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Se non sviluppo codice non sto lavorando

4 years ago 70 Views

Migrare da un VCS centralizzato a Git

4 years ago 50 Views

Gestire i rilasci automatici con azure devops

4 years ago 49 Views

Azure Pipeline in salsa yaml

4 years ago 193 Views

Distribute your code with NUget and build vNext

8 years ago 1592 Views

Manage your environment with DSC

8 years ago 2060 Views

Introduction to Application insights

9 years ago 1015 Views

Git branching model

9 years ago 679 Views

Deploy applications with TFS Build

9 years ago 989 Views

TFS - Quale source control

9 years ago 538 Views

Branch model in Git

9 years ago 542 Views

Introduction to Visual Studio Online

9 years ago 602 Views

Git si o Git No

10 years ago 728 Views


10 years ago 480 Views

Come Organizzare il proprio Team Project

10 years ago 576 Views

Git Perchè Usarlo

10 years ago 406 Views