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label textbox button class object cts ajax. webservice qutocomplete jquery json toolstrip reachtextbox dialogboxes menustrip statusbar openfiledialog colordialog savefiledialog fontdialog calculator event handler radiobutton numericupdown datetimepicker combobox checkboxlist listbox multiline textbox masked textbox groupbox windows form winforms basic controls windows forms dependency injection; di container; ioc container; design patterns interfaces loosely coupled system ioc dependency injection inversion of control interface implimentation interface explicit interface upcasting late binding virtual override polymorphism when to use it. constructor flow in inheritance access modifiers. what is inheritance properties destructor constructor oop automatic properties object oriented programming optional parameters named arguments params ref pass by reference out pass by value methods array class single dimentional array multidimentional array array enumerator jagged array double dimentional array enum structure struct string array throw if-else return continue while goto do-while break switch-case foreach type casting dynamic string reference type variables boxing unboxing data types console.readline() value type console.writeline() c# .net framework 4.5 cls jit ado.net win store clr dynamic data entity framework ajax mvc asp.net html 5 fcl .net 4.5 css 3 bcl
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