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Micro Frontends
Extending the Micro Services

Architecture to Web Development
Jan 2018 | Frontend Developer Love @ Usabilla
+ Single codebase

+ Easy quick setup

+ No version management

+ Single CI/CD pipeline
+ Single codebase

+ Easy quick setup

+ No version management

+ Single CI/CD pipeline
- Refactoring is difficult

- Try new stack

- Experiment

- Long build times

- Long development times

- Long deployment cycles
Service 1 Service 2 Service 3
Service 1 Service 2 Service 3
Service 1 Service 2 Service 3
Micro Frontends???
Spyros Ioakeimidis
Software Engineer


Chapter 1: What? Why?
Technology Radar
Micro Frontends
Service 1 Service 2 Service 3
Service 1 Service 2 Service 3
Frontend 2Frontend 1 Frontend 3
> Reusable Code

> Agility

> Reduce risk

> Easier Testing
Service 1 Service 2 Service 3
Frontend 2Frontend 1 Frontend 3
Service 1 Service 2 Service 3
Frontend 2Frontend 1 Frontend 3
+ Verticalised teams

+ Self contained

+ Vertical decomposition

+ UI Composition
Service 1 Service 2 Service 3
Frontend 2Frontend 1 Frontend 3
+ Verticalised teams

+ Self contained

+ Vertical decomposition

+ UI Composition
- Proprietary solution

- Fit current architecture

- Load times

- Redundancy risk
Look & UX

Feels Like

One Page




No Version


Chapter 2: How?
App Shell FTW!
App Shell

- State

- Routing
App Shell

- State

- Routing

Separate Deployment

Feels like one page

Different Frameworks

Tree Shaking

Several Frontends

No Version Conflicts

Separate Development
Vendor Bundles
We need to register

routing in the micro

Web Components

Each app a


Again App Shell is
the orchestrator
Separate Deployment

Feels like one page

Different Frameworks

Tree Shaking

Several Frontends

Separate Development

Vendor Bundles

No Version Conflicts
Web Components

Each app a


Again App Shell is
the orchestrator
Security Interactions


/editor Hybrid
Security Interactions



Separate Deployment

Feels like one page

Different Frameworks
Vendor Bundles
Tree Shaking (per app)

Several Frontends

Separate Development

No Version Conflicts
Move responsibility to micro frontends
Chapter 3: Challenges?
Is this a micro frontend?
Or are these micro frontends?
This person suffers
Its your time to figure out what

the previous developers had in mind!
We use docker, it should work!
And this person suffers
Adaptive, Responsive & Accessible Design

Testing is

probably your

best bet!
Chapter 4: Thoughts?
Can you fit your team

around a large table?
You might not need

micro frontends yet
Micro frontends

might help you
Can you fit your team

around a large table?
Do you have monolithic

You might not need

micro frontends yet
Micro frontends

might help you
Integration might be

Micro frontends may

be easily integrated
Can you fit your team

around a large table?
Do you have monolithic

Got container, orchestration,

devops experience?
You might not need

micro frontends yet
Micro frontends

might help you
Micro frontends

might be valuable
Consider giving

them a try first
Integration might be

Micro frontends may

be easily integrated
Extend the monolith?
“Architecture in micro frontends is domain driven,
and low level components can be technical driven.
It makes sense to follow a top down approach.
Thinking of how to split your monolith in apps
according to your domain. No big design upfront
as things might go wrong.”
Stefan Tilkov @ Devoxx Belgium 2016
Micro Frontends
Thank you!
Check these out!
> https://medium.com/@gilfink/why-im-betting-on-web-components-and-you-should-think-
> https://softwarearchitekt.at/post/2017/12/28/a-software-architect-s-approach-towards-using-
> https://www.upwork.com/blog/2017/05/modernizing-upwork-micro-frontends/
> https://x-team.com/blog/micro-frontend
> https://medium.com/@tomsoderlund/micro-frontends-a-microservice-approach-to-front-end-web-
> https://www.packtpub.com/books/content/what-micro-frontend
> https://technologyconversations.com/2015/08/09/including-front-end-web-components-into-
> https://www.tikalk.com/js/introduction-to-micro-frontends/
> https://micro-frontends.zeef.com/elisabeth.engel?

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