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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development
Volume 5 Issue 4, May-June
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42598
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness
Exercise in Reduction
Patients in Selected Hospitals
Arvind Singh Baghel
1Nursing Tutor,
1,3All India Children Care & Educational Develop
College of Nursing,
2RKDF College of Nursing,
4Baba Educational society Institute of Paramedical College of Nursing, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Background: Abdominal breathing exercise is one among these. It
reduces blood pressure by increasing baroreflex sensitivity and reducing
sympathetic activity and chemo reflex activation.
that there are around 42% people are with pre hypertension, 15% are
newly diagnose to have Hypertension and 31% are with known case of
hypertension, and it kills nearly 8 million people every year worldwide.
The noncompliance with treatment, stress and life style are found to be
major reason for this doubling of disease within a decade, there “arises
need for new therapies ‘and’ remedies.
assess the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise in redu
blood pressure among hypertensive patients.
one group pre-test – post-test design was adopted
hypertensive patients from male and female medical general ward
been selected by convenient sampling. To
proforma contained 9 items and sphygmomanometer,
The reliability of the tool was tested by
found to be r = 0.99. Abdominal breathing exercise was administered to
the samples after pre-assessment of
minutes and post assessment of mean blood pressure
of 5 minutes which is repeated 3 times a
minimum of 3 days. ‘t’ test was used for finding
square test was used for finding out the association
pressure and selected demographic variables.
the mean differences in pre and post assessment
was 19.39 which is more than the ‘t’ table value. The overall findings
the study revealed that the Conclusion:
abdominal breathing exercise is found to
mean blood pressure.
KEYWORDS: Hypertension, Mean Blood Pressure, Abdominal Breathing
The most common hereditary diseases
prevailing in Indian population are diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, cardiac diseases, bronchial asthma and
tuberculosis. Among these diseases hypertension
most widely seen.
Hypertension is present in all populations. From the age
group of 20- 64years men are found to be more in
percentage whereas 64 years and above women
percentage is high up to 80.2%. It infers that as the age
progresses women are more prone to be hypertensive.
Treatment includes a change in lifestyle. The risk factors
where these can be improved - losing weight if you are
overweight, regular physical activity, a healthy diet,
Trend in Scientific Research and Development
2021 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456
42598 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 202
he Effectiveness of Abdominal Breathing
Reduction of Blood Pressure Among
n Selected Hospitals at Bhopal
Arvind Singh Baghel1, Dr. Neha Dubey2, Bhoori Singh3, Sunita Singh
Nursing Tutor, 2Vice-Principal, 3Assistant Professor, 4Lecturer
All India Children Care & Educational Development Society
College of Nursing, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
RKDF College of Nursing, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Baba Educational society Institute of Paramedical College of Nursing, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Abdominal breathing exercise is one among these. It
reduces blood pressure by increasing baroreflex sensitivity and reducing
sympathetic activity and chemo reflex activation. In India, it is reported
that there are around 42% people are with pre hypertension, 15% are
newly diagnose to have Hypertension and 31% are with known case of
hypertension, and it kills nearly 8 million people every year worldwide.
treatment, stress and life style are found to be
major reason for this doubling of disease within a decade, there “arises
Objectives: The study aimed to
the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise in reducing mean
blood pressure among hypertensive patients. Methods: Pre-experimental
test design was adopted for the study. 60
and female medical general ward had
been selected by convenient sampling. Tool comprised of Demographic
sphygmomanometer, stethoscope and
contained3 items to record the readings.
by inter-rater method and it was
be r = 0.99. Abdominal breathing exercise was administered to
mean blood pressure for ten
mean blood pressure is done at the gap
5 minutes which is repeated 3 times a day and monitored for
finding the effectiveness, and Chi
association between mean blood
variables. Results: It revealed that
post assessment was5.61 and ‘t’ value
more than the ‘t’ table value. The overall findings of
Conclusion: the study concluded that
to be very effective in reducing the
Hypertension, Mean Blood Pressure, Abdominal Breathing
How to cite this paper
Baghel | Dr. Neha Dubey | Bhoori Singh |
Sunita Singh "A Study to Assess the
Effectiveness of Abdominal Breathing
Exercise in Reduction of Blood Pressure
Among Hypertensive Patients in
Selected Hospitals
at Bhopal"
Published in
Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456
6470, Volume
pp.1403-1408, URL:
Copyright © 20
International Journal
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under
the terms
Attribution License
(http: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
diseases which are
prevailing in Indian population are diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, cardiac diseases, bronchial asthma and
tuberculosis. Among these diseases hypertension is the
populations. From the age
rs men are found to be more in
percentage whereas 64 years and above women
percentage is high up to 80.2%. It infers that as the age
progresses women are more prone to be hypertensive.
Treatment includes a change in lifestyle. The risk factors
losing weight if you are
overweight, regular physical activity, a healthy diet,
cutting back if you drink a lot of alcohol, stopping
smoking, and a low salt and caffeine intake. If needed,
medication can lower blood pressure.
Complementary therapy is proved
effective treatments for most
Complementary therapies such
homeopathy, acupuncture,
immune system, help eliminate
pain, improve circulation,
increase energy levels, induce deep relaxation, reduce
stress and tension and restore balance to body systems.
Abdominal breathing exercise
most beneficial effect in reducing the blood pressure
Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
ISSN: 2456 – 6470
2021 Page 1403
f Abdominal Breathing
Among Hypertensive
t Bhopal
, Sunita Singh4
ment Society
, India
Baba Educational society Institute of Paramedical College of Nursing, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
How to cite this paper: Arvind Singh
Baghel | Dr. Neha Dubey | Bhoori Singh |
Sunita Singh "A Study to Assess the
Effectiveness of Abdominal Breathing
Exercise in Reduction of Blood Pressure
Among Hypertensive Patients in
Selected Hospitals
at Bhopal"
Published in
ournal of Trend in
Scientific Research
and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4, June 2021,
1408, URL:
Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
cutting back if you drink a lot of alcohol, stopping
smoking, and a low salt and caffeine intake. If needed,
medication can lower blood pressure.
ary therapy is proved to be one of the
effective treatments for most of the disease conditions.
Complementary therapies such as yoga exercises,
herbs & oils can boost the
eliminate toxins, and help relieve
circulation, improve sleep patterns,
increase energy levels, induce deep relaxation, reduce
stress and tension and restore balance to body systems.
exercise is considered to be the
in reducing the blood pressure
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42598 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1404
among the hypertensive patients. Recent studies have
shown that abdominal breathing exercise patients have
stopped taking antihypertensive drugs and stick on the
With regular practice you will breathe from the abdomen
most of the time, even while asleep. Breathing deeply can
help lower blood pressure. It relaxes the body and
lowers the heart rate, reducing the chronic stress and
tension that raises the blood pressure. Deep breathing
may also help the body to process the salt that
contributes to high blood pressure more effectively.
Need For the Study:
A report states that in India there are 42% people with
pre-hypertension, 15% are with newly diagnosed
hypertensive and 31% of people are known case of
hypertensive. In Karnataka it was reported that 54% of
people are with pre-hypertension, 10% of people are
newly diagnosed hypertension and 23% of people are
known case of hypertension.
In a study it has been reported that 26.4% of the overall
global population had hypertension in 2000, a number
that was projected to increase to 29.2% by 2025.
According to Indian statistics there are 195,785,036
people suffering with hypertension. Hypertension is
reported to be the fourth contributor to premature death
in developed countries and the seventh in developing
Hypertension related cardiovascular diseases caused 2.3
million deaths in India in the year 1990; this is projected to
double by the year 2020. Hypertension kills 8 million
people every year, worldwide and nearly 1.5 million people
in the South East Asia region.
Complications of hypertensions are kidney disease, heart
disease and hardened arteries. The measures to control
hypertension include antihypertensive drugs, diet
control and exercise. Among these measures a
complementary therapy is also considered to be effective
in reducing blood pressure. Many researchers have been
done and proved to be effective and worldwide people
are adopting this complimentary therapy. High Blood
pressure is largely preventable by adopting lifestyle
modifications at early stages. Reduces and manage
mental stress through yoga, meditation and other
relaxation techniques.
An experimental study regarding the effect of abdominal
breathing exercise on hypertension was done 40
hypertensive patients and it was found that there was a
significant reduction in post-test means systolic blood
pressure and diastolic pressure after abdominal
breathing exercise between experimental group that
A study to assess the effectiveness of abdominal
breathing exercise in reduction of blood pressure among
hypertensive patients in selected hospitals at Bhopal.
1. To assess the effectiveness of abdominal breathing
exercise in reducing mean blood pressure among
2. To test the association between the mean blood
pressure and selected demographic factors of
H1: There will be a significant difference in pre
assessment mean blood pressure and post
assessment mean blood pressure among
hypertensive patients.
H2: There will be a significant association between
mean blood pressure and selected demographic
factors of hypertensivepatients.
Effectiveness: refers to the reduction in blood
pressure due to abdominal breathing exercise
measured bycomparing the mean blood pressure.
Abdominal breathing exercise: abdominal
breathing is the act of breathing deep into one’s lungs
by flexing one’s diaphragm, which is marked by
expansion of the abdomen rather than the chest
while breathing.
Reduction of Blood pressure: It refers to decrease
in the blood pressure after abdominal breathing
Hypertensive patients: Refers to those patients
whose blood pressure is >120/80 mmHg.
Research approach:
Evaluative research approach.
Research design:
Pre-Experimental with one group pre-test post-test
Dependent variable- blood pressure among
hypertensive patients.
Independent variable- Abdominal breathing exercise
Demographic variable- Such as Age, gender, education,
occupation, physical activity, antihypertensive drugs,
exercise, hours of sleep per day, quality of sleep.
Research setting:
The study was conducted in RKDF medical college
and research centre Hospital, Bhopal, and BMHRC,
Target population: Patients who had diagnosed as
Accessible population: Patients who is admitted for
three days
patients who had been diagnosed as hypertensive.
Sample size: 60 hypertensive patients.
Sample techniques:
Non probability convenient sampling.
Criteria for sample selection:
Inclusion criteria:
1. Patients whose blood pressure were
2. Patients who were diagnosed as hypertensive.
3. Both male and female patients.
Exclusion criteria:
1. Patients who were not willing to participate in the
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42598 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1405
2. Patients who had severe respiratory problems and
critically ill patients.
Tool and method of data collection:
Section A. Demographic variable.
Section B. Blood pressure recording table,
sphygmomanometer, and stethoscope
Selection and development of tool: In this study
Demographic Performa, blood pressure monitoring
table, sphygmomanometer and stethoscope were used to
measure and observe accurately. The tool was developed
after extensive review of literature, internet search and
expert advice.
Description of the tool: The tool comprised of two
SECTION A: Demographic data- consisted of 9 items,
which comprised of Age of the patient, gender,
education, occupation, physical activity, hypertensive
drugs,exercise, hours of sleep per day, quality ofsleep.
SECTION B: Blood pressure recording table,
sphygmomanometer, and stethoscope- In this section
sphygmomanometer, stethoscope and blood pressure
monitoring table are included. The blood pressure
recording table consisted of four columns to record the
time, pre assessment mean arterial blood pressure,
intervention and post assessment of mean blood
pressure. Researcher records the blood pressure and
enters the mean blood pressure readings in the specified
column. Maximum of three mean readings are recorded
per day.
Reliability of tool: Inter-rater method was used to test
reliability of the sphygmomanometer and stethoscope.
The tool was administered to 6 samples and was rated by
two people. The reliabilitycoefficients found to be high r =
0.99. Hence the tool was foundreliable.
Data collection procedure-:
Formal administrative permission was obtained
from the RKDF medical college and research center
Bhopal, BMHRC Bhopal to conduct the study.
Total 60 patients were selected by using convenient
sampling for the intervention. The intervention was
administered to 30 samples in RKDF medical college
hospital and research center Bhopal,30 samples in
BMHRC Hospital.
The intervention was administered for three days.
Three observations were done each day dividing in
the morning, afternoonand eveningbefore the meal.
The procedure followed by pre assessment of mean
blood pressure and providing the intervention for
ten minutes followed by post assessment of mean
blood pressure at five minutesgap.
An informed consent was also obtained from the
subjects. The investigator gathered the information
through interview method and blood pressure
recording table to collect the necessarydata.
Ethical consideration:
Formal permission was obtained from the directors of
the hospitals. Confidentiality was ensured. An informed
consent was obtained from the individual hypertensive
patients. The individual had rights to refuse to
participate in the study. No physical and psychological
pain was caused.
Plan for data analysis:
The plan for data analysis includes-
Demographic variables would be analyzed by using
Frequency and percentage.
‘t-test’ will be used for the significance.
Chi squire test used for association between the
mean blood pressure and demographic variables.
Table-1: Distribution of subjects according to their demographic variables n = 60
Sl. No. Demographic factors Frequency Percentage
1 Age
35-45 3 5
46-55 20 33.33
56-60 17 28.33
>60 20 33.33
2 Gender
Male 40 66.66
Female 20 33.33
3 Education
Graduate 19 31.66
PUC 6 15
Elementary 17 28.33
Illiterate 18 25
4 Occupation
Heavy worker 4 6.66
Moderate worker 16 26.66
Sedentary worker 40 66.66
5 Physical activity
Sitting 42 70
Walking 18 30
6 Anti hypertensive drugs
Yes 55 95.66
No 5 8.33
7 Exercise
Cycling 0 0
Walking 21 35
Swimming 0 0
Yoga 9 15
Nil 30 50
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42598 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1406
8 Hours of sleep per day
< 5 hrs 36 60
5-6hrs 16 26.66
6-7hrs 5 8.33
7-8hrs 3 5
>8hrs 0 0
9 Quality of sleep
Sound 13 21.66
Disturbed 47 78.33
Table 1 described about the frequency, percentage distribution of demographic variable. Distribution of the subject by age
revealed that majority of the subject, i.e. The patients between 35-45 years of age group are very less representing only
5% and the patients between 46-55 and > 65 years of age group are more representing 33.33%, whereas the patients
between 56-60 years of age represents 28.33% in the total sample size. With regards to gender. Male gender is widely
suffering from hypertension with 66.66% as compare to female gender with 33.33%. With regards to education 31.66%
of the patients were graduate, 10% of the patients are PUC, 28.33% of the patients and 30% of the patients are illiterate.
With regards to the occupation majority of patients suffering with hypertension are sedentary worker with 66.66%,
26.66% of the patient are moderate worker and 6.66% of the patients are heavy worker. As per the finding of the study
70% of the hypertensive patients were sitting and doing their physical activities where as 30%of the patients were
walking and doing their physical activity. With regards to the medication. It revealed that 91.66% of patients are on anti-
hypertensive medications and 8.33% of the patients are not taking any anti-hypertensive drugs. According to the
exercise 50% of the patients are not doing any exercise, 35% of the patients are on walking, and 15% of the patients
are going for yoga classes. With regards to the hours of sleep per day 60% of the patients sleep < 5 hours, 26%of the
patients sleep for 5-6 hours, 8.33% of the patients sleep for 6-7 hours, 5% of the patients sleep for 5 hours per day.
According to the quality of sleep. It reveals that 78%of the patients have disturbed sleep and 21% of the patients have
sound sleep.
Table 2- describes the data on Mean, SD, & pre-test, post-test & paired’ test scores.
Overall Pre-test and
Post-test mean
blood pressure
Pretest Post test Mean difference Paired ‘t’ test values
Mean SD Mean SD
‘t’ = 19.39
p = 0.0001
116.77 7.57 111.16 7.41
S – Significant
Table 2: Shows that the mean value of pre-test of is 116.77,the SD is 7.57 and mean value of post test of is 111.16, the
SD is 7.41 and the ‘t’ value t =19.39. The obtained ‘t’ value is greater than table value of t (59) = 2.OO1. Since the obtained ‘t’
value is more than ‘t’ table value, so that the research hypothesis H1 is accepted. By this, it is inferred that there will be
significant difference in the blood pressure after doing abdominal breathing exercise.
Fig: The line diagram above shows that there is a decrease in post blood pressure comparing to pre-test blood
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42598 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1407
Table: 3 Data on association of mean blood pressure with demographic factors.
n = 60
Demographic factors Frequency
Chi square Value
Less than or
equal to median
Greater than
1 Age
35-45 3 3 0
χ2= 4.53
df = 3
p= 0.210 NS
46-55 20 9 11
56-60 17 10 7
>60 20 8 12
2 Gender
Male 40 21 19 χ2 = 0.300
df = 1
p= 0.584 NS
Female 20 9 11
3 Education
Graduate 19 10 9
χ2 = 1.18
df = 3
p= 0.757 NS
PUC 6 2 4
Elementary 17 10 7
Illiterate 18 9 9
4 Occupation
Heavy worker 4 2 2 χ2= 0.334E-01
df = 2
p= 0.983 NS
Moderate Worker 16 8 8
Sedentary worker 40 21 19
Physical activity
Sitting 42 25 17 χ2= 3.46
df = 1
p= 0.063 NS
Walking 18 6 12
Anti hypertensive drugs
Yes 55 29 26 χ2 = 0.974E-01
df = 1
p= 0.755 NS
No 5 3 2
7 Exercise
Cycling 0 0 0
χ2 = 3.33
df = 2
p= 0.189 NS
Walking 21 13 8
Swimming 0 0 0
Yoga 9 6 3
Nil 30 12 18
8 Hours of sleep per day
< 5 hrs 36 20 16
χ2= 1.84
df = 3
p= 0.605 NS
5-6hrs 16 6 10
6-7hrs 5 3 2
7-8hrs 3 2 3
>8hrs 0 0 0
9 Quality of sleep
Sound 13 5 8 χ2= 1.16
df = 1
p= 0.282 NS
Disturbed 47 26 21
NS- Not significant
The obtained chi square value is less than the table value and so research hypothesis (H2) is rejected. Therefore, it is
inferred that there are no selected demographic factors associated with mean difference of blood pressure.
Data on effectiveness of abdominal breathing
exercise in reducing blood pressure.
In this study Data shows that the mean value of pre-test
of is 116.77, the SD is 7.57 and mean value of post-test is
111.16 the SD is 7.41 and the ‘t’ value is 19.39. The
obtained ‘t’ value is greater than table value of t (59) = 1.96.
Therefore, the abdominal breathing exercise is effective in
reducing blood pressure among hypertensive patients.
These findings were strongly supported by study on the
effect of abdominal breathing exercise on hypertension.
There was a significant reduction in post-test mean
systolic blood pressure (t=3.45, p=0.001) and diastolic
pressure (t=3.5, p=0.001) after abdominal breathing
exercise between experimental group that control group.
This study tested that the abdominal breathing exercise
can be used as a part of nursing management of
Conclusion: This study was aimed to help the
hypertensive patients to reduce the high blood pressure
through an abdominal breathing exercise. Since the
abdominal breathing exercise is easy to perform and cost
effective, the nurses who provide secondary care to the
hypertensive patients should implement to provide the
comprehensive nursing care.
A similar study can be replicated on a large sample
in a different setting to strengthen the findings.
Further research could be carried out to identify the
occurrence of increased blood pressure by adopting
probability random sampling of all hypertensive
A study can be conducted to assess the factors
which influence in hypertension.
Conflict of interest: No
Financial support: Self
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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Abdominal Breathing Exercise in Reduction of Blood Pressure Among Hypertensive Patients in Selected Hospitals at Bhopal

  • 1. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume 5 Issue 4, May-June @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42598 A Study to Assess the Effectiveness Exercise in Reduction Patients in Selected Hospitals Arvind Singh Baghel 1Nursing Tutor, 1,3All India Children Care & Educational Develop College of Nursing, 2RKDF College of Nursing, 4Baba Educational society Institute of Paramedical College of Nursing, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India ABSTRACT Background: Abdominal breathing exercise is one among these. It reduces blood pressure by increasing baroreflex sensitivity and reducing sympathetic activity and chemo reflex activation. that there are around 42% people are with pre hypertension, 15% are newly diagnose to have Hypertension and 31% are with known case of hypertension, and it kills nearly 8 million people every year worldwide. The noncompliance with treatment, stress and life style are found to be major reason for this doubling of disease within a decade, there “arises need for new therapies ‘and’ remedies. assess the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise in redu blood pressure among hypertensive patients. one group pre-test – post-test design was adopted hypertensive patients from male and female medical general ward been selected by convenient sampling. To proforma contained 9 items and sphygmomanometer, bloodpressuremonitoringtablecontained The reliability of the tool was tested by found to be r = 0.99. Abdominal breathing exercise was administered to the samples after pre-assessment of minutes and post assessment of mean blood pressure of 5 minutes which is repeated 3 times a minimum of 3 days. ‘t’ test was used for finding square test was used for finding out the association pressure and selected demographic variables. the mean differences in pre and post assessment was 19.39 which is more than the ‘t’ table value. The overall findings the study revealed that the Conclusion: abdominal breathing exercise is found to mean blood pressure. KEYWORDS: Hypertension, Mean Blood Pressure, Abdominal Breathing Exercise INTRODUCTION The most common hereditary diseases prevailing in Indian population are diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiac diseases, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. Among these diseases hypertension most widely seen. Hypertension is present in all populations. From the age group of 20- 64years men are found to be more in percentage whereas 64 years and above women percentage is high up to 80.2%. It infers that as the age progresses women are more prone to be hypertensive. Treatment includes a change in lifestyle. The risk factors where these can be improved - losing weight if you are overweight, regular physical activity, a healthy diet, Trend in Scientific Research and Development 2021 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 42598 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 202 he Effectiveness of Abdominal Breathing Reduction of Blood Pressure Among n Selected Hospitals at Bhopal Arvind Singh Baghel1, Dr. Neha Dubey2, Bhoori Singh3, Sunita Singh Nursing Tutor, 2Vice-Principal, 3Assistant Professor, 4Lecturer All India Children Care & Educational Development Society College of Nursing, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India RKDF College of Nursing, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India Baba Educational society Institute of Paramedical College of Nursing, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India Abdominal breathing exercise is one among these. It reduces blood pressure by increasing baroreflex sensitivity and reducing sympathetic activity and chemo reflex activation. In India, it is reported that there are around 42% people are with pre hypertension, 15% are newly diagnose to have Hypertension and 31% are with known case of hypertension, and it kills nearly 8 million people every year worldwide. treatment, stress and life style are found to be major reason for this doubling of disease within a decade, there “arises Objectives: The study aimed to the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise in reducing mean blood pressure among hypertensive patients. Methods: Pre-experimental test design was adopted for the study. 60 and female medical general ward had been selected by convenient sampling. Tool comprised of Demographic sphygmomanometer, stethoscope and contained3 items to record the readings. by inter-rater method and it was be r = 0.99. Abdominal breathing exercise was administered to mean blood pressure for ten mean blood pressure is done at the gap 5 minutes which is repeated 3 times a day and monitored for finding the effectiveness, and Chi association between mean blood variables. Results: It revealed that post assessment was5.61 and ‘t’ value more than the ‘t’ table value. The overall findings of Conclusion: the study concluded that to be very effective in reducing the Hypertension, Mean Blood Pressure, Abdominal Breathing How to cite this paper Baghel | Dr. Neha Dubey | Bhoori Singh | Sunita Singh "A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Abdominal Breathing Exercise in Reduction of Blood Pressure Among Hypertensive Patients in Selected Hospitals at Bhopal" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456 6470, Volume pp.1403-1408, URL: www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd42598.pdf Copyright © 20 International Journal Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms Attribution License (http: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 diseases which are prevailing in Indian population are diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiac diseases, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. Among these diseases hypertension is the populations. From the age rs men are found to be more in percentage whereas 64 years and above women percentage is high up to 80.2%. It infers that as the age progresses women are more prone to be hypertensive. Treatment includes a change in lifestyle. The risk factors losing weight if you are overweight, regular physical activity, a healthy diet, cutting back if you drink a lot of alcohol, stopping smoking, and a low salt and caffeine intake. If needed, medication can lower blood pressure. Complementary therapy is proved effective treatments for most Complementary therapies such homeopathy, acupuncture, immune system, help eliminate pain, improve circulation, increase energy levels, induce deep relaxation, reduce stress and tension and restore balance to body systems. Abdominal breathing exercise most beneficial effect in reducing the blood pressure Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456 – 6470 2021 Page 1403 f Abdominal Breathing Among Hypertensive t Bhopal , Sunita Singh4 Lecturer, ment Society , India Baba Educational society Institute of Paramedical College of Nursing, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India How to cite this paper: Arvind Singh Baghel | Dr. Neha Dubey | Bhoori Singh | Sunita Singh "A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Abdominal Breathing Exercise in Reduction of Blood Pressure Among Hypertensive Patients in Selected Hospitals at Bhopal" Published in International ournal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- 6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4, June 2021, 1408, URL: www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd42598.pdf Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0) cutting back if you drink a lot of alcohol, stopping smoking, and a low salt and caffeine intake. If needed, medication can lower blood pressure. ary therapy is proved to be one of the effective treatments for most of the disease conditions. Complementary therapies such as yoga exercises, herbs & oils can boost the eliminate toxins, and help relieve circulation, improve sleep patterns, increase energy levels, induce deep relaxation, reduce stress and tension and restore balance to body systems. exercise is considered to be the in reducing the blood pressure IJTSRD42598
  • 2. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42598 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1404 among the hypertensive patients. Recent studies have shown that abdominal breathing exercise patients have stopped taking antihypertensive drugs and stick on the exerciseregimen. With regular practice you will breathe from the abdomen most of the time, even while asleep. Breathing deeply can help lower blood pressure. It relaxes the body and lowers the heart rate, reducing the chronic stress and tension that raises the blood pressure. Deep breathing may also help the body to process the salt that contributes to high blood pressure more effectively. Need For the Study: A report states that in India there are 42% people with pre-hypertension, 15% are with newly diagnosed hypertensive and 31% of people are known case of hypertensive. In Karnataka it was reported that 54% of people are with pre-hypertension, 10% of people are newly diagnosed hypertension and 23% of people are known case of hypertension. In a study it has been reported that 26.4% of the overall global population had hypertension in 2000, a number that was projected to increase to 29.2% by 2025. According to Indian statistics there are 195,785,036 people suffering with hypertension. Hypertension is reported to be the fourth contributor to premature death in developed countries and the seventh in developing countries. Hypertension related cardiovascular diseases caused 2.3 million deaths in India in the year 1990; this is projected to double by the year 2020. Hypertension kills 8 million people every year, worldwide and nearly 1.5 million people in the South East Asia region. Complications of hypertensions are kidney disease, heart disease and hardened arteries. The measures to control hypertension include antihypertensive drugs, diet control and exercise. Among these measures a complementary therapy is also considered to be effective in reducing blood pressure. Many researchers have been done and proved to be effective and worldwide people are adopting this complimentary therapy. High Blood pressure is largely preventable by adopting lifestyle modifications at early stages. Reduces and manage mental stress through yoga, meditation and other relaxation techniques. An experimental study regarding the effect of abdominal breathing exercise on hypertension was done 40 hypertensive patients and it was found that there was a significant reduction in post-test means systolic blood pressure and diastolic pressure after abdominal breathing exercise between experimental group that controlgroup. PROBLEM STATEMENT: A study to assess the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise in reduction of blood pressure among hypertensive patients in selected hospitals at Bhopal. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise in reducing mean blood pressure among hypertensivepatients. 2. To test the association between the mean blood pressure and selected demographic factors of hypertensivepatients. HYPOTHESIS: H1: There will be a significant difference in pre assessment mean blood pressure and post assessment mean blood pressure among hypertensive patients. H2: There will be a significant association between mean blood pressure and selected demographic factors of hypertensivepatients. OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS: Effectiveness: refers to the reduction in blood pressure due to abdominal breathing exercise measured bycomparing the mean blood pressure. Abdominal breathing exercise: abdominal breathing is the act of breathing deep into one’s lungs by flexing one’s diaphragm, which is marked by expansion of the abdomen rather than the chest while breathing. Reduction of Blood pressure: It refers to decrease in the blood pressure after abdominal breathing exercise. Hypertensive patients: Refers to those patients whose blood pressure is >120/80 mmHg. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Research approach: Evaluative research approach. Research design: Pre-Experimental with one group pre-test post-test design. Variables: Dependent variable- blood pressure among hypertensive patients. Independent variable- Abdominal breathing exercise Demographic variable- Such as Age, gender, education, occupation, physical activity, antihypertensive drugs, exercise, hours of sleep per day, quality of sleep. Research setting: The study was conducted in RKDF medical college and research centre Hospital, Bhopal, and BMHRC, Bhopal. Population: Target population: Patients who had diagnosed as hypertensive Accessible population: Patients who is admitted for three days Sample: patients who had been diagnosed as hypertensive. Sample size: 60 hypertensive patients. Sample techniques: Non probability convenient sampling. Criteria for sample selection: Inclusion criteria: 1. Patients whose blood pressure were >120/80mmHg. 2. Patients who were diagnosed as hypertensive. 3. Both male and female patients. Exclusion criteria: 1. Patients who were not willing to participate in the
  • 3. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42598 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1405 study 2. Patients who had severe respiratory problems and critically ill patients. Tool and method of data collection: Section A. Demographic variable. Section B. Blood pressure recording table, sphygmomanometer, and stethoscope Selection and development of tool: In this study Demographic Performa, blood pressure monitoring table, sphygmomanometer and stethoscope were used to measure and observe accurately. The tool was developed after extensive review of literature, internet search and expert advice. Description of the tool: The tool comprised of two sections: SECTION A: Demographic data- consisted of 9 items, which comprised of Age of the patient, gender, education, occupation, physical activity, hypertensive drugs,exercise, hours of sleep per day, quality ofsleep. SECTION B: Blood pressure recording table, sphygmomanometer, and stethoscope- In this section sphygmomanometer, stethoscope and blood pressure monitoring table are included. The blood pressure recording table consisted of four columns to record the time, pre assessment mean arterial blood pressure, intervention and post assessment of mean blood pressure. Researcher records the blood pressure and enters the mean blood pressure readings in the specified column. Maximum of three mean readings are recorded per day. Reliability of tool: Inter-rater method was used to test reliability of the sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. The tool was administered to 6 samples and was rated by two people. The reliabilitycoefficients found to be high r = 0.99. Hence the tool was foundreliable. Data collection procedure-: Formal administrative permission was obtained from the RKDF medical college and research center Bhopal, BMHRC Bhopal to conduct the study. Total 60 patients were selected by using convenient sampling for the intervention. The intervention was administered to 30 samples in RKDF medical college hospital and research center Bhopal,30 samples in BMHRC Hospital. The intervention was administered for three days. Three observations were done each day dividing in the morning, afternoonand eveningbefore the meal. The procedure followed by pre assessment of mean blood pressure and providing the intervention for ten minutes followed by post assessment of mean blood pressure at five minutesgap. An informed consent was also obtained from the subjects. The investigator gathered the information through interview method and blood pressure recording table to collect the necessarydata. Ethical consideration: Formal permission was obtained from the directors of the hospitals. Confidentiality was ensured. An informed consent was obtained from the individual hypertensive patients. The individual had rights to refuse to participate in the study. No physical and psychological pain was caused. Plan for data analysis: The plan for data analysis includes- Demographic variables would be analyzed by using Frequency and percentage. ‘t-test’ will be used for the significance. Chi squire test used for association between the mean blood pressure and demographic variables. RESULTS: Table-1: Distribution of subjects according to their demographic variables n = 60 Sl. No. Demographic factors Frequency Percentage 1 Age 35-45 3 5 46-55 20 33.33 56-60 17 28.33 >60 20 33.33 2 Gender Male 40 66.66 Female 20 33.33 3 Education Graduate 19 31.66 PUC 6 15 Elementary 17 28.33 Illiterate 18 25 4 Occupation Heavy worker 4 6.66 Moderate worker 16 26.66 Sedentary worker 40 66.66 5 Physical activity Sitting 42 70 Walking 18 30 6 Anti hypertensive drugs Yes 55 95.66 No 5 8.33 7 Exercise Cycling 0 0 Walking 21 35 Swimming 0 0 Yoga 9 15 Nil 30 50
  • 4. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42598 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1406 8 Hours of sleep per day < 5 hrs 36 60 5-6hrs 16 26.66 6-7hrs 5 8.33 7-8hrs 3 5 >8hrs 0 0 9 Quality of sleep Sound 13 21.66 Disturbed 47 78.33 Table 1 described about the frequency, percentage distribution of demographic variable. Distribution of the subject by age revealed that majority of the subject, i.e. The patients between 35-45 years of age group are very less representing only 5% and the patients between 46-55 and > 65 years of age group are more representing 33.33%, whereas the patients between 56-60 years of age represents 28.33% in the total sample size. With regards to gender. Male gender is widely suffering from hypertension with 66.66% as compare to female gender with 33.33%. With regards to education 31.66% of the patients were graduate, 10% of the patients are PUC, 28.33% of the patients and 30% of the patients are illiterate. With regards to the occupation majority of patients suffering with hypertension are sedentary worker with 66.66%, 26.66% of the patient are moderate worker and 6.66% of the patients are heavy worker. As per the finding of the study 70% of the hypertensive patients were sitting and doing their physical activities where as 30%of the patients were walking and doing their physical activity. With regards to the medication. It revealed that 91.66% of patients are on anti- hypertensive medications and 8.33% of the patients are not taking any anti-hypertensive drugs. According to the exercise 50% of the patients are not doing any exercise, 35% of the patients are on walking, and 15% of the patients are going for yoga classes. With regards to the hours of sleep per day 60% of the patients sleep < 5 hours, 26%of the patients sleep for 5-6 hours, 8.33% of the patients sleep for 6-7 hours, 5% of the patients sleep for 5 hours per day. According to the quality of sleep. It reveals that 78%of the patients have disturbed sleep and 21% of the patients have sound sleep. Table 2- describes the data on Mean, SD, & pre-test, post-test & paired’ test scores. Overall Pre-test and Post-test mean blood pressure Pretest Post test Mean difference Paired ‘t’ test values Mean SD Mean SD 5.61 ‘t’ = 19.39 p = 0.0001 (S) 116.77 7.57 111.16 7.41 S – Significant Table 2: Shows that the mean value of pre-test of is 116.77,the SD is 7.57 and mean value of post test of is 111.16, the SD is 7.41 and the ‘t’ value t =19.39. The obtained ‘t’ value is greater than table value of t (59) = 2.OO1. Since the obtained ‘t’ value is more than ‘t’ table value, so that the research hypothesis H1 is accepted. By this, it is inferred that there will be significant difference in the blood pressure after doing abdominal breathing exercise. Fig: The line diagram above shows that there is a decrease in post blood pressure comparing to pre-test blood pressure.
  • 5. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42598 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1407 Table: 3 Data on association of mean blood pressure with demographic factors. n = 60 Sl. No. Demographic factors Frequency Median Chi square Value Less than or equal to median Greater than Median 1 Age 35-45 3 3 0 χ2= 4.53 df = 3 p= 0.210 NS 46-55 20 9 11 56-60 17 10 7 >60 20 8 12 2 Gender Male 40 21 19 χ2 = 0.300 df = 1 p= 0.584 NS Female 20 9 11 3 Education Graduate 19 10 9 χ2 = 1.18 df = 3 p= 0.757 NS PUC 6 2 4 Elementary 17 10 7 Illiterate 18 9 9 4 Occupation Heavy worker 4 2 2 χ2= 0.334E-01 df = 2 p= 0.983 NS Moderate Worker 16 8 8 Sedentary worker 40 21 19 5 Physical activity Sitting 42 25 17 χ2= 3.46 df = 1 p= 0.063 NS Walking 18 6 12 6 Anti hypertensive drugs Yes 55 29 26 χ2 = 0.974E-01 df = 1 p= 0.755 NS No 5 3 2 7 Exercise Cycling 0 0 0 χ2 = 3.33 df = 2 p= 0.189 NS Walking 21 13 8 Swimming 0 0 0 Yoga 9 6 3 Nil 30 12 18 8 Hours of sleep per day < 5 hrs 36 20 16 χ2= 1.84 df = 3 p= 0.605 NS 5-6hrs 16 6 10 6-7hrs 5 3 2 7-8hrs 3 2 3 >8hrs 0 0 0 9 Quality of sleep Sound 13 5 8 χ2= 1.16 df = 1 p= 0.282 NS Disturbed 47 26 21 NS- Not significant The obtained chi square value is less than the table value and so research hypothesis (H2) is rejected. Therefore, it is inferred that there are no selected demographic factors associated with mean difference of blood pressure. DISCUSSION: Data on effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise in reducing blood pressure. In this study Data shows that the mean value of pre-test of is 116.77, the SD is 7.57 and mean value of post-test is 111.16 the SD is 7.41 and the ‘t’ value is 19.39. The obtained ‘t’ value is greater than table value of t (59) = 1.96. Therefore, the abdominal breathing exercise is effective in reducing blood pressure among hypertensive patients. These findings were strongly supported by study on the effect of abdominal breathing exercise on hypertension. There was a significant reduction in post-test mean systolic blood pressure (t=3.45, p=0.001) and diastolic pressure (t=3.5, p=0.001) after abdominal breathing exercise between experimental group that control group. This study tested that the abdominal breathing exercise can be used as a part of nursing management of hypertensivepatients. Conclusion: This study was aimed to help the hypertensive patients to reduce the high blood pressure through an abdominal breathing exercise. Since the abdominal breathing exercise is easy to perform and cost effective, the nurses who provide secondary care to the hypertensive patients should implement to provide the comprehensive nursing care. Recommendations: A similar study can be replicated on a large sample in a different setting to strengthen the findings. Further research could be carried out to identify the occurrence of increased blood pressure by adopting probability random sampling of all hypertensive patients. A study can be conducted to assess the factors which influence in hypertension. Conflict of interest: No Financial support: Self REFERENCE: [1] Hypertension or HT – causes and symptoms of hypertension and Ayurveda treatment. [online]. [cited 27 Jan 2012]; Available from: http://www.prokerala.com/health/hypertension.
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