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Time Management
If you don’t manage time, time will manage you!
The 7 Step Process
1. Set the table
2. Plan everyday in advance – 6P
3. Make Deadlines
4. Make list – Master, Monthly, Daily
5. Organise List and make plan as per
ABCDE principles of Prioritisation
6. Action on plan
7. Resolve to do everyday something
that moves you closer to your goal.
Brian Tracy
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
Planning & time mgt.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
Setting priorities
Yes, No, Thank you.
ABC of Time Management
Use this chart
to help you
set priorities
Is the task
important Y
and urgent?
Schedule time
to do it before
it is due
Do you have
time to do it? Y
Can you get help
with any of it? Y
Can you do part of it
today and the rest
later? Y
Are there significant
consequences if it
isn’t done today? Y
Is the task low
payoff and
not urgent? N
Is the task low
payoff and
urgent? Y
Don’t do it
Is the task
important Y
and not urgent?
Can you do it with a
lower standard? Y
Do it!
Do what you can
and get help with
the rest.
Do it and avoid
Delay it,
delegate it, or
don’t do it
Do the most
critical part of it
Should the task
be done today? Y
Do it and let
something lower
payoff slide
ABC of Time Management
Task management
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
The journey of a task
Managing Dynamic Tasks
Learn to use Gantt charts
Prepare to-do list
Vital , Essential , Desirable (VED)
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
Which one is not a to-do list?
Projects and time mgt.
Tracking “Work in Progress” is the key.
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
ABC of Time Management
In a nutshell
1. Urgency Vs. Importance – 4
Quadrant theory
2. Setting priorities – Pareto’s Rule
3. Dynamic Tasks – Gantt Charts
4. ABCDE To-Do lists
5. CPM / PERT for Project Mgt.
ABC of Time Management

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ABC of Time Management

  • 1. Time Management If you don’t manage time, time will manage you!
  • 2. The 7 Step Process 1. Set the table 2. Plan everyday in advance – 6P 3. Make Deadlines 4. Make list – Master, Monthly, Daily 5. Organise List and make plan as per ABCDE principles of Prioritisation 6. Action on plan 7. Resolve to do everyday something that moves you closer to your goal. Brian Tracy
  • 6. Planning & time mgt. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!
  • 15. www.TimeMan.com HOW TO SET PRIORITIES ON YOUR TO-DO LIST To-Do Use this chart to help you set priorities Is the task important Y and urgent? N Schedule time to do it before it is due Do you have time to do it? Y N Can you get help with any of it? Y N Can you do part of it today and the rest later? Y N Are there significant consequences if it isn’t done today? Y N Is the task low payoff and not urgent? N Y Is the task low payoff and urgent? Y N Don’t do it Is the task important Y and not urgent? N Can you do it with a lower standard? Y N Do it! Do what you can and get help with the rest. Do it and avoid unjustified perfectionism Delay it, delegate it, or don’t do it Do the most critical part of it first Should the task be done today? Y N Do it and let something lower payoff slide
  • 21. The journey of a task
  • 23. Learn to use Gantt charts
  • 24. Prepare to-do list Vital , Essential , Desirable (VED)
  • 28. Which one is not a to-do list?
  • 29. Projects and time mgt. Tracking “Work in Progress” is the key.
  • 33. In a nutshell 1. Urgency Vs. Importance – 4 Quadrant theory 2. Setting priorities – Pareto’s Rule 3. Dynamic Tasks – Gantt Charts 4. ABCDE To-Do lists 5. CPM / PERT for Project Mgt. timeframes