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Technology for a better society
Natural gas and Industrial CCS Research Activities in
Dr. Nils A. Røkke VP Climate Technologies SINTEF
19 March 2015
Boundary Dam Peterhea
Technology for a better society
Why gas CCS?
Why industrial CCS
Some R&D snapshots
Technology for a better society
17/3 -2000
Prime minister Bondevik resigns after demanding a vote of confidence for his
cabinet in the matter of not allowing gas power plant concessions without
CCS – and lost
Technology for a better society Page
Natural gas supply to Europe
Cost of different NORDICCS Case Scenarios
- Nth of a kind (NOAK) Capture Technology
Technology for a better society 6
BIGCCS -Facts and status
BIGCCS – key information
► Duration: 8 years
► Scientific staff: 60
► PhDs: 30
► Budget: 512 MNOK (€58 million, US$61 million
CAD$78 million)
► Industrial success stories (Snøhvit, TCM, …)
► Laboratory infrastructure established (ECCSEL, CO2 FieldLab,
CO2/Tiller Lab …)
► 31 new R&D projects initiated based on BIGCO2/BIGCCS activity:
 9 CLIMIT KPN projects – added to BIGCCS – Premium projects
 22 Offspring projects
► Significant scientific achievements
► 327 publications
► Commercial project opportunities identified
BIGCCS Industry partners
BIGCCS Research partners
Technology for a better society 8
Caprock properties
Chemical looping
Industrial CO2 cap tech
HT membranes
CCS chain methodology
Pipeline fracture tool
CO2 dissolution model
CO2 storage models
Calcium looping
Precipitating systems
Well Integrity
Caprock properties ReCap
Technology for a better society 9
Process flow diagram
• Height: 6 m
• AR diameter: 230 mm
• FR diameter: 154 mm
• Operation temp: 1000 °C
• Solid circulation rate: 2 kg/s
• Fuel flow (CH4): 3 g/s (150 kW)
Technology for a better society 10
150 kW CLC hot rig installed
150 kW CLC test rig
Spray granulated Colormax
Technology for a better society 11
Technology for a better society
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4
α, [mol-CO2/mol-Am]
[Jou et al., 1994]
[Lee et al., 1974]
Solvent development and plant modifications
Energy requirement reductions
Environmentally benign solvents
High stability
Fast reaction rates
Low volatility
• targets new solvents with 35%
energy reduction in first phase,
50% in second phase
•more than 30% already
Technology for a better society 13
Technology for a better society
Pre-C Area – Pd Membranes
57.2 40.9 41.9 46.3 42.1 46.2 47.1 44.3
- 92.6 91 92 92.2 91.9 92.1 94.9
Cost of
- 117.5 107.9 102.4 140.6 121.1 81.2 99.1
Cost of
- 82.1 77.1 81.5 101.2 96.1 65.9 75.9
electricity price
55.9 86.6 82.7 81.3 94 87.4 74.4 81.3
T = 400C
Flux @ 26 bars: 2477 mL·cm-2·min-1
16.93 mol·m-2·s-1
1486 m3·m-2·h-1
Technology for a better society
Design Reinertsen AS Pilot Plant at Orkanger
F. Roness et al. CLIMIT SUMMIT 2015
Pd-based hydrogen separation membrane module for pre-combustion process
Membrane Pilot Project
Up-scaling of Pd-based
membrane technology for
power generation and
hydrogen production with
CO2 capture
Partners: Reinertsen AS and
Funding: Reinertsen AS and
FSC-PVAm membranes in pilot tests:
1. EDP, Sines, Portugal, the FSC-membrane; flat sheets (ended)
2. NORCEM Cement plant at Brevik, Norway
3. Tiller test site, Trondheim – Norway:
Scaling up to 10 m2 – coating the FSC-membrane hollow fibers.
Contact: Prof. May Britt Hägg- NTNU
Flat sheets, ~2m2, -
durability demonstrated
towards SOx and NOx
In flue gas: ~13% CO2
Tested in Nanoglowa
Technology for a better society 17
Combustion stuff
Technology for a better society
BIGH2 - Background (2)
Non-premixed combustion of hydrogen-rich fuels in GTs is ”old tech”, but…
• Unmixedness - High T - High NOx
• NOx removal - Dilution with steam or N2 - Dilution efficiency loss ~5%
BIGH2 - Development of lean pre-mixed gas turbine combustors able to burn H2-rich
fuels, enabling pre-combustion CCS
Fuel flexibility key: Low/intermittent availability of H2-stream expected - Combustor
must be able to operate on traditional fossil fuels as backup
Technology for a better society
SINTEF's combustion research group
Advanced modeling of turbulent
reactive flows for 30 years
DLR's combustion research group
Experimental investigations of GT
combustors with laser diagnostics at
high p
Vast know-how in GT/combustor
design and testing
Funding from CLIMIT and COORETEC
BIGH2 - International consortium
Technology for a better society
BIGH2 – Some lesson learned (1)
Point sources of H2 are problematic - Seek alternative injection methods
Technology for a better society
OCC (Oxyfuel Combustion Combined Cycle)
Compressors Turbines OCC
LP HP O2 Fuel HP LP PT Generator HP LP Generator
Cooling Fluid
Heater HRSG Scrubber/ Deaerator
CO2 Compression Bleed
CO2 @ 145 bar
OXYGT - Cycle optimization and conceptual turbine design
Technology for a better society 22
Burner and combustor manufactured and tested in oxyfuel test facility at SINTEF
HiPrOx Test Facility
OXYGT – Combustion system
Technology for a better society 23
HiPrOx high pressure combustion test rig
Test burner
OXYGT – Combustion system (4)
Burner and combustor testing
CO2 storage tank
Technology for a better society 24
60 kW and 7.1 bara 50 kW and 7.5 bara 100 kW and 3.5 bara
All tests@ O2C = 27% and PFR = 28.5%.
OXYGT – Combustion system
Technology for a better society 25
Technology for a better society 26
Technology for a better society
Main objectives
• Operate a world class pan-European
distributed CCS research infrastructure
used to further develop CCS
technologies for reducing CO2
• Integrate and upgrade existing research
facilities and supplement with new
• Enhance European science, technology
development, innovation,
competitiveness and education in all
fields of CCS
• Investment >€250 million, €40 million
already invested
• Entered pilot phase 1 January 2015
Enabling low to zero CO2 emissions from industry and power generation
Technology for a better society
• Extensive activities in natural gas CCS
• Political drive
• Role as major gas exporter
• Energy Intensive Industries has taken a position to deploy CCS
• No regret option for deep decarbonisation
• Centres working as nurseries for new technologies, projects and innovations
• Major EU FP7/H2020 programme operator including ESFRI project ECCSEL
• Open for cross border co-operation, now and in the future
Technology for a better society

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Guangdong Offshore CCUS Project (GOCCUS) - Xi Liang, University of Edinburgh ...
UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre
Changes in the Dutch CCS Landscape - Jan Brouwer, CATO - UKCCSRC Strathclyde ...
Changes in the Dutch CCS Landscape - Jan Brouwer, CATO - UKCCSRC Strathclyde ...Changes in the Dutch CCS Landscape - Jan Brouwer, CATO - UKCCSRC Strathclyde ...
Changes in the Dutch CCS Landscape - Jan Brouwer, CATO - UKCCSRC Strathclyde ...
UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre
Research Coordination Network on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Fund...
Research Coordination Network on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Fund...Research Coordination Network on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Fund...
Research Coordination Network on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Fund...
UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre
Carbon Capture and Storage in Australia - Tania Constable, CO2CRC - UKCCSRC S...
Carbon Capture and Storage in Australia - Tania Constable, CO2CRC - UKCCSRC S...Carbon Capture and Storage in Australia - Tania Constable, CO2CRC - UKCCSRC S...
Carbon Capture and Storage in Australia - Tania Constable, CO2CRC - UKCCSRC S...
UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre
Computational Modelling and Optimisation of Carbon Capture Reactors, Daniel S...
Computational Modelling and Optimisation of Carbon Capture Reactors, Daniel S...Computational Modelling and Optimisation of Carbon Capture Reactors, Daniel S...
Computational Modelling and Optimisation of Carbon Capture Reactors, Daniel S...
UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre
Effective Adsorbents for Establishing Solids Looping as a Next Generation NG ...
Effective Adsorbents for Establishing Solids Looping as a Next Generation NG ...Effective Adsorbents for Establishing Solids Looping as a Next Generation NG ...
Effective Adsorbents for Establishing Solids Looping as a Next Generation NG ...
UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre

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Long term safety of geological co2 storage: lessons from Bravo Dome Natural C...
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Research Coordination Network on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Fund...
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CCS Gas and Industry Research Activities in Norway, Nils Røkke (Sintef) UK/Norway/Canada Meeting 18/19 March 2015

  • 1. Technology for a better society Natural gas and Industrial CCS Research Activities in Norway Dr. Nils A. Røkke VP Climate Technologies SINTEF 19 March 2015 Boundary Dam Peterhea d TCM
  • 2. Technology for a better society Topics 2 Why gas CCS? Why industrial CCS Some R&D snapshots Lab's
  • 3. Technology for a better society 17/3 -2000 Prime minister Bondevik resigns after demanding a vote of confidence for his cabinet in the matter of not allowing gas power plant concessions without CCS – and lost
  • 4. Technology for a better society Page 4 Natural gas supply to Europe www.EclipseEnergy.com
  • 5. Cost of different NORDICCS Case Scenarios - Nth of a kind (NOAK) Capture Technology
  • 6. Technology for a better society 6
  • 7. BIGCCS -Facts and status BIGCCS – key information ► Duration: 8 years ► Scientific staff: 60 ► PhDs: 30 ► Budget: 512 MNOK (€58 million, US$61 million CAD$78 million) Achievements ► Industrial success stories (Snøhvit, TCM, …) ► Laboratory infrastructure established (ECCSEL, CO2 FieldLab, CO2/Tiller Lab …) ► 31 new R&D projects initiated based on BIGCO2/BIGCCS activity:  9 CLIMIT KPN projects – added to BIGCCS – Premium projects  22 Offspring projects ► Significant scientific achievements ► 327 publications ► Commercial project opportunities identified BIGCCS Industry partners BIGCCS Research partners 7
  • 8. Technology for a better society 8 CO2fieldlab BIGH2 OxyGT SOLVit IMPACTS CAMPS Caprock properties CO2Mix Chemical looping combustion Industrial CO2 cap tech HT membranes CCS chain methodology Pipeline fracture tool CO2 dissolution model CO2 storage models Calcium looping Precipitating systems BIGCLC BIGCLC HyMemCOPI DeFACTO SINTERCAP Well Integrity Caprock properties ReCap Chipper COMPLETE
  • 9. Technology for a better society 9 Process flow diagram • Height: 6 m • AR diameter: 230 mm • FR diameter: 154 mm • Operation temp: 1000 °C • Solid circulation rate: 2 kg/s • Fuel flow (CH4): 3 g/s (150 kW)
  • 10. Technology for a better society 10 150 kW CLC hot rig installed 150 kW CLC test rig Spray granulated Colormax
  • 11. Technology for a better society 11
  • 12. Technology for a better society 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 α, [mol-CO2/mol-Am] ∆Habs,[kJ/mol-CO2] 40ºC 80ºC 120ºC [Jou et al., 1994] [Lee et al., 1974] Solvent development and plant modifications Energy requirement reductions Environmentally benign solvents High stability Fast reaction rates Low volatility • targets new solvents with 35% energy reduction in first phase, 50% in second phase •more than 30% already achieved
  • 13. Technology for a better society 13 Membranes
  • 14. Technology for a better society Pre-C Area – Pd Membranes Referen ce Base- case HyGenS ys CLR( s) CLR( a) MemR EF MemW GS SEWGS Efficiency (%) 57.2 40.9 41.9 46.3 42.1 46.2 47.1 44.3 Avoidance rate (%) - 92.6 91 92 92.2 91.9 92.1 94.9 Cost of avoidance (€/tCO2) - 117.5 107.9 102.4 140.6 121.1 81.2 99.1 Cost of capture (€/tCO2) - 82.1 77.1 81.5 101.2 96.1 65.9 75.9 Break-even electricity price (€/MWh) 55.9 86.6 82.7 81.3 94 87.4 74.4 81.3 T = 400C Flux @ 26 bars: 2477 mL·cm-2·min-1 16.93 mol·m-2·s-1 1486 m3·m-2·h-1 World-record
  • 15. Technology for a better society Design Reinertsen AS Pilot Plant at Orkanger F. Roness et al. CLIMIT SUMMIT 2015 Pd-based hydrogen separation membrane module for pre-combustion process Membrane Pilot Project Up-scaling of Pd-based membrane technology for power generation and hydrogen production with CO2 capture Partners: Reinertsen AS and SINTEF Funding: Reinertsen AS and CLIMIT Demo (GASSNOVA)
  • 16. 16 FSC-PVAm membranes in pilot tests: 1. EDP, Sines, Portugal, the FSC-membrane; flat sheets (ended) 2. NORCEM Cement plant at Brevik, Norway 3. Tiller test site, Trondheim – Norway: Scaling up to 10 m2 – coating the FSC-membrane hollow fibers. Contact: Prof. May Britt Hägg- NTNU Flat sheets, ~2m2, - durability demonstrated towards SOx and NOx In flue gas: ~13% CO2 Tested in Nanoglowa 2012 2014
  • 17. Technology for a better society 17 Combustion stuff
  • 18. Technology for a better society BIGH2 - Background (2) www.eera-set.eu Non-premixed combustion of hydrogen-rich fuels in GTs is ”old tech”, but… • Unmixedness - High T - High NOx • NOx removal - Dilution with steam or N2 - Dilution efficiency loss ~5% BIGH2 - Development of lean pre-mixed gas turbine combustors able to burn H2-rich fuels, enabling pre-combustion CCS Fuel flexibility key: Low/intermittent availability of H2-stream expected - Combustor must be able to operate on traditional fossil fuels as backup
  • 19. Technology for a better society SINTEF's combustion research group Advanced modeling of turbulent reactive flows for 30 years DLR's combustion research group Experimental investigations of GT combustors with laser diagnostics at high p ALSTOM Power Vast know-how in GT/combustor design and testing Funding from CLIMIT and COORETEC BIGH2 - International consortium
  • 20. Technology for a better society BIGH2 – Some lesson learned (1) Point sources of H2 are problematic - Seek alternative injection methods
  • 21. Technology for a better society OCC (Oxyfuel Combustion Combined Cycle) 21 Compressors Turbines OCC LP HP O2 Fuel HP LP PT Generator HP LP Generator Cooling Fluid Heater HRSG Scrubber/ Deaerator Condenser CO2 Compression Bleed CO2 @ 145 bar OXYGT - Cycle optimization and conceptual turbine design
  • 22. Technology for a better society 22 Burner and combustor manufactured and tested in oxyfuel test facility at SINTEF . HiPrOx Test Facility OXYGT – Combustion system
  • 23. Technology for a better society 23 HiPrOx high pressure combustion test rig Test burner OXYGT – Combustion system (4) Burner and combustor testing CO2 storage tank
  • 24. Technology for a better society 24 60 kW and 7.1 bara 50 kW and 7.5 bara 100 kW and 3.5 bara All tests@ O2C = 27% and PFR = 28.5%. OXYGT – Combustion system
  • 25. Technology for a better society 25 DEMOXYT
  • 26. Technology for a better society 26
  • 27. Technology for a better society Main objectives • Operate a world class pan-European distributed CCS research infrastructure used to further develop CCS technologies for reducing CO2 emissions • Integrate and upgrade existing research facilities and supplement with new ones • Enhance European science, technology development, innovation, competitiveness and education in all fields of CCS • Investment >€250 million, €40 million already invested • Entered pilot phase 1 January 2015 www.eccsel.org Enabling low to zero CO2 emissions from industry and power generation
  • 28. Technology for a better society Summary • Extensive activities in natural gas CCS • Political drive • Role as major gas exporter • Energy Intensive Industries has taken a position to deploy CCS • No regret option for deep decarbonisation • Centres working as nurseries for new technologies, projects and innovations • Major EU FP7/H2020 programme operator including ESFRI project ECCSEL • Open for cross border co-operation, now and in the future
  • 29. Technology for a better society