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Dr. mostafa al wakil
deviation of the doctor or medical
professional from a generally
accepted standard of care That
may cause harm to the patient or
Dr. mostafa al wakil
 And patients are increasingly backed by favorable legal developments. .
Another major contributing factor is the substantial increase in costs of
health care.
Dr. mostafa al wakil
There was time when doctors were given
a ‗GODLIKE‘ status and were held in the
highest esteem; and patients were intended
to be, well patient; passive and submissive.
But this has changed and Doctors are no
longer regarded as infallible and beyond
Dr. mostafa al wakil
Dr. mostafa al wakil
 Source: ncbi.nim.nih.gov
Dr. mostafa al wakil
Most common reasons for medical
malpractice claims
34% -surgery errors
46% -diagnostic errors
Dr. mostafa al wakil
 Johns Hopkins researchers reported
 Diagnosis errors account for 160,000
deaths annually in the USA
 Source: National Center for Policy Analysis
Dr. mostafa al wakil
 About 195,000 patients in the U.S. die from
preventable Misdiagnosis accounts for an
estimated errors in-hospitals each year
 David Newman-Toker, M.D., Ph.D.
 Source: National Center for Policy Analysis
Dr. mostafa al wakil
 28%of 583 diagnostic mistakes reported
anonymously by doctors were life-
threatening or had resulted in death or
permanent disability
 Source: National Center for Policy Analysis
Dr. mostafa al wakil
In a study made
in 2015 in Dakhalia and Damietta Governorates: A 10
Year Evaluation The number of claims over the 10
years period was 1355 claims. there are significant
increases in reporting the medical error in private and
central hospitals than university hospitals
Distribution of Total Medical Claims
According to the Type of Hospital
Dr. mostafa al wakil
Dr. mostafa al wakil
What is Diagnosis ?
Diagnosis is The identification by a medical provider of a condition, disease,
or injury made by evaluating the symptoms and signs presented by a patient.
Diagnostic errors can lead to patient harm from wrong or delayed
testing or treatment.
For example
Globally, misdiagnoses may contribute to the nearly 7 million children who die
each year, mainly from preventable causes
Misdiagnosis (erroneous diagnosis)
Definition of misdiagnosis
It is the failure to (a) establish an accurate and timely
explanation of the patient’s health problem(s)
or (b) communicate that explanation to the patient
Dr. mostafa al wakil
Why I must do mistakes ?
Dr. mostafa al wakil
A cognitive system is a one that performs the cognitive work of knowing,
understanding, planning, deciding, problem solving, analyzing,
synthesizing, assessing, and judging as they are fully integrated with
perceiving and acting. and is consisting of two systems
System 1 and System 2 are two distinct modes of decision making: System 1 is an
automatic, fast and often unconscious way of thinking. It is autonomous and
efficient, requiring little energy or attention, but is prone to biases and systematic
errors. System 2 is an effortful, slow and controlled way of thinking
Inmedicine, most of our errors occur whilst in the intuitive (system 1)
mode of thinking…..
System 2
System 1 Dr. mostafa al wakil
Misdiagnosis has three major categories :
1-False positive : misdiagnosis of a disease that is not actually present
2-False negative : failure to diagnose a disease that is present
3-Equivocal results : inconclusive interpretations without a definite diagnosis
Overdiagnosis also has been described as “when a condition is
diagnosed that would otherwise not go on to cause symptoms or death”
(Welch and Black, 2010, p. 605).
it can lead to treatment that may cause harm.
Dr. mostafa al wakil
1-Lack of sufficient, competent health care
professionals, for example, due to lack of training.
2-Poor teamwork, lack of learning and feedback when
errors occur.
3-Limited follow-up reduces the ability for diagnostic
impressions to evolve. Lack of follow up may lead to misdiagnosis as
some diseases start with symptoms or signs and after certain period may give
another symptoms or signs or even different picture even complications of
diseases or surgery or some procedures appears later
4-Human factors and cognitive issues
The work environment and systems may be
subject to distractions, interruptions and a lack of
organization of information.
5-Too much attention to one finding during the
6-Influenced by similar case ( WHO 2016 )
causes of misdiagnosis
Dr. mostafa al wakil
13,000 known diseases, syndromes, injuries
4,000 possible tests
6,000 medications, treatments, and surgeries
in Medicine
The average limits of
human working memory:
7 discrete items
Dr. mostafa al wakil
At-risk categories of harmful diagnostic errors
Viral infections Often misdiagnosed as bacterial and result in unnecessary
Cardiovascular disease
Myocardial infarction, stroke
Subtle premonitory symptoms at first-contact settings often missed
Delays in diagnosis prevalent in predisposing conditions, including type 2
diabetes (median delay >2 years; 7% remained undiagnosed at 7.5 years)
and hypertension
Several cancer types
Alarm symptoms often poorly predictive low signal-to-noise ratio. Cancer
can be in differential of many common symptoms including headache, weight
loss, bleeding, pain
suggests meningitis, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, appendicitis, sepsis and malignancy
Meningococcal disease
Misdiagnoses may contribute to the nearly 7 million children who die each
year, largely from preventable causes
viral infections diagnosed as bacterial infections, appendicitis ,hypertension and psychiatric
Dr. mostafa al wakil
They are considered as missed opportunities to make a correct or timely
diagnosis based on available evidence. The missed opportunity may
result from cognitive or system factors or both. To reduce hindsight bias,
there should be evidence of omission (failure to do the right thing) or
commission (doing something wrong) at the point in time at which the
error occurred (5,6). Figure 1 depicts the relationship between diagnostic
errors, missed opportunities and patient harm. Opportunities could be
missed by providers, care teams, systems or the patient.
Figure 1. Conceptual model of missed opportunities in diagnosis
Dr. mostafa al wakil
History is the most important part of diagnosis.
Omission of certain points in the history can lead to a
confusing clinical situation and unnecessary
 It is told that the chief complaints are to be written
in the words of the patient. But always it will not be
possible. In fact in most of the situations it is not
possible. Our patients complain in their local
language not in scientific words. At times it becomes
difficult to understand their complaint even in the
local language. So physician should first try to
understand the complaint clearly and then convert it
into a scientifically meaningful word without altering
the meaning
Dr. mostafa al wakil
A careful physical exam can help a clinician
refine the next steps in the diagnostic
process, can prevent unnecessary diagnostic
testing, and can aid in building trust with
the patient.
Healthcare providers have a duty to provide
information in simple, clear, and plain language and
to check that patients have understood the
information before ending the conversation
Dr. mostafa al wakil
V ascular
I nfections & intoxications
T rauma & toxins
A uto-immune
M etabolic
I diopathic & iatrogenic
N eoplastic
C ongenital
C onversion (psychiatric)
D egenerative
Use mnemonics and tricks:
Dr. mostafa al wakil
postmortem exams play a critical role in
understanding the epidemiology of diagnostic
Teamwork in the diagnostic process involves the
collaboration of patients and their families; diagnosticians,
such as physicians, physician assistants
(PAs), and advanced practice nurses (APNs);
and health care professionals who support the diagnostic
process, such as nurses, pharmacists, laboratory
scientists, radiology technologists, medical assistants, and
patient navigators
Dr. mostafa al wakil
Medical imaging is characterized not just by
the increasingly precise anatomic detail it
offers but also by an increasing capacity to
illuminate biology.
Lab investigations and imaging
Diagnostic Test and Screening Test
A diagnostic testis used to determine the presence or absence of a
disease when a subject shows signs or symptoms of the disease
A screening test identifies asymptomatic individuals who may
have the disease
The diagnostic test is performed after positive screening test to
establish a definitive diagnosis
Dr. mostafa al wakil
diagnostic endoscopies
An endoscopy (looking inside) is used in medicine to look inside
the body. The endoscopy procedure uses an endoscope to
examine the interior of a hollow organ or cavity of the body.
Unlike many other medical imaging techniques, endoscopes are
inserted directly into the organ. it is used to diagnose , and treat
, usually it gives a confirmatory diagnosis in case of highly
suspicious diseases Dr. mostafa al wakil
A patient saw a family NP for a complaint of discharge and constant scabbing
of one of her nipples, of several months duration. The NP ordered topical
and oral antibiotics and a mammogram, which was negative. The patient
return seven months later with continuation of pain and discharge from the
same nipple. The NP referred the patient to a dermatologist. The patient
did not see the dermatologist. Four months later, the patient saw her
gynecologist, who again treated her breast symptoms with antibiotics, and
assured her that she did not have cancer. The patient saw the NP several
more times the year following the first visit. Eighteen months after the first
visit, the patient came to the NP with unmistakable masses in her breast.
The NP referred the patient to a surgical oncologist who diagnosed Paget’s
disease. The cancer had metastasized and the patient died shortly after the
diagnosis. The court said all three providers breached the standard of care.
Q. What the NP can learn from this case?
A. Always follow up on symptoms from the past.
Dr. mostafa al wakil
 A 35-year-old woman visited a primary care physician’s office for various ailments in
2001 and 2002. She saw a primary care physician twice and a NP four times. The
patient had a history of spleenectomy in 1985. She had received a pneumovax
following the procedure. She not receive Haemophilus or meningococcal vaccine.
Subsequent to 2002 the patient developed a pneumococcal infection which called
for a 3-month hospitalization and a 2-month stay in a rehab facility. During her
hospitalization she became septic, suffered organ failure, and necrosis of her toes.
She can now walk only short distances and suffered from chronic infections and
pain. The patient/plaintiff contended that the standard of care required the
defendants to revaccinate the patient with a pneumovax booster due to her
asplenia. The plaintiff contended that if the defendants had complied with the
accepted standard of care, then she would have avoided her subsequent
pneumococcal infection. The clinicians argued that the patient’s visits had all been
for acute sick visits, not annual preventive and wellness physicians, which did not
provide them with the opportunity to recommend or administer a pneumococcal
vaccination. The parties reached a $3M settlement.
Q. What the NP can learn from this case?
A. Always perform a health-maintenance screen after every visit.
Dr. mostafa al wakil
Use direct quotes to
demonstrate your attention
to the patient, highlight
main areas of concern, build
credibility into the record,
and accurately document a
patient’s competency,
affect, and attitude. For
example: “I have been to
12 doctors and no one can
help me”.
Dr. mostafa al wakil
1. Be careful about establishing patient-
provider relationships. Giving medical
advice?exercise caution and use
reasonably ordinary care
2. Know the standard of care and practice
within it
3. Follow your practice guidelines
4. If in doubt use the conservative approach
5. Rule out the worst diagnoses early on
6. Know the limits of training and expertise
7. Follow up
Dr. mostafa al wakil
‘Good doctors are not
those who don’t make
mistakes; good doctors
are those who expect to
make mistakes and act on
that expectation.’
James Reason
Dr. mostafa al wakil
Malpractice litigation is said to target “bad” physicians and to be a
adjunct to regulatory and professional discipline (11), yet nearly
one in five doctors reports a malpractice claim annually and one-
third to
one-half of high-risk specialists face a claim every year. Are they all
11. Nace BJ, Stewart LS. Straight talk on medical malpractice.
American Trial Lawyers
Association, 1994:20.
12. Harming Patient Access to Care: Implications of Excessive
Litigation. Subcommittee
on Health, Committee on Energy and Commerce, US House of
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2002:160.
Dr. mostafa al wakil
Dr. mostafa al wakil
Dr. mostafa al wakil

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  • 2. deviation of the doctor or medical professional from a generally accepted standard of care That may cause harm to the patient or loss. Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 3.  And patients are increasingly backed by favorable legal developments. . Another major contributing factor is the substantial increase in costs of health care. Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 4. There was time when doctors were given a ‗GODLIKE‘ status and were held in the highest esteem; and patients were intended to be, well patient; passive and submissive. But this has changed and Doctors are no longer regarded as infallible and beyond questioning ALL Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 6.  ONE IN FIVE MEDICAL ERRORS ARE POTENIALLY SERIOUS OR FATAL  Source: ncbi.nim.nih.gov Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 7. Most common reasons for medical malpractice claims 34% -surgery errors 46% -diagnostic errors Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 8.  Johns Hopkins researchers reported Findings  Diagnosis errors account for 160,000 deaths annually in the USA  Source: National Center for Policy Analysis Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 9.  About 195,000 patients in the U.S. die from preventable Misdiagnosis accounts for an estimated errors in-hospitals each year  David Newman-Toker, M.D., Ph.D.  Source: National Center for Policy Analysis Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 10.  28%of 583 diagnostic mistakes reported anonymously by doctors were life- threatening or had resulted in death or permanent disability  Source: National Center for Policy Analysis Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 11. Egypt In a study made in 2015 in Dakhalia and Damietta Governorates: A 10 Year Evaluation The number of claims over the 10 years period was 1355 claims. there are significant increases in reporting the medical error in private and central hospitals than university hospitals Distribution of Total Medical Claims According to the Type of Hospital Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 12. Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 13. What is Diagnosis ? Diagnosis is The identification by a medical provider of a condition, disease, or injury made by evaluating the symptoms and signs presented by a patient. Diagnostic errors can lead to patient harm from wrong or delayed testing or treatment. For example Globally, misdiagnoses may contribute to the nearly 7 million children who die each year, mainly from preventable causes Misdiagnosis (erroneous diagnosis) Definition of misdiagnosis It is the failure to (a) establish an accurate and timely explanation of the patient’s health problem(s) or (b) communicate that explanation to the patient Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 14. Why I must do mistakes ? Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 15. A cognitive system is a one that performs the cognitive work of knowing, understanding, planning, deciding, problem solving, analyzing, synthesizing, assessing, and judging as they are fully integrated with perceiving and acting. and is consisting of two systems System 1 and System 2 are two distinct modes of decision making: System 1 is an automatic, fast and often unconscious way of thinking. It is autonomous and efficient, requiring little energy or attention, but is prone to biases and systematic errors. System 2 is an effortful, slow and controlled way of thinking Inmedicine, most of our errors occur whilst in the intuitive (system 1) mode of thinking….. System 2 System 1 Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 16. Misdiagnosis has three major categories : 1-False positive : misdiagnosis of a disease that is not actually present 2-False negative : failure to diagnose a disease that is present 3-Equivocal results : inconclusive interpretations without a definite diagnosis Overdiagnosis also has been described as “when a condition is diagnosed that would otherwise not go on to cause symptoms or death” (Welch and Black, 2010, p. 605). it can lead to treatment that may cause harm. Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 17. 1-Lack of sufficient, competent health care professionals, for example, due to lack of training. 2-Poor teamwork, lack of learning and feedback when errors occur. 3-Limited follow-up reduces the ability for diagnostic impressions to evolve. Lack of follow up may lead to misdiagnosis as some diseases start with symptoms or signs and after certain period may give another symptoms or signs or even different picture even complications of diseases or surgery or some procedures appears later 4-Human factors and cognitive issues The work environment and systems may be subject to distractions, interruptions and a lack of organization of information. 5-Too much attention to one finding during the examination 6-Influenced by similar case ( WHO 2016 ) causes of misdiagnosis Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 18. 13,000 known diseases, syndromes, injuries 4,000 possible tests 6,000 medications, treatments, and surgeries Complexity in Medicine The average limits of human working memory: 7 discrete items Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 19. At-risk categories of harmful diagnostic errors Infections Viral infections Often misdiagnosed as bacterial and result in unnecessary antibiotics Cardiovascular disease Myocardial infarction, stroke Subtle premonitory symptoms at first-contact settings often missed Delays in diagnosis prevalent in predisposing conditions, including type 2 diabetes (median delay >2 years; 7% remained undiagnosed at 7.5 years) and hypertension Cancer Several cancer types Alarm symptoms often poorly predictive low signal-to-noise ratio. Cancer can be in differential of many common symptoms including headache, weight loss, bleeding, pain Pediatrics suggests meningitis, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, appendicitis, sepsis and malignancy Meningococcal disease Misdiagnoses may contribute to the nearly 7 million children who die each year, largely from preventable causes viral infections diagnosed as bacterial infections, appendicitis ,hypertension and psychiatric disorders Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 20. Outcomes They are considered as missed opportunities to make a correct or timely diagnosis based on available evidence. The missed opportunity may result from cognitive or system factors or both. To reduce hindsight bias, there should be evidence of omission (failure to do the right thing) or commission (doing something wrong) at the point in time at which the error occurred (5,6). Figure 1 depicts the relationship between diagnostic errors, missed opportunities and patient harm. Opportunities could be missed by providers, care teams, systems or the patient. Figure 1. Conceptual model of missed opportunities in diagnosis Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 21. History is the most important part of diagnosis. Omission of certain points in the history can lead to a confusing clinical situation and unnecessary investigations.  It is told that the chief complaints are to be written in the words of the patient. But always it will not be possible. In fact in most of the situations it is not possible. Our patients complain in their local language not in scientific words. At times it becomes difficult to understand their complaint even in the local language. So physician should first try to understand the complaint clearly and then convert it into a scientifically meaningful word without altering the meaning Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 22. A careful physical exam can help a clinician refine the next steps in the diagnostic process, can prevent unnecessary diagnostic testing, and can aid in building trust with the patient. Healthcare providers have a duty to provide information in simple, clear, and plain language and to check that patients have understood the information before ending the conversation Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 23. V ascular I nfections & intoxications T rauma & toxins A uto-immune M etabolic I diopathic & iatrogenic N eoplastic C ongenital C onversion (psychiatric) D egenerative Use mnemonics and tricks: Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 24. postmortem exams play a critical role in understanding the epidemiology of diagnostic errors Teamwork in the diagnostic process involves the collaboration of patients and their families; diagnosticians, such as physicians, physician assistants (PAs), and advanced practice nurses (APNs); and health care professionals who support the diagnostic process, such as nurses, pharmacists, laboratory scientists, radiology technologists, medical assistants, and patient navigators Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 25. Medical imaging is characterized not just by the increasingly precise anatomic detail it offers but also by an increasing capacity to illuminate biology. Lab investigations and imaging Diagnostic Test and Screening Test A diagnostic testis used to determine the presence or absence of a disease when a subject shows signs or symptoms of the disease A screening test identifies asymptomatic individuals who may have the disease The diagnostic test is performed after positive screening test to establish a definitive diagnosis Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 26. diagnostic endoscopies An endoscopy (looking inside) is used in medicine to look inside the body. The endoscopy procedure uses an endoscope to examine the interior of a hollow organ or cavity of the body. Unlike many other medical imaging techniques, endoscopes are inserted directly into the organ. it is used to diagnose , and treat , usually it gives a confirmatory diagnosis in case of highly suspicious diseases Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 27. A patient saw a family NP for a complaint of discharge and constant scabbing of one of her nipples, of several months duration. The NP ordered topical and oral antibiotics and a mammogram, which was negative. The patient return seven months later with continuation of pain and discharge from the same nipple. The NP referred the patient to a dermatologist. The patient did not see the dermatologist. Four months later, the patient saw her gynecologist, who again treated her breast symptoms with antibiotics, and assured her that she did not have cancer. The patient saw the NP several more times the year following the first visit. Eighteen months after the first visit, the patient came to the NP with unmistakable masses in her breast. The NP referred the patient to a surgical oncologist who diagnosed Paget’s disease. The cancer had metastasized and the patient died shortly after the diagnosis. The court said all three providers breached the standard of care. Q. What the NP can learn from this case? A. Always follow up on symptoms from the past. Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 28.  A 35-year-old woman visited a primary care physician’s office for various ailments in 2001 and 2002. She saw a primary care physician twice and a NP four times. The patient had a history of spleenectomy in 1985. She had received a pneumovax following the procedure. She not receive Haemophilus or meningococcal vaccine. Subsequent to 2002 the patient developed a pneumococcal infection which called for a 3-month hospitalization and a 2-month stay in a rehab facility. During her hospitalization she became septic, suffered organ failure, and necrosis of her toes. She can now walk only short distances and suffered from chronic infections and pain. The patient/plaintiff contended that the standard of care required the defendants to revaccinate the patient with a pneumovax booster due to her asplenia. The plaintiff contended that if the defendants had complied with the accepted standard of care, then she would have avoided her subsequent pneumococcal infection. The clinicians argued that the patient’s visits had all been for acute sick visits, not annual preventive and wellness physicians, which did not provide them with the opportunity to recommend or administer a pneumococcal vaccination. The parties reached a $3M settlement. Q. What the NP can learn from this case? A. Always perform a health-maintenance screen after every visit. Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 29. Use direct quotes to demonstrate your attention to the patient, highlight main areas of concern, build credibility into the record, and accurately document a patient’s competency, affect, and attitude. For example: “I have been to 12 doctors and no one can help me”. Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 30. 1. Be careful about establishing patient- provider relationships. Giving medical advice?exercise caution and use reasonably ordinary care 2. Know the standard of care and practice within it 3. Follow your practice guidelines 4. If in doubt use the conservative approach 5. Rule out the worst diagnoses early on 6. Know the limits of training and expertise 7. Follow up Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 31. ‘Good doctors are not those who don’t make mistakes; good doctors are those who expect to make mistakes and act on that expectation.’ James Reason Dr. mostafa al wakil
  • 32. Malpractice litigation is said to target “bad” physicians and to be a necessary adjunct to regulatory and professional discipline (11), yet nearly one in five doctors reports a malpractice claim annually and one- third to one-half of high-risk specialists face a claim every year. Are they all bad doctors? Ref 11. Nace BJ, Stewart LS. Straight talk on medical malpractice. American Trial Lawyers Association, 1994:20. 12. Harming Patient Access to Care: Implications of Excessive Litigation. Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Energy and Commerce, US House of Representatives. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2002:160. Dr. mostafa al wakil
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