

• Develop Powerful Call to Action
• Choose Tactics
• Design Integrated Blueprint
B2B Integrated Media Marketing
   Synergize … Build on each other

      traditional        online
     advertising         marketing

    social public        social
       relations         media
Track - Evaluate - ROI
Webstats - Google Analytics
  – Demographics
  – Site activity and analysis
Track results/call to action
  – Tracking URLS
  – Benchmark-competition vs
    projections vs goals
Sustaining Your Edge
 Measurement  Monitoring     Evaluation

 Resources                      Brand Power
 Time           RGV             Sales
 $             Resources        Mentions
             Generating Value   Search positions
Integrated Media Marketing
          Best Practices
• Review your corporate legal framework
•   Design a strategy reflecting customer touchpoints
•   Integrate and synergize your media
•   Monitor competition’s digital footprint
•   Develop social media employee policy
•   Design a proactive crisis strategy
•   Incorporate links as metrics
•   Evaluate RGV (Resources Generating Value)
If you think and operate with
  new models, you will realize
            new results

• In 2010 businesses will Integrate Marketing
  Strategies to realize a powerful edge
• If you don’t respond, your competitive
  advantage will be vulnerable
• You are about to change how your company
  relates to its customers
What is Social Media?
          Social media is
 a means to generate conversations

     Stop thinking campaigns

    Start thinking conversations

Translate conversations into Results
Your Digital Footprint…
What is a Digital Footprint
• Traces left by someone’s activity in a
  digital environment
• Passive – “Data collected about an
  action without any client activation” (e.g.,
  IP information collected by a web server)

• Active – “Created when personal data is
  released deliberately by the user for the
  purpose of sharing information about
         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_footprint. 20 Aug 2009.
Assess Your Digital Footprint

Google your
company name.

Print out the first
two pages of results
and save them for
Google Search is Getting
      More Social
Getting Your Company Ready

        Source: http://www.engagementdb.com
Your Social Media Hub

H. B. Fuller
Who are your              What are they
B2B Targets ?            engaging with?

 •   Customers
 •   Partners
 •    New alliances
 •   Community/
 •   Government
 •    NGOs
 •   Employees
     (current, future)
Prepare Social Networking Profiles


         •   Avatar or photo
         •   Keywords
         •   140 characters
         •   100 words
         •   novel
Who’s on LinkedIn?
   • 65 million Professionals
   • Avg income $109k
   • Avg age 37 - 52
   • Executives from all Fortune
     500 companies are LinkedIn
   • Entrepreneurs – 31%
   • Executives – 18%
   • Decision Makers – 42%
   *From LinkedIn.com Advertising
Why Should You Be On

•   Acquire new customers
•   Locate vendors to outsource services
•   Build your industry network
•   Find peers in your respective industries
•   Share unique blog content
•   Keep an eye on your competition
•   Become thought leader of your industry
How Do I Get Started?
•   Create Your Profile with keywords
•   Add connections
•   Set preferences
•   Invite friends and colleagues
•   Join groups with your prospects and
•   Invite people from your Niche
•   Ask and answer questions

          3 Degrees Separation (Kevin Bacon)
Should I Be Marketing on
Yes! Facebook is the #1 social destination
 Surpassed Google as #1 Trafficked Site
   More than 400 million active users
   More than 1.5 million local businesses have pages
    on Facebook
   More than 20 million users become fans of Pages
    each day
   The Nielsen Company found the average time users
    spend using Facebook per month grew nearly 10%,
    topping seven hours
What are they looking for?

•   Getting news or product updates (67%)
•   Having access to promotions (64%)
•   Viewing or downloading videos/music (41%)
•   Submitting opinions (36%)
•   Connecting with other consumers (33%)

    If your business has prospects on Facebook and
    they would find any of the above interesting, you
    should build a business fan page.

SOURCE: Pace University study, 12/08
Facebook Examples
What is Twitter?

Twitter is a free social networking and
 micro-blogging service that enables its
 users to send and read messages known
 as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts
 of up to 140 characters displayed on the
 author's profile page and delivered to the
 author's subscribers who are known as
 followers. … From Wikipedia
Why Twitter?
• Twitter has 105,779,710 registered users. New
users are signing up at the rate of 300,000 per
• 180 million unique visitors come to the site every
• 75% of Twitter traffic comes from outside
twitter.com (i.e. via third party applications.)
• Twitter gets a total of 3 billion requests a day via
its API.
• Twitter's search engine receives around 600
million search queries per day.
Look and Listen

•   Monitor twitter for a few days
•   Add your first few tweets
•   Don’t sell
•   Engage in conversations
•   Use http://search.twitter.com
•   Download twitter desk client (Seesmic,
    Tweetdeck, Twirl)
Twitter Works
Social Video

• Use video for blogs and
  websites, facebook, twitter
• Create a YouTube channel
• Syndicate Your Videos
• Use videos for events,
  special services, customer
  service, how-to
Video Examples

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8n20b54B5Q   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5Ib8rtjhew
Video is Simple & Engaging

  One of the most powerful ways to
  reach mass audiences and
  engage them online is with video.
Social Media Can Increase
Your Customer Touchpoints

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Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otgSatta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan MatkaSatta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Matka boss otg satta matka kalyan matka Dpboss Matka guessing Indian Matka
Matka boss otg satta matka kalyan matka Dpboss Matka guessing Indian MatkaMatka boss otg satta matka kalyan matka Dpboss Matka guessing Indian Matka
Matka boss otg satta matka kalyan matka Dpboss Matka guessing Indian Matka
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Matka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Matka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss  Matka boss otgMatka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss  Matka boss otg
Satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matka
Satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matkaSatta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matka
Satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matka
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian MatkaMatka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan ChartSatta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan Chart
India Matka
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka, Kalyan Night Chart ,Dpbosss
Satta Matka, Kalyan Night Chart ,DpbosssSatta Matka, Kalyan Night Chart ,Dpbosss
Satta Matka, Kalyan Night Chart ,Dpbosss
Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143
Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143
Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143
Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
DP Boss Satta Matka Kalyan Matka
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Matka Guessing ❼ʘ❷ʘ❻❻➃➆➆➀ Matka Result
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart

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Kalyan Matka Guessing | Satta Matka 420
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Matka boss otg satta matka kalyan matka Dpboss Matka guessing Indian Matka
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Matka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Matka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss  Matka boss otgMatka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss  Matka boss otg
Matka guessing satta Matta matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matka
Satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matkaSatta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matka
Satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matka
Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
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Matka Boss otg Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Indian Matka
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Satta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan Chart
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Satta Matka India Matka Satta Kalyan Chart
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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka, Kalyan Night Chart ,Dpbosss
Satta Matka, Kalyan Night Chart ,DpbosssSatta Matka, Kalyan Night Chart ,Dpbosss
Satta Matka, Kalyan Night Chart ,Dpbosss
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Kalyan Satta Matka 420 ,Indian matka 143
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Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart

Social Media B2B Marketing: Adhesives and Sealants Industry

  • 1. Social Media Revolution: Creating Value for your B2B Business Presented at Ira Kaufman President Patsy Stewart Director Social Media ©2010
  • 2. About the Presenters Ira Kaufman, President, Ira challenges owners and senior executives to clarify their goals and translate them into a consistent Brand and Integrated Media Marketing Strategy. He combines 30 years of rich experiences with businesses and nonprofits to guide them to leverage the power of social media for marketing, recruitment and organizational development . Ira collaborates with a team of experts to design interactive environments to create long term business value by integrating traditional advertising, online marketing, public relations and social media. His strong values and sensitivity to organization innovation and change are the foundation of his work. Ira has a PhD in Marketing and serves as a consultant, public speaker, and lecturer for companies and Senior Executive programs . Patsy Stewart, Director Social Media and Training, Patsy is responsible for designing and implementing social media strategies as part of an Integrated Media Marketing plan. She specializes in working with clients to generate conversations that create relationships. Patsy is well known throughout Virginia as a speaker, trainer and thought leader in Social Media. She manages a recruitment team that was recognized as one of the top 50 recruiters nationally using Twitter/social media. She is a national speaker, contributor to business publications and she authored the ebook, "How to Grow Your Digital Footprint". www.entwineinc.com
  • 3. Will B2B Companies Embrace Social Media? • B2C outpaces B2B on social media adoption • B2B Magazine's "2010" outlook – 6 of 10 B2B companies will increase social media
  • 4. Social Media Marketing Strategic Imperative 1. Provide Roadmap to navigate the world of digital media 2. Ask the right questions 3. Develop a mindset that integrates marketing efforts instead of seeing each as a silo
  • 5. Three Parts Part 1: Social Media Revolution – the Case Part 2: The Integrated Strategy Part 3: Social Media Marketing Tactics
  • 6. Social Media Marketing is a Business Reality, its Beyond the Revolution How are your preparing to maintain your competitive position?
  • 7. Are You Leveraging Social Media Marketing Opportunities?
  • 8. Social Media Revolution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhPgUcjGQAw
  • 10. What are Your Leaders Saying? “There will be a huge change over the next year for… American Chemistry Council and chemical firms in the way we engage in debates and communicate our message… We will be de-emphasizing TV and billboards and focus more on advocacy and social media.” Randy Dearth CEO, LANXESS
  • 11. ASI E-News Survey • Adhesives and Sealants industry is tracking social media trends – More than 60% use LinkedIn – Nearly 40% use Facebook • “Adhesives and Sealant Industry interest in social media is growing. Social media presents a great opportunity for companies to market their products in new ways.. It is not going away!” ASI Magazine editor, Teresa McPherson
  • 12. Social Media Emerging Power • 80% Adult Internet Users have used Social Media • 72% been using Social Media < 90 days • Demographics +10hrs/wk: 30-39yrs (45%), 50-59 yr(39%) Social Media Industry Report 2009 by Michael Stelzner • Total US minutes devoted to social media surged 210% >2008 • 80% female Internet users are a fan of a product or brand on a social network • 60% of Ad Agencies support clients with social media • 76% small business not found social media useful in generating business. (Citi Survey) • 82% US Executives use social media for brand building, 60% for networking, 32% for customer service and 25% for competitive monitoring. www,.marketer.com • Facebook 400+ million active users • Twitter 105+ million users • LinkedIn 65 million users
  • 13. Social Media Live Update Clicking this link will show you how social media has been embraced. Notice the elapsed time. http://www.personalizemedia.com/garys-social-media-count/
  • 14. REVOLUTION WAS FUELED Changes in the Marketplace … Customer’s Mindset • Globalization… Interdependence • Control of media; consumer is publisher • Conversations generate exposure, sales • Transparency –open source • Collaboration rules • Innovation compressed • People use technologies to get things that they need from each other, rather from corporations
  • 15. Old 4Ps Marketing 1.0 Value Creator Customer 4Ps
  • 16. Marketing 2.0 Value Builder as User - Company - Employer Product (WEB2.0 Brand) Job Seeker - Partner Place (online, offline) Price ($, time, ease) 5Ps Promotion (Integrated Marketing) Participation (Conversations) Publisher Thought Leaders
  • 17. Marketing Rules are Changing It was It’s now Pushing message to client Pulling client to the message One way message Interactive conversation Business generated content User generated content Interrupt client- direct immediate Engage, build relationship action Attention economy Attraction economy Hard to measure results Real time metrics Coveting information Sharing information Charging for entry – block entry Giving free ebooks, product
  • 18. Social Media Benefits B2B • Anticipate market trends • Identify alliances • Increase touchpoints • Feedback on innovation • Develop company as thought leader • Company chatter- warning of innovation within/outside your industry
  • 19. Arizona Chemical Company position: We have a “sustainable alternative to petro chemicals “ Social Media Marketing Approach • Establish Arizona Chemical as Thought Leader • Transfer PR and case studies to blog posts • Increase current one position in top 20 in Google Search to 3+ positions on first page
  • 20. Social Media Provides Value We are tripling social media spending over the past three years and experiencing "great returns on this investment.” COO “Our head of Social Media is the customer” “We achieved cost savings by a 20% reduction in call center activity as customers go to community website for answers “
  • 21. Clearly Social Media is a Valued Channel The Adhesives and Sealants Industry is a late comer to social media. Your keys to success are: Strategy - Integration - ROI
  • 22. The Choice is Yours ! The Question is not IF your company will adopt Social media But WHEN Competitive Landscape is OPEN; many opportunities Will you position your company as a Innovator/Early Adopter or Laggard?
  • 23. Strategy… not an Option Pres. Obama’s team used Integrated Media Marketing quite successfully! Their conclusion “>50% of new media campaigns fail without a strategy!”
  • 24. Integrated Media Marketing Strategy Five Steps • BASELINE (Assessment) • WHAT (Branding) • WHO (Strategic Positioning) • HOW (Marketing Mix) • ROI (Evaluation, Metrics)
  • 25. Let’s Start Where You Are ! • Are your current marketing efforts producing results? • What are your metrics in each media channel? • Are you engaging your target markets? • How are you measuring success?
  • 26. How do you touch your business ecosystem?
  • 27. Cytec Industries Touchpoints Objectives: Promote innovation, partners Tactics: technical articles; PR; webcasts Increase Touchpoints using – Blog articles, PR, webcasts – Youtube Channel – LinkedIn – Video – Facebook – Search engine optimization
  • 28. Branding • Develop Value Proposition • Finding your Sweet Spot • Determine Voice (with authority) and Personality (logo, tagline)
  • 29. 5000 Coke Mentions/Day – Here is a taste… CONVERSATION CLOUD FOR TOP TERMS MENTIONED ON FB COCA-COLA FAN PAGE (SEPTEMBER 2009) N = 1,276 posts* *non-english language posts removed Source: Analysis of Facebook for Sept 1st – 30th 2009
  • 30. Evans Adhesives New Product Introduction “Low temp, hot melt adhesives” • Create value proposition • Generate Brand from feedback from user base in packaging, outdoor advertising, beverage, labeling industries • Promote via – Video – Blog – LinkedIn
  • 31. Strategic Positioning • Market Intelligence- integrated into product life cycle • Touchpoint Conversion Analysis • Integrated Media Marketing Strategy
  • 33. H.M. Royal Positioning Solutions for Adhesives, Sealants “Source Globally, Sell Nationally. Service Locally” Require Integrated Media Marketing Strategy: • Build Thought Leadership • Blog articles, case Studies • LinkedIn • Video
  • 34. Marketing Mix • Develop Powerful Call to Action • Choose Tactics • Design Integrated Blueprint
  • 35. B2B Integrated Media Marketing Synergize … Build on each other traditional online advertising marketing social public social relations media
  • 36. Track - Evaluate - ROI Webstats - Google Analytics – Demographics – Site activity and analysis Track results/call to action – Tracking URLS Evaluate – Benchmark-competition vs projections vs goals
  • 37. Sustaining Your Edge  Measurement  Monitoring  Evaluation Resources Brand Power Time RGV Sales $ Resources Mentions Generating Value Search positions Thought leadership
  • 38. Integrated Media Marketing Best Practices • Review your corporate legal framework • Design a strategy reflecting customer touchpoints • Integrate and synergize your media • Monitor competition’s digital footprint • Develop social media employee policy • Design a proactive crisis strategy • Incorporate links as metrics sm • Evaluate RGV (Resources Generating Value)
  • 39. If you think and operate with new models, you will realize new results • In 2010 businesses will Integrate Marketing Strategies to realize a powerful edge • If you don’t respond, your competitive advantage will be vulnerable • You are about to change how your company relates to its customers
  • 40. What is Social Media? Social media is a means to generate conversations Stop thinking campaigns Start thinking conversations Engage… Translate conversations into Results
  • 42. What is a Digital Footprint • Traces left by someone’s activity in a digital environment • Passive – “Data collected about an action without any client activation” (e.g., IP information collected by a web server) • Active – “Created when personal data is released deliberately by the user for the purpose of sharing information about oneself” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_footprint. 20 Aug 2009.
  • 43. Assess Your Digital Footprint Google your company name. Print out the first two pages of results and save them for later.
  • 44. Google Search is Getting More Social
  • 45. Getting Your Company Ready Source: http://www.engagementdb.com
  • 46. Your Social Media Hub Online Environment
  • 48. Who are your What are they B2B Targets ? engaging with? • Customers • Partners • New alliances • Community/ • Government • NGOs • Employees (current, future)
  • 49. Prepare Social Networking Profiles Consistency • Avatar or photo • Keywords • 140 characters • 100 words • novel
  • 50. Who’s on LinkedIn? • 65 million Professionals • Avg income $109k • Avg age 37 - 52 • Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are LinkedIn members. • Entrepreneurs – 31% • Executives – 18% • Decision Makers – 42% *From LinkedIn.com Advertising
  • 51. Why Should You Be On Linkedin? • Acquire new customers • Locate vendors to outsource services • Build your industry network • Find peers in your respective industries • Share unique blog content • Keep an eye on your competition • Become thought leader of your industry
  • 52. How Do I Get Started? • Create Your Profile with keywords • Add connections • Set preferences • Invite friends and colleagues • Join groups with your prospects and competitors • Invite people from your Niche • Ask and answer questions 3 Degrees Separation (Kevin Bacon)
  • 53. Should I Be Marketing on Facebook? Yes! Facebook is the #1 social destination Surpassed Google as #1 Trafficked Site  More than 400 million active users  More than 1.5 million local businesses have pages on Facebook  More than 20 million users become fans of Pages each day  The Nielsen Company found the average time users spend using Facebook per month grew nearly 10%, topping seven hours
  • 54. What are they looking for? • Getting news or product updates (67%) • Having access to promotions (64%) • Viewing or downloading videos/music (41%) • Submitting opinions (36%) • Connecting with other consumers (33%) If your business has prospects on Facebook and they would find any of the above interesting, you should build a business fan page. SOURCE: Pace University study, 12/08
  • 56. What is Twitter? Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. … From Wikipedia
  • 57. Why Twitter? • Twitter has 105,779,710 registered users. New users are signing up at the rate of 300,000 per day. • 180 million unique visitors come to the site every month. • 75% of Twitter traffic comes from outside twitter.com (i.e. via third party applications.) • Twitter gets a total of 3 billion requests a day via its API. • Twitter's search engine receives around 600 million search queries per day.
  • 58. Look and Listen • Monitor twitter for a few days • Add your first few tweets • Don’t sell • Engage in conversations • Use http://search.twitter.com • Download twitter desk client (Seesmic, Tweetdeck, Twirl)
  • 60. Social Video • Use video for blogs and websites, facebook, twitter • Create a YouTube channel • Syndicate Your Videos • Use videos for events, special services, customer service, how-to
  • 61. Video Examples http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8n20b54B5Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5Ib8rtjhew
  • 62. Video is Simple & Engaging One of the most powerful ways to reach mass audiences and engage them online is with video.
  • 63. Social Media Can Increase Your Customer Touchpoints