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Best Practices on
Building RESTful API
Nikola Vasilev
Thursday, 1st of December 2016
• Introduction
• Data Design and Abstraction
• Verbs
• Endpoints
• Request
• Response
• Demo
• Security
• Documentation
• References
RESTful API - Best Practices
• What is REST?
• What is a RESTful API?
• Good RESTful API design is hard!
• Language Agnostic Approach
Data Design and
• API First
• Attaching an API to
an existing project
• Don’t expose the
whole functionality
via API
• GET (SELECT): Retrieve a specific Resource from the
Server, or a listing of Resources.
• POST (CREATE): Create a new Resource on the
• PUT (UPDATE): Update a Resource on the Server,
providing the entire Resource.
• PATCH (UPDATE): Update a Resource on the Server,
providing only changed attributes.
• DELETE (DELETE): Remove a Resource from the
• The root location of your API is important.
• The API Root URL needs to be as simple as possible:
• Provide a list of all endpoints on the root url.
• Simple endpoints:
– https://api.github.com/
– https://graph.facebook.com
– https://api.example.com/v1
– https://yourproduct.com/api/v2
• Use plural nouns:
– https://api.example.com/v1/employees
– https://api.example.com/v1/departments
– https://api.example.com/v1/employees
• Use uniform endpoint for each functionality
• Don’t use verbs:
– https://api.example.com/v1/add_employee
– https://api.example.com/v1/edit_employee
– https://api.example.com/v1/delete_employee
Endpoints (2)
• GET /employees: List all Employees (ID and Name, not
too much detail)
• POST /employees: Create a new Employee
• GET /employees/EID: Retrieve an entire Employee
• PUT /employees/EID: Update an Employee (entire
• PATCH /employees/EID: Update an Employee (partial
• DELETE /employees/EID: Delete an Employee
• GET /employees: Return a listing (array) of Employees
• GET /employees/EID: Return an individual Employee
• POST /employees: Return the newly created Employee
• PUT /employees/EID: Return the complete Employee
• PATCH /employees/EID: Return the complete
• DELETE /employees/EID: Return an empty document
Status Codes
• 200 OK – [GET/PUT/PATCH] The Consumer requested data from the
Server, and the Server found it for them (Idempotent)
• 201 CREATED – [POST] The Consumer gave the Server data, and the
Server created a resource
• 204 NO CONTENT – [DELETE] The Consumer asked the Server to delete
a Resource, and the Server deleted it
• 400 BAD REQUEST – [POST/PUT/PATCH] The Consumer gave bad data
to the Server, and the Server did nothing with it (Idempotent)
referenced a nonexistent Resource or Collection, and the Server did
nothing (Idempotent)
• 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR – [*] The Server encountered an error,
and the Consumer has no knowledge if the request was successful
Content Type
"id": 12,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"dateOfBirth": "1987-12-26",
<?xml version="1.0 encoding="UTF-8"?>
It’s Time For
• No matter how the API has been built. It will be change
by time.
• A good mechanism for versioning the API should be
• The old version for the existing customers needs to be
• The new customers will implement the new version.
• Introduce deprecation notice of your api
– https://api.yourdomain.com/v1
– https://api.yourdomaincom/v2
• Secure your API
• Build a customer token and use Basic Authorization
over SSL
• OAuth2
• No Documentation? - No one will know how to use your
• Make the documentation available publicly (Google
needs to know about it)
• Document each endpoint, with each action, every
response possible.
• Build developer API console if possible.
• Blog: https://codeplanet.io/principles-good-restful-api-design/
• Ebook: https://github.com/tlhunter/consumer-centric-api-design
• Hardcopy: https://www.amazon.com/Consumer-Centric-API-Design-
RESTful API - Best Practices
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RESTful API - Best Practices

  • 1. Tricode BV De Schutterij 12 -18 3905 PL Veenendaal The Netherlands tel: 0318 - 559210 fax: 0318 - 650909 www.tricode.nl info@tricode.nl Best Practices on Building RESTful API Nikola Vasilev Thursday, 1st of December 2016
  • 2. Agenda • Introduction • Data Design and Abstraction • Verbs • Endpoints • Request • Response • Demo • Security • Documentation • References 2
  • 4. Introduction • What is REST? • What is a RESTful API? 4
  • 5. Introduction • Good RESTful API design is hard! • Language Agnostic Approach 5
  • 6. Data Design and Abstraction • API First Development • Attaching an API to an existing project • Don’t expose the whole functionality via API 6
  • 7. Verbs • GET (SELECT): Retrieve a specific Resource from the Server, or a listing of Resources. • POST (CREATE): Create a new Resource on the Server. • PUT (UPDATE): Update a Resource on the Server, providing the entire Resource. • PATCH (UPDATE): Update a Resource on the Server, providing only changed attributes. • DELETE (DELETE): Remove a Resource from the Server. 7
  • 8. API Root URL • The root location of your API is important. • The API Root URL needs to be as simple as possible: • Provide a list of all endpoints on the root url. • Simple endpoints: – https://api.github.com/ – https://graph.facebook.com – https://api.example.com/v1 – https://yourproduct.com/api/v2 8
  • 9. Endpoints • Use plural nouns: – https://api.example.com/v1/employees – https://api.example.com/v1/departments – https://api.example.com/v1/employees • Use uniform endpoint for each functionality • Don’t use verbs: – https://api.example.com/v1/add_employee – https://api.example.com/v1/edit_employee – https://api.example.com/v1/delete_employee 9
  • 10. Endpoints (2) • GET /employees: List all Employees (ID and Name, not too much detail) • POST /employees: Create a new Employee • GET /employees/EID: Retrieve an entire Employee object • PUT /employees/EID: Update an Employee (entire object) • PATCH /employees/EID: Update an Employee (partial object) • DELETE /employees/EID: Delete an Employee 10
  • 11. Response • GET /employees: Return a listing (array) of Employees • GET /employees/EID: Return an individual Employee • POST /employees: Return the newly created Employee • PUT /employees/EID: Return the complete Employee • PATCH /employees/EID: Return the complete Employee • DELETE /employees/EID: Return an empty document
  • 12. Status Codes • 200 OK – [GET/PUT/PATCH] The Consumer requested data from the Server, and the Server found it for them (Idempotent) • 201 CREATED – [POST] The Consumer gave the Server data, and the Server created a resource • 204 NO CONTENT – [DELETE] The Consumer asked the Server to delete a Resource, and the Server deleted it • 400 BAD REQUEST – [POST/PUT/PATCH] The Consumer gave bad data to the Server, and the Server did nothing with it (Idempotent) • 404 NOT FOUND – [GET/PUT/PATCH/DELETE] The Consumer referenced a nonexistent Resource or Collection, and the Server did nothing (Idempotent) • 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR – [*] The Server encountered an error, and the Consumer has no knowledge if the request was successful
  • 13. Content Type • JSON { "id": 12, "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "dateOfBirth": "1987-12-26", } • XML <?xml version="1.0 encoding="UTF-8"?> <employee> <id>12</id> <firstName>John</fristName> <lastName>Doe</lastName> <dateOfBirth>1987-12-28</dateOfBirth> </employee>
  • 15. Versioning • No matter how the API has been built. It will be change by time. • A good mechanism for versioning the API should be introduced. • The old version for the existing customers needs to be kept. • The new customers will implement the new version. • Introduce deprecation notice of your api – https://api.yourdomain.com/v1 – https://api.yourdomaincom/v2 15
  • 16. Authentication • Secure your API • Build a customer token and use Basic Authorization over SSL • OAuth2
  • 17. Documentation • No Documentation? - No one will know how to use your API. • Make the documentation available publicly (Google needs to know about it) • Document each endpoint, with each action, every response possible. • Build developer API console if possible.
  • 18. References • Blog: https://codeplanet.io/principles-good-restful-api-design/ • Ebook: https://github.com/tlhunter/consumer-centric-api-design • Hardcopy: https://www.amazon.com/Consumer-Centric-API-Design- Thomas-Hunter/dp/136498900X/