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IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED
! - 1 -
! Node.RED! is! a! visual! tool! for! wiring! the! Internet! of! Things! (IoT).! Node&RED! is!
! Traditional! IoT! development! can! be! very! technical:! Access! to! the! GPIO! and! other!
tweets! and! emails! requires! the! use! of! complex! APIs.! Node.RED! takes! care! of! the!
! While! most! programming! in! Node&RED! is! done! visually! using! pre&defined! functions!
! Node.RED!is!a!multi.purpose!jackknife!–!use!it!for!any!prototyping!!
server.! We! are! going! to! build! a! web! site! that! provides! the! functionality! of! an! online! chat!
underlying! service.! If! you’re! a! seasoned! developer,! this! all! is! likely! going! to! be! very!
IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED
! - 2 -
Note:! To! leverage! the! power! of! Node&RED,! consider! installing! nodes! for! email! or! hardware! access! as! well.! The! latter! is! described! here:!
for! this! particular! use! as! it! can! consume! considerable! resources.! For! everyone! else,! it’s!
graphical! user! interface.! It! can! be! reached! on! port! 1880.! To! use! Node.RED,! open! a! web!
1. Open!the!Web!Browser.!
2. In!the!address!line,!enter!localhost:1880.!You!will!then!see!the!Node&RED!GUI.!
IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED
! - 3 -
3. Drag! and! drop! an! “inject”! node! from! the! nodes! library! into! the! flow! editor! (once!
you’ve! chosen! the! inject! node,! you! should! see! some! general! explanation! about! its!
4. Drag!and!drop!a!“debug”!node!from!the!nodes!library!into!the!flow!editor.!
5. Create!a!pipe!between!the!inject!and!debug!nodes!by!drawing!a!connection!between!
6. Change!from!the!info!pane!to!the!debug!pane!(upper!right).!
7. Deploy!(=start)!your!flow.!
8. Once!deployed,!press!the!left!blue!rectangle!that’s!attached!to!the!inject!node.!Check!
1. From!the!input!panel,!chose!a!“http”!node.!
2. Change!the!properties!of!your!http!node!so!that!it!
will! respond! to! GET! requests! to! /mypage! from! a!
3. Add!a!“template”!node!(from!the!function!panel),!
4. Wire!your!flow!together!as!shown!below:!
5. Deploy!your!flow.!
6. Once!deployed,!open!a!separate!browser!window!and!enter!localhost:1880/mypage.!
A!note!on!addresses!and!ports:!Web!servers!have!their!own!numerical!addresses,!e.g.!a!special!table!(called!DNS)!resolves!the!BBC!website!to!! Each! address! can! have! thousands! of! communication! channels! (called! ports).! A! standard! webpage! call! uses! port! 80! by!
One! technicality! that! we! can’t! fully! get! around! in! this! workshop! is! HTML,! the! hypertext!
IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED
! - 4 -
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head> </head>
<body> This is the payload: {{payload}} </body>
1. Drag!and!drop!a!“function”!node!into!the!flow!editor.!Call!it!“where!things!happen”.!
2. Edit!the!function:!Add!msg.payload = "Hello, Pi";!in!the!line!before!return msg;!
3. Change!the!template!into!This is the <b>message</b>: {{payload}}!
4. Deploy!your!flow!and!check!out!localhost:1880/mypage.!
So! far! our! Node&RED! flow! is! strictly! linear:! Once! the! /mypage! is! requested,! the! function!
1. Wire!your!inject!node!from!Exercise!1!to!the!function!node.!Modify!the!inject!node!to!
IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED
! - 5 -
2. Edit!the!function!node!to!contain!the!following!JavaScript:!
3. Deploy!the!flow.!!
4. Look!at!localhost:1880/mypage!in!your!web!browser.!Note!what!you!see.!
5. Click!on!the!rounded!rectangle!on!the!left!of!your!inject!node.!
6. Reload! localhost:1880/mypage.! Note! what! you! see.! Can! you! make! sense! of! your!
1. Drag!and!drop!a!“http”!input!node,!a!“template”!node!and!a!“http“!output!node!into!
your! flow.! Set! the! input! node! to! respond! to! GET! request! on! /login.! Wire! the! nodes!
IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED
! - 6 -
2. Add!the!following!HTML!to!your!template!node:!
<form action="http://localhost:1880/chat" method="post">
<b>User</b><br> <input type="text" name="user"/><br>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
3. Add!another!set!of!four!nodes!to!your!flow.!Configure!the!http!input!node!to!respond!
to! POST! requests! at! /chat.! This! is! how! your! server! is! going! to! react! to! form!
4. Edit!the!function!node!to!extract!the!content!of!the!incoming!input!field!“user”!(if!not!
if (msg.req.body["user"] != "") {
msg.payload = msg.req.body["user"]
return msg;
5. The!template!node!can!simply!say:!The user’s name is: {{payload}}!
6. Deploy!and!test!your!flow!at!localhost:1880/login.!
going! to! use! context.global.dialog),! some! HTML! concept! called! iframe! to! separate! an! input!
1. Rewrite!the!function!node!following!the!/chat!http!input!like!this:!
if (msg.req.body["user"] != "") {
msg.payload = msg.req.body["user"]
if (msg.req.body["message"] != undefined) {
context.global.dialog +=
context.global.dialog = context.global.dialog || "";
return msg;
IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED
! - 7 -
2. The!template!node!hides!most!of!the!trickery:!
<iframe src="http://localhost:1880/dialog" name="iframe_a" width="90%"
<form name="frm" action="http://localhost:1880/chat" method="post">
<b>Message from {{payload}}</b><br>
<input type="text" name="message" size="90%"/>
<input type="hidden" name="user" value="{{payload}}"><br>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
window.setInterval("reloadIFrame();", 1000);
function reloadIFrame() { window.frames["iframe_a"].location.reload(); }
3. We!need!another!set!of!http!input,!function,!template!and!http!out!nodes.!These!will!
4. Add! to! function! node! node! following! the! /dialog! http! input! msg.payload =
context.global.dialog;!before!return msg;!
5. The!template!node!just!says:!{{payload}}!
6. Deploy!your!web!server.!!
identities.! Both! windows! will! update! their! iframe! once! a! second,! showing! /dialog! as! it!
So! far! all! code! refers! to! localhost:1880.! It! is! possible! to! change! the! default! port,! allowing!
addresses! without! the! addition! of! :1880! (see! http://nodered.org/docs/configuration.html).!
IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED
! - 8 -
! Triggering! Node.RED! with! drawings:! The! Aestheticodes!
project! uses! a! QR! code! like! method! to! encode! information! in!
mobile! and! trigger! the! debug! node! doing! that:!
! Control!Minecraft!with!Node.RED:!The!Minecraft!Pi!Edition!can!be!controlled!through!
bridge,! the! Node&RED! inject! nodes! can! be! used! to! control! Steve:!
! Got! an! AirPi! shield?! Monitor! your! room! climate! with! AirPi! and! Node.RED:!
! The!first!CamJam!Node.RED!tutorial!that!teaches!radio!communication!through!Ciseco!
radio! modules! is! available! here:! http://www.slideshare.net/BorisAdryan/node2red2
! Last! not! least:! Here’s! a! (now! relatively! old)! IoT! platform! interoperability! test! for!

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  • 1. IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED ! - 1 - ! ! ! http://nodered.org ! An!introduction!to!flow.based! programming!using!Node.RED! ! ! Node.RED! is! a! visual! tool! for! wiring! the! Internet! of! Things! (IoT).! Node&RED! is! platform&independent,!but!has!been!developed!with!even!small!computers!such!as!the! Raspberry!Pi!in!mind!although!it!also!runs!in!the!cloud.! ! ! Traditional! IoT! development! can! be! very! technical:! Access! to! the! GPIO! and! other! hardware!requires!skills!in!C!or!assembler,!output!of!data!to!web!services!or!sending! tweets! and! emails! requires! the! use! of! complex! APIs.! Node.RED! takes! care! of! the! technicalities!and!lets!you!concentrate!on!the!logic!of!your!workflow.! ! ! While! most! programming! in! Node&RED! is! done! visually! using! pre&defined! functions! (“nodes”),!any!additional!functionality!can!be!added!in!JavaScript.! ! ! Node.RED!is!a!multi.purpose!jackknife!–!use!it!for!any!prototyping!! ! ! WORKSHOP!CONTENT:!In!this!workshop,!we’re!going!to!use!Node&RED!to!build!a!basic!web! server.! We! are! going! to! build! a! web! site! that! provides! the! functionality! of! an! online! chat! application,!i.e.!you!are!going!to!learn!about!communication!between!a!web!browser!and!the! underlying! service.! If! you’re! a! seasoned! developer,! this! all! is! likely! going! to! be! very! trivial!for!you!!
  • 2. IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED ! - 2 - Technical!background:!For!this!workshop,!we!hope!you!already!have!node.js!and!npm!installed.!While!the!installation!of!the!Node&RED! software!is!relatively!easy,!but!can!differ!from!system!to!system.!On!a!normal!Linux/OS!X!system,!do!this!to!install!and!run:! ! Note:! To! leverage! the! power! of! Node&RED,! consider! installing! nodes! for! email! or! hardware! access! as! well.! The! latter! is! described! here:! http://nodered.org/docs/getting2started/adding2nodes.html! =>!1)!Exercise:!Starting!Node.RED!as!user! Node&RED!can!be!installed!as!a!service/demon,!i.e.!as!a!program!that’s!always!executed!when! your!computer!is!running.!However,!this!is!only!useful!if!you!want!to!commit!your!machine! for! this! particular! use! as! it! can! consume! considerable! resources.! For! everyone! else,! it’s! recommended!to!start!Node&RED!only!when!needed:!$6node2red! You!should!now!see!Node&RED!starting!up!–!that!may!take!a!few!seconds:! ! Congratulations.!You’re!now!ready!for!the!exercises.! Node&RED!represents!a!server!on!the!basis!of!node.js!and!interacts!with!the!user!through!a! graphical! user! interface.! It! can! be! reached! on! port! 1880.! To! use! Node.RED,! open! a! web! browser!and!direct!it!to!http://localhost:1880! It’s!useful!to!remember!that!Node&RED!acts!as!a!server!in!your!entire!network.!That!is,!if!your!computers’s!internal!IP!address!is!something! like!192.x.x.x,!every!computer!in!your!network!can!open!the!Node&RED!GUI!through!http://192.x.x.x:1880.!You!can!make!your!system!more! restricted/secure!by!following!the!advice!on!http://nodered.org/docs/configuration.html6and6http://nodered.org/docs/security.html! =>!2)!Exercise:!Your!first!flow!! The!best!way!to!explain!“a!flow”!is!by!creating!one.!In!this!mini!flow,!we’re!going!to!inject!a! value!into!our!debug!window!(refer!to!page!1!for!what!the!GUI!elements!are!called).! 1. Open!the!Web!Browser.! 2. In!the!address!line,!enter!localhost:1880.!You!will!then!see!the!Node&RED!GUI.!
  • 3. IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED ! - 3 - 3. Drag! and! drop! an! “inject”! node! from! the! nodes! library! into! the! flow! editor! (once! you’ve! chosen! the! inject! node,! you! should! see! some! general! explanation! about! its! functionality!in!the!info!pane!–!no!need!to!read!that!now).! 4. Drag!and!drop!a!“debug”!node!from!the!nodes!library!into!the!flow!editor.! 5. Create!a!pipe!between!the!inject!and!debug!nodes!by!drawing!a!connection!between! their!small!grey!rounded!rectangles.! 6. Change!from!the!info!pane!to!the!debug!pane!(upper!right).! 7. Deploy!(=start)!your!flow.! 8. Once!deployed,!press!the!left!blue!rectangle!that’s!attached!to!the!inject!node.!Check! what’s!happening!in!the!debug!pane.! =>!3)!Exercise:!Setting!up!a!static!website! It!is!very!easy!to!set!up!a!very!basic!web!server!in!Node&RED.! 1. From!the!input!panel,!chose!a!“http”!node.! 2. Change!the!properties!of!your!http!node!so!that!it! will! respond! to! GET! requests! to! /mypage! from! a! browser.! 3. Add!a!“template”!node!(from!the!function!panel),! and!a!“http!response”!node!from!the!output!panel.!! 4. Wire!your!flow!together!as!shown!below:! ! 5. Deploy!your!flow.! 6. Once!deployed,!open!a!separate!browser!window!and!enter!localhost:1880/mypage.! A!note!on!addresses!and!ports:!Web!servers!have!their!own!numerical!addresses,!e.g.!a!special!table!(called!DNS)!resolves!the!BBC!website!to!! Each! address! can! have! thousands! of! communication! channels! (called! ports).! A! standard! webpage! call! uses! port! 80! by! default.!Your!own!machine!is!always!called!“localhost”!and!resolves!to!!A!default!Node&RED!server!can!be!opened!on!port!1880.! Does!the!address!http://localhost:1880/mypage!make!more!sense!to!you!now?! =>!4)!Exercise:!!The!anatomy!and!function!of!a!template!node! Our!previous!Node&RED!workflow!hides!the!complexity!of!the!client!"!server!communication! via!the!hypertext!transfer!protocol!(“http”)!(which!sits!on!top!of!another!protocol,!TCP/IP,! which!sits!on!top!of…!…you!get!the!gist).!We!don’t!need!to!care!how!the!browser!talks!to!the! server.! One! technicality! that! we! can’t! fully! get! around! in! this! workshop! is! HTML,! the! hypertext! markup!language.!It’s!the!code!that!describes!how!a!website!is!supposed!to!look.!It’s!beyond! the!scope!of!this!course!to!teach!you!all!goodness!of!HTML,!a!good!entry!point!for!further!
  • 4. IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED ! - 4 - explorations!is!here:!http://www.w3schools.com/html.!What!you!need!to!remember,!however,! is!that!the!template!node!encapsulates!a!minimal!HTML!page.!So! ! !indeed!returns! <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> This is the payload: {{payload}} </body> </html> which!instructs!the!browser!to!show!the!text!you’ve!seen!in!Exercise!3.! In!the!next!exercise,!we!will!use!additional!HTML!code!to!add!some!styling!to!our!website,! and!we!will!learn!to!use!the!moustache!{{!}}!format!to!add!dynamic!content!to!it.! 1. Drag!and!drop!a!“function”!node!into!the!flow!editor.!Call!it!“where!things!happen”.! Stick!it!in!between!the!http&in!and!the!template!node.! ! 2. Edit!the!function:!Add!msg.payload = "Hello, Pi";!in!the!line!before!return msg;! 3. Change!the!template!into!This is the <b>message</b>: {{payload}}! 4. Deploy!your!flow!and!check!out!localhost:1880/mypage.! ! Note:!If!you!know!HTML,!have!a!play!with!other!style!tags.!You!can!even!embed!CSS!! ! =>!5)!Exercise:!Retain!state! So! far! our! Node&RED! flow! is! strictly! linear:! Once! the! /mypage! is! requested,! the! function! populates!the!variable!payload!with!“Hello,!Pi”,!the!template!node!embeds!this!payload!into! the!HTML!that’s!returned!to!the!server.! How!can!we!put!other!things!into!the!payload?! 1. Wire!your!inject!node!from!Exercise!1!to!the!function!node.!Modify!the!inject!node!to! send!the!string!“Have!a!nice!day”!as!payload,!with!“new!message”!as!topic.!
  • 5. IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED ! - 5 - ! 2. Edit!the!function!node!to!contain!the!following!JavaScript:! ! 3. Deploy!the!flow.!! 4. Look!at!localhost:1880/mypage!in!your!web!browser.!Note!what!you!see.! 5. Click!on!the!rounded!rectangle!on!the!left!of!your!inject!node.! 6. Reload! localhost:1880/mypage.! Note! what! you! see.! Can! you! make! sense! of! your! observation!in!the!light!of!your!JavaScript!code!from!step!2?! A!bit!of!background:! By!default,!most!wires!between!nodes!are!topic/payload!pairs,!a!bit!like!emails!have!subject! and!body.!However,!the!default!msg!variable!can!always!be!extended,!and!in!the!case!of!the! http!nodes!contain!an!entire!http!response!object.! The!context6variable!is!available!in!the!function!node!to!retain!information!between!different! executions!of!the!node.!In!our!example,!if!the!input!message!msg!arrives!from!the!injection! node!(having!the!topic!“new!message”),!we!populate!context.value!with!the!payload!“Have!a! nice!day”!and!leave!the!node.!If!the!input!arrives!from!the!/mypage!http!node,!we!evaluate! whether!something!is!present!in!the!context!variable.!If!not,!we!deliver!the!payload!“never!got! anything”!for!rendering!in!the!template!node,!otherwise!we!take!it!from!the!context.! The!special!case!context.global!is!a!variable!that!persist!between!executions!of!a!node!and!are! globally!available!to!all!other!function!nodes.!More!about!messages!and!context!variables!can! be!found!here:!http://nodered.org/docs/writing2functions.html! =>!6)!Exercise:!Returning!the!result!of!a!web!form!to!Node.RED! So!far!our!interaction!between!the!server!and!the!client!was!rather!unidirectional.!Following! the!http!request,!us!injecting!or!not!injecting!a!message!determined!the!actual!outcome.!Now,! we!extend!the!example!so!that!the!return!value!is!dependant!on!the!user’s!input.! 1. Drag!and!drop!a!“http”!input!node,!a!“template”!node!and!a!“http“!output!node!into! your! flow.! Set! the! input! node! to! respond! to! GET! request! on! /login.! Wire! the! nodes! together!as!shown!below:!
  • 6. IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED ! - 6 - ! 2. Add!the!following!HTML!to!your!template!node:! <form action="http://localhost:1880/chat" method="post"> <b>User</b><br> <input type="text" name="user"/><br> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </form> 3. Add!another!set!of!four!nodes!to!your!flow.!Configure!the!http!input!node!to!respond! to! POST! requests! at! /chat.! This! is! how! your! server! is! going! to! react! to! form! submissions:! ! 4. Edit!the!function!node!to!extract!the!content!of!the!incoming!input!field!“user”!(if!not! empty)!and!assign!it!to!our!standard!payload:! if (msg.req.body["user"] != "") { msg.payload = msg.req.body["user"] } return msg; 5. The!template!node!can!simply!say:!The user’s name is: {{payload}}! 6. Deploy!and!test!your!flow!at!localhost:1880/login.! Does!it!do!what!you!expect?!If!so:!Congratulations,!you’re!now!seeing!the!key!ingredients! to!a!basic!chat!server.! =>!Exercise!7:!Putting!it!all!together! In!the!next!step!we’re!going!to!put!all!of!our!new!skills!together.!To!build!a!basic!chat!server,! all!we!need!is!a!little!more!trickery!with!the!context.global!to!retain!our!conversation!(we’re! going! to! use! context.global.dialog),! some! HTML! concept! called! iframe! to! separate! an! input! field!from!the!conversation,!and!a!bit!of!client&sided!JavaScript!to!auto&update!the!iframe.! 1. Rewrite!the!function!node!following!the!/chat!http!input!like!this:! if (msg.req.body["user"] != "") { msg.payload = msg.req.body["user"] } if (msg.req.body["message"] != undefined) { context.global.dialog += msg.req.body["user"]+':'+msg.req.body["message"]+"<BR>"; } context.global.dialog = context.global.dialog || ""; return msg;
  • 7. IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED ! - 7 - 2. The!template!node!hides!most!of!the!trickery:! <iframe src="http://localhost:1880/dialog" name="iframe_a" width="90%" height="70%"></iframe> <form name="frm" action="http://localhost:1880/chat" method="post"> <b>Message from {{payload}}</b><br> <input type="text" name="message" size="90%"/> <input type="hidden" name="user" value="{{payload}}"><br> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </form> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> window.setInterval("reloadIFrame();", 1000); function reloadIFrame() { window.frames["iframe_a"].location.reload(); } </SCRIPT> 3. We!need!another!set!of!http!input,!function,!template!and!http!out!nodes.!These!will! represent!the!/dialog!page!that’s!shown!in!the!iframe.!The!code!is!fairly!simple.! ! 4. Add! to! function! node! node! following! the! /dialog! http! input! msg.payload = context.global.dialog;!before!return msg;! 5. The!template!node!just!says:!{{payload}}! 6. Deploy!your!web!server.!! ! Open!localhost:1880/login!from!two!different!browser!windows!and!login!with!different! identities.! Both! windows! will! update! their! iframe! once! a! second,! showing! /dialog! as! it! continues!to!grow!on!the!server!with!lines!that!are!sent!via!the!form!field!“message”!from! either!client.! ! Further!explanations!and!suggestions!for!experiments:! So! far! all! code! refers! to! localhost:1880.! It! is! possible! to! change! the! default! port,! allowing! addresses! without! the! addition! of! :1880! (see! http://nodered.org/docs/configuration.html).! Furthermore,!localhost!is!only!visible!on!your!own!machine.!You!can!change!localhost!to!your!
  • 8. IoT Toulouse Workshop: Node-RED ! - 8 - computers’s!local!IP!address!(often!something!like!192.168.x.x!or!172.x.x.x)!and!request!your! chat!server!from!any!other!computer!within!your!local!network.!These!changes!would!impact! the!address!that’s!specified!in!the!HTML!form!definitions.! ! Node&RED!is!an!incredibly!powerful!framework!that!allows!you!to!do!things!in!very!little!time.! The!official!directory!of!flows!donated!to!the!community!is!here!http://flows.nodered.org! and!they!can!easily!be!imported!by!copying!&!pasting!the!JSON&formatted!code.! ! A!few!suggestions!and!examples!that!I!have!described!over!the!past!months!are!here:! ! Triggering! Node.RED! with! drawings:! The! Aestheticodes! project! uses! a! QR! code! like! method! to! encode! information! in! beautiful!drawings.!Draw!a!picture,!take!a!photograph!with!your! mobile! and! trigger! the! debug! node! doing! that:! http://logic.sysbiol.cam.ac.uk/?p=1514! ! ! Control!Minecraft!with!Node.RED:!The!Minecraft!Pi!Edition!can!be!controlled!through! Python,!but!that!may!not!be!easily!accessible!for!everyone.!With!a!MQTT&to&Minecraft! bridge,! the! Node&RED! inject! nodes! can! be! used! to! control! Steve:! http://logic.sysbiol.cam.ac.uk/?p=1499! ! ! Got! an! AirPi! shield?! Monitor! your! room! climate! with! AirPi! and! Node.RED:! http://logic.sysbiol.cam.ac.uk/?p=1423! ! ! The!first!CamJam!Node.RED!tutorial!that!teaches!radio!communication!through!Ciseco! radio! modules! is! available! here:! http://www.slideshare.net/BorisAdryan/node2red2 coursecamjamjuly20146 ! ! Last! not! least:! Here’s! a! (now! relatively! old)! IoT! platform! interoperability! test! for! Node.RED:!http://logic.sysbiol.cam.ac.uk/?p=1473! !