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kapil khandelwal quoteunquote with kk el-toro india healthcare opportunities fund toro finserve llp equnev capital podcast healthcare reit venture capital healthcare healthcare ict healthcare infra real estate private equity venture funding funding a dose of it investment banking pharma india pe funding investment @kapiltwitts microsoft kapil khandelwal funding innovation biotech hedge fund seed capital kapil khandelwal kk kapil khandelwal angel funding kapil khandelwal venture capital m&a infrastructure covid-19 equnev biotechnology and pharmaceuticals healthcare reforms biopharma hospital equnev-k1t capital life sciences amazon apple mobile healthcare el toro finserve llp economic revival indian rupee natural hedge (w)health check angel funding google facebook biospectrum china social media capital markets lifesciences kewal handa long and short www.equnev.com growth strategy debt syndication education ignition grant fund medical education drug discovery hp ict generative ai www.kapilkhandelwal.com personalised healthcare virtual fireside chat healthcare investment belt and road initiative virtual fireside chat digital algorithms quant fund ecommerce impact investment genomics venture funding. equnev capital social infrastructure linkedin vc funding angel investors department of biotechnology bangalore bio 2011 apple iphone airtel mergers and acquisitions telemedicine chatgpt openai ai growing positively growth fund healthcare growth fund new normal healthcare and life sciences alternative medicine digital health sony psp nintendo microsoft windows dr. mark mobius artificial intelligence covid heatmap reit el dr. lal reliance jio amazon web services k1t capital nyse undergrad colleges s&p 500 snapdeal growth funding flipkart strategic partnering pfizer wellness health and well being sony lg ict in health emergency management emergency medicine big data taxes debt funding social capital finance budget capital education sector reforms twitter mumbai angels partnership models able dia incubation start ups medical devices debt finance apple ipod ibm cisco mhealth tata docomo mobile applications in healthcare outsourcing uid nike windows amd intel nasa partnering bio medical devices dell ipad healthcare it offshoring to india it health gaming healthcare retail health well being ai laws ai policies responsible ai el-toro el toro india healthcare opportunities fund space reforms isro space space research loneliness institute of global health inn gallup world poll happiness healthcare therapy clinical development health insurance 2023 investment outlook growth capital healthcare investments investing leading business podcast 2023 season 4 livemint indian healthcare healthcare infrastructure economic survey chief economic advisor kv subramanian fake news indian eonomy common man economy investments windows 10 upgrade cortana google assistant alexa macos iot operating system blog windows 11 dailyhunt wealthy healthy 2021 vaccine cnbc-tv18 asset lite ficci heal ficci rescue bharat mobile first digital transformation virtual machine samsung 5g mobile healthcare applications 5g news zee5 future of healthcare future of work future of capital markets economic business aadhar millennium development goals day care surgery trumpcare indias finance bill healthcare budget recommendations medical colleges elearning doctors laproscopic surgery computer-imaging assisted surgery cis yoga unani integrative medicine indian traditional medicine iaim ayurveda hospital planning hospital design leeds griha green rating for integrated habitat assessment green hospitals green guide for healthcare indian human genome csir urban health consumer rights consumerism channels emri emergency response hypertension diabetics co morbidities chronic diseases gaming convergence in consumer health personalised medicine world health day urban planning smart city mumbai first master planning bda bangalore development authority ikapil khandelwal sovereign rating jio vodafone azure finance bill social impact josh employment mohamad younis gallup dr. jagdish sheth consumer health vc circle national infrastructure finance ministry podecast sebi social stock exchange parag khanna bri quoteunquotewithkk natural language processing nlp machine learning ai/ml customer transmigration management modi2.0 outlook 2019 crisil inda healthcare digital healthcare funding in india assisted living business standard diagnostic centers lrd lease rental discounting warren buffet piper jaffray berkshire hathway needham & co amazon prime alphabet rbc capital jp morgan evercore mean-riveting algotrading bansal us federal reserve fed rate nifty lrs santa rally liberated remittance scheme 2016 stock predictions nse nse india volkswagen nalin jain automotive equity markets dalal street indian rupee depreciation foreign education cantab brevin howard winton chinese stock market crisis renaissance hedge fund research’s fund weighted composite in investor k1t sharpe ratio investor returns toefl counselling ielts igcse a levels advanced placement ib us universities ivy league act exam undergrad studies sat exam s&p 400 letsbuy myntra breakthrough game changer jugaad disruptive incremental ihealth sanofi optivision2020 fotofinder cellscope carsons mobisante ios ibgstar business development biocon 3g telecom 3g licence auction moodys s&p standard and poor fitch cost reduction rbi base of pyramid skype moxtra avaya apache hadoop reuters alertnet disaster medicine pilgrim disasters sos search and rescue invitro ivf analytics business intelligence apache hadoop licencing drug information agency pinterest bangalore abide bangalore master plan mmrda urban development electronic city dengue fever bombay first namma bagalore malaria home health manipal hospital home care medical home healthcare reform mergers and acquisition association of biotech led entertprises medical technology clinical trials karnataka teleradiology offshoring social sector inclusive growth post merger integration wockhardt hospital fortis hospital kerala board member vocational education higher education careers career development wishlist social media censorship censorship of social media kapil sibal citrix cloud novell emc broadcom ca technologies hitachi fujitsu white knight ygen incucapital fund indian angel network nasscom ventures fund raising drug information agency (dia) healthcare and ict expert decodeme navi genomics illumina gnubio knome pacific biosciences decode genetics 23andme applied biosystems human genome aima biopolis asian age technomics heathex deccan chronicle singhealth universal access to healthcare microsoft healthvault google health healthcare mobility imac ipod tablets mobility medical representatives bank finance bangalore india bio 2011 pe bio ventures ministry of science and technology vc natural user interface nui surgery surgical robots microsoft kinect open source sotware epi info trisano who electronic support for public health openclinica iqcare drug resistance cipla union budget world quality congress cloud computing vm ware idc on demand virtualisation vmware grameen social enterprises reliance kpo healthcare it president obama - india visit president obama bpo bio spectrum uidai cwg mdg dehi un common wealth games akshaya patra foundation reebok medical tourism new delhi metallo-beta-lactamase amr superbugs anti-microbial resistance antibiotics ndm flash player intel atom adobe blackberry angioscopy minimally invasive surgery thoracoscopy robotic surgical systems da vinci pelviscopy arthroscopy alliance mis chandrayaan zeus laparoscopy abdominal cavity deal negotiation iphone slates os mac deal making phama obama us healthcare reforms small hospitals healthcare delivery biosimilars technology michael hammer computer sciences corporation business process reengineering csc index re-engineeering the corporation dell perot x-engineering the corporation outsmart bpr reengineering the corporation index group james champy retail biz design outsourcing machinery bangalore indian pharma waste management green initiaitives erm environment risk management offshore consulting
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