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advanced programming motherboard computer network hardware peripherals network and hardware peripherals thread synchronization threads vs process threads priorities thread states multithreading multi threading concept image processing vs image analysis image analysis image processing classification of dip color image types of digital images challenged of image processing applications of image processing dip digital image processing selected topics in computer science introduction to digital image processing network connectivity devices identify key information source develop best topology tcp/ip model osi model osi reference model the osi reference model network communications determine user needs way of network transmission network transmission media network topology network configuration types of computer network types of topology advantage of computer network topology best-fit topology determine best fit topology ports and connectors storage device processor input/output devices computer peripherals administrate network and hardware peripherals rmi implementation the remote interface gol of rmi rmi registry architecture of an rmi application remote method invocation servlets tasks servlets architecture servlets servlets as introduction jdbc-odbc bridge jdbc driver manager componenets of jdbc installing jdbc sql java database connectivity label frame abstract window toolkit java features of java swing awt awt and swing directories in java file class character streams byte setreams streams streams and file i/o types of image noise spatial filtering morphological processing image enhancement image restoration image restoration and enhancement inside the computer maintain equipment replace and maintain consumables and supplies clean equipment maintain equipment and consumables types of maintenance maintenance cpu hardware maintenance tools hardware tools maintenance tools and software software maintenance computer maintenance apply maintenance procedures identify and analyze it system determine best practices implement maintenance procedures peer to peer network types of computer network connection inside computer monitoring threats to the network establish location requirements for hardware identify computer hardware components care for network and computer hardware writing operational procedures user documentation documentation update documentation update procedures access technical and user documentation technical document update and document operational procedures quality assurance iso quality policy quality plan quality apply quality control quality control work flow maintain workplace records plan and organize workflow monitor and improve workplace operations monitoring activities plan monitoring implementation of work activities monitoring implementation of work plan record client details support logbook help desk obtain client feedback hardware or network provide advice on software analyze client support issues provide first level remote help desk support remote desktop services (rds) web server (iis) logon hours share files crate organization units ou configuring and troubleshooting dns active directory domain services domain names and dns configuring dhcp windows server 2008 types of servers network operating system server configure and test server verify server compatibility and inter-operability confirm server specification configuring and administrate server network protocols network diagnostic tools ip troubleshooting physical connectivity problems problem detection and isolation general problem-solving model structured network troubleshooting carry out maintenance support on identified proble troubleshoot network problems implement regular network monitoring identifying and resolving network problems monitor and review implementation implement training change identify it system training needs plan ict training system conduct and facilitate user training conduct / facilitate user training network resource access permission managing and administering network resources group policy determine network security determine authentication requirements secure file and resource access control user accounts ensure user accounts are controlled monitor and administer system and network technical documentation evaluation and edit documentation develop documentation design documentation identifying and analyzing documentation needs creating technical documents operate database application email address creating anatomy of a web address internet connect history of internet key word searching email search the internet access the internet internet use internet access internet access and use internet types of queries database form macros queries e-r diagrams relationship database ms access retrieve information create query create forms create reports create database operating database application operating database access database basic database database
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