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The Tao of 
A Workshop 
Individuals and Interactions 
Processes and Tools
Individuals and Interactions 
Processes and Tools
To know, is good. 
To live, is better. 
To be, that is perfect. 
The Mother
Values, Principles and 
Values, Principles and 
• Values 
one's judgement and opinion of what is important in life and 
form the basis of behaviour and action. 
Values, Principles and 
• Values 
one's judgement and opinion of what is important in life and 
form the basis of behaviour and action. 
Values • Principles 
foundation for a system of belief and help with translating 
values into action
Values, Principles and 
• Values 
one's judgement and opinion of what is important in life and 
form the basis of behaviour and action. Practices 
Values • Principles 
foundation for a system of belief and help with translating 
values into action 
• Practices 
the actual application of belief and are actions themselves.
Unit Test 
Unit Test 
Testable, Decoupled, and Simple Design
or Practice = 
Testable, Decoupled, and Simple Design
Income Tax Calculator 
TDD Demo 
Income Range Tax % Income Take Home 
0-2L 0 10,000 10,000 
2L-5L 10 3,00,000 2,70,000 
5L-10L 20 7,50,000 6,00,000 
Above 10L 30 20,00,000 14,00,000
Ignite: Lean Startup - Paul Howe, Founder & CEO of 
NeedFeed "How $40 Saved Us 9 Months and $2MM" 
Ignite: Lean Startup - Paul Howe, Founder & CEO of 
NeedFeed "How $40 Saved Us 9 Months and $2MM" 
The Tao of Transformation Workshop
a series of actions performed a Ritual ccording to a prescribed order.
a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. 
the actual application of belief.
Practice Vs Ritual 
a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. 
the actual application of belief.
• Rituals are a helper. 
• Starting Steps 
• Their use lies in the training they give 
• Preliminaries to values, but not the end themselves. 
• Rituals are a bar. 
• When made an end in themselves, they stop the 
• When... 
• Rituals are a helper 
• Rituals are a bar
• When... Practice 
• Rituals are a helper 
• Rituals are a bar
• When... Practice 
• Rituals are a helper 
• Rituals are a bar
• When... Practice 
• Rituals are a helper 
• Rituals are a bar 
• Principles underpinning the practices 
• When... Practice 
• Rituals are a helper 
• Rituals are a bar 
• Principles underpinning the practices 
• Values underpinning the principles
The Tao of Transformation Workshop
TDD ! 
Retrospectives Futurespectives
Practice or Ritual? 
TDD ! 
Retrospectives Futurespectives
What I did Yesterday? 
What I am doing 
What problems am I 
or Practice = 
What I did Yesterday? 
What I am doing 
What problems am I 
Stand-up Exercise 
• 7 Volunteers, 1 Scrum Master, 6 Team members 
• Have a stand-up and Discuss the “Dinner 
• What you ate last night? 
• What are you planning to eat tonight? 
• Are there any roadblocks? 
• Rest - Observe body language and behaviour
What did you see? 
Was there real value?
Stand-up Exercise - Take 2 
• Let’s be genuinely interested in understanding 
who is planning to do what and if we can offer 
• Let’s keep the 3 question format (but some of 
them can be optional)
Stand-up Exercise - Take 3 
We’ve guest for dinner tonight 
• Let’s drop the 3 question format 
• Let’s focus on the Game Plan for the day 
• Set the goals for the day 
• And plan to achieve them collaboratively as a team
Stand-up Exercise - Take 4 
We’ve guest for dinner tonight 
• No Standup instead we’ve JIT huddles to resolve/ 
improve specific problems 
• For Ex: Someone is cooking a sweet dish and is out 
of sugar. How can we collaborate and creatively 
solve this problem as a team.
Stories Workshop
Stories - Sample 1 
• As a developer, 
• I want to create a database table 
• So that I can access it from my service code
Stories - Sample 2 
• As a Account agent, 
• I want to create an invoice 
• So that my company can request payment 
from the customer
Collaborative Story 
The Tao of Transformation Workshop
activity 1 activity 2 activity 3 activity 4 
first release 
second release 
third release
The Tao of Transformation Workshop
The Tao of Transformation Workshop
Customer Development 
& Product Discovery
The Tao of Transformation Workshop
The Tao of Transformation Workshop
The Tao of Transformation Workshop
Regardless of what we discover, 
we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, 
given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, 
the resources available, and the situation at hand. 
What Went Well? 
What Went Wrong? 
What Still Puzzles us?
Practice or Ritual? 
we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, 
given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, 
the resources available, and the situation at hand. 
What Went Well? 
Regardless of what we discover, 
What Went Wrong? 
What Still Puzzles us?
Retrospectives - 1 
What went well? 
What needs 
Retrospectives - 2
Retrospectives - 3 
• Root Cause Analysis 
• Mistake proof 
• Data-Driven 
• Stakeholder involvement.
Retrospectives - 4 
• JIT 
• Pull based, not scheduled 
• Micro-retros, not batched.
Inspect, Adapt and Evolve 
• Jettison what does not work 
• Retain or Improvise what’s useful 
• Try or add different/new things that work 
• Continuously curate and fearlessly discard 
• Question and dispel gospels
If you don’t... 
• Either fanaticism or indifference creeps in. 
• Walk with the baggage all along. 
• Closed for modification. 
• Hard to get results.
Real-World is Messy 
• Not a straight path. 
• We are all in this personal discovery. 
• Progressing upon Progress - Continuous 
• Neither handed out by the giver 
• Nor accepted or rejected by the receiver 
• In reality, values are inner dispositions of 
human being
Values Permeate
Values Permeate
Values Permeate 
Tell me and I Forget Talks, Discussions
Values Permeate 
Tell me and I Forget 
Show me and I Remember 
Talks, Discussions 
Demos, Screencasts
Values Permeate 
Tell me and I Forget 
Workshops, Tutorials, Pairing 
Show me and I Remember 
Involve me and I Learn 
Talks, Discussions 
Demos, Screencasts
Are you aware 
of your own values?
In less than a minute, 
write down what you value 
the most? 
Answer it from within before 
your mind attempts to 
manipulate it!
I know I’ve made a mistake 
here, but now I know… 
I can work on it 
Hey, let me show you 
what I found after we worked 
on that stuff yesterday… 
What do you deeply see in you… 
that which you embody or you are that? 
Or something that resonates with you 
and you want to realise it? 
Image Source: http://avastar.wikia.com/wiki/Stick_Figure, http://www.clipartbest.com/
What can lead to 
authentic self-realisation?
What can lead to 
authentic self-realisation? 
Acting with Passion
What can lead to 
authentic self-realisation? 
Acting with Passion 
What can lead to 
authentic self-realisation? 
Acting with Passion 
What can lead to 
authentic self-realisation? 
Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
What can lead to 
authentic self-realisation? 
Ideals that are in harmony 
with higher nature of human 
Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
set of Ideal standards or values to be aimed at 
Expressed in Behavior and Conduct 
• Honesty 
• Transparency 
• Integrity and truthfulness in thought, feelings and action. 
• Impartial wisdom, ability to deal with each person or situation 
according to deeper truth in it. 
Strength and 
• Marshalling energies and resources for implementation of Ideas 
• Courage 
• Tenacity 
• Firmness 
• Will Power 
Beauty and 
• Aesthetic Sensibility 
• Graceful Movements 
• Cleanliness 
• Simplicity 
• Charm 
• Tenderness 
• Rhythms in action and behaviour 
Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
Expressed in Behavior and Conduct 
• Honesty 
• Transparency 
• Integrity and truthfulness in thought, feelings and action. 
• Impartial wisdom, ability to deal with each person or situation 
according to deeper truth in it. 
Strength and 
• Marshalling energies and resources for implementation of Ideas 
• Courage 
• Tenacity 
• Firmness 
• Will Power 
Beauty and 
• Aesthetic Sensibility 
• Graceful Movements 
• Cleanliness 
• Simplicity 
• Charm 
• Tenderness 
• Rhythms in action and behaviour 
Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
Expressed in Behavior and Conduct 
• Honesty 
• Transparency 
• Integrity and truthfulness in thought, feelings and action. 
• Impartial wisdom, ability to deal with each person or situation 
according to deeper truth in it. 
Strength and 
• Marshalling energies and resources for implementation of Ideas 
• Courage 
• Tenacity 
• Firmness 
• Will Power 
Beauty and 
• Aesthetic Sensibility 
• Graceful Movements 
• Cleanliness 
• Simplicity 
• Charm 
• Tenderness 
• Rhythms in action and behaviour 
Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
Expressed in Behavior and Conduct 
• Teamwork 
• Shared Vision 
• Mutual Trust 
• Goodwill and understanding 
• Stakeholders community 
• Distributive Justices 
• Flattening of Hierarchies 
• Trend towards greater sharing of wealth, power, knowledge and 
• Empowerment - Energise people with minimum rules and 
maximum freedom 
• Individuals given freedom to think, initiate, decide, organise, 
achieve, learn, progress and reach their potentials in work-life 
Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
Expressed in Behavior and Conduct 
• Teamwork 
• Shared Vision 
• Mutual Trust 
• Goodwill and understanding 
• Stakeholders community 
• Distributive Justices 
• Flattening of Hierarchies 
• Trend towards greater sharing of wealth, power, knowledge and 
• Empowerment - Energise people with minimum rules and 
maximum freedom 
• Individuals given freedom to think, initiate, decide, organise, 
achieve, learn, progress and reach their potentials in work-life 
Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
Expressed in Behavior and Conduct 
• Teamwork 
• Shared Vision 
• Mutual Trust 
• Goodwill and understanding 
• Stakeholders community 
• Distributive Justices 
• Flattening of Hierarchies 
• Trend towards greater sharing of wealth, power, knowledge and 
• Empowerment - Energise people with minimum rules and 
maximum freedom 
• Individuals given freedom to think, initiate, decide, organise, 
achieve, learn, progress and reach their potentials in work-life 
Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
An Exercise 
Mapping to Ideals
XP Values 
XP Practices 
Pair Programming 
Collective Ownership 
On-site Customer 
System Metaphor 
Simple Design 
Coding Standards 
The Planning Game 
XP Values => Ideals 
• Communication 
• Simplicity 
• Feedback 
• Courage 
• Respect Fraternity 
XP Practices => Ideals 
Simple Design, 
Coding Standards 
Beauty and 
Pair Programming, 
Collective Ownership, 
On-site Customer, 
System Metaphor 
The Planning Game, 
Continuous Integration, 
Small Releases 
Using Feedback 
Permeate Agility 
Manifest Ideals
Questions to ponder 
• Would you be able to apply this on a daily basis? 
If yes, how? If no, why? 
• What ideals would you like to manifest in you 
• Is there a gap between inner values and outer 
action? If yes, how will you reduce it? 
• Have you matched your inner nature to the 
psychological content of the job?
• Sri Aurobindo’s Works 
• Works of The Mother. 
• Harvesting Values Workshop 
• Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management 
(SAFIM), by Saikat Sen. 
• Implementation Patterns 
• Kent Beck 
• Product Discovery and Story Mapping 
• Jeff Patton
Thank You! 

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The Tao of Transformation Workshop

  • 1. The Tao of Transformation A Workshop dhaval.dalal@software-artisan.com http://agilefaqs.com/about @softwareartisan nashjain@agilefaqs.com http://nareshjain.com @nashjain
  • 2. Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools
  • 3. Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools
  • 4. To know, is good. ! To live, is better. ! To be, that is perfect. The Mother
  • 6. Values, Principles and Practices • Values one's judgement and opinion of what is important in life and form the basis of behaviour and action. Values
  • 7. Values, Principles and Practices • Values one's judgement and opinion of what is important in life and form the basis of behaviour and action. Principles Values • Principles foundation for a system of belief and help with translating values into action
  • 8. Values, Principles and Practices • Values one's judgement and opinion of what is important in life and form the basis of behaviour and action. Practices Principles Values • Principles foundation for a system of belief and help with translating values into action • Practices the actual application of belief and are actions themselves.
  • 11. Examples Practices Principles Values Unit Test Fail-Fast Feedback
  • 12. Self- Examples Documenting Code Declarative Expression Communication Practices Principles Values Unit Test Fail-Fast Feedback
  • 13. TDD
  • 14. TDD = Testable, Decoupled, and Simple Design
  • 15. TDD Ritual? or Practice = Testable, Decoupled, and Simple Design
  • 16. Income Tax Calculator TDD Demo Income Range Tax % Income Take Home 0-2L 0 10,000 10,000 2L-5L 10 3,00,000 2,70,000 5L-10L 20 7,50,000 6,00,000 Above 10L 30 20,00,000 14,00,000
  • 17. Ignite: Lean Startup - Paul Howe, Founder & CEO of NeedFeed "How $40 Saved Us 9 Months and $2MM" http://vimeo.com/24749599
  • 18. Ignite: Lean Startup - Paul Howe, Founder & CEO of NeedFeed "How $40 Saved Us 9 Months and $2MM" http://vimeo.com/24749599
  • 20. a series of actions performed a Ritual ccording to a prescribed order.
  • 21. a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. Ritual Practice the actual application of belief.
  • 22. Practice Vs Ritual a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. Ritual Practice the actual application of belief.
  • 23. Rituals • Rituals are a helper. • Starting Steps • Their use lies in the training they give • Preliminaries to values, but not the end themselves. • Rituals are a bar. • When made an end in themselves, they stop the transformation
  • 24. Discern • When... • Rituals are a helper • Rituals are a bar
  • 25. Discern • When... Practice Ritual • Rituals are a helper • Rituals are a bar
  • 26. Discern • When... Practice Ritual • Rituals are a helper • Rituals are a bar
  • 27. Discern • When... Practice Ritual • Rituals are a helper • Rituals are a bar • Principles underpinning the practices Values Principles Practices
  • 28. Discern • When... Practice Ritual • Rituals are a helper • Rituals are a bar • Principles underpinning the practices Values Principles Practices • Values underpinning the principles
  • 30. Agility = TDD ! Refactoring ! Stand-ups Iterations Retrospectives Futurespectives
  • 31. Agility = Practice or Ritual? TDD ! Refactoring ! Stand-ups Iterations Retrospectives Futurespectives
  • 33. Stand-up = What I did Yesterday? ! What I am doing today? What problems am I facing?
  • 34. Stand-up Ritual? or Practice = What I did Yesterday? ! What I am doing today? What problems am I facing?
  • 35. Stand-up Exercise • 7 Volunteers, 1 Scrum Master, 6 Team members • Have a stand-up and Discuss the “Dinner Project” • What you ate last night? • What are you planning to eat tonight? • Are there any roadblocks? • Rest - Observe body language and behaviour
  • 36. What did you see? Was there real value?
  • 37. Stand-up Exercise - Take 2 • Let’s be genuinely interested in understanding who is planning to do what and if we can offer help. • Let’s keep the 3 question format (but some of them can be optional)
  • 38. Stand-up Exercise - Take 3 We’ve guest for dinner tonight • Let’s drop the 3 question format • Let’s focus on the Game Plan for the day • Set the goals for the day • And plan to achieve them collaboratively as a team
  • 39. Stand-up Exercise - Take 4 We’ve guest for dinner tonight • No Standup instead we’ve JIT huddles to resolve/ improve specific problems • For Ex: Someone is cooking a sweet dish and is out of sugar. How can we collaborate and creatively solve this problem as a team.
  • 41. Stories - Sample 1 • As a developer, • I want to create a database table • So that I can access it from my service code
  • 42. Stories - Sample 2 • As a Account agent, • I want to create an invoice • So that my company can request payment from the customer
  • 44. Bob explaining the context scenarios and laying out the ini5al map
  • 45. A day in the life of Ed !
  • 47. time optionality necessary less optional more optional activity 1 activity 2 activity 3 activity 4 first release second release third release
  • 51. Customer Development & Product Discovery
  • 56. Retrospectives Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. = ! What Went Well? ! ! What Went Wrong? ! What Still Puzzles us?
  • 57. Retrospectives = Practice or Ritual? we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. ! What Went Well? ! Regardless of what we discover, ! What Went Wrong? ! What Still Puzzles us?
  • 58. Retrospectives - 1 What went well? What needs improvement?
  • 60. Retrospectives - 3 • Root Cause Analysis • Mistake proof • Data-Driven • Stakeholder involvement.
  • 61. Retrospectives - 4 • JIT • Pull based, not scheduled • Micro-retros, not batched.
  • 62. Inspect, Adapt and Evolve • Jettison what does not work • Retain or Improvise what’s useful • Try or add different/new things that work • Continuously curate and fearlessly discard • Question and dispel gospels
  • 63. If you don’t... • Either fanaticism or indifference creeps in. ! • Walk with the baggage all along. ! • Closed for modification. ! • Hard to get results.
  • 64. Real-World is Messy • Not a straight path. ! • We are all in this personal discovery. ! • Progressing upon Progress - Continuous Improvement.
  • 65. Values • Neither handed out by the giver ! • Nor accepted or rejected by the receiver ! • In reality, values are inner dispositions of human being
  • 68. Values Permeate Tell me and I Forget Talks, Discussions
  • 69. Values Permeate Tell me and I Forget Show me and I Remember Talks, Discussions Demos, Screencasts
  • 70. Values Permeate Tell me and I Forget Workshops, Tutorials, Pairing Show me and I Remember Involve me and I Learn Talks, Discussions Demos, Screencasts
  • 71. Are you aware of your own values?
  • 72. In less than a minute, write down what you value the most? Answer it from within before your mind attempts to manipulate it!
  • 73. Examples I know I’ve made a mistake here, but now I know… I can work on it Hey, let me show you what I found after we worked on that stuff yesterday… What do you deeply see in you… that which you embody or you are that? Or something that resonates with you and you want to realise it? Image Source: http://avastar.wikia.com/wiki/Stick_Figure, http://www.clipartbest.com/
  • 74. What can lead to authentic self-realisation?
  • 75. What can lead to authentic self-realisation? Acting with Passion
  • 76. What can lead to authentic self-realisation? Acting with Passion Expressing Feelings Expressing Thoughts/Ideas
  • 77. What can lead to authentic self-realisation? Acting with Passion Beyond Self-Expression Expressing Feelings Expressing Thoughts/Ideas
  • 78. What can lead to authentic self-realisation? Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
  • 79. What can lead to authentic self-realisation? Ideals that are in harmony with higher nature of human being Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
  • 80. Ideals set of Ideal standards or values to be aimed at Values
  • 81. Universal Ideals Expressed in Behavior and Conduct Truth • Honesty • Transparency • Integrity and truthfulness in thought, feelings and action. • Impartial wisdom, ability to deal with each person or situation according to deeper truth in it. Strength and Force • Marshalling energies and resources for implementation of Ideas • Courage • Tenacity • Firmness • Will Power Beauty and Harmony • Aesthetic Sensibility • Graceful Movements • Cleanliness • Simplicity • Charm • Tenderness • Rhythms in action and behaviour Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
  • 82. Universal Ideals Expressed in Behavior and Conduct Truth • Honesty • Transparency • Integrity and truthfulness in thought, feelings and action. • Impartial wisdom, ability to deal with each person or situation according to deeper truth in it. Strength and Force • Marshalling energies and resources for implementation of Ideas • Courage • Tenacity • Firmness • Will Power Beauty and Harmony • Aesthetic Sensibility • Graceful Movements • Cleanliness • Simplicity • Charm • Tenderness • Rhythms in action and behaviour Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
  • 83. Universal Ideals Expressed in Behavior and Conduct Truth • Honesty • Transparency • Integrity and truthfulness in thought, feelings and action. • Impartial wisdom, ability to deal with each person or situation according to deeper truth in it. Strength and Force • Marshalling energies and resources for implementation of Ideas • Courage • Tenacity • Firmness • Will Power Beauty and Harmony • Aesthetic Sensibility • Graceful Movements • Cleanliness • Simplicity • Charm • Tenderness • Rhythms in action and behaviour Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
  • 84. Universal Ideals Expressed in Behavior and Conduct Fraternity • Teamwork • Shared Vision • Mutual Trust • Goodwill and understanding • Stakeholders community Equality • Distributive Justices • Flattening of Hierarchies • Trend towards greater sharing of wealth, power, knowledge and culture Liberty • Empowerment - Energise people with minimum rules and maximum freedom • Individuals given freedom to think, initiate, decide, organise, achieve, learn, progress and reach their potentials in work-life Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
  • 85. Universal Ideals Expressed in Behavior and Conduct Fraternity • Teamwork • Shared Vision • Mutual Trust • Goodwill and understanding • Stakeholders community Equality • Distributive Justices • Flattening of Hierarchies • Trend towards greater sharing of wealth, power, knowledge and culture Liberty • Empowerment - Energise people with minimum rules and maximum freedom • Individuals given freedom to think, initiate, decide, organise, achieve, learn, progress and reach their potentials in work-life Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
  • 86. Universal Ideals Expressed in Behavior and Conduct Fraternity • Teamwork • Shared Vision • Mutual Trust • Goodwill and understanding • Stakeholders community Equality • Distributive Justices • Flattening of Hierarchies • Trend towards greater sharing of wealth, power, knowledge and culture Liberty • Empowerment - Energise people with minimum rules and maximum freedom • Individuals given freedom to think, initiate, decide, organise, achieve, learn, progress and reach their potentials in work-life Source: Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management, Harvesting Values.
  • 87. An Exercise Mapping to Ideals
  • 88. XP Values Communication Simplicity Feedback Courage Respect XP Practices Pair Programming Collective Ownership On-site Customer System Metaphor Refactoring Simple Design Coding Standards The Planning Game Retrospectives
  • 89. XP Values => Ideals • Communication • Simplicity • Feedback • Courage • Respect Fraternity Truth Beauty and Harmony Strength and Force
  • 90. XP Practices => Ideals Refactoring, Simple Design, Coding Standards Beauty and Harmony Pair Programming, Collective Ownership, On-site Customer, System Metaphor Equality, Fraternity, Liberty The Planning Game, Retrospectives, TDD, Continuous Integration, Small Releases Truth
  • 92. Agile Adoption? Using Feedback Permeate Agility and Manifest Ideals
  • 93. Questions to ponder • Would you be able to apply this on a daily basis? If yes, how? If no, why? • What ideals would you like to manifest in you next? • Is there a gap between inner values and outer action? If yes, how will you reduce it? • Have you matched your inner nature to the psychological content of the job?
  • 94. References • Sri Aurobindo’s Works • Works of The Mother. • Harvesting Values Workshop • Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management (SAFIM), by Saikat Sen. • Implementation Patterns • Kent Beck • Product Discovery and Story Mapping • Jeff Patton
  • 95. Thank You! Questions? dhaval.dalal@software-artisan.com http://agilefaqs.com/about @softwareartisan nashjain@agilefaqs.com http://nareshjain.com @nashjain