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libraries library social media trends websites web technology emerging trends 2.0 experience website marketing change cildc web design social video customer service facebook emerging customer experience twitter design il2008 technology trends user experience social networking engagement media digital community digital experience experience design content promotion conversation web2.0 library2.0 customer best practices content creation ux videoblogging economy internetlibrarian social media marketing youtube experience economy goals website management face2face web management digital branch 20 horizon promoting teens children mashups conversational marketing web content tech trends connections customer connections mobile insights strategy ala foursquare website design emerging technology marketing as conversation interaction web 20 networking customers lcl09 seflin scan digitalexperience hla2008 librarian youth branch #cildc big data emerging tech trends forecasting instagram analytics web writing writing for the web writing online first community engagement web trends makerspaces hackerspaces digital media lab sharing ala12 #ala12 pinterest leadership conversation economy cil11 online interactions public library conversations digital spaces change management il2009 usability library 20 management patrons gadgets service mashup outreach user content marketing online engagement graphics photos photographs images technology planning emerging technology trends library technology trends data using data connecting with community connecting computers in libraries video tools youtube live instagram stories periscope facebook live live video connection mobile apps applications apps internet of things virtual reality augmented reality mobility mobile strategies visual multimedia library website pr #internetlibrarian board board of trustees governance boards project management suppliers contracts rfp vendors organizational marketing online communication online writing social media analytics roi editorial content calendar content curation online content content management curation digital content content calendar statistics conversational writing tablet smartphones online-first co-working makers coworking maker movement digital media labs content first customers first money first mobile first website strategy futureof process improvement processes mla2014 self-check tech logic rfid self check kiosks bibliotheca redesign website redesign strategies engaging emerging generation child teenagers kids il2013 internet librarian changes customer engagement posting facebook ads online pla making creating hacking makerspace hackerspace digital branches employee engagement rusa #rusa topeka #mobiletech12 smartphone mobile technology social technology managers linkedin apartment multihousing flickr strategic planning vision database gis online marketing web design and development il2011 designing experiences experience brief creative brief staff ala11 risg2011 public service reference services how-to podcasting audio topeka library qrcode big read scavenger hunt games qr code qr work permission projects frustration persuasion collaboration collaborate collaborative technology techsource ala techsource social tools meta social metasocial ala10 marketin dead technology cil2010 ugul10 experience digitalexperience experienceecon publiclibrary conversationeconomy marketingasconversation community experience technology change experiencedesign personas expeirence brief user interaction web site status updates librarians transformations scanning watching trend mla2009 player mp3 camera camcorder comsumer toolkit toybox strategic planning transitions- cil2009 cil09 dde engage communication public consumer
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