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Do cognitive factors
   predict the subjective
wellbeing of parents who
       have children with
  profound and multiple
 intellectual disabilities?

  Fleur-Michelle Coiffait
                Doctoral Researcher
             University of Edinburgh
Specialist Psychological Practitioner
                         NHS Lothian
               PsyPAG Chair Elect &
 Division of Clinical Psychology Rep
Overview of talk
Research questions
Method, participants
Results, conclusions
Clinical implications
Future research
Parenting a child with a disability
 Increased care burden

 Higher stress

 Emotional impact

 …but individual
 variance, some parents
 resilient and adjust
Parent adjustment and wellbeing

 Retrieved from: embracethefuture.org.au/resiliency/resiliency_model.htm
Cognitive factors and wellbeing

Locus of control


Hope / optimism
Research questions
1. How does the subjective wellbeing of parents
   who have a child with PMID compare to the
   general population and other parents?

2. Is their subjective wellbeing predicted by:
     - parental locus of control?
     - recognition of positive gains of having a
       child with PMID?

3. What else is notable about this population re
   models of parental adjustment and wellbeing?
Profound and multiple
intellectual disabilities (PMID)

                            Retrieved from:
Profound and multiple
intellectual disabilities (PMID)
  People who need very high levels of support with
  daily life due to having more than one of the
    - a profound intellectual disability (IQ <35)
    - significant communication difficulties
    - sensory impairment e.g. hearing, vision
    - physical disabilities and mobility problems
    - complex health needs e.g. enteral/parenteral
      feeding, ventilation/CPAP
    - mental health difficulties
Cross-sectional survey, within-p’s design
Three standardised self-report questionnaires:
    - Parental Locus of Control Scale - Revised
     (PLOC-R; Lloyd & Hastings 2009; original version Campis et al., 1986)
    - Positive Gain Scale (PGS; Pit-ten Cate, 2003)
    - Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale
     (WEMWBS; Stewart-Brown et al., 2009; Tennant et al., 2007)

Family demographics also collected
Data collected via online/paper questionnaires
Multiple regression analysis
N=101, 97 females, 4 males, age range 20-70 yrs
Parents, step/foster/grand parents

97% white background, 3% other ethnicity
48% educated to university level
78% married/civil partnership or cohabiting

Mean child age 10.46 yrs, range 1-23 yrs
94% children white background, 6% other
Range of medical conditions, e.g.
genetic/chromosomal, epilepsy, cerebral palsy
How does the subjective wellbeing of parents
who have a child with PMID compare to the
general population and other parents?
                         Median WEMWB              Inter-quartile
                        score (out of 70)              range

 PMID parents                    39                     34-44

 PEIP parents1                   43                     36-51
                                 51                     45-56
      1Data   from Lindsay et al. (2008) 2Data from Tennant et al. (2007)
Is their subjective wellbeing predicted by:

-parental locus of control?
Yes - β= -.279, t(2,99)= 9.419, p= .005
Explained around 8% of the variance in WEMWBS
scores, adjusted R2= .081, F(2,99)= 5.474, p= .006

- positive gains of having a child with PMID?
No - neither did it account for sig variance in
WEMWBS scores.
What else is notable about this population re
models of parental adjustment and wellbeing?

49% employed, 3% studying, 48% not employed
Around half had health issues themselves
80% lived with at least one other family member

Many parents mentioned influence of society,
other people’s attributions, feeling undervalued
as carers, more focus on their emotions and
experiences needed
A range of experiences revealed from responses

Difficult, emotive role that appears to impact
on parents’ subjective wellbeing

External locus of control predicted decreased
subjective wellbeing in parents who have
children with PMID

Realisation of positive gain of having a child
with PMID did not predict subjective wellbeing
in these parents (social desirability effects?)
Clinical implications
Clinicians’ perceptions of the situation these
families are in may be very different to parents’

Cognitions may be amenable to intervention

Role for psychological/therapeutic intervention

Support groups to meet peers in similar situation

Awareness of cognitive processes involved in
adjustment needed when working with this group
Limitations, future research
 No single agreed definition of PMID
 No diagnostic verification in this study
 Self-selecting sample = various biases
 Fathers underrepresented, wider problem
 Cross-sectional study with no comparison group
 Care burden, daily stressors, SES etc not measured
 Exploration of other factors needed in this group
 Qualitative research needed to explore
 experiences of parents with PMID
 Research evaluating interventions




Campis, L.K., Lyman, R.D., Prentice-Dunn, S. (1986). The Parental Locus of Control Scale:
     Development and validation. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 15(3), 260-267.
Lindsay, G., Davies, H., Band, S., Cullen, M.A., Cullen, S., Strand, S., Hasluck, C., Evans, R. &
     Stewart-Brown, S. (2008). Parenting early intervention pathfinder evaluation. Department for
     Children, Schools and Families.
Lloyd, T. & Hastings, R.P. (2009). Parental locus of control and psychological well-being in mothers
     of children with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability.
     34(2), 104-115.
Pit-ten Cate, I.M. (2003). Family adjustment to disability and chronic illness in children.
    Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Southampton, UK.
Stewart-Brown, S., Tennant, A., Tennant, R., Platt, S., Parkinson, J. & Weich, S. (2009). Internal
     construct validity of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS): A Rasch
     analysis using data from the Scottish Health Education Population Survey. Health and Quality
     of Life Outcomes, 7(15).
    Retrieved 10 June 2011 from hqlo.com/content/7/1/15
Tennant, R., Fishwick, R., Platt, S., Joseph, S. & Stewart-Brown, S. (2007). Monitoring positive
     mental health in Scotland: Validating the Affectometer 2 scale and developing the Warwick
     Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale for the UK. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.

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Do cognitive factors predict wellbeing in parents of children with profound and multiple intellectual disabilities?

  • 1. Do cognitive factors predict the subjective wellbeing of parents who have children with profound and multiple intellectual disabilities? Fleur-Michelle Coiffait Doctoral Researcher University of Edinburgh Specialist Psychological Practitioner NHS Lothian PsyPAG Chair Elect & Division of Clinical Psychology Rep
  • 2. Overview of talk Background Research questions Method, participants Results, conclusions Clinical implications Limitations Future research Questions
  • 3. Parenting a child with a disability Increased care burden Higher stress Emotional impact …but individual variance, some parents resilient and adjust
  • 4. Parent adjustment and wellbeing Retrieved from: embracethefuture.org.au/resiliency/resiliency_model.htm
  • 5. Cognitive factors and wellbeing Attributions Locus of control Self-efficacy Hope / optimism
  • 6. Research questions 1. How does the subjective wellbeing of parents who have a child with PMID compare to the general population and other parents? 2. Is their subjective wellbeing predicted by: - parental locus of control? - recognition of positive gains of having a child with PMID? 3. What else is notable about this population re models of parental adjustment and wellbeing?
  • 7. Profound and multiple intellectual disabilities (PMID) Retrieved from: dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/@ps/doc uments/digitalasset/dh_117961.pdf
  • 8. Profound and multiple intellectual disabilities (PMID) People who need very high levels of support with daily life due to having more than one of the following: - a profound intellectual disability (IQ <35) - significant communication difficulties - sensory impairment e.g. hearing, vision - physical disabilities and mobility problems - complex health needs e.g. enteral/parenteral feeding, ventilation/CPAP - mental health difficulties
  • 9. Method Cross-sectional survey, within-p’s design Three standardised self-report questionnaires: - Parental Locus of Control Scale - Revised (PLOC-R; Lloyd & Hastings 2009; original version Campis et al., 1986) - Positive Gain Scale (PGS; Pit-ten Cate, 2003) - Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS; Stewart-Brown et al., 2009; Tennant et al., 2007) Family demographics also collected Data collected via online/paper questionnaires Multiple regression analysis
  • 10. Participants N=101, 97 females, 4 males, age range 20-70 yrs Parents, step/foster/grand parents 97% white background, 3% other ethnicity 48% educated to university level 78% married/civil partnership or cohabiting Mean child age 10.46 yrs, range 1-23 yrs 94% children white background, 6% other Range of medical conditions, e.g. genetic/chromosomal, epilepsy, cerebral palsy
  • 11. Results How does the subjective wellbeing of parents who have a child with PMID compare to the general population and other parents? Median WEMWB Inter-quartile Group score (out of 70) range PMID parents 39 34-44 PEIP parents1 43 36-51 General 51 45-56 population2 1Data from Lindsay et al. (2008) 2Data from Tennant et al. (2007)
  • 12. Results Is their subjective wellbeing predicted by: -parental locus of control? Yes - β= -.279, t(2,99)= 9.419, p= .005 Explained around 8% of the variance in WEMWBS scores, adjusted R2= .081, F(2,99)= 5.474, p= .006 - positive gains of having a child with PMID? No - neither did it account for sig variance in WEMWBS scores.
  • 13. Results What else is notable about this population re models of parental adjustment and wellbeing? 49% employed, 3% studying, 48% not employed Around half had health issues themselves 80% lived with at least one other family member Many parents mentioned influence of society, other people’s attributions, feeling undervalued as carers, more focus on their emotions and experiences needed
  • 14. Conclusions A range of experiences revealed from responses Difficult, emotive role that appears to impact on parents’ subjective wellbeing External locus of control predicted decreased subjective wellbeing in parents who have children with PMID Realisation of positive gain of having a child with PMID did not predict subjective wellbeing in these parents (social desirability effects?)
  • 15. Clinical implications Clinicians’ perceptions of the situation these families are in may be very different to parents’ Cognitions may be amenable to intervention Role for psychological/therapeutic intervention Support groups to meet peers in similar situation Awareness of cognitive processes involved in adjustment needed when working with this group
  • 16. Limitations, future research No single agreed definition of PMID No diagnostic verification in this study Self-selecting sample = various biases Fathers underrepresented, wider problem Cross-sectional study with no comparison group Care burden, daily stressors, SES etc not measured Exploration of other factors needed in this group Qualitative research needed to explore experiences of parents with PMID Research evaluating interventions
  • 18. References Campis, L.K., Lyman, R.D., Prentice-Dunn, S. (1986). The Parental Locus of Control Scale: Development and validation. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 15(3), 260-267. Lindsay, G., Davies, H., Band, S., Cullen, M.A., Cullen, S., Strand, S., Hasluck, C., Evans, R. & Stewart-Brown, S. (2008). Parenting early intervention pathfinder evaluation. Department for Children, Schools and Families. Lloyd, T. & Hastings, R.P. (2009). Parental locus of control and psychological well-being in mothers of children with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability. 34(2), 104-115. Pit-ten Cate, I.M. (2003). Family adjustment to disability and chronic illness in children. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Southampton, UK. Stewart-Brown, S., Tennant, A., Tennant, R., Platt, S., Parkinson, J. & Weich, S. (2009). Internal construct validity of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS): A Rasch analysis using data from the Scottish Health Education Population Survey. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 7(15). Retrieved 10 June 2011 from hqlo.com/content/7/1/15 Tennant, R., Fishwick, R., Platt, S., Joseph, S. & Stewart-Brown, S. (2007). Monitoring positive mental health in Scotland: Validating the Affectometer 2 scale and developing the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale for the UK. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.